changeset 19 bbf46f59e123
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fbs/fontandbitmapserver/tfbs/tfbsglyphdata.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:31:06 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,3212 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+#include <test/graphicsfontutils.h>
+#include <EGL/egl.h>
+#include <VG/openvg.h>
+#include <graphics/fbsglyphmetricsarray.h> 
+#include <graphics/fbsglyphdataiterator.h>
+#include <sgresource/sgimage.h>
+#include <sgresource/sgdriver_test.h>
+#include <sgresource/sgdriver_profiling.h>
+#include "FbsMessage.h"
+#include "tfbsglyphdata.h"
+_LIT(KTypefaceName, "DejaVu Sans Condensed");
+//_LIT(KMonoTypefaceName, "DejaVu Sans Mono");
+const TInt KNumGlyphCodesLatin = 96;
+const TUint KDejaVuInvalidGlyphCode = 0;
+// Currently only used in debug. When TestMultithreadStressAtlas() test is enabled, #ifdef to be removed. 
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+const TInt KTestThreadMinHeapSize = 0x20000;
+const TInt KTestThreadMaxHeapSize = 0x20000;
+// 'most significant bit' flag to ensure value is interpreted as a glyph code rather than an ascii code
+const TUint KGlyphCodeFlag = 0x80000000;      
+// Please note the following macros which enable helper functions, and are declared in the header.
+// Utility function declarations - utilities used by the tests
+static TFontSpec GenerateDejaVuFontSpec(TInt aSeed);
+static void CopyCharLine(TUint32*& aBinaryDataPtr,TInt aBufferWords,const TUint8* aData,TInt aBitShift,TInt aCharWidth, TInt16 aRepeatCount);
+static void DecodeBinaryData(const TSize& aDataSize, const TUint8* aData, TInt aStride,	TUint32* aBinaryData);
+static TInt CreateSgImageFromCharacterData(const TUint8* aData, const TSize& aSize, TGlyphBitmapType aType, RSgImage& aImage);
+static TInt CreateSgImageFromCharacterData(const TUint8* aData, const TSize& aSize, TGlyphBitmapType aType, RSgImage& aImage, TUint8* aBuffer1, TUint8* aBuffer2);
+// Following functions commented out because the tests which use these functions 
+// are currently commented out due to Broadcom defect 
+// ESLM-85LDV7 - TB10.1 Closing of RSgImage with duplicate handle used in same thread does not release GPU RAM
+//static TInt FillGraphicsMemoryWithImages(const TSize& aSize, RArray<RSgImage>& aImages);
+//static TInt NearlyFillGraphicsMemoryWithImages(const TSize& aSize, RArray<RSgImage>& aImages);
+Static utility function. Converts an A8 RSgImage into a CFbsBitmap.
+To do this, the RSgImage is converted to an EGLImage, then to a VGImage,
+where the image memory is read into a CFbsBitmap.
+@param aEGL The EGL helper object that will read the SgImage into a memory buffer.
+@param aSgImage The RSgImage to convert.
+@param aRect A rectangular region of the RSgImage to convert.
+@param aBitmap On success, holds a pointer to a CFbsBitmap which contains the image
+	data of the RSgImage.
+@return One of the system-wide error codes.
+static TInt CreateBitmapFromSgImage(CEGLHelper* aEGL, const RSgImage& aSgImage, const TRect& aRect, CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap)
+	{
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	const TSize bufferSize = aRect.Size();
+	const TInt dataStride = bufferSize.iWidth;
+	TUint8* imageBuffer = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(User::AllocZ(bufferSize.iHeight * dataStride));
+	if (!imageBuffer)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	err = aEGL->GetSgImageData(aSgImage, aRect, imageBuffer);
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		User::Free(imageBuffer);
+		return err;
+		}
+	aBitmap = new CFbsBitmap();
+	if (!aBitmap)
+		{
+		User::Free(imageBuffer);
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	err = aBitmap->Create(bufferSize, EGray256);
+	if (KErrNone == err)
+		{
+		TUint8* buf = imageBuffer;
+		aBitmap->BeginDataAccess();
+		TUint8* dataAddress = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(aBitmap->DataAddress());
+		const TInt dataStride = aBitmap->DataStride();	
+		for (TInt scanline = 0; scanline < bufferSize.iHeight; scanline++)
+			{
+			Mem::Copy(dataAddress, buf, bufferSize.iWidth);
+			dataAddress += dataStride;
+			buf += bufferSize.iWidth;
+			}
+		aBitmap->EndDataAccess(EFalse);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		delete aBitmap;
+		aBitmap = NULL;
+		}
+	User::Free(imageBuffer);
+	return err;
+	}
+Utility function to aid with debugging.
+Saves a bitmap to file.
+@param aBmp Bitmap to save
+@param aMeta Optional. If specified, it is added to the name of the bitmap file.
+@param aRef Flag to show whether bitmap is a reference bitmap (ETrue) or test bitmap (EFalse).
+static void SaveBmp(CFbsBitmap* aBmp, TPtrC* aMeta, TBool aRef)
+	{
+	if (!aBmp)
+		{
+		return;
+		}
+	TBuf<256> testFileName;
+	if (aRef)
+		{
+		testFileName.Append(_L("Ref"));
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		testFileName.Append(_L("Test"));
+		}
+	if (aMeta)
+		{
+		testFileName.Append(*aMeta);
+		}
+	TFileName mbmFile;
+	TBuf<20> testPathName;
+	#ifdef __WINS__
+		testPathName.Append(_L("c:\\%S.mbm"));
+	#else
+		testPathName.Append(_L("e:\\%S.mbm"));
+	#endif
+	mbmFile.Format(testPathName, &testFileName);
+	// As this is for debugging purposes only, doesn't matter reporting whether
+	// saving succeeded or not.
+	aBmp->Save(mbmFile);
+	}
+void CTFbsGlyphData::SaveRSgImagesAsMbms(CEGLHelper* aEGL, const RSgImage& aImageA, const TRect& aRectA, const RSgImage& aImageB, const TRect& aRectB )
+	{
+	static TInt countToAppend = 0;
+	CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
+	if (KErrNone == CreateBitmapFromSgImage(aEGL, aImageA, aRectA, bitmap))
+		{
+		TBuf<KMaxFileName> buf( _L("String") );
+		buf.AppendNum( countToAppend );
+		TPtrC nameAppend( buf );
+		SaveBmp(bitmap, &nameAppend, EFalse);
+		}
+	delete bitmap;  
+	bitmap = NULL;
+	if (KErrNone == CreateBitmapFromSgImage(aEGL, aImageB, aRectB, bitmap))
+		{
+		TBuf<KMaxFileName> buf( _L("String") );
+		buf.AppendNum( countToAppend );
+		TPtrC nameAppend( buf );
+		SaveBmp(bitmap, &nameAppend, ETrue);
+		}
+	delete bitmap;
+	bitmap = NULL;
+	countToAppend++;
+	}
+Static debug utility method that outputs the glyph images of the given glyph
+codes for the given font to a file.
+ */
+static void DumpFontGlyphs(CEGLHelper* aEGL, CFont* aFont, TInt aCodesCount)
+	{
+	TFontSpec fontSpec = aFont->FontSpecInTwips();
+	TOpenFontCharMetrics charMetrics;
+	TSize bitmapSize;
+	const TUint8* bitmapData = NULL;
+	for (TInt glyphCode = 0; glyphCode < aCodesCount; glyphCode++)
+		{
+		CFont::TCharacterDataAvailability availability = aFont->GetCharacterData(glyphCode | KGlyphCodeFlag, charMetrics, bitmapData, bitmapSize);
+		if (availability == CFont::EAllCharacterData)
+			{
+			RSgImage characterDataImage;
+			TInt err = CreateSgImageFromCharacterData(bitmapData, bitmapSize, fontSpec.iFontStyle.BitmapType(), characterDataImage);
+			if (err == KErrNone)
+				{
+				CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
+				err = CreateBitmapFromSgImage(aEGL, characterDataImage, TRect(TPoint(0, 0), bitmapSize), bitmap);
+				if (err == KErrNone)
+					{
+					TBuf<256> bitmapName;
+					bitmapName.AppendFormat(_L("%S-%i"), &(fontSpec.iTypeface.Name()), glyphCode);
+					TPtrC bitmapNamePtr(bitmapName);
+					SaveBmp(bitmap, &bitmapNamePtr, EFalse);
+					delete bitmap;
+					}
+				}
+			characterDataImage.Close();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+Utility to return a fontspec such that the font created from it will
+not match any other font generated by a different seed. The font
+will be useable by RFbsGlyphDataIterator and RFbsGlyphMetricsArray.
+It will always return a font based on the DejaVu fontspec, this is 
+so that the glyphcodes in DejaVuASCIIToGlyphCode are guaranteed to
+@param aSeed Specifies a variant of the fontspec to create. Passing the
+	same seed will cause the same TFontSpec to be returned.
+@return The generated fontspec. 
+ */
+static TFontSpec GenerateDejaVuFontSpec(TInt aSeed)
+	{
+	const TInt KFontHeightStep = 4;
+	const TInt KFontInitialHeight = 8;
+	const TInt KNumFontTypefaces = 3;
+	const TInt KNumFontBitmapTypes = 2;
+	const TInt KNumFontStyles = 4;
+	TInt fontBitmapTypeVariant = aSeed % KNumFontBitmapTypes;
+	TInt fontStyleVariant = (aSeed / KNumFontBitmapTypes) % KNumFontStyles;
+	TInt fontTypefaceVariant = (aSeed / ( KNumFontStyles * KNumFontBitmapTypes)) % KNumFontTypefaces;
+	TInt fontHeightVariant = aSeed / (KNumFontStyles * KNumFontTypefaces * KNumFontBitmapTypes);
+	TFontSpec fontSpec;	
+	fontSpec.iHeight = KFontInitialHeight + (fontHeightVariant * KFontHeightStep);
+	// Set the typeface name
+	// Set the style.
+	switch (fontStyleVariant)
+		{
+		case 1: // italic
+			fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetPosture(EPostureItalic);
+			fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetStrokeWeight(EStrokeWeightNormal);
+			break;
+		case 2: // bold
+			fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetPosture(EPostureUpright);
+			fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetStrokeWeight(EStrokeWeightBold);
+			break;
+		case 3: // bold italic
+			fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetPosture(EPostureItalic);
+			fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetStrokeWeight(EStrokeWeightBold);
+			break;
+		default: // normal 
+			fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetPosture(EPostureUpright);
+			fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetStrokeWeight(EStrokeWeightNormal);
+			break;
+		}
+	switch (fontTypefaceVariant)
+		{
+		case 1:
+			fontSpec.iTypeface.SetName(_L("DejaVu Sans Mono"));
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			fontSpec.iTypeface.SetName(_L("DejaVu Serif Condensed"));
+			break;
+		case 3:
+			fontSpec.iTypeface.SetName(_L("DejaVu Sans Condensed"));
+			break;
+		}
+	switch(fontBitmapTypeVariant)
+		{
+		case 1:
+			fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetBitmapType(EMonochromeGlyphBitmap);
+			break;
+		default:
+			fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetBitmapType(EAntiAliasedGlyphBitmap);
+			break;
+		}
+	return fontSpec;
+	}
+ * 
+ EGL helper class to retrieve image data from an SgImage into a memory buffer.
+ */
+CEGLHelper::CEGLHelper() :
+	iDisplay(EGL_NO_DISPLAY),
+	iContext(EGL_NO_CONTEXT),
+	iSurface(EGL_NO_SURFACE)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	iMutex.Close();
+	eglDestroyContext(iDisplay, iContext);
+	eglDestroySurface(iDisplay, iSurface);
+	eglTerminate(iDisplay);
+	eglReleaseThread();
+	iSgDriver.Close();
+	}
+Factory method to create CEGLHelper.
+@return A pointer to an instance of CEGLHelper.
+ */
+CEGLHelper* CEGLHelper::NewL()
+	{
+	CEGLHelper* self = new CEGLHelper();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(1); // self
+	return self;
+	}
+Opens handle to the process-wide synchronisation semaphore,
+loads EGL and VG extension function pointers,
+sets up EGL resources so that EGLImages can be constructed. 
+ */
+void CEGLHelper::ConstructL()
+	{
+	_LIT(KEGLMutex, "TFbsGlyphDataEGLMutex");
+	User::LeaveIfError(iMutex.CreateGlobal(KEGLMutex, EOwnerProcess));
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSgDriver.Open());
+	iDisplay = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
+	if (iDisplay == EGL_NO_DISPLAY)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+		}
+	if (EGL_TRUE != eglInitialize(iDisplay, NULL, NULL))
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+		}
+	// Load the necessary EGL extensions...
+	eglCreateImageKHR = reinterpret_cast<PFNEGLCREATEIMAGEKHRPROC>(eglGetProcAddress("eglCreateImageKHR"));
+	eglDestroyImageKHR = reinterpret_cast<PFNEGLDESTROYIMAGEKHRPROC>(eglGetProcAddress("eglDestroyImageKHR"));
+	vgCreateImageTargetKHR = reinterpret_cast<TvgCreateEGLImageTargetKHRTypefPtr>(eglGetProcAddress("vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR"));
+	if (!eglCreateImageKHR || !eglDestroyImageKHR || !vgCreateImageTargetKHR)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrExtensionNotSupported);
+		}
+	// In order to create VGImages from EGLImages, a context must be current.
+	// Therefore create an EGLContext and EGLSurface to make current, using
+	// a dummy RSgImage.
