changeset 9 96e5fb8b040d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 9:96e5fb8b040d
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32\nkern\arm\vectors.cia
    15 // 
    16 //
    19 #include <e32cia.h>
    20 #include <arm.h>
    22 void FastMutexNestAttempt();
    23 void FastMutexSignalError();
    24 extern "C" void ExcFault(TAny*);
    26 #ifdef __CPU_HAS_MMU
    27 #define __USE_CP15_FAULT_INFO__
    28 #endif
    30 #ifdef _DEBUG
    31 #define __CHECK_LOCK_STATE__
    32 #endif
    34 //#define __FAULT_ON_FIQ__
    36 #ifdef __CHECK_LOCK_STATE__
    37 // Check that the kernel is unlocked, no fast mutexes are held and that the thread is not in a
    38 // critical section.  Called when returning to user mode
    39 __NAKED__ void CheckLockState()
    40 	{
    41 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r14}");
    42 	asm("ldr r12, __TheScheduler ");
    43 	asm("ldr r14, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iKernCSLocked));
    44 	asm("cmp r14, #0 ");
    45 	asm("movne r12, #0xdd000000 ");
    46 	asm("strne r12, [r12, #1] ");
    47 	asm("ldr r12, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iCurrentThread));
    48 	asm("ldr r14, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iHeldFastMutex));
    49 	asm("cmp r14, #0 ");
    50 	__CPOPRET(eq, "");
    51 	asm("badLockState: ");
    52 	asm("mov r12, #0xd7 ");
    53 	asm("msr cpsr, r12 ");
    54 	asm("mov r12, #0xdd000000 ");
    55 	asm("str r12, [r12, #3] ");
    56 	}
    57 #endif
    59 __ASSERT_COMPILE(EUserModeCallbackRun == 0);
    61 __NAKED__ void CallUserModeCallbacks()
    62 	{
    63 	// called with interrupts disabled
    64 	// preserves r0 and r1 in additional to usual registers
    65 	// leaves current thread in r2
    66 	// the vast majority of times this is called with zero or one callback pending
    68 	asm(".global callUserModeCallbacks ");
    69 	asm("callUserModeCallbacks: ");
    71 	asm("ldr ip, __TheScheduler ");
    72 	asm("ldr r2, [ip, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler, iCurrentThread));
    74 	asm("callUserModeCallbacks2: ");
    78 #ifdef __CHECK_LOCK_STATE__
    79 	asm("ldr ip, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iCsCount));
    80 	asm("cmp ip, #0 ");
    81 	asm("bne badLockState ");
    82 #endif
    84 	asm("ldr ip, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread, iUserModeCallbacks));
    85 	asm("teq ip, #0");
    86 	asm("bne 1f");
    87 	__JUMP(,lr);
    89 	asm("1: ");
    90 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r0-r2, r4-r11, lr}");
    91 	asm("movs r4, r3");
    92 	// if r3 != 0 it is the user context type to set the thread to
    93 	asm("strneb r3, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread, iUserContextType));
    95 	// Remove first callback and enter critical section - we can just set iCsCount to 1 as we are
    96 	// guaranteed not be be in a critical section already
    97 	asm("ldmia ip, {r1, r3} ");		// HARDCODED: TUserModeCallback layout
    98     asm("mov r0, #1");
    99 	asm("str r0, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread, iCsCount));
   100 	asm("str r1, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iUserModeCallbacks));
   102 	// Re-enable interrupts and call callback
   104 	asm("mov r1, #%a0 " : : "i" ((TInt)KUserModeCallbackUnqueued));
   105 	asm("str r1, [ip, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TUserModeCallback, iNext));
   106 	asm("mov r0, ip");
   107 	asm("mov r1, #0 ");				// 0 == EUserModeCallbackRun
   108 	__JUMPL(3);
   112 	asm("movs r3, r4");
   113 	// Leave critical section, avoid calling NKern::ThreadLeaveCS unless we have to
   114 	asm("ldmfd sp!, {r0-r2, r4-r11, lr}");
   115 	// reset user context type to undefined if r3 != 0
   116 	asm("mov ip, #%a0" : : "i" (NThread::EContextUndefined));
   117 	asm("strneb ip, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread, iUserContextType));
   118 	asm("ldr ip, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread, iCsFunction));
   119 	asm("teq ip, #0");
   120 	asm("streq ip, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread, iCsCount));
   121 	asm("beq callUserModeCallbacks2 ");
   123 	asm("leaveCS:");
   124 	asm("sub sp, sp, #48 ");
   126 	asm("bl " CSM_ZN5NKern13ThreadLeaveCSEv);
   128 	asm("ldmfd sp!, {r0-r2, r4-r11, lr}");
   129 	asm("b callUserModeCallbacks2 ");
   130 	}
   132 /***************************************************************************
   133  * SWI Handler
   134  ***************************************************************************/
   136 extern "C" __NAKED__ void __ArmVectorSwi()
   137 	{
   138 	// IRQs disabled, FIQs enabled here
   139 	asm("ldr r12, [lr, #-4] ");				// get SWI opcode
   140 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r11, lr} ");			// save return address, r11 for 8 byte align
   142 	asm("ldr r11, __TheScheduler ");	
