changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 4 56f325a607ea
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a41df078684a
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32test\resourceman\t_rescontrolcli.cpp
    15 // TestCase Description:
    16 // This tests is intended to test the generic layer of PRM. It consists of unit testing and regression testing. 
    17 // Unit testing validates each of the API's. Regression testing performs random operation on random resource and
    18 // currently executes 500 operations and returns. 
    19 // To run regression testing, test must be invoked with -R option. 
    20 // Testing runs only on simulated PSL. 
    21 // 
    22 //
    24 #include <e32test.h>
    25 #include <e32hal.h>
    26 #include <e32math.h>
    27 #include <e32def.h>
    28 #include <e32def_private.h>
    29 #include "d_rescontrolcli.h"
    31 #define MAX_STATIC_RESOURCE_NUM 24 //Maximum number of static resources in simulated PSL
    32 #define MAX_STATIC_DEPENDENCY_RESOURCE_NUM 7 //Maximum number of static dependency resources in simulated PSL
    33 #define DEPENDENCY_RESOURCE_BIT_MASK 0x00010000
    34 #define DYNAMIC_RESOURCE_BIT_MASK 0x00020000
    35 #define CUSTOM_RESOURCE_NUMBER 20
    37 /** Macro to push the item into the specified list. Item are pushed to the head of the list. */
    38 #define LIST_PUSH(list,item,link)	\
    39 	{							   	\
    40 	(item)->link = (list);			\
    41 	(list) = (item);				\
    42 	}
    44 /** Macro to pop the item from the specified list. Item are poped from the head of the list. */
    45 #define LIST_POP(list,item,link)	\
    46 	{							   	\
    47 	(item) = (list);				\
    48 	if ((item))						\
    49 		{							\
    50 		(list) = (item)->link;		\
    51 		(item)->link = NULL;		\
    52 		}						   	\
    53 	}
    55 /** Macro to remove the item from the list. */
    56 #define LIST_REMOVE(list,item,link,className)		\
    57 	if (list)										\
    58 		{											\
    59 		className* current = (list);				\
    60 		if (current==(item))						\
    61 			{										\
    62 			(list) = (item)->link;					\
    63 			(item)->link = NULL;					\
    64 			}										\
    65 		else										\
    66 			{										\
    67 			className* next = current->link;		\
    68 			while (next)							\
    69 				{									\
    70 				if ((item)==next)					\
    71 					{								\
    72 					current->link=next->link;		\
    73 					next->link = NULL;				\
    74 					break;							\
    75 					}								\
    76 				current = next;						\
    77 				next = next->link;					\
    78 				}									\
    79 			}										\
    80 		}
    83 _LIT(KLddFileName, "D_RESCONTROLCLI.LDD");
    84 _LIT(KPddFileName, "resourcecontroller.pdd");
    85 #else
    87 _LIT(KExtPddFileName, "resourcecontrollerextended.pdd");
    88 #endif
    91 TBuf8<32> SpecialResName(_L8("SymbianSimulResource"));
    93 //Enum definition for resource classification.
    94 enum TType  {EMultiLevel = 0x1, EMultiProperty};
    95 enum TUsage {ESingle, EShared};
    96 enum TLatency {EInstantaneous, ELongLatency};
    97 enum TClass {EPhysical, ELogical};
    98 enum TSense {EPositive, ENegative, ECustom};
   100 //Structure to get resource information
   101 class TPowerResourceInfoV01
   102 	{
   103 public:
   104 	TClass iClass;
   105 	TLatency iLatencyGet;
   106 	TLatency iLatencySet;
   107 	TType iType;
   108 	TUsage iUsage;
   109 	TSense iSense;
   110 	TDesC8* iResourceName;
   111 	TUint iResourceId;
   112 	TInt iDefaultLevel;  
   113 	TInt iMinLevel;	  
   114 	TInt iMaxLevel;	  
   115 	TInt iReserved1;  
   116 	TInt iReserved2;  
   117 	TInt iReserved3;  
   118 	TInt iPslReserved1;  
   119 	TInt iPslReserved2;  
   120 	TInt iPslReserved3;  
   121 	};
   123 //Structure to get client information
   124 struct TPowerClientInfoV01
   125 	{
   126 	TUint iClientId;
   127 	TDesC8* iClientName;
   128 	};
   130 //Structure for holding client information
   131 struct RMClientInfo
   132 	{
   133 	TUint iClientId;
   134 	TUint iNumResources;
   135 	TUint iResourceIds[MAX_STATIC_RESOURCE_NUM]; //Each bit corresponds to a static resource.
   136 	};
   138 //Structure for holding notification information
   139 struct NotiInfo
   140 	{
   141 	TUint iClientId;
   142 	TInt iThreshold;
   143 	TInt iDirection;
   144 	TInt iPreviousLevel;
   145 	NotiInfo *iNext;
   146 	};
   148 // Structure for holding client level
   149 struct SPowerResourceClientLevel
   150 	{
   151 	TUint iClientId;
   152 	TUint iResourceId;
   153 	TInt iLevel;
   154 	SPowerResourceClientLevel* iNextInList;
   155 	};
   157 //Structure for capturing resource information to be used by Idle thread.
   158 struct SIdleResourceInfo
   159 	{
   160 	TUint iResourceId;
   161 	TInt iLevelOwnerId;
   162 	TInt iCurrentLevel;
   163 	TInt iReserved1;	//Reserved for future use.
   164 	TInt iReserved2;	//Reserved for future use.
   165 	TInt iReserved3;	//Reserved for future use.
   166 	};
   168 //Structure for holding resource information
   169 struct RMResInfo
   170 	{
   171 	TBuf8<32> iName;
   172 	TUint iResourceId;
   173 	TInt iMaxLevel;
   174 	TInt iMinLevel;
   175 	TInt iDefaultLevel;
   176 	TInt iCurrentLevel;
   177 	TInt iCurrentClient;
   178 	TUint iNumClients;
   179 	TSense iSense;
   180 	TType iType;
   181 	TLatency iLatencyGet;
   182 	TLatency iLatencySet;
   183 	TUsage iUsage;
   184 	TUint iUnCondNotiCount;
   185 	NotiInfo *iCondNoti;
   186 	NotiInfo *iUncondNoti;
   187 	SPowerResourceClientLevel *iLevel;
   188 	};
   190 //Test class.
   191 class TestRM
   192 	{
   193 private:
   194 	//Possible resource operation.
   195 	enum Operation
   196 		{
   197 		ERegisterClient = 0,
   198 		EGetClientName = 1,
   199 		EGetAllClientName = 2,
   200 		EGetClientId = 3,
   201 		EGetResourceId = 4,
   202 		EGetResourceInfo = 5,
   203 		EGetNumReosourceInUseByClient = 6,
   204 		EGetInfoOnResourceInUseByClient = 7,
   205 		EGetNumClientsUsingResource = 8,
   206 		EGetInfoOnClientsUsingResource = 9,
   207 		EChangeResourceStateSync = 10,
   208 		EChangeResourceStateAsync = 11,
   209 		EGetResourceStateSync = 12,
   210 		EGetResourceStateAsync = 13,
   211 		ERequestNotificationCond = 14,
   212 		ERequestNotificationUnCond = 15,
   213 		ECancelNotificationCond = 16,
   214 		ECancelNotificationUnCond = 17,
   215 		EOperationEnd = 18
   216 		};
   217 public:
   218 	TestRM();
   219 	void RegisterClient();
   220 	void DeRegisterClient(TUint aClientId);
   221 	void GetClientName(TUint aClientId);
   222 	void GetClientId(TUint aClientId);
   223 	void GetResourceId(TUint aResId);
   224 	void GetResourceInfo(TUint aResId);
   225 	void GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(TInt aClientId);
   226 	void GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(TInt aClientId, TUint aNumRes);
   227 	void GetNumClientsUsingResource(TUint aClientId, TUint aResId);
   228 	void GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(TUint aResId, TUint aNumCli);
   229 	void AllocReserve(TUint aClientId);
   230 	void CheckNotification(TUint aResId, TInt newState);
   231 	void AddClientLevel(TUint aResId, TInt newState);
   232 	void UpdateClientInformation(TUint aResId, TInt aNewState);
   233 	void ChangeResourceStateSync(TUint aResId);
   234 	void ChangeResourceStateAsync(TUint aResId, TBool aReqCancel=EFalse);
   235 	void GetResourceStateSync(TUint aResId);
   236 	void GetResourceStateAsync(TUint aResId, TBool aReqCancel=EFalse);
   237 	void RequestNotification(TUint aResId);
   238 	void RequestNotificationCon(TUint aResId);
   239 	void ValidateClient(TUint aNumClients, TOwnerType aContext);
   240 	void CancelNotification(TUint aResId, TBool Cond);
   241 	void APIValidationTest();
   242 	void SharedBinaryPositiveResourceTesting(TUint aResId);
   243 	void SharedBinaryNegativeResourceTesting(TUint aResId);
   244 	void CustomResourceTesting(TUint aResId);
   245 	void DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(TInt aClientId, TUint aResId);
   246 	void RegressionTest();
   247 	void TestStaticResourceWithDependency();
   248 	void GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(TUint aResId, TInt aState, TInt aLevelOwnerId, TBool aReqCancel = EFalse);
   249 	void GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(TUint aResId, TInt aState, TInt aLevelOwnerId);
   250 	void TestDynamicResource();
   251 	void TestDynamicResourceDependency();
   252 	void CheckForDependencyInformation(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TUint aNumDependents, SResourceDependencyInfo* aDepResIdArray);
   253 	void SharedMultilevelNegativeResourceTesting(TUint aResId);
   254 	void SharedMultilevelPositiveResourceTesting(TUint aResId);
   255 private:
   256 	RArray<RMClientInfo> Clients;
   257 	RMResInfo Resources[MAX_STATIC_RESOURCE_NUM];
   258 	TUint iStaticDependencyResources[MAX_STATIC_DEPENDENCY_RESOURCE_NUM];
   259 	TInt iCurrentClientId;
   260 	TUint iMaxClientId;
   261 	TUint iMaxClients;
   262 	TUint iMaxStaticResources;
   263 	TUint iMaxStaticDependentResources;
   264 	TUint iPowerControllerId;
   265 	TUint iTestingExtendedVersion;
   266 	};
   268 TBool NegativeTesting; //If true enables negative testing of API's
   269 TInt r = KErrNone;
   270 TBuf8<32> ClientName(_L8("Client?"));
   271 RTestResMan lddChan;
   272 TestRM RmTest;
   274 //Class constructor
   275 TestRM::TestRM(): iCurrentClientId(-1),iMaxClientId(0), iMaxClients(0),iMaxStaticResources(0), iMaxStaticDependentResources(0), iTestingExtendedVersion(0)
   276 	{
   277 	test.Printf(_L("TestRM::TestRM()\n"));
   278 	}
   280 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   281 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0573
   282 //! @SYMTestType		UT
   283 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
   284 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests the client registeration functionality of resource
   285 //!				manager.It registeres a client with resource manager and stores the relevant 
   286 //!				information in Clients array. Currently allows only maximum of 50 client 
   287 //!				registration.
   288 //! @SYMTestActions	 0	Returns if already maximum allowable clients are registered. 
   289 //!				1	Register a client with the resource manager with a unique name.
   290 //!				2	Appends the client information to an array for futher reference.
   291 //!
   292 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults client registration is successful, panics otherwise.
   293 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
   294 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
   295 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   296 void TestRM::RegisterClient()
   297 	{
   298 	TUint clientId = 0;
   299 	RMClientInfo info;
   300 	if(iMaxClientId >  MAX_CLIENTS)
   301 		{
   302 		test.Printf(_L("Reached maximum client allocation. Can't allocate more\n"));
   303 		return;
   304 		}
   305 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId);
   306 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(clientId, (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
   307 	if(r != KErrNone)
   308 		test.Printf(_L("Register Client failed with %d\n"), r);
   309 	test(r == KErrNone);
   310 	info.iClientId = clientId;
   311 	info.iNumResources = 0;
   312 	for(TUint c = 0; c< MAX_STATIC_RESOURCE_NUM; c++)
   313 		info.iResourceIds[c] = 0;
   314 	iMaxClientId++;
   315 	iMaxClients++;
   316 	r = Clients.Append(info);
   317 	if(r != KErrNone)
   318 		test.Printf(_L("Client Append failed with %d\n"), r);
   319 	test(r == KErrNone);
   320 	}
   322 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   323 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0574
   324 //! @SYMTestType		UT
   325 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
   326 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests the client deregisteration functionality of resource
   327 //!				manager.It deregisteres a client with the resource manager, calculates
   328 //!				the resource level of each resource that the client was having requirement and
   329 //!				checks the resource level change after client deregistration.
   330 //! @SYMTestActions	 0	Deregister a client from resource manager
   331 //!				1	Calculates the resource level of each resource the client was having requirement. 
   332 //!				2	Checks the resource level change of each resource for correctness.
   333 //!				3	Zeros the clientId stored internally to make sure it is not referenced again. 
   334 //!
   335 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults client deregistration is successful and also the resource level of 
   336 //!							each resource the client was holding the resource level is checked
   337 //!							for correctness, panics otherwise 
   338 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
   339 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
   340 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   341 void TestRM::DeRegisterClient(TUint aClientId)
   342 	{
   343 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[aClientId].iClientId);
   344 	if(r != KErrNone)
   345 		test.Printf(_L("Client deregistration of %d failed with %d\n"), Clients[aClientId].iClientId, r);
   346  	test(r == KErrNone);
   347  	TUint count;
   348 	for(count = 0; count < iMaxStaticResources; count++)
   349 		{
   350 		RMResInfo *pR = &Resources[count];
   351 		NotiInfo* pI = pR->iCondNoti;
   352 		NotiInfo* ptr = NULL;
   353 		//Remove any conditional notification that this client has on resource.
   354 		while(pI != NULL)
   355 			{
   356 			if(pI->iClientId == aClientId)
   357 				{
   358 				ptr = pI;
   359 				pI = pI->iNext;
   360 				LIST_REMOVE(pR->iCondNoti, ptr, iNext, NotiInfo);
   361 				delete ptr;
   362 				}
   363 			else
   364 				pI = pI->iNext;
   365 			}
   367 		//Remove any unconditional notification that this client has on resource.