+	RSgImage dummySurface;
+	TSgImageInfo dummySurfaceInfo(TSize(1, 1), ESgPixelFormatRGB_565, ESgUsageBitOpenVgSurface);
+	User::LeaveIfError(dummySurface.Create(dummySurfaceInfo, NULL, 0));
+	CleanupClosePushL(dummySurface);
+	EGLint configAttribs[] = 
+		{
+		EGL_MATCH_NATIVE_PIXMAP, (EGLint)&dummySurface,
+		};
+	EGLint configId = 0;
+	EGLint numConfigs = 0;
+	if (EGL_FALSE == eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, configAttribs, &configId, 1, &numConfigs) || numConfigs == 0)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+		}
+	iContext = eglCreateContext(iDisplay, configId, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, NULL);
+	if (iContext == EGL_NO_CONTEXT)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+		}
+	iSurface = eglCreatePixmapSurface(iDisplay, configId, &dummySurface, NULL);
+	if (iSurface == EGL_NO_SURFACE)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // dummySurface
+	}
+Retrieves the data from an A8 RSgImage into a buffer.
+To do this, the RSgImage is converted to an EGLImage, then to a VGImage,
+where the image memory is read into the given buffer.
+The function can be called from multiple threads and synchronisation
+with EGL is controlled via a mutex.
+@param aSgImage The RSgImage to convert.
+@param aRect A rectangular region of the RSgImage to convert.
+@param aBuf On success, contains the image data of the RSgImage.
+@return One of the system-wide error codes.
+ */
+TInt CEGLHelper::GetSgImageData(const RSgImage& aSgImage, const TRect& aRect, TUint8*& aBuf)
+	{
+	const TSize bufferSize = aRect.Size();
+	const TInt dataStride = bufferSize.iWidth;
+	if (bufferSize == TSize(0,0))
+		{
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	iMutex.Wait();
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	EGLImageKHR eglImage;
+		{
+		err = KErrGeneral;
+		}
+	else if (EGL_FALSE == eglMakeCurrent(iDisplay, iSurface, iSurface, iContext))
+		{
+		err = KErrGeneral;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Create EGLImages from the RSgImage.
+		EGLint imageAttribs[] =
+			{
+			};
+		eglImage = eglCreateImageKHR(iDisplay, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR, reinterpret_cast<EGLClientBuffer>(&aSgImage), imageAttribs);
+		if (eglImage == EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR)
+			{
+			err = KErrArgument;
+			}
+		}
+	if (err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		// Create VGImages from the EGLImage.
+		VGImage vgImage = vgCreateImageTargetKHR(eglImage);
+		eglDestroyImageKHR(iDisplay, eglImage);
+		if (vgImage == VG_INVALID_HANDLE)
+			{
+			err = KErrArgument;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Get the image data in 8bpp format
+			vgGetImageSubData(vgImage, aBuf, dataStride, VG_A_8, aRect.iTl.iX, aRect.iTl.iY, bufferSize.iWidth, bufferSize.iHeight);
+			vgDestroyImage(vgImage);
+			}
+		}
+	eglReleaseThread();
+	iMutex.Signal();
+	return err;
+	}
+CTFbsGlyphData::CTFbsGlyphData(CTestStep* aStep):
+	CTGraphicsBase(aStep)
+	{
+	}
+void CTFbsGlyphData::ConstructL()
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(Logger().ShareAuto());
+	User::LeaveIfError(RFbsSession::Connect());
+	iFbs = RFbsSession::GetSession();
+	iTs = (CFbsTypefaceStore*)CFbsTypefaceStore::NewL(NULL);
+	User::LeaveIfError(iTs->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels((CFont*&)iFont, TFontSpec(KTypefaceName, 15)));
+	User::LeaveIfError(iTs->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels((CFont*&)iFont2, TFontSpec(KTypefaceName, 8)));
+	CCharCodeConverter* converter = CCharCodeConverter::NewLC();
+	converter->UseFontL(iFont);
+	iGlyphCodesLatin = new(ELeave) TUint[KNumGlyphCodesLatin];
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < KNumGlyphCodesLatin; ++ii)
+		{
+		TUint asciiCode = ii+0x20; // ASCII characters from 0020 to 007F
+		iGlyphCodesLatin[ii] = converter->GlyphCodeL(asciiCode);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // converter
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSgDriver.Open());
+	iEGL = CEGLHelper::NewL();
+	// Creating a CFbsBitmap will force the RFbsSession to allocate a scanline buffer
+	// now rather than in the middle of a test, thus avoiding heap check failure. 
+	CFbsBitmap* dummyBitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(dummyBitmap);
+	User::LeaveIfError(dummyBitmap->Create(TSize(512, 1), EGray256));
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(dummyBitmap);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("FBSERV Glyph Data Testing"));
+	}
+	{
+	delete iEGL;
+	iSgDriver.Close();
+	if (iTs)
+		{
+		iTs->ReleaseFont(iFont);
+		iTs->ReleaseFont(iFont2);
+		}
+	delete iTs;
+	delete[] iGlyphCodesLatin;
+	User::Free(iTempBuf1);
+	User::Free(iTempBuf2);
+	RFbsSession::Disconnect();
+	}
+void CTFbsGlyphData::RunTestCaseL(TInt aCurTestCase)
+	{
+	((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KUnknownSYMTestCaseIDName);
+	TRAPD(leave, 
+	switch(aCurTestCase)
+		{
+	case 1:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0624"));
+		TestConsistencyWithGetCharacterData();
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0625"));
+		TestInvalidGlyphCode();
+		break;
+	case 3:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0626"));
+		TestGlyphMetricsArrayParameters();
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0627"));
+		TestGlyphMetricsArrayReuse();
+		break;
+	case 5:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0628"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorClose();
+		break;
+	case 6:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0629"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorSequence();
+		break;	
+	case 7:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0632"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorMultipleUsesOnMultipleFonts();
+		break;
+	case 8:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0633"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorImageValidity();
+		break;
+	case 9:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0634"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenInvalidCode();
+		break;
+	case 10:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0636"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenTwice();
+		break;
+	case 11:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0637"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenTwiceWithDifferentFonts();
+		break;
+	case 12:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0638"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenTooBigFont();
+		break;
+	case 13:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0640"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenWithWrongArgument();
+		break;
+	case 14:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0641"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorImageMemoryLeak();
+		break;
+	case 15:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0662"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorNoGraphicsMemory();
+		break;
+	case 16: 
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0659"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorLargeFontStress();
+		break;
+	case 17: 
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0660"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorManyFontsStressL();
+		break;
+	case 18:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0666"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorNextIsAtomic();
+		break;
+	case 19:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0665"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorSameGlyphCodes();
+		break;
+	case 20:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0668"));
+		TestGlyphDataIteratorManyArraySizes();
+		break;
+	case 21:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0669"));
+		TestBitmapFontSupport();
+		break;
+	case 22:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0671"));
+		TestMultithreadShareSingleFont();
+		break;
+	case 23:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0672"));
+		TestMultithreadStressAtlas();
+		break;
+    case 24:
+        ((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0673"));
+        TestGlyphMetricsArrayHeapOOML();
+        break;
+    case 25:
+        ((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-FBSERV-0674"));
+        TestGlyphDataIteratorHeapOOML();
+        break;
+	default:
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName);
+		((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+		TestComplete();
+		break;
+		}
+	); // TRAPD
+	if (leave != KErrNone)
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Leave %d occurred during test"), leave);
+		iStep->SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		}
+	((CTFbsGlyphDataStep*)iStep)->RecordTestResultL();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority	High
+@SYMTestType		UT
+@SYMTestStatus		Implemented
+	Shows that RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() and CFont::GetCharacterData() all 
+	provide the same metrics for the same set of glyph codes when using a CFbsFont.
+	Shows that RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Metrics() and CFont::GetCharacterData()
+	provide the same metrics for the same set of glyph codes.
+	i. Call RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() for a set of glyph codes with 1 glyph code per call.
+	ii. Call RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() for a set of glyph codes all in 1 call.
+	iii. Call RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Open() for a set of glyph codes.
+	iv. Call CFont::GetCharacterData() for the same set of glyph codes.
+	v. Compare the metrics for each glyph code from all calls.
+	For each glyph code, metrics received from RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() and
+	CFont::GetCharacterData() and RFbsGlyphDataIterator are all the same.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestConsistencyWithGetCharacterData()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() with GetCharacterData()"));
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+	RFbsGlyphMetricsArray glyphMetricsArray;
+	RFbsGlyphMetricsArray glyphMetricsArraySingle;
+	TInt numMismatches = 0;
+	TOpenFontCharMetrics charMetrics;
+	TSize bitmapSize;
+	const TUint8* bitmapData = NULL;
+	// Retrieve list of metrics for all glyph codes in one call
+	TInt err = glyphMetricsArray.Get(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+	if (err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		TEST(KNumGlyphCodesLatin == glyphMetricsArray.Count());
+		TInt index = 0;
+		TInt iterErr = iter.Open(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+		TESTNOERROR(iterErr);
+		for (; iterErr == KErrNone; iterErr = iter.Next(), index++)
+			{
+			iFont->GetCharacterData(iGlyphCodesLatin[index] | KGlyphCodeFlag, charMetrics, bitmapData, bitmapSize);
+			// Retrieve the metrics for each glyph code, one at a time
+			TESTNOERROR(err = glyphMetricsArraySingle.Get(*iFont, &iGlyphCodesLatin[index], 1));
+			if (KErrNone == err)
+				{
+				// Compare GetCharacterData() metrics with single RFbsGlyphMetricsArray.
+				TUint32 comparison1 = CompareMetrics(charMetrics, glyphMetricsArraySingle[0]); 
+				// Compare GetCharacterData() metrics with large RFbsGlyphMetricsArray.
+				TUint32 comparison2 = CompareMetrics(charMetrics, glyphMetricsArray[index]);
+				// Compare GetCharacterData() metrics with RFbsGlyphDataIterator.
+				TUint32 comparison3 = CompareMetrics(charMetrics, iter.Metrics());
+				if (comparison1 != 0 || comparison2 != 0 || comparison3 != 0)
+					{
+					ERR_PRINTF5(_L("Glyphcode %i : Metrics mismatch: %d/%d/%d"), iGlyphCodesLatin[index], comparison1, comparison2, comparison3);
+					++numMismatches;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			iter.Close();
+			glyphMetricsArray.Close();
+			glyphMetricsArraySingle.Close();
+			TESTE(iterErr == KErrNotFound, iterErr);
+			TEST(numMismatches == 0);
+			TEST(index == KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+		}		
+	}
+@return A series of success/fail booleans as a bitmask. A return value of zero
+	indicates all tests passed, a result of 1 indicates the first test case failed, 
+	a return of 3 indicates the first and second test failed, and so on.
+TUint32 CTFbsGlyphData::CompareMetrics(const TOpenFontCharMetrics& aMetrics1, const TOpenFontCharMetrics& aMetrics2)
+	{
+	TUint32 result = 0;
+	result |= (aMetrics1.Width() == aMetrics2.Width()) ? 0 : (1 << 0);
+	result |= (aMetrics1.Height() == aMetrics2.Height()) ? 0 : (1 << 1);
+	result |= (aMetrics1.HorizBearingX() == aMetrics2.HorizBearingX()) ? 0 : (1 << 2);
+	result |= (aMetrics1.HorizBearingY() == aMetrics2.HorizBearingY()) ? 0 : (1 << 3);
+	result |= (aMetrics1.HorizAdvance() == aMetrics2.HorizAdvance()) ? 0 : (1 << 4);
+	result |= (aMetrics1.VertBearingX() == aMetrics2.VertBearingX()) ? 0 : (1 << 5);
+	result |= (aMetrics1.VertBearingY() == aMetrics2.VertBearingY()) ? 0 : (1 << 6);
+	result |= (aMetrics1.VertAdvance() == aMetrics2.VertAdvance()) ? 0 : (1 << 7);
+	TRect rect1;
+	aMetrics1.GetHorizBounds(rect1);
+	TRect rect2;
+	aMetrics2.GetHorizBounds(rect2);
+	result |= (rect1 == rect2) ? 0 : (1 << 8);
+	aMetrics1.GetVertBounds(rect1);
+	aMetrics2.GetVertBounds(rect2);
+	result |= (rect1 == rect2) ? 0 : (1 << 9);
+	return result;
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority	High
+@SYMTestType		UT
+@SYMTestStatus		Implemented
+	Shows that RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get(), and CFont::GetCharacterData() show the same 
+	behaviour when asked for metrics for an invalid glyph code when using a	CFbsFont. 
+	An invalid glyph code is one for which there is no character equivalent, such as 
+	0.
+	i. Call CFont::GetCharacterData() for an invalid glyph code.
+	ii. Call RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() for the same invalid glyph code, and either 
+		compare the metrics if i. was successful, or check an error code was returned
+	If GetCharacterData() is successful, the metrics received from
+	RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() and CFont::GetCharacterData()	are the same, otherwise
+	RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() should return an error code.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestInvalidGlyphCode()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test behaviour of RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() with invalid glyph code is consistent with GetCharacterData"));
+	TInt arrayErr = KErrNone;
+	RFbsGlyphMetricsArray glyphMetricsArray;
+	TOpenFontCharMetrics charMetrics;
+	TSize bitmapSize;
+	const TUint8* bitmapData = NULL;
+	CFont::TCharacterDataAvailability availability = iFont->GetCharacterData(KDejaVuInvalidGlyphCode | KGlyphCodeFlag, charMetrics, bitmapData, bitmapSize);
+	if (availability == CFont::ENoCharacterData)
+		{
+		// Some rasterizers fail to return any data for KDejaVuInvalidGlyphCode, therefore
+		// rather than compare metrics, make sure RFbsGlyphDataIterator returns an error code.