   143 	asm("adr lr, fast_swi_exit ");
   144 	asm("movs r12, r12, lsl #9 ");			// 512*SWI number into r12
   145 	asm("bcc slow_swi ");					// bit 23=0 for slow/unprot
   146 	asm("ldr r1, [r11, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iCurrentThread));
   147 	asm("beq wait_for_any_request ");		// special case for Exec::WaitForAnyRequest
   148 #ifdef __CPU_ARM_HAS_CPS
   149 	asm("ldr r2, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iFastExecTable));
   150 	CPSIDIF;								// all interrupts off
   151 	asm("ldr r3, [r2], r12, lsr #7 ");		// r3=limit, r2->dispatch table entry
   152 	asm("ldr r2, [r2] ");					// r2->kernel function
   153 	asm("cmp r3, r12, lsr #9 ");			// r3-SWI number
   154 	__JUMP(hi, r2);							// if SWI number valid, call kernel function
   155 #else
   157 	asm("ldr r2, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iFastExecTable));
   158 	asm("ldr r3, [r2], r12, lsr #7 ");		// r3=limit, r2->dispatch table entry
   159 	asm("cmp r3, r12, lsr #9 ");			// r3-SWI number
   160 	asm("ldrhi pc, [r2] ");					// if SWI number valid, call kernel function
   161 #endif
   162 	asm("mvn r12, #0 ");					// put invalid SWI number into r12
   163 	asm("b slow_swi ");						// go through slow SWI routine to call invalid SWI handler
   165 	asm("fast_swi_exit: ");
   166 #ifdef __CHECK_LOCK_STATE__
   167 	asm("mrs r12, spsr ");
   168 	asm("tst r12, #0x0f ");
   169 	asm("bleq  " CSM_Z14CheckLockStatev);
   170 #endif
   172 	ERRATUM_353494_MODE_CHANGE(,r11);
   173 	asm("ldmfd sp!, {r11, pc}^ ");			// return and restore cpsr
   176 	asm("slow_swi: ");						// IRQs off, FIQs on here
   177 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r3-r10} ");			// save nonvolatile registers, r3 for 8 byte align
   178 	asm("ldr r9, [r11, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iCurrentThread));	// r9->current thread
   179 	SET_INTS(lr, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);	// all interrupts on
   180 	asm("mov r10, r11 ");					// r10->scheduler
   181 	asm("ldr r4, [r9, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iSlowExecTable));
   182 	asm("mrs r11, spsr ");					// spsr_svc into r11
   183 	asm("adr lr, slow_swi_exit ");
   184 	asm("add r6, r4, r12, lsr #6 ");		// r6->dispatch table entry
   185 	asm("ldr r5, [r4, #-12] ");				// r5=limit
   187 	asm("cmp r5, r12, lsr #9 ");			// r5-SWI number
   188 	asm("ldmhiia r6, {r5,r6} ");			// if SWI number OK, flags into r5, function addr into r6
   189 	asm("ldrls pc, [r4, #-8] ");			// if SWI number invalid, call invalid handler
   190 	asm("tst r5, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KExecFlagExtraArgMask));	// extra arguments needed?
   191 	asm("addne r2, sp, #4 ");				// if so, point r2 at saved registers on stack
   192 	asm("tst r5, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KExecFlagClaim));			// claim system lock?
   193 	asm("beq slow_swi_no_wait ");			// skip if not
   195 	SET_INTS_2(r7, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// interrupts off
   196 #ifdef _DEBUG
   197 	asm("ldr r12, [r9, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iHeldFastMutex));
   198 	asm("cmp r12, #0 ");
   199 	asm("bne  " CSM_Z20FastMutexNestAttemptv);	// debug check that current thread doesn't already hold a fast mutex
   200 #endif
   201 	asm("ldr r12, [r10, #%a0]!" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iLock.iHoldingThread));	// r12=iLock.iHoldingThread
   202 	SET_INTS_1(r7, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);
   203 	asm("cmp r12, #0 ");					// is system lock already held?
   204 	asm("bne ss_fast_mutex_held ");			// branch if it is
   205 	asm("ss_fast_mutex_obtained: ");
   206 	asm("str r10, [r9, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iHeldFastMutex));	// current thread->iHeldFastMutex=&iLock
   207 	asm("str r9, [r10], #-%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iLock));		// iLock.iHoldingThread=current thread, r10->scheduler
   208 #ifdef BTRACE_FAST_MUTEX
   209 	asm("ldrb r12, [r10,#%a0]" : : "i" (_FOFF(TScheduler,iFastMutexFilter)));
   210 	asm("cmp r12, #0");
   211 	asm("bne syslock_trace_wait");
   212 	asm("syslock_trace_wait_done:");
   213 #endif
   214 	SET_INTS_2(r7, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);	// all interrupts on
   216 	asm("slow_swi_no_wait: ");
   217 	asm("tst r5, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KExecFlagPreprocess));	// preprocess (handle lookup)? can use r4, r7, r8, r12, r0
   218 	asm("mov lr, pc ");
   219 	asm("ldrne pc, [r4, #-4] ");			// call preprocess handler if required
   220 	asm("mov lr, pc ");
   221 	__JUMP(,r6);							// call exec function, preserve r5,r11 if release syslock not required
   222 											// preserve r5,r9,r10,r11 if release required
   223 	asm("tst r5, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KExecFlagRelease));		// release system lock?
