changeset 4 56f325a607ea
parent 0 a41df078684a
child 8 538db54a451d
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:4122176ea935 4:56f325a607ea
    37 // -- CLASSES -----------------------------------------------------------------
    37 // -- CLASSES -----------------------------------------------------------------
    39 namespace HCR
    39 namespace HCR
    40 {
    40 {
    41 	class TRepository;
    42     class TRepository;
    44     //!< Mask for testing for word size settings
    45     /**< Mask for testing for word size settings */
    45     static const TInt KMaskWordTypes = 0x0000FFFF;      
    46     static const TInt KMaskWordTypes = 0x0000FFFF;      
    47     //!< Mask for testing for large settings  
    48     /**< Mask for testing for large settings */  
    48     static const TInt KMaskLargeTypes = 0xFFFF0000;
    49     static const TInt KMaskLargeTypes = 0xFFFF0000;
    51 	/**
    52 	/**
    52 	*/
    53 	 *  Class implements the reference to the setting, it consists of two
    54 	 * pointers to the repository where the setting is set and to the setting
    55 	 * data itself.   
    56 	 */
    53 	class TSettingRef
    57 	class TSettingRef
    54 		{
    58 		{
    55 	public:
    59 	public:
    61 	    /**
    62 	     *  Default C++ constructor. It initiates the reference class 
    63 	     * object with the reference structure data.
    64 	     * @param aSetRef          Reference Setting data 
    65 	     */
    66 	    TSettingRef()
    67 	        {iRep = NULL; iSet = NULL;}
    69 	    /**
    70 	     *  C++ constructor. It initiates the the reference class object 
    71 	     * @param  aRepos          Pointer to the settings repository
    72 	     * @param  aSetting        Pointer to the setting
    73 	     */
    56 	    TSettingRef(TRepository* aRepos, SSettingBase* aSetting)
    74 	    TSettingRef(TRepository* aRepos, SSettingBase* aSetting)
    57 			{ iRep = aRepos; iSet = aSetting; }
    75 			{ iRep = aRepos; iSet = aSetting; }
    79 	    /**
    80 	     *   C++ destructor.
    81 	     */
    58         ~TSettingRef()
    82         ~TSettingRef()
    59         	{ }
    83         	{ }
    61     public:
    85 	public:
    62     	TRepository*  iRep;
    86 	    /**< Pointer to the repository*/
    63     	SSettingBase* iSet;
    87 	    TRepository*  iRep;
    88 	    /**< Pointer to the setting*/
    89 	    SSettingBase* iSet;
    64 		};
    90 		};
    93 	//Disable WINS (old Visual C++) warning
    94 	#pragma warning(disable:4284)
    95 	/**
    96 	 * Internal HCR, SafeArray (TSa) class. 
    97 	 * Safe Array implementation is based on a smart pointer
    98 	 * pattern which wraps the pointer by the template class and give it a new
    99 	 * flavour. In this case it guarantees that the heap allocated array 
   100 	 * associated with the class instance variable pointer will be deallocated 
   101 	 * during stack unwinding.
   102 	 * IMPORTANT! 
   103 	 * Please don't instantiate this class on the heap as this will break the 
   104 	 * functionality of this class. Operator [] does not check the boundary of
   105 	 * the array, consider safe array implementation as a simple replacement of
   106 	 * standard pointer with all its drawbacks.
   107 	 */
   109 	template <typename T>
   110 	    class TSa
   111 	        {
   112 	        public:
   113 	            /** 
   114 	             *  Default constructor.
   115 	             * During initialization it sets the member variable pointer iSa
   116 	             * to NULL. 
   117 	             */
   118 	            inline TSa() :iSa(NULL){}
   120 	            /**
   121 	             *  Costructor with a pointer initialization with 
   122 	             * already allocated pointer.
   123 	             * The member variable pointer iSa is initialized with the 
   124 	             * pointer provided by function parameter. Ownership is moved to
   125 	             * safe pointer object and source pointer is reset to NULL.
   126 	             * 
   127 	             * @param  aP      Pointer to a heap allocated array of element 
   128 	             *                 with type T. 
   129 	             */
   130 	            inline TSa(T* aP) {iSa = aP;}
   132 	            /**
   133 	             *  operator()() returns an address to the array  
   134 	             * maintained by this SafeArray object.