+		WARN_PRINTF1(_L("Rasterizer failed to return data for invalid glyph code; not comparing glyph metrics"));
+		arrayErr = glyphMetricsArray.Get(*iFont, &KDejaVuInvalidGlyphCode, 1);
+		TESTE(arrayErr != KErrNone, arrayErr);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TESTNOERROR(arrayErr = glyphMetricsArray.Get(*iFont, &KDejaVuInvalidGlyphCode, 1));
+		if (KErrNone == arrayErr)
+			{
+			iFont->GetCharacterData(KDejaVuInvalidGlyphCode | KGlyphCodeFlag, charMetrics, bitmapData, bitmapSize);
+			TUint comparisonResult = CompareMetrics(charMetrics, glyphMetricsArray[0]);
+			TESTNOERROR( comparisonResult );
+			}
+		}
+	glyphMetricsArray.Close();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority	High
+@SYMTestType		UT
+@SYMTestStatus		Implemented
+	Shows that RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() returns with the correct error code when passed
+	various combinations of parameters, and preserves the state of the array.
+	Populate the array with a single metrics entry.
+	Call RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get with the following parameter combinations:
+		1. A negative count
+		2. A positive count and null glyph code array pointer
+		3. A zero count and non-null glyph code array pointer
+		4. A zero count and null glyph code array pointer
+	The following return codes are expected for each call:
+		1. KErrArgument
+		2. KErrArgument
+		3. KErrArgument
+		4. KErrArgument	
+	For each case the glyph metrics array remains unchanged.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphMetricsArrayParameters()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test the return values of GetGlyphMetrics with different parameters"));
+	TInt arrayErr = KErrNone;
+	TOpenFontCharMetrics dummyMetrics;
+	RFbsGlyphMetricsArray glyphMetricsArray;
+	arrayErr = glyphMetricsArray.Get(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, 1);
+	TESTNOERROR(arrayErr);
+	TEST(1 == glyphMetricsArray.Count());
+	// 1. Negative Count
+	arrayErr = glyphMetricsArray.Get(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, -1);
+	TESTE(KErrArgument == arrayErr, arrayErr);
+	TEST(1 == glyphMetricsArray.Count());
+	// 2. Positive Count and NULL Array Pointer
+	arrayErr = glyphMetricsArray.Get(*iFont, NULL, 1);
+	TESTE(KErrArgument == arrayErr, arrayErr);
+	TEST(1 == glyphMetricsArray.Count());
+	// 3. Zero Count & Valid Array Pointer
+	arrayErr = glyphMetricsArray.Get(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, 0);
+	TESTE(KErrArgument == arrayErr, arrayErr);
+	// 4. Zero Count & NULL Array Pointer
+	arrayErr = glyphMetricsArray.Get(*iFont, NULL, 0);
+	TESTE(KErrArgument == arrayErr, arrayErr);
+	glyphMetricsArray.Close();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority	High
+@SYMTestType		UT
+@SYMTestStatus		Implemented
+	Shows that reusing an RFbsGlyphMetricsArray works correctly.
+	In particular when the array is reused and filled with fewer entries
+	and when the array is reused and filled with more entries than previously.
+	It also shows that when re-using an array that has been populated, memory 
+	is not de-allocated if the new array of glyphs is smaller.
+	i. Call RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() for a set of 10 glyph codes.
+	ii. Check that the RFbsGlyphMetricsArray has 10 entries.
+	iii. Find the size of the heap-cell allocated to the array.
+	iii. Call RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() for a set of 5 glyph codes.
+	iv. Check that the RFbsGlyphMetricsArray has 5 entries.
+	v. Call RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() for a set of 20 glyph codes.
+	vi. Check that the RFbsGlyphMetricsArray has 20 entries.
+	vii. Call RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() for a set of 0 glyph codes.
+	viii. Check that the RFbsGlyphMetricsArray has 0 entries.
+	ix. Call RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get() for 1 glyph code.
+	x. Check that the RFbsGlyphMetricsArray has 1 entries.
+	xi. Close the RFbsGlyphMetricsArray.
+	xii. Check that the RFbsGlyphMetricsArray has 0 entries.
+	During the test check that the size of the heap cell allocated to the array
+	does not shrink.
+	After each call to RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get(), the array has the expected number of entries.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphMetricsArrayReuse()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test reuse of array with RFbsGlyphMetricsArray"));
+	RFbsGlyphMetricsArray glyphMetricsArray;
+	// Retrieve list of metrics for 10 glyph codes
+	TESTNOERROR(glyphMetricsArray.Get(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, 10));
+	TEST(10 == glyphMetricsArray.Count());
+	// Find the size of the heap cell allocated for the array.
+	TInt arrayHeapCellSize = User::Heap().AllocLen(&glyphMetricsArray[0]);
+	// Retrieve list of metrics for 5 glyph codes.
+	// To ensure that different metrics are returned, use different glyph codes
+	TESTNOERROR(glyphMetricsArray.Get(*iFont, &iGlyphCodesLatin[10], 5));
+	TEST(5 == glyphMetricsArray.Count());
+	// Check that memory has not been de-allocated for a smaller array.
+	TEST(User::Heap().AllocLen(&glyphMetricsArray[0]) == arrayHeapCellSize);
+	// Retrieve list of metrics for 20 glyph codes.
+	// To ensure that different metrics are returned, use different glyph codes
+	TESTNOERROR(glyphMetricsArray.Get(*iFont, &iGlyphCodesLatin[15], 20));
+	TEST(20 == glyphMetricsArray.Count());
+	arrayHeapCellSize = User::Heap().AllocLen(&glyphMetricsArray[0]);
+	// Retrieve list of metrics for 0 glyph codes.
+	TEST(KErrArgument == glyphMetricsArray.Get(*iFont, &iGlyphCodesLatin[35], 0));
+	// We can't check whether memory has been de-allocated as glyphMetricsArray[0]
+	// is null, therefore dereferencing it causes a panic.
+	// Retrieve list of metrics for 1 glyph code.
+	// To ensure that different metrics are returned, use different glyph code
+	TESTNOERROR(glyphMetricsArray.Get(*iFont, &iGlyphCodesLatin[35], 1));
+	TEST(1 == glyphMetricsArray.Count());
+	TEST(User::Heap().AllocLen(&glyphMetricsArray[0]) == arrayHeapCellSize);
+	// Test that after closing a non-empty array, the array has 0 size.
+	glyphMetricsArray.Close();
+	TEST(0 == glyphMetricsArray.Count());
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority	High
+@SYMTestType		UT
+@SYMTestStatus		Implemented
+	Validates the behaviour of RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Close() in the following use cases:
+		1. When called on an iterator instance which has not been opened, has no effect.
+		2. When called on an open iterator closes the iterator 
+	Use case 1:
+		i. Create an RFbsGlyphDataIterator instance but do not open.
+		ii. Call RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Close().
+	Use case 2:
+		i. Create an RFbsGlyphDataIterator instance and call RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Open().
+		ii. Call RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Next() to prove the iterator is open.
+		iii. Call RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Close().
+		iv. Check that RFbsGlyphDataIterator::IsOpen() returns false.
+	Each call to RFbsGlyphDataIterator::IsOpen() returns the expected value.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorClose()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test closing an RFbsGlyphDataIterator"));
+	// Use case 1
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter1;
+	iter1.Close();
+	// Use case 2
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter2;
+	TESTNOERROR(iter2.Open(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, 1));
+	TInt iterErr = iter2.Next();
+	TESTE(KErrNotFound == iterErr, iterErr);
+	iter2.Close();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority	High
+@SYMTestType		UT
+@SYMTestStatus		Implemented
+	Show that the sequence of iterations when calling RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Next()
+	matches the order of the array of glyph codes.
+	i. Create an RFbsGlyphDataIterator instance and call RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Open()
+		with an array of different glyph codes.
+	ii. Iterate through all the glyph data.
+		For each iteration check that the glyph code returned from 
+		RFbsGlyphDataIterator::GlyphCode() matches the corresponding glyph code
+		passed into Open().
+	Each comparison of glyph code should match.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorSequence()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test the iterator sequence of RFbsGlyphDataIterator"));
+	TBool matches = ETrue;
+	TInt index = 0;
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+	TInt iterErr = iter.Open(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+	for (; index < KNumGlyphCodesLatin && matches && (iterErr == KErrNone); iterErr = iter.Next(), index++)
+		{
+		if (iter.GlyphCode() != iGlyphCodesLatin[index])
+			{
+			ERR_PRINTF4(_L("Failed at iteration %d: wanted %d, got %d"), index, iGlyphCodesLatin[index], iter.GlyphCode());
+			matches = EFalse;
+			}
+		}
+	iter.Close();
+	TESTE(iterErr == KErrNotFound, iterErr);
+	TEST(matches);
+	TEST(index == KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+	iter.Close();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority	High
+@SYMTestType		UT
+@SYMTestStatus		Implemented
+	Ensure it is possible to reuse a closed iterator on another CFbsFont.
+	i. Open an RFbsGlyphDataIterator with sample data.
+	ii. Iterate through until the end of the iterator has been reached by calling 
+		Next() on the final element.
+	iii. Re-open the same RFbsGlyphDataIterator with sample data on a different CFbsFont.
+	iv. Iterate through a second time until the end has been reached by calling Next()
+		on the final element.
+	v. Close the iterator.
+	vi. During both iterations the bitmap data returned and metrics are compared with
+		the equivalent from GetCharacterData().
+	The iterator should be opened successfully for both fonts and the data returned
+	should match the data from GetCharacterData().
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorMultipleUsesOnMultipleFonts()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Reuse a closed iterator on a second CFbsFont"));
+	const TUint8* bitmapData;
+	TSize bitmapSize;
+	TOpenFontCharMetrics charMetrics;
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+	// Array of fonts to iterate through.
+	CFbsFont* font[2] = {iFont, iFont2};
+	for (TInt fontId = 0; fontId < 2; fontId++)
+		{
+		// On the first iteration, open and use a font until all glyphs have been iterated through.
+		// On second iteration, use the same iterator on a different font and repeat.
+        CFbsFont* currentFont = font[fontId];
+		//Open the iterator on the first font and compare the returned bitmaps against GetCharacterData
+		TInt iterErr = iter.Open(*currentFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+		TESTNOERROR(iterErr);
+		TFontSpec fontSpec = currentFont->FontSpecInTwips();
+		TInt index = 0;
+		for (; (iterErr == KErrNone) && (index < KNumGlyphCodesLatin); iterErr = iter.Next(), ++index)
+			{
+			currentFont->GetCharacterData(iGlyphCodesLatin[index] | KGlyphCodeFlag, charMetrics, bitmapData, bitmapSize);
+			TESTNOERROR(CompareMetrics(charMetrics, iter.Metrics()));
+			if (bitmapSize == TSize(0, 0))
+				{
+				TEST(bitmapSize == iter.Rect().Size());
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Compare images.
+				TBool match = EFalse;
+				RSgImage characterDataImage;
+				TInt err = CreateSgImageFromCharacterData(bitmapData, bitmapSize, fontSpec.iFontStyle.BitmapType(), characterDataImage);
+				if (err == KErrNone)
+					{
+					err = CompareSgImages(iEGL, iter.Image(), iter.Rect(), characterDataImage, TRect(bitmapSize), match);
+					}
+				characterDataImage.Close();
+				if (err != KErrNone)
+					{
+					TESTNOERROR(err);
+					break;
+					}
+				TEST(match);
+				}		
+			}
+		iter.Close();
+		TESTE(iterErr == KErrNotFound, iterErr);
+		TEST(index == KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+		}
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority	High
+@SYMTestType		UT
+@SYMTestStatus		Implemented
+	Check that for various Latin fonts, the images of the glyphs stored on the 
+	RSgImage matches those provided by GetCharacterData().
+	Create a selection of fonts, using various typefaces, sizes and bitmap types.
+	For each font:
+	i. Open the RFbsGlyphDataIterator and iterate each glyph.
+	ii. For each glyph, call GetCharacterData() with the expected glyph code.
+	iii. Convert the character data to an RSgImage.
+	iv. Perform a comparison between the character RSgImage and the iterator 
+		image. 
+	v. After all iterations, close the iterator and check all expected glyphs
+		were iterated through.
+	All glyph images should match.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorImageValidity()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test the glyph images of the iterator match GetCharacterData()"));
+	const TInt KNumFonts = 20;
+	// Create a new typeface store for this test so that heap checking will not
+	// be affected by cached CFbsFonts.
+	CFbsTypefaceStore* typefaceStore = NULL;
+	TRAPD(err, typefaceStore = CFbsTypefaceStore::NewL(NULL));
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Failed to construct typeface store. Test aborted."));
+		iStep->SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		return;
+		}
+	for (TInt font = 0; font < KNumFonts; ++font)
+		{
+		// Use either a pre-created bitmap-font TFontSpec, or generate a Deja-vu one.
+		TFontSpec fontSpec = GenerateDejaVuFontSpec(font);
+		CFbsFont* latinFont = NULL;
+		TESTNOERROR(typefaceStore->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels((CFont*&)latinFont, fontSpec));	
+		fontSpec = latinFont->FontSpecInTwips();
+		InfoPrintFontSpec(*latinFont);
+		RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+		TInt iterErr = iter.Open(*latinFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+		TESTNOERROR(iterErr);
+		err = KErrNone;
+		TInt index = 0;
+		TInt numMismatches = 0;
+		// For each iteration, get the character data of the expected glyph.
+		// Create RSgImage from character data, and compare iter image with constructed image.
