1 |
// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
2 |
// All rights reserved.
3 |
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
4 |
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
5 |
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
6 |
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
7 |
8 |
// Initial Contributors:
9 |
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
10 |
11 |
// Contributors:
12 |
13 |
// Description:
14 |
// f32\sfile\sf_debug.cpp
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
#include "sf_std.h"
19 |
#include <f32dbg.h>
20 |
#include "f32image.h"
21 |
#include <F32plugin.h>
22 |
#include "sf_file_cache.h"
23 |
24 |
25 |
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
void PrintHeapSize(const TDesC& aMessage)
32 |
33 |
// Display the total memory available
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
TInt biggest;
38 |
TInt heapSize = User::Allocator().Available(biggest);
39 |
RDebug::Print(_L("%S size=0x%x largest cell=0x%x"),&aMessage,heapSize,biggest);
40 |
41 |
42 |
static void SetAllocFailure(const RMessage2* aMessage)
43 |
44 |
// Set alloc failure after allocCount allocations
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
if (UserHeapAllocFailCount>=0)
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
TInt FsDebugFunction(CFsRequest* aRequest)
63 |
64 |
// SetAllocFailure - Set alloc failure after allocCount allocations
65 |
// SetErrorCondition - Set simulated error failure
66 |
// SetDebugRegister - Trigger tracing output
67 |
// DebugNotify - Request notification of a file server event - .FSY specific
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
TInt r=KErrNone;
72 |
const RMessage2* message=&(aRequest->Message());
73 |
switch (message->Int0())
74 |
75 |
case EFsSetAllocFailure:
76 |
77 |
78 |
case EFsSetErrorCondition:
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
case EFsSetDebugRegister:
83 |
84 |
85 |
case EFsDebugNotify:
86 |
87 |
TUint notifyType=(aRequest->Message().Int2())&KDebugNotifyMask;
88 |
if (notifyType)
89 |
90 |
CDebugChangeInfo* info=new CDebugChangeInfo;
91 |
92 |
93 |
const RMessage2& m=aRequest->Message();
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 |
TBool SimulateError(const RMessage2* aMessage)
112 |
113 |
// Return an error message if ErrorCount<=0
114 |
115 |
116 |
TInt function = aMessage->Function() & KIpcFunctionMask;
117 |
118 |
if (ErrorCondition!=KErrNone &&
119 |
120 |
function!=EFsDebugFunction || aMessage->Int0()!=EFsSetErrorCondition) &&
121 |
function!=EFsNotifyChangeCancel &&
122 |
function!=EFsNotifyChangeCancelEx &&
123 |
function!=EFsNotifyDiskSpaceCancel &&
124 |
function!=EFsFormatSubClose &&
125 |
function!=EFsDirSubClose &&
126 |
function!=EFsFileSubClose &&
127 |
function!=EFsRawSubClose &&
128 |
function!=EFsUnclamp &&
129 |
130 |
//-- this operation must not fail. It can only fail if the client's thread has died.
131 |
//-- in this case whole session will be cleaned up.