   368 		pI = pR->iUncondNoti;
   369 		ptr = NULL;
   370 		while(pI != NULL)
   371 			{
   372 			if(pI->iClientId == aClientId)
   373 				{
   374 				ptr = pI;
   375 				pI = pI->iNext;
   376 				LIST_REMOVE(pR->iUncondNoti, ptr, iNext, NotiInfo);
   377 				delete ptr;
   378 				}
   379 			else
   380 				pI = pI->iNext;
   381 			}
   382 		}
   383 	//Remove client level
   384 	TUint res = 0;
   385 	for(count = 0; count < Clients[aClientId].iNumResources; count++)
   386 		{
   387 		res = Clients[aClientId].iResourceIds[count];
   388 		if(res == 0)
   389 			continue;
   390 		for(TUint c = 0; c< iMaxStaticResources; c++)
   391 			{
   392 			if(Resources[c].iResourceId == res)
   393 				{
   394 				res = c;
   395 				break;
   396 				}
   397 			}
   398 		if(Resources[res].iCurrentClient == (TInt)aClientId)
   399 			{
   400 			if(!Resources[res].iUsage)
   401 				{
   402 				Resources[res].iCurrentLevel = Resources[res].iDefaultLevel;
   403 				Resources[res].iCurrentClient = -1;
   404 				Resources[res].iNumClients = 0;
   405 				}
   406 			else if(Resources[res].iSense == ECustom)
   407 				continue;
   408 			else
   409 				{
   410 				TInt maxLevel = KMinTInt;
   411 				TInt id = -1;
   412 				for(SPowerResourceClientLevel* pCL = Resources[res].iLevel; pCL != NULL; pCL = pCL->iNextInList)
   413 					{
   414 					if(pCL->iClientId == aClientId)
   415 						continue;
   416 					if((maxLevel == KMinTInt) || (maxLevel == pCL->iLevel))
   417 						{
   418 						maxLevel = pCL->iLevel;
   419 						id = pCL->iClientId;
   420 						continue;
   421 						}
   422 					if(Resources[res].iSense == EPositive && pCL->iLevel > maxLevel)
   423 						{
   424 						maxLevel = pCL->iLevel;
   425 						id = pCL->iClientId;
   426 						}
   427 					else if(Resources[res].iSense == ENegative && pCL->iLevel < maxLevel)
   428 						{
   429 						maxLevel = pCL->iLevel;
   430 						id = pCL->iClientId;
   431 						}
   432 					}
   433 				if(id == -1)
   434 					{
   435 					Resources[res].iCurrentLevel = Resources[res].iDefaultLevel;
   436 					Resources[res].iCurrentClient = -1;
   437 					Resources[res].iNumClients = 0;
   438 					}
   439 				else
   440 					{
   441 					Resources[res].iCurrentLevel = maxLevel;
   442 					Resources[res].iCurrentClient = id;
   443 					Resources[res].iNumClients--;
   444 					}
   445 				}
   446 			}
   447 			//Remove client list entry from resource
   448 			for(SPowerResourceClientLevel* pCL = Resources[res].iLevel; pCL != NULL; pCL = pCL->iNextInList)
   449 				{
   450 				if(pCL->iClientId == aClientId)
   451 					{
   452 					LIST_REMOVE(Resources[res].iLevel, pCL, iNextInList, SPowerResourceClientLevel);
   453 					delete pCL;
   454 					break;
   455 					}
   456 				}
   457 			}
   458 	//Verify the resource state consistency
   459 	res = 0;
   460 	TInt newState;
   461 	TInt levelOwnerId;
   462 	if(iMaxClients > 1)
   463 		{
   464 		for(TUint id = 0; id < Clients[aClientId].iNumResources; id++)
   465 			{
   466 			res = Clients[aClientId].iResourceIds[id];
   467 			if(res == 0)
   468 			   continue;
   469 			for(TUint c = 0; c< iMaxStaticResources; c++)
   470 				{
   471 				if(Resources[c].iResourceId == res)
   472 					{
   473 					res = c;
   474 					break;
   475 					}
   476 				}
   477 			r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(Clients[0].iClientId, Resources[res].iResourceId, ETrue, newState, levelOwnerId);
   478 			if(r != KErrNone)
   479 				test.Printf(_L("GetResourceStateSync returned with %d"), r);
   480 			test(r == KErrNone);
   481 			if(newState != Resources[res].iCurrentLevel)
   482 				test.Printf(_L("newState = %d, Resources[%d].iCurrentLevel = %d"), newState, Resources[res].iResourceId, Resources[res].iCurrentLevel);
   483 			test(newState == Resources[res].iCurrentLevel);
   484 			if(Resources[res].iCurrentClient == -1)
   485 				test(levelOwnerId == -1);
   486 			else if (levelOwnerId != (TInt)Clients[Resources[res].iCurrentClient].iClientId)
   487 				{
   488 				test.Printf(_L("levelOwnerId = 0x%x, iCurrentClient = 0x%x\n"), levelOwnerId, Resources[res].iCurrentClient);
   489 				test(0);
   490 				}
   491 			}
   492 		}
   493 	Clients[aClientId].iClientId = 0;
   494  	iMaxClients--;
   495 	}
   497 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   498 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0575
   499 //! @SYMTestType		UT
   500 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
   501 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests the retrieval of client name functionality of resource
   502 //!				manager and compares for correctness. There are negative and positive tests.
   503 //! @SYMTestActions	 If negative testing is enabled then following tests are done
   504 //!				0	Call the API with invalid client Id (calling client Id).
   505 //!				1	Call the API with invalid instance count of calling client Id.
   506 //!				2	Call the API with invalid target client Id.
   507 //!				3	Call the API with invalid instance count of target client Id.
   508 //!				Positive tests
   509 //!				4	Call the API with valid client Ids (both calling and target client ID)
   510 //!
   511 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults  0	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
   512 //!							 1	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
   513 //!							 2	API should return with KErrNotFound, panics otherwise
   514 //!							 3	API should return with KErrNotFound, panics otherwise
   515 //!							 4	API should return KErrNone with name updated and also name
   516 //!								is checked for correctness, panics otherwise
   517 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
   518 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
   519 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   520 void TestRM::GetClientName(TUint aClientId)
   521 	{
   522 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + aClientId);
   523 	TBuf8<32> name;
   524 	if(NegativeTesting)
   525 		{
   526 		//Pass illegal client Id
   527 		r = lddChan.GetClientName(0, Clients[aClientId].iClientId, (TDes8*)&name);
   528 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
   530 		//Pass illegal instance count
   531 		TUint id = Clients[aClientId].iClientId;
   532 		id = id ^ (3<<16);
   533 		r = lddChan.GetClientName(id, Clients[aClientId].iClientId, (TDes8*)&name);
   534 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
   536 		//Pass illegal target client id
   537 		r = lddChan.GetClientName(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, iMaxClients, (TDes8*)&name);
   538 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
   540 		//Pass illegal instance count of target client id
   541 		id = id ^ (1<<16);
   542 		r = lddChan.GetClientName(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, 0 ,(TDes8*)&name);
   543 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
   544 		}
   545 	r = lddChan.GetClientName(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, Clients[aClientId].iClientId, (TDes8*)&name);
   546 	if(r != KErrNone)
   547 		test.Printf(_L("GetClientName of ClientId 0x%x returned with %d"), Clients[aClientId].iClientId, r);
   548 	test(r == KErrNone);
   549 	if(name.Compare(ClientName))
   550 		test(0);
   551 	}
   554 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   555 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0576
   556 //! @SYMTestType		UT
   557 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
   558 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests the retrieval of client ID functionality of resource
   559 //!				manager and compares for correctness. There are negative and positive tests.
   560 //! @SYMTestActions	 If negative testing is enabled then following tests are done
   561 //!				0	Call the API with invalid client Id (calling client Id).
   562 //!				1	Call the API with invalid instance count of calling client Id.
   563 //!				2	Call the API with client name greater than maximum allowable 
   564 //!					client name (32 characters).
   565 //!				3	Call the API with name not registered with resource manager 
   566 //!					(non-existing name). 
   567 //!				Positive tests
   568 //!				4	Call the API with valid client Id.
   569 //!
   570 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults  0	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
   571 //!							 1	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
   572 //!							 2	API should return with KErrTooBig, panics otherwise
   573 //!							 3	API should return with KErrNotFound, panics otherwise
   574 //!							 4	API should return KErrNone with client Id updated and also Id
   575 //!								is checked for correctness, panics otherwise
   576 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
   577 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
   578 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   579 void TestRM::GetClientId(TUint aClientId)
   580 	{
   581 	TUint clientId;
   582 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + aClientId);
   583 	if(NegativeTesting)
   584 		{
   585   		//Pass illegial client Id
   586 		r = lddChan.GetClientId(0, (TDesC8&)ClientName, Clients[aClientId].iClientId);
   587 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
   589 		//Pass illegal instance count
   590 		TUint id = Clients[aClientId].iClientId;
   591 		id = id ^ (3<<16);
   592 		r = lddChan.GetClientId(id, (TDesC8&)ClientName, Clients[aClientId].iClientId);
   593 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
   595 		TBuf8<50> badName = _L8("Clientnamegreaterthan32characters");
   596 		r = lddChan.GetClientId(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, (TDesC8&)badName, clientId);
   597 		test(r == KErrTooBig);
   599 		ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClients + 1);
   600 		r = lddChan.GetClientId(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, (TDesC8&)ClientName, clientId);
   601 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
   602 		}
   603 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + aClientId);
   604 	r = lddChan.GetClientId(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, (TDesC8&)ClientName, clientId);
   605 	if(r != KErrNone)
   606 		test.Printf(_L("GetClientId returned with %d"), r);
   607 	test(r == KErrNone);
   608 	if(clientId != Clients[aClientId].iClientId)
   609 		test.Printf(_L("ClientId = 0x%x, Expected ClientId = 0x%x"), clientId, Clients[aClientId].iClientId);
   610 	test(clientId == Clients[aClientId].iClientId);
   611 	}
   613 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   614 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0577
   615 //! @SYMTestType		UT
   616 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
   617 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests the retrieval of resource ID functionality of resource
   618 //!				manager and compares for correctness. There are negative and positive tests.
   619 //! @SYMTestActions	 If negative testing is enabled then following tests are done
   620 //!				0	Call the API with invalid client Id (calling client Id).
   621 //!				1	Call the API with invalid instance count of calling client Id.
   622 //!				2	Call the API with resource name greater than maximum allowable 
   623 //!					resource name (32 characters).
   624 //!				3	Call the API with name not registered with resource manager 
   625 //!					(non-existing name). 
   626 //!				Positive tests
   627 //!				4	Call the API with valid client Id and resource name.
   628 //!
   629 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults  0	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
   630 //!							 1	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
   631 //!							 2	API should return with KErrTooBig, panics otherwise
   632 //!							 3	API should return with KErrNotFound, panics otherwise
   633 //!							 4	API should return KErrNone with resource Id updated and also Id
   634 //!								is checked for correctness, panics otherwise
   635 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
   636 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
   637 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   638 void TestRM::GetResourceId(TUint aResId)
   639 	{
   640 	TUint resId;
   641 	if(NegativeTesting)
   642 		{
   643 		r = lddChan.GetResourceId(iMaxClients, Resources[aResId].iName, resId);
   644 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
   646 		//Pass illegal instance count
   647 		TUint id = Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId;
   648 		id = id ^ (3<<17);
   649 		r = lddChan.GetResourceId(id, (TDesC8&)Resources[aResId].iName, resId);
   650 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
   652 		TBuf8<50> badName = _L8("Resourcenamegreaterthen32characters");
   653 		r = lddChan.GetResourceId(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, (TDesC8&)badName, resId);
   654 		test(r == KErrTooBig);
   655 		badName = Resources[aResId].iName;
   656 		badName[0] = '0' + 1;
   657 		r = lddChan.GetResourceId(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, (TDesC8&)badName, resId);
   658 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
   659 		}
   660 	r = lddChan.GetResourceId(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, (TDesC8&)Resources[aResId].iName, resId);
   661 	if(r != KErrNone)
   662 		test.Printf(_L("Return value of GetResourceId %d"), r);
   663 	test(r == KErrNone);
   664 	if(resId != Resources[aResId].iResourceId)
   665 		test.Printf(_L("resId = %d ... aResId = %d"), resId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
   666 	test(resId == Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
   667 	}
   670 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   671 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0578
   672 //! @SYMTestType		UT
   673 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
   674 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests the retrieval of resource information of a specified 
   675 //!						resource functionality of resource manager and compares each info for correctness.
   676 //!						There are negative and positive tests.
   677 //! @SYMTestActions	 If negative testing is enabled then following tests are done
   678 //!				0	Call the API with invalid client Id (calling client Id).
   679 //!				1	Call the API with invalid instance count of calling client Id.
   680 //!				2	Call the API with invalid resource id.
   681 //!				Positive tests
   682 //!				3	Call the API with valid client Id and resource id.
   683 //!
   684 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults  0	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
   685 //!							 1	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
   686 //!							 2	API should return with KErrNotFound, panics otherwise
   687 //!							 3	API should return KErrNone with resource information updated and also 
   688 //!								each information is checked for correctness, panics otherwise
   689 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
   690 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
   691 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   692 void TestRM::GetResourceInfo(TUint aResId)
   693 	{
   694 	RBuf8 infoBuf;
   695 	infoBuf.Create(sizeof(TPowerResourceInfoV01));
   696 	if(NegativeTesting)
   697 		{
   698 		r = lddChan.GetResourceInfo(iMaxClients-5, aResId+1, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&infoBuf);
   699 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
   701 		//Pass illegal instance count
   702 		TUint id = Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId;
   703 		id = id ^ (5<<17);
   704 		r = lddChan.GetResourceInfo(id, aResId+1, (TAny*)infoBuf.Ptr());
   705 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
   707 		r = lddChan.GetResourceInfo(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, iMaxStaticResources + 30, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&infoBuf);
   708 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
   709 		r = lddChan.GetResourceInfo(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, 26, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&infoBuf);
   710 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
   711 		}
   712 	r = lddChan.GetResourceInfo(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&infoBuf);
   713 	if(r != KErrNone)
   714 		test.Printf(_L("GetResourceInfo returned with %d"), r);
   715 	test(r == KErrNone);
   716 	TPowerResourceInfoV01 *ptr = (TPowerResourceInfoV01*)infoBuf.Ptr();
   717 	//Compare results.
