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// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
2 |
// All rights reserved.
3 |
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
4 |
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
5 |
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
6 |
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
7 |
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// Initial Contributors:
9 |
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
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// Contributors:
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13 |
// Description:
14 |
// Class declaration for CMassStorageMountCB.
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#include <f32fsys.h>
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29 |
Mass Storage Mount.
30 |
Only the MountL, Dismounted and Unlock methods are supported. All other methods
31 |
leave with KErrNotReady.
32 |
ControlIO is also supported for debug builds and returns KErrNotSupported for Release builds.
33 |
34 |
35 |
class TFatBootSector;
36 |
class CMassStorageMountCB : public CLocDrvMountCB
37 |
38 |
39 |
static CMassStorageMountCB* NewL(const RArray<TInt>& aDriveMapping);
40 |
void MountL(TBool aForceMount);
41 |
TInt ReMount();
42 |
void Dismounted();
43 |
void VolumeL(TVolumeInfo& aVolume) const;
44 |
void SetVolumeL(TDes& aName);
45 |
void MkDirL(const TDesC& aName);
46 |
void RmDirL(const TDesC& aName);
47 |
void DeleteL(const TDesC& aName);
48 |
void RenameL(const TDesC& anOldName,const TDesC& anNewName);
49 |
void ReplaceL(const TDesC& anOldName,const TDesC& anNewName);
50 |
void EntryL(const TDesC& aName,TEntry& anEntry) const;
51 |
void SetEntryL(const TDesC& aName,const TTime& aTime,TUint aSetAttMask,TUint aClearAttMask);
52 |
void FileOpenL(const TDesC& aName,TUint aMode,TFileOpen anOpen,CFileCB* aFile);
53 |
void DirOpenL(const TDesC& aName,CDirCB* aDir);
54 |
void RawReadL(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength, const TAny* aTrg, TInt anOffset, const RMessagePtr2& aMessage) const;
55 |
void RawWriteL(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength, const TAny* aTrg, TInt anOffset, const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
56 |
void ReadSectionL(const TDesC& aName, TInt aPos, TAny* aTrg, TInt aLength, const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
57 |
void GetShortNameL(const TDesC& aLongName,TDes& aShortName);
58 |
void GetLongNameL(const TDesC& aShorName,TDes& aLongName);
59 |
TInt ControlIO(const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,TInt aCommand,TAny* aParam1,TAny* aParam2);
60 |
TInt Unlock(TMediaPassword& aPassword, TBool aStore);
61 |
62 |
63 |
CMassStorageMountCB(const RArray<TInt>& aDriveMapping);
64 |
void WritePasswordData();
65 |
TInt DriveNumberToLun(TInt aDriveNumber);
66 |
TBool ValidateBootSector();
67 |
TInt ReadBootSector(TFatBootSector& aBootSector);
68 |
TInt DetermineFatType(TFatBootSector& aBootSector);
69 |
TInt CheckDriveNumberL();
70 |
71 |
72 |
TBool iIs16BitFat;
73 |
TBool iIs32BitFat;
74 |
const RArray<TInt>& iDriveMapping;
75 |
76 |
77 |
const TInt KSizeOfFatBootSector = 90;
78 |
const TInt KVendorIdSize = 8;
79 |
const TInt KVolumeLabelSize = 11;
80 |
const TInt KFileSysTypeSize = 8;
81 |
const TInt KBootSectorSignature = 0xAA55;
82 |
const TInt KSizeOfFatDirEntry = 32;
83 |
84 |
85 |
Boot sector parameter block, enables access to all file system parameters.
86 |
Data is populated at mount time from the BPB sector
87 |
88 |
89 |
class TFatBootSector
90 |
91 |
92 |
inline const TPtrC8 VendorId() const;
93 |
inline TUint16 BytesPerSector() const;
94 |
inline TInt SectorsPerCluster() const;
95 |
inline TInt ReservedSectors() const;
96 |
inline TInt NumberOfFats() const;
97 |
inline TInt RootDirEntries() const;
98 |
inline TInt TotalSectors() const;
99 |
inline TUint8 MediaDescriptor() const;
100 |
inline TInt FatSectors() const;
101 |
inline TInt SectorsPerTrack() const;
102 |
inline TInt NumberOfHeads() const;
103 |
inline TInt HiddenSectors() const;
104 |
inline TInt HugeSectors() const;
105 |
inline TInt PhysicalDriveNumber() const;
106 |
inline TInt ExtendedBootSignature() const;
107 |
inline TUint32 UniqueID() const;
108 |
inline const TPtrC8 VolumeLabel() const;
109 |
inline const TPtrC8 FileSysType() const;
110 |
inline TInt BootSectorSignature() const;
