changeset 9 96e5fb8b040d
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     1 // Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32\memmodel\epoc\multiple\arm\xkernel.cpp
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "arm_mem.h"
    21 /********************************************
    22  * Thread
    23  ********************************************/
    25 TInt DArmPlatThread::SetupContext(SThreadCreateInfo& aInfo)
    26 	{
    27 	switch(iThreadType)
    28 		{
    29 		case EThreadSupervisor:
    30 		case EThreadMinimalSupervisor:
    31 		case EThreadInitial:
    32 		case EThreadAPInitial:
    33 			break;
    34 		case EThreadUser:
    35 #ifndef __SMP__
    36 			iNThread.iSpare3 /*iUserContextType*/ = NThread::EContextUndefined;
    37 #endif
    38 			break;
    39 		}
    40 	iNThread.SetAddressSpace(iOwningProcess);
    41 	iNThread.SetAttributes(KThreadAttAddressSpace);
    42 	iAliasPdePtr = &PageDirectory(((DMemModelProcess*)iOwningProcess)->iOsAsid)[KIPCAlias>>KChunkShift];
    43 	return KErrNone;
    44 	}
    46 /********************************************
    47  * Process
    48  ********************************************/
    50 DArmPlatProcess::DArmPlatProcess()
    51 	{
    52 	iAddressCheckMaskR=0x000fffffu;	// addresses<0xA0000000 OK
    53 	iAddressCheckMaskW=0x0000ffffu;	// addresses<0x80000000 OK
    54 	}
    56 void FlushTLBs();
    57 DArmPlatProcess::~DArmPlatProcess()
    58 	{
    59 	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("DArmPlatProcess destruct"));
    60 	FlushTLBs();
    61 	DMemModelProcess::Destruct();
    62 	}
    64 TInt DArmPlatProcess::GetNewChunk(DMemModelChunk*& aChunk, SChunkCreateInfo& aInfo)
    65 	{
    66 	aChunk=NULL;
    67 	DArmPlatChunk* pC=new DArmPlatChunk;
    68 	if (!pC)
    69 		return KErrNoMemory;
    70 	aChunk=pC;
    71 	TChunkType type = aInfo.iType;
    72 	pC->iChunkType=type;
    73 	TInt r=pC->SetAttributes(aInfo);
    74 	if(r==KErrNone)
    75 		{
    76 		if(type==ESharedKernelSingle || type==ESharedKernelMultiple || type==ESharedIo)
    77 			{
    78 			DArmPlatChunk* pM=new DArmPlatChunk;
    79 			if (!pM)
    80 				return KErrNoMemory;
    81 			pC->iKernelMirror = pM;
    82 			pM->iChunkType = ESharedKernelMirror;
    83 			r=pM->SetAttributes(aInfo);
    84 			}
    85 		}
    86 	return r;
    87 	}
    89 TInt DArmPlatChunk::SetAttributes(SChunkCreateInfo& aInfo)
    90 	{
    91 	switch(iChunkType)
    92 		{
    93 		case EKernelData:
    94 			iAttributes = EAddressFixed|EMapTypeGlobal|EPrivate;
    95 			break;
    96 		case ERamDrive:
    97 			iAttributes = EAddressFixed|EMapTypeGlobal|EPrivate;
    98 			break;
    99 		case EKernelStack:
   100 			iAttributes = EAddressKernel|EMapTypeGlobal|EPrivate;
   101 			break;
   102 		case EKernelCode:
   103 			iAttributes = EAddressKernel|EMapTypeGlobal|EPrivate|ECode;
   104 			break;
   105 		case EDll:
   106 		case EUserCode:
   107 			if (aInfo.iGlobal)
   108 				iAttributes = EAddressUserGlobal|EMapTypeGlobal|ECode;
   109 			else
   110 				iAttributes = EAddressFixed|EMapTypeLocal|EPrivate|ECode;
   111 			break;
   112 		case EUserData:
   113 			if (aInfo.iGlobal)
   114 				iAttributes = EAddressShared|EMapTypeShared;
   115 			else
   116 				iAttributes = EAddressLocal|EMapTypeLocal|EPrivate;
   117 			break;
   118 		case EDllData:
   119 			iAttributes = EAddressFixed|EMapTypeLocal|EPrivate;
   120 			break;
   121 		case EUserSelfModCode:
   122 			if (aInfo.iGlobal)
