changeset 0 a41df078684a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a41df078684a
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32/include/e32hashtab.h
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #ifndef __E32HASHTAB_H__
    19 #define __E32HASHTAB_H__
    20 #include <e32cmn.h>
    22 /**
    23 @publishedAll
    24 @released
    26 Defines a function type used by a THashFunction32 object. 
    28 A function of this type implements an algorithm for producing a 32 bit hash
    29 value from a key.
    31 @see THashFunction32
    32 */
    33 typedef TUint32 (*TGeneralHashFunction32)(const TAny*);
    36 /**
    37 @publishedAll
    38 @released
    40 A templated class which packages a function that calculates a 32 bit hash
    41 value from a key of templated type.
    43 A THashFunction32<T> object is constructed and passed as a parameter to 
    44 member functions of the hash table classes RHashSet<T>, RPtrHashSet<T>,
    45 RHashMap<T,V> and RPtrHashMap<T,V>.
    47 @see RHashSet
    48 @see RPtrHashSet
    49 @see RHashMap
    50 @see RPtrHashMap
    51 */
    52 template <class T>
    53 class THashFunction32
    54 	{
    55 public:
    56 	inline THashFunction32( TUint32 (*aHashFunc)(const T&) )
    57 		{ iHashFunction = (TGeneralHashFunction32)aHashFunc; }
    58 	inline operator TGeneralHashFunction32() const
    59 		{ return iHashFunction; }
    60 	inline TUint32 Hash(const T& aKey) const
    61 		{ return (*iHashFunction)(&aKey); }
    62 private:
    63 	TGeneralHashFunction32 iHashFunction;
    64 	};
    67 /**
    68 @publishedAll
    69 @released
    71 A set of common hashing functions for frequently occurring types.
    73 @see RHashSet
    74 @see RPtrHashSet
    75 @see RHashMap
    76 @see RPtrHashMap
    77 */
    78 class DefaultHash
    79 	{
    80 public:
    81 	IMPORT_C static TUint32 Integer(const TInt&);
    82 	IMPORT_C static TUint32 Des8(const TDesC8&);
    83 	IMPORT_C static TUint32 Des16(const TDesC16&);
    84 	IMPORT_C static TUint32 IntegerPtr(TInt* const &);
    85 	IMPORT_C static TUint32 Des8Ptr(TDesC8* const &);
    86 	IMPORT_C static TUint32 Des16Ptr(TDesC16* const &);
    87 	};
    91 class THashTableIterBase;
    93 /**
    94 @internalComponent
    96 Base class used in the derivation of RHashSet<T>, RPtrHashSet<T>,
    97 RHashMap<K,V> and RPtrHashMap<K,V>.
    99 This class provides a general hash table implementation using probe sequences
   100 generated by pseudo-double hashing.
   101 The class is internal and is not intended for use.
   102 */
   103 class RHashTableBase
   104 	{
   105 public:
   106 	enum TDefaultSpecifier
   107 		{
   108 		EDefaultSpecifier_Normal,
   109 		};
   111 protected:
   112 	template<class K, TDefaultSpecifier S>
   113 	class Defaults
   114 		{
   115 	public:
   116 		inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
   117 		inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
   118 		};
   120 protected:
   121 	enum TElementState
   122 		{
   123 		EEmpty=0,		// entry is vacant
   124 		EDeleted=1,		// entry has been deleted
   125 		EGen0=2,		// entry is occupied, generation number 0
   126 		EGen1=3,		// entry is occupied, generation number 1
   127 		EStateMask=3,
   128 		EOccupiedMask=2,
   129 		};
   131 	struct SElement
   132 		{
   133 		inline void SetEmpty() {iHash=EEmpty;}
   134 		inline void SetDeleted() {iHash=EDeleted;}
   135 		inline TBool IsEmpty() const {return (iHash&EStateMask)==EEmpty;}
   136 		inline TBool IsDeleted() const {return (iHash&EStateMask)==EDeleted;}
   137 		inline TBool IsEmptyOrDeleted() const {return !(iHash&EOccupiedMask);}
   139 		TUint32	iHash;			// bits 2-31 = 30 bit hash value, bits 0,1 = state
   140 		};
   142 protected:
   143 	IMPORT_C RHashTableBase(TGeneralHashFunction32, TGeneralIdentityRelation, TInt aElementSize, TInt aKeyOffset);
   144 	IMPORT_C void Close();
   145 	IMPORT_C TAny* Find(const TAny* aKey, TInt aOffset=0) const;
   146 	IMPORT_C TAny* FindL(const TAny* aKey, TInt aOffset=0) const;
   147 	TInt Insert(const TAny* aKey, TAny*& aElement);
   148 	IMPORT_C TInt PtrInsert(const TAny* aKey, const TAny* aValue);
   149 	IMPORT_C void PtrInsertL(const TAny* aKey, const TAny* aValue);
   150 	IMPORT_C TInt ValueInsert(const TAny* aKey, TInt aKeySize, const TAny* aValue, TInt aValueOffset, TInt aValueSize);
   151 	IMPORT_C void ValueInsertL(const TAny* aKey, TInt aKeySize, const TAny* aValue, TInt aValueOffset, TInt aValueSize);
   152 	IMPORT_C TInt Remove(const TAny* aKey);
   153 	IMPORT_C TInt Count() const;
   154 	IMPORT_C TInt Reserve(TInt aCount);
   155 	IMPORT_C void ReserveL(TInt aCount);
   156 	IMPORT_C void ConsistencyCheck(TUint32* aDeleted=0, TUint32* aComparisons=0, TUint32 aChainLimit=0, TUint32* aChainInfo=0);
   157 private:
   158 	void SetThresholds();
   159 	TInt ExpandTable(TInt aNewIndexBits);
   160 	void ShrinkTable();
   161 	void ReformTable(TUint aNewIndexBits);
   162 	void VerifyReform();
   163 private:
   164 	inline SElement* Element(TInt aIndex)
   165 		{return (SElement*)(((TUint8*)iElements) + aIndex*iElementSize);}
   166 	inline const SElement* ElementC(TInt aIndex) const
   167 		{return (const SElement*)(((TUint8*)iElements) + aIndex*iElementSize);}
   168 	inline TAny* GetKey(const SElement* aElement) const
   169 		{return iKeyOffset ? ((TUint8*)aElement + iKeyOffset) : (TAny*)((TUint32*)aElement)[1];}
   170 private:
   171 	TGeneralHashFunction32 iHashFunc;	// generates the hash from a given key
   172 	TGeneralIdentityRelation iIdFunc;	// compare two keys for equality
   173 	TUint8 iIndexBits;					// number of bits used to index the table
   174 	TUint8 iGeneration;					// 2 or 3, generation number used when traversing entire table
   175 	TUint8 iKeyOffset;					// offset to key
   176 	TUint8 iPad0;
   177 	TAny* iElements;
   178 	TUint32 iCount;						// number of valid entries
   179 	TUint32 iEmptyCount;				// number of empty entries
   180 	TUint32 iLowerThreshold;			// shrink if count drops below this
   181 	TUint32 iUpperThreshold;			// expand if count rises above this
   182 	TUint32 iCleanThreshold;			// clean table if count of empty entries falls below this
   183 	TInt iElementSize;
   184 	TInt iPad1;							// expansion room
   185 	TInt iPad2;
   187 	friend struct RHashTableBase::SElement;
   188 	friend class THashTableIterBase;
   189 	friend class HashTest;
   190 	};
   193 /**
   194 @internalComponent
   195 */
   196 TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
   197 	{
   198 public:
   199 	inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
   200 	inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
   201 	};
   203 /**
   204 @internalComponent
   205 */
   206 inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
   207 	{return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::IntegerPtr;}
   209 /**
   210 @internalComponent
   211 */
   212 inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
   213 	{return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::IntegerPtr;}
   215 /**
   216 @internalComponent
   217 */
   218 TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt32*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
   219 	{
   220 public:
   221 	inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
   222 	inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
   223 	};
   225 /**
   226 @internalComponent
   227 */
   228 inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt32*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
   229 	{return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::IntegerPtr;}
   231 /**
   232 @internalComponent
   233 */
   234 inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt32*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
   235 	{return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::IntegerPtr;}
   237 /**
   238 @internalComponent
   239 */
   240 TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
   241 	{
   242 public:
   243 	inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
   244 	inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
   245 	};
   246 /**
   247 @internalComponent
   248 */
   249 inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
   250 	{return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::IntegerPtr;}
   252 /**