   718 	test(ptr->iResourceId == Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
   719 	test(ptr->iLatencyGet == Resources[aResId].iLatencyGet);
   720 	test(ptr->iLatencySet == Resources[aResId].iLatencySet);
   721 	test(ptr->iType == Resources[aResId].iType);
   722 	test(ptr->iUsage == Resources[aResId].iUsage);
   723 	test(ptr->iSense == Resources[aResId].iSense);
   724 	test(ptr->iMaxLevel == Resources[aResId].iMaxLevel);
   725 	test(ptr->iMinLevel == Resources[aResId].iMinLevel);
   726 	test(ptr->iDefaultLevel == Resources[aResId].iDefaultLevel);
   727 	if(ptr->iUsage == ESingle && Resources[aResId].iNumClients >1) //Single user resource cannot have more than 1 client.
   728 		test(0);
   729 	infoBuf.Close();
   730 	}
   732 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   733 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0579
   734 //! @SYMTestType		UT
   735 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
   736 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests retrieval of number of resources the requested client has
   737 //!						requirement functionality of resource manager and compares with stored information
   738 //!						for correctness.There are negative and positive tests.
   739 //! @SYMTestActions	 If negative testing is enabled then following tests are done
   740 //!				0	Call the API with invalid client Id (calling client Id).
   741 //!				1	Call the API with invalid instance count of calling client Id.
   742 //!				2	Call the API with invalid target client Id. 
   743 //!				3	Call the API with invalid instance count of target client Id.
   744 //!				Positive tests
   745 //!				4	Call the API with valid calling and target client Id.
   746 //!
   747 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults  0	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
   748 //!							 1	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
   749 //!							 2	API should return with KErrNotFound, panics otherwise
   750 //!							 3	API should return with KErrNotFound, panics otherwise
   751 //!							 4	API should return KErrNone with number of resources the requested client has 
   752 //!								requirement updated and also is checked for correctness, panics otherwise
   753 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
   754 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
   755 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   756 void TestRM::GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(TInt aClientId)
   757 	{
   758 	TUint numRes;
   759 	if(NegativeTesting)
   760 		{
   761    		//Pass illegial client Id
   762 		r = lddChan.GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(23, Clients[aClientId].iClientId, numRes);
   763 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
   765 		//Pass illegal instance count
   766 		TUint id = Clients[aClientId].iClientId;
   767 		id = id ^ (1<<16);
   768 		r = lddChan.GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(id, Clients[aClientId].iClientId, numRes);
   769 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
   771 		//Pass illegal target client id
   772 		r = lddChan.GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, iMaxClients, numRes);
   773 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
   775 		//Pass illegal instance count of target client id
   776 		id = id ^ (3<<16);
   777 		r = lddChan.GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, id ,numRes);
   778 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
   779 		}
   781 	if(aClientId == -1)
   782 		{
   783 		r = lddChan.GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(Clients[0].iClientId, 0, numRes);
   784 		if(r != KErrNone)
   785 			test.Printf(_L("GetNumResourcesInUseByClient returned with %d"), r);
   786 		test(r == KErrNone);
   787 		if((!iTestingExtendedVersion) && (numRes > MAX_STATIC_RESOURCE_NUM))
   788 		   test(0);
   789 		if(iMaxStaticResources == 0)
   790 			iMaxStaticResources = numRes;
   791 		else 
   792 			test(numRes == (iMaxStaticResources + iMaxStaticDependentResources));
   793 		}
   794 	else
   795 		{
   796 		r = lddChan.GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, Clients[aClientId].iClientId, numRes);
   797 		if(r != KErrNone)
   798 			test.Printf(_L("GetNumResourceInUseByClient returned with %d"), r);
   799 		test(r == KErrNone);
   800 		if(numRes != Clients[aClientId].iNumResources)
   801 			test.Printf(_L("numRes = %d, iNumResources = %d"), numRes, Clients[aClientId].iNumResources);
   802 		test(numRes == Clients[aClientId].iNumResources);
   803    		}
   804 	}
   806 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   807 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0580
   808 //! @SYMTestType		UT
   809 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
   810 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests retrieval of information about resources the requested client has
   811 //!						requirement functionality of resource manager and compares with stored information
   812 //!						for correctness.There are negative and positive tests.
   813 //! @SYMTestActions	 If negative testing is enabled then following tests are done
   814 //!				0	Call the API with invalid client Id (calling client Id).
   815 //!				1	Call the API with invalid instance count of calling client Id.
   816 //!				2	Call the API with invalid target client Id. 
   817 //!				3	Call the API with invalid instance count of target client Id.
   818 //!				4	Call the API with null buffer (buffer where the resource information will be updated).
   819 //!				5	Call the API with the number of resource information to be updated as 0 (specifies the 
   820 //!					size of the buffer).
   821 //!				Positive tests
   822 //!				6	Call the API with valid calling and target client Id, buffer and its size.
   823 //!
   824 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults  0	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
   825 //!							 1	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
   826 //!							 2	API should return with KErrNotFound, panics otherwise
   827 //!							 3	API should return with KErrNotFound, panics otherwise
   828 //!							 4	API should return with KErrArgument, panics otherwise
   829 //!							 5	API should return with KErrArgument, panics otherwise
   830 //!							 6	API should return KErrNone with resource information about resources the requested
   831 //!								client has requirement updated and also is checked for correctness, panics otherwise
   832 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
   833 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
   834 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   835 void TestRM::GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(TInt aClientId, TUint aNumRes)
   836 	{
   837 	RBuf8 info;
   838 	info.Create(aNumRes * sizeof(TPowerResourceInfoV01));
   839 	if(NegativeTesting)
   840 		{
   841    		//Pass illegial client Id
   842 		r = lddChan.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(32, Clients[aClientId].iClientId, aNumRes, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&info);
   843 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
   845 		//Pass illegal instance count
   846 		TUint id = Clients[aClientId].iClientId;
   847 		id = id ^ (1<<16);
   848 		r = lddChan.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(id, Clients[aClientId].iClientId, aNumRes, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&info);
   849 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
   851 		//Pass illegal target client id
   852 		r = lddChan.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, iMaxClients, aNumRes, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&info);
   853 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
   855 		//Pass illegal instance count of target client id
   856 		id = id ^ (3<<16);
   857 		r = lddChan.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, id ,aNumRes,(TAny*)(TDes8*)&info);
   858 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
   860 		//Pass null buffer
   861 		r = lddChan.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, Clients[aClientId].iClientId ,aNumRes, (TAny*)NULL);
   862 		test(r == KErrArgument);
   864 		//Pass required resources as 0
   865 		TUint tempRes = 0;
   866 		r = lddChan.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, Clients[aClientId].iClientId, tempRes, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&info);
   867 		test(r == KErrArgument);
   868 		}
   870 	if(aClientId == -1)
   871 		{
   872 		r = lddChan.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(Clients[0].iClientId, 0, aNumRes, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&info);
   873 		if(r != KErrNone)
   874 			test.Printf(_L("GetInfoOnResourceInUseByClient returned with %d"), r);
   875 		test(r == KErrNone);
   876 		if(aNumRes != (iMaxStaticResources + iMaxStaticDependentResources))
   877 			test.Printf(_L("aNumRes = %d, iMaxStaticResources = %d"), aNumRes, iMaxStaticResources);
   878 		test(aNumRes == (iMaxStaticResources + iMaxStaticDependentResources));
   880 		//Fill in the resource information
   881 		TInt newState, levelOwnerId;
   882 		TPowerResourceInfoV01 *ptr = (TPowerResourceInfoV01*)info.Ptr();
   884 		TUint extCount = 0;
   885 		for(TUint count = 0; count < aNumRes; count++)
   886 			{
   887 			r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(Clients[0].iClientId, ptr->iResourceId, ETrue, newState, levelOwnerId);
   888 			if(r != KErrNone)
   889 				test.Printf(_L("GetResourceStateSync failed for ClientId = %d, resourceId = %d with return value %d\n"),  Clients[0].iClientId, count+1, r);
   890 			test(r == KErrNone);
   891 			test.Printf(_L("Info of Resource %d\n"), count+1);
   892 			test.Printf(_L("Resource Id %d\n"), ptr->iResourceId);
   893 			test.Printf(_L("Resource Type %d\n"), ptr->iType);
   894 			test.Printf(_L("Resource Sense %d\n"), ptr->iSense);
   895 			test.Printf(_L("Resource Latency Get %d\n"), ptr->iLatencyGet);
   896 			test.Printf(_L("Resource Latency Set %d\n"), ptr->iLatencySet);
   897 			test.Printf(_L("Resource usage %d\n"), ptr->iUsage);
   898 			test.Printf(_L("Resource MinLevel %d\n"), ptr->iMinLevel);
   899 			test.Printf(_L("Resource MaxLevel %d\n"), ptr->iMaxLevel);
   900 			test.Printf(_L("Resource DefaultLevel %d\n"), ptr->iDefaultLevel);
   902 			if(iTestingExtendedVersion && (ptr->iResourceId & DEPENDENCY_RESOURCE_BIT_MASK))
   903 				{
   904 				iStaticDependencyResources[extCount++] = ptr->iResourceId;
   905 				ptr++;
   906 				continue;
   907 				}
   908 			if(iTestingExtendedVersion && (ptr->iResourceId & DYNAMIC_RESOURCE_BIT_MASK))
   909 				{
   910 				ptr++;
   911 				continue;
   912 				}
   913 			Resources[count].iName.Copy(*ptr->iResourceName);
   914 			Resources[count].iResourceId = ptr->iResourceId;
   915 			Resources[count].iMaxLevel = ptr->iMaxLevel;
   916 			Resources[count].iMinLevel = ptr->iMinLevel;
   917 			Resources[count].iDefaultLevel = ptr->iDefaultLevel;
   918 			Resources[count].iNumClients = 0;
   919 			Resources[count].iCurrentClient = -1;
   920 			Resources[count].iCurrentLevel = newState;
   921 			Resources[count].iType = ptr->iType;
   922 			Resources[count].iSense = ptr->iSense;
   923 			Resources[count].iLatencyGet = ptr->iLatencyGet;
   924 			Resources[count].iLatencySet = ptr->iLatencySet;
   925 			Resources[count].iUsage = ptr->iUsage;
   926 			Resources[count].iUnCondNotiCount = 0;
   927 			Resources[count].iCondNoti = NULL;
   928 			Resources[count].iUncondNoti = NULL;
   929 			Resources[count].iLevel = NULL;
   930 			ptr++;
   931 			}
   932 		iMaxStaticResources -= extCount;
   933 		iMaxStaticDependentResources = extCount;
   934 		info.Close();
   935 		return;
   936 		}
   937 	r = lddChan.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, Clients[aClientId].iClientId, aNumRes, (TAny*)&info);
   938 	if(aNumRes != Clients[aClientId].iNumResources)
   939 		{
   940 		test.Printf(_L("Expected Resource Num = %d, Returned = %d\n"), Clients[aClientId].iNumResources, aNumRes);
   941 		test(0);
   942 		}
   943 	if(aNumRes == 0)
   944 		{
   945 		test((r == KErrArgument) || (r == KErrNone));
   946 		info.Close();
   947 		return;
   948 		}
   949 	else
   950 	   test(r == KErrNone);
   951 	TPowerResourceInfoV01 *ptr = (TPowerResourceInfoV01*)info.Ptr();
   952 	for(TUint count = 0; count < Clients[aClientId].iNumResources; count++)
   953 		{
   954 		 if(Clients[aClientId].iResourceIds[count] == 0)
   955 			continue;
   956 		 TUint c;
   957 		 for(c = 0; c < Clients[aClientId].iNumResources; c++)
   958 			{
   959 			if(Clients[aClientId].iResourceIds[c] == ptr->iResourceId)
   960 				break;
   961 			}
   962 		if(c == Clients[aClientId].iNumResources)
   963 			test(0);
   964 		//Find the resource from resource list
   965 		for(c = 0; c < iMaxStaticResources; c++)
   966 			{
   967 			if(Resources[c].iResourceId == ptr->iResourceId)
   968 				break;
   969 			}
   970 		if(c == iMaxStaticResources)
   971 			test(0);
   972 		test(Resources[c].iResourceId == ptr->iResourceId);
   973 		test(Resources[c].iMaxLevel == ptr->iMaxLevel);
   974 		test(Resources[c].iMinLevel == ptr->iMinLevel);
   975 		test(Resources[c].iDefaultLevel == ptr->iDefaultLevel);
   976 		test(Resources[c].iType == ptr->iType);
   977 		test(Resources[c].iSense == ptr->iSense);
   978 		test(Resources[c].iLatencyGet == ptr->iLatencyGet);
   979 		test(Resources[c].iLatencySet == ptr->iLatencySet);
   980 		test(Resources[c].iUsage == ptr->iUsage);
   981 		test(!Resources[c].iName.Compare(*ptr->iResourceName));
   982 		ptr++;
   983 		}
   984 	info.Close();
   985 	}
   987 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   988 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0581
   989 //! @SYMTestType		UT
   990 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
   991 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests retrieval of number of clients holding requirement on 
   992 //!						the requested resource functionality of resource manager and compares with stored
   993 //!						information for correctness.There are negative and positive tests.
   994 //! @SYMTestActions	 If negative testing is enabled then following tests are done
   995 //!				0	Call the API with invalid client Id (calling client Id).
   996 //!				1	Call the API with invalid instance count of calling client Id.
   997 //!				2	Call the API with invalid resource Id. 
   998 //!				Positive tests
   999 //!				3	Call the API with valid calling client Id and resource Id. 
  1000 //!