   123 				iAttributes = EAddressShared|EMapTypeShared|ECode;
   124 			else
   125 				iAttributes = EAddressLocal|EMapTypeLocal|EPrivate|ECode;
   126 			break;
   127 		case ESharedKernelSingle:
   128 		case ESharedKernelMultiple:
   129 		case ESharedIo:
   130 			iAttributes = EAddressShared|EMapTypeShared;
   131 			break;
   132 		case ESharedKernelMirror:
   133 			iAttributes = EAddressKernel|EMapTypeGlobal|EPrivate;
   134 			break;
   135 		case EKernelMessage:
   136 			iAttributes = EAddressKernel|EMapTypeGlobal|EPrivate;
   137 			break;
   138 		default:
   139 			FAULT();
   140 		}
   141 	return KErrNone;
   142 	}
   144 /********************************************
   145  * Chunk
   146  ********************************************/
   148 DArmPlatChunk::DArmPlatChunk()
   149 	{}
   151 DArmPlatChunk::~DArmPlatChunk()
   152 	{
   153 	DMemModelChunk::Destruct();
   154 	}
   156 TInt DArmPlatChunk::SetupPermissions()
   157 	{
   158 	Mmu& m=Mmu::Get();
   159 	if(iChunkType==ESharedKernelSingle || iChunkType==ESharedKernelMultiple || iChunkType==ESharedIo || iChunkType==ESharedKernelMirror)
   160 		{
   161 		// override map attributes for shared kernel chunks
   162 		TUint ma = (iMapAttr &~ EMapAttrAccessMask) | (iChunkType==ESharedKernelMirror?EMapAttrSupRw:EMapAttrUserRw);
   163 		TInt r = m.PdePtePermissions(ma, iPdePermissions, iPtePermissions);
   164 		if (r != KErrNone)
   165 			return r;
   166 		iMapAttr = ma;
   167 		}
   168 	else
   169 		{
   170 		iPtePermissions=m.PtePermissions(iChunkType);
   171 		iPdePermissions=m.PdePermissions(iChunkType,EFalse);
   172 		}
   174 	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Chunk permissions PTE=%08x PDE=%08x",iPtePermissions,iPdePermissions));
   175 	return KErrNone;
   176 	}
   178 TIpcExcTrap::TExcLocation TIpcExcTrap::ExcLocation(DThread* aThread, TAny* aContext)
   179 	{
   180 	TArmExcInfo& info=*(TArmExcInfo*)aContext;
   181 	if (info.iExcCode==EArmExceptionDataAbort)
   182 		{
   183 		TLinAddr va=(TLinAddr)info.iFaultAddress;
   185 		TLinAddr aliasAddr = ((DMemModelThread*)aThread)->iAliasLinAddr;
   186 		TBool remoteError;
   187 		if(aliasAddr)
   188 			remoteError = TUint(va^aliasAddr)<TUint(KPageSize);
   189 		else
   190 			// The second clause in the statement below was "va < iRemoteBase + iSize".
   191 			// iRemoteBase + iSize might conceivably wrap round.
   192 			// The usual fix for this is to change
   193 			//			va >= base && va < base + size
   194 			// to		va >= base && (va - base) < size
   195 			// but this requires the first clause (va >= base) so that va-base doesn't wrap negative.
   196 			// Since the first clause in this expression is va >= (iRemoteBase & ~3)
   197 			// we have to re-write the expression as follows:
   198 			// Let base' = iRemoteBase & ~3
   199 			// so  base  = base' + (base & 3)
   200 			// then we have va >= base' && va < base' + (base & 3) + iSize
   201 			// (effectively the & ~3 on the first clause extends the range downwards by base & 3)
   202 			remoteError = va>=(iRemoteBase&~3) &&
   203 							(va - (iRemoteBase & ~3)) < iSize + (iRemoteBase & 3);
   204 		if (remoteError)
   205 			return EExcRemote;
   207 		// Third clause was va < iLocalBase + iSize, fixed as in the "remoteError =" line above
   208 		if (iLocalBase && va>=(iLocalBase&~3) &&
   209 			(va - (iLocalBase & ~3)) < iSize + (iLocalBase & 3))
   210 			return EExcLocal;
   211 		}
   212 	return EExcUnknown;
   213 	}