changeset 9 96e5fb8b040d
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     1 // Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // f32\sfat\inc\sl_bpb.h
    15 // @file
    16 // @internalTechnology
    17 // 
    18 //
    20 //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    21 //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    22 //!!
    23 //!! WARNING!! DO NOT edit this file !! '\sfat' component is obsolete and is not being used. '\sfat32'replaces it
    24 //!!
    25 //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    26 //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    29 #ifndef SL_BPB_H 
    30 #define SL_BPB_H
    33 #include "filesystem_fat.h"
    34 using FileSystem_FAT::TFatSubType;
    35 typedef TFatSubType TFatType;
    38 const TInt KVolumeLabelSize         =11;    ///< Volume lable size
    39 const TInt KFileSysTypeSize         =8;     ///< File system type parameter size
    40 const TInt KVendorIdSize            =8;     ///< Vendor ID parameter size
    41 const TInt KBootSectorSignature     =0xAA55;///< File system Boot sector signiture
    43 const TInt KSizeOfFatBootSector     =62;    ///< Size in bytes of Boot sector parameter block (BPB), 62 for fat16|12
    44 const TInt KFat16VolumeLabelPos     =43;    ///< Position of volume lable in BPB for Fat12/16
    46 const TUint32 KBootSectorNum        =0;     ///< Main Boot Sector number (always 0)
    48 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50 /**
    51 Boot sector parameter block, enables access to all file system parameters.
    52 Data is populated at mount time from the BPB sector
    53 */
    54 class TFatBootSector
    55     {
    56 public:
    57     //-- simple getters / setters
    58     inline const TPtrC8 VendorId() const;
    59     inline TInt BytesPerSector() const;
    60     inline TInt SectorsPerCluster() const;
    61     inline TInt ReservedSectors() const;
    62     inline TInt NumberOfFats() const;
    63     inline TInt RootDirEntries() const;
    64     inline TInt TotalSectors() const;
    65     inline TUint8 MediaDescriptor() const;
    66     inline TInt FatSectors() const;
    67     inline TInt SectorsPerTrack() const;
    68     inline TInt NumberOfHeads() const;
    69     inline TInt HiddenSectors() const;
    70     inline TInt HugeSectors() const;
    71     inline TInt PhysicalDriveNumber() const;
    72     inline TInt ExtendedBootSignature() const;
    73     inline TUint32 UniqueID() const;
    74     inline const TPtrC8 VolumeLabel() const;
    75     inline const TPtrC8 FileSysType() const;
    76     inline TInt BootSectorSignature() const;
    78     inline TUint32 RootClusterNum() const  {return 0;} //-- dummy   
    79     inline TUint16 FSInfoSectorNum() const {return 0;} //-- dummy   
    80     inline TUint16 BkBootRecSector() const {return 0;} //-- dummy   
    83     inline void SetJumpInstruction();
    84     inline void SetVendorID(const TDesC8& aDes);
    85     inline void SetBytesPerSector(TInt aBytesPerSector);
    86     inline void SetSectorsPerCluster(TInt aSectorsPerCluster);
    87     inline void SetReservedSectors(TInt aReservedSectors);
    88     inline void SetNumberOfFats(TInt aNumberOfFats);
    89     inline void SetRootDirEntries(TInt aRootDirEntries);
    90     inline void SetTotalSectors(TInt aTotalSectors);
    91     inline void SetMediaDescriptor(TUint8 aMediaDescriptor);
    92     inline void SetFatSectors(TInt aFatSectors);
    93     inline void SetSectorsPerTrack(TInt aSectorsPerTrack);
    94     inline void SetNumberOfHeads(TInt aNumberOfHeads);
    95     inline void SetHiddenSectors(TUint32 aHiddenSectors);
    96     inline void SetHugeSectors(TUint32 aTotalSectors);
    97     inline void SetPhysicalDriveNumber(TInt aPhysicalDriveNumber);
    98     inline void SetReservedByte(TUint8 aReservedByte);
    99     inline void SetExtendedBootSignature(TInt anExtendedBootSignature);
   100     inline void SetUniqueID(TUint32 anUniqueID);
   101     inline void SetVolumeLabel(const TDesC8& aDes);
   102     inline void SetFileSysType(const TDesC8& aDes);
   104 public:
   106     TFatBootSector();
   108     void Initialise();
   109     TBool IsValid() const;
   110     TFatType FatType(void) const;
   112     void Internalize(const TDesC8& aBuf);
   113     void Externalize(TDes8& aBuf) const;
   114     void PrintDebugInfo() const;
   116     //-- more advanced API, works for all FAT types
   117     TInt FirstFatSector() const;
   118     TInt RootDirStartSector() const;
   119     TInt FirstDataSector() const;
   121     TUint32 VolumeTotalSectorNumber() const;
   122     TUint32 TotalFatSectors() const;
   123     TUint32 RootDirSectors() const;
   126 protected:
   128     TUint8  iJumpInstruction[3];            ///< +0         Jump instruction used for bootable volumes
   129     TUint8  iVendorId[KVendorIdSize];       ///< +3         Vendor ID of the file system that formatted the volume
   130     TUint16 iBytesPerSector;                ///< +11/0x0b   Bytes per sector 
   131     TUint8  iSectorsPerCluster;             ///< +13/0x0d   Sectors per cluster ratio
   132     TUint16 iReservedSectors;               ///< +14/0x0e   Number of reserved sectors on the volume
   133     TUint8  iNumberOfFats;                  ///< +16/0x10   Number of Fats on the volume
   134     TUint16 iRootDirEntries;                ///< +17/0x11   Number of entries allowed in the root directory, specific to Fat12/16, zero for FAT32
   135     TUint16 iTotalSectors;                  ///< +19/0x13   Total sectors on the volume, zero for FAT32
   136     TUint8  iMediaDescriptor;               ///< +12/0x15   Media descriptor
   137     TUint16 iFatSectors;                    ///< +22/0x16   Sectors used for the Fat table, zero for FAT32
   138     TUint16 iSectorsPerTrack;               ///< +24/0x18   Sectors per track
   139     TUint16 iNumberOfHeads;                 ///< +26/0x1a   Number of heads 
   140     TUint32 iHiddenSectors;                 ///< +28/0x1c   Number of hidden sectors in the volume
   141     TUint32 iHugeSectors;                   ///< +32/0x20   Total sectors in the volume, Used if totalSectors > 65535
   142     //this is (boot sector) offset 36 for FAT12 and 16 but comes after additional FAT36 elements
   143     TUint8 iPhysicalDriveNumber;            ///< +36/0x24   Physical drive number, not used in Symbian OS
   144     TUint8 iReserved;                       ///< +37/0x25   Reserved byte
   145     TUint8 iExtendedBootSignature;          ///< +38/0x26   Extended boot signiture
   146     TUint32 iUniqueID;                      ///< +39/0x27   Unique volume ID
   147     TUint8 iVolumeLabel[KVolumeLabelSize];  ///< +43/0x2b   The volume's label
   148     TUint8 iFileSysType[KFileSysTypeSize];  ///< +54/0x36   File system type
   149     };
   155 #endif //SL_BPB_H