  1001 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults  0	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
  1002 //!							 1	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
  1003 //!							 2	API should return with KErrNotFound, panics otherwise
  1004 //!							 3	API should return KErrNone with number of clients holding requirement on 
  1005 //!								the requested resource updated and also is checked for correctness, panics otherwise
  1006 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  1007 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  1008 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1009 void TestRM::GetNumClientsUsingResource(TUint aClientId, TUint aResId)
  1010 	{
  1011 	TUint clientNum = 0;
  1012 	if(NegativeTesting)
  1013 		{
  1014  		//Pass illegial client Id
  1015 		r = lddChan.GetNumClientsUsingResource(32, 1, clientNum);
  1016 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
  1018 		//Pass illegal instance count
  1019 		TUint id = Clients[aClientId].iClientId;
  1020 		id = id ^ (1<<16);
  1021 		r = lddChan.GetNumClientsUsingResource(id, 1, clientNum);
  1022 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
  1024 		//Invalid resource id
  1025 		r = lddChan.GetNumClientsUsingResource(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, iMaxStaticResources+40, clientNum);
  1026 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
  1027 		}
  1028 	if((TInt)aResId == -1)
  1029 		r = lddChan.GetNumClientsUsingResource(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, 0, clientNum);
  1030 	else
  1031 		r = lddChan.GetNumClientsUsingResource(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, clientNum);
  1032 	if(r != KErrNone)
  1033 		test.Printf(_L("GetNumClientsUsingResource for client 0x%x failed with %d"), Clients[aClientId].iClientId, r);
  1034 	test(r==KErrNone);
  1035 	if((TInt)aResId == -1)
  1036 		{
  1037 		if(clientNum != (TUint)(Clients.Count() + 1))
  1038 			test.Printf(_L("ClientNum = %d, Expected clientNum = %d"), clientNum, Clients.Count()+1);
  1039 		test(clientNum == (TUint)(Clients.Count() + 1));
  1040 		}
  1041 	else
  1042 		{
  1043 		test(Resources[aResId].iNumClients == clientNum);
  1044 		if(!Resources[aResId].iUsage && clientNum > 1) //Single user resource cannot have more that one client
  1045 			test(0);
  1046 		}
  1047 	}
  1049 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1050 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0582
  1051 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  1052 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  1053 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests retrieval of information about clients holding requirement on 
  1054 //!						the passed resource functionality of resource manager and compares with stored information
  1055 //!						for correctness.There are negative and positive tests.
  1056 //! @SYMTestActions	 If negative testing is enabled then following tests are done
  1057 //!				0	Call the API with invalid client Id (calling client Id).
  1058 //!				1	Call the API with invalid instance count of calling client Id.
  1059 //!				2	Call the API with invalid resource Id. 
  1060 //!				3	Call the API with null buffer (buffer where the resource information will be updated).
  1061 //!				4	Call the API with the number of resource information to be updated as 0 (specifies the 
  1062 //!					size of the buffer).
  1063 //!				Positive tests
  1064 //!				5	Call the API with valid calling and target client Id, buffer and its size.
  1065 //!
  1066 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults  0	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
  1067 //!							 1	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
  1068 //!							 2	API should return with KErrNotFound, panics otherwise
  1069 //!							 3	API should return with KErrArgument, panics otherwise
  1070 //!							 4	API should return with KErrArgument, panics otherwise
  1071 //!							 5	API should return KErrNone with resource information about clients holding requirement
  1072 //!								on the passed resource and also is checked for correctness, panics otherwise
  1073 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  1074 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  1075 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1076 void TestRM::GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(TUint aResId, TUint aNumCli)
  1077 	{
  1078 	RBuf8 info;
  1079 	info.Create(aNumCli * sizeof(TPowerClientInfoV01));
  1080 	if(NegativeTesting)
  1081 		{
  1082  		//Pass illegial client Id
  1083 		r = lddChan.GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(2, 1, aNumCli, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&info);
  1084 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
  1086 		//Pass illegal instance count
  1087 		TUint id = Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId;
  1088 		id = id ^ (1<<16);
  1089 		r = lddChan.GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(id, 1, aNumCli, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&info);
  1090 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
  1092 		//Invalid resource id
  1093 		r = lddChan.GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, iMaxStaticResources+40, aNumCli, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&info);
  1094 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
  1096 		//Pass null buffer
  1097 		r = lddChan.GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, 1 ,aNumCli, (TAny*)NULL);
  1098 		test(r == KErrArgument);
  1100 		//Pass required resources as 0
  1101 		TUint tempCli = 0;
  1102 		r = lddChan.GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, 1 ,tempCli, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&info);
  1103 		test(r == KErrArgument);
  1104 		}
  1105 	if((TInt)aResId == -1)
  1106 		r = lddChan.GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, 0, aNumCli, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&info);
  1107 	else
  1108 		r = lddChan.GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, aNumCli, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&info);
  1109 	if(r == KErrArgument)
  1110 		{
  1111 		if(aResId != 0)
  1112 			test(Resources[aResId].iNumClients == 0);
  1113 		info.Close();
  1114 	  	return;
  1115 		}
  1116 	test(r == KErrNone);
  1117 	TPowerClientInfoV01 *ptr = (TPowerClientInfoV01*)info.Ptr();
  1118 	if((TInt)aResId == -1)
  1119 		{
  1120 		test(aNumCli == (TUint)(Clients.Count() + 1));
  1121 		TUint c = 0;
  1122 		for(TUint count = 0; count < aNumCli; count++)
  1123 			{
  1124 			//Skip comparision of first client as that will be PowerController.
  1125 			if(ptr->iClientId == iPowerControllerId)
  1126 				{
  1127 				ptr++;
  1128 				continue;
  1129 				}
  1130 			for(c = 0; c< iMaxClients; c++)
  1131 				{
  1132 				if(ptr->iClientId == Clients[c].iClientId)
  1133 					break;
  1134 				}
  1135 			if(c == iMaxClients)
  1136 			   test(0);
  1137 			ptr++;
  1138 			}
  1139 		}
  1140 	else
  1141 		{
  1142 		if(aNumCli != Resources[aResId].iNumClients)
  1143 			test.Printf(_L("aNumCli = %d, Expected numClients = %d\n"), aNumCli, Resources[aResId].iNumClients);
  1144 		test(aNumCli == Resources[aResId].iNumClients);
  1145 		//Compare results
  1146 		SPowerResourceClientLevel *level = Resources[aResId].iLevel;
  1147 		TUint c = 0;
  1148 		for(TUint count = 0; count < aNumCli; count++)
  1149 			{
  1150 			SPowerResourceClientLevel *pL = Resources[aResId].iLevel;
  1151    			for(c =0;c<aNumCli;c++)
  1152 				{
  1153 				if(Clients[pL->iClientId].iClientId == ptr->iClientId)
  1154 					break;
  1155 				pL = pL->iNextInList;
  1156 				}
  1157 			if(c == aNumCli)
  1158 				{
  1159 				test.Printf(_L("Client Id %d is not in the resource clientlevel list\n"), Clients[level->iClientId].iClientId);
  1160 				test(0);
  1161 				}
  1162 			level = level->iNextInList;
  1163 			ptr++;
  1164 			}
  1165 		}
  1166 	info.Close();
  1167 	}
  1169 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1170 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0583
  1171 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  1172 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  1173 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests preallocation of memory for resource manager internal
  1174 //!						structure.There are negative and positive tests.
  1175 //! @SYMTestActions	 If negative testing is enabled then following tests are done
  1176 //!				0	Call the API with invalid client Id 
  1177 //!				1	Call the API with invalid instance count of client Id.
  1178 //!				Positive tests
  1179 //!				2	Call the API with valid client Id.
  1180 //!
  1181 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults  0	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
  1182 //!							 1	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
  1183 //!							 2	API should return with KErrNone, panic otherwise. Really cannot
  1184 //!								test this for correctness.
  1185 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  1186 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  1187 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1188 void TestRM::AllocReserve(TUint aClientId)
  1189 	{
  1190 	if(NegativeTesting)
  1191 		{
  1192   		//Pass illegial client Id
  1193 		r = lddChan.AllocReserve(11, 0, 3);
  1194 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
  1196 		//Pass illegal instance count
  1197 		TUint id = Clients[aClientId].iClientId;
  1198 		id = id ^ (1<<16);
  1199 		r = lddChan.AllocReserve(id, 0, 0);
  1200 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
  1202 		}
  1203 	r = lddChan.AllocReserve(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, 1, 0);
  1204 	if(r != KErrNone)
  1205 		test.Printf(_L("Alloc Reserve failed with %d"), r);
  1206 	test(r == KErrNone);
  1207 	}
  1209 //This function validates the conditional and unconditional notification for the 
  1210 //specified resource state change.
  1211 void TestRM::CheckNotification(TUint aResId, TInt newState)
  1212 	{
  1213 	if(newState == Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel)
  1214 		return;
  1215 	//Return if the newState is in decreasing order with respect to sense.
  1216 	if(Resources[aResId].iUsage == EShared && Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient != -1)
  1217 		{
  1218 		if(Resources[aResId].iSense == EPositive)
  1219 			{
  1220 			if(newState <= Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel && Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient != iCurrentClientId)
  1221 				return;
  1222 			}
  1223 		else
  1224 			{
  1225 			if(newState >= Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel && Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient != iCurrentClientId)
  1226 				return;
  1227 			}
  1228 		}
  1229 	TUint notificationUnCon = Resources[aResId].iUnCondNotiCount;
  1230 	TUint notificationCon =0;
  1231 	for(NotiInfo* info = Resources[aResId].iCondNoti; info != NULL; info = info->iNext)
  1232 		{
  1233 		if((info->iDirection && (info->iPreviousLevel < info->iThreshold) && (newState >= info->iThreshold)) || 
  1234 			(!info->iDirection && (info->iPreviousLevel > info->iThreshold) && (newState <= info->iThreshold)))
  1235 			notificationCon++;
  1236 		info->iPreviousLevel = newState;
  1237 		}
  1238 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, notificationUnCon, notificationCon);
  1239 	if(r != KErrNone)
  1240 		test.Printf(_L("Check Notifications failed with %d"), r);
  1241 	test(r == KErrNone);
  1242 	}
  1244 //This function updates the client level.This will be used by other functions for validation.
  1245 void TestRM::AddClientLevel(TUint aResId, TInt newState)
  1246 	{
  1247 	SPowerResourceClientLevel *pCL = NULL;
  1248 	if(Resources[aResId].iUsage == EShared)
  1249 		{
  1250 		for(pCL = Resources[aResId].iLevel;pCL != NULL; pCL = pCL->iNextInList)
  1251 			{
  1252 			if((TInt)pCL->iClientId == iCurrentClientId)
  1253 				{
  1254 				pCL->iLevel = newState;
  1255 				return;
  1256 				}
  1257 			}
  1258 		pCL = new SPowerResourceClientLevel;
  1259 		test(pCL != NULL);
  1260 		pCL->iClientId = iCurrentClientId;
  1261 		pCL->iResourceId = Resources[aResId].iResourceId;
  1262 		pCL->iLevel = newState;
  1263 		LIST_PUSH(Resources[aResId].iLevel, pCL, iNextInList);
  1264 		Resources[aResId].iNumClients++;
  1265 		}
  1266 	else
  1267 		{
  1268 		if(Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient == -1)
  1269 			{
  1270 			pCL = new SPowerResourceClientLevel;
  1271 			test(pCL != NULL);
  1272 			pCL->iClientId = iCurrentClientId;
  1273 			pCL->iResourceId = Resources[aResId].iResourceId;
  1274 			pCL->iLevel = newState;
  1275 			LIST_PUSH(Resources[aResId].iLevel, pCL, iNextInList);
  1276 			Resources[aResId].iNumClients++;
  1277 			}
  1278 		else
  1279 			{
  1280 			SPowerResourceClientLevel* pCL = Resources[aResId].iLevel;
  1281 			pCL->iLevel = newState;
  1282 			}
  1283 		}
  1284 	}
  1286 //This function updates the current level and client information in corresponding resource array.
  1287 void TestRM::UpdateClientInformation(TUint aResId, TInt aNewState)
  1288 	{
  1289 	if(Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient == -1)
  1290 		{
  1291 		Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel = aNewState;
  1292 		Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient = iCurrentClientId;
  1293 		return;
  1294 		}
  1295 	if(!Resources[aResId].iUsage)
  1296 		{
  1297 		Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel = aNewState;
  1298 		return;
  1299 		}
  1300 	if(Resources[aResId].iSense == EPositive)
  1301 		{
  1302 		if(aNewState > Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel)
  1303 			{
  1304 			Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel = aNewState;
  1305 			Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient = iCurrentClientId;
  1306 			}
  1307 		else if(Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient == iCurrentClientId)
  1308 			{
  1309 			SPowerResourceClientLevel *pCL = NULL;
  1310 			for(pCL = Resources[aResId].iLevel;pCL != NULL; pCL = pCL->iNextInList)
  1311 				{
  1312 				if(pCL->iLevel > aNewState)
  1313 					{
  1314 					Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel = pCL->iLevel;
  1315 					Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient = pCL->iClientId;
  1316 					return;
  1317 					}
  1318 				}
  1319 			Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel = aNewState;
  1320 			Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient = iCurrentClientId;
  1321 			}
  1322 			return;
  1323 		}
  1324 	 if(Resources[aResId].iSense == ENegative)
  1325 		{
  1326 		if(aNewState < Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel)
  1327 			{
  1328 			Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel = aNewState;
  1329 			Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient = iCurrentClientId;
  1330 			}
  1331 		else if(Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient == iCurrentClientId)
  1332 			{
  1333 			SPowerResourceClientLevel *pCL = NULL;
  1334 			for(pCL = Resources[aResId].iLevel;pCL != NULL; pCL = pCL->iNextInList)
  1335 				{
  1336 				if(pCL->iLevel < aNewState)
  1337 					{
  1338 					Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel = pCL->iLevel;
  1339 					Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient = pCL->iClientId;
  1340 					return;
  1341 					}
  1342 				}
  1343 				Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel = aNewState;
  1344 				Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient = iCurrentClientId;
  1345 			}
  1346 		}
  1347 		return;
  1348 	}
  1350 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1351 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0584
  1352 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  1353 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  1354 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests change resource state functionality of resource manager
  1355 //!						by changing the state of the resource to random value between resource minimum
  1356 //!						and maximum value synchronously.This function will add the client level if required 
  1357 //!						and update resource information and will check notification for correctness.There are
  1358 //!						postive and negative tests.