   253 @internalComponent
   254 */
   255 inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
   256 	{return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::IntegerPtr;}
   259 /**
   260 @internalComponent
   261 */
   262 TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint32*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
   263 	{
   264 public:
   265 	inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
   266 	inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
   267 	};
   268 /**
   269 @internalComponent
   270 */
   271 inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint32*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
   272 	{return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::IntegerPtr;}
   274 /**
   275 @internalComponent
   276 */
   277 inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint32*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
   278 	{return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::IntegerPtr;}
   280 /**
   281 @internalComponent
   282 */
   283 TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC8*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
   284 	{
   285 public:
   286 	inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
   287 	inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
   288 	};
   289 /**
   290 @internalComponent
   291 */
   292 inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC8*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
   293 	{return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Des8Ptr;}
   295 /**
   296 @internalComponent
   297 */
   298 inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC8*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
   299 	{return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Des8Ptr;}
   301 /**
   302 @internalComponent
   303 */
   304 TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC16*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
   305 	{
   306 public:
   307 	inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
   308 	inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
   309 	};
   310 /**
   311 @internalComponent
   312 */
   313 inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC16*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
   314 	{return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Des16Ptr;}
   316 /**
   317 @internalComponent
   318 */
   319 inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC16*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
   320 	{return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Des16Ptr;}
   322 /**
   323 @internalComponent
   324 */
   325 TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
   326 	{
   327 public:
   328 	inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
   329 	inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
   330 	};
   332 /**
   333 @internalComponent
   334 */
   335 inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
   336 	{return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Integer;}
   338 /**
   339 @internalComponent
   340 */
   341 inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
   342 	{return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Integer;}
   344 /**
   345 @internalComponent
   346 */
   347 TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt32, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
   348 	{
   349 public:
   350 	inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
   351 	inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
   352 	};
   354 /**
   355 @internalComponent
   356 */
   357 inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt32, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
   358 	{return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Integer;}
   360 /**
   361 @internalComponent
   362 */
   363 inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt32, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
   364 	{return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Integer;}
   366 /**
   367 @internalComponent
   368 */
   369 TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
   370 	{
   371 public:
   372 	inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
   373 	inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
   374 	};
   376 /**
   377 @internalComponent
   378 */
   379 inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
   380 	{return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Integer;}
   382 /**
   383 @internalComponent
   384 */
   385 inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
   386 	{return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Integer;}
   389 /**
   390 @internalComponent
   391 */
   392 TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint32, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
   393 	{
   394 public:
   395 	inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
   396 	inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
   397 	};
   399 /**
   400 @internalComponent
   401 */
   402 inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint32, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
   403 	{return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Integer;}
   405 /**
   406 @internalComponent
   407 */
   408 inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint32, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
   409 	{return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Integer;}
   412 /**
   413 @internalComponent
   414 */
   415 TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC8, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
   416 	{
   417 public:
   418 	inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
   419 	inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
   420 	};
   422 /**
   423 @internalComponent
   424 */
   425 inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC8, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
   426 	{return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Des8;}
   428 /**
   429 @internalComponent
   430 */
   431 inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC8, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
   432 	{return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Des8;}
   435 /**
   436 @internalComponent
   437 */
   438 TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC16, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
   439 	{
   440 public:
   441 	inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
   442 	inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
   443 	};
   445 /**
   446 @internalComponent
   447 */
   448 inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC16, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
   449 	{return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Des16;}
   451 /**
   452 @internalComponent
   453 */
   454 inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC16, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
   455 	{return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Des16;}
   460 /**
   461 @internalComponent
   463 Base class used in the derivation of THashSetIter<T>, TPtrHashSetIter<T>,
   464 THashMapIter<K,V> and TPtrHashMapIter<K,V>.
   466 This class provides iteration capability for the hash table classes derived
   467 from RHashTableBase.
   468 The class is internal and is not intended for use.
   469 */
   470 class THashTableIterBase
   471 	{
   472 protected:
   473 	IMPORT_C THashTableIterBase(const RHashTableBase& aTable);
   474 	IMPORT_C void Reset();
   475 	IMPORT_C const TAny* Next(TInt aOffset=0);
   476 	IMPORT_C const TAny* Current(TInt aOffset=0) const;
   477 	IMPORT_C void RemoveCurrent();
   478 private:
   479 	const RHashTableBase& iTbl;
   480 	TInt iIndex;
   481 	TInt iPad1;							// expansion room
   482 	TInt iPad2;
   483 	};
   487 template <class T> class THashSetIter;
   489 /**
   490 @publishedAll
   491 @released
   493 A templated class which implements an unordered extensional set of objects of
   494 type T using a probe-sequence hash table. The objects are copied into the set
   495 when they are added. A bitwise binary copy is used here, so the type T must
   496 not implement a nontrivial copy constructor.