+		for (; (iterErr == KErrNone) && (err == KErrNone) && (index < KNumGlyphCodesLatin); (iterErr = iter.Next()), ++index)
+			{
+			TBool glyphMatches = ETrue;
+			const RSgImage& iteratorImage = iter.Image();
+			const TUint8* bitmapData = NULL;
+			TSize bitmapSize;
+			TOpenFontCharMetrics metrics;
+			TInt characterDataAvailability = latinFont->GetCharacterData(iGlyphCodesLatin[index] | KGlyphCodeFlag, metrics, bitmapData, bitmapSize);
+			if (bitmapSize == TSize(0, 0))
+				{
+				glyphMatches = (bitmapSize == iter.Rect().Size());
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				RSgImage characterDataImage;
+				TESTNOERROR(CreateSgImageFromCharacterData(bitmapData, bitmapSize, fontSpec.iFontStyle.BitmapType(), characterDataImage));
+				err = CompareSgImages(iEGL, iteratorImage, iter.Rect(), characterDataImage, TRect(bitmapSize), glyphMatches);
+				characterDataImage.Close();
+				}
+			if (err == KErrNone && !glyphMatches)
+				{
+				ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Glyphcode %i : Image mismatch"), iGlyphCodesLatin[index]);
+				++numMismatches;
+				}
+			}
+		iter.Close();
+		TESTE(iterErr == KErrNotFound, iterErr);
+		TEST(index == KNumGlyphCodesLatin);	
+		TEST(numMismatches == 0);
+		typefaceStore->ReleaseFont(latinFont);
+		}
+	delete typefaceStore;
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+	To ensure that if the glyph image iterator has a current invalid 
+	character code, the SgImage returned by the iterator will match 
+	to the image obtained from the GetCharacterData() function
+	i. Retrieve bitmap data and metrics by using GetCharacterData().
+	ii. Open a glyph data iterator passing an invalid character code.
+	iii. If i. was unsuccessful, check that opening the iterator returned
+		an error code and skip to ix.
+	iv. Create SgImage from bitmap data.
+	v. Get SgImage from the glyph data iterator.
+	vi. Compare SgImages obtained on iv and v steps.
+	vii. Get font metrics from the glyph data iterator.
+	viii. Compare metrics obtained on i and vii steps.
+	vii. Close the iterator.
+	If the request to get the character data failed, the return value of 
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Open() must not be KErrNone.
+	Otherwise, images obtained from the iterator and GetCharacterData() should
+	match.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenInvalidCode()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Ensure that the image returned by the iterator will \
+match to the image obtained from GetCharacterData() if character code is invalid"));
+	const TUint8* bitmapData = NULL;
+	TSize bitmapSize;
+	TOpenFontCharMetrics metrics;
+	const TFontSpec fontSpec = iFont->FontSpecInTwips();
+	CFont::TCharacterDataAvailability availability = iFont->GetCharacterData(KDejaVuInvalidGlyphCode | KGlyphCodeFlag, metrics, bitmapData, bitmapSize);
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+	TInt err = iter.Open(*iFont, &KDejaVuInvalidGlyphCode, 1);
+	if (availability == CFont::ENoCharacterData)
+		{
+		// Some rasterizers fail to return any data for KDejaVuInvalidGlyphCode, therefore
+		// rather than compare image contents, make sure RFbsGlyphDataIterator returns an error code.
+		WARN_PRINTF1(_L("Rasterizer failed to return data for invalid glyph code; not comparing image contents"));
+		TESTE(err != KErrNone, err);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		if (err == KErrNone)
+			{
+			TBool glyphMatches = EFalse;
+			if (bitmapSize == TSize(0, 0))
+				{
+				glyphMatches = (bitmapSize == iter.Rect().Size());
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				RSgImage characterDataImage;
+				TESTNOERROR(CreateSgImageFromCharacterData(bitmapData, bitmapSize, fontSpec.iFontStyle.BitmapType(), characterDataImage));
+				TESTNOERROR(CompareSgImages(iEGL, iter.Image(), iter.Rect(), characterDataImage, TRect(bitmapSize), glyphMatches));
+				characterDataImage.Close();
+				}
+			TESTNOERROR(CompareMetrics(metrics, iter.Metrics()));
+			TEST(glyphMatches);
+			}
+		}
+	iter.Close();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+	To ensure that opening the glyph data iterator which has already been opened with the same font
+	has no effect on the state of the iterator.
+	i. Open glyph data iterator on 2 glyph codes.
+	ii. Try to open the glyph data iterator again on the same font.
+	iii. Call RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Next() on the iterator and check error code, making the last
+		glyph code the current iteration.
+	iv. Call RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Next() again.
+	The second attempt to open the glyph data iterator will result an error with code KErrInUse.
+	The last two calls to RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Next() should return KErrNone and KErrNotFound
+	respectively, showing the iterator was not modified when the call to Open() failed.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenTwice()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Ensure that opening the glyph data iterator which has already been opened with the same font has no effect"));
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+	TInt iterErr = iter.Open(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, 2);
+	iterErr = iter.Open(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+	TESTE(iterErr == KErrInUse, iterErr);
+	iterErr = iter.Next();
+	iterErr = iter.Next();
+	TESTE(iterErr == KErrNotFound, iterErr);
+	iter.Close();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+	To ensure that opening the glyph data iterator which has already been opened with different font
+	has no effect on the state of the iterator.
+	i. Open glyph data iterator on an 2 glyph codes
+	ii. Try to open the glyph data iterator again with a different font.
+	iii. Call RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Next() on the iterator and check error code, making the last
+		glyph code the current iteration.
+	iv. Call RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Next() again.
+	The second attempt to open the glyph data iterator will result an error with code KErrInUse.
+	The Next() call after this should return KErrNone, signifying the iterator is still open.
+	The last Next() call should return KErrNotFound, signifying the iterator has iterated 
+	through the two original glyph codes.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenTwiceWithDifferentFonts()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Ensure that opening the glyph data iterator which has already been opened with different font has no effect"));
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+	TInt iterErr = iter.Open(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, 2);
+	iterErr = iter.Open(*iFont2, iGlyphCodesLatin, 2);
+	TESTE(iterErr == KErrInUse, iterErr);
+	iterErr = iter.Next();
+	iterErr = iter.Next();
+	TESTE(iterErr == KErrNotFound, iterErr);
+	iter.Close();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+	To ensure that opening of glyph data iterator with the font greater than 
+	2048 by 2048 will not be supported 
+	i. Create font with the height greater than 2048
+	ii. Try to open the glyph data iterator with the font created on previous step
+	iii Release the font
+	Must fail with error code KErrTooBig
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenTooBigFont()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("To ensure that opening of glyph data iterator with the font greater than 2048X2048 will not be supported"));
+	CFbsFont* bigFont;
+	const TInt maxHeight = 2048;
+	const TInt maxHeightLimit = maxHeight + 20; //max size after we stop trying to create the font
+	// the loop below will guarantee that if the font with the size greater than 2048 is available it will be created
+	for(TInt height = maxHeight + 1; height < maxHeightLimit; height++)
+		{
+		TESTNOERROR(iTs->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels((CFont*&)bigFont, TFontSpec(KTypefaceName, height)));
+		TInt realHeight = bigFont->FontMaxHeight();
+		if(realHeight > maxHeight)
+			{
+			break;
+			}
+		iTs->ReleaseFont(bigFont);
+		bigFont = NULL;
+		}
+	if (bigFont)
+		{
+		RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+		TInt iterErr = iter.Open(*bigFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+		TESTE(iterErr == KErrTooBig, iterErr);
+		iTs->ReleaseFont(bigFont); 
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		//It is legitimate to fail to create the font, as there are no requirements for the rasterizer here to support such big font. 
+		//In this case we will skip the test.
+		WARN_PRINTF1(_L("Failed to create font with height greater than 2048"));
+		}
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+	To ensure that the glyph data iterator processes wrong arguments correctly
+	i. Try to open the glyph data iterator with the negative count passed in
+	ii. Try to open the glyph data iterator with the positive count and NULL 
+	glyph code array pointer passed in
+	iii. Try to open the glyph data iterator with a valid glyph code array and 
+	count equal to zero
+	At all steps the returned value is set to KErrArgument.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenWithWrongArgument()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("To ensure that the glyph data iterator processes wrong arguments correctly"));
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+	TInt iterErr = iter.Open(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, -1);
+	TESTE(iterErr == KErrArgument, iterErr);
+	iterErr = iter.Open(*iFont, NULL, 1);
+	TESTE(iterErr == KErrArgument, iterErr);
+	iterErr = iter.Open(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, 0);
+	TESTE(iterErr == KErrArgument, iterErr);
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+	To ensure that all allocated RSgImages were released after the
+	glyph data iterator has been opened and closed multiple times.
+	i. Retrieve MSgDriver_Test interface from the SgDriver
+	ii. Mark alloc start and obtain resorce count from the interface
+	iii. Iterate through glyph data by calling RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Next() 
+	iv. Retrieve SgImage from the glyph data iterator instance
+	v. Repeate steps iii and iv multiple times
+	vi. Release font
+	vii.  Mark alloc end and obtain resorce count from the interface
+	Resorce count at the end matches resorce count at the beginning. 
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorImageMemoryLeak()
+	{
+	MSgDriver_Test* sgDriverTestInterface = NULL; 
+	TInt err = iSgDriver.GetInterface(sgDriverTestInterface);
+	if(err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		WARN_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to obtain MSgDriver_Test interface with error code: %d, the test will be skipped"), err);
+		return;
+		}
+	TEST(sgDriverTestInterface != NULL);
+	sgDriverTestInterface->AllocMarkStart();
+	MSgDriver_Profiling* sgDriverProfilInterface = NULL;
+	err = iSgDriver.GetInterface(sgDriverProfilInterface);
+	if(err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		sgDriverTestInterface->AllocMarkEnd(0);
+		WARN_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to obtain MSgDriver_Profiling interface with error code: %d, the test will be skipped"), err);
+		return;
+		}
+	const TInt resCount = sgDriverProfilInterface->LocalResourceCount();
+	CFbsFont* font = NULL;
+	err = iTs->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels((CFont*&)font, TFontSpec(KTypefaceName, 15));
+	if(err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		return;
+		}
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++)
+		{
+		TInt index = 0;
+		RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+		TInt iterErr = iter.Open(*font, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+		TESTNOERROR(iterErr);
+		for (; (iterErr == KErrNone) && (index < KNumGlyphCodesLatin); iterErr = iter.Next(), ++index)
+			{
+			const RSgImage& image = iter.Image();
+			}
+		iter.Close();
+		TEST(index == KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+		TESTE(iterErr == KErrNotFound, iterErr);
+		}
+	iTs->ReleaseFont(font);
+	const TInt resCountEnd = sgDriverProfilInterface->LocalResourceCount();
+	TEST(resCountEnd == resCount);
+	sgDriverTestInterface->AllocMarkEnd(0);
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority    Med
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+	Uses the RFbsGlyphDataIterator to render a large amount of unique glyphs, at a very large 
+	size, to ensure that if graphics memory runs out while the iterator is in use, eviction 
+	takes place and does not corrupt the glyph images in any way.
+	i. Create a large CFbsFont from the typeface store (size 100+)
+	ii. Simulate a low graphics-memory situation by creating enough RSgImages to fill the memory,
+		releasing one image in order to allow some small amount for the test.
+	iii. Open a RFbsGlyphDataIterator on the font, using a large array of unique glyph codes.
+	iv. Iterate through the glyphs, comparing each returned SgImage against the system-memory
+		representation of the glyph as returned by CFont::GetCharacterData().
+	v. Check for errors and mismatches, and release all images created by ii.
+	At each iteration, each glyph should match in size and contents. 
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorLargeFontStress()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Stress test using a RFbsGlyphDataIterator with a large font"));
+#ifdef __WINS__
+	// Cannot run test on emulator reliably - this is because on emulator
+	// system-memory is used for RSgImages, so using up RSgImage memory may 
+	// cause heap-allocation failures unrelated to the area being tested. 
+	// This test is specifically testing the behaviour when running out of
+	// RSgImage-based memory (i.e. graphics memory), but on emulator this 
+	// will cause a failed allocation anywhere.
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Skipping test on emulator..."));
+	WARN_PRINTF1(_L("---Stress test TO BE REVISITED due to Broadcom defect ESLM-85LDV7 - TB10.1 Closing of RSgImage with duplicate handle used in same thread does not release GPU RAM"));
+	TEST(EFalse);
+	const TInt KFontSize = 128;
+	CFbsFont* font;
+	TInt err = iTs->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels((CFont*&)font, TFontSpec(KMonoTypefaceName, KFontSize));
+	// Output the actual fontspec used in the test.
+	InfoPrintFontSpec(*font);
+	// Create 2 buffers for use in comparing SgImages so that we don't run out 
+	// of system memory through allocating memory in the test
+	TInt maxFontWidth = font->MaxCharWidthInPixels();
+	TInt maxFontHeight = font->HeightInPixels();
+	iTempBuf1 = (TUint8*) User::AllocZ(maxFontWidth * maxFontHeight);
+	iTempBuf2 = (TUint8*) User::AllocZ(maxFontWidth * maxFontHeight);
+	// In order for the image comparisons to have enough memory to perform, keep 
+	// one large RSgImage which is created before the rest of the graphics memory 
+	// is filled.  This image can then be closed before doing the image comparison 
+	// and recreated after the image comparison to ensure that the graphics 
+	// memory is full.  Without this image, the image comparison could fail with 
+	// out of memory and the test would fail. 
+	RSgImage tempImage;
+	TESTNOERROR(tempImage.Create(TSgImageInfo(TSize(1000, 1000), ESgPixelFormatA_8, ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage)));
+	TFontSpec actualFontSpec;
+	actualFontSpec = font->FontSpecInTwips();
+	// Create RSgImages from character data independently from using iterator.
+	// These will be used for comparing with RSgImages retrieved from iterator.