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
if (ErrorCount<=0)
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 |
TPtrC GetFunctionName(TInt aFunction)
144 |
145 |
// Print number of alloc fails to complete a given function
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
switch (aFunction)
150 |
151 |
case EFsDebugFunction: return _L("EFsDebugFunction");
152 |
case EFsAddFileSystem: return _L("EFsAddFileSystem");
153 |
case EFsRemoveFileSystem: return _L("EFsRemoveFileSystem");
154 |
case EFsMountFileSystem: return _L("EFsMountFileSystem");
155 |
case EFsNotifyChange: return _L("EFsNotifyChange");
156 |
case EFsNotifyChangeCancel: return _L("EFsNotifyChangeCancel");
157 |
case EFsDriveList: return _L("EFsDriveList");
158 |
case EFsDrive: return _L("EFsDrive");
159 |
case EFsVolume: return _L("EFsVolume");
160 |
case EFsSetVolume: return _L("EFsSetVolume");
161 |
case EFsSubst: return _L("EFsSubst");
162 |
case EFsSetSubst: return _L("EFsSetSubst");
163 |
case EFsRealName: return _L("EFsRealName");
164 |
case EFsDefaultPath: return _L("EFsDefaultPath");
165 |
case EFsSetDefaultPath: return _L("EFsSetDefaultPath");
166 |
case EFsSessionPath: return _L("EFsSessionPath");
167 |
case EFsSetSessionPath: return _L("EFsSetSessionPath");
168 |
case EFsMkDir: return _L("EFsMkDir");
169 |
case EFsRmDir: return _L("EFsRmDir");
170 |
case EFsParse: return _L("EFsParse");
171 |
case EFsDelete: return _L("EFsDelete");
172 |
case EFsRename: return _L("EFsRename");
173 |
case EFsReplace: return _L("EFsReplace");
174 |
case EFsEntry: return _L("EFsEntry");
175 |
case EFsSetEntry: return _L("EFsSetEntry");
176 |
case EFsGetDriveName: return _L("EFsGetDriveName");
177 |
case EFsSetDriveName: return _L("EFsSetDriveName");
178 |
case EFsFormatSubClose: return _L("EFsFormatSubClose");
179 |
case EFsDirSubClose: return _L("EFsDirSubClose");
180 |
case EFsFileSubClose: return _L("EFsFileSubClose");
181 |
case EFsRawSubClose: return _L("EFsRawSubClose");
182 |
case EFsFileOpen: return _L("EFsFileOpen");
183 |
case EFsFileCreate: return _L("EFsFileCreate");
184 |
case EFsFileReplace: return _L("EFsFileReplace");
185 |
case EFsFileTemp: return _L("EFsFileTemp");
186 |
case EFsFileRead: return _L("EFsFileRead");
187 |
case EFsFileWrite: return _L("EFsFileWrite");
188 |
case EFsFileLock: return _L("EFsFileLock");
189 |
case EFsFileUnLock: return _L("EFsFileUnLock");
190 |
case EFsFileSeek: return _L("EFsFileSeek");
191 |
case EFsFileFlush: return _L("EFsFileFlush");
192 |
case EFsFileSize: return _L("EFsFileSize");
193 |
case EFsFileSetSize: return _L("EFsFileSetSize");
194 |
case EFsFileAtt: return _L("EFsFileAtt");
195 |
case EFsFileSetAtt: return _L("EFsFileSetAtt");
196 |
case EFsFileModified: return _L("EFsFileModified");
197 |
case EFsFileSetModified: return _L("EFsFileSetModified");
198 |
case EFsFileSet: return _L("EFsFileSet");
199 |
case EFsFileChangeMode: return _L("EFsFileChangeMode");
200 |
case EFsFileRename: return _L("EFsFileRename");
201 |
case EFsDirOpen: return _L("EFsDirOpen");
202 |
case EFsDirReadOne: return _L("EFsDirReadOne");
203 |
case EFsDirReadPacked: return _L("EFsDirReadPacked");
204 |
case EFsFormatOpen: return _L("EFsFormatOpen");
205 |
case EFsFormatNext: return _L("EFsFormatNext");
206 |
case EFsRawDiskOpen: return _L("EFsRawDiskOpen");
207 |
case EFsRawDiskRead: return _L("EFsRawDiskRead");
208 |
case EFsRawDiskWrite: return _L("EFsRawDiskWrite");
209 |
case EFsResourceCountMarkStart: return _L("EFsResourceCountMarkStart");
210 |
case EFsResourceCountMarkEnd: return _L("EFsResourceCountMarkEnd");
211 |
case EFsResourceCount: return _L("EFsResourceCount");
212 |
case EFsCheckDisk: return _L("EFsCheckDisk");
213 |
case EFsGetShortName: return _L("EFsGetShortName");