   498 */
   499 template <class T>
   500 class RHashSet : public RHashTableBase
   501 	{
   502 private:
   503 	friend class THashSetIter<T>;
   505 	struct SFullElement
   506 		{
   507 		TUint32 iHash;
   508 		T iT;
   509 		};
   511 public:
   513 /**
   514 A class which allows iteration over the elements of a RHashSet<T> class.
   516 The set being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
   517 or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
   519 @see THashSetIter<T>
   520 */
   521 	typedef THashSetIter<T> TIter;
   523 /**
   524 Construct a set of objects of type T using a specified hash function and identity relation.
   525 The set is initially empty.
   527 @param	aHash		The hash function used to hash the objects of type T.
   528 @param	aIdentity	The identity relation used to determine if two objects of type T
   529 					should be considered identical.
   530 */
   531 	inline RHashSet(const THashFunction32<T>& aHash, const TIdentityRelation<T>& aIdentity)
   532 		:	RHashTableBase(aHash, aIdentity, sizeof(SFullElement), _FOFF(SFullElement,iT))
   533 		{}
   536 /**
   537 Construct a set of objects of type T using a default hash function and identity relation.
   538 The set is initially empty.
   539 */
   540 	inline RHashSet()
   541 		:	RHashTableBase(Defaults<T,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash(), Defaults<T,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id(), sizeof(SFullElement), _FOFF(SFullElement,iT))
   542 		{}
   545 /**
   546 Free all memory used by this set.
   547 Returns the set to the same state it had following construction.
   548 */
   549 	inline void Close()
   550 		{ RHashTableBase::Close(); }
   553 /**
   554 Locate a specified element in the set.
   556 @param	aKey	The object of type T to search for.
   557 @return			A pointer to the copy of the specified object in the set, if it
   558 				exists. The object may not be modified via this pointer.
   559 				NULL if the specified object is not a member of this set.
   560 */
   561 	inline const T* Find(const T& aKey) const
   562 		{ return (const T*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
   565 /**
   566 Locate a specified element in the set.
   568 @param	aKey	The object of type T to search for.
   569 @return			A reference to the copy of the specified object in the set, if it
   570 				exists. The object may not be modified via this reference.
   571 @leave			KErrNotFound if the specified object is not a member of this set.
   572 */
   573 	inline const T& FindL(const T& aKey) const
   574 		{ return *(const T*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
   577 /**
   578 Locate a specified element in the set.
   580 @param	aKey	The object of type T to search for.
   581 @return			A pointer to the copy of the specified object in the set, if it
   582 				exists. The object may be modified via this pointer. Care should
   583 				be taken not to modify any parts of the object which are used by
   584 				either the hash function or the identity relation for this set.
   585 				If this is done the set may become inconsistent, resulting in
   586 				malfunctions and/or panics at a later time.
   587 				NULL if the specified object is not a member of this set.
   588 */
   589 	inline T* Find(const T& aKey)
   590 		{ return (T*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
   593 /**
   594 Locate a specified element in the set.
   596 @param	aKey	The object of type T to search for.
   597 @return			A reference to the copy of the specified object in the set, if it
   598 				exists. The object may be modified via this reference. Care should
   599 				be taken not to modify any parts of the object which are used by
   600 				either the hash function or the identity relation for this set.
   601 				If this is done the set may become inconsistent, resulting in
   602 				malfunctions and/or panics at a later time.
   603 @leave			KErrNotFound if the specified object is not a member of this set.
   604 */
   605 	inline T& FindL(const T& aKey)
   606 		{ return *(T*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
   609 /**
   610 Insert an element into the set.
   612 If the specified object is not currently a member of the set, a copy of the
   613 object is added to the set and KErrNone is returned.
   614 If the specified object is currently a member of the set, the existing copy
   615 of the object is replaced by the provided object and KErrNone is
   616 returned.
   617 In both cases the object is copied bitwise into the set.
   619 @param	aKey	The object of type T to add to the set.
   620 @return			KErrNone if the object was added successfully.
   621 				KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store
   622 					the copy of aKey.
   623 */
   624 	inline TInt Insert(const T& aKey)
   625 		{ return RHashTableBase::ValueInsert(&aKey, sizeof(T), 0, 0, 0); }
   628 /**
   629 Insert an element into the set.
   631 If the specified object is not currently a member of the set, a copy of the
   632 object is added to the set and KErrNone is returned.
   633 If the specified object is currently a member of the set, the existing copy
   634 of the object is replaced by the provided object and KErrNone is
   635 returned.
   636 In both cases the object is copied bitwise into the set.
   638 @param	aKey	The object of type T to add to the set.
   639 @leave			KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store
   640 					the copy of aKey.
   641 */
   642 	inline void InsertL(const T& aKey)
   643 		{ RHashTableBase::ValueInsertL(&aKey, sizeof(T), 0, 0, 0); }
   646 /**
   647 Remove an element from the set.
   649 @param	aKey	The object to be removed.
   650 @return			KErrNone if the object was removed successfully.
   651 				KErrNotFound if the object was not present in the set.
   652 */
   653 	inline TInt Remove(const T& aKey)
   654 		{ return RHashTableBase::Remove(&aKey); }
   657 /**
   658 Query the number of elements in the set.
   660 @return	The number of elements currently in the set.
   661 */
   662 	inline TInt Count() const
   663 		{ return RHashTableBase::Count(); }
   666 /**
   667 Expand the set to accommodate a specified number of elements.
   668 If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
   669 action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
   671 @param	aCount	The number of elements for which space should be allocated.
   672 @return	KErrNone if the operation completed successfully.
   673 @return	KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
   674 */
   675 	inline TInt Reserve(TInt aCount)
   676 		{ return RHashTableBase::Reserve(aCount); }
   679 /**
   680 Expand the set to accommodate a specified number of elements.
   681 If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
   682 action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
   684 @param	aCount	The number of elements for which space should be allocated.
   685 @leave	KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
   686 */
   687 	inline void ReserveL(TInt aCount)
   688 		{ RHashTableBase::ReserveL(aCount); }
   690 	};
   693 /**
   694 @publishedAll
   695 @released
   697 A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RHashSet<T>
   698 class.