   135 	             * It can be usefull when it's necessary to get the pointer  
   136 	             * value, for instance passing as function parameter.
   137 	             * @return         Pointer to the first element of the 
   138 	             *                 maintained array of elements of type T. 
   139 	             *  
   140 	             */
   141 	            inline T* operator ()(){return iSa;}
   143 	            /**
   144 	             * operator=() changes the memory ownership by   
   145 	             * reinitiazing SafeArray class object with the address to   
   146 	             * already allocated array. The original heap allocation  
   147 	             * associated with this SafeArray object is deallocated before
   148 	             * reassignment. It's implemented in hcr_pil.cpp.
   149 	             * @param  aP      Pointer to the already allocated array of
   150 	             *                 elements of the type T.
   151 	             * @return         Reference to (*this) object.
   152 	             */
   153 	             TSa<T>& operator=(T* aP);
   156 	            /**
   157 	             * operator[]() returns the reference to the element of 
   158 	             * array maintained by this SafeArray object at position defined
   159 	             * by aIndex function parameter. 
   160 	             * @param  aIndex      Position of the element within SafeArray
   161 	             * @return             Reference to the element from the array
   162 	             */
   163 	            inline T& operator[](TInt aIndex){return *(iSa + aIndex);}
   165 	            /**
   166 	             *  operator[]() - constant version. Returns the constant 
   167 	             * reference to the element of the array.
   168 	             * @param  aIndex      Position of the element within SafeArray
   169 	             * @return             Constant reference to the element from 
   170 	             *                     array 
   171 	             */
   172 	            inline const T& operator[](TInt aIndex) const {return *(iSa + aIndex);}
   175 	            /**
   176 	             *  Destructor
   177 	             */
   178 	            ~TSa();
   181 	        private:
   182 	            /**
   183 	             *  Copy constructor must not be called explicitly by the
   184 	             * code
   185 	             */
   186 	            inline TSa(TSa& aSa){}
   188 	        protected:
   189 	            /**< Pointer to the allocated heap array*/
   190 	            T*     iSa;
   191 	        };
   192 #pragma warning(default:4284)
    67     /**
   195     /**
    68     */
   196      *  Internal HCR class, object of this class is created by the kernel 
   197      * when the kernel extensions are loaded and initialized.
   198      */
    69     class HCRInternal
   199     class HCRInternal
    70         {
   200         {
   201     public:       
   203         /**
   204          * Internal HCR states
   205          */
   206         enum States 
   207             {
   208             EStatUndef              = 0x00000000,
   209             EStatNotReady           = 0x00010000,
   210             EStatConstructed        = EStatNotReady + 0x0001,
   211             EStatVariantInitialised = EStatNotReady + 0x0002,
   212             EStatInitialised        = EStatNotReady + 0x0004,
   214             EStatReady              = 0x00020000,
   216             EStatFailed             = 0x00800000,
   218             EStatMajornMask         = 0xFFFF0000,
   219             EStatMinorMask          = 0x0000FFFF
   220             };
   222         // For Test
   223         enum TReposId
   224             {
   225             ECoreRepos = 1,
   226             EOverrideRepos
   227             };
    71     public:
   229     public:
   230         /**
   231          *  Default C++ constructor.
   232          */
    72         HCRInternal();
   233         HCRInternal();
   235         /**
   236          *  C++ constructor with passing MVariant object for further  
   237          * instance variable initialization.
   238          */
    73 		HCRInternal(HCR::MVariant* aVar);
   239 		HCRInternal(HCR::MVariant* aVar);
   241 		/**
   242 		 *  C++ destructor.
   243 		 */
    74         ~HCRInternal();
   244         ~HCRInternal();
   246         /**
   247          *  The method initializes  internal instance variable pointers
   248          * to the addresses of repositories by getting them via call to Variant 
   249          * object functional API.
   250          * @return          
   251          *  - KErrNone        No errors reported
   252          *  - KErrGeneral     Internal HCR fault
   253          *  - KErrArgument    Programming error in PSL, ptr/rc 
   254          *                    mismatch
   255          *  - KErrNoMemory    Memory allocation failure
   256          */
    76         TInt Initialise();
   257         TInt Initialise();
    78         TInt FindSetting(const TSettingId& aId, TSettingType aType, TSettingRef& aSetting);
   259         /**
    79         TInt FindWordSettings(TInt aNum, const TSettingId* aIds, TInt32* aValues,
   260          *  Based on the input parameter aId it switches the selected repository 
    80                                 TSettingType* aTypes, TInt* aErrors);
   261          * to the given name. It is searching the new repository file in 
   262          * \sys\bin and \sys\Data respectively. It keeps the original value of 
   263          * the repository if the file not found.
