changeset 0 a41df078684a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a41df078684a
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32\drivers\resourceman\resourceman.cpp
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include <drivers/resourcecontrol.h>
    19 #include <drivers/resourceman.h>
    20 /**
    21 @publishedPartner
    22 @prototype 9.5
    24 Register a client with the resource manager
    26 @param aClientId  A reference to a client ID: returns a unique handle if registration was
    27                   successful, 0 otherwise.
    28 @param aName      Descriptor with name for client. The descriptor is created by the client
    29                   in kernel heap or in kernel stack.
    30                   NOTE: Name should ideally relate to component name and should take care
    31                   of name uniqueness as this is not checked by resource manager unless 
    32 				  DEBUG_VERSION macro is enabled.
    33 @param aType      Defines ownership
    34                   EOwnerProcess - The client ID can be used by all thread in the process to
    35                   call the resource manager API's
    36                   EOwnerThread - The client ID can only be used by the thread that registered
    37                   the client to resource manager to call the PRM API's
    38                   By default this is set to EOwnerProcess.
    40 @return           KErrNone     if the operation was successful,
    41                   KErrNoMemory if a new client link was needed but could not be created and 
    42                                added to the client list,
    43                   KErrTooBig   if the length of the descriptor passed is greater than 32.
    44 				  KErrAlreadyExists if the specified name already exists. This is valid only if 
    45 				                    DEBUG_VERSION macro is enabled. 
    46 				  KErrNotSupported if the number of expected kernel side clients is set to zero
    47 									by PSL during initialisation.
    49 @pre Interrupts must be enabled.
    50 @pre Kernel must be unlocked.
    51 @pre No fast mutex can be held.
    52 @pre Call in a thread context, but not from null thread or DFC thread1.
    53 @pre Can be used in a device driver
    54 */
    55 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::RegisterClient(TUint& aClientId, const TDesC8& aName, TOwnerType aType)
    56 	{
    57     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::RegisterClient"));
    58     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("Client Name %S", &aName));
    59     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("OwnerType %d", aType));
    60     return TInterface::RegisterClient(aClientId, aName, aType);
    61 	}
    63 /**
    64 @publishedPartner
    65 @prototype 9.5
    67 Deregister a client with the resource manager
    69 @param aClientId    The ID of the client which is being deregistered
    71 @return             KErrNone     if the operation was successful
    72                     KErrNotFound if this client ID could not be found in the current
    73                                  list of clients
    74 		            KErrArgument if user side client ID is specified or client ID to be used
    75 								 by Power Controller is specified.
    76 		            KErrAccessDenied if client was registered to be thread relative and this API
    77 						             is not called from the same thread. 
    80 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
    81 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
    82 @pre No fast mutex can be held
    83 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
    84 @pre Can be used in a device driver
    85 */
    86 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::DeRegisterClient(TUint aClientId)
    87 	{
    88     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::DeRegisterClient"));
    89     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("Client ID %d", aClientId));
    90     return TInterface::DeRegisterClient(aClientId);
    91 	}
    93 /**
    94 @publishedPartner
    95 @prototype 9.5
    97 Obtain the name of a registered client of the resource manager
    99 @param aClientId       The ID of the client which is requesting the name of
   100                        another client whose ID is specified in aTargetClientId.
   101 @param aTargetClientId The ID of the client whose name is being requested.
   102 @param aName           Descriptor to be filled with the name of the client.
   103 				       The descriptor is created by the client in kernel stack or heap.
   105 @return                KErrNone if the operation was successful
   106                        KErrNotFound if this client ID (aTargetClientId) could not be
   107                                     found in the current list of registered clients.
   108                        KErrAccessDenied if the client ID (aClientId) could not be found
   109                                         in the current list of registered clients or if the client was 
   110 				                        registered to be thread relative and this API is not called from 
   111 				                        the same thread.
   113 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   114 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   115 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   116 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   117 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   118 */
   119 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetClientName(TUint aClientId, TUint aTargetClientId, TDes8&
   120  aName)
   121 	{
   122     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetClientName"));
   123     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   124     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aTargetClientId 0x%08x", aTargetClientId));
   125     return TInterface::GetClientName(aClientId, aTargetClientId, aName);
   126 	}
   128 /**
   129 @publishedPartner
   130 @prototype 9.5
   132 Obtain the Id of registered client of the resource manager
   134 @param aClientId       ID of the client which is requesting the ID of the another
   135                        client whose name is specified in aClientName
   136 @param aClientName     Descriptor containing the name of the client whose ID is being
   137                        requested. The client must create the descriptor in kernel stack
   138                        or heap.