   224 	asm("beq slow_swi_exit ");				// skip if not
   226 	SET_INTS(r12, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// disable interrupts
   227 #ifdef _DEBUG
   228 	asm("add r8, r10, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iLock));
   229 	asm("ldr r12, [r9, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iHeldFastMutex));
   230 	asm("cmp r12, r8 ");
   231 	asm("bne  " CSM_Z20FastMutexSignalErrorv);	// debug check that current thread holds system lock
   232 #endif
   233 #ifdef BTRACE_FAST_MUTEX
   234 	asm("ldrb r12, [r10,#%a0]" : : "i" (_FOFF(TScheduler,iFastMutexFilter)));
   235 	asm("cmp r12, #0");
   236 	asm("bne syslock_trace_signal");
   237 	asm("syslock_trace_signal_done:");
   238 #endif
   239 	asm("mov r12, #0 ");
   240 	asm("str r12, [r10, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iLock.iHoldingThread));	// iLock.iHoldingThread=NULL
   241 	asm("str r12, [r9, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iHeldFastMutex));			// current thread->iHeldFastMutex=NULL
   242 	asm("ldr r3, [r10, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iLock.iWaiting));		// r3=iLock.iWaiting
   243 	asm("str r12, [r10, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iLock.iWaiting));		// iLock.iWaiting=0
   244 	SET_INTS_1(r8, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);
   245 	asm("cmp r3, #0 ");						// check waiting flag
   246 	asm("bne ss_signal_check ");			// branch if set
   247 	asm("ss_signal_done: ");
   248 	SET_INTS_2(r8, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);	// otherwise reenable interrupts
   250 	asm("slow_swi_exit: ");
   251 #ifdef __CHECK_LOCK_STATE__
   252 	asm("tst r11, #0x0f ");
   253 	asm("bleq  " CSM_Z14CheckLockStatev);
   254 #endif
   255 	SET_INTS(r12, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_OFF);	// disable interrupts
   256 	asm("msr spsr, r11 ");					// restore spsr_svc
   257 	asm("tst r11, #0x0f ");
   258 	asm("mov r3, #0 ");
   259 #if defined(__CPU_CORTEX_A9__) && !defined(__CPU_ARM_A9_ERRATUM_571622_FIXED)
   260 	asm("nop ");							// ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore erratum 571622 workaround
   261 											// Insert nops so branch doesn't occur in 2nd or 3rd position after a msr spsr
   262 #endif
   263 	asm("bleq callUserModeCallbacks ");		// call user-mode callbacks	
   265 	ERRATUM_353494_MODE_CHANGE(,r11);
   266 	asm("ldmfd sp!, {r3-r11,pc}^ ");		// return from EXEC function
   269 	// Come here if we need to wait for the system lock
   270 	// r9->current thread, r10=&iLock, r12=iLock.iHoldingThread
   271 	asm("ss_fast_mutex_held: ");
   272 	asm("mov r8, #1 ");
   273 	asm("str r8, [r10, #%a0]" : : "i" (_FOFF(TScheduler,iKernCSLocked)-_FOFF(TScheduler,iLock)));	// lock the kernel
   274 	SET_INTS_2(r7, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);	// enable interrupts
   275 	asm("str r8, [r10, #4] ");				// iWaiting=1
   276 	asm("str r10, [r9, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iWaitFastMutex));	// current thread->iWaitFastMutex=&iLock
   277 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r0-r3} ");				// save exec call arguments
   278 	asm("mov r0, r12 ");					// parameter for YieldTo
   279 	ASM_DEBUG1(NKFMWaitYield,r0);
   280 	asm("bl  " CSM_ZN10TScheduler7YieldToEP11NThreadBase);		// yield to the mutex holding thread
   281 	// will not return until the mutex is free
   282 	// on return r0=Scheduler,r1=0,r2!=0,r3=current thread, kernel unlocked, interrupts disabled
   283 	asm("str r1, [r9, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iWaitFastMutex));	// iWaitFastMutex=NULL
   284 	asm("ldmfd sp!, {r0-r3} ");				// retrieve exec call arguments
   285 	asm("b ss_fast_mutex_obtained ");		// branch back to main code path
   287 	// Come here if we need to reschedule after releasing the system lock
   288 	// kernel unlocked, interrupts enabled, r0 contains return value from Exec call
   289 	// r9->current thread, r10=&TheScheduler, r3=1, r8=0x13
   290 	asm("ss_signal_check: ");
   291 	asm("str r3, [r10, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iKernCSLocked));	// lock the kernel (assumes iWaiting always 0 or 1)
   292 	SET_INTS_2(r8, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);	// reenable interrupts
   293 	asm("strb r3, [r10, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iRescheduleNeededFlag));
   294 	asm("ldr r3, [r9, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iCsFunction));	// r3=current thread->iCsFunction
   295 	asm("ldr r2, [r9, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iCsCount));		// r2=current thread->iCsCount
   296 	asm("mov r4, r0 ");						// save return value
   297 	asm("cmp r3, #0 ");						// outstanding CS function?
   298 	asm("beq 2f ");							// branch if not
   299 	asm("cmp r2, #0 ");						// iCsCount!=0 ?