   264          * @param aFileName     The zero terminated, c-style ASCII string of the 
   265          *                      new repository file without path. If the name is
   266          *                      an empty string (NULL) the it deletes the 
   267          *                      repository object
   268          * @param aId         The internal repository identifier (see TReposId)
   269          * @return 
   270          *  - KErrNone          if successful, the selected internal repository  
   271          *                      variables point to the new HCR or the referenced 
   272          *                      repository object deleted.
   273          *  - KErrNotFound      if the new repository file not found.
   274          *  - KErrNotSupported  if repository identifier not supported
   275          */      
   276         TInt SwitchRepository(const TText * aFileName, const TReposId aId=ECoreRepos);
   279         /**
   280          *  Internal HCR method checks all repositories integrity.
   281          * @return
   282          *  - KErrNone          Successful, no errors reported
   283          *  - KErrAlreadyExist  Check for the setting duplicates fails
   284          *  - KErrCorrupt       One of the repositories was found to be corrupt 
   285          *                      e.g. repository header incorrect, settings not 
   286          *                      ordered etc
   287          */
    81         TInt CheckIntegrity();
   288         TInt CheckIntegrity();
    83         enum States 
   290         /**
    84 			{
   291          * Internal HCR method returns a current HCR state.
    85 			EStatUndef          	= 0x00000000,
   292          * @return Current HCR composite status flag data member, @see States 
    86 			EStatNotReady       	= 0x00010000,
   293          *         for more details
    87 			EStatConstructed    	= EStatNotReady + 0x0001,
   294          */
    88 			EStatVariantInitialised = EStatNotReady + 0x0002,
   295         TUint32 GetStatus();
    89 			EStatInitialised    	= EStatNotReady + 0x0004,
   297         /**
    91 			EStatReady				= 0x00020000,
   298          *  The method searches the given setting defined by aId parameter
   299          * and with the type defined by aType parameter. Reference setting data
    93 			EStatFailed				= 0x00800000,
   300          * is returned in aSetting output parameter. The search procedure is 
   301          * performed through all enabled repositories. It starts looking in 
    95 			EStatMajornMask			= 0xFFFF0000,
   302          * Override first, then if setting is not found it goes to CoreImg and
    96 			EStatMinorMask			= 0x0000FFFF
   303          * in the end in Variant repository.
    97 			};
   304          * @param   aId         in: setting to find
   305          * @param   aType       in: required type
    99 		TUint32 GetStatus();
   306          * @param   aSetting    out: found setting reference data
   307          * @return              The following errors are returned:
   101     public:		// For Test
   308          *     - KErrNone         It successfuly ends, no errors are reported
   102     	enum TReposId
   309          *     - KErrNotFound     The setting was not found
   103         	{
   310          *     - KErrArgument     The found setting type does not match the aType
   104 			ECoreRepos = 1,
   311          */
   105 	    	EOverrideRepos
   312         TInt FindSetting(const TSettingId& aId, TSettingType aType,
   106 	    	};
   313                                                         TSettingRef& aSetting);
   108 	    /**
   315         /**
   109 	    Based on the input parameter aId it switches the selected repository to the given
   316          *  Internal HCR helper method finds setting and its type.
   110 	    name. It is searching the new repository file in \sys\bin and \sys\Data respectively.
   317          * @param   aId         in:  setting id to find
   111 	    It keeps the original value of the repository if the file not found.
   318          * @param   aType       out: found setting type. If the setting is  
   319          *                      not found, the returned value is set to 
   113 	    @param aFileName 	The zero terminated, c-style ASCII string of the new repository file without path.
   320          *                      ETypeUndefined
   114 	    					If the name is an empty string (NULL) the it deletes the repository object
   321          * @param   aSetting    out: found setting data
   115 	    @param aId     		The internal repository identifier (see TReposId)
   322          * @return               The following errors can be returned:
   323          *     - KErrNone       It successfuly ends, no errors are reported
   324          *     - KErrNotFound   The setting was not found
   118 		@return	KErrNone 			if successful, the selected internal repository variables point to the new HCR 
   325          */
   119 													or the referenced repository object deleted.