   139                        NOTE: Resource manager does not check for uniqueness of client
   140                        name during registration, so if there are multiple clients registered
   141                        to PRM with same name it will return the ID of the first client encountered
   142 				       with the specified name (order is not guaranteed).
   143 @param aTargetClientId Updates with ID of the requested client on success
   145 @return                KErrNone if the operation was successful
   146                        KErrNotFound if this client name could not be found in the current list 
   147 					                of registered client.
   148                        KErrAccessDenied if the client ID (aClientId) could not be found in the current
   149                                        list of registered client or if the client was registered to 
   150 									   be thread relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
   151                        KErrTooBig if the length of the descriptor passed is greater than 32.
   153 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   154 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   155 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   156 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   157 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   158 */
   159 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetClientId(TUint aClientId, TDesC8& aClientName, TUint& aTargetClientId)
   160 	{
   161     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetClientId"));
   162     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   163     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientName %S", &aClientName));
   164     return TInterface::GetClientId(aClientId, aClientName, aTargetClientId);
   165 	}
   167 /**
   168 @publishedPartner
   169 @prototype 9.5
   171 Obtain the ID of registered resource of the resource manager.
   172 NOTE: ID of the first matching name found in the resource list will be returned
   174 @param aClientId      ID of the client which is requesting the ID of the
   175                       resource, by specifying its name.
   176 @param aResourceName  Descriptor containing the name of the resource whose
   177                       ID is being requested.The client must create descriptor in 
   178 					  kernel stack or heap.
   179 @param aResourceId    Updates with ID of the requested resource on success
   181 @return               KErrNone if the operation was successful
   182                       KErrAccessDenied if the ID of the client could not be found in the
   183                                        current list of registered clients or if the client was
   184 						               registered to be thread relative and this API is not called
   185 						               from the same thread. 
   186                       KErrNotFound if this resource name could not be found in the current
   187                                    list of registered resources.
   188 		              KErrTooBig if the length of the descriptor passed is greater than 32. 
   190 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   191 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   192 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   193 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   194 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   195 */
   196 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetResourceId(TUint aClientId, TDesC8& aResourceName, TUint& aResourceId)
   197 	{
   198     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetResourceId"));
   199     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   200     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceName %S", &aResourceName));
   201     return TInterface::GetResourceId(aClientId, aResourceName, aResourceId);
   202 	}
   204 /**
   205 @publishedPartner
   206 @prototype 9.5
   208 Request a structure containing information on a resource.
   210 @param aClientId    ID of the client which is requesting the resource information
   211 @param aResourceId  ID of the resource whose information is being requested.
   212 @param aInfo        A pointer to descriptor containing resource information
   213                     structure (TPowerResourceInfoV01) to be filled in
   214                     with the requested resource information. The client must
   215                     create the descriptor in kernel stack or heap.
   217 @return             KErrNone if the operation was successful
   218                     KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the current list
   219                                      of registered clients or if the client was registered to be
   220 						             thread relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
   221                     KErrNotFound if this resource ID could not be found in the current list
   222                                  of controllable resource.
   223                     KErrArgument if aInfo is NULL or size of descriptor passed is less than size of 
   224 					             TPowerResourceInfoV01.
   226 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   227 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   228 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   229 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   230 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   231 */
   232 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetResourceInfo(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TAny* aInfo)
   233 	{
   234     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetResourceInfo"));
   235     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   236     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
   237     return TInterface::GetResourceInfo(aClientId, aResourceId, aInfo);
   238 	}
   241 /**
   242 @publishedPartner
   243 @prototype 9.5
   245 Request number of resources that the specified client (aTargetClientId) has
   246 requirement on resource level. Client ID starts from 1, so if 0 is specified in
   247 aTargetClientId, returns the total number of controllable resources registered with PRM.
   249 @param aClientId       ID of the client that is requesting the number of resources for which
   250                        the specified client (aTargetClientId) holds requirement on the
   251                        resource level change.
   252 @param aTargetClientId ID of the client for which the number of resources that it 
   253 					   has requested a level on is to be returned.
