changeset 0 a41df078684a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a41df078684a
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32\euser\epoc\win32\uc_i64.cpp
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "u32std.h"
    19 #include <e32math.h>
    21 #pragma warning ( disable : 4100 )	// unreferenced formal parameter
    22 #pragma warning ( disable : 4414 )  // short jump to function converted to near
    24 extern "C" void UDiv64();
    29 EXPORT_C __NAKED__ void Math::Mul64(Int64 /*aX*/, Int64 /*aY*/, Int64& /*aOutH*/, Uint64& /*aOutL*/)
    30 /**
    31 Multiply aX by aY to generate a 128 bit result.
    33 The high order 64 bits of this calculation are stored in aOutH,
    34 and the low order 64 bits are stored in aOutL.
    36 @param aX     The first 64-bit operand.
    37 @param aY     The second 64-bit operand.
    38 @param aOutH  The high order 64 bits of the result.
    39 @param aOutL  The low order  64 bits of the result.
    40 */
    41 	{
    42 	_asm mov eax, [esp+4]
    43 	_asm mul dword ptr [esp+12]		// edx:eax = x0*y0
    44 	_asm push edi
    45 	_asm push esi
    46 	_asm push ebx					// [esp+16]=&aX, [esp+24]=&aY, [esp+32]=&aOutH, [esp+36]=&aOutL
    47 	_asm mov ecx, eax
    48 	_asm mov ebx, edx				// ebx:ecx = x0*y0
    49 	_asm mov eax, [esp+16]
    50 	_asm mul dword ptr [esp+28]		// edx:eax = x0*y1
    51 	_asm xor esi, esi
    52 	_asm add ebx, eax
    53 	_asm adc esi, edx				// esi:ebx:ecx = x0*y
    54 	_asm mov eax, [esp+20]			// eax=x1
    55 	_asm imul dword ptr [esp+28]	// edx:eax = x1*y1
    56 	_asm mov edi, edx
    57 	_asm add esi, eax
    58 	_asm adc edi, 0					// partial result in edi:esi:ebx:ecx
    59 	_asm cmp dword ptr [esp+28], 0	// y<0 ?
    60 	_asm jns mul64_ypos
    61 	_asm sub esi, [esp+16]			// if so, subtract x0<<64
    62 	_asm sbb edi, 0
    63 	mul64_ypos:
    64 	_asm mov eax, [esp+20]			// eax=x1
    65 	_asm cmp eax, 0					// x<0 ?
    66 	_asm jns mul64_xpos
    67 	_asm sub esi, [esp+24]			// if so, subtract y0<<64
    68 	_asm sbb edi, 0
    69 	mul64_xpos:
    70 	_asm mul dword ptr [esp+24]		// edx:eax = x1*y0
    71 	_asm add ebx, eax
    72 	_asm mov eax, [esp+32]			// eax=&aOutH
    73 	_asm adc esi, edx
    74 	_asm mov edx, [esp+36]			// edx=&aOutL
    75 	_asm adc edi, 0					// full result now in edi:esi:ebx:ecx
    76 	_asm mov [eax], esi
    77 	_asm mov [eax+4], edi			// store high 64
    78 	_asm mov [edx], ecx
    79 	_asm mov [edx+4], ebx			// store low 64
    80 	_asm pop ebx
    81 	_asm pop esi
    82 	_asm pop edi
    83 	_asm ret
    84 	}
    89 EXPORT_C __NAKED__ void Math::UMul64(Uint64 /*aX*/, Uint64 /*aY*/, Uint64& /*aOutH*/, Uint64& /*aOutL*/)
    90 /**
    91 Multiply aX by aY to generate a 128 bit result.
    93 The high order 64 bits of this calculation are stored in aOutH,
    94 and the low order 64 bits are stored in aOutL.
    96 @param aX     The first 64-bit operand.
    97 @param aY     The second 64-bit operand.
    98 @param aOutH  The high order 64 bits of the result.
    99 @param aOutL  The low order  64 bits of the result.