   326         TInt FindSettingWithType(const TSettingId& aId, TSettingType& aType,
   120 	            KErrNotFound 		if the new repository file not found.
   327                                  TSettingRef& aSetting);
   121 	            KErrNotSupported 	if repository identifier not supported
   123 	    */    	
   330         /**
   124     	TInt SwitchRepository(const TText * aFileName, const TReposId aId=ECoreRepos);
   331          *  Internal helper method search all the word settings provided
   332          * in aIds[] settings array. The search procedure starts from Override
   333          * store, if the setting is not found there, it goes through the CoreImg
   334          * and finaly ends up in the Variant data.
   335          * @param   aNum        in: number of settings to find
   336          * @param   aIds        in: array of settings to find
   337          * @param   aValues     out: all found settings values are written  
   338          *                      back to this array. If the setting is not found
   339          *                      the returned setting value is set to 0
   340          * @param   aTypes      out: If this array is provided by upper user,
   341          *                      the setting types are written back to this array.
   342          *                      If the element is not found, its type is set to
   343          *                      ETypeUndefined. 
   344          * @param   aErrors     out: user must always provide this array, 
   345          *                      where the method will report the search result 
   346          *                      for each individual setting. There are three 
   347          *                      possible values:
   348          *                      - KErrNone  Setting is found, no errors reported
   349          *                      - KErrNotFound Setting is not found
   350          *                      - KErrErrArgument Found setting has larger than
   351          *                        four bytes size
   352          * @return  The following errors can be returned:
   353          *  - Zero or positive number of settings found in category, -ve on error
   354          *  - KErrArgument if some parameters are wrong(i.e. aErrors is a null
   355          *                   pointer, aNum is negative and so on) 
   356          *  - KErrNotReady if the HCR is used before it has been initialised
   357          *  - KErrCorrupt  if HCR finds a repository to be corrupt
   358          *  - KErrGeneral  if an internal failure occurs, see trace
   359          *  
   360          * @pre Caller must invoke this function inside the thread critical 
   361          *      section to let the method finish its job. It avoids memory leak 
   362          *      in case of possible client thread termination. 
   363          */
   364         TInt GetWordSettings(TInt aNum, const SSettingId aIds[], TInt32 aValues[],
   365                                 TSettingType aTypes[], TInt aErrors[]);
   367         /**
   368          *  Internal HCR method returns the number of settings in the specified
   369          * category.
   370          * @param aCatUid   in: The setting identifier category to use in the 
   371          *                      search
   372          * @return 
   373          *  - Zero or positive number of settings found in category, -ve on error
   374          *  - KErrNotReady if the HCR is used before it has been initialised
   375          *  - KErrCorrupt if HCR finds a repository to be corrupt
   376          *  - KErrGeneral if an internal failure occurs, see trace
   377          */
   378         TInt FindNumSettingsInCategory (TCategoryUid aCatUid);
   381         /**
   382          * Internal HCR method searches all elements within the specified 
   383          * category aCatUid.
   384          * @param aCatUid   in: The setting identifier category to use in the search
   385          * @param aMaxNum   in: The maximum number of settings to return. It is also 
   386          *                  the size of the arrays in the following arguments 
   387          * @param aElIds    out: Client supplied array populated on exit. Large
   388          *                  enough to hold all elements in category.
   389          * @param aTypes    out: Client supplied array populated with setting types 
   390          *                  enumerations on exit. May be 0 if client is 
   391          *                  not interested.
   392          * @param aLens     out: Client supplied array populated with setting lengths
   393          *                  on exit. May be 0 if client is not interested.
   394          *
   395          * @return Zero or positive number of settings found in category, -ve on error
   396          *  - KErrArgument if some parameters are wrong(i.e. aErrors is a null
   397          *                   pointer, aNum is negative and so on)
   398          *  - KErrNotReady if the HCR is used before it has been initialised
   399          *  - KErrCorrupt  if HCR finds a repository to be corrupt
   400          *  - KErrGeneral  if an internal failure occurs, see trace
   401          */
   402         TInt FindSettings(TCategoryUid aCatUid, 
   403                 TInt aMaxNum,  TElementId aIds[],  
   404                 TSettingType aTypes[], TUint16 aLens[]);
   407         /**
   408          *  Internal HCR method finds all the settings within the specified 
   409          * category and which matches aMask and aPattern.