   254 @param aNumResource    Updated with the number of resources that the specified client
   255                        has requirement on resource level change, if valid client
   256                        ID is passed. If client ID is 0, updates the total number
   257                        of resources registered with resource manager.
   259 @return                KErrNone if the operation was successful.
   260                        KErrAccessDenied if the client ID (aClientId) could not be found in the
   261                                         current list of registered clients or if the client was registered
   262 						                to be thread relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
   263                        KErrNotFound if the client ID (aTargetClientId) could not be found in the
   264                                     current list of registered clients and is not 0.
   266 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   267 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   268 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   269 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   270 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   271 */
   272 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(TUint aClientId, TUint aTargetClientId, 
   273 																 TUint& aNumResource)
   274 	{
   275     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetNumResourcesInUseByClient"));
   276     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   277     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aTargetClientId 0x%08x", aTargetClientId));
   278     return TInterface::GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(aClientId, aTargetClientId, aNumResource);
   279 	}
   281 /**
   282 @publishedPartner
   283 @prototype 9.5
   285 Request information on resources.
   286 If client ID (aTargetClientId) is valid, aInfo is updated with the information 
   287 of the resources that this client requested a resource level.
   288 If client ID (aTargetClientId) is 0, aInfo is updated with the information of all the resources 
   289 registered with resource controller.
   290 The number of resources for which information will be provided will be equal or less than 
   291 the number specified in aNumResources.
   293 @param aClientId       ID of the client which is requesting the resource information.
   294 @param aTargetClientId ID of the client. The information of all the resources on
   295                        which it has requirement on resource level change is requested.
   296                        Client ID starts from 1, so calling this API with client ID 0 will
   297                        fill the details of all the controllable resource registered with
   298                        resource manager starting from resource ID 1.
   299 @param aNumResources   Number of resource whose information needs to be filled in aInfo i.e,
   300                        it specifies the size of aInfo array.
   301 @param aInfo           A pointer to an array of descriptor containing an information structure
   302                        (TPowerResourceInfoV01) to be filled in with the information
   303                        on the resources. It will be assumed that array allocated will be equal
   304                        to the number passed in aNumResources. The client must create the array
   305                        in Kernel stack or heap.
   307 @return                KErrNone if the operation was successful
   308                        KErrAccessDenied if client ID (aClientId) could not be found in the registered
   309                                         client list or if the client was registered to be thread relative
   310 										and this API is not called from the same thread.
   311                        KErrNotFound if client ID (aTargetClientId) could not be found in the current list
   312                                     of registered client and is also not 0.
   313                        KErrArgument if aNumResources is 0 or aInfo is NULL or if size of aInfo is not 
   314 					                sufficient to hold the resource information of number of resources 
   315 									specified in aNumResource.
   317 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   318 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   319 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   320 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   321 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   322 */
   323 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(TUint aClientId, TUint aTargetClientId, 
   324 																	TUint& aNumResource, TAny* aInfo)
   325 	{
   326     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient"));
   327     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   328     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aTargetClientId 0x%08x", aTargetClientId));
   329     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aNumResource 0x%08x", aNumResource));
   330     return TInterface::GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(aClientId, aTargetClientId, aNumResource, aInfo);
   331 	}
   333 /**
   334 @publishedPartner
   335 @prototype 9.5
   337 Request number of clients which has requirements on the resource level change of the specified
   338 resource. Resource ID starts from 1, so 0 can be used to get the number of clients
   339 registered with resource manager.
   341 @param aClientId         ID of the client which is requesting number of clients
   342                          holding requirement on specified resource.
   343 @param aResourceId       ID of the resource.
   344 @param aNumClient        Upon success, updated with number of clients having a requirement
   345                          on resource level for the specified resource, if valid resource ID is specified.
   346                          If resource ID is 0, then it is updated with number of clients
   347                          registered with PRM.
   349 @return                  KErrNone if the operation was successful
   350                          KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not found in the current list of
   351                                           registered clients or if the client was registered to be thread 
   352 						                  relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
   353                          KErrNotFound If this resource ID could not be found in the current list
   354                                       of registered resource and is also not 0.
   356 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   357 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   358 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   359 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   360 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   361 */
   362 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetNumClientsUsingResource(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TUint& aNumClients)
   363 	{
   364     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetNumClientsUsingResource"));
   365     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   366     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
   367     return TInterface::GetNumClientsUsingResource(aClientId, aResourceId, aNumClients);
   368 	}
   370 /**
   371 @publishedPartner
   372 @prototype 9.5
   374 Request information on clients
   375 If resource ID is valid, aInfo is updated with the information of the clients
   376 which have a requirements on the resource level for the specified resource
   377 If resource ID is 0, aInfo is updated with the information of the clients registered
   378 with resource manager, starting from client ID 1.