   700 The set being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
   701 or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
   703 @see RHashSet<T>
   704 */
   705 template <class T>
   706 class THashSetIter : public THashTableIterBase
   707 	{
   708 private:
   710 	struct SFullElement
   711 		{
   712 		TUint32 iHash;
   713 		T iT;
   714 		};
   716 public:
   718 /**
   719 Construct an iterator over the specified set.
   720 The iterator starts at conceptual position one before the beginning of the list
   721 being iterated.
   723 @param	aSet	The set to be iterated over.
   724 */
   725 	inline THashSetIter(const RHashSet<T>& aSet)
   726 		:	THashTableIterBase(aSet)
   727 		{}
   730 /**
   731 Reset the iterator to its initial state.
   733 @param	aSet	The set to be iterated over.
   734 */
   735 	inline void Reset()
   736 		{ THashTableIterBase::Reset(); }
   739 /**
   740 Return the current position of the iterator.
   742 @return	A pointer to the set member corresponding to the current position of the
   743 		iterator.
   744 		NULL if the iterator has just been constructed or reset, or if it has
   745 		previously reached the end of an iteration.
   746 */
   747 	inline const T* Current() const
   748 		{ return (const T*)THashTableIterBase::Current(_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
   751 /**
   752 Steps the iterator to the next position.
   754 @return	A pointer to the set member corresponding to the next position of the
   755 		iterator.
   756 		NULL if the iterator has exhausted all the available set elements.
   757 */
   758 	inline const T* Next()
   759 		{ return (const T*)THashTableIterBase::Next(_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
   762 /**
   763 Removes the element at the current iterator position from the hash table.
   764 If the iterator does not currently point to a valid element, no action is taken.
   765 Note that the iterator position is not altered so it no longer points to a valid
   766 element following the Remove(). It is illegal to call Current() on the iterator
   767 after calling Remove() - the only legal operations are Reset() and Next().
   769 */
   770 	inline void RemoveCurrent()
   771 		{ THashTableIterBase::RemoveCurrent(); }
   772 	};
   776 template <class T> class TPtrHashSetIter;
   778 /**
   779 @publishedAll
   780 @released
   782 A templated class which implements an unordered extensional set of objects of
   783 type T using a probe-sequence hash table. The objects are not copied into the set
   784 when they are added; rather the set stores pointers to the contained objects.
   786 */
   787 template <class T>
   788 class RPtrHashSet : public RHashTableBase
   789 	{
   790 private:
   791 	friend class TPtrHashSetIter<T>;
   793 	struct SFullElement
   794 		{
   795 		TUint32 iHash;
   796 		T* iT;
   797 		};
   799 public:
   801 /**
   802 A class which allows iteration over the elements of a RPtrHashSet<T> class.
   804 The set being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
   805 or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
   807 @see TPtrHashSetIter<T>
   808 */
   809 	typedef TPtrHashSetIter<T> TIter;
   811 /**
   812 Construct a set of objects of type T using a specified hash function and identity relation.
   813 The set is initially empty.
   815 @param	aHash		The hash function used to hash the objects of type T.
   816 @param	aIdentity	The identity relation used to determine if two objects of type T
   817 					should be considered identical.
   818 */
   819 	inline RPtrHashSet(const THashFunction32<T>& aHash, const TIdentityRelation<T>& aIdentity)
   820 		:	RHashTableBase(aHash, aIdentity, sizeof(SFullElement), 0)
   821 		{}
   824 /**
   825 Construct a set of objects of type T using a default hash function and identity relation.
   826 The set is initially empty.
   827 */
   828 	inline RPtrHashSet()
   829 		:	RHashTableBase(Defaults<T,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash(), Defaults<T,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id(), sizeof(SFullElement), 0)
   830 		{}
   833 /**
   834 Free all memory used by this set.
   835 Returns the set to the same state it had following construction.
   836 */
   837 	inline void Close()
   838 		{ RHashTableBase::Close(); }
   841 /**
   842 Locate a specified element in the set.
   844 @param	aKey	The object of type T to search for.
   845 @return			A pointer to the specified object, if it is in the set.
   846 				The object may not be modified via this pointer.
   847 				NULL if the specified object is not a member of this set.
   848 */
   849 	inline const T* Find(const T& aKey) const
   850 		{ return (const T*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
   853 /**
   854 Locate a specified element in the set.
   856 @param	aKey	The object of type T to search for.
   857 @return			A reference to the specified object, if it is in the set.
   858 				The object may not be modified via this reference.
   859 @leave	KErrNotFound if the specified object is not a member of this set.
   860 */
   861 	inline const T& FindL(const T& aKey) const
   862 		{ return *(const T*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
   865 /**
   866 Locate a specified element in the set.
   868 @param	aKey	The object of type T to search for.
   869 @return			A pointer to the specified object, if it is in the set.
   870 				The object may be modified via this pointer. Care should
   871 				be taken not to modify any parts of the object which are used by
   872 				either the hash function or the identity relation for this set.
   873 				If this is done the set may become inconsistent, resulting in
   874 				malfunctions and/or panics at a later time.
   875 				NULL if the specified object is not a member of this set.
   876 */
   877 	inline T* Find(const T& aKey)
   878 		{ return (T*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
   881 /**
   882 Locate a specified element in the set.
   884 @param	aKey	The object of type T to search for.
   885 @return			A reference to the specified object, if it is in the set.
   886 				The object may be modified via this reference. Care should
   887 				be taken not to modify any parts of the object which are used by
   888 				either the hash function or the identity relation for this set.
   889 				If this is done the set may become inconsistent, resulting in
   890 				malfunctions and/or panics at a later time.
   891 @leave	KErrNotFound if the specified object is not a member of this set.
   892 */
   893 	inline T& FindL(const T& aKey)
   894 		{ return *(T*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
   897 /**
   898 Insert an element into the set.
   900 If the specified object is not currently a member of the set, a pointer to the
   901 object is added to the set and KErrNone is returned.
   902 If the specified object is currently a member of the set, the existing pointer
   903 to the object is replaced by the provided pointer and KErrNone is
   904 returned.
   905 In both cases only a pointer to the object is stored - the object is never copied.
   907 @param	aKey	A pointer to the object of type T to add to the set.
   908 @return			KErrNone if the object was added successfully.
   909 				KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store
   910 					the pointer to the new object.
   911 */
   912 	inline TInt Insert(const T* aKey)
   913 		{ return RHashTableBase::PtrInsert(aKey, 0); }
   916 /**
   917 Insert an element into the set.
   919 If the specified object is not currently a member of the set, a pointer to the
   920 object is added to the set and KErrNone is returned.