214 |
case EFsGetLongName: return _L("EFsGetLongName");
215 |
case EFsIsFileOpen: return _L("EFsIsFileOpen");
216 |
case EFsListOpenFiles: return _L("EFsListOpenFiles");
217 |
case EFsSetNotifyUser: return _L("EFsSetNotifyUser");
218 |
case EFsIsFileInRom: return _L("EFsIsFileInRom");
219 |
case EFsGetNotifyUser: return _L("EFsGetNotifyUser");
220 |
case EFsIsValidName: return _L("EFsIsValidName");
221 |
case EFsReadFileSection: return _L("EFsReadFileSection");
222 |
case EFsNotifyChangeEx: return _L("EFsNotifyChangeEx");
223 |
case EFsNotifyChangeCancelEx: return _L("EFsNotifyChangeCancelEx");
224 |
case EFsDismountFileSystem: return _L("EFsDismountFileSystem");
225 |
case EFsFileSystemName: return _L("EFsFileSystemName");
226 |
case EFsScanDrive: return _L("EFsScanDrive");
227 |
case EFsControlIo: return _L("EFsControlIo");
228 |
case EFsLockDrive: return _L("EFsLockDrive");
229 |
case EFsUnlockDrive: return _L("EFsUnlockDrive");
230 |
case EFsClearPassword: return _L("EFsClearPassword");
231 |
case EFsNotifyDiskSpace: return _L("EFsNotifyDiskSpace");
232 |
case EFsNotifyDiskSpaceCancel: return _L("EFsNotifyDiskSpaceCancel");
233 |
case EFsMountFileSystemScan: return _L("EFsMountFileSystemScan");
234 |
case EFsSessionToPrivate: return _L("EFsSessionToPrivate");
235 |
case EFsPrivatePath: return _L("EFsPrivatePath");
236 |
case EFsCreatePrivatePath: return _L("EFsCreatePrivatePath");
237 |
case EFsFileDrive: return _L("EFsFileDrive");
238 |
case EFsRemountDrive: return _L("EFsRemountDrive");
239 |
case EFsAddExtension: return _L("EFsAddExtension");
240 |
case EFsMountExtension: return _L("EFsMountExtension");
241 |
case EFsDismountExtension: return _L("EFsDismountExtension");
242 |
case EFsRemoveExtension: return _L("EFsRemoveExtension");
243 |
case EFsExtensionName: return _L("EFsExtensionName");
244 |
case EFsStartupInitComplete: return _L("EFsStartupInitComplete");
245 |
case EFsSetLocalDriveMapping: return _L("EFsSetLocalDriveMapping");
246 |
case EFsFileDuplicate: return _L("EFsFileDuplicate");
247 |
case EFsFileAdopt: return _L("EFsFileAdopt");
248 |
case EFsFinaliseDrive: return _L("EFsFinaliseDrive");
249 |
case EFsSwapFileSystem: return _L("EFsSwapFileSystem");
250 |
case EFsErasePassword: return _L("EFsErasePassword");
251 |
case EFsReserveDriveSpace: return _L("EFsReserveDriveSpace");
252 |
case EFsGetReserveAccess: return _L("EFsGetReserveAccess");
253 |
case EFsReleaseReserveAccess: return _L("EFsReleaseReserveAccess");
254 |
case EFsFileName: return _L("EFsFileName");
255 |
case EFsGetMediaSerialNumber: return _L("EFsGetMediaSerialNumber");
256 |
case EFsFileFullName: return _L("EFsFileFullName");
257 |
case EFsAddPlugin: return _L("EFsAddPlugin");
258 |
case EFsRemovePlugin: return _L("EFsRemovePlugin");
259 |
case EFsMountPlugin: return _L("EFsMountPlugin");
260 |
case EFsDismountPlugin: return _L("EFsDismountPlugin");
261 |
case EFsPluginName: return _L("EFsPluginName");
262 |
case EFsPluginOpen: return _L("EFsPluginOpen");
263 |
case EFsPluginSubClose: return _L("EFsPluginSubClose");
264 |
case EFsPluginDoRequest: return _L("EFsPluginDoRequest");
265 |
case EFsPluginDoControl: return _L("EFsPluginDoControl");
266 |
case EFsPluginDoCancel: return _L("EFsPluginDoCancel");
267 |
case EFsNotifyDismount: return _L("EFsNotifyDismount");
268 |
case EFsNotifyDismountCancel: return _L("EFsNotifyDismountCancel");
269 |
case EFsAllowDismount: return _L("EFsAllowDismount");
270 |
case EFsSetStartupConfiguration: return _L("EFsSetStartupConfiguration");
271 |
case EFsFileReadCancel: return _L("EFsFileReadCancel");
272 |
case EFsAddCompositeMount: return _L("EFsAddCompositeMount");
273 |
case EFsSetSessionFlags: return _L("EFsSetSessionFlags");
274 |