  1359 //! @SYMTestActions	 If negative testing is enabled then following tests are done
  1360 //!				0	Call the API with invalid client Id 
  1361 //!				1	Call the API with invalid instance count of client Id.
  1362 //!				2	Call the API with invalid resource Id
  1363 //!				Positive tests
  1364 //!				3	Call the API with valid client and resource Id.
  1365 //!
  1366 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults  0	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
  1367 //!							 1	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
  1368 //!							 2	API should return with KErrNotFound, panic otherwise. 
  1369 //!							 3  API should return with KErrNone, panic otherwise.
  1370 //!								This also checks for notifications revceived as a result of this
  1371 //!								resource change and checks for correctness.
  1372 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  1373 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  1374 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1375 void TestRM::ChangeResourceStateSync(TUint aResId)
  1376 	{
  1377 	TInt newState = 0;
  1378 	if(NegativeTesting)
  1379 		{
  1380 		//Pass illegial client Id
  1381 		r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(434224, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  1382 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
  1384 		//Pass illegal instance count
  1385 		TUint id = Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId;
  1386 		id = id ^ (1<<16);
  1387 		r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(id, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  1388 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
  1390 		//Invalid resource id
  1391 		r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, iMaxStaticResources+40, newState);
  1392 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
  1394 		r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, 26, newState);
  1395 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
  1396 		}
  1397 	TInt maxLevel = Resources[aResId].iMaxLevel;
  1398 	TInt minLevel = Resources[aResId].iNumClients? Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel : Resources[aResId].iMinLevel;
  1399 	//Toggle current state for binary resources
  1400 	if(!Resources[aResId].iType)
  1401 		newState = !Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel;
  1402 	else if (Resources[aResId].iType == EMultiLevel)
  1403 		{
  1404 		TInt diff = Abs(maxLevel - minLevel);
  1405 		if(Resources[aResId].iSense == EPositive)
  1406 			{
  1407 			if(minLevel == maxLevel)
  1408 				newState = maxLevel - Math::Random() % diff;
  1409 			else
  1410 				newState = minLevel + Math::Random() % diff;
  1411 			}
  1412 		else
  1413 			{
  1414 			if(minLevel == maxLevel)
  1415 				newState = maxLevel + Math::Random() % diff;
  1416 			else
  1417 				newState = minLevel - Math::Random() % diff;
  1418 			}
  1419 		}
  1420 	TInt reqState = newState;
  1421 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  1422 	if(r == KErrAccessDenied)
  1423 		return;
  1424 	if(r != KErrNone)
  1425 		test.Printf(_L("Synchronous resource change returned with %d"), r);
  1426 	test(r == KErrNone);
  1427 	if(newState != reqState)
  1428 		test.Printf(_L("NewState = %d, Expected state = %d"), newState, reqState);
  1429 	if(!Resources[aResId].iUsage)
  1430 		test(newState == reqState);
  1431 	CheckNotification(aResId, reqState);
  1432 	AddClientLevel(aResId, reqState);
  1433 	UpdateClientInformation(aResId, reqState);
  1434 	TUint c = 0;
  1435 	for(c = 0; c< Clients[iCurrentClientId].iNumResources; c++)
  1436 		{
  1437 		if(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iResourceIds[c] == Resources[aResId].iResourceId)
  1438 		   return;
  1439 		}
  1440 	Clients[iCurrentClientId].iResourceIds[c] = Resources[aResId].iResourceId;
  1441 	Clients[iCurrentClientId].iNumResources++;
  1442 	return;
  1443 	}
  1445 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1446 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0585
  1447 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  1448 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  1449 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests change resource state functionality of resource manager
  1450 //!						by changing the state of the resource to random value between resource minimum
  1451 //!						and maximum value asynchronously.This function will add the client level if required 
  1452 //!						and update resource information and will check notification for correctness.This 
  1453 //!						also tests the cancellation of asynchronous function by immediately cancelling the
  1454 //!						operation after requesting resource state change. This is taken care in the driver.
  1455 //!						There are postive and negative tests.
  1456 //! @SYMTestActions	 If negative testing is enabled then following tests are done
  1457 //!				0	Call the API with invalid client Id 
  1458 //!				1	Call the API with invalid instance count of client Id.
  1459 //!				2	Call the API with invalid resource Id
  1460 //!				Positive tests
  1461 //!				3	Call the API with valid client and resource Id.
  1462 //!
  1463 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults  0	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
  1464 //!							 1	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
  1465 //!							 2	API should return with KErrNotFound, panic otherwise. 
  1466 //!							 3  API should return with KErrNone or if cancellation of this
  1467 //!								API is tested then will return with KErrCancel, panic otherwise.
  1468 //!								This also checks for notifications received as a result of this
  1469 //!								resource change and checks for correctness.
  1470 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  1471 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  1472 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1473 void TestRM::ChangeResourceStateAsync(TUint aResId, TBool aReqCancel)
  1474 	{
  1475 	TRequestStatus resChange;
  1476 	TInt newState = 0;
  1477 	if(NegativeTesting)
  1478 		{
  1479 		//Pass illegial client Id
  1480 		lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(434224, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState, resChange);
  1481 		User::WaitForRequest(resChange);
  1482 		test(resChange.Int() == KErrAccessDenied);
  1484 		//Pass illegal instance count
  1485 		TUint id = Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId;
  1486 		id = id ^ (1<<16);
  1487 		lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(id, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState, resChange);
  1488 		User::WaitForRequest(resChange);
  1489 		test(resChange.Int() == KErrAccessDenied);
  1491 		//Invalid resource id
  1492 		lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, iMaxStaticResources+40, newState, resChange);
  1493 		User::WaitForRequest(resChange);
  1494 		test(resChange.Int() == KErrNotFound);
  1496 		lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, 19, newState, resChange);
  1497 		User::WaitForRequest(resChange);
  1498 		test(resChange.Int() == KErrNotFound);
  1499 		}
  1500 	TInt maxLevel = Resources[aResId].iMaxLevel;
  1501 	TInt minLevel = (Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient != -1)? Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel : Resources[aResId].iMinLevel;
  1502 	//Check if the resource is positive
  1503 	if(!Resources[aResId].iType)
  1504 		newState = !Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel;
  1505 	else if (Resources[aResId].iType == EMultiLevel)
  1506 		{
  1507 		TInt diff = Abs(maxLevel - minLevel);
  1508 		if( diff == 0)
  1509 			diff = Abs(Resources[aResId].iMaxLevel - Resources[aResId].iMinLevel);
  1510 		if(Resources[aResId].iSense == EPositive)
  1511 			{
  1512 			if(minLevel == maxLevel)
  1513 				newState = maxLevel - Math::Random() % diff;
  1514 			else
  1515 				newState = minLevel + Math::Random() % diff;
  1516 			}
  1517 		else
  1518 			{
  1519 			if(minLevel == maxLevel)
  1520 				newState = maxLevel + Math::Random() % diff;
  1521 			else
  1522 				newState = minLevel - Math::Random() % diff;
  1523 			}
  1524 		}
  1525 	TInt reqState = newState;
  1526 	//Long latency resource
  1527 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState, resChange, aReqCancel);
  1528 	User::WaitForRequest(resChange);
  1529 	if(aReqCancel && (resChange.Int() != KErrNone))
  1530 		{
  1531 		test(resChange.Int() == KErrCancel || resChange.Int() == KErrCompletion);
  1532 		return;
  1533 		}
  1534 	if(resChange.Int() == KErrAccessDenied)
  1535 		return;
  1536 	if(!Resources[aResId].iUsage)
  1537 		test(newState == reqState);
  1538 	CheckNotification(aResId, reqState);
  1539 	AddClientLevel(aResId, reqState);
  1540 	UpdateClientInformation(aResId, reqState);
  1541 	TUint c = 0;
  1542 	for(c = 0; c< Clients[iCurrentClientId].iNumResources; c++)
  1543 		{
  1544 		if(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iResourceIds[c] == Resources[aResId].iResourceId)
  1545 			return;
  1546 		}
  1547 	Clients[iCurrentClientId].iResourceIds[c] = Resources[aResId].iResourceId;
  1548 	Clients[iCurrentClientId].iNumResources++;
  1549 	return;
  1550 	}
  1552 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1553 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0586
  1554 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  1555 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  1556 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests synchronous version of get resource state functionality of 
  1557 //!						resource manager by getting the state of the resource checks for correctness.
  1558 //!						There are positive and negative tests.
  1559 //! @SYMTestActions	 If negative testing is enabled then following tests are done
  1560 //!				0	Call the API with invalid client Id 
  1561 //!				1	Call the API with invalid instance count of client Id.
  1562 //!				2	Call the API with invalid resource Id
  1563 //!				Positive tests
  1564 //!				3	Call the API with valid client and resource Id.
  1565 //!
  1566 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults  0	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
  1567 //!							 1	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
  1568 //!							 2	API should return with KErrNotFound, panic otherwise. 
  1569 //!							 3  API should return with KErrNone and also the state and Owner Id are checked
  1570 //!								for correctness, panic otherwise.
  1571 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  1572 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  1573 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1574 void TestRM::GetResourceStateSync(TUint aResId)
  1575 	{
  1576 	static TBool Cached;
  1577 	TInt state = 0, levelOwnerId = 0;
  1578 	if(NegativeTesting)
  1579 		{
  1580 		//Pass illegial client Id
  1581 		r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(4342241, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, Cached, state, levelOwnerId);
  1582 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
  1584 		//Pass illegal instance count
  1585 		TUint id = Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId;
  1586 		id = id ^ (1<<30);
  1587 		r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(id, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, Cached, state, levelOwnerId);
  1588 		test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
  1590 		//Invalid resource id
  1591 		r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, iMaxStaticResources+40, Cached, state, levelOwnerId);
  1592 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
  1594 		r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, 20, Cached, state, levelOwnerId);
  1595 		test(r == KErrNotFound);
  1596 		}
  1597 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, Cached, state, levelOwnerId);
  1598 	test(r == KErrNone);
  1599 	test(state == Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel);
  1600 	if(Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient == -1)
  1601 		test(levelOwnerId == -1);
  1602 	else if (levelOwnerId != (TInt)Clients[Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient].iClientId)
  1603 		{
  1604 		test.Printf(_L("Expected ClientId = 0x%x, Returned ClientId = 0x%x\n"), Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient, levelOwnerId);
  1605 		test(0);
  1606 		}
  1607 	Cached = !Cached;
  1608 	return;
  1609 	}
  1611 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1612 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0587
  1613 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  1614 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  1615 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests get resource state functionality of resource manager
  1616 //!						by getting the state of the resource asynchronously and checking for correctness.
  1617 //!						This also tests the cancellation of asynchronous function by immediately cancelling the
  1618 //!						operation after requesting get resource state. This is taken care in the driver.
  1619 //!						There are positive and negative tests.
  1620 //! @SYMTestActions	 If negative testing is enabled then following tests are done
  1621 //!				0	Call the API with invalid client Id 
  1622 //!				1	Call the API with invalid instance count of client Id.
  1623 //!				2	Call the API with invalid resource Id
  1624 //!				Positive tests
  1625 //!				3	Call the API with valid client and resource Id.
  1626 //!
  1627 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults  0	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
  1628 //!							 1	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise
  1629 //!							 2	API should return with KErrNotFound, panic otherwise. 
  1630 //!							 3  API should return with KErrNone or if cancellation of this
  1631 //!								API is tested then will return with KErrCancel, panic otherwise.
  1632 //!								This also checks the updated level and owner Id for correctness, 
  1633 //!								panics otherwise.
  1634 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  1635 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  1636 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1637 void TestRM::GetResourceStateAsync(TUint aResId, TBool aReqCancel)
  1638 	{
  1639 	static TBool Cached;
  1640 	TRequestStatus resGet;
  1641 	TInt state, levelOwnerId;
  1642 	if(NegativeTesting)
  1643 		{
  1644 		//Pass illegial client Id
  1645 		lddChan.GetResourceStateAsync(4342241, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, Cached, resGet, state, levelOwnerId);
  1646 		User::WaitForRequest(resGet);
  1647 		test(resGet.Int() == KErrAccessDenied);
  1649 		//Pass illegal instance count
  1650 		TUint id = Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId;
  1651 		id = id ^ (1<<30);
  1652 		lddChan.GetResourceStateAsync(id, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, Cached, resGet, state, levelOwnerId);
  1653 		User::WaitForRequest(resGet);
  1654 		test(resGet.Int() == KErrAccessDenied);
  1656 		//Invalid resource id
  1657 		lddChan.GetResourceStateAsync(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, iMaxStaticResources+48, Cached, resGet, state, levelOwnerId);
  1658 		User::WaitForRequest(resGet);
  1659 		test(resGet.Int() == KErrNotFound);
  1661 		lddChan.GetResourceStateAsync(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, 20, Cached, resGet, state, levelOwnerId);
  1662 		User::WaitForRequest(resGet);
  1663 		test(resGet.Int() == KErrNotFound);
  1664 		}
  1665 	lddChan.GetResourceStateAsync(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, Cached, resGet, state, levelOwnerId, aReqCancel);
  1666 	User::WaitForRequest(resGet);
  1667 	if(aReqCancel && (resGet.Int() != KErrNone))
  1668 		{
  1669 		test(resGet.Int() == KErrCancel || resGet.Int() == KErrCompletion);
  1670 		return;
  1671 		}
  1672 	test(state == Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel);
  1673 	if(Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient == -1)
  1674 		test(levelOwnerId == -1);
  1675 	else if (levelOwnerId != (TInt)Clients[Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient].iClientId)
  1676 			{
  1677 		test.Printf(_L("Expected ClientId = 0x%x, Returned ClientId = 0x%x\n"), Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient, levelOwnerId);
  1678 		test(0);
  1679 			}
  1680 	Cached = !Cached;
  1681 	}
  1683 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1684 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0588
  1685 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  1686 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  1687 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests unconditional notification request functionality of resource manager.