   921 If the specified object is currently a member of the set, the existing pointer
   922 to the object is replaced by the provided pointer and KErrNone is
   923 returned.
   924 In both cases only a pointer to the object is stored - the object is never copied.
   926 @param	aKey	A pointer to the object of type T to add to the set.
   927 @leave	KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store the pointer to the new object.
   928 */
   929 	inline void InsertL(const T* aKey)
   930 		{ RHashTableBase::PtrInsertL(aKey, 0); }
   933 /**
   934 Remove an element from the set.
   936 @param	aKey	A pointer to the object to be removed.
   937 @return			KErrNone if the object was removed successfully.
   938 				KErrNotFound if the object was not present in the set.
   939 */
   940 	inline TInt Remove(const T* aKey)
   941 		{ return RHashTableBase::Remove(aKey); }
   944 /**
   945 Query the number of elements in the set.
   947 @return	The number of elements currently in the set.
   948 */
   949 	inline TInt Count() const
   950 		{ return RHashTableBase::Count(); }
   953 /**
   954 Expand the set to accommodate a specified number of elements.
   955 If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
   956 action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
   958 @param	aCount	The number of elements for which space should be allocated.
   959 @return	KErrNone if the operation completed successfully.
   960 @return	KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
   961 */
   962 	inline TInt Reserve(TInt aCount)
   963 		{ return RHashTableBase::Reserve(aCount); }
   966 /**
   967 Expand the set to accommodate a specified number of elements.
   968 If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
   969 action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
   971 @param	aCount	The number of elements for which space should be allocated.
   972 @leave	KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
   973 */
   974 	inline void ReserveL(TInt aCount)
   975 		{ RHashTableBase::ReserveL(aCount); }
   978 	void ResetAndDestroy();
   979 	};
   982 /**
   983 @publishedAll
   984 @released
   986 A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RPtrHashSet<T>
   987 class.
   989 The set being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
   990 or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
   992 @see RPtrHashSet<T>
   993 */
   994 template <class T>
   995 class TPtrHashSetIter : public THashTableIterBase
   996 	{
   997 private:
   999 	struct SFullElement		
  1000 		{
  1001 		TUint32 iHash;
  1002 		T* iT;
  1003 		};
  1005 public:
  1007 /**
  1008 Construct an iterator over the specified set.
  1009 The iterator starts at conceptual position one before the beginning of the list
  1010 being iterated.
  1012 @param	aSet	The set to be iterated over.
  1013 */
  1014 	inline TPtrHashSetIter(const RPtrHashSet<T>& aSet)
  1015 		:	THashTableIterBase(aSet)
  1016 		{}
  1019 /**
  1020 Reset the iterator to its initial state.
  1022 @param	aSet	The set to be iterated over.
  1023 */
  1024 	inline void Reset()
  1025 		{ THashTableIterBase::Reset(); }
  1028 /**
  1029 Return the current position of the iterator.
  1031 @return	A pointer to the set member corresponding to the current position of the
  1032 		iterator.
  1033 		NULL if the iterator has just been constructed or reset, or if it has
  1034 		previously reached the end of an iteration.
  1035 */
  1036 	inline const T* Current() const
  1037 		{ return (const T*)THashTableIterBase::Current(-_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
  1040 /**
  1041 Steps the iterator to the next position.
  1043 @return	A pointer to the set member corresponding to the next position of the
  1044 		iterator.
  1045 		NULL if the iterator has exhausted all the available set elements.
  1046 */
  1047 	inline const T* Next()
  1048 		{ return (const T*)THashTableIterBase::Next(-_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
  1051 /**
  1052 Removes the element at the current iterator position from the hash table.
  1053 If the iterator does not currently point to a valid element, no action is taken.
  1054 Note that the iterator position is not altered so it no longer points to a valid
  1055 element following the Remove(). It is illegal to call Current() on the iterator
  1056 after calling Remove() - the only legal operations are Reset() and Next().
  1058 */
  1059 	inline void RemoveCurrent()
  1060 		{ THashTableIterBase::RemoveCurrent(); }
  1061 	};
  1065 template <class K, class V> class THashMapIter;
  1067 /**
  1068 @publishedAll
  1069 @released
  1071 A templated class which implements an associative array with key type K and value type V,
  1072 using a probe-sequence hash table. Both the key and value objects are copied into the
  1073 table when they are added. A bitwise binary copy is used here, so neither of the types
  1074 K and V may implement a nontrivial copy constructor.
  1076 */
  1077 template <class K, class V>
  1078 class RHashMap : public RHashTableBase
  1079 	{
  1080 private:
  1081 	friend class THashMapIter<K,V>;
  1083 	struct SFullElement
  1084 		{
  1085 		TUint32 iHash;
  1086 		K iK;
  1087 		V iV;
  1088 		};
  1090 public:
  1092 /**
  1093 A class which allows iteration over the elements of a RHashMap<K,V> class.
  1095 The array being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
  1096 or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
  1098 @see THashMapIter<K,V>
  1099 */
  1100 	typedef THashMapIter<K,V> TIter;
  1102 /**
  1103 Construct an associative array of key-value pairs of type (K,V) using a
  1104 specified hash function and identity relation.
  1105 The array initially contains no key-value pairs.
  1107 @param	aHash		The hash function used to hash the key objects of type K.
  1108 @param	aIdentity	The identity relation used to determine if two key objects
  1109 					of type K should be considered identical.
  1110 */
  1111 	inline RHashMap(const THashFunction32<K>& aHash, const TIdentityRelation<K>& aIdentity)
  1112 		:	RHashTableBase(aHash, aIdentity, sizeof(SFullElement), _FOFF(SFullElement,iK))
  1113 		{}
  1116 /**
  1117 Construct an associative array of key-value pairs of type (K,V) using a
  1118 default hash function and identity relation.
  1119 The array initially contains no key-value pairs.
  1120 */
  1121 	inline RHashMap()
  1122 		:	RHashTableBase(Defaults<K,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash(), Defaults<K,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id(), sizeof(SFullElement), _FOFF(SFullElement,iK))
  1123 		{}
  1126 /**
  1127 Free all memory used by this array.
  1128 Returns the array to the same state it had following construction.
  1129 */
  1130 	inline void Close()
  1131 		{ RHashTableBase::Close(); }
  1134 /**
  1135 Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
  1136 corresponding value.
  1138 @param	aKey	The key object of type K to look up.
  1139 @return			A pointer to the copy of the corresponding value object in the
  1140 				array, if the specified key object was found.