   300 	asm("moveq r0, r9 ");					// if iCsCount=0, DoCsFunction()
   301 	asm("bleq  " CSM_ZN11NThreadBase12DoCsFunctionEv);
   302 	asm("2: ");
   303 	asm("bl  " CSM_ZN10TScheduler10RescheduleEv);	// reschedule to allow waiting thread in
   304 	asm("mov r0, r4 ");						// recover return value
   305 	asm("b ss_signal_done ");				// branch back to main code path
   307 #ifdef BTRACE_FAST_MUTEX
   308 	asm("syslock_trace_wait:");
   309 	asm("ldr r12, [sp,#9*4]"); // r12 = return address from SWI
   310 	asm("mov r8, r3"); // save r3
   311 	asm("stmdb sp!,{r0-r2,r12}"); // 4th item on stack is PC value for trace
   312 	asm("ldr r0, fmwait_trace_header");
   313 	asm("mov r2, r9"); // current thread
   314 	asm("add r3, r10, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iLock));
   315 	asm("mov lr, pc");
   316 	asm("ldr pc, [r10, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iBTraceHandler));	
   317 	asm("ldmia sp!,{r0-r2,r12}");
   318 	asm("mov r3, r8"); // restore r3
   319 	asm("b syslock_trace_wait_done");
   321 	asm("syslock_trace_signal:");
   322 	asm("ldr r12, [sp,#9*4]"); // r12 = return address from SWI
   323 	asm("stmdb sp!,{r0-r2,r12}"); // 4th item on stack is PC value for trace
   324 	asm("ldr r0, fmsignal_trace_header");
   325 	asm("mov r2, r9"); // current thread
   326 	asm("add r3, r10, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iLock));
   327 	asm("mov lr, pc");
   328 	asm("ldr pc, [r10, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iBTraceHandler));	
   329 	asm("ldmia sp!,{r0-r2,r12}");
   330 	asm("b syslock_trace_signal_done");
   332 	asm("fmsignal_trace_header:");
   333 	asm(".word %a0" : : "i" ((TInt)(16<<BTrace::ESizeIndex) + ((BTrace::EContextIdPresent|BTrace::EPcPresent) << BTrace::EFlagsIndex*8) + (BTrace::EFastMutex<< BTrace::ECategoryIndex*8) + (BTrace::EFastMutexSignal << BTrace::ESubCategoryIndex*8)) );
   335 	asm("fmwait_trace_header:");
   336 	asm(".word %a0" : : "i" ((TInt)(16<<BTrace::ESizeIndex) + ((BTrace::EContextIdPresent|BTrace::EPcPresent) << BTrace::EFlagsIndex*8) + (BTrace::EFastMutex << BTrace::ECategoryIndex*8) + (BTrace::EFastMutexWait << BTrace::ESubCategoryIndex*8)) );
   337 #endif
   339 	}
   341 /***************************************************************************
   342  * IRQ Postamble
   343  * This routine is called after the IRQ has been dispatched
   344  * spsr_irq, r4-r11 are unmodified
   345  * spsr_irq,r0-r3,r12,return address are on the top of the IRQ stack
   346  ***************************************************************************/
   348 extern "C" __NAKED__ void __ArmVectorIrq()
   349 	{
   350 	// FIQs enabled here but not IRQs
   351 	asm("ldr r1, __TheScheduler ");
   352 	asm("mrs r0, spsr ");														// check interrupted mode
   353 	asm("add r12, sp, #%a0 " : : "i" (4*(6+USER_MEMORY_GUARD_SAVE_WORDS)));		// r12=sp_irq+6 or 8 words
   354 	asm("and r2, r0, #0x1f ");
   355 	asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iKernCSLocked));			// r3=KernCSLocked
   356 	asm("cmp r2, #0x10 ");														// check for mode_usr
   357 	asm("cmpne r2, #0x13 ");													// or mode_svc
   358 	asm("cmpeq r3, #0 ");														// and then check if kernel locked
   359 	asm("bne IrqExit0 ");														// if wrong mode or locked, return immediately
   360 	SET_INTS(r2, MODE_IRQ, INTS_ALL_OFF);										// disable FIQs before we check for reschedule
   361 	asm("ldr r2, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iRescheduleNeededFlag));	// r2=DfcPendingFlag/RescheduleNeededFlag
   362 	asm("add r3, r3, #1 ");
   363 	SET_MODE_1(lr, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);
   364 	asm("cmp r2, #0 ");															// check if reschedule needed
   365 	asm("beq IrqExit0 ");														// if not, return immediately
   366 	asm("str r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iKernCSLocked));	// lock the kernel
   367 	SET_MODE_2(lr, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);										// mode_svc, interrupts back on
   369 	asm("ldmdb r12!, {r1-r3} ");												// move saved registers (r0-r3,r12,pc) over to mode_svc stack
   370 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r1-r3} ");
   371 	asm("ldmdb r12!, {r1-r3} ");
   372 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r1-r3} ");
   373 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r0,lr} ");													// store lr_svc and interrupted cpsr on current mode_svc stack
   375 	asm("ldmdb r12, {r1-r2} ");
   376 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r1-r2} ");													// move user guard over to mode_svc stack
   377 #endif
   379 	SET_MODE_1(r2, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);
   380 	SET_MODE(lr, MODE_IRQ, INTS_IRQ_OFF);										// mode_irq, IRQs off
   381 	asm("add sp, r12, #24 ");													// restore mode_irq stack balance
   382 	SET_MODE_2(r2, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);										// back to mode_svc, IRQs on
   384 	// reschedule - this also switches context if necessary
   385 	// enter this function in mode_svc, interrupts on, kernel locked
   386 	// exit this function in mode_svc, all interrupts off, kernel unlocked
   387 	asm("irq_do_resched: ");
   388 	asm("bl  " CSM_ZN10TScheduler10RescheduleEv);
   389 	asm(".global irq_resched_return ");
   390 	asm("irq_resched_return: ");
   392 	SET_MODE(r2, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_OFF);										// all interrupts off
   393 	asm("ldr r1, [sp, #%a0] " : : "i" (4*USER_MEMORY_GUARD_SAVE_WORDS));		// get interrupted cpsr, don't unbalance stack
   395 #ifdef __CHECK_LOCK_STATE__
   396 	asm("mov r2, r12 ");
   397 	asm("tst r1, #0x0f ");
   398 	asm("bleq  " CSM_Z14CheckLockStatev);
   399 	asm("mov r12, r2 ");
   400 #endif
   402 	asm("tst r1, #0x0f ");
   403 	asm("mov r3, #%a0 " : : "i" (NThread::EContextUserIntrCallback));
   404 	asm("bleq callUserModeCallbacks ");											// call user-mode callbacks		
   407 	asm("ldr r1, [sp], #%a0 " : : "i" (4*USER_MEMORY_GUARD_SAVE_WORDS));		// pop saved DACR, adjust sp
   409 #endif
   411 	asm("ldmfd sp!, {r1, lr} ");												// restore lr_svc
   412 	asm("add sp, sp, #24 ");													// restore mode_svc stack balance
   413 	asm("mov r12, sp ");														// r12=address of remaining saved registers
   415 	SET_MODE(r2, MODE_IRQ, INTS_ALL_OFF);										// back into mode_irq, all interrupts off
   417 	asm("msr spsr, r1 ");														// interrupted cpsr into spsr_irq
   418 	ERRATUM_353494_MODE_CHANGE(,r12);
   419 	asm("ldmdb r12, {r0-r3,r12,pc}^ ");											// return from interrupt
   422 	asm("IrqExit0: ");
   423 #ifdef __CHECK_LOCK_STATE__
   424 	asm("tst r0, #0x0f ");
   425 	asm("bleq  " CSM_Z14CheckLockStatev);
   426 #endif
   428 	asm("IrqExit1: ");															// entry point for __ArmVectorIrqPostambleNoResched()
   430 	asm("ldr lr, [sp], #%a0 " : : "i" (4*USER_MEMORY_GUARD_SAVE_WORDS));		// pop saved DACR, adjust sp
   432 #endif
   434 #ifdef BTRACE_CPU_USAGE
   435 	asm("ldrb r2, [r1,#%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iCpuUsageFilter));
   436 	asm("mov r0, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)4 ) );
   437 	asm("add r0, r0, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)(BTrace::ECpuUsage<<BTrace::ECategoryIndex*8)+(BTrace::EIrqEnd<<BTrace::ESubCategoryIndex*8)) );
   438 	asm("cmp r2, #0");
   439 	asm("movne lr, pc");
   440 	asm("ldrne pc, [r1,#%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iBTraceHandler));
   441 #endif
   442 	ERRATUM_353494_MODE_CHANGE(,r12);
   443 	asm("ldmfd sp!, {r0-r3,r12,pc}^ ");											// return from interrupt
   444 	}
   446 /***************************************************************************
   447  * IRQ Postamble which will not reschedule (can be returned to by co-resident OS).