   379 The number of clients for which information will be provided will be equal to or less
   380 than the number specified in a NumClients.
   382 @param aClientId        ID of the client which is requesting the information 
   383 @param aResourceId      Id of the resource.
   384 @param aNumClients		Number of clients whose information needs to be filled in aInfo
   385 						ie, it specifies the size of aInfo array.
   386 @param aInfo            A pointer to an array of descriptor containing an information
   387                         structure (TPowerClientInfoV01) to be filled in with
   388                         the information on the client. It will be assumed that array
   389                         allocated will be equal to the number passed in aNumClients.
   390                         The Client must create the array of descriptors in kernel stack
   391                         or heap.
   393 @return                 KErrNone if the operation was successful.
   394                         KErrNotFound if resource ID could not be found in the registered resource list and is 
   395 						             also not 0.
   396 		                KErrAccessDenied if client ID (aClientId) could not be found in the registered client list
   397 						                 or if the client was registered to be thread relative and this API is not 
   398 						                 called from the same thread. 
   399                         KErrArgument if aNumClients is 0 or aInfo is NULL or if size of aInfo is not sufficient 
   400 						             to hold client information of specified client number in aNumClients.
   402 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   403 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   404 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   405 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   406 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   407 */
   408 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, 
   409 																  TUint& aNumClients, TAny* aInfo)
   410 	{
   411     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource"));
   412     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   413     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
   414     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aNumClients 0x%08x", aNumClients));
   415     return TInterface::GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(aClientId, aResourceId, aNumClients, aInfo);
   416 	}
   418 /**
   419 @publishedPartner
   420 @prototype 9.5
   422 Request changing the state of a resource
   423 NOTE: If a resource callback is specified for instantaneous resource, then callback
   424       will be called after resource change and will be executed in the context of the
   425       client thread.
   426       If a resource callback is specified for long latency reosurces, then it will be
   427       executed asynchronously.
   428       When the request is accepted the API returns immediately and the calling thread
   429       is unblocked: the callback (called in the client's context) will be invoked when
   430       the resource change finally takes place.
   431       If aCb is not specified (NULL by default) the API executes synchronously and will
   432       only return when the resource change has taken place for long latency resource.
   433       The client thread is blocked throughout
   434       When state change for a shared resource is requested, only minimum state that
   435       satisfy the requirement is guaranteed and it is not guaranteed for the absolute
   436       value change.
   438 @param aClientId   ID of the client which is requesting the resource change.
   439 @param aResourceId ID of the resource whose state is to be changed.
   440 @param aNewState   The new state of the resource. This could be a binary value for a
   441                    binary resource, an integer level for a multilevel resource or some
   442                    platform specific token for a multi-property resource.
   443 @param aCb         For Long latency resource
   444                        A pointer to a resource callback object which encapsulates a
   445                        callback function to be called whenever the resource state change
   446                        happens (if left NULL the API will execute synchrounously).
   447                    For Instantaneous resource
   448                        A pointer to a resource callback object which encapsulates a callback
   449                        function to be called after resource change. This executes in the
   450                        context of the client thread.
   452 @return            KErrNone If the API is to be executed synchronously it indicates the change was
   453                             successful, if the API is to be executed asynchronously it indicates
   454                             the request to change the resource state has been accepted.
   455                    KErrNotFound if the resource ID could not be found in the current list of
   456                                 controllable resources.
   457                    KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the list of
   458                                     registered clients or if the client was registered to be thread 
   459 						            relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
   460                    KErrNotReady if the request is issued before the resource controller completes its
   461                                 internal initialisation.
   462                    KErrUnderflow if the client has exceeded the reserved number of
   463                                  SPowerResourceClientLevel and the free pool is empty or if it is
   464                                  an asynchronous operation on long latency resource and the client has exceeded 
   465 					             the reserved number of TPowerRequest and the free pool is empty.
   466 				   KErrArgument if requested level is out of range (outside of min and max levels)
   467 				   KErrPermissionDenied if the requested state of the resource is not accepted by its dependents.
   468 				                        This error is valid only for dependent resource state change in extened
   469 										version of PRM.