   410          * @param aCat      in: The category to retrieve settings for
   411          * @param aMaxNum   in: The maximum number of settings to retrieve. It  
   412          *                  is also the size of the arrays in the following 
   413          *                  arguments   
   414          * @param aElemMask in: The bits in the Element ID to be checked against 
   415          *                  aPattern
   416          * @param aPattern  in: Identified the bits that must be set for a 
   417          *                  setting to be returned in the search
   418          * @param aIds      out: Client supplied array populated on exit. Large
   419          *                  enough to hold aMaxNum element ids.
   420          * @param aTypes    out: Client supplied array populated with setting types 
   421          *                  enumerations on exit. May be 0 if client is 
   422          *                  not interested.
   423          * @param aLen      out: Client supplied array populated with setting 
   424          *                  lengths on exit. May be 0 if client is not interested.
   425          * @return 
   426          *  - Zero or positive number of settings found in category, -ve on error
   427          *  - KErrArgument if some parameters are wrong(i.e. aErrors is a null
   428          *                   pointer, aNum is negative and so on) 
   429          *  - KErrNotReady if the HCR is used before it has been initialised
   430          *  - KErrCorrupt  if HCR finds a repository to be corrupt
   431          *  - KErrGeneral  if an internal failure occurs, see trace
   432          */
   433         TInt FindSettings(TCategoryUid aCat, TInt aMaxNum, 
   434                 TUint32 aMask, TUint32 aPattern,  
   435                 TElementId aIds[], TSettingType aTypes[], TUint16 aLens[]);
   127     private:    
   437     private:    
   128     	/** Member holding the status of the HCR service */
   438     	/** Member holding the status of the HCR service */
   129     	TUint32 iStatus; 	
   439         TUint32 iStatus;
   131         /** Handle on the variant code in the PSL component part */    
   441         /** Handle on the variant code in the PSL component part */    
   132         HCR::MVariant* iVariant;    
   442         HCR::MVariant* iVariant;    
   134         /** Compiled settings in the PSL code */
   444         /** Compiled settings in the PSL code */
   145         };
   455         };
   148     /**
   458     /**
   149     */
   459      *  Base Repository class. This class defines API needed to be 
   460      * implemented in the derived classes.
   461      */
   150     class TRepository
   462     class TRepository
   151         {
   463         {
   152     public: 
   464     public: 
   153     	// Repository methods
   465     	// Repository methods		
   154         virtual TInt Initialise ()=0;
   466 		virtual ~TRepository();
   155         virtual TInt CheckIntegrity ()=0;
   467         virtual TInt CheckIntegrity ()=0;
   156         virtual TInt FindSetting (const TSettingId& aId, TSettingRef& aSetting)=0;
   468         virtual TInt FindSetting (const TSettingId& aId, TSettingRef& aSetting)=0;
   470         /**
   471          *  Pure virtual function, must implement the search procedure for the
   472          * setting in the repository within the bounds defined by aLow and aHigh
   473          * parameters. It returns found setting reference data and its position.
   474          * @param   aId         in:  Setting to find
   475          * @param   aSetting    out: Found setting reference data
   476          * @param   aPosition   out: Position the found setting in the repository
   477          * @param   aLow        in:  Low index where to start search
   478          * @param   aHigh       in:  High index where to end search
   479          * @return
   480          *  - KErrNone          Successful, no errors were reported 
   481          *  - KErrNotFound      Either the repository does not have any settings,
   482          *                      and its length is zero or the setting was not
   483          *                      found, all output parameters are set to zeros in
   484          *                      this case. 
   485          */
   486         virtual TInt FindSetting (const TSettingId& aId, TSettingRef& aSetting,
   487                 TInt32& aPosition, TInt32 aLow, TInt32 aHigh) = 0;
   489         /**
   490          *  Pure virtual function, must implement the word setting search 
   491          * procedure.
   492          * @param   aNum        in: Number of settings to be found
   493          * @param   aIds        in: An array of setting ids pointers to be found
   494          * @param   aValues     out: An array of pointers to the values 
   495          *                      populated during search procedure.