+	RArray <RSgImage> sgImageFromCharDataArray;
+	TInt index = 0;
+	for(; (index < KNumGlyphCodesLatin) && (err == KErrNone); ++index)
+		{
+		RSgImage characterDataSgImage;
+		TInt err = KErrNone;
+		const TUint8* bitmapData = NULL;
+		TSize bitmapSize;
+		TOpenFontCharMetrics metrics;
+		font->GetCharacterData(iGlyphCodesLatin[index] | KGlyphCodeFlag, metrics, bitmapData, bitmapSize);
+		if (bitmapSize != TSize(0, 0))
+			{
+			err = CreateSgImageFromCharacterData(bitmapData, bitmapSize, actualFontSpec.iFontStyle.BitmapType(), characterDataSgImage, iTempBuf1, iTempBuf2);
+			}
+		if (KErrNone == err)
+			{
+			err = sgImageFromCharDataArray.Append(characterDataSgImage);
+			}
+		}
+	TEST(index == KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+	// Simulate low OOGM situation by creating many RSgImages until out of memory.
+	RArray <RSgImage> sgImageArray;
+	if (err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		TESTNOERROR(NearlyFillGraphicsMemoryWithImages(TSize(256, 256), sgImageArray));
+		}
+	// Open Iterator on long string of data...
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+	TInt iterErr = KErrNone;
+	if (err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		iterErr = iter.Open(*font, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+		TESTNOERROR(iterErr);
+		}
+	// For each glyph, compare it to the system-memory version from GetCharacterData().
+	TInt numMismatches = 0;
+	for(index = 0; (iterErr == KErrNone) && (index < sgImageFromCharDataArray.Count()) && (err == KErrNone); iterErr = iter.Next(), ++index)
+		{
+		const TUint8* bitmapData = NULL;
+		TSize bitmapSize;
+		TOpenFontCharMetrics metrics;
+		font->GetCharacterData(iter.GlyphCode() | KGlyphCodeFlag, metrics, bitmapData, bitmapSize);
+		if (iter.Rect().Size() == TSize(0, 0))
+			{
+			numMismatches += (bitmapSize != TSize(0, 0)) ? 1 : 0;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Free up memory so that the image compariso succeeds
+			// Release all the images used to simulate OOGM.
+			for (TInt i = sgImageArray.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+				{
+				sgImageArray[i].Close();
+				sgImageArray.Remove(i);
+				}
+			TBool match = ETrue;
+			err = CompareSgImages(iEGL, sgImageFromCharDataArray[index], TRect(bitmapSize), iTempBuf1, iter.Image(), iter.Rect(), iTempBuf2, match);
+			if (err == KErrNone && !match)
+				{
+				++numMismatches;
+				}
+			TInt result = FillGraphicsMemoryWithImages(TSize(256, 256), sgImageArray);
+			TESTE(result == KErrNoMemory || result == KErrNoGraphicsMemory, result);
+			}
+		}
+	iter.Close();
+	// Release all images created from character data.
+	for (TInt i = sgImageFromCharDataArray.Count()-1; i >= 0; --i)
+		{
+		sgImageFromCharDataArray[i].Close();
+		}
+	sgImageFromCharDataArray.Close();
+	// Release all the images used to simulate OOGM.
+	for (TInt i = sgImageArray.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+		{
+		sgImageArray[i].Close();
+		}
+	sgImageArray.Close();
+	tempImage.Close();
+	iTs->ReleaseFont(font);
+	User::Free(iTempBuf1);
+	User::Free(iTempBuf2);
+	iTempBuf1 = NULL;
+	iTempBuf2 = NULL;
+	// Log any errors only after memory is freed - this ensures there is enough
+	// memory for the logger.
+	TESTE(iterErr == KErrNotFound, iterErr);
+	TEST(index == KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+	TEST(numMismatches == 0);
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority    Med
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+	Opens an RFbsGlyphDataIterator on many different fonts of different sizes and typefaces
+	and uses many fonts, in order to test that the iterator can cope with being used on many
+	fonts with many glyphs.
+	i. Perform test of 100 iterations, where:
+		1. A new Latin font is created every iteration in order to force the Typeface Store
+			to create a brand-new server-side font at each iteration. 
+		2. For this font, open an RFbsGlyphDataIterator and cycle through all Latin glyphs.
+		3. For each glyph, compare against the glyph image returned by CFont::GetCharacterData().
+		4. Keep a record of the number of mismatches, and carry on to next font.
+	ii. Perform i. again, but using the existing fonts.
+	iii. Check that there are no mismatches, all glyphs and fonts were successfully checked, 
+		and no error codes returned during the test.
+	iv. Clean up all resources.
+	The glyphs provided by the iterator should match that returned by GetCharacterData()
+	for every font and every iteration. 
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorManyFontsStressL()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Stress test using a RFbsGlyphDataIterator with hundreds of fonts"));
+	WARN_PRINTF1(_L("---Stress test TO BE REVISITED due to Broadcom defect ESLM-85LDV7 - TB10.1 Closing of RSgImage with duplicate handle used in same thread does not release GPU RAM"));
+	TEST(EFalse);
+	const TInt KNumFonts = 100;
+	const TInt KNumRepeatsPerFont = 2;
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	TInt numGlyphMismatches = 0;
+	CFbsFont** font = new (ELeave) CFbsFont*[KNumFonts];
+	Mem::FillZ(font, sizeof(CFbsFont*) * KNumFonts);
+	// Do the whole thing KNumRepeatsPerFont times. The second+ repeats will 
+	// re-use the fonts created in the first repeat, to ensure that fonts that 
+	// may have been evicted are able to be re-used with the iterator.
+	for (TInt rep = 0; (rep < KNumRepeatsPerFont) && (err == KErrNone); ++rep)
+		{
+		// Iterate through all the font variants:
+		// Iterate all font styles, for all latin typefaces, at increasing sizes.
+		TInt i = 0;
+		for (; (i < KNumFonts) && (err == KErrNone); ++i)
+			{
+			// Only create this font if this font isn't already valid (i.e. when this is the 
+			// first rep) otherwise re-use it.
+			if (!font[i])
+				{
+				TFontSpec requestedFontSpec = GenerateDejaVuFontSpec(i);
+				err = iTs->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels((CFont*&)font[i], requestedFontSpec);
+				}
+			if (err == KErrNone)
+				{
+				RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+				TInt iterErr = iter.Open(*(font[i]), iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+				if (iterErr != KErrNone)
+					{
+					ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Failed to open RFbsGlyphDataIterator [err=%d]"), iterErr);
+					InfoPrintFontSpec(*(font[i]));
+					iStep->SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					TInt index = 0;
+					for(; (iterErr == KErrNone) && (index < KNumGlyphCodesLatin) && (err == KErrNone) ; iterErr = iter.Next(), index++)
+						{
+						const TUint8* bitmapData = NULL;
+						TSize bitmapSize;
+						TOpenFontCharMetrics metrics;
+						font[i]->GetCharacterData(iter.GlyphCode() | KGlyphCodeFlag, metrics, bitmapData, bitmapSize);
+						if (iter.Rect().Size() == TSize(0, 0))
+							{
+							numGlyphMismatches += (bitmapSize != TSize(0, 0)) ? 1 : 0;
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							TBool match = EFalse;
+							const TFontSpec fontSpec = font[i]->FontSpecInTwips();							
+							// Compare to system-memory version of glyph
+							RSgImage characterDataImage;
+							err = CreateSgImageFromCharacterData(bitmapData, bitmapSize, fontSpec.iFontStyle.BitmapType(), characterDataImage);
+							if (err == KErrNone) 
+								{
+								err = CompareSgImages(iEGL, iter.Image(), iter.Rect(), characterDataImage, TRect(bitmapSize), match);
+								}
+							if (err == KErrNone && !match)
+								{
+								++numGlyphMismatches;
+								}
+							characterDataImage.Close();
+							}					
+						}
+					iter.Close();
+					TESTE(iterErr == KErrNotFound, iterErr);
+					TEST(index == KNumGlyphCodesLatin);					
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		// Check all the fonts were iterated through.
+		TEST(i == KNumFonts);
+		}
+	TEST(numGlyphMismatches == 0);
+	// Cleanup
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < KNumFonts; ii++)
+		{
+		iTs->ReleaseFont(font[ii]);
+		}
+	delete [] font;
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority    Low
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+	Uses a RFbsGlyphDataIterator when there is no graphics memory available in the system.
+	It shows that when under low graphics memory, Next() returns the correct error code
+	as per the API (either KErrNoMemory or KErrNoGraphicsMemory, depending on the implementation 
+	of Graphics Resource being used).
+	i. Create a CFbsFont from the typeface store.
+	ii. Simulate a low graphics-memory situation by creating enough RSgImages to fill the memory,
+	iii. Open a RFbsGlyphDataIterator on the font.
+	iv. Attempt to use the iterator, calling Next(), checking the returned code.
+	v. Close the iterator and release all graphics memory from ii.
+	Next() should return either KErrNoMemory or KErrNoGraphicsMemory depending on the implmentation
+	of Graphics Resource used. It should return the same error as is returned when filling
+	the graphics memory reaches the limit.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorNoGraphicsMemory()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test that when there is no GPU memory available, Next() returns correct error"));
+	WARN_PRINTF1(_L("---Stress test TO BE REVISITED due to Broadcom defect ESLM-85LDV7 - TB10.1 Closing of RSgImage with duplicate handle used in same thread does not release GPU RAM"));
+	TEST(EFalse);
+	const TInt KFontSize = 128;
+	CFbsFont* font = NULL;
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+	TInt err = iTs->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels((CFont*&)font, TFontSpec(KMonoTypefaceName, KFontSize));
+	// Simulate low OOGM situation by creating many RSgImages until out of memory.
+	if (err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		InfoPrintFontSpec(*font);
+		RArray <RSgImage> sgImageArray;
+		TInt iterErr = KErrNone;
+		TInt gfxMemErr = FillGraphicsMemoryWithImages(TSize(KFontSize, KFontSize), sgImageArray);
+		TESTE(gfxMemErr == KErrNoMemory || gfxMemErr == KErrNoGraphicsMemory, gfxMemErr);
+		if (gfxMemErr == KErrNoMemory || gfxMemErr == KErrNoGraphicsMemory)
+			{
+			// Next() could either fail with KErrNoMemory or KErrNoGraphicsMemory, but should
+			// be the same error code as the last attempted creation of an SgImage, done in 
+			// FillGraphicsMemoryWithImages() so compare against that code.
+			iterErr = iter.Open(*font, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+			for (; iterErr == KErrNone; iterErr = iter.Next())
+				{
+				// no operation
+				}
+			iter.Close();
+			}
+		// Release all the images used to simulate OOGM.
+		for (TInt i = sgImageArray.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+			{
+			sgImageArray[i].Close();
+			}
+		sgImageArray.Close();
+		// Log any errors only after memory is freed - this ensures there is enough
+		// memory for the logger.
+		TESTE(iterErr == gfxMemErr, iterErr);
+		}
+	iTs->ReleaseFont(font);
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority    Low
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+	Uses a RFbsGlyphDataIterator after Next() returns an error, in order to show that 
+	an error does not invalidate the state of the iterator and it is still usable. 
+	i. Open the RFbsGlyphDataIterator on 1 glyph code.
+	ii. Store the data of the iterator and call Next() to reach the end of the iterator
+	iii. Access the glyph data repeatedly and check that the iterator members
+		 still match those in ii.
+	The calls to Next() should cause KErrNotFound since it is past the final glyph.
+	The iterator data should match at all times since the iterator is never moved.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorNextIsAtomic()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("To ensure that Next() is atomic, if it returns an error it is still useable"));
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+	TInt iterErr = iter.Open(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, 1);
+	TSgDrawableId id = iter.Image().Id();
+	TOpenFontCharMetrics metrics = iter.Metrics();
+	TUint glyphCode = iter.GlyphCode();
+	TRect rect = iter.Rect();
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+		{
+		iterErr = iter.Next();
+		TESTE(iterErr == KErrNotFound, iterErr);
+		TEST(id == iter.Image().Id());
+		TEST(glyphCode == iter.GlyphCode());
+		TEST(rect == iter.Rect());
+		TEST(CompareMetrics(metrics, iter.Metrics()) == 0);
+		}
+	iter.Close();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+	Glyph Atlas white-box test.
+	To ensure that the same RSgImage is used for repeated requests for the 
+	same glyph in the same call to RFbsGlyphDataIterator:Open().
+	i Open the glyph data iterator with a list of glyph codes which are all the same
+	ii Retrieve the drawable id of each iteration 
+	iii Check that the same drawable id is retrieved in each iteration  
+	Each iteration returns the same drawable id. 
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorSameGlyphCodes()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("White box test - Ensure that the same RSgImage is used for repeated requests for the same glyph in the same call to Open()"));
+	const TUint KSameRepeatedGlyphCode = iGlyphCodesLatin['A' - 0x20];
+	const TInt KNumGlyphs = 10;
+	TUint* sameRepeatedGlyphCodes = new TUint[KNumGlyphs];
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < KNumGlyphs; ++ii)
+		{
+		sameRepeatedGlyphCodes[ii] = KSameRepeatedGlyphCode;
+		}
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+	TInt err = iter.Open(*iFont, sameRepeatedGlyphCodes, KNumGlyphs);
+	if (KErrNone == err)
+		{
+		// get the drawable id of the first glyph and check that the id is valid
+		TSgDrawableId referenceId = iter.Image().Id();
+		RSgImage image;
+		TESTNOERROR(image.Open(referenceId));
+		image.Close();
+		TESTNOERROR(iter.Next());
+		for (;KErrNone == err; err = iter.Next())
+			{
+			TEST(referenceId == iter.Image().Id());
+			}
+		TESTE(KErrNotFound == err, err);
+		}
+	iter.Close();
+	delete[] sameRepeatedGlyphCodes;
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+	To ensure that the iterator can successfully be opened on an array
+	of glyph codes of various array sizes. 
+	Perform many iterations of opening an array and cycling through the glyphs,
+	increasing the size of the array after each iteration. Some simple sanity-checking
+	of the glyphs is performed.
+	KErrNone should be returned at all times. 
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorManyArraySizes()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Ensure that the RFbsGlyphDataIterator successfully opens glyph code arrays of many sizes"));
+	RFbsGlyphMetricsArray glyphMetricsArray;
+	TESTNOERROR(glyphMetricsArray.Get(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin));
+	TInt iterErr = KErrNone;
+	for (TInt arraySize = 1; (arraySize < KNumGlyphCodesLatin) && (iterErr == KErrNone); ++arraySize)
+		{
+		RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+		TInt iterErr = iter.Open(*iFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, arraySize);
+		TESTNOERROR(iterErr);
+		for (TInt index = 0; iterErr == KErrNone; iterErr = iter.Next(), ++index)
+			{
+			// sanity checking...
+			if (iter.GlyphCode() != iGlyphCodesLatin[index])
+				{
+				ERR_PRINTF4(_L("Test failed at array size %d - Wanted glyphcode %d, got %d"), arraySize, iGlyphCodesLatin[index], iter.GlyphCode());
+				iStep->SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+				}
+			if (CompareMetrics(iter.Metrics(), glyphMetricsArray[index]) != 0)
+				{
+				ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Test failed at array size %d, metrics check failed at glyphcode %d"), arraySize, iGlyphCodesLatin[index]);
+				iStep->SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+				}			
+			}
+		iter.Close();
+		}
+	glyphMetricsArray.Close();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority    Low
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+	Negative test case to show that RFbsGlyphDataIterator and RFbsGlyphMetricsArray
+	do not support bitmap fonts.
+	i. Load a bitmap font.
+	ii. Attempt to open an RFbsGlyphDataIterator and RFbsGlyphMetricsArray with the font.
+	KErrNotSupported should be returned in both instances. 
+ void CTFbsGlyphData::TestBitmapFontSupport()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test bitmap font not supported"));
+	CFbsFont* bitmapFont = NULL;
+	TInt err = iTs->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels((CFont*&)bitmapFont, TFontSpec(_L("Digital"), 14));
+	TEST(!bitmapFont->IsOpenFont());
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+	err = iter.Open(*bitmapFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+	TEST(err == KErrNotSupported);
+	iter.Close();
+	RFbsGlyphMetricsArray array;
+	err = array.Get(*bitmapFont, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+	TEST(err == KErrNotSupported);
+	array.Close();
+	iTs->ReleaseFont(bitmapFont);
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority	High
+@SYMTestType		UT
+@SYMTestStatus		Implemented
+	Shows that different threads (and therefore RFbsSessions) using fonts with the same
+	TFontSpec share the same glyphs	in the atlas and do not create duplicate entries
+	in the Glyph Atlas, and that releasing a font clears all associated glyphs in the
+	atlas.
+	i. Create a handle to a test font in the current process.
+	ii. Spawn a test thread and wait for it to complete. Within the thread :
+		1. Create a font with the same fontspec as the parent process.
+		2. Use the RFbsGlyphDataIterator API to force rasterization into the glyph atlas.
+		3. Release the iterator.
+	iii. Check there were no leaves from the thread.
+	iv. Repeat ii. and iii. several times. Before using RFbsGlyphDataIterator,
+		the thread checks that the glyphs are still in the atlas from the first thread.
+	v. Check that the number of fonts in the atlas has increased by one only.
+	vi. Check that the number of glyphs in the atlas has increased by the size of the 
+		glyph code array.
+	vii. Release the font in the parent process, thereby releasing the font and glyphs
+		in the glyph atlas, and check that the state of the atlas is the same as before
+		the test is run.
+	All threads should return no errors or leaves or panics.
+	After all threads have finished:
+		The glyph count should have increased by the size of the glyph code array used
+		in the RFbsGlyphDataIterator, showing that	glyphs are only being added to the atlas
+		once. The number of fonts in the atlas should have increased by one, showing
+		that only the single underlying font object is being added to the atlas, despite
+		different RFbsSessions and CFbsFont instances used.
+	After the test font is released in the main process:
+		The glyph count and font count return to the pre-test value, showing that when
+		the last handle to a TFontSpec is released, the atlas frees its associated data.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestMultithreadShareSingleFont()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test glyphs shared between RFbsSessions/threads/processes"));
+#ifndef _DEBUG
+	// Test relies on debug-only FBS messages EFbsMessAtlasGlyphCount and EFbsMessAtlasFontCount
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Skipping test in release mode"));
+	_LIT(KThreadName, "GlyphDataTestThread");
+	const TInt KNumTestThreads = 5;
+	const TFontSpec KTestFontSpec(KTypefaceName, 50);	
+	const TInt atlasFontCountStart = iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessAtlasFontCount);
+	const TInt atlasGlyphCountStart = iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessAtlasGlyphCount);
+	CFbsFont* testFont;
+	TInt err = iTs->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels( (CFont*&)testFont, KTestFontSpec);
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Could not load font, err = %d"), err);
+		iStep->SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		return;
+		}
+	// Check there are no glyphs belonging to the test font before the test starts.
+	TInt atlasFontGlyphCount = iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessAtlasGlyphCount, testFont->Handle());
+	TEST(atlasFontGlyphCount == 0);
+	TGlyphDataMultithreadParams params = {KTestFontSpec, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin, NULL};
+	// Run the test threads sequentially, and check its exit status.
+	RThread testThread;
+	TInt numThreadsPassed = 0;
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumTestThreads; i++)
+		{
+		TBool threadPassed = ETrue;
+		TGlyphDataThreadInfo info = {EGlyphDataMultiSessionTestShareGlyphs, params, i, iStep};
+		err = testThread.Create(KThreadName, CTFbsGlyphData::ThreadFunction, KDefaultStackSize, KTestThreadMinHeapSize, KTestThreadMaxHeapSize, &info);
+		TRequestStatus statusThread;
+		testThread.Logon(statusThread);
+		testThread.Resume();
+		User::WaitForRequest(statusThread);
+		TInt threadResult = testThread.ExitReason();
+		if (threadResult != KErrNone)
+			{
+			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Thread %i: Terminated with reason %d"), i, threadResult);
+			threadPassed = EFalse; 
+			}
+		TExitCategoryName exitCategory = testThread.ExitCategory();
+		if (exitCategory.Compare(_L("Kill")) != 0)
+			{
+			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Thread %i: Terminated with reason category '%S'"), i, &exitCategory);
+			threadPassed = EFalse;
+			}
+		testThread.Close();
+		numThreadsPassed += (threadPassed) ? 1 : 0;
+		}
+	TEST(numThreadsPassed == KNumTestThreads);
+	// Check that the atlas still contains the glyphs and the font created by the threads
+	// after they have died, since the font is still open in this process.
+	atlasFontGlyphCount = iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessAtlasGlyphCount, testFont->Handle());
+	TEST(atlasFontGlyphCount == params.iGlyphCodesCount);
+	TInt atlasFontCount = iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessAtlasFontCount);
+	TEST(atlasFontCount == (atlasFontCountStart + 1));
+	iTs->ReleaseFont(testFont);
+	testFont = NULL;
+	// Check the atlas state is now the same as it was before the test started,
+	// now that the last remaining handle to the font used in the threads is released.
+	TInt atlasGlyphCountEnd = iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessAtlasGlyphCount);
+	TEST(atlasGlyphCountStart == atlasGlyphCountEnd);
+	TInt atlasFontCountEnd = iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessAtlasFontCount);
+	TEST(atlasFontCountStart == atlasFontCountEnd);
+	}
+Worker thread for TestMultithreadShareSingleFont().
+The thread uses RFbsGlyphDataIterator on a CFbsFont of the given TFontSpec.
+Once complete the atlas is queried for the number of associated glyphs.
+ */
+void CTFbsGlyphData::ThreadShareGlyphsL(TInt aThreadNum, TGlyphDataMultithreadParams& aParam, CTestStep* aStep)
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(RFbsSession::Connect());
+	CFbsTypefaceStore* ts = CFbsTypefaceStore::NewL(NULL);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(ts);
+	RFbsSession* fbs = RFbsSession::GetSession();
+	CFbsFont* font;
+	TInt err = ts->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels((CFont*&)font, aParam.iFontSpec);
+	User::LeaveIfError(err);
+	if (aThreadNum > 0)
+		{
+		// If this is not the first thread, it means the first thread has already executed and 
+		// populated the glyph atlas with the glyphs. The font created by this thread 
+		// should already have its glyphs in the atlas.
+		TInt fontGlyphCount = fbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessAtlasGlyphCount, font->Handle());
+		if (fontGlyphCount != aParam.iGlyphCodesCount)
+			{
+			aStep->ERR_PRINTF4(_L("Thread %d: Only %d glyphs in atlas before first iteration, expected %d"), aThreadNum, fontGlyphCount, aParam.iGlyphCodesCount);
+			aStep->SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+			}
+		}
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+	for (err = iter.Open(*font, aParam.iGlyphCodes, aParam.iGlyphCodesCount); err == KErrNone; err = iter.Next())
+		{
+		// no-op
+		}
+	iter.Close();
+	// Check that the glyphs of this font have been added to the atlas
+	TInt fontGlyphCount = fbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessAtlasGlyphCount, font->Handle());
+	if (fontGlyphCount != aParam.iGlyphCodesCount)
+		{
+		aStep->ERR_PRINTF5(_L("Thread %d: Only %d glyphs in atlas after last iteration, expected %d (err=%d)"), aThreadNum, fontGlyphCount, aParam.iGlyphCodesCount, err);
+		aStep->SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		}
+	if (err != KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		aStep->ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Thread %d: Error during test = %d"), aThreadNum, err);
+		aStep->SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		}
+	ts->ReleaseFont(font);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // ts
+	RFbsSession::Disconnect();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority	Medium
+@SYMTestType		UT
+@SYMTestStatus		Implemented
+	Tests that with many concurrent sessions connected to Fbserv, the atlas successfully
+	returns the correct glyph images even if the atlas becomes full and has to evict glyphs.
+	i. Create 25 threads, each a unique session with Fbserv.
+	ii. Launch the threads simultaneously. In each thread:
+		1. Create a FBS typeface store and create a font which is unique in the process.
+		2. Use RFbsGlyphDataIterator to iterate through the latin glyph codes.
+		3. Check the image is correct for each glyph against the image returned by 
+			CFont::GetCharacterData().
+		4. Close the iterator.
+		5. Release the font and close the typeface store. 
+	iii. Once all threads have finished, check the exit status of each thread
+	Every glyph for every thread should match the image returned by GetCharacterData()
+	All threads should exit normally with no Leave code.
+_LIT(KTestMultithreadStressFinishSemaphore, "TestMultithreadStressAtlasFinish");
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestMultithreadStressAtlas()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Stress test glyph atlas with multiple RFbsSessions"));
+	WARN_PRINTF1(_L("---Stress test TO BE REVISITED due to Broadcom defect ESLM-85NEFT - TB10.1 eglCreateImageKHR hangs during multithreading"));
+	TEST(EFalse);
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	const TInt KNumTestThreads = 25;
+	_LIT(KThreadNameFormat, "GlyphDataTestThread%i");
+	// Create a semaphore that is signalled by each test thread when it has finished.
+	RSemaphore threadFinishSemaphore;
+	err = threadFinishSemaphore.CreateGlobal(KTestMultithreadStressFinishSemaphore, 0, EOwnerThread);
+	// Prepare the testdata for the threads
+	// Each thread will have a TFontSpec which will cause unique CFbsFonts
+	// to be created in the server, and therefore the atlas.
+	RThread testThread[KNumTestThreads];
+	TGlyphDataThreadInfo testInfo[KNumTestThreads];	
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumTestThreads; ++i)
+		{
+		testInfo[i].iStep = iStep;
+		testInfo[i].iTest = EGlyphDataMultiSessionTestStressAtlas;
+		testInfo[i].iParams.iFontSpec = GenerateDejaVuFontSpec(i);
+		testInfo[i].iParams.iGlyphCodes = iGlyphCodesLatin;
+		testInfo[i].iParams.iGlyphCodesCount = KNumGlyphCodesLatin;
+		testInfo[i].iParams.iEGL = iEGL;
+		testInfo[i].iThreadNum = i;	
+		TBuf<128> threadName;
+		threadName.AppendFormat(KThreadNameFormat, i);
+		err = testThread[i].Create(threadName, CTFbsGlyphData::ThreadFunction, KDefaultStackSize, KTestThreadMinHeapSize, KTestThreadMaxHeapSize, &testInfo[i]);
+		}
+	// All threads are created, start them simultaneously.
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumTestThreads; ++i)
+		{
+		testThread[i].Resume();
+		}
+	// Wait for all threads to finish.
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumTestThreads; ++i)
+		{
+		threadFinishSemaphore.Wait();
+		}
+	// Allow some time for remaining threads to finish tidy-up.
+	User::After(100000);
+	threadFinishSemaphore.Close();
+	TInt numThreadsPassed = 0;
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumTestThreads; ++i)
+		{
+		TBool threadPassed = ETrue;
+		TInt threadResult = testThread[i].ExitReason();
+		if (threadResult != KErrNone)
+			{
+			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Thread %i: Terminated with reason %d"), i, threadResult);
+			threadPassed = EFalse; 
+			}
+		TExitCategoryName exitCategory = testThread[i].ExitCategory();
+		if (exitCategory.Compare(_L("Kill")) != 0)
+			{
+			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Thread %i: Terminated with reason category '%S'"), i, &exitCategory);
+			threadPassed = EFalse;
+			}
+		testThread[i].Close();
+		numThreadsPassed += (threadPassed) ? 1 : 0;
+		}
+	TEST(numThreadsPassed == KNumTestThreads);
+	}
+Worker thread for TestMultithreadStressAtlas().
+The thread uses RFbsGlyphDataIterator on a CFbsFont of the given TFontSpec.
