changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 22 2f92ad2dc5db
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a41df078684a
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    18  The driver's name
    20  @return The name of the driver
    22  @internalComponent
    23 */
    24 const TDesC& RUsbInterface::Name()
    25 	{
    26 	_LIT(KDriverName,"USBDI");
    27 	return KDriverName;
    28 	}
    30 /**
    31 The driver's version
    33 @return The version number of the driver
    35 @internalComponent
    36 */
    37 TVersion RUsbInterface::VersionRequired()
    38 	{
    39 	const TInt KMajorVersionNumber=1;
    40 	const TInt KMinorVersionNumber=0;
    41 	const TInt KBuildVersionNumber=KE32BuildVersionNumber;
    42 	return TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber,KMinorVersionNumber,KBuildVersionNumber);
    43 	}
    47 #ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
    48 RUsbInterface::RUsbInterface()
    49 	: iHeadInterfaceDescriptor(NULL)
    50 	, iInterfaceDescriptorData(NULL)
    51 	, iTransferStrategy(NULL)
    52 	, iAlternateSetting(0)
    53 	{
    54 	}
    56 /**
    57 Signals to the hub driver that this interface is idle and may be suspended.
    58 As suspend operates at the device level, this will only trigger a removal of bus activity if all interfaces
    59 associated with the device are marked as suspended.
    61 @param [in] aResumeSignal The TRequestStatus that will be completed when the interface is resumed.
    62 */
    63 void RUsbInterface::PermitSuspendAndWaitForResume(TRequestStatus& aResumeSignal)
    64 	{
    65 	DoRequest(ESuspend, aResumeSignal);
    66 	}
    68 /**
    69 Cancel the outstanding permission to suspend.
    70 */
    71 void RUsbInterface::CancelPermitSuspend()
    72 	{
    73 	DoCancel(ECancelSuspend);
    74 	}
    76 /**
    77 Cancel the outstanding PermitSuspendAndWaitForResume request with KErrCancel
    78 */
    79 void RUsbInterface::CancelWaitForResume()
    80 	{
    81 	DoCancel(ECancelWaitForResume);
    82 	}
    84 /**
    85 Request or clear the interface's remote wakeup flag.  If any interface on the device
    86 has this flag set, suspending the device will cause it to have remote wakeup capability
    87 enabled.  This function may only be called when the interface is active -- the device will
    88 not be woken to change the status if it is currently suspended.
    89 Note that clearing this flag will not prevent a device from using remote wakeup -- this
    90 will happen only if all interfaces on the device do not require it.
    91 By default the device will not have remote wakeup enabled.
    93 @param aAllowed ETrue if remote wakeup should be permitted, EFalse if this interface does
    94 not require it.
    96 @return KErrNotReady if two calls have been made in succession with the same parameter.
    97 KErrUsbDeviceSuspended if the interface is currently marked as suspended.
    98 */
    99 TInt RUsbInterface::PermitRemoteWakeup(TBool aAllowed)
   100 	{
   101 	return DoControl(EPermitRemoteWakeup, (TAny*)aAllowed);
   102 	}
   105 /**
   106 Select the specified alternate interface.
   108 Asserts that all open pipes have been closed.
   110 @param [in] aAlternateInterface The alternate interface to select.
   112 @return KErrArgument if the specified alternate interface does not exist.
   113 @return KErrOverflow if selecting this alternate interface would overcommit the bus' bandwidth.
   114 */
   115 TInt RUsbInterface::SelectAlternateInterface(TInt aAlternateInterface)
   116 	{
   117 	TInt err = DoControl(ESelectAlternateInterface, (TAny*)aAlternateInterface);
   118 	if(err == KErrNone)
   119 		{
   120 		iAlternateSetting = aAlternateInterface;
   121 		}
   122 	return err;
   123 	}
   125 TInt RUsbInterface::GetStringDescriptor(TDes8& aStringDescriptor, TUint8 aIndex, TUint16 aLangId)
   126 	{
   127 	TUint32 params;
   128 	params = aIndex | (aLangId << 16);
   129 	return DoControl(EGetStringDescriptor, &aStringDescriptor, &params);