   448  * This routine is called after the IRQ has been dispatched
   449  * spsr_irq, r4-r11 are unmodified
   450  * spsr_irq,r0-r3,r12,return address are on the top of the IRQ stack
   451  ***************************************************************************/
   453 extern "C" EXPORT_C __NAKED__ void __ArmVectorIrqPostambleNoResched()
   454 	{
   455 	// FIQs enabled here but not IRQs
   456 	asm("ldr r1, __TheScheduler ");
   457 	asm("b IrqExit1 ");
   458 	}
   461 /***************************************************************************
   462  * FIQ Postamble
   463  * This routine is called after the FIQ has been dispatched
   464  * spsr_fiq, r0-r3 are unmodified
   465  * Return address is on the top of the FIQ stack
   466  ***************************************************************************/
   468 extern "C" __NAKED__ void __ArmVectorFiq()
   469 	{
   470 #ifdef __FAULT_ON_FIQ__
   471 	asm(".word 0xe7f10f10 ");
   472 #endif
   473 	// IRQs and FIQs disabled here
   474 	// r0-r7 are unaltered from when FIQ occurred
   475 	asm("ldr r9, __TheScheduler ");
   477 	asm("ldr r12, [sp], #4 ");													// pop saved DACR
   478 #endif
   479 	asm("mrs r8, spsr ");														// check interrupted mode
   480 	asm("and r10, r8, #0x1f ");
   481 	asm("cmp r10, #0x10 ");														// check for mode_usr
   482 	asm("ldr r11, [r9, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iKernCSLocked));
   483 	asm("cmpne r10, #0x13 ");													// or mode_svc
   484 	asm("ldreq r10, [r9, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iRescheduleNeededFlag));
   485 	asm("cmpeq r11, #0 ");														// and check if kernel locked
   486 	asm("bne FiqExit0 ");														// if wrong mode or kernel locked, return immediately
   487 	asm("cmp r10, #0 ");														// check if reschedule needed
   488 	asm("beq FiqExit0 ");														// if not, return from interrupt
   490 	// we interrupted mode_usr or mode_svc, kernel unlocked, reschedule needed
   491 	asm("add r11, r11, #1 ");
   492 	asm("str r11, [r9, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iKernCSLocked));			// lock the kernel
   493 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r1-r3} ");													// save interrupted r1-r3 on FIQ stack
   494 	asm("mov r1, r8 ");															// r1=interrupted cpsr
   495 	asm("mov r3, sp ");															// r3 points to saved registers
   497 	asm("mov r2, r12 ");														// saved DACR into R2
   498 #endif
   499 	SET_MODE(lr, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);										// switch to mode_svc, IRQs and FIQs back on
   501 	asm("str r2, [sp, #%a0]! " : : "i" (-4*(8+USER_MEMORY_GUARD_SAVE_WORDS)));	// save DACR and leave room for spare, cpsr, lr_svc, r0-r3, r12, pc
   502 #else
   503 	asm("sub sp, sp, #32 ");													// make room for saved registers on mode_svc stack
   504 #endif
   505 	asm("ldr r2, [r3, #12] ");													// r2=return address
   506 	asm("str r12, [sp, #%a0] " : : "i" (4*(6+USER_MEMORY_GUARD_SAVE_WORDS)));	// save r12 on mode_svc stack
   507 	asm("str r2, [sp, #%a0] " : : "i" (4*(7+USER_MEMORY_GUARD_SAVE_WORDS)));	// save return address on mode_svc stack
   508 	asm("add r12, sp, #%a0 " : : "i" (4*(USER_MEMORY_GUARD_SAVE_WORDS)));
   510 	asm("stmia r12!, {r1,lr} ");												// save interrupted cpsr and lr_svc
   511 	asm("ldmia r3, {r1,r2,lr} ");												// retrieve original r1-r3 from mode_fiq stack
   512 	asm("stmia r12, {r0-r2,lr} ");												// save original r0-r3 - saved register order is now cpsr,lr_svc,r0-r3,r12,pc
   513 	SET_MODE_1(r2, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);
   514 	SET_MODE(lr, MODE_FIQ, INTS_ALL_OFF);										// mode_fiq, IRQs and FIQs off
   515 	asm("add sp, r3, #16 ");													// restore mode_fiq stack balance
   516 	SET_MODE_2(r2, MODE_SVC, INTS_ALL_ON);										// back to mode_svc, IRQs on
   517 	asm("adr lr, irq_resched_return ");
   518 	asm("b  " CSM_ZN10TScheduler10RescheduleEv);								// do reschedule and return to irq_resched_return
   520 	asm("FiqExit0:");															// also entry point for __ArmVectorFiqPostambleNoResched()
   523 #ifndef BTRACE_CPU_USAGE
   524 	ERRATUM_353494_MODE_CHANGE(,r11);
   525 	asm("ldmfd sp!, {pc}^ ");													// return from interrupt
   526 #else
   527 	asm("ldrb r8, [r9,#%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iCpuUsageFilter));
   528 	asm("mov r10, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)(BTrace::ECpuUsage<<BTrace::ECategoryIndex*8)+(BTrace::EFiqEnd<<BTrace::ESubCategoryIndex*8)) );