case EFsSetSystemDrive: return _L("EFsSetSystemDrive");
275 |
case EFsBlockMap: return _L("EFsBlockMap");
276 |
case EFsUnclamp: return _L("EFsUnclamp");
277 |
case EFsFileClamp: return _L("EFsFileClamp");
278 |
case EFsQueryVolumeInfoExt: return _L("EFsQueryVolumeInfoExt");
279 |
case EFsInitialisePropertiesFile: return _L("EFsInitialisePropertiesFile");
280 |
case EFsFileWriteDirty: return _L("EFsFileWriteDirty");
281 |
case EFsSynchroniseDriveThread: return _L("EFsSynchroniseDriveThread");
282 |
case EFsAddProxyDrive: return _L("EFsAddProxyDrive");
283 |
case EFsRemoveProxyDrive: return _L("EFsRemoveProxyDrive");
284 |
case EFsMountProxyDrive: return _L("EFsMountProxyDrive");
285 |
case EFsDismountProxyDrive: return _L("EFsDismountProxyDrive");
286 |
case EFsNotificationAdd : return _L("EFsNotificationAdd");
287 |
case EFsNotificationBuffer : return _L("EFsNotificationBuffer");
288 |
case EFsNotificationCancel : return _L("EFsNotificationCancel");
289 |
case EFsNotificationOpen : return _L("EFsNotificationOpen");
290 |
case EFsNotificationRemove : return _L("EFsNotificationRemove");
291 |
case EFsNotificationRequest : return _L("EFsNotificationRequest");
292 |
case EFsNotificationSubClose : return _L("EFsNotificationSubClose");
293 |
case EFsLoadCodePage: return _L("EFsLoadCodePage");
294 |
295 |
return _L("Error unknown function");
296 |
297 |
298 |
299 |
300 |
void PrintStartUpReason(TMachineStartupType aReason)
301 |
302 |
// Print the reason the machine is booting up
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 |
TBuf<64> nameBuf;
307 |
switch (aReason)
308 |
309 |
case EStartupCold: nameBuf=_L("EStartupCold"); break;
310 |
case EStartupColdReset: nameBuf=_L("EStartupColdReset"); break;
311 |
case EStartupNewOs: nameBuf=_L("EStartupNewOs"); break;
312 |
case EStartupPowerFail: nameBuf=_L("StartupPowerFail"); break;
313 |
case EStartupWarmReset: nameBuf=_L("EStartupWarmReset"); break;
314 |
case EStartupKernelFault: nameBuf=_L("EStartupKernelFault"); break;
315 |
case EStartupSafeReset: nameBuf=_L("EStartupSafeReset"); break;
316 |
317 |
nameBuf=_L("Error unknown startup type");
318 |
319 |
__PRINT1(_L("Machine startup - %S"),&nameBuf);
320 |
321 |
322 |
LOCAL_C void AllocPrint(TInt aFunction)
323 |
324 |
// Print number of alloc fails to complete a given function
325 |
326 |
327 |
if (UserHeapAllocFailCount || KernHeapAllocFailCount)
328 |
329 |
TPtrC funcName=GetFunctionName(aFunction);
330 |
331 |
__PRINTALLOC(_L("Function %S UserAllocs %d KernAllocs %d"),&funcName,UserHeapAllocFailCount,KernHeapAllocFailCount);
332 |
333 |
334 |
335 |
336 |
void SimulateAllocFailure(TInt aFunctionReturnValue,TInt aFunction)
337 |
338 |
// Simulate alloc failure
339 |
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
if (UserHeapAllocFailCount>=0 && (aFunctionReturnValue==KErrDiskFull || aFunctionReturnValue==KErrNoMemory))
344 |
345 |
if (KernHeapAllocFailCount<20)
346 |
347 |
348 |
349 |
350 |
351 |
352 |
353 |
354 |
355 |
356 |
if (UserHeapAllocFailCount<100)
357 |
358 |
359 |
if (UserHeapAllocFailCount>=0)
360 |
361 |
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
370 |
TInt FsDebugFunction(CFsRequest* /*aRequest*/)
371 |
372 |
// Not in the release build
373 |
374 |
375 |
return KErrNotSupported;
376 |
377 |
378 |
379 |
TInt TFsDebugFunc::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
380 |
381 |
// Not in the release build
382 |
383 |
384 |
return FsDebugFunction(aRequest);
385 |
386 |
387 |
TInt TFsDebugFunc::Initialise(CFsRequest* /*aRequest*/)
388 |
389 |
// Not in the release build
390 |
391 |
392 |
return KErrNone;
393 |
394 |
395 |
TInt TFsControlIo::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
396 |
397 |
// General purpose test interface - .FSY specific.