   496          * @param   aTypes      out: An array of pointers to the types populated
   497          *                      during search procedure.
   498          * @param   aErrors     out: An array of pointers to the errors populated
   499          *                      during search procedure. This can be the following
   500          *                      errors:
   501          *                          - KErrNone      Successfuly done, no errors 
   502          *                            reported
   503          *                          - KErrNotFound  The setting was not found
   504          *                          - KErrArgument  The found setting type is large
   505          *                            than 4 bytes.
   506          * @return
   507          *  - KErrNone      Successfuly done, no errors reported
   508          *  - KErrNotReady  Repository is not ready
   509          *  - system wider error
   510          */
   511         virtual TInt GetWordSettings(TInt aNum, SSettingId* aIds[], 
   512                        TInt32* aValues[], TSettingType* aTypes[], 
   513                        TInt* aErrors[])=0;
   515         /**
   516          * Pure virtual function, must return a reference to TSettingRef
   517          * structure at specified position within the repository.
   518          * @param   aIndex      in: Setting position(index) in the repository
   519          * @param   aRef        out: Reference data storage
   520          */
   521         virtual void GetSettingRef(TInt32 aIndex, TSettingRef& aRef) = 0;
   523         /**
   524          *  Pure virtual function, must implement the search all elements within 
   525          * the defined category.
   526          * @param   aCatUid     in: Category id where to search the elements
   527          * @param   aFirst      out: Repository index where the first element is
   528          *                           situated
   529          * @param   aLast       out: Repository index where the last element is
   530          *                           situated
   531          * @return
   532          *  - KErrNone      Successfuly done, no errors were reported
   533          *  - KErrNotFound  No any elements were found in this category or repo-
   534          *                  sitory is empty
   535          */
   536         virtual TInt FindNumSettingsInCategory(TCategoryUid aCatUid, 
   537                 TInt32& aFirst, TInt32& aLast) = 0;
   158         // Setting accessor methods
   540         // Setting accessor methods
   159         virtual TBool IsWordValue(const TSettingRef& aRef);
   541         virtual TBool IsWordValue(const TSettingRef& aRef);
   160         virtual TBool IsLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef);
   542         virtual TBool IsLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef);
   161         virtual void GetId(const TSettingRef& aRef, TCategoryUid& aCat, TElementId& aKey);
   543         virtual void GetId(const TSettingRef& aRef, TCategoryUid& aCat, TElementId& aKey);
   162         virtual void GetId(const TSettingRef& aRef, SSettingId& aId);
   544         virtual void GetId(const TSettingRef& aRef, SSettingId& aId);
   163         virtual TInt32 GetType(const TSettingRef& aRef);
   545         virtual TInt32 GetType(const TSettingRef& aRef);
   164         virtual TUint16 GetLength(const TSettingRef& aRef);
   546         virtual TUint16 GetLength(const TSettingRef& aRef);
   548         virtual void GetSettingInfo(const TSettingRef& aRef, 
   549                 TElementId& aId, TSettingType& aType, TUint16& aLen);
   166         virtual TInt GetValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueWord& aValue)=0;
   552         virtual TInt GetValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueWord& aValue)=0;
   167         virtual TInt GetLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueLarge& aValue)=0;   
   553         virtual TInt GetLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueLarge& aValue)=0;
   168         };
   555         };
   171     /**
   558     /**
   172     */
   559      * Compoiled repository class
   560      */
   173     class TRepositoryCompiled : public TRepository
   561     class TRepositoryCompiled : public TRepository
   174         {
   562         {
   175     public: 
   563     public: 
   176         static TRepository* New(const SRepositoryCompiled* aRepos);
   564         static TRepository* New(const SRepositoryCompiled* aRepos);
   177         virtual ~TRepositoryCompiled();
   565         virtual ~TRepositoryCompiled();
   179         virtual TInt Initialise();
   180         virtual TInt CheckIntegrity();
   567         virtual TInt CheckIntegrity();
   181         virtual TInt FindSetting(const TSettingId& aId, TSettingRef& aSetting);
   569         virtual TInt FindSetting(const TSettingId& aId, TSettingRef& aSetting);
   571         /**
   572          *  Pure virtual function defined in the base class TRepository, 
   573          * it implements the search procedure for the setting in the repository 
   574          * within the bounds defined by aLow and aHigh parameters. It returns 
   575          * found setting reference data and its position. Also @see TRepository
   576          * for more details. 