   529 	asm("adr lr, FiqTraceExit0");
   530 	asm("cmp r8, #0");
   531 	ERRATUM_353494_MODE_CHANGE(eq,r8);
   532 	asm("ldmeqfd sp!, {pc}^ ");													// return from interrupt if trace not enabled
   533 	asm("stmfd sp!, {r0-r3} ");
   534 	asm("add r0, r10, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)4 ) );
   535 	asm("ldr pc, [r9,#%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iBTraceHandler));
   536 	asm("FiqTraceExit0:");
   537 	ERRATUM_353494_MODE_CHANGE(,r3);
   538 	asm("ldmfd sp!, {r0-r3,pc}^ ");												// return from interrupt
   539 #endif
   541 	asm("__TheScheduler: ");
   542 	asm(".word TheScheduler ");
   543 	}
   545 /***************************************************************************
   546  * FIQ Postamble which will not reschedule (can be returned to by co-resident OS).
   547  * This routine is called after the FIQ has been dispatched
   548  * spsr_fiq, r0-r3 are unmodified
   549  * Return address is on the top of the FIQ stack
   550  ***************************************************************************/
   552 extern "C" EXPORT_C __NAKED__ void __ArmVectorFiqPostambleNoResched()
   553 	{
   554 #ifdef __FAULT_ON_FIQ__
   555 	asm(".word 0xe7f10f10 ");
   556 #endif
   557 	// IRQs and FIQs disabled here
   558 	// r0-r7 are unaltered from when FIQ occurred
   559 	asm("ldr r9, __TheScheduler ");
   561 	asm("ldr r12, [sp], #4 ");													// pop saved DACR
   562 #endif
   563 	asm("b FiqExit0 ");
   564 	}
   567 extern "C" __NAKED__ void __ArmVectorAbortData()
   568 //
   569 // Data abort
   570 //
   571 	{
   572 #if defined(__CPU_CORTEX_A8__) && (!defined(__CPU_ARM_A8_ERRATUM_447862_FIXED) || !defined(__CPU_ARM_A8_ERRATUM_451027_FIXED))
   573 	ARM_DMBSH;								// ARM Cortex-A8 erratum 447862/451027 workaround
   574 #endif
   575 	asm("sub lr, lr, #8");					// lr now points to aborted instruction
   576 	asm("stmfd	sp!, {r0-r4,r12,lr}");		// save it along with r0-r4,r12
   577 #if defined(__CPU_ARM_HAS_WORKING_CLREX)
   578 	CLREX									// reset exclusive monitor 	
   579 #elif defined(__CPU_ARM_HAS_LDREX_STREX)
   580 	STREX(12,0,13);							// dummy STREX to reset exclusivity monitor
   581 #endif
   582 	asm("mov r1, #%a0 " : : "i" ((TInt)EArmExceptionDataAbort));
   583 	// generic exception handler
   584 	// come here with r1=exception code, lr points to aborted instruction, r0-r4,r12,lr saved
   585 	asm("handle_exception: ");
   586 	asm("mrs r0, spsr ");					// r0=value of cpsr when abort occurred
   588 	asm("handle_exception2: ");
   589 	asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
   590 	asm("and r3, r0, #0x1f ");				// r3=processor mode when abort occurred
   591 	asm("bic r12, r12, #0xc0 ");
   592 	asm("cmp r3, #0x10 ");					// aborted in user mode?
   593 	asm("cmpne r3, #0x13 ");				// if not, aborted in mode_svc?
   594 	asm("bne fatal_exception_mode ");		// if neither, fault
   595 	asm("msr cpsr, r12 ");					// reenable interrupts - rescheduling disabled by mode_abt/mode_und
   596 	asm("ldr r2, __TheScheduler ");
   597 	asm("mov r3, sp ");						// r3 points to saved registers
   598 	asm("ldr r4, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iKernCSLocked));
   599 	asm("cmp r4, #0 ");						// exception with kernel locked?
   600 	asm("bne fatal_exception_mode ");		// if so, fault
   601 	asm("add r4, r4, #1 ");					// lock the kernel
   602 	asm("str r4, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iKernCSLocked));
   603 	asm("mov r4, #0x13 ");
   604 	asm("msr cpsr, r4 ");					// mode_svc, interrupts on, kernel locked
   606 	asm("ldr r4, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iCurrentThread));
   607 	asm("tst r0, #0x0f ");					// check if exception in mode_usr
   608 	asm("mov r2, #%a0 " : : "i" ((TInt)NThread::EContextException));
   609  	asm("streqb r2, [r4, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iSpare3));	// if so, set iUserContextType = EContextException
   610 	asm("add r4, r4, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iStackBase));
   611 	asm("ldmia r4, {r2,r4} ");				// r2=supervisor stack area base, r4=size
   612 	asm("subs r2, sp, r2 ");				// r2=amount of mode_svc stack remaining
   613 	asm("blo fatal_exception_stack ");		// if stack pointer invalid, fault
   614 	asm("cmp r2, r4 ");
   615 	asm("bhi fatal_exception_stack ");
   616 	asm("cmp r2, #128 ");					// check enough stack to handle exception
   617 	asm("blo fatal_exception_stack ");		// if not, fault
   619 	// At this point we are in mode_svc with interrupts enabled and the kernel locked.
   620 	// We know the supervisor stack is valid and has enough free space to store the exception info.
   621 	// Registers: R0=aborted cpsr, R1=exception type, R2,R4 scratch, R3 points to saved registers
   622 	// on mode_abt or mode_und stack, R12 holds mode of exception (mode_abt or mode_und).
   624 	asm("ldr r4, [r3, #16] ");				// restore original r4
   625 	asm("mov r2, sp ");						// r2=sp_svc when abort occurred
   626 	asm("sub sp, sp, #92 ");				// push 23 words onto mode_svc stack
   627 	asm("stmia sp, {r0-r2,r4-r11,lr} ");	// save cpsr, exc id, sp_svc, r4-r11, lr_svc
   628 	asm("ldmia r3!, {r4-r10} ");			// get registers from mode_abt or mode_und stack
   629 	asm("stmdb r2!, {r4-r7,r9,r10} ");		// transfer saved registers from exception stack except r4
   630 	asm("stmdb r2, {r13,r14}^ ");			// save sp_usr and lr_usr
   631 	asm("sub r2, r2, #20 ");
   633 // Set r0 = fault address and r1 = fault status.
   634 // For prefetch aborts use IFAR if it exists otherwise use the return address.
   635 #ifdef __USE_CP15_FAULT_INFO__
   636 	asm("cmp r1, #%a0 " : : "i" ((TInt)EArmExceptionPrefetchAbort));
   637 #ifdef __CPU_ARM_HAS_SPLIT_FSR
   638 	asm("mrcne p15, 0, r1, c5, c0, 0");		// r1 = data fault status
   639 	asm("mrcne p15, 0, r0, c6, c0, 0");		// r0 = DFAR fault address
   640 	asm("mrceq p15, 0, r1, c5, c0, 1");		// r1 = instruction fault status
   641 #ifdef __CPU_ARM_HAS_CP15_IFAR
   642 	asm("mrceq p15, 0, r0, c6, c0, 2");		// r0 = IFAR fault address
   643 #else 
   644 	asm("moveq r0, r10");					// r0 = return address.
   645 #endif // __CPU_ARM_HAS_CP15_IFAR
   646 #else
   647 	asm("mrcne p15, 0, r0, c6, c0");		// r0 = fault address
   648 	asm("moveq r0, r10");					// r0 = return address.
   649 	asm("mrc p15, 0, r1, c5, c0");			// r1 = fault status
   650 #endif // __CPU_ARM_HAS_SPLIT_FSR
   651 #endif // __USE_CP15_FAULT_INFO__
   653 	asm("mrs r3, spsr ");					// r3=spsr_svc
   654 	asm("stmia r2, {r0,r1,r3} ");			// save these
   655 	asm("msr cpsr, r12 ");					// back into exception mode
   656 	asm("add sp, sp, #28 ");				// restore exception stack balance
   657 	asm("mov r5, #0x13 ");
   658 	asm("msr cpsr, r5 ");					// back into mode_svc
   660 	// Now we can unlock the kernel and process the exception
   661 	asm("bl  " CSM_ZN10TScheduler10RescheduleEv);
   662 	asm("msr cpsr, r5 ");					// enable interrupts
   664 	// call the exception dispatcher, r3 is the current thread
   665 	asm("ldr r12, [r3, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iHandlers));
   666 	asm("mov r1, r3 "); 
   667 	asm("mov r0, sp ");						// r0 points to saved exception information
   668 	asm("sub sp, sp, #4 ");					// make room for r0
   669 	asm("bic sp, sp, #4 ");					// align stack to 8 byte boundary
   670 	asm("str r0, [sp] ");					// save original stack pointer
   672 	USER_MEMORY_GUARD_ON(,r11,lr);
   673 	asm("ldr r12, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SNThreadHandlers,iExceptionHandler));
   674 	asm("mov lr, pc ");
   675 	__JUMP(,r12);							// call exception handler
   677 	asm("ldr sp, [sp, #0] ");				// restore stack pointer
   679 	// return from exception
   680 	asm("ldr r0, __TheScheduler ");
   681 	asm("mov r3, sp ");
   682 	asm("ldr r2, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iCurrentThread));
   683 	asm("ldr r0, [r3], #12 ");				// r0=cpsr, skip exc id and sp_svc
   684 	asm("ldmfd r3!, {r4-r11,lr} ");			// restore r4-r11 and lr_svc
   685 	asm("ldr r12, [r3, #8]! ");				// skip fault address and fault status, r12=spsr_svc
   686 	asm("ldmib r3, {r13,r14}^ ");			// restore sp_usr and lr_usr
   687 	asm("add r1, r3, #12 ");				// r3 points to saved r0-r3,r12,pc
   688 	asm("mov r3, #0xd3 ");
   689 	asm("msr cpsr, r3 ");					// mode_svc, all interrupts off
   690 	asm("msr spsr, r12 ");					// restore spsr_svc
   691 	asm("tst r0, #0x0f ");					// check if exception in mode_usr
   692 #if defined(__CPU_CORTEX_A9__) && !defined(__CPU_ARM_A9_ERRATUM_571622_FIXED)
   693 	asm("nop ");							// ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore erratum 571622 workaround
   694 	asm("nop ");							// Insert nops so branch doesn't occur in 2nd or 3rd position after a msr spsr
   695 #endif
   696 #ifdef __CHECK_LOCK_STATE__
   697 	asm("bleq  " CSM_Z14CheckLockStatev);
   698 	asm("tst r0, #0x0f ");					// recheck if exception in mode_usr
   699 #endif
   700 	asm("bne 1f ");
   703 	USER_MEMORY_GUARD_ON(,lr,r12);
   704 	asm("tst lr, #0xc0000000 ");			// user memory enabled?