   471 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   472 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   473 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   474 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   475 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   476 @pre Do not call synchronous version from DFC thread 0 for long latency resource
   477 */
   478 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::ChangeResourceState(TUint aClientId , TUint aResourceId, 
   479 														TInt aNewState, TPowerResourceCb* aCb)
   480 	{
   481 	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::ChangeResourceState"));
   482 	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   483 	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
   484 	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aNewState 0x%08x", aNewState));
   485 	return TInterface::ChangeResourceState(aClientId, aResourceId, aNewState, aCb);
   486 	}
   488 /**
   489 @publishedPartner
   490 @prototype 9.5
   492 Request the state of the resource synchronously. Client thread will be blocked throughout.
   494 @param aClientId     ID of the client which is requesting the resource state.
   495 @param aResourceId   ID of the resource whose state is being requested.
   496 @param aCached       If ETrue, cached value will be updated in aState.
   497                      If EFalse, aState will be updated after the resource
   498                      state is read from resource.
   499 @param aState        Returns the resource state if operation was successful. This
   500                      could be a binary value for a binary resource, an integer level
   501                      for a multilevel resource or some platform specific tolen for a
   502                      multi-property resource.
   503 @param aLevelOwnerId Returns the Id of the client that is currently the owner of the resource.
   504 					 -1	is returned when no client is owner of the resource.
   506 @return              KErrNone if operation was successful
   507                      KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the current list
   508                                       of registered clients or if the client was registered to be thread
   509 						              relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
   510                      KErrNotFound if this resource ID could not be found in the current list
   511                                   of controllable resources.
   512                      KErrNotReady if the request is issued before the resource controller completes
   513                                   its internal initialization.
   515 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   516 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   517 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   518 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   519 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   520 @pre Do not call from DFC thread 0 for long latency resource with caching disabled.
   521 */
   522 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetResourceState(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TBool aCached, 
   523 													 TInt& aState, TInt& aLevelOwnerId)
   524 	{
   525 	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetResourceState"));
   526 	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   527 	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
   528 	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aCached 0x%08x", aCached));
   529 	return TInterface::GetResourceState(aClientId, aResourceId, aCached, aState, aLevelOwnerId);
   530 	}
   532 /**
   533 @publishedPartner
   534 @prototype 9.5
   536 Request the state of the resource asynchrounously.
   538 @param aClientId   ID of the client which is requesting the resource state.
   539 @param aResourceId ID of the resource whose state is being requested.
   540 @param aCached     If ETrue, cached value will be updated in aState
   541                    If EFalse, will be updated after the resource state is read from resource
   542 @param aCb         For long latency resource:
   543                       A pointer to a resource callback object which encapsulates a callback function
   544                       to be called whenever the state of the resource is available for the long
   545                       latency resource (executes in the context of resource manager)
   546                    For instantaneous resource:
   547                       A pointer to a resource callback object which encapsulates a callback
   548                       function to be called after the resource state is read. This is executed
   549                       synchronously in the context of the calling thread.
   550                       NOTE: The client must create the callback object in kernel heap or
   551                             data section.
   553 @return            KErrNone if the operation was successful
   554                    KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the current list
   555                                     of registered clients or if the client was registered to be
   556 						            thread relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
   557                    KErrNotFound if this resource ID could not be found in the current list
   558                                 of controllable resources.
   559                    KErrNotReady if the request is issued before the resource controller completes
   560                                 its internal initialisation
   561                    KErrUnderflow if the client has exceeded the reserved number of TPowerRequest
   562                                  and the TPowerRequest free pool is empty for long latency resource.
   563 		           KErrArgument if callback object is NULL.
   565 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   566 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   567 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   568 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   569 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   570 */
   571 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetResourceState(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TBool aCached, TPowerResourceCb& aCb)
   572 	{
   573     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetResourceState"));
   574     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   575     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
   576     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aCached 0x%08x", aCached));
   577     return TInterface::GetResourceState(aClientId, aResourceId, aCached, aCb);
   578 	}
   580 /**
   581 @publishedPartner
   582 @prototype 9.5  
   584 Cancel an asynchronous request(or its callback).
   586 @param aClientId       ID of the client which is requesting the cancellation of the request.
   587 @param aResourceId     ID for the resource which the request that is being cancelled operates
   588                        upon.