+For each glyph, the image returned by the iterator is compared to the image 
+returned from CFont::GetCharacterData().
+Once complete, the semaphore is signalled to tell the parent process it has
+ */
+void CleanupFinishSemaphore(TAny* aItem)
+    {
+    RSemaphore* semaphore = reinterpret_cast<RSemaphore*>(aItem);
+    semaphore->Signal();
+    semaphore->Close();
+    }
+void CTFbsGlyphData::ThreadStressAtlasL(TInt aThreadNum, TGlyphDataMultithreadParams& aParam, CTestStep* aStep)
+	{
+	TOpenFontCharMetrics charMetrics;
+	const TUint8* bitmapData;
+	TSize bitmapSize;
+	RSgImage charDataImage;
+	RSemaphore threadFinishSemaphore;
+	User::LeaveIfError(threadFinishSemaphore.OpenGlobal(KTestMultithreadStressFinishSemaphore));
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupFinishSemaphore, &threadFinishSemaphore));
+	User::LeaveIfError(RFbsSession::Connect());
+	CFbsTypefaceStore* ts = CFbsTypefaceStore::NewL(NULL);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(ts);
+	CFbsFont* font;
+	User::LeaveIfError(ts->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels((CFont*&)font, aParam.iFontSpec));
+	TInt numGlyphMatches = 0;
+	TInt index = 0;
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+	for (err = iter.Open(*font, aParam.iGlyphCodes, aParam.iGlyphCodesCount); err == KErrNone; err = iter.Next(), ++index)
+		{
+		TBool glyphMatch = EFalse;
+		font->GetCharacterData(aParam.iGlyphCodes[index] | KGlyphCodeFlag, charMetrics, bitmapData, bitmapSize);
+		if (bitmapSize == TSize(0, 0))
+			{
+			glyphMatch = (bitmapSize == iter.Rect().Size());
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			err = CreateSgImageFromCharacterData(bitmapData, bitmapSize, font->FontSpecInTwips().iFontStyle.BitmapType(), charDataImage);
+			if (err == KErrNone)
+				{
+				err = CompareSgImages(aParam.iEGL, iter.Image(), iter.Rect(), charDataImage, TRect(bitmapSize), glyphMatch);
+				}
+			charDataImage.Close();
+			}
+		if (err != KErrNone)
+			{
+			break;
+			}
+		numGlyphMatches += (glyphMatch) ? 1 : 0;
+		}
+	iter.Close();
+	if (index != aParam.iGlyphCodesCount)
+		{
+		aStep->ERR_PRINTF5(_L("Thread %d: Iterator terminated early - %d out of %d glyphs (err=%d)"), aThreadNum, index, aParam.iGlyphCodesCount, err);
+		aStep->SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		}
+	if (index != numGlyphMatches)
+		{
+		aStep->ERR_PRINTF4(_L("Thread %d: Matched %d out of %d glyphs"), aThreadNum, numGlyphMatches, aParam.iGlyphCodesCount);
+		aStep->SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		}
+	ts->ReleaseFont(font);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // ts, threadFinishSemaphore
+	RFbsSession::Disconnect();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority    Medium
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+    Tests the robustness of using RFbsGlyphMetricsArray when the client heap and the
+    FbServ private heap experience failures allocating memory, causing no panics 
+    or leaves.
+    i. Set the default heap failure for the next heap allocation.
+    ii. Create a new CFbsFont using a TFontSpec not already in the glyph atlas.
+    iii. Call RFbsGlyphMetricsArray::Get(), and close the array.
+    iv. Release the font so that nothing is left in the cache as a result of
+        attempting to use it, and reset the heap failure state.
+    v. While iii returns KErrNoMemory, increment the failure count and repeat
+        step ii.
+    vi. Using a separate font so that the test is not affected by the earlier
+        run, repeat ii. to v., but rather than setting the default heap to 
+        fail, the FbServ private heap is set to fail, via IPC messages to Fbs.
+    If no errors occur, KErrNone should be returned after a certain number of
+    repetitions. Any other error code denotes a problem handling low-memory 
+    situtations.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphMetricsArrayHeapOOML()
+    {
+    INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test RFbsGlyphMetricsArray during heap alloc failure"));
+    __UHEAP_MARK;
+    // Create a font that wont be in the cache already...
+    TInt rep = 0;
+    TInt err = KErrNoMemory;
+    CFbsFont* font = NULL;
+    while (err == KErrNoMemory)
+        {
+        User::LeaveIfError(iTs->GetNearestFontInPixels((CFont*&)font, GenerateDejaVuFontSpec(10)));
+        __UHEAP_FAILNEXT(rep);
+        RFbsGlyphMetricsArray array;
+        err = array.Get(*font, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+        array.Close();
+        __UHEAP_RESET;
+        iTs->ReleaseFont(font);
+        font = NULL;
+        ++rep;
+        }
+	TESTE(err == KErrNone, err);
+    if (err == KErrNone)
+        {
+        INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Client Heap OOM : Test passed after rep %d"), rep);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Client Heap OOM : Test failed with err=%d, after rep %d"), err, rep);
+        }
+    // Now test when the server-side FbServ heap fails...
+    rep = 0;
+    err = KErrNoMemory;
+    while (err == KErrNoMemory)
+        {
+        User::LeaveIfError(iTs->GetNearestFontInPixels((CFont*&)font, GenerateDejaVuFontSpec(11)));
+        iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessSetHeapFail, RFbsSession::EHeapFailTypeServerMemory, rep);
+        RFbsGlyphMetricsArray array;
+        err = array.Get(*font, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+        array.Close();
+        iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessSetHeapReset, RFbsSession::EHeapFailTypeServerMemory);
+        iTs->ReleaseFont(font);
+        font = NULL;
+        ++rep;
+        }
+	TESTE(err == KErrNone, err);
+    if (err == KErrNone)
+        {
+        INFO_PRINTF2(_L("FBServ Heap OOM : Test passed after rep %d"), rep);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        ERR_PRINTF3(_L("FBServ Heap OOM : Test failed with err=%d, after rep %d"), err, rep);      
+        }
+    }
+@SYMTestPriority    Medium
+@SYMTestType        UT
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMPREQ            PREQ2678
+    Tests the robustness of using RFbsGlyphDataIterator when the client heap and the
+    FbServ private heap experience failures allocating memory, causing no panics 
+    or leaves.
+    i. Set the default heap failure for the next heap allocation.
+    ii. Create a new CFbsFont using a TFontSpec not already in the glyph atlas.
+    iii. Call RFbsGlyphDataIterator::Open(), and close the array.
+    iv. Release the font so that nothing is left in the cache as a result of
+        attempting to use it, and reset the heap failure state.
+    v. While iii returns KErrNoMemory, increment the failure count and repeat
+        step ii.
+    vi. Using a separate font so that the test is not affected by the earlier
+        run, repeat ii. to v., but rather than setting the default heap to 
+        fail, the FbServ private heap is set to fail, via IPC messages to Fbs.
+    If no errors occur, KErrNone should be returned after a certain number of
+    repetitions. Any other error code denotes a problem handling low-memory 
+    situtations.
+void CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorHeapOOML()
+    {
+    INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test RFbsGlyphDataIterator during heap alloc failure"));    
+    __UHEAP_MARK;
+    // Create a font that wont be in the cache already...
+    TInt rep = 0;
+    TInt err = KErrNoMemory;
+    CFbsFont* font = NULL;
+    while (err == KErrNoMemory)
+        {
+        User::LeaveIfError(iTs->GetNearestFontInPixels((CFont*&)font, GenerateDejaVuFontSpec(10)));
+        __UHEAP_FAILNEXT(rep);
+        RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+        err = iter.Open(*font, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+        if (err == KErrNone)
+            {
+            while (err == KErrNone) 
+               {
+               err = iter.Next();
+               }
+            err = (err == KErrNotFound) ? KErrNone : err;
+            }
+        iter.Close();
+        __UHEAP_RESET;
+        iTs->ReleaseFont(font);
+        font = NULL;
+        ++rep;
+        }
+	TESTE(err == KErrNone, err);
+    if (err == KErrNone)
+        {
+        INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Client Heap OOM : Test passed after rep %d"), rep);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Client Heap OOM : Test failed with err=%d, after rep %d"), err, rep);
+        }
+    // Now test when the server-side FbServ heap fails...
+    rep = 0;
+    err = KErrNoMemory;
+    while (err == KErrNoMemory)
+        {
+        User::LeaveIfError(iTs->GetNearestFontInPixels((CFont*&)font, GenerateDejaVuFontSpec(11)));
+        iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessSetHeapFail, RFbsSession::EHeapFailTypeServerMemory, rep);
+        RFbsGlyphDataIterator iter;
+        err = iter.Open(*font, iGlyphCodesLatin, KNumGlyphCodesLatin);
+        if (err == KErrNone)
+            {
+            while (err == KErrNone) 
+               {
+               err = iter.Next();
+               }
+            err = (err == KErrNotFound) ? KErrNone : err;
+            }
+        iter.Close();
+        iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessSetHeapReset, RFbsSession::EHeapFailTypeServerMemory);
+        iTs->ReleaseFont(font);
+        font = NULL;
+        ++rep;
+        }
+	TESTE(err == KErrNone, err);
+    if (err == KErrNone)
+        {
+        INFO_PRINTF2(_L("FBServ Heap OOM : Test passed after rep %d"), rep);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        ERR_PRINTF3(_L("FBServ Heap OOM : Test failed with err=%d, after rep %d"), err, rep);
+        }
+    }
+Utility function. Prints out a description of the font's fontspec to the log.
+ */
+void CTFbsGlyphData::InfoPrintFontSpec(const CFont& aFont)
+	{
+	_LIT(KMonochromeBitmap, "Mono");
+	_LIT(KAntiAliasedBitmap, "AA");
+	_LIT(KStyleItalic, "Italic");
+	_LIT(KStyleBold, "Bold");
+	_LIT(KStyleNormal, "Normal");
+	_LIT(KUnknown, "Unknown");
+	TBufC<9> bitmapType;
+	TBuf<12> fontStyle;
+	TFontSpec fontSpec = aFont.FontSpecInTwips();
+	switch(fontSpec.iFontStyle.BitmapType())
+		{
+		case EMonochromeGlyphBitmap:
+			bitmapType = KMonochromeBitmap;
+			break;
+		case EAntiAliasedGlyphBitmap:
+			bitmapType = KAntiAliasedBitmap;
+			break;
+		default:
+			bitmapType = KUnknown;
+		}
+	if (fontSpec.iFontStyle.StrokeWeight() == EStrokeWeightBold)
+		{
+		fontStyle.Append(KStyleBold);
+		}
+	if (fontSpec.iFontStyle.Posture() == EPostureItalic)
+		{
+		fontStyle.Append(KStyleItalic);
+		}
+	if (fontStyle.Length() == 0)
+		{
+		fontStyle = KStyleNormal;
+		}
+	INFO_PRINTF5(_L("Font: name=%S size=%dtw type=%S style=%S"), &(fontSpec.iTypeface.iName), fontSpec.iHeight, &bitmapType, &fontStyle);
+	}
+Static utility function. Performs a per-pixel comparison of two open RSgImages.
+To do this requires access to the binary data of the images, only accessable
+via EGL and Khronos APIs. This function will bind the RSgImages to VGImages 
+and uses OpenVG to retrieve the image data in 8bpp.
+@param aEGL An EGL Helper to read the SgImages into system memory.
+@param aImageA The first image to compare.
+@param aRectA A rectangular portion in pixels of the first image to compare.
+@param aImageB The second image to compare.
+@param aRectB A rectangular portion in pixels fo the second image to compare.
+@param aMatch A boolean value, which on return tells the caller whether the two
+	images were deemed to match.
+@return KErrNone, if the comparison took place, otherwise one of the system-wide
+	error codes.
+TInt CTFbsGlyphData::CompareSgImages(CEGLHelper* aEGL, const RSgImage& aImageA, const TRect& aRectA, const RSgImage& aImageB, const TRect& aRectB, TBool& aMatch)
+	{
+	return CTFbsGlyphData::CompareSgImages(aEGL, aImageA, aRectA, NULL, aImageB, aRectB, NULL, aMatch);
+	}
+Static utility function. Performs a per-pixel comparison of two open RSgImages.
+To do this requires access to the binary data of the images, only accessable
+via EGL and Khronos APIs. This function will bind the RSgImages to VGImages 
+and uses OpenVG to retrieve the image data in 8bpp.
+This version allows pre-created memory to be used in the comparison, to avoid
+allocation failure in low memory testing.
+@param aEGL An EGL Helper to read the SgImages into system memory buffers.
+@param aImageA The first image to compare.
+@param aRectA A rectangular portion in pixels of the first image to compare.
+@param aBufferA If non-NULL, specifies a memory buffer to read the data of
+	aImageA into, otherwise a buffer is dynamically allocated.
+@param aImageB The second image to compare.
+@param aRectB A rectangular portion in pixels fo the second image to compare.
+@param aBufferB If non-NULL, specifies a memory buffer to read the data of
+	aImageB into, otherwise a buffer is dynamically allocated.
+@param aMatch A boolean value, which on return tells the caller whether the two
+	images were deemed to match.
+@return KErrNone, if the comparison took place, otherwise one of the system-wide
+	error codes.
+TInt CTFbsGlyphData::CompareSgImages(CEGLHelper* aEGL, const RSgImage& aImageA, const TRect& aRectA, TUint8* aBufferA, const RSgImage& aImageB, const TRect& aRectB, TUint8* aBufferB, TBool& aMatch)
+	{
+	// By default, assume they do not match.