   130 	}
   133 /**  
   134 Performs an Endpoint 0 transfer.
   135 */
   136 void RUsbInterface::Ep0Transfer(TUsbTransferRequestDetails& aDetails, const TDesC8& aSend, TDes8& aRecv, TRequestStatus& aRequest)
   137 	{
   138 	aDetails.iSend         = &aSend;
   139 	aDetails.iRecv         = &aRecv;
   140 	DoRequest(EEp0Transfer, aRequest, (TAny*)&aDetails);
   141 	}
   143 /**  
   144 Cancel an Endpoint 0 transfer.
   145 */
   146 void RUsbInterface::CancelEP0Transfer()
   147 	{
   148 	DoCancel(ECancelEp0Transfer);
   149 	}
   151 /**
   152 Establish a pipe between host and device.  The RUsbPipe object returned is ready for use.
   154 @param aPipe The pipe to connect to the remote endpoint. [out]
   155 @param aEndpoint The endpoint on the remote device to connect to. [in]
   156 @param aUseDMA In future implementations where DMA is supported this flag indicates DMA must be used. The Open attempt will fail if DMA cannot be offered on the pipe. [in]
   158 @return KErrArgument if the specified endpoint does not exist.
   159 @see SelectAlternateInterface
   160 */
   161 TInt RUsbInterface::OpenPipeForEndpoint(RUsbPipe& aPipe, TInt aEndpoint, TBool /*aUseDMA*/)
   162 	{
   163 	if(aPipe.iHandle)
   164 		{
   165 		return KErrInUse;
   166 		}
   168 	TInt err = GetEndpointDescriptor(iAlternateSetting, aEndpoint, aPipe.iHeadEndpointDescriptor);
   169 	// Allow KErrNotFound as audio endpoint descriptors are not valid endpoint descriptors
   170 	if ((err == KErrNone) || (err == KErrNotFound))
   171 		{
   172 		TUint32 pipeHandle;
   173 		err = DoControl(EOpenPipe, &pipeHandle, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aEndpoint));
   174 		if (err == KErrNone)
   175 			{
   176 			aPipe.iHandle = pipeHandle;
   177 			aPipe.iInterface = this;
   178 			}
   179 		}
   181 	return err;
   182 	}
   184 /**
   185 @internalComponent
   186 */
   187 TInt RUsbInterface::AllocateSharedChunk(RChunk& aChunk, TInt aSize, TInt& aOffset)
   188 	{
   189 	TInt chunkHandle = 0;
   190 	RUsbInterface::TChunkRequestDetails details;
   191 	details.iRequestSize = aSize;
   192 	details.iChunkHandle = &chunkHandle;
   193 	details.iOffset = &aOffset;
   194 	TInt err = DoControl(EAllocChunk, &details);
   195 	if(err == KErrNone)
   196 		{
   197 		aChunk.SetHandle(chunkHandle);
   198 		}
   199 	return err;
   200 	}
   202 /**
   203 Return the section of the USB Configuration Descriptor under this interface, including any alternate
   204 interfaces.
   206 Note: the supplied TUsbInterfaceDescriptor is owned by the caller, but any descriptor objects linked to it
   207 remain the property of the RUsbInterface object.  Memory leaks will result if the head pointer is not
   208 cleaned up, but the pointed to objects should not be destroyed.
   210 @param [out] aDescriptor The supplied TUsbInterfaceDescriptor object will be populated from the data retrieved from
   211 the	device.  Note that the caller owns the head of the list, but not any children or peers.
   213 @return System wide error code.
   214 */
   215 TInt RUsbInterface::GetInterfaceDescriptor(TUsbInterfaceDescriptor& aDescriptor)
   216 	{
   217 	if (!iHeadInterfaceDescriptor)
   218 		{
   219 		return KErrNotReady;
   220 		}
   222 	aDescriptor = *iHeadInterfaceDescriptor;
   223 	return KErrNone;
   224 	}
   226 /**
   227 Find and return the section of the USB Configuration Descriptor under the supplied alternate interface.
   229 Note: the supplied TUsbInterfaceDescriptor is owned by the caller, but any descriptor objects linked to it
   230 remain the property of the RUsbInterface object.  Memory leaks will result if the head pointer is not
   231 cleaned up, but the pointed to objects should not be destroyed.