111 |
inline void SetJumpInstruction();
112 |
inline void SetVendorID(const TDesC8& aDes);
113 |
inline void SetBytesPerSector(TInt aBytesPerSector);
114 |
inline void SetSectorsPerCluster(TInt aSectorsPerCluster);
115 |
inline void SetReservedSectors(TInt aReservedSectors);
116 |
inline void SetNumberOfFats(TInt aNumberOfFats);
117 |
inline void SetRootDirEntries(TInt aRootDirEntries);
118 |
inline void SetTotalSectors(TInt aTotalSectors);
119 |
inline void SetMediaDescriptor(TUint8 aMediaDescriptor);
120 |
inline void SetFatSectors(TInt aFatSectors);
121 |
inline void SetSectorsPerTrack(TInt aSectorsPerTrack);
122 |
inline void SetNumberOfHeads(TInt aNumberOfHeads);
123 |
inline void SetHiddenSectors(TUint32 aHiddenSectors);
124 |
inline void SetHugeSectors(TUint32 aTotalSectors);
125 |
inline void SetPhysicalDriveNumber(TInt aPhysicalDriveNumber);
126 |
inline void SetReservedByte(TUint8 aReservedByte);
127 |
inline void SetExtendedBootSignature(TInt anExtendedBootSignature);
128 |
inline void SetUniqueID(TUint32 anUniqueID);
129 |
inline void SetVolumeLabel(const TDesC8& aDes);
130 |
inline void SetFileSysType(const TDesC8& aDes);
131 |
132 |
inline void SetFatSectors32(TUint32 aFatSectors32);
133 |
inline void SetFATFlags(TUint16 aFATFlags);
134 |
inline void SetVersionNumber(TUint16 aVersionNumber);
135 |
inline void SetRootClusterNum(TUint32 aRootCusterNum);
136 |
inline void SetFSInfoSectorNum(TUint16 aFSInfoSectorNum);
137 |
inline void SetBkBootRecSector(TUint16 aBkBootRecSector);
138 |
inline TUint32 FatSectors32() const;
139 |
inline TUint16 FATFlags() const;
140 |
inline TUint16 VersionNumber() const;
141 |
inline TUint32 RootClusterNum() const;
142 |
inline TUint16 FSInfoSectorNum() const;
143 |
inline TUint16 BkBootRecSector() const;
144 |
145 |
inline TBool Is16BitFat();
146 |
inline TBool Is32BitFat();
147 |
inline TInt FirstFatSectorPos();
148 |
inline TInt RootDirStartSector();
149 |
inline TInt FirstFreeSector();
150 |
151 |
152 |
Jump instruction used for bootable volumes
153 |
154 |
TUint8 iJumpInstruction[3];
155 |
156 |
Vendor ID of the file system that formatted the volume
157 |
158 |
TUint8 iVendorId[KVendorIdSize];
159 |
160 |
Bytes per sector
161 |
162 |
TUint16 iBytesPerSector;
163 |
164 |
Sectors per cluster ratio
165 |
166 |
TUint8 iSectorsPerCluster;
167 |
168 |
Number of reserved sectors on the volume
169 |
170 |
TUint16 iReservedSectors;
171 |
172 |
Number of Fats on the volume
173 |
174 |
TUint8 iNumberOfFats;
175 |
176 |
Number of entries allowed in the root directory, specific to Fat12/16, zero for FAT32
177 |
178 |
TUint16 iRootDirEntries;
179 |
180 |
Total sectors on the volume, zero for FAT32
181 |
182 |
TUint16 iTotalSectors;
183 |
184 |
Media descriptor
185 |
186 |
TUint8 iMediaDescriptor;
187 |
188 |
Sectors used for the Fat table, zero for FAT32
189 |
190 |
TUint16 iFatSectors;
191 |
192 |
Sectors per track
193 |
194 |
TUint16 iSectorsPerTrack;
195 |
196 |
Number of heads
197 |
198 |
TUint16 iNumberOfHeads;
199 |
200 |
Number of hidden sectors in the volume
201 |
202 |
TUint32 iHiddenSectors;
203 |
204 |
Total sectors in the volume, Used if totalSectors > 65535
205 |
206 |
TUint32 iHugeSectors;
207 |
208 |
209 |
Start of additional elements @ offset 36 for FAT32
210 |
Sectors in Fat table for 32 bit volume
211 |
212 |
TUint32 iFatSectors32;
213 |
214 |
Fat flags
215 |
216 |
TUint16 iFATFlags;
217 |
218 |
Version number of the file system
219 |
220 |
TUint16 iVersionNumber;
221 |
222 |
Cluster number of the root directory
223 |
224 |
TUint32 iRootClusterNum;
225 |
226 |
Sector number containing the FSIInfo structure
227 |
228 |
TUint16 iFSInfoSectorNum;
229 |
230 |
Backup boot sector
231 |
232 |
TUint16 iBkBootRecSector;
233 |
234 |
Reserved space
235 |
End of Fat32 Only parameters section
236 |
237 |
TUint8 iReserved2[12];
238 |
239 |
240 |
Physical drive number, not used in Symbian OS
241 |
242 |
TUint8 iPhysicalDriveNumber;
243 |
244 |
Reserved byte
245 |
246 |
TUint8 iReserved;
247 |
248 |
Extended boot signiture
249 |
250 |
TUint8 iExtendedBootSignature;
251 |
252 |
Unique volume ID
253 |
254 |
TUint32 iUniqueID;
255 |
256 |
The volume's label
257 |
258 |
TUint8 iVolumeLabel[KVolumeLabelSize];
259 |
260 |
File system type
261 |
262 |
TUint8 iFileSysType[KFileSysTypeSize];
263 |
264 |
265 |
#include "tfatbootsector.inl"
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