   705 	asm("adrne lr, 2f ");					// yes - enable it after callbacks
   706 #endif
   707 	asm("adreq lr, 1f ");					// no - leave it disabled after callbacks
   708 	asm("mov r3, #0 ");
   709 	asm("b callUserModeCallbacks2 ");		// call user-mode callbacks
   710 	asm("2: ");
   711 	USER_MEMORY_GUARD_OFF(,lr,lr);
   713 	asm("1: ");
   714 	asm("tst r0, #0x0f ");					// check if exception in mode_usr
   715 	asm("mov r3, #%a0 " : : "i" ((TInt)NThread::EContextUndefined));
   716 	asm("streqb r3, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iSpare3)); // if so, set iUserContextType = EContextUndefined
   717 	asm("add sp, r1, #24 ");				// restore mode_svc stack balance
   718 	asm("mov r2, #0xd7 ");
   719 	asm("msr cpsr, r2 ");					// mode_abt, all interrupts off
   720 	asm("msr spsr, r0 ");					// spsr_abt=aborted cpsr
   721 	ERRATUM_353494_MODE_CHANGE(,r12);
   722 	asm("ldmia r1, {r0-r3,r12,pc}^ ");		// restore r0-r3,r12 and return from exception
   724 	// get here if exception occurred in mode other than usr or svc
   725 	// we are in mode_abt or mode_und with IRQs disabled
   726 	asm("fatal_exception_mode: ");
   727 	asm("ldr r2, __TheScheduler ");
   728 	asm("ldr lr, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iMonitorExceptionHandler));
   729 	asm("cmp lr, #0 ");
   730 	__JUMP(ne,lr);							// if crash debugger running, let it handle exception
   732 	// get here if mode_svc stack has overflowed
   733 	// we are in mode_svc with interrupts enabled and the kernel locked
   734 	// R0=original CPSR R1=exc code R12=mode of exception
   735 	asm("fatal_exception_stack: ");
   736 	asm("orr r3, r12, #0xC0 ");
   737 	asm("msr cpsr, r3 ");		// back to exception mode, all interrupts off
   738 	asm("mov r2, r0 ");
   739 	asm("ldr r0, __TheScheduler ");
   740 	asm("ldr r0, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,i_Regs));	// pass in address of stored registers
   741 	asm("bl "	CSM_ZN3Arm9SaveStateER14SFullArmRegSet );
   742 	asm("str r1, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullArmRegSet,iExcCode));
   743 	asm("str r2, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullArmRegSet,iN.iFlags));
   744 	asm("ldmia sp!, {r3-r7} ");	// get original R0-R4
   745 	asm("stmia r0, {r1-r5} ");	// save original R0-R4
   746 	asm("ldmia sp!, {r6,r7} ");	// get original R12 and aborted instruction address
   747 	asm("str r6, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullArmRegSet,iN.iR12));
   748 	asm("str r7, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullArmRegSet,iN.iR15));
   749 	asm("mov r1, #13 ");		// r1 = regnum
   750 	asm("mrs r2, cpsr ");		// r2 = mode
   751 	asm("mov r4, r0 ");
   752 	asm("bl " CSM_ZN3Arm3RegER14SFullArmRegSetim );	// r0 = pointer to exception mode R13
   753 	asm("str sp, [r0] ");		// save correct original value for exception mode R13
   755 	// call the exception fault dispatcher
   756 	asm("mov r0, #0 ");
   757 	asm("b ExcFault ");
   758 	}
   760 extern "C" __NAKED__ void __ArmVectorAbortPrefetch()
   761 //
   762 // Prefetch abort
   763 //
   764 	{
   765 	asm("sub lr, lr, #4");					// lr now points to instruction whose prefetch was aborted
   766 	asm("stmfd	sp!, {r0-r4,r12,lr}");		// save it along with r0-r4,r12
   767 #if defined(__CPU_ARM_HAS_WORKING_CLREX)
   768 	CLREX									// reset exclusive monitor 	
   769 #elif defined(__CPU_ARM_HAS_LDREX_STREX)
   770 	STREX(12,0,13);							// dummy STREX to reset exclusivity monitor
   771 #endif
   772 	asm("mov r1, #%a0 " : : "i" ((TInt)EArmExceptionPrefetchAbort));
   773 	asm("b handle_exception ");
   774 	}
   776 extern "C" __NAKED__ void __ArmVectorUndef()
   777 //
   778 // Undefined instruction exception
   779 //
   780 	{
   781 	asm("sub lr, lr, #4");					// lr now points to undefined instruction
   782 	asm("stmfd	sp!, {r0-r4,r12,lr}");		// save it along with r0-r4,r12
   783 #if defined(__CPU_ARM_HAS_WORKING_CLREX)
   784 	CLREX									// reset exclusive monitor 	
   785 #elif defined(__CPU_ARM_HAS_LDREX_STREX)
   786 	STREX(12,0,13);							// dummy STREX to reset exclusivity monitor
   787 #endif
   788 	asm("mrs r0, spsr ");					// r0=CPSR at time of exception
   789 	asm("mov r1, #%a0 " : : "i" ((TInt)EArmExceptionUndefinedOpcode));
   790 	asm("tst r0, #0x20 ");					// exception in THUMB mode?
   791 	asm("addne lr, lr, #2 ");				// if so, correct saved return address
   792 	asm("strne lr, [sp, #24] ");
   793 	asm("b handle_exception2 ");
   794 	}