398 |
// Not in the release build
399 |
400 |
401 |
TInt command=aRequest->Message().Int1();
402 |
TAny* param1=(TAny*)aRequest->Message().Ptr2();
403 |
TAny* param2=(TAny*)aRequest->Message().Ptr3();
404 |
405 |
406 |
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
407 |
408 |
{ //These are non-drive commands
409 |
case KControlIoGetCorruptLogRecord:
410 |
411 |
// number of the log record to be retrieved (1-based)
412 |
TInt logRecNum=(TInt)param2;
413 |
TFsDebugCorruptLogRecordBuf logBuf;
414 |
TInt r=TCorruptLogRec::GetLogRecord(logBuf,logRecNum);
415 |
416 |
return r;
417 |
418 |
return r;
419 |
420 |
case KControlIoGetNumberOfCorruptLogRecords:
421 |
422 |
TPtrC8 ptrHits((TUint8*)&gNumberOfCorruptHits,sizeof(gNumberOfCorruptHits));
423 |
TInt r=aRequest->Write(2,ptrHits,0);
424 |
425 |
return r;
426 |
427 |
case KControlIoGetCorruptListFile:
428 |
429 |
// Get name of file that contains the filenames nominated as "corrupt"
430 |
TBuf8<KMaxFileName> fileName8;
431 |
432 |
433 |
434 |
435 |
436 |
437 |
438 |
439 |
TInt r=aRequest->Write(2,fileName8,0);
440 |
return r;
441 |
442 |
case KControlIoCorruptLogRecordReset:
443 |
444 |
445 |
446 |
return KErrNone;
447 |
448 |
case KControlIoCacheCount:
449 |
450 |
TIOCacheValues cacheValues;
451 |
cacheValues.iCloseCount= RequestAllocator::CloseCount();
452 |
cacheValues.iFreeCount= RequestAllocator::FreeCount();
453 |
cacheValues.iAllocated= RequestAllocator::AllocatedCount();
454 |
cacheValues.iTotalCount= RequestAllocator::TotalCount();
455 |
TPckgBuf<TIOCacheValues> pkgBuf(cacheValues);
456 |
457 |
// ensure we only write what the client buffer can hold -
458 |
// this allows TIOCacheValues to increase in size without breaking BC
459 |
pkgBuf.SetLength(Min(pkgBuf.MaxLength(), aRequest->Message().GetDesMaxLengthL(2)));
460 |
461 |
TInt r=aRequest->Write(2,pkgBuf);
462 |
return r;
463 |
464 |
case KControlIoGetLocalDriveNumber:
465 |
466 |
return DriveNumberToLocalDriveNumber(aRequest->Drive()->DriveNumber());
467 |
468 |
case KControlIoCancelDeferredDismount:
469 |
470 |
// Cancel and clear deferred dismount information
471 |
472 |
return KErrNone;
473 |
474 |
case KControlIoFileCacheStats:
475 |
476 |
CCacheManager* manager = CCacheManagerFactory::CacheManager();
477 |
if (manager == NULL)
478 |
return KErrNotSupported;
479 |
480 |
TFileCacheStats& stats = manager->Stats();
481 |
482 |
TPckgBuf<TFileCacheStats> pkgBuf(stats);
483 |
TInt r=aRequest->Write(2,pkgBuf);
484 |
return r;
485 |
486 |
case KControlIoFileCacheConfig:
487 |
488 |
TInt driveNumber = aRequest->Drive()->DriveNumber();
489 |
490 |
TFileCacheSettings::TFileCacheConfig* driveConfig = NULL;
491 |
TInt r = TFileCacheSettings::GetFileCacheConfig(driveNumber, driveConfig);
492 |
if (( r != KErrNone) || (driveConfig == NULL))
493 |
return KErrNotSupported;
494 |