   100 */
   101 	{
   102 	_asm mov eax, [esp+4]
   103 	_asm mul dword ptr [esp+12]		// edx:eax = x0*y0
   104 	_asm push edi
   105 	_asm push esi
   106 	_asm push ebx					// [esp+16]=&aX, [esp+24]=&aY, [esp+32]=&aOutH, [esp+36]=&aOutL
   107 	_asm mov ecx, eax
   108 	_asm mov ebx, edx				// ebx:ecx = x0*y0
   109 	_asm mov eax, [esp+16]
   110 	_asm mul dword ptr [esp+28]		// edx:eax = x0*y1
   111 	_asm xor esi, esi
   112 	_asm add ebx, eax
   113 	_asm adc esi, edx				// esi:ebx:ecx = x0*y
   114 	_asm mov eax, [esp+20]			// eax=x1
   115 	_asm mul dword ptr [esp+28]		// edx:eax = x1*y1
   116 	_asm mov edi, edx
   117 	_asm add esi, eax
   118 	_asm adc edi, 0					// partial result in edi:esi:ebx:ecx
   119 	_asm mov eax, [esp+20]
   120 	_asm mul dword ptr [esp+24]		// edx:eax = x1*y0
   121 	_asm add ebx, eax
   122 	_asm mov eax, [esp+32]			// eax=&aOutH
   123 	_asm adc esi, edx
   124 	_asm mov edx, [esp+36]			// edx=&aOutL
   125 	_asm adc edi, 0					// full result now in edi:esi:ebx:ecx
   126 	_asm mov [eax], esi
   127 	_asm mov [eax+4], edi			// store high 64
   128 	_asm mov [edx], ecx
   129 	_asm mov [edx+4], ebx			// store low 64
   130 	_asm pop ebx
   131 	_asm pop esi
   132 	_asm pop edi
   133 	_asm ret
   134 	}
   139 EXPORT_C __NAKED__ Int64 Math::DivMod64(Int64 /*aDividend*/, Int64 /*aDivisor*/, Int64& /*aRemainder*/)
   140 /**
   141 Divides aDividend by aDivisor.
   143 The quotient is returned, and the remainder is stored in aRemainder.
   144 The remainder has same sign as the dividend.
   146 @param aDividend The 64-bit dividend.
   147 @param aDivisor  The 64-bit divisor.
   148 @param aRemainder The 64-bit remainder.
   150 @return The 64-bit quotient.
   151 */
   152 	{
   153 	_asm mov eax, [esp+4]
   154 	_asm mov edx, [esp+8]			// edx:eax = dividend
   155 	_asm cmp edx, 0
   156 	_asm jns divmod64_0
   157 	_asm neg edx
   158 	_asm neg eax
   159 	_asm sbb edx, 0
   160 	divmod64_0:						// edx:eax = ABS(dividend)
   161 	_asm push edi
   162 	_asm push esi
   163 	_asm push ebx
   164 	_asm push ebp
   165 	_asm mov esi, [esp+28]
   166 	_asm mov edi, [esp+32]			// edi:esi = dividend
   167 	_asm cmp edi, 0
   168 	_asm jns divmod64_1
   169 	_asm neg edi
   170 	_asm neg esi
   171 	_asm sbb edi, 0					// edi:esi = ABS(dividend)
   172 	divmod64_1:
   173 	_asm call UDiv64				// do division, quotient in ebx:eax remainder in edi:edx
   174 	_asm xchg ebx, edx				// quotient in edx:eax, remainder in edi:ebx
   175 	_asm mov ecx, [esp+24]			// ecx=dividend high
   176 	_asm xor ecx, [esp+32]			// ecx=dividend high ^ divisor high
   177 	_asm jns divmod64_2
   178 	_asm neg edx
   179 	_asm neg eax
   180 	_asm sbb edx, 0
   181 	divmod64_2:						// edx:eax = quotient with correct sign
   182 	_asm cmp dword ptr [esp+24], 0
   183 	_asm jns divmod64_3
   184 	_asm neg edi
   185 	_asm neg ebx
   186 	_asm sbb edi, 0
   187 	divmod64_3:						// edi:ebx = remainder with correct sign
   188 	_asm mov ecx, [esp+36]			// ecx=&aRemainder
   189 	_asm mov [ecx], ebx
   190 	_asm mov [ecx+4], edi
   191 	_asm pop ebp
   192 	_asm pop ebx
   193 	_asm pop esi
   194 	_asm pop edi
   195 	_asm ret
   196 	}
   201 EXPORT_C __NAKED__ Uint64 Math::UDivMod64(Uint64 /*aDividend*/, Uint64 /*aDivisor*/, Uint64& /*aRemainder*/)
   202 /**
   203 Divides aDividend by aDivisor.
   205 The quotient is returned, and the remainder is stored in aRemainder.
   207 @param aDividend The 64-bit dividend.
   208 @param aDivisor  The 64-bit divisor.
   209 @param aRemainder The 64-bit remainder.
   211 @return The 64-bit quotient.
   212 */
   213 	{
   214 	_asm mov eax, [esp+4]
   215 	_asm mov edx, [esp+8]			// edx:eax = dividend
   216 	_asm push edi
   217 	_asm push esi
   218 	_asm push ebx
   219 	_asm push ebp
   220 	_asm mov esi, [esp+28]
   221 	_asm mov edi, [esp+32]			// edi:esi = dividend
   222 	_asm call UDiv64				// do division, quotient in ebx:eax remainder in edi:edx
   223 	_asm xchg ebx, edx				// quotient in edx:eax, remainder in edi:ebx
   224 	_asm mov ecx, [esp+36]			// ecx=&aRemainder
   225 	_asm mov [ecx], ebx
   226 	_asm mov [ecx+4], edi
   227 	_asm pop ebp
   228 	_asm pop ebx
   229 	_asm pop esi
   230 	_asm pop edi
   231 	_asm ret
   232 	}
   234 #pragma warning ( default : 4100 )
   235 #pragma warning ( default : 4414 )