  1141 				The value object may not be modified via this pointer.
  1142 				NULL if the specified key object was not found.
  1143 */
  1144 	inline const V* Find(const K& aKey) const
  1145 		{ return (const V*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
  1148 /**
  1149 Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
  1150 corresponding value.
  1152 @param	aKey	The key object of type K to look up.
  1153 @return			A reference to the copy of the corresponding value object in the
  1154 				array, if the specified key object was found.
  1155 				The value object may not be modified via this reference.
  1156 @leave	KErrNotFound if the specified key object was not found.
  1157 */
  1158 	inline const V& FindL(const K& aKey) const
  1159 		{ return *(const V*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
  1162 /**
  1163 Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
  1164 corresponding value.
  1166 @param	aKey	The key object of type K to look up.
  1167 @return			A pointer to the copy of the corresponding value object in the
  1168 				array, if the specified key object was found.
  1169 				The value object may be modified via this pointer.
  1170 				NULL if the specified key object was not found.
  1171 */
  1172 	inline V* Find(const K& aKey)
  1173 		{ return (V*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
  1176 /**
  1177 Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
  1178 corresponding value.
  1180 @param	aKey	The key object of type K to look up.
  1181 @return			A reference to the copy of the corresponding value object in the
  1182 				array, if the specified key object was found.
  1183 				The value object may be modified via this reference.
  1184 @leave	KErrNotFound if the specified key object was not found.
  1185 */
  1186 	inline V& FindL(const K& aKey)
  1187 		{ return *(V*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
  1190 /**
  1191 Insert a key-value pair into the array.
  1193 If the specified key object is not found in the array, a copy of the
  1194 key object along with a copy of the value object are added to the array
  1195 and KErrNone is returned.
  1196 If the specified key object is found in the array, the existing copies
  1197 of both the key and value objects are replaced by the provided objects
  1198 and KErrNone is returned.
  1199 In both cases the objects are copied bitwise into the array.
  1201 @param	aKey	The key object of type K to add to the array.
  1202 @param	aValue	The value object of type V to associate with aKey.
  1203 @return			KErrNone if the key-value pair was added successfully.
  1204 				KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store
  1205 					the copies of aKey and aValue.
  1206 */
  1207 	inline TInt Insert(const K& aKey, const V& aValue)
  1208 		{ return RHashTableBase::ValueInsert(&aKey, sizeof(K), &aValue, _FOFF(SFullElement,iV), sizeof(V)); }
  1211 /**
  1212 Insert a key-value pair into the array.
  1214 If the specified key object is not found in the array, a copy of the
  1215 key object along with a copy of the value object are added to the array
  1216 and KErrNone is returned.
  1217 If the specified key object is found in the array, the existing copies
  1218 of both the key and value objects are replaced by the provided objects
  1219 and KErrNone is returned.
  1220 In both cases the objects are copied bitwise into the array.
  1222 @param	aKey	The key object of type K to add to the array.
  1223 @param	aValue	The value object of type V to associate with aKey.
  1224 @leave	KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store the copies of aKey and aValue.
  1225 */
  1226 	inline void InsertL(const K& aKey, const V& aValue)
  1227 		{ RHashTableBase::ValueInsertL(&aKey, sizeof(K), &aValue, _FOFF(SFullElement,iV), sizeof(V)); }
  1230 /**
  1231 Remove a key-value pair from the array.
  1233 @param	aKey	The key to be removed.
  1234 @return			KErrNone if the key object and corresponding value object were
  1235 				removed successfully.
  1236 				KErrNotFound if the key object was not present in the array.
  1237 */
  1238 	inline TInt Remove(const K& aKey)
  1239 		{ return RHashTableBase::Remove(&aKey); }
  1242 /**
  1243 Query the number of key-value pairs in the array.
  1245 @return	The number of key-value pairs currently in the array.
  1246 */
  1247 	inline TInt Count() const
  1248 		{ return RHashTableBase::Count(); }
  1251 /**
  1252 Expand the array to accommodate a specified number of key-value pairs.
  1253 If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
  1254 action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
  1256 @param	aCount	The number of key-value pairs for which space should be allocated.
  1257 @return	KErrNone if the operation completed successfully.
  1258 @return	KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
  1259 */
  1260 	inline TInt Reserve(TInt aCount)
  1261 		{ return RHashTableBase::Reserve(aCount); }
  1264 /**
  1265 Expand the array to accommodate a specified number of key-value pairs.
  1266 If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
  1267 action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
  1269 @param	aCount	The number of key-value pairs for which space should be allocated.
  1270 @leave	KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
  1271 */
  1272 	inline void ReserveL(TInt aCount)
  1273 		{ RHashTableBase::ReserveL(aCount); }
  1275 	};
  1278 /**
  1279 @publishedAll
  1280 @released
  1282 A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RHashMap<K,V>
  1283 class.
  1285 The array being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
  1286 or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
  1288 @see RHashMap<K,V>
  1289 */
  1290 template <class K, class V>
  1291 class THashMapIter : public THashTableIterBase
  1292 	{
  1293 private:
  1295 	struct SFullElement
  1296 		{
  1297 		TUint32 iHash;
  1298 		K iK;
  1299 		V iV;
  1300 		};
  1302 public:
  1304 /**
  1305 Construct an iterator over the specified associative array.
  1306 The iterator starts at conceptual position one before the beginning of the list
  1307 being iterated.
  1309 @param	aMap	The array to be iterated over.
  1310 */
  1311 	inline THashMapIter(const RHashMap<K,V>& aMap)
  1312 		:	THashTableIterBase(aMap)
  1313 		{}
  1316 /**
  1317 Reset the iterator to its initial state.
  1319 @param	aSet	The set to be iterated over.
  1320 */
  1321 	inline void Reset()
  1322 		{ THashTableIterBase::Reset(); }
  1325 /**
  1326 Return the key corresponding to the current position of the iterator.
  1328 @return	A pointer to the key object corresponding to the current position of the
  1329 		iterator.
  1330 		NULL if the iterator has just been constructed or reset, or if it has
  1331 		previously reached the end of an iteration.
  1332 */
  1333 	inline const K* CurrentKey() const
  1334 		{ return (const K*)THashTableIterBase::Current(_FOFF(SFullElement,iK)); }
  1337 /**
  1338 Steps the iterator to the next position and returns the corresponding key.
  1340 @return	A pointer to the key object corresponding to the next position of the
  1341 		iterator.
  1342 		NULL if the iterator has exhausted all the available key-value pairs.
  1343 */
  1344 	inline const K* NextKey()
  1345 		{ return (const K*)THashTableIterBase::Next(_FOFF(SFullElement,iK)); }
  1348 /**
  1349 Return the value corresponding to the current position of the iterator.
  1351 @return	A pointer to the value object corresponding to the current position of the
  1352 		iterator.