  1688 //! @SYMTestActions		Call the API with valid client and resource Id.
  1689 //!
  1690 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults	API should return with KErrNone,	panics otherwise.
  1691 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  1692 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  1693 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1694 void TestRM::RequestNotification(TUint aResId)
  1695 	{
  1696 	//If unconditional notification is already queued for this client then dont request another one. 
  1697 	for(NotiInfo *pN = Resources[aResId].iUncondNoti; pN != NULL; pN = pN->iNext)
  1698 		{
  1699 		if((TInt)pN->iClientId == iCurrentClientId)
  1700 			return;
  1701 		}
  1702 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  1703 	if(r != KErrNone)
  1704 		test.Printf(_L("Request Notification returned with %d"), r);
  1705 	test(r == KErrNone);
  1706 	//Add to resource list
  1707 	NotiInfo *info = new NotiInfo;
  1708 	test(info != NULL);
  1709 	info->iClientId = iCurrentClientId;
  1710 	LIST_PUSH(Resources[aResId].iUncondNoti, info, iNext);
  1711 	Resources[aResId].iUnCondNotiCount++;
  1712 	}
  1714 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1715 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0589
  1716 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  1717 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  1718 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests conditional notification request functionality of resource manager.
  1719 //!						Threshold and direction are chosen randomly for each resource based on the resource information.
  1720 //! @SYMTestActions		Call the API with valid client and resource Id.
  1721 //!
  1722 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults	API should return with KErrNone,	panics otherwise.
  1723 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  1724 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  1725 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1726 void TestRM::RequestNotificationCon(TUint aResId)
  1727 	{
  1728 	//Allow only one notification per client.
  1729 	static TBool direction;
  1730 	TInt threshold = direction;
  1731 	for(NotiInfo *pN = Resources[aResId].iCondNoti; pN != NULL; pN = pN->iNext)
  1732 		{
  1733 		if((TInt)pN->iClientId == iCurrentClientId)
  1734 			return;
  1735 		}
  1736 	if(Resources[aResId].iType)
  1737 		{
  1738 		if(Resources[aResId].iSense == EPositive)
  1739 			{
  1740 			threshold = Math::Random() % Resources[aResId].iMaxLevel;
  1741 			if(threshold < Resources[aResId].iMinLevel)
  1742 				threshold += Resources[aResId].iMinLevel;
  1743 			}
  1744 		else if(Resources[aResId].iSense == ENegative)
  1745 			{
  1746 			threshold = Math::Random() % Resources[aResId].iMinLevel;
  1747 			if(threshold < Resources[aResId].iMaxLevel)
  1748 				threshold += Resources[aResId].iMaxLevel;
  1749 			}
  1750 		}
  1751 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, direction, threshold);
  1752 	if(r != KErrNone)
  1753 		test.Printf(_L("Request Notification returned with %d for direction = %d, threshold = %d"), r, direction, threshold);
  1754 	test(r == KErrNone);
  1755 	NotiInfo *info = new NotiInfo;
  1756 	test(info != NULL);
  1757 	info->iClientId = iCurrentClientId;
  1758 	info->iThreshold = threshold;
  1759 	info->iDirection = direction;
  1760 	info->iPreviousLevel = Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel;
  1761 	LIST_PUSH(Resources[aResId].iCondNoti, info, iNext);
  1762 	direction = !direction;
  1763 	}
  1765 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1766 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0590
  1767 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  1768 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  1769 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests cancellation of notification functionality of resource manager.
  1770 //! @SYMTestActions		Call the API with valid client and resource Id.
  1771 //!
  1772 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults	API should return with KErrCancel, panics otherwise.
  1773 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  1774 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  1775 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1776 void TestRM::CancelNotification(TUint aResId, TBool Cond)
  1777 	{
  1778 	RMResInfo *pR = &Resources[aResId];
  1779 	TBool found = EFalse;
  1780 	if(Cond)
  1781 		{
  1782 		//Remove any conditional notification this client has on resource.
  1783 		for(NotiInfo* pI = pR->iCondNoti; pI != NULL; pI = pI->iNext)
  1784 			{
  1785 			if((TInt)pI->iClientId == iCurrentClientId)
  1786 				{
  1787 				LIST_REMOVE(pR->iCondNoti, pI, iNext, NotiInfo);
  1788 				delete pI;
  1789 				found = ETrue;
  1790 				break;
  1791 				}
  1792 			}
  1793 		}
  1794 	else
  1795 		{
  1796 		//Remove any unconditional notification this client has on resource.
  1797 		for(NotiInfo* pI = pR->iUncondNoti; pI != NULL; pI = pI->iNext)
  1798 			{
  1799 			if((TInt)pI->iClientId == iCurrentClientId)
  1800 				{
  1801 				LIST_REMOVE(pR->iUncondNoti, pI, iNext, NotiInfo);
  1802 				pR->iUnCondNotiCount--;
  1803 				delete pI;
  1804 				found = ETrue;
  1805 				break;
  1806 				}
  1807 			}
  1808 		}
  1809 	if(found)
  1810 		{
  1811 		r = lddChan.CancelNotification(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, Cond);
  1812 		if(r != KErrCancel)
  1813 			test.Printf(_L("CancelNotification Clients %d, return value = %d"), iCurrentClientId, r);
  1814 		test(r == KErrCancel);
  1815 		}
  1816 	}
  1818 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1819 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0591
  1820 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  1821 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  1822 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests client registration and deregistration API of resource manager.
  1823 //!						There are positive and negative tests.
  1824 //! @SYMTestActions		0	Call the client registration API with valid client name to register
  1825 //!						1	Call the client name updation API with valid client Id to get the client name
  1826 //!						2	Call the client name updation API with invalid client id.
  1827 //!						3	Call the client registration API with client name greater than maximum
  1828 //!							allowable name length (32 characters)
  1829 //!						4	Call the client deregistration API by passing invalid client Id.
  1830 //!						5	Call the client deregistration API by passing invalid instance count.
  1831 //!						6	Call the client deregistration API by passing valid client Id.
  1832 //!
  1833 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults   0	API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  1834 //!							  1	API should return with KErrNone and updated name is checked for 
  1835 //!								correctness, panics otherwise.
  1836 //!							  2	API should return with KErrAccessDenied, panics otherwise.
  1837 //!							  3 API should return with KErrTooBig, panics otherwise.
  1838 //!							  4 API should return with KErrNotFound, panics otherwise.
  1839 //!							  5 API should return with KErrNotFound, panics otherwise.
  1840 //!							  6 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  1841 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  1842 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  1843 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1844 void TestRM::ValidateClient(TUint aNumClients, TOwnerType aContext)
  1845 	{
  1846 	TInt r = KErrNone;
  1847 	TBuf8<32> ClientName;
  1848 	ClientName.Zero();
  1849 	ClientName.Append(_L8("Clients?"));
  1850 	TUint clientId[MAX_CLIENTS];
  1851 	if(aNumClients > MAX_CLIENTS)
  1852 		return;
  1853 	TUint c;
  1854 	for(c = 0; c < aNumClients; c++)
  1855 		{
  1856 		ClientName[7] = (TUint8)('0' + c);
  1857 		r = lddChan.RegisterClient(clientId[c], (const TDesC*)&ClientName, aContext);
  1858 		if(r != KErrNone)
  1859 			{
  1860 			test.Printf(_L("Client registration failed with %d"), r);
  1861 			test(0);
  1862 			}
  1863 		}
  1865 	//Validate Client
  1866 	TBuf8<32> aName;
  1868 	for(c = 0; c < aNumClients; c++)
  1869 		{
  1870 		ClientName[7] = (TUint8)('0' + c);
  1871 		r = lddChan.GetClientName(clientId[c], clientId[c], (TDes8*)&aName);
  1872 		if(r != KErrNone)
  1873 			{
  1874 			test.Printf(_L("GetClientName API failed with error %d"), r);
  1875 			test(0);
  1876 			}
  1877 		r = aName.Compare(ClientName);
  1878 		if(r != KErrNone)
  1879 			{
  1880 			test.Printf(_L("Client Name is not as expected"));
  1881 			test(0);
  1882 			}
  1883 		}
  1884 	//Invalid tests
  1885 	ClientName[7] = (TUint8)('0' + aNumClients+1);
  1886 	r = lddChan.GetClientName(aNumClients, clientId[0], &aName);
  1887 	if(r != KErrAccessDenied)
  1888 		{
  1889 		test.Printf(_L("RM allows illegal clients"));
  1890 		test(0);
  1891 		}
  1893 	//Long filename
  1894 	TBuf8<50> name;
  1895 	name.Zero();
  1896 	name.Append(_L8("RegisteringClientNameGreaterThan32Characters"));
  1897 	TUint id =0;
  1898 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(id,  (const TDesC*)&name, aContext);
  1899 	if(r != KErrTooBig)
  1900 		{
  1901 		test.Printf(_L("RM allows big names !!!"));
  1902 		test(0);
  1903 		}
  1904 	test.Printf(_L("Client Deregistration"));
  1905 	//Deregistration of non-existing client
  1906 	id = 0;
  1907 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(id);
  1908 	if(r != KErrNotFound)
  1909 		{
  1910 		test.Printf(_L("RM allows invalid client ID deregistration!!!"));
  1911 		test(0);
  1912 		}
  1914 	//Get client Name by passing invalid client Id (changing a bit in instance count)
  1915 	id = clientId[0] ^ (1<<16);
  1916 	r	= lddChan.DeRegisterClient(id);
  1917 	if(r != KErrNotFound)
  1918 		{
  1919 		test.Printf(_L("RM allows invalid client ID deregistation!!!"));
  1920 		test(0);
  1921 		}
  1923 	//Deregister the client registered at the start of this function
  1924 	for(c = 0; c < aNumClients; c++)
  1925 		{
  1926 		r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(clientId[c]);
  1927 		if(r != KErrNone)
  1928 			{
  1929 			test.Printf(_L("Deregistration of client id 0x%x failed"), clientId[c]);
  1930 			test(0);
  1931 			}
  1932 		}
  1933 	return;
  1934 	}
  1937 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1938 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0597
  1939 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  1940 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  1941 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests dynamic resources with dependency.
  1942 //! @SYMTestActions		0	Register clients
  1943 //!						1	Register dynamic resource with dependency
  1944 //!						2	Establish dependency between resources
  1945 //!						3	Register notifications
  1946 //!						4	Check dependency information for correctness
  1947 //!						5	Change Resource State of each resource
  1948 //!						6	Get state of the resources and verify them for correctness
  1949 //!						7	Check notification count for correctness
  1950 //!						8	Deregister dependency between resources
  1951 //!						9	Deregister client level 
  1952 //!						10	Deregister dynamic resource with dependency
  1953 //!						11	Deregister clients
  1954 //!
  1955 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults   0	 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  1956 //!							  1	 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  1957 //!							  2	 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  1958 //!							  3  API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  1959 //!							  4  API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  1960 //!							  5  API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  1961 //!							  6  API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  1962 //!							  7  API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  1963 //!							  8  API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  1964 //!							  9  API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  1965 //!							  10 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  1966 //!							  11 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  1967 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  1968 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  1969 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1970 /*This tests dynamic dependency resource. It also creates a dependency between static resource.
  1971   Below is the dependency tree
  1972 	ResourceA <----------------> ResourceD <------------->ResourceE <--------------> ResourceC 
  1973 									|						  |
  1974 									|						  |
  1975 									|						  |	
  1976 									|						  |	
  1977 									|						  |
  1978 									|						  |
  1979 								ResourceF				   ResourceG <-------------> Resource H <------->Resource I	
  1980 																						¦	(Dynamic)		(Dynamic)
  1981 																						¦
  1982 																						¦
  1983 																						¦
  1984 																					 Resource J <-------->Resource K
  1985 																							(Dynamic)		  (Dynamic)
  1986 */
  1987 void TestRM::TestDynamicResourceDependency()
  1988 	{
  1989 	TInt state;
  1990 	TRequestStatus req;
  1991 	SResourceDependencyInfo info1, info2;
  1992 	SResourceDependencyInfo sResDepInfo;
  1993 	RArray<SResourceDependencyInfo>depResArray;
  1995 	TUint dynamicDepResId[4];
  1997 	test.Next(_L("Testing Dynamic + static resource dependency"));
  1998 	RmTest.RegisterClient(); /* Register Client 1 */
  2000 	//Register dependency resource
  2001 	dynamicDepResId[0] = 5;
  2002 	r = lddChan.RegisterDynamicResource(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[0]);
  2003 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2005 	info1.iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[5];
  2006 	info1.iDependencyPriority = 3;
  2008 	info2.iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[0];
  2009 	info2.iDependencyPriority = 2;
  2011 	r = lddChan.RegisterResourceDependency(Clients[0].iClientId, info1, info2);
  2012 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2014 	//Check for correctness of dependency resource information
  2015 	sResDepInfo.iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[3]; 
  2016 	sResDepInfo.iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2017 	depResArray.Append(sResDepInfo);
  2018 	sResDepInfo.iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[0]; 
  2019 	sResDepInfo.iDependencyPriority = 2;
  2020 	depResArray.Append(sResDepInfo);
  2021 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[5], 2, &depResArray[0]);
  2023 	depResArray[0].iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[5]; 
  2024 	depResArray[0].iDependencyPriority = 3;
  2025 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[0], 1, &depResArray[0]);
  2027 	//Change Static dependency resource to -50
  2028 	RmTest.RegisterClient(); /* Register Client 2 */
  2029 	state = -50;
  2030 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[1].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[0], state, req);
  2031 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  2032 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  2034 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], -50, Clients[1].iClientId, EFalse);
  2035 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -11, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2036 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, iStaticDependencyResources[0], EFalse);
  2037 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 13, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2038 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3], EFalse);
  2039 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 73, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2040 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[0], 80, iStaticDependencyResources[5]);
  2042 	//Register dynamic dependency resource I
  2043 	dynamicDepResId[1] = 6;
  2044 	r = lddChan.RegisterDynamicResource(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[1]);
  2045 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2047 	//Register dynamic dependency resource J
  2048 	dynamicDepResId[2] = 7;
  2049 	r = lddChan.RegisterDynamicResource(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[2]);
  2050 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2052 	//Register dynamic dependency resource K
  2053 	dynamicDepResId[3] = 8;
  2054 	r = lddChan.RegisterDynamicResource(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[3]);
  2055 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2057 	RmTest.RegisterClient(); /* Register Client3 */
  2058 	RmTest.RegisterClient(); /* Register Client4 */
  2060 	//Register notifications
  2061 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(Clients[1].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[5]);
  2062 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2063 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(Clients[2].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[0]);
  2064 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2065 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(Clients[1].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[1]);
  2066 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2067 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(Clients[2].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[2]);
  2068 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2069 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(Clients[1].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[3]);
  2070 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2072 	//Create depedency between H and I
  2073 	info1.iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[0];
  2074 	info1.iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2076 	info2.iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[1];
  2077 	info2.iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2079 	//Register dependency between resource H and I
  2080 	r = lddChan.RegisterResourceDependency(Clients[0].iClientId, info1, info2);
  2081 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2082 	//Validate dependency information
  2083 	depResArray[0].iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[1]; 
  2084 	depResArray[0].iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2085 	depResArray[1].iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[5]; 
  2086 	depResArray[1].iDependencyPriority = 3;
  2087 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[0], 2, &depResArray[0]);
  2089 	depResArray[0].iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[0]; 
  2090 	depResArray[0].iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2091 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[1], 1, &depResArray[0]);
  2093 	//Create depedency between H and J
  2094 	info1.iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[0];
  2095 	info1.iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2097 	info2.iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[2];
  2098 	info2.iDependencyPriority = 2;
  2100 	//Register dependency between resource H and J
  2101 	r = lddChan.RegisterResourceDependency(Clients[0].iClientId, info1, info2);
  2102 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2104 	depResArray[0].iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[1]; 
  2105 	depResArray[0].iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2106 	depResArray[1].iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[2]; 
  2107 	depResArray[1].iDependencyPriority = 2;
  2108 	sResDepInfo.iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[5]; 
  2109 	sResDepInfo.iDependencyPriority = 3;	
  2110 	depResArray.Append(sResDepInfo);
  2111 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[0], 3, &depResArray[0]);
  2113 	depResArray[0].iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[0]; 
  2114 	depResArray[0].iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2115 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[2], 1, &depResArray[0]);
  2117 	// Check if the priority for a new dependency is already existing.