   589 @param aCb             A reference to the resource callback object specified with the request
   590                        that is being cancelled.
   592 @return                KErrCancel if the request was cancelled.
   593                        KErrNotFound if this resource ID could not be found in the current list of 
   594 					                controllable resources.
   595                        KErrCompletion if request is no longer pending.
   596                        KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the current list of registered
   597 		                                clients or if the client was registered to be thread relative and this API
   598 						                is not called from the same thread or if client is not the same that 
   599 						                requested the resource state change.
   600 		               KErrInUse if the request cannot be cancelled as processing of the request already started 
   601 				                 and will run to completion. 
   603 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   604 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   605 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   606 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   607 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   608 */
   609 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::CancelAsyncRequestCallBack(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TPowerResourceCb& aCb)
   610 	{
   611     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::CancelAsyncRequestCallback"));
   612     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   613     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
   614     return TInterface::CancelAsyncRequestCallBack(aClientId, aResourceId, aCb);
   615 	}
   617 /**
   618 @publishedPartner
   619 @prototype 9.5
   621 Request notification of changes to the state of a resource.
   623 NOTE: This API should return immediately; however the notification will
   624 only happen when a resource change occurs.Notification request is idempotent, 
   625 if the same notification has already been requested for this resource ID, 
   626 the API returns with no further action. Notifications remain queued until 
   627 they are cancelled.
   629 @param aClientId     ID of the client which is requesting the notification.
   630 @param aResourceId   ID of the resource for which notification of state changes
   631                      is being requested.
   632 @param aN            A reference to a notification object which encapsulates a callback
   633                      function to be called whenever a resource state change takes place.
   634                      NOTE: The client must create the notification object in kernel heap
   635                            or data section.
   637 @return              KErrNone if the operation of requesting a notification was successful.
   638                      KErrNotFound if this resource ID could not be found in the current list
   639                                   of controllable resources.
   640                      KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the current
   641                                       list of registered clients or if the client was registered to be thread
   642 						              relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
   643 		             KErrInUse if the passed notification object is used already.
   645 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   646 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   647 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   648 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   649 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   650 */
   651 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::RequestNotification(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, DPowerResourceNotification& aN)
   652 	{
   653     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::RequestNotification"));
   654     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   655     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
   656     return TInterface::RequestNotification(aClientId, aResourceId, aN);
   657 	}
   659 /**
   660 @publishedPartner
   661 @prototype 9.5
   663 Request notification when the state of a resource reaches a specified threshold or
   664 goes above or below that threshold (for multilevel resource only) based on direction.
   665 In other words it is issued when a threshold on the specified resource state is crossed
   666 in the direction specified.
   668 NOTE:This API should return immediately; however the notification will only
   669 happen when a resource change occurs. Notification request is idempotent, 
   670 if the same notification has already been requested for this resource ID, 
   671 the API returns with no further action. Notification remain queued until 
   672 they are cancelled.
   674 @param aClientId    ID of the client which is requesting the notification.
   675 @param aResourceId  ID for the resource whose notification of state changes is
   676                     being requested.
   677 @param aN           A reference to a notification object which encapsulates a callback
   678                     function to be called whenever the conditions to issue the notification
   679                     (specified in the API) are met.
   680                     NOTE: The client must create the notification object in kernel heap
   681                           or data section.
   682 @param aThreshold   The level of the resource state that will trigger the notification
   683                     when reached.
   684 @param aDirection   Specifies the direction of change of the resource state that will
   685                     trigger a notification. EFalse means the notification will be issued
   686                     when the resource state change to a specified threshold value or below
   687                     the specified threshold, ETrue means the notification will be issued
   688                     when the resource state change to a specified threshold value or above
   689                     the specified threshold.
   691 @return             KErrNone if the operation of requesting a notification was successful.
   692                     KErrNotFound if this resource ID could not be found in the current list
   693                                  of controllable reosurces.
   694                     KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the list of
   695                                      registered clients or if the client was registered to be
   696 						             thread relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
   697 		            KErrInUse if the passed notification object is used already.
   698 		            KErrArgument if the specified threshold is out of range.
   700 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   701 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   702 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   703 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   704 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   705 */
   706 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::RequestNotification(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, DPowerResourceNotification& aN,
   707 														TInt aThreshold, TBool aDirection)
   708 	{
   709     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::RequestNotification"));
   710     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   711     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
   712     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aThreshold 0x%08x", aThreshold));
   713     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aDirection 0x%08x", aDirection));
   714     return TInterface::RequestNotification(aClientId, aResourceId, aN, aThreshold, aDirection);
   715 	}
   717 /**
   718 @publishedPartner
   719 @prototype 9.5
   721 Cancel and remove from queue a previously issued request for notification on a
   722 resource state change.