  1353 		NULL if the iterator has just been constructed or reset, or if it has
  1354 		previously reached the end of an iteration.
  1355 */
  1356 	inline V* CurrentValue() 
  1357 		{ return (V*)THashTableIterBase::Current(_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
  1360 /**
  1361 Steps the iterator to the next position and returns the corresponding value.
  1363 @return	A pointer to the value object corresponding to the next position of the
  1364 		iterator.
  1365 		NULL if the iterator has exhausted all the available key-value pairs.
  1366 */
  1367 	inline const V* NextValue()
  1368 		{ return (const V*)THashTableIterBase::Next(_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
  1371 /**
  1372 Removes the element at the current iterator position from the hash table.
  1373 If the iterator does not currently point to a valid element, no action is taken.
  1374 Note that the iterator position is not altered so it no longer points to a valid
  1375 element following the Remove(). It is illegal to call either CurrentKey() or
  1376 CurrentValue() on the iterator after calling Remove() - the only legal
  1377 operations are Reset(), NextKey() or NextValue().
  1379 */
  1380 	inline void RemoveCurrent()
  1381 		{ THashTableIterBase::RemoveCurrent(); }
  1382 	};
  1386 template <class K, class V> class TPtrHashMapIter;
  1388 /**
  1389 @publishedAll
  1390 @released
  1392 A templated class which implements an associative array with key type K and value type V,
  1393 using a probe-sequence hash table. Neither the key nor value objects are copied into the
  1394 table when they are added - only pointers are stored.
  1396 */
  1397 template <class K, class V>
  1398 class RPtrHashMap : public RHashTableBase
  1399 	{
  1400 private:
  1401 	friend class TPtrHashMapIter<K,V>;
  1403 	struct SFullElement
  1404 		{
  1405 		TUint32 iHash;
  1406 		K* iK;
  1407 		V* iV;
  1408 		};
  1409 public:
  1411 /**
  1412 A class which allows iteration over the elements of a RPtrHashMap<K,V> class.
  1414 The array being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
  1415 or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
  1417 @see TPtrHashMapIter<K,V>
  1418 */
  1419 	typedef TPtrHashMapIter<K,V> TIter;
  1421 /**
  1422 Construct an associative array of key-value pairs of type (K,V) using a
  1423 specified hash function and identity relation.
  1424 The array initially contains no key-value pairs.
  1426 @param	aHash		The hash function used to hash the key objects of type K.
  1427 @param	aIdentity	The identity relation used to determine if two key objects
  1428 					of type K should be considered identical.
  1429 */
  1430 	inline RPtrHashMap(const THashFunction32<K>& aHash, const TIdentityRelation<K>& aIdentity)
  1431 		:	RHashTableBase(aHash, aIdentity, sizeof(SFullElement), 0)
  1432 		{}
  1435 /**
  1436 Construct an associative array of key-value pairs of type (K,V) using a
  1437 default hash function and identity relation.
  1438 The array initially contains no key-value pairs.
  1439 */
  1440 	inline RPtrHashMap()
  1441 		:	RHashTableBase(Defaults<K,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash(), Defaults<K,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id(), sizeof(SFullElement), 0)
  1442 		{}
  1445 /**
  1446 Free all memory used by this array.
  1447 Returns the array to the same state it had following construction.
  1448 */
  1449 	inline void Close()
  1450 		{ RHashTableBase::Close(); }
  1453 /**
  1454 Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
  1455 corresponding value.
  1457 @param	aKey	The key object of type K to look up.
  1458 @return			A pointer to corresponding value object if the specified key
  1459 				object was found. The value object may not be modified via
  1460 				this pointer.
  1461 				NULL if the specified key object was not found.
  1462 */
  1463 	inline const V* Find(const K& aKey) const
  1464 		{ return (const V*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
  1467 /**
  1468 Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
  1469 corresponding value.
  1471 @param	aKey	The key object of type K to look up.
  1472 @return			A reference to corresponding value object if the specified key
  1473 				object was found. The value object may not be modified via
  1474 				this reference.
  1475 @leave	KErrNotFound if the specified key object was not found.
  1476 */
  1477 	inline const V& FindL(const K& aKey) const
  1478 		{ return *(const V*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
  1481 /**
  1482 Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
  1483 corresponding value.
  1485 @param	aKey	The key object of type K to look up.
  1486 @return			A pointer to corresponding value object if the specified key
  1487 				object was found. The value object may be modified via
  1488 				this pointer.
  1489 				NULL if the specified key object was not found.
  1490 */
  1491 	inline V* Find(const K& aKey)
  1492 		{ return (V*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
  1495 /**
  1496 Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
  1497 corresponding value.
  1499 @param	aKey	The key object of type K to look up.
  1500 @return			A reference to corresponding value object if the specified key
  1501 				object was found. The value object may be modified via
  1502 				this reference.
  1503 @leave	KErrNotFound if the specified key object was not found.
  1504 */
  1505 	inline V& FindL(const K& aKey)
  1506 		{ return *(V*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
  1509 /**
  1510 Insert a key-value pair into the array.
  1512 If the specified key object is not found in the array, a pointer to the
  1513 key object along with a pointer to the value object are added to the array
  1514 and KErrNone is returned.
  1515 If the specified key object is found in the array, the existing pointers
  1516 to both the key and value objects are replaced by the provided pointers
  1517 and KErrNone is returned.
  1518 In both cases only pointers are stored in the array - the objects themselves
  1519 are not copied.
  1521 @param	aKey	A pointer to the key object of type K to add to the array.
  1522 @param	aValue	A pointer to the value object of type V to associate with aKey.
  1523 @return			KErrNone if the key-value pair was added successfully.
  1524 				KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store
  1525 					the pointers aKey and aValue.
  1526 */
  1527 	inline TInt Insert(const K* aKey, const V* aValue)
  1528 		{ return RHashTableBase::PtrInsert(aKey, aValue); }
  1531 /**
  1532 Insert a key-value pair into the array.
  1534 If the specified key object is not found in the array, a pointer to the
  1535 key object along with a pointer to the value object are added to the array
  1536 and KErrNone is returned.
  1537 If the specified key object is found in the array, the existing pointers
  1538 to both the key and value objects are replaced by the provided pointers
  1539 and KErrNone is returned.
  1540 In both cases only pointers are stored in the array - the objects themselves
  1541 are not copied.
  1543 @param	aKey	A pointer to the key object of type K to add to the array.
  1544 @param	aValue	A pointer to the value object of type V to associate with aKey.
  1545 @leave	KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store the pointers aKey and aValue.
  1546 */
  1547 	inline void InsertL(const K* aKey, const V* aValue)
  1548 		{ RHashTableBase::PtrInsertL(aKey, aValue); }
  1551 /**
  1552 Remove a key-value pair from the array.
  1554 @param	aKey	A pointer to the key to be removed.
  1555 @return			KErrNone if the pointers to the key object and corresponding
  1556 				value object were removed successfully.
  1557 				KErrNotFound if the key object was not present in the array.
  1558 */
  1559 	inline TInt Remove(const K* aKey)
  1560 		{ return RHashTableBase::Remove(aKey); }
  1563 /**
  1564 Query the number of key-value pairs in the array.
  1566 @return	The number of key-value pairs currently in the array.
  1567 */
  1568 	inline TInt Count() const
  1569 		{ return RHashTableBase::Count(); }
  1572 /**
  1573 Expand the array to accommodate a specified number of key-value pairs.
  1574 If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
  1575 action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
  1577 @param	aCount	The number of key-value pairs for which space should be allocated.
  1578 @return	KErrNone if the operation completed successfully.
  1579 @return	KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
  1580 */
  1581 	inline TInt Reserve(TInt aCount)
  1582 		{ return RHashTableBase::Reserve(aCount); }
  1585 /**
  1586 Expand the array to accommodate a specified number of key-value pairs.
  1587 If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
  1588 action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
  1590 @param	aCount	The number of key-value pairs for which space should be allocated.
  1591 @leave	KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
  1592 */
  1593 	inline void ReserveL(TInt aCount)
  1594 		{ RHashTableBase::ReserveL(aCount); }
  1597 	void ResetAndDestroy();
  1598 	};
  1601 /**
  1602 @publishedAll
  1603 @released
  1605 A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RPtrHashMap<K,V>
  1606 class.
  1608 The array being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
  1609 or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
  1611 @see RPtrHashMap<K,V>
  1612 */
  1613 template <class K, class V>
  1614 class TPtrHashMapIter : public THashTableIterBase
  1615 	{
  1616 private:
  1618 	struct SFullElement
  1619 		{
  1620 		TUint32 iHash;
  1621 		K* iK;
  1622 		V* iV;
  1623 		};
  1624 public:
  1626 /**
  1627 Construct an iterator over the specified associative array.
  1628 The iterator starts at conceptual position one before the beginning of the list
  1629 being iterated.
  1631 @param	aMap	The array to be iterated over.
  1632 */
  1633 	inline TPtrHashMapIter(const RPtrHashMap<K,V>& aMap)
  1634 		:	THashTableIterBase(aMap)
  1635 		{}
  1638 /**
  1639 Reset the iterator to its initial state.
  1641 @param	aSet	The set to be iterated over.
  1642 */
  1643 	inline void Reset()
  1644 		{ THashTableIterBase::Reset(); }
  1647 /**
  1648 Return the key corresponding to the current position of the iterator.
  1650 @return	A pointer to the key object corresponding to the current position of the
  1651 		iterator.
  1652 		NULL if the iterator has just been constructed or reset, or if it has
  1653 		previously reached the end of an iteration.
  1654 */
  1655 	inline const K* CurrentKey() const
  1656 		{ return (const K*)THashTableIterBase::Current(-_FOFF(SFullElement,iK)); }
  1659 /**
  1660 Steps the iterator to the next position and returns the corresponding key.
  1662 @return	A pointer to the key object corresponding to the next position of the
  1663 		iterator.
  1664 		NULL if the iterator has exhausted all the available key-value pairs.
  1665 */
  1666 	inline const K* NextKey()
  1667 		{ return (const K*)THashTableIterBase::Next(-_FOFF(SFullElement,iK)); }
  1670 /**
  1671 Return the value corresponding to the current position of the iterator.
  1673 @return	A pointer to the value object corresponding to the current position of the
  1674 		iterator.
  1675 		NULL if the iterator has just been constructed or reset, or if it has
  1676 		previously reached the end of an iteration.
  1677 */
  1678 	inline const V* CurrentValue() const
  1679 		{ return (const V*)THashTableIterBase::Current(-_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
  1682 /**
  1683 Steps the iterator to the next position and returns the corresponding value.
  1685 @return	A pointer to the value object corresponding to the next position of the
  1686 		iterator.
  1687 		NULL if the iterator has exhausted all the available key-value pairs.
  1688 */
  1689 	inline const V* NextValue()
  1690 		{ return (const V*)THashTableIterBase::Next(-_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
  1693 /**
  1694 Removes the element at the current iterator position from the hash table.
  1695 If the iterator does not currently point to a valid element, no action is taken.
  1696 Note that the iterator position is not altered so it no longer points to a valid
  1697 element following the Remove(). It is illegal to call either CurrentKey() or
  1698 CurrentValue() on the iterator after calling Remove() - the only legal
  1699 operations are Reset(), NextKey() or NextValue().
  1701 */
  1702 	inline void RemoveCurrent()
  1703 		{ THashTableIterBase::RemoveCurrent(); }
  1704 	};
  1708 /**
  1709 Deletes all the objects of type T to which pointers are stored in this set.
  1710 Then frees all the memory used by the set and returns the set to the same state
  1711 as immediately following construction.
  1712 */
  1713 template <class T>
  1714 void RPtrHashSet<T>::ResetAndDestroy()
  1715 	{
  1716 	TPtrHashSetIter<T> iter(*this);
  1717 	T* p;
  1718 	do	{
  1719 		p = (T*)iter.Next();
  1720 		delete p;
  1721 		} while(p);
  1722 	Close();
  1723 	}
  1726 /**
  1727 Deletes all the key objects of type K and corresponding value objects of type V
  1728 to which pointers are stored in this array.
  1729 Then frees all the memory used by the array and returns the array to the same
  1730 state as immediately following construction.
  1731 */
  1732 template <class K, class V>
  1733 void RPtrHashMap<K,V>::ResetAndDestroy()
  1734 	{
  1735 	TPtrHashMapIter<K,V> iter(*this);
  1736 	K* p;
  1737 	V* q;
  1738 	do	{
  1739 		p = (K*)iter.NextKey();
  1740 		q = (V*)iter.CurrentValue();
  1741 		delete p;
  1742 		delete q;
  1743 		} while(p);
  1744 	Close();
  1745 	}
  1748 #endif