  2118 	//Create dependency between J and K
  2119 	info1.iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[2];
  2120 	info1.iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2122 	info2.iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[3];
  2123 	info2.iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2125 	//Register dependency between resource J and K
  2126 	r = lddChan.RegisterResourceDependency(Clients[0].iClientId, info1, info2);
  2127 	test(r == KErrAlreadyExists);
  2129 	//Create depedency between J and K
  2130 	info1.iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[2];
  2131 	info1.iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2133 	info2.iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[3];
  2134 	info2.iDependencyPriority = 2;
  2136 	//Register dependency between resource J and K
  2137 	r = lddChan.RegisterResourceDependency(Clients[0].iClientId, info1, info2);
  2138 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2140 	depResArray[0].iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[2]; 
  2141 	depResArray[0].iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2142 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[3], 1, &depResArray[0]);
  2144 	depResArray[0].iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[0]; 
  2145 	depResArray[0].iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2146 	depResArray[1].iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[3]; 
  2147 	depResArray[1].iDependencyPriority = 2;
  2148 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[2], 2, &depResArray[0]);
  2150 	RmTest.RegisterClient(); /* Client5 registration */
  2151 	//Change H to 85
  2152 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[2].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[0], 85);
  2153 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2155 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], -50, Clients[1].iClientId, EFalse);
  2156 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -11, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2157 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, iStaticDependencyResources[0], EFalse);
  2158 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 13, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2159 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3], EFalse);
  2160 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 71, dynamicDepResId[0]);
  2161 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[0], 85, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2162 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[1], 1, dynamicDepResId[0]);
  2163 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[2], 18, dynamicDepResId[0], EFalse);
  2164 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[3], 1, dynamicDepResId[2]);
  2166 	//Check notifications
  2167 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 1, 0);
  2168 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2169 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[0], 1, 0);
  2170 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2171 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[1], 1, 0);
  2172 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2173 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[2], 1, 0);
  2174 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2176 	//Change K to  1
  2177 	state= 1;
  2178 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[2].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[3], state, req);
  2179 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2181 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[2], 18, dynamicDepResId[0], EFalse);
  2182 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[3], 1, Clients[2].iClientId, EFalse);
  2184 	//Check notifications
  2185 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[2], 0, 0);
  2186 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2187 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[3], 0, 0);
  2188 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2190 	//Change J to 12
  2191 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[2].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[2],12);
  2192 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2194 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[2], 12, Clients[2].iClientId, EFalse);
  2196 	//Check notifications
  2197 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[0], 0, 0);
  2198 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2199 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[2], 1, 0);
  2200 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2201 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[3], 0, 0);
  2202 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2204 	//Change H to 90
  2205 	TRequestStatus reqSet;
  2206 	state = 90;
  2207 	lddChan.CheckParallelExecutionForChangeResState(Clients[2].iClientId,
  2208 											 dynamicDepResId[0],state,
  2209 											 5, 0, reqSet);
  2210 	User::WaitForRequest(reqSet);
  2211 	test(reqSet.Int() == KErrNone);
  2213 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], -50, Clients[1].iClientId, EFalse);
  2214 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -11, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2215 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, iStaticDependencyResources[0], EFalse);
  2216 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 13, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2217 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3], EFalse);
  2218 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 69, dynamicDepResId[0]);
  2219 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[0], 90, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2220 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[1], 1, dynamicDepResId[0]);
  2221 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[2], 11, dynamicDepResId[0], EFalse);
  2222 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[3], 1, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2224 	//Check notifications
  2225 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 1, 0);
  2226 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2227 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[0], 1, 0);
  2228 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2229 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[1], 0, 0);
  2230 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2231 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[2], 1, 0);
  2232 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2233 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[3], 0, 0);
  2234 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2236 	state = 9;
  2237 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[1].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[2],  state, req);
  2238 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  2239 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  2241 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[0], 90, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2242 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[1], 1, dynamicDepResId[0]);
  2243 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[2], 9, Clients[1].iClientId, EFalse);
  2244 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[3], 1, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2246 	//Check notifications
  2247 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[0], 0, 0);
  2248 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2249 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[1], 0, 0);
  2250 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2251 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[2], 1, 0);
  2252 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2253 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[3], 0, 0);
  2254 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2256 	//Change D to 50
  2257 	state = 50;
  2258 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[1].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[0], state, req);
  2259 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  2260 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  2262 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], 50, Clients[1].iClientId, EFalse);
  2263 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -12, iStaticDependencyResources[0], EFalse);
  2264 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, iStaticDependencyResources[0], EFalse);
  2265 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 16, iStaticDependencyResources[0], EFalse);
  2266 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3], EFalse);
  2267 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 67, iStaticDependencyResources[3], EFalse);
  2268 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[0], 90, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2269 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[1], 1, dynamicDepResId[0]);
  2270 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[2], 9, Clients[1].iClientId, EFalse);
  2271 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[3], 1, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2273 	//Check notifications
  2274 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 1, 0);
  2275 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2276 	//DeRegister dependency between J and K
  2277 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterResourceDependency(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[3], dynamicDepResId[2]);
  2278 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2280 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[3], 0, &depResArray[0]);
  2282 	depResArray[0].iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[0]; 
  2283 	depResArray[0].iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2284 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[2], 1, &depResArray[0]);
  2286 	//Change J t0 13
  2287 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[1].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[2], 13);
  2288 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2290 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], 50, Clients[1].iClientId, EFalse);
  2291 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -12, iStaticDependencyResources[0], EFalse);
  2292 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, iStaticDependencyResources[0], EFalse);
  2293 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 16, iStaticDependencyResources[0], EFalse);
  2294 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3], EFalse);
  2295 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 67, iStaticDependencyResources[3], EFalse);
  2296 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[0], 90, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2297 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[1], 1, dynamicDepResId[0]);
  2298 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[2], 12, Clients[2].iClientId, EFalse);
  2299 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[3], 1, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2300 	//Check notifications
  2301 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[2], 1, 0);
  2302 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2303 	/* Remove client level from resource 7 */
  2304 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(Clients[2].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[3]);
  2305 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2307 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[3], 0, -1);
  2308 	//Check notifications
  2309 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[3], 1, 0);
  2310 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2312 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterDynamicResource(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[3], NULL);
  2313 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2314 	//Check notifications
  2315 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[3], 1, 0);
  2316 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2318 	//Deregister dependency between H and J
  2319 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterResourceDependency(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[2], dynamicDepResId[0]);
  2320 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2322 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[2], 0, &depResArray[0]);
  2324 	depResArray[0].iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[1]; 
  2325 	depResArray[0].iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2326 	depResArray[1].iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[5]; 
  2327 	depResArray[1].iDependencyPriority = 3;
  2328 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[0], 2, &depResArray[0]);
  2330 	/* Remove client level from resource 7 */
  2331 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(Clients[1].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[2]);
  2332 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2334 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[2], 12, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2335 	//Check notifications
  2336 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[2], 0, 0);
  2337 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2339 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[2].iClientId);
  2340 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2342 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[2], 19, -1, EFalse);
  2344 	//Deregister dependency between G and H
  2345 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterResourceDependency(Clients[1].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[5], dynamicDepResId[0]);
  2346 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2348 	depResArray[0].iResourceId = dynamicDepResId[1]; 
  2349 	depResArray[0].iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2350 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[0], 1, &depResArray[0]);
  2352 	depResArray[0].iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[3]; 
  2353 	depResArray[0].iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2354 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[5], 1, &depResArray[0]);
  2356 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[0], 75, -1);
  2357 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[1], 0, dynamicDepResId[0]);
  2358 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 67, iStaticDependencyResources[3], EFalse);
  2360 	//Deregister dependency between I and H
  2361 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterResourceDependency(Clients[1].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[1], dynamicDepResId[0]);
  2362 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2364 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[0], 0, &depResArray[0]);
  2366 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[1], 0, &depResArray[0]);
  2368 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[0], 75, -1);
  2369 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicDepResId[1], 0, -1);
  2370 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 67, iStaticDependencyResources[3], EFalse);
  2371 	//Check notifications
  2372 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 0, 0);
  2373 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2374 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[1], 1, 0);
  2375 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2377 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterDynamicResource(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[2], NULL);
  2378 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2379 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterDynamicResource(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[1], NULL);
  2380 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2381 	//Check notifications
  2382 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicDepResId[1], 1, 0);
  2383 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2384 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterDynamicResource(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicDepResId[0], NULL);
  2385 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2386 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[1].iClientId);
  2387 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2388 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], -100, -1, EFalse);
  2389 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -10, iStaticDependencyResources[0], EFalse);
  2390 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[0], EFalse);
  2391 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 10, iStaticDependencyResources[0], EFalse);
  2392 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 1, iStaticDependencyResources[3], EFalse);
  2393 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 75, iStaticDependencyResources[3], EFalse);
  2394 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[3].iClientId);
  2395 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2397 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[0].iClientId);
  2398 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2400 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[4].iClientId);
  2401 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2403 	depResArray.Close();
  2404 	return;
  2405 	}
  2407 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2408 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0596
  2409 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  2410 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  2411 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests dynamic resources which does not support dependency
  2412 //! @SYMTestActions		0	Register clients
  2413 //!						1	Register dynamic resource
  2414 //!						2	Register notifications
  2415 //!						3	Change Resource State of each static resource with dependency
  2416 //!						4	Get state of the resource and check for correctness
  2417 //!						5	Check notification count for correctness
  2418 //!						6	Deregister client level	
  2419 //!						7	Deregister dynamic resource
  2420 //!						8	Deregister clients
  2421 //!
  2422 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults   0	API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2423 //!							  1	API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2424 //!							  2	API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2425 //!							  3 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2426 //!							  4 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2427 //!							  5 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2428 //!							  6 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2429 //!							  7 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2430 //!							  8 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2431 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  2432 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  2433 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2434 void TestRM::TestDynamicResource()
  2435 	{
  2436 	TInt state;
  2437 	TRequestStatus req;
  2438 	TUint dynamicResId[4];
  2440 	test.Next(_L("Testing dynamic resource"));
  2441 	//Register client 1
  2442 	RmTest.RegisterClient(); 
  2443 	//Register client 2
  2444 	RmTest.RegisterClient(); 
  2445 	//Register client 3
  2446 	RmTest.RegisterClient();
  2448 	NegativeTesting = EFalse;
  2449 	dynamicResId[0] = 1;
  2450 	//Register dynamic resource 1
  2451 	r = lddChan.RegisterDynamicResource(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicResId[0]);
  2452 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2453 	//Deregister dynamic resource with different client id 
  2454 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterDynamicResource(Clients[1].iClientId, dynamicResId[0], NULL);
  2455 	test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
  2456 	dynamicResId[1] = 2;
  2457 	//Register dynamic resource 2
  2458 	r = lddChan.RegisterDynamicResource(Clients[1].iClientId, dynamicResId[1]);
  2459 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2460 	RmTest.GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(iCurrentClientId);
  2461 	RmTest.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(iCurrentClientId, iMaxStaticResources);
  2463 	TUint numClients;
  2464 	r = lddChan.GetNumClientsUsingResource(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicResId[0], numClients);
  2465 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2466 	test(numClients == 0);
  2468 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(Clients[1].iClientId, dynamicResId[0]);
  2469 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2470 	//Register client 4
  2471 	RmTest.RegisterClient(); 
  2472 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(Clients[2].iClientId, dynamicResId[0], 1, 1);
  2473 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2474 	//Change state of dynamic resource 1 and verify
  2475 	state = 1;
  2476 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicResId[0], state, req);
  2477 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  2478 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  2480 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicResId[0], 1, 1);
  2481 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2483 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicResId[0], 1, Clients[0].iClientId, EFalse);
  2485 	r = lddChan.GetNumClientsUsingResource(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicResId[0], numClients);
  2486 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2487 	test(numClients == 1);
  2488 	//Change state of dynamic resource 1.