   724 @param aClientId    ID of the client which is requesting to cancel the notification
   725 @param aResourceId  ID of the resource whose pending notification of state changes
   726                     is being cancelled.
   727 @param aN           A reference to the notification object that was associated with
   728                     the notification request that is being cancelled. This will be
   729                     used to identify the notification that is being cancelled.
   731 @return             KErrCancel if the notification request was successfully cancelled.
   732                     KErrNotFound if the specified notification object is not found in the current list
   733 					             of notification objects for the specified resource.
   734                     KErrAccessDenied if the client requesting the cancellation is not the same
   735                                      which registered the notification or if the resource id does not
   736 						             match or if the client ID could not be found in the list of 
   737              						 registered clients or if the client was registered to be 
   738 			             			 thread relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
   740 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   741 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   742 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   743 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   744 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   745 */
   746 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::CancelNotification(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, DPowerResourceNotification& aN)
   747 	{
   748     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::CancelNotification"));
   749     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   750     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
   751     return TInterface::CancelNotification(aClientId, aResourceId, aN);
   752 	}
   754 /**
   755 @publishedPartner
   756 @prototype 9.5
   758 Request pre-allocation of specified number of client level and request message objects.
   760 @param aClientId  ID of the client which is requesting the pre-allocation.
   761 @param aNumCl     Number of client level objects that needs to be pre-allocated
   762                   for this client.
   763 @param aNumRm     Number of request message objects that needs to be pre-allocated
   764                   for this client.
   766 @return           KErrNone if the allocation was successful
   767                   KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the list of
   768                                    registered clients or if the client was registered to be 
   769 						           thread relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
   770                   KErrNoMemory if there is no sufficient memory for allocation of requested
   771                                number of objects.
   773 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   774 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   775 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   776 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   777 @pre Can be used in a device driver
   778 */
   779 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::AllocReserve(TUint aClientId, TUint8 aNumCl, TUint8 aNumRm)
   780 	{
   781     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::AllocReserve"));
   782     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   783     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aNumCl 0x%02x", aNumCl));
   784     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aNumRm 0x%02x", aNumRm));
   785     return TInterface::AllocReserve(aClientId, aNumCl, aNumRm);
   786 	}
   788 /**
   789 @publishedPartner
   790 @prototype 9.5
   792 Request to deregister client level from the specified resource for the specified client.
   794 @param aClientId	ID of the client which is requesting the deregistration of client level.
   795 @param aResourceId	ID of the resource from which to remove the specified clients 'client level'.
   797 @return             KErrNone if successful
   798 		            KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the list of registered clients or
   799 							         if the client was registered to be thread relative and this API is not 
   800 							         called from the same thread.
   801 		            KErrNotFound if the resource ID could not be found in the current list of controllable 
   802 							     resources or if the client is not holding any level with the specified 
   803 							     resource (no client level found for the specified client).
   805 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   806 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   807 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   808 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   809 @pre Can be used in a device driver.
   810 */
   811 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId)
   812 	{
   813 	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource"));
   814 	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   815 	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
   816 	return TInterface::DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(aClientId, aResourceId);
   817 	}
   819 /**
   820 @publishedPartner
   821 @prototype 9.5
   823 Interface to provide extended functionality.This provides support
   824 to register and deregister dynamic resources and handling of resource dependency, registering
   825 and deregistering resource dependency.
   826 This is not supported in basic version
   827 It is used for getting version (supported in both version). 
   829 @pre Interrupts must be enabled
   830 @pre Kernel must be unlocked
   831 @pre No fast mutex can be held
   832 @pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
   833 @pre Can be used in a device driver.
   834 */
   835 EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::ControlIO(TUint aClientId, TUint aFunction, TAny* aParam1, TAny* aParam2, 
   836 											  TAny* aParam3)
   837     {
   838     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::ControlIO"));
   839     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
   840     __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aFunction %d", aFunction));
   841     return TInterface::ControlIO(aClientId, aFunction, aParam1, aParam2, aParam3);
   842 	}