495 |
TFileCacheConfig config;
496 |
config.iDrive = driveConfig->iDrive;
497 |
config.iFlags = driveConfig->iFlags;
498 |
config.iFileCacheReadAsync = driveConfig->iFileCacheReadAsync;
499 |
config.iFairSchedulingLen = driveConfig->iFairSchedulingLen;
500 |
config.iCacheSize = driveConfig->iCacheSize;
501 |
config.iMaxReadAheadLen = driveConfig->iMaxReadAheadLen;
502 |
config.iClosedFileKeepAliveTime = driveConfig->iClosedFileKeepAliveTime;
503 |
config.iDirtyDataFlushTime = driveConfig->iDirtyDataFlushTime;
504 |
505 |
TPckgBuf<TFileCacheConfig> pkgBuf(config);
506 |
507 |
return r;
508 |
509 |
case KControlIoFileCacheFlagsWrite:
510 |
511 |
TInt drive = aRequest->Message().Int0();
512 |
513 |
TPckgBuf<TFileCacheFlags> driveFlagsPkg;
514 |
TFileCacheFlags& driveFlags = driveFlagsPkg();
515 |
516 |
TInt r = aRequest->Read(2, driveFlagsPkg);
517 |
if (r != KErrNone)
518 |
return r;
519 |
520 |
__CACHE_PRINT2(_L("CACHE: TFileCacheFlags %x on drive %d"), driveFlags, drive);
521 |
TFileCacheSettings::SetFlags(drive, driveFlags);
522 |
523 |
return r;
524 |
525 |
case KControlIoFlushClosedFiles:
526 |
527 |
528 |
return KErrNone;
529 |
530 |
case KControlIoSimulateLockFailureMode:
531 |
532 |
TPckgBuf<TBool> enabledPkg;
533 |
TInt r = aRequest->Read(2, enabledPkg);
534 |
if (r != KErrNone)
535 |
return r;
536 |
537 |
CCacheManager* manager = CCacheManagerFactory::CacheManager();
538 |
if (manager == NULL)
539 |
return KErrNotSupported;
540 |
541 |
return KErrNone;
542 |
543 |
case KControlIoSimulateFileCacheWriteFailure:
544 |
545 |
CCacheManager* manager = CCacheManagerFactory::CacheManager();
546 |
if (manager == NULL)
547 |
return KErrNotSupported;
548 |
549 |
return KErrNone;
550 |
551 |
case KControlIoFileCacheDump:
552 |
553 |
CCacheManager* manager = CCacheManagerFactory::CacheManager();
554 |
if (manager == NULL)
555 |
return KErrNotSupported;
556 |
557 |
return KErrNone;
558 |
559 |
case KControlIoAllocateMaxSegments:
560 |
561 |
TPckgBuf<TBool> enabledPkg;
562 |
TInt r = aRequest->Read(2, enabledPkg);
563 |
if (r != KErrNone)
564 |
return r;
565 |
566 |
CCacheManager* manager = CCacheManagerFactory::CacheManager();
567 |
if (manager == NULL)
568 |
return KErrNotSupported;
569 |
570 |
return KErrNone;
571 |
572 |
case KControlIoDisableFatUtilityFunctions:
573 |
574 |
EnableFatUtilityFunctions = EFalse;
575 |
return KErrNone;
576 |
577 |
case KControlIoEnableFatUtilityFunctions:
578 |
579 |
EnableFatUtilityFunctions = ETrue;
580 |
return KErrNone;
581 |
582 |
583 |
584 |
585 |
586 |
587 |
588 |
TInt TFsControlIo::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
589 |
590 |
// General purpose test interface - .FSY specific.
591 |
// Not in the release build
592 |
593 |
594 |
TInt driveNumber=aRequest->Message().Int0();
595 |
596 |
597 |
598 |
return KErrNone;
599 |
600 |