   233 @param aAlternateInterface The alternate interface number to return the descriptor for. [in]
   234 @param aDescriptor The supplied TUsbInterfaceDescriptor object will be populated from the data retrieved from
   235 the	device.  Note that the caller owns the head of the list, but not any children or peers. [out]
   237 @return KErrArgument if the specified alternate interface does not exist.
   238 */
   239 TInt RUsbInterface::GetAlternateInterfaceDescriptor(TInt aAlternateInterface, TUsbInterfaceDescriptor& aDescriptor)
   240 	{
   241 	if (!iHeadInterfaceDescriptor)
   242 		{
   243 		return KErrNotReady;
   244 		}
   246 	TUsbGenericDescriptor* descriptor = iHeadInterfaceDescriptor;
   247 	while (descriptor)
   248 		{
   249 		TUsbInterfaceDescriptor* interface = TUsbInterfaceDescriptor::Cast(descriptor);
   250 		if (interface)
   251 			{
   252 			if (interface->AlternateSetting() == aAlternateInterface)
   253 				{
   254 				aDescriptor = *interface;
   255 				return KErrNone;
   256 				}
   257 			}
   258         // we must check any Interface Association Descriptors for
   259         // Alternate Interface settings.  The spec is abiguous on how these may be organised so we
   260         // presume the worst and do a full search
   261 		TUsbInterfaceAssociationDescriptor* iad = TUsbInterfaceAssociationDescriptor::Cast(descriptor);
   262 		if (iad)
   263 			{
   264 			TUsbGenericDescriptor* assocDes = iad->iFirstChild;
   265 			while (assocDes)
   266 				{
   267 				interface = TUsbInterfaceDescriptor::Cast(assocDes);
   268 				if (interface)
   269 					{
   270 					if (interface->AlternateSetting() == aAlternateInterface)
   271 						{
   272 						aDescriptor = *interface;
   273 						return KErrNone;
   274 						}
   275 					}
   276 				assocDes = assocDes->iNextPeer;
   277 				}
   278 			}
   279 		descriptor = descriptor->iNextPeer;
   280 		}
   282 	return KErrArgument;
   283 	}
   285 /**
   286 Find and return the section of the USB Configuration Descriptor under the supplied endpoint.
   288 Note: the supplied TUsbEndpointDescriptor is owned by the caller, but any descriptor objects linked to it
   289 remain the property of the RUsbInterface object.  Memory leaks will result if the head pointer is not
   290 cleaned up, but the pointed to objects should not be destroyed.
   292 @param aAlternateInterface The alternate interface number to return the descriptor for. [in]
   293 @param aEndpoint The endpoint number to return the descriptor for. [in]
   294 @param aDescriptor The supplied TUsbEndpointDescriptor object will be populated from the data retrieved from
   295 the	device.  Note that the caller owns the head of the list, but not any children or peers. [out]
   297 @return KErrArgument if the specified alternate interface does not exist, or KErrNotFound if the specified
   298 endpoint cannot be found on the alternate interface.
   299 */
   300 TInt RUsbInterface::GetEndpointDescriptor(TInt aAlternateInterface, TInt aEndpoint, TUsbEndpointDescriptor& aDescriptor)
   301 	{
   302 	TUsbEndpointDescriptor* descriptor = &aDescriptor;
   303 	TInt err = GetEndpointDescriptor(aAlternateInterface, aEndpoint, descriptor);
   304     if ((err == KErrNone) && descriptor)
   305 		{
   306 		aDescriptor = *descriptor;
   307 		}
   308 	return err;
   309 	}
   311 TInt RUsbInterface::GetEndpointDescriptor(TInt aAlternateInterface, TInt aEndpoint, TUsbEndpointDescriptor*& aDescriptor)
   312 	{
   313 	aDescriptor = NULL;
   315 	TUsbInterfaceDescriptor alternate;
   316 	TInt err = GetAlternateInterfaceDescriptor(aAlternateInterface, alternate);
   317 	if (err != KErrNone)
   318 		{
   319 		return err;
   320 		}
   322 	TUsbGenericDescriptor* descriptor = alternate.iFirstChild;
   323 	while (descriptor)
   324 		{
   325 		TUsbEndpointDescriptor* endpoint = TUsbEndpointDescriptor::Cast(descriptor);
   326 		if (endpoint && (endpoint->EndpointAddress() == aEndpoint))
   327 			{
   328 			aDescriptor = endpoint;
   329 			return KErrNone;
   330 			}
   332 		descriptor = descriptor->iNextPeer;
   333 		}
   335 	return KErrNotFound;
   336 	}
   338 /**
   339 @return Number of alternate interface options on this interface.
   340 */
   341 TInt RUsbInterface::GetAlternateInterfaceCount()
   342 	{
   343 	if (!iHeadInterfaceDescriptor)
   344 		{
   345 		return KErrNotReady;
   346 		}
   348 	TInt count = 0;
   350 	// Don't need to look for children of the interface -- all the alternates
   351     // must be peers.
   352 	TUsbGenericDescriptor* descriptor = iHeadInterfaceDescriptor;
   353 	while (descriptor)
   354 		{
   355 		TUsbInterfaceDescriptor* interface = TUsbInterfaceDescriptor::Cast(descriptor);
   356 		if (interface)
   357 			{
   358 			++count;
   359 			}
   360 		else
   361             {
   362             // we must check any Interface Association Descriptors for
   363             // Alternate Interface settings.  The spec is abiguous on how these may be organised so we
   364             // presume the worst and do a full search
   365             TUsbInterfaceAssociationDescriptor* iad = TUsbInterfaceAssociationDescriptor::Cast(descriptor);
   366             if (iad)
   367                 {
   368                 TUsbGenericDescriptor* assocDes = iad->iFirstChild;
   369                 while (assocDes)
   370                     {
   371                     interface = TUsbInterfaceDescriptor::Cast(assocDes);
   372                     if (interface)
   373                         {
   374                         ++count;
   375                         }
   376                     assocDes = assocDes->iNextPeer;
   377                     }
   378                 }
   379             }
   380 		descriptor = descriptor->iNextPeer;
   381 		}
   383 	return count;
   384 	}
   386 /**
   387 Count the endpoints on an alternate interface.
   389 @param [in] aAlternateInterface The alternate interface to count endpoints on.
   390 @return Number of endpoionts on the requested alternate interface or an error code.
   391 */
   392 TInt RUsbInterface::EnumerateEndpointsOnInterface(TInt aAlternateInterface)
   393 	{
   394 	TUsbInterfaceDescriptor alternate;
   395 	TInt err = GetAlternateInterfaceDescriptor(aAlternateInterface, alternate);
   396 	if (err != KErrNone)
   397 		{
   398 		return err;
   399 		}
   401 	return alternate.NumEndpoints();
   402 	}
   404 /**
   405 Returns an identifier that is unique for the bus that the device that provides this interface is on.
   406 @param aBusId On success provides an identifier that is unique for the bus this interface is on.
   407 @return KErrNone on success, otherwise a system-wide error code.
   408 */
   409 TInt RUsbInterface::GetBusId(TUsbBusId& aBusId)
   410 	{
   411 	return DoControl(EGetBusId, &aBusId);
   412 	}
   414 /**
   415 Returns the size of pages used by the HCD.
   416 @internalComponent
   417 @return The HCD's page size.
   418 */
   419 TInt RUsbInterface::HcdPageSize()
   420 	{
   421 	return DoControl(EHcdPageSize);
   422 	}
   424 /**
   425 Returns the speed the remote device is connected at.
   426 @param aDeviceSpeed On sucess an enumeration value describing the current speed of the remote device.
   427 @return KErrNone on success, otherwise a system-wide error code.
   428 */
   429 TInt RUsbInterface::GetDeviceSpeed(RUsbInterface::TDeviceSpeed& aDeviceSpeed)
   430 	{
   431 	return DoControl(EGetDeviceSpeed, &aDeviceSpeed);
   432 	}
   438 RUsbPipe::RUsbPipe()
   439 	: iHandle(0)
   440 	, iInterface(NULL)
   441 	{
   442 	}
   444 TUint32 RUsbPipe::Handle() const
   445 	{
   446 	return iHandle;
   447 	}
   449 /**
   450 Close a pipe to a remote device.
   451 */
   452 void RUsbPipe::Close()
   453 	{
   454 	if (iInterface)
   455 		{
   456 		static_cast<void>(iInterface->DoControl(EClose, (TAny*)iHandle));
   457 		}
   458 	iHeadEndpointDescriptor = NULL;
   459 	iInterface = NULL;
   460 	iHandle = 0;
   461 	}
   463 /**
   464 Clear a stall on the remote endpoint.
   466 @return System-wide error code.
   467 */
   468 TInt RUsbPipe::ClearRemoteStall()
   469 	{
   470 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iHandle, User::Panic(UsbdiPanics::KUsbdiPanicCat, UsbdiPanics::EPipeRequestMadeWhileClosed));
   471 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iInterface, User::Panic(UsbdiFaults::KUsbdiFaultCat, UsbdiFaults::EUsbPipeHasHandleButNoInterface));
   472 	return iInterface->DoControl(EClearRemoteStall, (TAny*)iHandle);
   473 	}
   475 /**
   476 Cancel all queued transfers
   477 */
   478 void RUsbPipe::CancelAllTransfers()
   479 	{
   480 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iHandle, User::Panic(UsbdiPanics::KUsbdiPanicCat, UsbdiPanics::EPipeRequestMadeWhileClosed));
   481 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iInterface, User::Panic(UsbdiFaults::KUsbdiFaultCat, UsbdiFaults::EUsbPipeHasHandleButNoInterface));
   482 	static_cast<void>(iInterface->DoControl(EAbort, (TAny*)iHandle));
   483 	}
   485 /**
   486 Issues a transfer.
   487 @internalComponent
   488 */
   489 void RUsbPipe::IssueTransfer(TInt aTransferHandle, TRequestStatus& aRequest)
   490 	{
   491 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iHandle, User::Panic(UsbdiPanics::KUsbdiPanicCat, UsbdiPanics::EPipeRequestMadeWhileClosed));
   492 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iInterface, User::Panic(UsbdiFaults::KUsbdiFaultCat, UsbdiFaults::EUsbPipeHasHandleButNoInterface));
   493 	iInterface->DoRequest(EIssueTransfer, aRequest, (TAny*)iHandle, (TAny*)aTransferHandle);
   494 	}
   496 /**
   497 Get endpoint ID
   498 */
   499 TInt RUsbPipe::GetEndpointId(TUsbEndpointId& aEndpointId)
   500 	{
   501 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iHandle, User::Panic(UsbdiPanics::KUsbdiPanicCat, UsbdiPanics::EPipeRequestMadeWhileClosed));
   502 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iInterface, User::Panic(UsbdiFaults::KUsbdiFaultCat, UsbdiFaults::EUsbPipeHasHandleButNoInterface));
   503 	return iInterface->DoControl(EGetEndpointId, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(iHandle), &aEndpointId);
   504 	}
   506 /**
   507 Get Bus ID
   508 */
   509 TInt RUsbPipe::GetBusId(TUsbBusId& aBusId)
   510 	{
   511 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iHandle, User::Panic(UsbdiPanics::KUsbdiPanicCat, UsbdiPanics::EPipeRequestMadeWhileClosed));
   512 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iInterface, User::Panic(UsbdiFaults::KUsbdiFaultCat, UsbdiFaults::EUsbPipeHasHandleButNoInterface));
   513 	return iInterface->GetBusId(aBusId);
   514 	}
   516 /**
   517 Return the section of the USB Configuration Descriptor under the supplied endpoint.
   519 @param [out] aDescriptor The descriptor tree for this endpoint.
   520 @return System-wide error code.
   521 */
   522 TInt RUsbPipe::GetEndpointDescriptor(TUsbEndpointDescriptor& aDescriptor)
   523 	{
   524     __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iHandle, User::Panic(UsbdiPanics::KUsbdiPanicCat, UsbdiPanics::EPipeRequestMadeWhileClosed));
   525     __ASSERT_DEBUG(iInterface, User::Panic(UsbdiFaults::KUsbdiFaultCat, UsbdiFaults::EUsbPipeHasHandleButNoInterface));
   527 	if (iHeadEndpointDescriptor)
   528 		{
   529 		aDescriptor = *iHeadEndpointDescriptor;
   530 		return KErrNone;
   531 		}
   532 	else
   533 		{
   534 		return KErrNotFound;
   535 		}
   536 	}
   538 #endif