+	aMatch = EFalse;
+	static TInt countToAppend = 0;
+	CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
+	if (KErrNone == CreateBitmapFromSgImage(aEGL, aImageA, aRectA, bitmap))
+		{
+		TBuf<KMaxFileName> buf;
+		buf.AppendNum( countToAppend );
+		TPtrC nameAppend( buf );
+		SaveBmp(bitmap, &nameAppend, EFalse);
+		}
+	delete bitmap;	
+	if (KErrNone == CreateBitmapFromSgImage(aEGL, aImageB, aRectB, bitmap))
+		{
+		TBuf<KMaxFileName> buf;
+		buf.AppendNum( countToAppend );
+		TPtrC nameAppend( buf );
+		SaveBmp(bitmap, &nameAppend, ETrue);
+		}
+	delete bitmap;
+	countToAppend++;
+	TSgImageInfo imageInfoA;
+	TSgImageInfo imageInfoB;
+	if (aImageA.GetInfo(imageInfoA) != KErrNone ||
+		aImageB.GetInfo(imageInfoB) != KErrNone)
+		{
+		return KErrBadHandle;
+		}
+	// Check the sizes of the images match, and the rects reside on the images.
+	if (aRectA.Size() != aRectB.Size() ||
+		!TRect(imageInfoA.iSizeInPixels).Intersects(aRectA) ||
+		!TRect(imageInfoB.iSizeInPixels).Intersects(aRectB))
+		{
+		return KErrNone;		
+		}
+	const TSize KBufferSize = aRectA.Size();
+	const TInt KDataStride = KBufferSize.iWidth;
+	TBool freeTempBufA = EFalse;
+	TBool freeTempBufB = EFalse;
+	if (!aBufferA)
+		{
+		aBufferA = (TUint8*) User::AllocZ(KDataStride * KBufferSize.iHeight);
+		freeTempBufA = ETrue;
+		}
+	if (!aBufferA)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	TInt err = aEGL->GetSgImageData(aImageA, aRectA, aBufferA);
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if (freeTempBufA)
+			{
+			User::Free(aBufferA);
+			aBufferA = NULL;
+			}
+		return err;
+		}
+	if (!aBufferB)
+		{
+		aBufferB = (TUint8*) User::AllocZ(KDataStride * KBufferSize.iHeight);
+		freeTempBufB = ETrue;
+		}
+	if (!aBufferB)
+		{
+		if (freeTempBufA)
+			{
+			User::Free(aBufferA);
+			aBufferA = NULL;
+			}
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	err = aEGL->GetSgImageData(aImageB, aRectB, aBufferB);
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		if (freeTempBufA)
+			{
+			User::Free(aBufferA);
+			aBufferA = NULL;
+			}
+		if (freeTempBufB)
+			{
+			User::Free(aBufferB);
+			aBufferB = NULL;
+			}
+		return err;
+		}	
+	// Perform a per-pixel comparison, scanline by scanline.
+	// The loop will break as soon as a mismatch is detected.
+	aMatch = ETrue;
+	for (TInt scanline = 0; (scanline < KBufferSize.iHeight) && aMatch; ++scanline)
+		{
+		TUint8* scanlineImageA = aBufferA + (scanline * KDataStride);
+		TUint8* scanlineImageB = aBufferB + (scanline * KDataStride);
+		aMatch = (Mem::Compare(scanlineImageA, KBufferSize.iWidth, scanlineImageB, KBufferSize.iWidth) == 0);
+		}
+	if (freeTempBufA)
+		{
+		User::Free(aBufferA);
+		aBufferA = NULL;
+		}
+	if (freeTempBufB)
+		{
+		User::Free(aBufferB);
+		aBufferB = NULL;
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Second thread entry function for multi-threaded tests.
+TInt CTFbsGlyphData::ThreadFunction(TAny* aParam)
+	{
+	CTrapCleanup* cleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();
+	if (!cleanupStack)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	TGlyphDataThreadInfo* info = static_cast<TGlyphDataThreadInfo*>(aParam);
+	TRAPD(result,
+	switch(info->iTest)
+		{
+		case EGlyphDataMultiSessionTestShareGlyphs:
+			CTFbsGlyphData::ThreadShareGlyphsL(info->iThreadNum, info->iParams, info->iStep);
+			break;
+		case EGlyphDataMultiSessionTestStressAtlas:
+			CTFbsGlyphData::ThreadStressAtlasL(info->iThreadNum, info->iParams, info->iStep);
+			break;
+		default:
+			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+		}
+	);
+	delete cleanupStack;
+	return result;
+	}
+	-----------------------------------------
+	Static utility Methods used by the tests.
+	-----------------------------------------
+Utility method that fills the RSgImage memory with RSgImages until either KErrNoMemory
+or KErrNoGraphicsMemory is returned.
+@param aSize The size of the image used to fill the graphics memory - a form of granularity
+@param aImages Returns the array of the images used to fill the graphics memory.
+@return KErrNoGraphicsMemory or KErrNoMemory if successful, otherwise one of the system
+	wide error codes.
+ */
+/*static TInt FillGraphicsMemoryWithImages(const TSize& aSize, RArray<RSgImage>& aImages)
+	{
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	while (KErrNone == err)
+		{
+		RSgImage sgImage;
+		err = sgImage.Create(TSgImageInfo(aSize, ESgPixelFormatA_8, ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage));
+		if (KErrNone == err)
+			{
+			err = aImages.Append(sgImage);
+			}
+		}
+	return err;
+	}*/
+Utility method that fills the RSgImage memory with RSgImages until either KErrNoMemory
+or KErrNoGraphicsMemory is returned and then closes one RSgImage to free up some memory.
+@param aSize The size of the image used to fill the graphics memory - a form of granularity
+@param aImages Returns the array of the images used to fill the graphics memory.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system	wide error codes.
+ */
+/*static TInt NearlyFillGraphicsMemoryWithImages(const TSize& aSize, RArray<RSgImage>& aImages)
+	{
+	TInt err = FillGraphicsMemoryWithImages(aSize, aImages);
+	if (err == KErrNoMemory || err == KErrNoGraphicsMemory)
+		{
+		if (aImages.Count() > 0)
+			{
+			// Remove an image to free up some memory.
+			TInt lastIndex = aImages.Count() - 1;
+			aImages[lastIndex].Close();
+			aImages.Remove(lastIndex);
+			}
+		err = KErrNone;
+		}
+	return err;
+	}*/
+Static utility function. Creates an 8bpp RSgImage from 1bpp or 8bpp character
+data, with VGImage usage flag set.
+@param aData The character image data. Either in 8bpp or 1bpp RLE format.
+@param aSize The size of the character image in pixels.
+@param aType The type of glyph - Monochrome or Antialiased. 
+@param aSgImage A closed image which will be populated with 8bpp image data.
+static TInt CreateSgImageFromCharacterData(const TUint8* aData, const TSize& aSize, TGlyphBitmapType aType, RSgImage& aImage)
+	{
+	return CreateSgImageFromCharacterData(aData, aSize, aType, aImage, NULL, NULL);
+	}
+Static utility function. Creates an 8bpp RSgImage from 1bpp or 8bpp character
+data, with VGImage usage flag set. 
+This overload allows the memory for the buffers to be pre-created to avoid
+memory allocation failure during low-memory testing.
+@param aData The character image data. Either in 8bpp or 1bpp RLE format.
+@param aSize The size of the character image in pixels.
+@param aType The type of glyph - Monochrome or Antialiased. 
+@param aSgImage A closed image which will be populated with 8bpp image data.
+@param aBuffer1 If non-NULL, used as a memory buffer for reading the decoded 
+	image data into for monochrome images.
+@param aBuffer2 If non-NULL, used as a memory buffer for the decoded image
+	data for monochrome images.
+static TInt CreateSgImageFromCharacterData(const TUint8* aData, const TSize& aSize, TGlyphBitmapType aType, RSgImage& aImage, TUint8* aBuffer1, TUint8* aBuffer2)
+	{
+	TInt err = KErrNone;	
+	if (aSize == TSize(0, 0))
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	TUint8* dataBuf = NULL;
+	TInt dataStride = 0;
+	TBool freeDataBuf = EFalse;
+	if (aType == EAntiAliasedGlyphBitmap)
+		{
+		dataBuf = const_cast<TUint8*>(aData);
+		dataStride = aSize.iWidth;
+		}
+	else if (aType == EMonochromeGlyphBitmap)
+		{
+		TUint8* binaryData = NULL;
+		TUint8* tempBuf = NULL;
+		TInt binaryDataStride = ((aSize.iWidth + 31) / 32) << 2;
+		TInt binaryDataSize = binaryDataStride * aSize.iHeight;
+		if (aBuffer1 && User::AllocLen(aBuffer1) >= binaryDataSize)
+			{
+			binaryData = aBuffer1;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			tempBuf = (TUint8*) User::AllocZ(binaryDataSize);
+			if (!tempBuf)
+				{
+				return KErrNoMemory;
+				}
+			binaryData = tempBuf;
+			}
+		// Unpack the run length encoded data into 1bpp
+		DecodeBinaryData(aSize, aData, binaryDataStride, reinterpret_cast<TUint32*&>(binaryData));
+		dataStride = aSize.iWidth;
+		TInt byteDataSize = dataStride * aSize.iHeight;
+		TUint8* byteData = NULL;
+		// If aByteBuf supplied, use that instead of allocating a new buffer here.
+		if (aBuffer2 && User::AllocLen(aBuffer2) >= byteDataSize)
+			{
+			byteData = aBuffer2;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			byteData = (TUint8*) User::AllocZ(byteDataSize);
+			if (!byteData)
+				{
+				User::Free(tempBuf);
+				return KErrNoMemory;
+				}
+			freeDataBuf = ETrue;
+			}
+		dataBuf = byteData;
+		for (TInt scanline = 0; scanline < aSize.iHeight; ++scanline)
+			{
+			TUint8* srcByte = binaryData;
+			for (TInt pixel = 0; pixel < aSize.iWidth; pixel++)
+				{
+				*(byteData+pixel) = ((*srcByte & (1 << (pixel % 8))) == 0) ? 0 : 0xFF;
+				if (((pixel + 1) % 8) == 0) srcByte++;
+				}
+			byteData += dataStride;
+			binaryData += binaryDataStride;
+			}
+		User::Free(tempBuf);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	// Create RSgImage from CFbsBitmap.
+	TSgImageInfo sgImageInfo(aSize, ESgPixelFormatA_8, ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage);
+	err = aImage.Create(sgImageInfo, dataBuf, dataStride);
+	if (freeDataBuf)
+		{
+		User::Free(dataBuf);
+		}
+	return err;
+	}
+Static utility function, Copies image data line(s) to a destination.
+@param aBinaryDataPtr pointer to a destination buffer.
+@param aBufferWords Stride of the image.
+@param aData Pointer to a source buffer.
+@param aBitShift Number of bits, binary data will be shifted. 
+@param aCharWidth Width of the image.
+@param aRepeatCount Number of lines to copy.
+static void CopyCharLine(TUint32*& aBinaryDataPtr,TInt aBufferWords,const TUint8* aData,TInt aBitShift,TInt aCharWidth, TInt16 aRepeatCount)
+	{
+	aBitShift&=7;
+	TInt wordstocopy=(aCharWidth+31)>>5;
+	if(wordstocopy>aBufferWords) wordstocopy=aBufferWords;
+	TUint32* ptrlimit=aBinaryDataPtr+wordstocopy;
+	TUint32* dataword=(TUint32*)(TInt(aData)&~3);
+	aBitShift+=(TInt(aData)-TInt(dataword))<<3;
+	TUint32* startBinaryDataPtr = aBinaryDataPtr;
+	while(aBinaryDataPtr<ptrlimit)
+		{
+		*aBinaryDataPtr=*dataword++;
+		*aBinaryDataPtr>>=aBitShift;
+		if(aBitShift) *aBinaryDataPtr|=(*dataword<<(32-aBitShift));
+		aBinaryDataPtr++;
+		}
+	TUint32* curStartBinaryDataPtr = aBinaryDataPtr;
+	TInt byteToCopy = wordstocopy << 2;
+	while(aRepeatCount > 1)
+		{
+		Mem::Copy(curStartBinaryDataPtr, startBinaryDataPtr, byteToCopy);
+		curStartBinaryDataPtr += wordstocopy;
+		aRepeatCount--;
+		}
+	aBinaryDataPtr = curStartBinaryDataPtr;
+	}
+Static utility function. Decodes a monochrome glyph whose data is run length encoded, 
+into a 1bpp bitmap.
+@param aDataSize Image size in pixels.
+@param aData Pointer to a source buffer.
+@param aStride Image data stride.
+@param aBinaryData Pointer to a destination buffer. This buffer must be allocated 
+	by the caller.
+static void DecodeBinaryData(const TSize& aDataSize, const TUint8* aData, TInt aStride,
+											TUint32* aBinaryData)
+	{
+	const TInt datalength = aDataSize.iWidth;
+	const TInt dataheight = aDataSize.iHeight;
+	TInt bitindex=0;
+	TInt16 repeatcount=0;
+	TUint32* slbuffer=aBinaryData;
+	const TInt slwords=aStride;
+	for(TInt charline=0;charline<dataheight;charline+=repeatcount) // for lines in the character...
+		{
+		repeatcount=CFbsBitGc::Load16(aData+(bitindex>>3));
+		repeatcount>>=bitindex&7;
+		const TInt multilineflag=repeatcount&1;
+		repeatcount>>=1;
+		repeatcount&=0xf;
+		bitindex+=5;
+		if(multilineflag)
+			{
+			for(TInt currentline=0;currentline<repeatcount;currentline++)
+				{
+				CopyCharLine(slbuffer,slwords,aData+(bitindex>>3),bitindex&7,datalength, 1);
+				bitindex+=datalength;
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			CopyCharLine(slbuffer,slwords,aData+(bitindex>>3),bitindex&7,datalength, repeatcount);
+			bitindex+=datalength;
+			}
+		}
+	}