   577          */
   578         virtual TInt FindSetting (const TSettingId& aId, TSettingRef& aSetting,
   579                  TInt32& aPosition,TInt32 aLow, TInt32 aHigh);
   582         /** 
   583          *  Pure virtual function defined in the base TRepository class,
   584          * it implement the word setting search procedure. Also @see TRepository
   585          * for more details.
   586          */
   587         virtual TInt GetWordSettings(TInt aNum, SSettingId* aIds[], 
   588                     TInt32* aValues[], TSettingType* aTypes[], TInt* aErrors[]);
   591         /**
   592          *  This method implements returning a reference to TSettingRef
   593          * structure at specified position within the repository. 
   594          */
   595         virtual  void GetSettingRef(TInt32 aIndex, TSettingRef& aRef);
   597         /**
   598          *  Pure virtual function defined in the base TRepository class, 
   599          *  implements the search for all elements procedure withinthe defined
   600          *  category. Also @see TRepository for more details.
   601          */
   602         virtual TInt FindNumSettingsInCategory(TCategoryUid aCatUid,
   603                 TInt32& aFirst, TInt32& aLast);
   183         virtual TInt GetValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueWord& aValue);
   604         virtual TInt GetValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueWord& aValue);
   184         virtual TInt GetLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueLarge& aValue);   
   605         virtual TInt GetLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueLarge& aValue);
   186     private:
   608     private:
   187         TRepositoryCompiled(const SRepositoryCompiled* aRepos);
   609         TRepositoryCompiled(const SRepositoryCompiled* aRepos);
   189     private:   
   611     private:   
   196         {
   618         {
   197     public: 
   619     public: 
   198         static TRepository* New(const SRepositoryFile* aRepos);
   620         static TRepository* New(const SRepositoryFile* aRepos);
   199         virtual ~TRepositoryFile();
   621         virtual ~TRepositoryFile();
   201         virtual TInt Initialise();
   202         virtual TInt CheckIntegrity();
   623         virtual TInt CheckIntegrity();
   203         virtual TInt FindSetting(const TSettingId& aId, TSettingRef& aSetting);
   624         virtual TInt FindSetting(const TSettingId& aId, TSettingRef& aSetting);
   626         /**
   627          *  Pure virtual function defined in the base class TRepository, 
   628          * it implements the search procedure for the setting in the repository 
   629          * within the bounds defined by aLow and aHigh parameters. It returns 
   630          * found setting reference data and its position. Also @see TRepository
   631          * for more details. 
   632          */
   633         virtual TInt FindSetting (const TSettingId& aId, TSettingRef& aSetting,
   634                           TInt32& aPosition, TInt32 aLow, TInt32 aHigh);
   636         /** 
   637          *  Pure virtual function defined in the base TRepository class,
   638          * it implement the word setting search procedure. Also @see TRepository
   639          * for more details.
   640          */
   641         virtual TInt GetWordSettings(TInt aNum, SSettingId* aIds[], 
   642                          TInt32* aValues[], TSettingType* aTypes[],
   643                          TInt* aErrors[]);
   645         /**
   646          *  This method implements returning a reference to TSettingRef
   647          * structure at specified position within the repository. 
   648          */
   649         virtual  void GetSettingRef(TInt32 aIndex, TSettingRef& aRef);
   651         /**
   652          *  Pure virtual function defined in the base TRepository class, 
   653          *  implements the search for all elements procedure withinthe defined
   654          *  category. Also @see TRepository for more details.
   655          */ 
   656         virtual TInt FindNumSettingsInCategory(TCategoryUid aCatUid,
   657                 TInt32& aFirst, TInt32& aLast);
   205         virtual TInt GetValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueWord& aValue);
   658         virtual TInt GetValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueWord& aValue);
   206         virtual TInt GetLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueLarge& aValue);   
   659         virtual TInt GetLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueLarge& aValue);
   208     private:
   661     private:
   209         TRepositoryFile(const SRepositoryFile* aRepos);
   662         TRepositoryFile(const SRepositoryFile* aRepos);
   211     private:
   664     private: