changeset 9 96e5fb8b040d
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     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32\nkern\arm\nctimer.cia
    15 // Fast Millisecond Timer Implementation
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 #include <e32cia.h>
    20 #include <arm.h>
    22 #ifdef _DEBUG
    23 #define ASM_KILL_LINK(rp,rs)	asm("mov "#rs", #0xdf ");\
    24 								asm("orr "#rs", "#rs", "#rs", lsl #8 ");\
    25 								asm("orr "#rs", "#rs", "#rs", lsl #16 ");\
    26 								asm("str "#rs", ["#rp"] ");\
    27 								asm("str "#rs", ["#rp", #4] ");
    29 #define ASM_KILL_LINK_OFFSET(rp,rs,offset)	asm("mov "#rs", #0xdf ");\
    30 											asm("orr "#rs", "#rs", "#rs", lsl #8 ");\
    31 											asm("orr "#rs", "#rs", "#rs", lsl #16 ");\
    32 											asm("str "#rs", ["#rp", #"#offset"] ");\
    33 											asm("str "#rs", ["#rp", #"#offset"+4] ");
    34 #else
    35 #define ASM_KILL_LINK(rp,rs)
    36 #define ASM_KILL_LINK_OFFSET(rp,rs,offset)
    37 #endif
    39 #ifdef __MSTIM_MACHINE_CODED__
    41 #ifdef _DEBUG
    42 #define __DEBUG_CALLBACK(n)	asm("stmfd sp!, {r0-r3,r12,lr} ");		\
    43 							asm("ldr r0, __TheTimerQ ");			\
    44 							asm("ldr r12, [r0, #%a0]!" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iDebugFn));	\
    45 							asm("cmp r12, #0 ");					\
    46 							asm("movne r1, #" #n );					\
    47 							asm("ldrne r0, [r0, #4] ");				\
    48 							asm("movne lr, pc ");					\
    49 							__JUMP(ne,r12);							\
    50 							asm("ldmfd sp!, {r0-r3,r12,lr} ")
    51 #else
    52 #define __DEBUG_CALLBACK(n)
    53 #endif
    56 /** Start a nanokernel timer in zero-drift periodic mode with ISR or DFC callback.
    57 	Queues the timer to expire in the specified number of nanokernel ticks,
    58 	measured from the time at which it last expired. This allows exact periodic
    59 	timers to be implemented with no drift caused by delays in requeueing the
    60 	timer.
    61 	The expiry handler will be called in the same context as the previous timer
    62 	expiry. Generally the way this is used is that NTimer::OneShot() is used to start 
    63 	the first time interval and this specifies whether the callback is in ISR context 
    64 	or in the context of the nanokernel timer thread (DfcThread1) or other Dfc thread.
    65 	The expiry handler then uses NTimer::Again() to requeue the timer.
    67 	@param	aTime Timeout in nanokernel ticks
    68 	@return	KErrNone if no error
    69 	@return	KErrInUse if timer is already active
    70 	@return	KErrArgument if the requested expiry time is in the past
    71 	@pre	Any context
    72  */
    73 __NAKED__ EXPORT_C TInt NTimer::Again(TInt /*aTime*/)
    74 	{
    75 	asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
    76 	INTS_OFF(r3, r12, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// all interrupts off
    77 	asm("ldrb r3, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iState));		// r3=iState
    78 	asm("ldr r2, __TheTimerQ ");
    79 	asm("cmp r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)EIdle));
    80 	asm("ldreq r3, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iTriggerTime));	// r3=iTriggerTime
    81 	asm("bne add_mscb_in_use ");		// if already queued return KErrInUse
    82 	asm("add r3, r3, r1 ");				// add requested time interval
    83 	asm("ldr r1, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iMsCount));		// r1=iMsCount
    84 	asm("subs r1, r3, r1 ");			// r1=trigger time-next tick time
    85 	asm("strpl r3, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iTriggerTime));	// iTriggerTime+=aTime
    86 	asm("bpl AddMsCallBack ");			// if time interval positive, ok
    87 	asm("mov r0, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KErrArgument));	// else return KErrArgument
    88 	asm("b add_mscb_0 ");
    89 	}
    92 /** Start a nanokernel timer in one-shot mode with ISR callback.
    93 	Queues the timer to expire in the specified number of nanokernel ticks. The
    94 	actual wait time will be at least that much and may be up to one tick more.
    95 	The expiry handler will be called in ISR context.
    97 	@param	aTime Timeout in nanokernel ticks
    98 	@return	KErrNone if no error
    99 	@return	KErrInUse if timer is already active
   100 	@pre	Any context
   101  */
   102 __NAKED__ EXPORT_C TInt NTimer::OneShot(TInt /*aTime*/)
   103 	{
   104 	asm("mov r2, #0 ");
   105 	// fall through
   106 	}
   109 /** Start a nanokernel timer in one-shot mode with ISR or DFC callback.
   110 	Queues the timer to expire in the specified number of nanokernel ticks. The
   111 	actual wait time will be at least that much and may be up to one tick more.
   112 	The expiry handler will be called in either ISR context or in the context
   113 	of the nanokernel timer thread (DfcThread1).
   115 	@param	aTime Timeout in nanokernel ticks
   116 	@param	aDfc TRUE if DFC callback required, FALSE if ISR callback required.
   117 	@return	KErrNone if no error
   118 	@return	KErrInUse if timer is already active
   119 	@pre	Any context
   120  */
   121 __NAKED__ EXPORT_C TInt NTimer::OneShot(TInt /*aTime*/, TBool /*aDfc*/)
   122 	{
   123 	asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
   124 	INTS_OFF(r3, r12, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// all interrupts off
   125 	asm("ldrb r3, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iState));		// r3=iState
   126 	asm("cmp r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)EIdle));
   127 	asm("bne add_mscb_in_use ");		// if already queued return KErrInUse
   128 	asm("strb r2, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iCompleteInDfc));	// iCompleteInDfc=aDfc
   129 	asm("ldr r2, __TheTimerQ ");
   130 	asm("ldr r3, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iMsCount));	// r3=iMsCount
   131 	asm("add r3, r3, r1 ");
   132 	asm("str r3, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iTriggerTime));	// iTriggerTime=ms count + aTime
   134 	// r0->CallBack, r2=TheTimerQ, r1=time interval, r3=trigger time
   135 	asm("AddMsCallBack: ");
   136 	asm("cmp r1, #32 ");				// compare interval with 32ms
   137 	asm("bge add_mscb_holding ");		// if >=32ms put it on holding queue
   138 	asm("ldrb r1, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iCompleteInDfc));	// r1=iCompleteInDfc
   139 	asm("and r3, r3, #0x1f ");			// r3=trigger time & 0x1f
   140 	asm("cmp r1, #0 ");
   141 	asm("add r1, r2, r3, lsl #4 ");		// r1->IntQ corresponding to trigger time
   142 	asm("addne r1, r1, #8 ");			// if (iCompleteInDfc), r1 points to DfcQ
   143 	asm("ldr r3, [r1, #4] ");			// r3=pQ->iA.iPrev
   144 	asm("str r0, [r1, #4] ");			// pQ->iA.iPrev=pC
   145 	asm("str r0, [r3, #0] ");			// pQ->iA.iPrev->iNext=pC
   146 	asm("stmia r0, {r1,r3} ");			// pC->iNext=&pQ->iA, pC->iPrev=pQ->iA.iPrev
   147 	asm("mov r1, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)EFinal));
   148 	asm("strb r1, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iState));		// iState=EFinal
   149 	asm("ldr r0, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iTriggerTime));	// r0=iTriggerTime
   150 	asm("ldr r3, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iPresent));	// r3=TheTimerQ->iPresent
   151 	asm("and r0, r0, #0x1f ");
   152 	asm("mov r1, #1 ");
   153 	asm("orr r3, r3, r1, lsl r0 ");		// iPresent |= (1<<index)
   154 	asm("str r3, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iPresent));
   155 	asm("mov r0, #0 ");					// return KErrNone
   156 	asm("msr cpsr, r12 ");
   157 	__JUMP(,lr);
   159 	asm("add_mscb_holding: ");
   160 	asm("ldr r3, [r2, #%a0]!" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iHoldingQ.iA.iPrev));	// r3=pQ->iPrev, r2=&iHoldingQ.iA.iPrev
   161 	asm("mov r1, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)EHolding));
   162 	asm("strb r1, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iState));	// iState=EHolding
   163 	asm("str r0, [r2], #-4 ");			// pQ->iPrev=pC, r2=&iHoldingQ
   164 	asm("str r0, [r3, #0] ");			// pQ->iPrev->iNext=pC
   165 	asm("stmia r0, {r2,r3} ");			// pC->iNext=pQ, pC->iPrev=pQ->iPrev
   166 	asm("mov r0, #0 ");					// return KErrNone
   168 	asm("add_mscb_0: ");
   169 	asm("msr cpsr, r12 ");
   170 	__JUMP(,lr);
   172 	asm("add_mscb_in_use: ");
   173 	asm("mov r0, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KErrInUse));		// return KErrInUse
   174 	asm("msr cpsr, r12 ");
   175 	__JUMP(,lr);
   177 	asm("__TheTimerQ: ");
   178 	asm(".word TheTimerQ ");
   179 	}
   182 /** Starts a nanokernel timer in one-shot mode with callback in dfc thread that provided DFC belongs to.
   184 	Queues the timer to expire in the specified number of nanokernel ticks. The
   185 	actual wait time will be at least that much and may be up to one tick more.
   186 	On expiry aDfc will be queued in ISR context.
   188     Note that NKern::TimerTicks() can be used to convert milliseconds to ticks.
   190 	@param	aTime Timeout in nanokernel ticks
   191 	@param	aDfc - Dfc to be queued when the timer expires.
   193 	@return	KErrNone if no error; KErrInUse if timer is already active.
   195 	@pre	Any context
   197 	@see    NKern::TimerTicks()
   198  */
   200 __NAKED__ EXPORT_C TInt NTimer::OneShot(TInt /*aTime*/, TDfc& /*aDfc*/)
   201 	{
   202 	asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
   203 	INTS_OFF(r3, r12, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// all interrupts off
   204 	asm("ldrb r3, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iState));		// r3=iState
   205 	asm("cmp r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)EIdle));
   206 	asm("bne add_mscb_in_use ");		// if already queued return KErrInUse
   207 	asm("mov r3, #0 ");
   208 	asm("strb r3, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iCompleteInDfc));	// iCompleteInDfc=0
   209 	asm("str r3,  [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iFunction));			// iFunction=NULL
   210 	asm("str r2,  [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iPtr));				// iPtr= &aDfc
   211 	asm("ldr r2, __TheTimerQ ");
   212 	asm("ldr r3, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iMsCount));	// r3=iMsCount
   213 	asm("add r3, r3, r1 ");
   214 	asm("str r3, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iTriggerTime));	// iTriggerTime=ms count + aTime
   215 	asm("b AddMsCallBack ");
   216 	}
   219 /** Cancel a nanokernel timer.
   220 	Removes this timer from the nanokernel timer queue. Does nothing if the
   221 	timer is inactive or has already expired.
   222 	Note that if the timer was queued and DFC callback requested it is possible
   223 	for the expiry handler to run even after Cancel() has been called. This will
   224 	occur in the case where DfcThread1 is preempted just before calling the
   225 	expiry handler for this timer and the preempting thread/ISR/IDFC calls
   226 	Cancel() on the timer.
   228 	@pre	Any context
   229 	@return	TRUE if timer was actually cancelled
   230 	@return	FALSE if timer was not cancelled - this could be because it was not
   231 				active or because its expiry handler was already running on
   232 				another CPU or in the timer DFC.
   233  */
   234 EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TBool NTimer::Cancel()
   235 	{
   236 	asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
   237 	INTS_OFF(r3, r12, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// all interrupts off
   238 	asm("ldrb r3, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iState));
   239 	asm("mov r1, #0 ");
   240 	asm("cmp r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)ETransferring));
   241 	asm("movcc r0, #0 ");				// if EIdle, nothing to do, return FALSE
   242 	asm("bcc cancel_idle ");
   243 	asm("strb r1, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iState));	// iState=EIdle
   244 	asm("beq cancel_xfer ");			// if ETransferring, branch
   245 	asm("ldmia r0, {r1,r2} ");			// If queued, dequeue - r1=next, r2=prev
   246 	asm("cmp r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)ECritical));
   247 	asm("str r1, [r2, #0] ");			// if queued, prev->next=next
   248 	asm("str r2, [r1, #4] ");			// and next->prev=prev
   249 	ASM_KILL_LINK(r0,r1);
   250 	asm("ldrcs r1, __TheTimerQ ");
   251 	asm("ldrhi r0, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iTriggerTime));	// r0=iTriggerTime
   252 	asm("ldrhi r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iMsCount));	// r3=iMsCount
   253 	asm("bcc cancel_done ");			// if EHolding or EOrdered, finished
   254 	asm("beq cancel_critical ");		// if ECritical, branch
   255 										// r1->ms timer, state was EFinal
   256 	asm("subs r3, r0, r3 ");			// r3=trigger time - next tick
   257 	asm("bmi cancel_done ");			// if trigger time already expired, don't touch iPresent (was on iCompletedQ)
   258 	asm("and r0, r0, #0x1f ");			// r0=iTriggerTime&0x1f = queue index
   259 	asm("mov r3, r1 ");
   260 	asm("ldr r2, [r3, r0, lsl #4]! ");	// r3->iIntQ for this timer, r2=iIntQ head pointer
   261 	asm("cmp r2, r3 ");
   262 	asm("bne cancel_done ");			// iIntQ not empty so finished
   263 	asm("ldr r2, [r3, #8]! ");			// r2=iDfcQ head pointer
   264 	asm("cmp r2, r3 ");
   265 	asm("bne cancel_done ");			// iDfcQ not empty so finished
   266 	asm("ldr r2, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iPresent));	// r2=TheTimerQ->iPresent
   267 	asm("mov r3, #1 ");
   268 	asm("bic r2, r2, r3, lsl r0 ");		// iPresent &= ~(1<<index)
   269 	asm("str r2, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iPresent));
   271 	asm("cancel_done: ");
   272 	asm("mov r0, #1 ");					// return TRUE
   274 	asm("cancel_idle: ");
   275 	asm("msr cpsr, r12 ");
   276 	__JUMP(,lr);
   278 	asm("cancel_xfer: ");
   279 	asm("ldr r1, __TheTimerQ ");		// r1->ms timer, state was ETransferring
   280 	asm("strb r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iTransferringCancelled));
   281 	asm("msr cpsr, r12 ");
   282 	asm("mov r0, #1 ");					// return TRUE
   283 	__JUMP(,lr);
   285 	asm("cancel_critical: ");			// r1->ms timer, state was ECritical
   286 	asm("strb r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iCriticalCancelled));
   287 	asm("msr cpsr, r12 ");
   288 	asm("mov r0, #1 ");					// return TRUE
   289 	__JUMP(,lr);
   290 	}
   293 /** Return the number of ticks before the next nanokernel timer expiry.
   294 	May on occasion return a pessimistic estimate (i.e. too low).
   295 	Used by base port to disable the system tick interrupt when the system
   296 	is idle.
   298 	@return	The number of ticks before the next nanokernel timer expiry.
   300 	@pre	Interrupts must be disabled.
   302 	@post	Interrupts are disabled.
   303  */
   304 EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TInt NTimerQ::IdleTime()
   305 	{
   307 #ifdef _DEBUG
   308 	asm("ldr r1, __TheScheduler ");
   309 	asm("ldr r2, [r1, #%a0]! " : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iDelayedQ));
   310 	// r2 = iA.iNext, r1 = iA
   311 	asm("cmp r2, r1 ");		
   312 	asm("movne r0, #1 ");		// if there are delayed threads, prevent idle
   313 	__JUMP(ne,lr);
   314 #endif
   315 	asm("ldr r12, __TheTimerQ ");
   316 	asm("mvn r0, #0x80000000 ");		// set r0=KMaxTInt initially
   317 	asm("ldr r2, [r12, #%a0]!" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iOrderedQ));	// r12->iOrderedQ, r2=iOrderedQ first
   318 	asm("ldr r3, [r12, #-12] ");		// r3=next tick number
   319 	asm("cmp r2, r12 ");				// check if iOrderedQ empty
   320 	asm("ldrne r0, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iTriggerTime));	// if not, r0=ordered Q first->trigger time
   321 	asm("ldr r1, [r12, #-8]! ");		// r1=iHoldingQ first, r12->iHoldingQ
   322 	asm("bicne r0, r0, #0x0f ");
   323 	asm("subne r0, r0, #16 ");			// r0=tick at which transfer to final queue would occur
   324 	asm("subne r0, r0, r3 ");			// return value = trigger time - iMsCount
   325 	asm("cmp r1, r12 ");				// holding Q empty?
   326 	asm("ldr r1, [r12, #-8] ");			// r1=iPresent
   327 	asm("and r12, r3, #0x1f ");			// r12=next tick mod 32
   328 	asm("beq 1f ");						// branch if holding Q empty
   329 	asm("ands r2, r3, #0x0f ");			// else r2=next tick no. mod 16
   330 	asm("rsbne r2, r2, #16 ");			// if nonzero, subtract from 16 to give #ticks before next multiple of 16
   331 	asm("cmp r2, r0 ");
   332 	asm("movlt r0, r2 ");				// update result if necessary
   333 	asm("1: ");
   334 	asm("movs r1, r1, ror r12 ");		// r1=iPresent rotated so that LSB corresponds to next tick
   335 	__JUMP(eq,lr);						// if iPresent=0, finished
   336 	asm("mov r3, #0 ");					// r3 will accumulate bit number of least significant 1
   337 	asm("movs r2, r1, lsl #16 ");
   338 	asm("movne r1, r2 ");
   339 	asm("addeq r3, r3, #16 ");
   340 	asm("movs r2, r1, lsl #8 ");
   341 	asm("movne r1, r2 ");
   342 	asm("addeq r3, r3, #8 ");
   343 	asm("movs r2, r1, lsl #4 ");
   344 	asm("movne r1, r2 ");
   345 	asm("addeq r3, r3, #4 ");
   346 	asm("movs r2, r1, lsl #2 ");
   347 	asm("movne r1, r2 ");
   348 	asm("addeq r3, r3, #2 ");
   349 	asm("movs r2, r1, lsl #1 ");
   350 	asm("addeq r3, r3, #1 ");
   351 	asm("cmp r3, r0 ");
   352 	asm("movlt r0, r3 ");				// update result if necessary
   353 	__JUMP(,lr);
   354 	}
   357 /** Tick over the nanokernel timer queue.
   358 	This function should be called by the base port in the system tick timer ISR.
   359 	It should not be called at any other time.
   360 	The value of 'this' to pass is the value returned by NTimerQ::TimerAddress().
   362 	@see NTimerQ::TimerAddress()
   363  */
   364 __NAKED__ EXPORT_C void NTimerQ::Tick()
   365 	{
   368 #ifdef _DEBUG
   369 	asm("ldr r1, __TheScheduler ");
   370 	asm("ldr r2, [r1, #%a0]! " : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iDelayedQ));
   371 	// r2 = iA.iNext, r1 = iA
   372 	asm("cmp r2, r1 ");		
   373 	asm("beq 1f ");				// no delayed threads, don't queue dfc
   374 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r0,lr} ");
   375 	asm("ldr r1, __TheScheduler ");
   376 	asm("add r0, r1, #%a0 " : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iDelayDfc));
   377 	asm("bl " CSM_ZN4TDfc3AddEv);
   378 	asm("ldmfd sp!, {r0,lr} ");
   379 	asm("1: ");
   380 #endif
   382 	// Enter with r0 pointing to NTimerQ
   383 	asm("ldr r1, __TheScheduler ");
   384 	asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
   386 	// do the timeslice tick - on ARM __SCHEDULER_MACHINE_CODED is mandatory
   387 	asm("ldr r2, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iCurrentThread));
   388 	asm("ldr r3, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iTime));
   389 	asm("subs r3, r3, #1 ");
   390 	asm("strge r3, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iTime));
   391 	asm("streqb r12, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iRescheduleNeededFlag));	// r12 lower byte is never 0
   392 	INTS_OFF(r3, r12, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// disable all interrupts
   394 	asm("ldr r1, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iMsCount));	// r1=iMsCount
   395 	asm("ldr r3, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iPresent));	// r3=iPresent
   396 	asm("and r2, r1, #0x1f ");			// r2=iMsCount & 0x1f
   397 	asm("add r1, r1, #1 ");
   398 	asm("str r1, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iMsCount));	// iMsCount++
   399 	asm("mov r1, #1 ");
   400 	asm("tst r3, r1, lsl r2 ");			// test iPresent bit for this tick
   401 	asm("bic r1, r3, r1, lsl r2 ");		// clear iPresent bit
   402 	asm("strne r1, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iPresent));	// update iPresent if necessary
   403 	asm("bne mstim_tick_1 ");			// if bit was set, we have work to do
   404 	asm("tst r2, #0x0f ");				// else test for tick 0 or 16
   405 	__MSR_CPSR_C(ne, r12);			// if neither return
   406 	__JUMP(ne,lr);
   408 	asm("mstim_tick_1: ");				// get here if timers complete this tick
   409 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r4-r6,lr} ");
   410 	asm("add r1, r0, r2, lsl #4 ");		// r1->IntQ for this tick
   411 	asm("ldr r3, [r1, #8]! ");			// r1->DfcQ and r3=DfcQ first
   412 	asm("mov r5, #0 ");					// r5=doDfc=FALSE
   413 	asm("cmp r3, r1 ");
   414 	asm("beq mstim_tick_2 ");			// skip if DfcQ empty
   416 	// Move DFC completions from iDfcQ to iCompletedQ
   417 	asm("ldr lr, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iCompletedQ.iA.iPrev));	// lr=last completed
   418 	asm("ldr r4, [r1, #4] ");			// r4=DfcQ last
   419 	asm("add r5, r0, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iDfc));	// doDfc=TRUE
   420 	asm("str r3, [lr, #0] ");			// old last pending->next = DfcQ first
   421 	asm("str r4, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iCompletedQ.iA.iPrev));	// last pending=DfcQ last
   422 	asm("str lr, [r3, #4] ");			// DfcQ first->prev = old last pending
   423 	asm("add lr, r0, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iCompletedQ));				// lr=&iCompletedQ.iA
   424 	asm("str lr, [r4, #0] ");			// DfcQ last->next=&iPending
   425 	asm("str r1, [r1, #0] ");			// DfcQ first=&DfcQ
   426 	asm("str r1, [r1, #4] ");			// DfcQ last=&DfcQ
   428 	asm("mstim_tick_2: ");
   429 	asm("tst r2, #0x0f ");				// check for tick 0 or 16
   430 	asm("bne mstim_tick_3 ");			// skip if not
   432 	// Tick 0 or 16 - must check holding queue and ordered queue
   433 	asm("ldr r3, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iHoldingQ));	// r3=iHoldingQ first
   434 	asm("add r6, r0, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iHoldingQ));	// r6=&iHoldingQ
   435 	asm("cmp r3, r6 ");
   436 	asm("addne r5, r0, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iDfc));	// if iHoldingQ nonempty, doDfc=TRUE and skip ordered queue check
   437 	asm("bne mstim_tick_3 ");			// skip if iHoldingQ nonempty
   438 	asm("ldr r3, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iOrderedQ));	// r3=iOrderedQ first
   439 	asm("add r6, r0, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iOrderedQ));	// r6=&iOrderedQ
   440 	asm("cmp r3, r6 ");
   441 	asm("beq mstim_tick_3 ");			// skip if iOrderedQ empty
   442 	asm("ldr r4, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iMsCount));		// else r4=iMsCount
   443 	asm("ldr r3, [r3, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iTriggerTime));	// and r3=trigger time of first on ordered queue
   444 	asm("sub r3, r3, r4 ");				// r3=trigger time-iMsCount
   445 	asm("cmp r3, #31 ");
   446 	asm("addls r5, r0, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iDfc));	// if first expiry in <=31ms, doDfc=TRUE
   448 	// Check iIntQ
   449 	asm("mstim_tick_3: ");
   450 	asm("ldr r3, [r1, #-8]! ");			// r1->iIntQ, r3=iIntQ first
   451 	asm("mov r6, r12 ");				// r6=original cpsr
   452 	asm("cmp r3, r1 ");					// test if iIntQ empty
   453 	asm("beq mstim_tick_4 ");			// branch if it is
   455 	// Transfer iIntQ to a temporary queue
   456 	asm("ldr r4, [r1, #4] ");			// r4=iIntQ last
   457 	asm("str r1, [r1, #0] ");			// clear iIntQ
   458 	asm("str r1, [r1, #4] ");
   459 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r3,r4} ");			// copy queue onto stack
   460 	asm("str sp, [r4, #0] ");			// iIntQ last->next=sp
   461 	asm("str sp, [r3, #4] ");			// iIntQ first->prev=sp
   462 	INTS_OFF_1(r4, r6, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// r4=cpsr with all interrupts off
   464 	// Walk the temporary queue and complete timers
   465 	asm("mstim_tick_5: ");
   466 	INTS_OFF_2(r4, r6, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// all interrupts off
   467 	asm("ldr r0, [sp, #0] ");			// r0=q.iNext
   468 	asm("mov r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)NTimer::EIdle));
   469 	asm("cmp r0, sp ");					// end of queue?
   470 	asm("beq mstim_tick_6 ");			// if so, branch out
   471 	asm("ldmia r0!, {r1,r2} ");			// r1=next r2=prev, r0->iPtr
   472 	asm("strb r3, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" (_FOFF(NTimer,iState)-8));	// iState=EIdle
   473 	ASM_KILL_LINK_OFFSET(r0,r12,-8);
   474 	asm("ldmia r0, {r0,r12} ");			// r0=iPtr, r12=iFunction
   475 	asm("str r1, [r2, #0] ");			// prev->next=next
   476 	asm("str r2, [r1, #4] ");			// next->prev=prev
   477 	asm("adr lr, mstim_tick_5 ");		// return to mstim_tick_5
   478 	asm("msr cpsr, r6 ");				// restore interrupts
   479 	asm("cmp r12, #0 ");				// iFunction==NULL ?
   480 	asm("beq mstim_tick_7 ");			// if so queue Dfc (iPtr is a pointer to TDfc )
   481 	__JUMP(,r12);						// call timer callback with r0=iPtr
   482 	asm("b mstim_tick_6 ");				// skip queuing of Dfc
   484 	asm("mstim_tick_7: ");
   485 	asm("b  " CSM_ZN4TDfc3AddEv);		// add the DFC with r0=iPtr - a pointer to TDfc
   487 	asm("mstim_tick_6: ");
   488 	asm("add sp, sp, #8 ");				// take temporary queue off stack
   490 	asm("mstim_tick_4: ");
   491 	asm("msr cpsr, r6 ");				// restore original interrupt state
   492 	asm("movs r0, r5 ");				// DFC needed? if so, r0->iDfc
   493 	asm("ldmfd sp!, {r4-r6,lr} ");		// restore registers
   494 	asm("bne  " CSM_ZN4TDfc3AddEv);				// add the DFC if required
   495 	__JUMP(,lr);						// if no DFC needed, return
   497 	asm("__TheScheduler: ");
   498 	asm(".word TheScheduler ");
   499 	}
   501 __NAKED__ void NTimerQ::DfcFn(TAny* /*aPtr*/)
   502 	{
   503 	// Enter with r0 pointing to NTimerQ
   504 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r7-r11,lr} ");
   505 	SET_INTS_1(r11, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);		// always called from SVC mode 
   506 	SET_INTS_1(r10, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// with interruts enabled
   508 	// First transfer entries on the Ordered queue to the Final queues
   509 	asm("mstim_dfc_0: ");
   510 	SET_INTS_2(r10, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// disable interrupts
   511 	asm("ldr r1, [r0, #%a0]!" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iOrderedQ));	// r0->iOrderedQ, r1=orderedQ first
   512 	asm("cmp r1, r0 ");
   513 	asm("beq mstim_dfc_1 ");			// ordered Q empty so move to next stage
   514 	asm("ldr r2, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iTriggerTime));	// r2=r1->trigger time
   515 	asm("ldr r3, [r0, #-12] ");			// r3=iMsCount
   516 	asm("subs r3, r2, r3 ");			// r3=trigger time-iMsCount
   517 	asm("cmp r3, #31 ");				// test if remaining time <32ms or has already passed
   518 	asm("bgt mstim_dfc_1 ");			// if >31ms, move to next stage (signed comparison to catch already passed case)
   519 	asm("sub r0, r0, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iOrderedQ));		// r0->NTimerQ
   520 	asm("bl dequeaddfinal ");			// <=31ms, so deque and add to final queue
   521 	SET_INTS_2(r11, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);	// let interrupts in
   522 	__DEBUG_CALLBACK(0);
   523 	asm("b mstim_dfc_0 ");
   525 	asm("mstim_dfc_1: ");
   526 	SET_INTS_2(r11, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);	// let interrupts in
   527 	asm("sub r0, r0, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iOrderedQ));		// r0->NTimerQ
   528 	__DEBUG_CALLBACK(1);
   530 	// Next transfer entries on the Holding queue to the Ordered queue or final queue
   531 	asm("mstim_dfc_2: ");
   532 	SET_INTS_2(r10, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// disable interrupts
   533 	asm("ldr r1, [r0, #%a0]!" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iHoldingQ));	// r0->iHoldingQ, r1=holdingQ first
   534 	asm("cmp r1, r0 ");
   535 	asm("beq mstim_dfc_3 ");			// holding Q empty so move to next stage
   536 	asm("ldr r2, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iTriggerTime));	// r2=r1->trigger time
   537 	asm("ldr r3, [r0, #-4] ");			// r3=iMsCount
   538 	asm("sub r0, r0, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iHoldingQ));		// r0->NTimerQ
   539 	asm("subs r3, r2, r3 ");			// r3=trigger time-iMsCount
   540 	asm("cmp r3, #31 ");				// test if remaining time <32ms or has already passed
   541 	asm("bgt mstim_dfc_4 ");			// if >31ms, need to put it on the ordered Q (signed comparison to catch late case)
   542 	asm("bl dequeaddfinal ");			// <=31ms or already passed, so deque and add to final queue
   544 	asm("mstim_dfc_7: ");
   545 	SET_INTS_2(r11, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);	// let interrupts in
   546 	__DEBUG_CALLBACK(2);
   547 	asm("b mstim_dfc_2 ");				// process next holding Q entry
   549 	// need to put entry r1 trigger time r2 on the ordered Q
   550 	asm("mstim_dfc_4: ");
   551 	asm("ldmia r1, {r3,r12} ");			// r3=r1->next, r12=r1->prev
   552 	asm("mov r9, #0 ");
   553 	asm("strb r9, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iTransferringCancelled));	// iTransferringCancelled=0
   554 	asm("str r3, [r12, #0] ");			// prev->next=next
   555 	asm("str r12, [r3, #4] ");			// next->prev=prev
   556 	asm("mov r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)NTimer::ETransferring));
   557 	asm("strb r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iState));		// r1->iState=ETransferring
   559 	asm("mstim_dfc_5: ");
   560 	SET_INTS_2(r11, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);	// let interrupts in
   561 	asm("add lr, r0, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iOrderedQ));	// lr=&iOrderedQ.iA
   562 	__DEBUG_CALLBACK(3);
   563 	SET_INTS_2(r10, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// disable interrupts
   565 	asm("mstim_dfc_9: ");
   566 	asm("ldrb r12, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iTransferringCancelled));
   567 	asm("ldr r3, [lr, #0] ");			// r3=iOrderedQ first
   568 	asm("cmp r12, #0 ");
   569 	asm("bne mstim_dfc_7 ");			// Entry r1 has been cancelled so move to next one
   570 	asm("strb r9, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iCriticalCancelled));	// iCriticalCancelled=0
   572 	// Walk iOrderedQ to find correct position for this entry
   573 	asm("mstim_dfc_6: ");
   574 	asm("cmp r3, lr ");					// reached end of ordered Q?
   575 	asm("ldrne r12, [r3, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iTriggerTime));	// if not, r12=r3->trigger time
   576 	asm("beq mstim_dfc_8 ");			// branch if we have
   577 	asm("mov r8, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)NTimer::ECritical));
   578 	asm("subs r12, r12, r2 ");			// r12=r3->trigger - r1->trigger
   579 	asm("bpl mstim_dfc_8 ");			// branch if r3 expires after r1
   580 	asm("strb r8, [r3, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iState));		// r3->iState=ECritical
   581 	SET_INTS_2(r11, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);	// let interrupts in
   582 	asm("mov r8, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)NTimer::EOrdered));
   583 	__DEBUG_CALLBACK(4);
   584 	SET_INTS_2(r10, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// disable interrupts
   585 	asm("ldr r12, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iTransferringCancelled));
   586 	asm("tst r12, #0xff00 ");			// test iCriticalCancelled
   587 	asm("streqb r8, [r3, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iState));	// if not set, r3->iState=EOrdered
   588 	asm("cmp r12, #0 ");				// test iTransferringCancelled and iCriticalCancelled
   589 	asm("ldreq r3, [r3, #0] ");			// if neither set r3=r3->iNext
   590 	asm("beq mstim_dfc_6 ");			// and inspect next ordered Q entry
   591 	asm("b mstim_dfc_9 ");				// if either set, start again from beginning of ordered Q
   593 	asm("mstim_dfc_8: ");				// if we get to here we need to insert r1 before r3
   594 	asm("ldr r12, [r3, #4] ");			// r12=r3->iPrev
   595 	asm("mov r8, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)NTimer::EOrdered));
   596 	asm("strb r8, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iState));		// r1->iState=EOrdered
   597 	asm("str r1, [r3, #4] ");			// r3->prev=r1
   598 	asm("str r1, [r12, #0] ");			// r3->prev->next=r1
   599 	asm("stmia r1, {r3,r12} ");			// r1->next=r3, r1->prev=r3->prev
   600 	SET_INTS_2(r11, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);	// let interrupts in
   601 	__DEBUG_CALLBACK(5);
   602 	asm("b mstim_dfc_2 ");				// process next holding Q entry
   604 	// Get here when all holding Q entries processed
   605 	asm("mstim_dfc_3: ");
   606 	SET_INTS_2(r11, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);	// let interrupts in
   607 	__DEBUG_CALLBACK(6);
   608 	asm("add r8, r0, #16 ");			// r8->iCompletedQ
   610 	// Finally do call backs for timers which requested DFC callback
   611 	asm("mstim_dfc_10: ");
   612 	SET_INTS_2(r10, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// disable interrupts
   613 	asm("ldr r9, [r8, #0] ");			// r9=completed Q first
   614 	asm("mov r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)NTimer::EIdle));
   615 	asm("cmp r9, r8 ");					// Is completed Q empty?
   616 	asm("beq mstim_dfc_11 ");			// branch out if it is
   617 	asm("ldmia r9!, {r1,r2} ");			// r1=r9->next, r2=r9->prev, r9->iPtr of completed entry
   618 	asm("strb r3, [r9, #%a0]" : : "i" (_FOFF(NTimer,iState)-8));	// iState=EIdle for completed entry
   619 	asm("ldmia r9, {r0,r3} ");			// r0=iPtr, r3=function address
   620 	ASM_KILL_LINK_OFFSET(r9,r12,-8);
   621 	asm("str r1, [r2, #0] ");			// prev->next=next
   622 	asm("str r2, [r1, #4] ");			// next->prev=prev
   623 	SET_INTS_2(r11, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);	// let interrupts in
   624 	__DEBUG_CALLBACK(7);
   625 	asm("adr lr, mstim_dfc_10 ");		// return to mstim_dfc_10
   626 	__JUMP(,r3);						// call back with r0=iPtr
   628 	// All done
   629 	asm("mstim_dfc_11: ");	
   630 	SET_INTS_2(r11, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);	// let interrupts in
   631 	asm("ldmfd sp!, {r7-r11,pc} ");		// and return
   633 	// Subroutine dequeaddfinal
   634 	// Deque the NTimer pointed to by r1 and put it on its final queue
   635 	// Enter with r0->NTimerQ, r1->NTimer, r2=r1->iTriggerTime
   636 	// Enter and leave with interrupts disabled
   637 	// Can modify r1-r3,r8,r9,r12
   638 	asm("dequeaddfinal: ");
   639 	asm("ldmia r1, {r8,r9} ");			// r8=r1->next, r9=r1->prev
   640 	asm("mov r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)NTimer::EFinal));
   641 	asm("strb r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iState));	// iState=EFinal
   642 	asm("str r8, [r9, #0] ");			// prev->next=next
   643 	asm("str r9, [r8, #4] ");			// next->prev=prev
   644 	asm("ldr r12, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iPresent));	// r12=timer iPresent
   645 	asm("and r2, r2, #0x1f ");			// r2=trigger time & 0x1f
   646 	asm("mov r3, #1 ");
   647 	asm("orr r12, r12, r3, lsl r2 ");	// set bit in iPresent
   648 	asm("ldrb r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimer,iCompleteInDfc));	// r3=iCompleteInDfc
   649 	asm("str r12, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NTimerQ,iPresent));
   650 	asm("add r2, r0, r2, lsl #4 ");		// r2->iIntQ for this timer
   651 	asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
   652 	asm("addne r2, r2, #8 ");			// if iCompleteInDfc, r2->iDfcQ for this timer
   653 	asm("ldr r12, [r2, #4] ");			// r12->last on queue
   654 	asm("str r1, [r2, #4] ");			// queue->last=this
   655 	asm("str r1, [r12, #0] ");			// last->next=this
   656 	asm("stmia r1, {r2,r12} ");			// this->next=&queue, this->prev=last on queue
   657 	__JUMP(,lr);
   658 	}
   659 #endif