  2489 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[1].iClientId, dynamicResId[0], 0);
  2490 	test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
  2491 	//Deregister dynamic resource 1 and set the resource to 1.
  2492 	state = 1;
  2493 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterDynamicResource(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicResId[0], &state);
  2494 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2496 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicResId[0], 1, 1);
  2497 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2499 	r = lddChan.GetNumClientsUsingResource(Clients[0].iClientId, dynamicResId[0], numClients);
  2500 	test(r == KErrNotFound);
  2501 	//Register client 5
  2502 	RmTest.RegisterClient(); 
  2504 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicResId[1], -5, -1);
  2506 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(Clients[1].iClientId, dynamicResId[1]);
  2507 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2509 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(Clients[2].iClientId, dynamicResId[1], 0, -8);
  2510 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2511 	//Change state of dynamic resource 1 and verify
  2512 	state = -7;
  2513 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[2].iClientId, dynamicResId[1], state, req);
  2514 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  2515 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  2517 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicResId[1], 1, 0);
  2518 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2520 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicResId[1], -7, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2521 	//Register client 6
  2522 	RmTest.RegisterClient(); 
  2523 	//Register client 7
  2524 	RmTest.RegisterClient();
  2525 	//Change state of dynamic resource 2 and verify
  2526 	state = -9;
  2527 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[3].iClientId, dynamicResId[1], state, req);
  2528 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  2529 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  2531 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicResId[1], 1, 1);
  2532 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2534 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicResId[1], -9, Clients[3].iClientId, EFalse);
  2535 	//Change state of dynamic resource 1 and verify
  2536 	state = -10;
  2537 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[4].iClientId, dynamicResId[1], state, req);
  2538 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  2539 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  2541 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicResId[1], 1, 0);
  2542 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2544 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicResId[1], -10, Clients[4].iClientId, EFalse);
  2546 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[5].iClientId, dynamicResId[1], state);
  2547 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2549 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicResId[1], 0, 0);
  2550 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2552 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicResId[1], -10, Clients[4].iClientId, EFalse);
  2553 	//Change state of dynamic resource 1 and verify
  2554 	state = -6;
  2555 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[6].iClientId, dynamicResId[1], state);
  2556 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2558 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicResId[1], 0, 0);
  2559 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2561 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicResId[1], -10, Clients[4].iClientId, EFalse);
  2563 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(Clients[4].iClientId, dynamicResId[1]);
  2564 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2566 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicResId[1], -10, Clients[5].iClientId, EFalse);
  2568 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(Clients[5].iClientId, dynamicResId[1]);
  2569 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2571 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicResId[1], 1, 0);
  2572 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2573 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicResId[1], -9, Clients[3].iClientId, EFalse);
  2574 	//Deregister client 4
  2575 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[3].iClientId);
  2576 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2578 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicResId[1], 1, 0);
  2579 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2580 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicResId[1], -7, Clients[2].iClientId, EFalse);
  2582 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(Clients[2].iClientId, dynamicResId[1]);
  2583 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2585 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicResId[1], 1, 0);
  2586 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2587 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicResId[1], -6, Clients[6].iClientId, EFalse);
  2589 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(Clients[6].iClientId, dynamicResId[1]);
  2590 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2592 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicResId[1], 1, 0);
  2593 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2594 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(dynamicResId[1], -5, -1, EFalse);
  2595 	//Deregister dynamic resource 2
  2596 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterDynamicResource(Clients[1].iClientId, dynamicResId[1], NULL);
  2597 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2599 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(dynamicResId[1], 1, 1);
  2600 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2601 	//Register dynamic resource 3
  2602 	dynamicResId[2] = 3;
  2603 	r = lddChan.RegisterDynamicResource(Clients[2].iClientId, dynamicResId[2]);
  2604 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2605 	//Register dynamic resource 4
  2606 	dynamicResId[3] = 4;
  2607 	r = lddChan.RegisterDynamicResource(Clients[6].iClientId, dynamicResId[3]);
  2608 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2609 	//Change state of dynamic resource 3 to 0
  2610 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[4].iClientId, dynamicResId[2], 0);
  2611 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2612 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicResId[2], 0, Clients[4].iClientId);
  2613 	//Change state of dynamic resource 3 to 1
  2614 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[5].iClientId, dynamicResId[2], 1);
  2615 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2616 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicResId[2], 0, Clients[4].iClientId);
  2617 	//Deregister client 5
  2618 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[4].iClientId);
  2619 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2620 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicResId[2], 1, Clients[5].iClientId);
  2621 	//Deregister dynamic resource 3
  2622 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterDynamicResource(Clients[2].iClientId, dynamicResId[2], NULL);
  2623 	test(r == KErrInUse);
  2624 	//Deregister client 6
  2625 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[5].iClientId);
  2626 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2627 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicResId[2], 1, -1);
  2628 	//Deregister dynamic resource 3
  2629 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterDynamicResource(Clients[2].iClientId, dynamicResId[2], NULL);
  2630 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2631 	//Change state of dynamic resource 4 to 15
  2632 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[6].iClientId, dynamicResId[3], 15);
  2633 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2634 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicResId[3], 15, Clients[6].iClientId);
  2635 	//Change state of resource and try to deregister the resource while the change is taking place
  2636 	state = 17;
  2637 	lddChan.ChangeResStateAndDeRegisterDynamicRes(Clients[6].iClientId, dynamicResId[3], state, req);
  2638 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  2639 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  2640 	test(state == 17);
  2641 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(dynamicResId[3], 17, Clients[6].iClientId);
  2642 	//Deregister dynamic resource 4 with some other client which is not owner
  2643 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterDynamicResource(Clients[2].iClientId, dynamicResId[3], NULL);
  2644 	test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
  2645 	//Deregister dynamic resource 4
  2646 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterDynamicResource(Clients[6].iClientId, dynamicResId[3], NULL);
  2647 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2648 	//Deregister client 7
  2649 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[6].iClientId);
  2650 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2651 	//Deregister client 3
  2652 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[2].iClientId);
  2653 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2654 	//Deregister client 2
  2655 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[1].iClientId);
  2656 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2657 	//Deregister client 1
  2658 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[0].iClientId);
  2659 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2660 	Clients.Close();
  2661 	}
  2663 //This function gets extended resource state synchronously and verifies for correctness
  2664 void TestRM::GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(TUint aResId, TInt aState, TInt aLevelOwnerId)
  2665 	{
  2666 	static TBool cached = ETrue;
  2667 	TInt state;
  2668 	TInt levelOwnerId;
  2669 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(Clients[0].iClientId, aResId, cached, state, levelOwnerId);
  2670 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2671 	test(state == aState);
  2672 	test(levelOwnerId == aLevelOwnerId);
  2673 	return;
  2674 	}
  2676 //This function gets extended resource state asynchronously and verifies for correctness
  2677 void TestRM::GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(TUint aResId, TInt aState, TInt aLevelOwnerId, TBool aReqCancel)
  2678 	{
  2679 	static TBool cached = ETrue;
  2680 	TRequestStatus resGet;
  2681 	TInt levelOwnerId;
  2682 	TInt state;
  2683 	lddChan.GetResourceStateAsync(Clients[0].iClientId, aResId, cached, resGet, state, levelOwnerId, aReqCancel);
  2684 	User::WaitForRequest(resGet);
  2685 	if(aReqCancel && (resGet.Int() != KErrNone))
  2686 		{
  2687 		test((resGet.Int() == KErrCompletion) || (resGet.Int() == KErrCancel));
  2688 		return;
  2689 		}
  2690 	test(resGet.Int() == KErrNone);
  2691 	test(state == aState);
  2692 	test(levelOwnerId == aLevelOwnerId);
  2693 	}
  2695 //This function validates number of dependency resource and their id's for correctness
  2696 void TestRM::CheckForDependencyInformation(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TUint aNumDependents, SResourceDependencyInfo* aDepResIdArray)
  2697 	{
  2698 	TUint numDepResources;
  2700 	//Get the number of dependent's for the resource
  2701 	r = lddChan.GetNumDependentsForResource(aClientId, aResourceId, numDepResources);
  2702 	if(r != KErrNone)
  2703 		test.Printf(_L("GetNumDependentsForResource returned with %d\n"), r);
  2704 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2705 	if(aNumDependents != numDepResources)
  2706 		test.Printf(_L("aNumDependents = %d, numDepResource = %d\n"), aNumDependents, numDepResources);
  2707 	test(aNumDependents == numDepResources);
  2708 	if(numDepResources == 0)
  2709 		return;
  2710 	//Get the dependent's id
  2711 	RBuf8 info;
  2712 	info.Create(aNumDependents * sizeof(SResourceDependencyInfo));
  2713 	r = lddChan.GetDependentsIdForResource(aClientId, aResourceId, (TAny*)&info, numDepResources);
  2714 	if(r != KErrNone)
  2715 		{
  2716 		test.Printf(_L("GetDependentsIdForResource returned with %d\n"), r);
  2717 		info.Close();
  2718 		}
  2719 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2720 	if(aNumDependents != numDepResources)
  2721 		{
  2722 		test.Printf(_L("aNumDependents = %d, numDepResource = %d\n"), aNumDependents, numDepResources);
  2723 		info.Close();
  2724 		}	
  2725 	test(aNumDependents == numDepResources);
  2726 	SResourceDependencyInfo* sResDepInfoPtr = (SResourceDependencyInfo*)info.Ptr();
  2727 	for(TUint count = 0; count < aNumDependents; count++, sResDepInfoPtr++)
  2728 		{
  2729 		if(sResDepInfoPtr->iResourceId != aDepResIdArray[count].iResourceId)
  2730 			{
  2731 			test.Printf(_L("Expected resourceId : %d, Returned ResourceId = %d\n"),sResDepInfoPtr->iResourceId, 
  2732 																		aDepResIdArray[count].iResourceId);
  2733 			info.Close();
  2734 			test(0);
  2735 			}
  2736 		if(sResDepInfoPtr->iDependencyPriority != aDepResIdArray[count].iDependencyPriority)
  2737 			{
  2738 			test.Printf(_L("Expected resource priority : %d, Returned resource priority = %d\n"),sResDepInfoPtr->iDependencyPriority, 
  2739 																		aDepResIdArray[count].iDependencyPriority);
  2740 			info.Close();
  2741 			test(0);
  2742 			}
  2743 		}
  2744 	info.Close();
  2745 	return;
  2746 	}
  2748 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2749 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0595
  2750 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  2751 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  2752 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests static resources with dependency.
  2753 //! @SYMTestActions		0	Register clients
  2754 //!						1	Check dependency information of each resource
  2755 //!						2	Register notifications
  2756 //!						3	Change Resource State of each static resource with dependency
  2757 //!						4	Get state of the resources and verify them for correctness
  2758 //!						5	Check notification count for correctness
  2759 //!						6	Deregister client level 	
  2760 //!						7	Deregister clients
  2761 //!
  2762 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults   0	API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2763 //!							  1	API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2764 //!							  2	API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2765 //!							  3 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2766 //!							  4 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2767 //!							  5 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2768 //!							  6 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2769 //!							  7 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  2770 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  2771 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  2772 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2773 void TestRM::TestStaticResourceWithDependency()
  2774 	{
  2775 	TUint count;
  2776 	RArray<SResourceDependencyInfo>depResArray;
  2777 	SResourceDependencyInfo sResDepInfo;
  2778 	TUint numClients; // The maximum no. of dependents in the dependency tree.
  2781 	//Register client 1.
  2782 	RmTest.RegisterClient();
  2783 	iCurrentClientId = -1;
  2784 	TInt state;
  2785 	TRequestStatus reqSet;
  2787 	NegativeTesting = EFalse;
  2788 	test.Next(_L("\nTesting static resource with dependency...."));
  2790 	//Check for resource dependency information of Resource D
  2791 	sResDepInfo.iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[1];
  2792 	sResDepInfo.iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2793 	depResArray.Append(sResDepInfo);
  2794 	sResDepInfo.iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[3]; 
  2795 	sResDepInfo.iDependencyPriority = 2;
  2796 	depResArray.Append(sResDepInfo);
  2797 	sResDepInfo.iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[2]; 
  2798 	sResDepInfo.iDependencyPriority = 3;
  2799 	depResArray.Append(sResDepInfo);
  2800 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[0], 3, &depResArray[0]);
  2802 	//Check for resource dependency information of Resource E
  2803 	depResArray[0].iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[4]; 
  2804 	depResArray[0].iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2805 	depResArray[1].iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[5]; 
  2806 	depResArray[1].iDependencyPriority = 2;
  2807 	depResArray[2].iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[0]; 
  2808 	depResArray[2].iDependencyPriority = 3;
  2809 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[3], 3, &depResArray[0]);
  2811 	//Check for resource dependency information of Resource C
  2812 	depResArray[0].iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[3]; 
  2813 	depResArray[0].iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2814 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[4], 1, &depResArray[0]);
  2816 	//Check for resource dependency information of Resource G
  2817 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[5], 1, &depResArray[0]);
  2819 	//Check for resource dependency information of Resource F
  2820 	depResArray[0].iResourceId = iStaticDependencyResources[0]; 
  2821 	depResArray[0].iDependencyPriority = 1;
  2822 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, &depResArray[0]);
  2824 	//Check for resource dependency information of Resource A
  2825 	RmTest.CheckForDependencyInformation(Clients[0].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[1], 1, &depResArray[0]);
  2827 	RmTest.GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(iCurrentClientId);
  2828 	RmTest.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(iCurrentClientId, iMaxStaticResources + iMaxStaticDependentResources);
  2829 	iCurrentClientId = 0;
  2830 	//Get resource state of all dependent resource and verify
  2831 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], -50, -1);
  2832 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -11, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2833 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2834 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 13, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2835 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2836 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 73, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2838 	r = lddChan.GetNumClientsUsingResource(Clients[0].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[3], numClients);
  2839 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2840 	test(numClients == 0);
  2841 	//Request notification 
  2842 	for(count = 0; count < iMaxStaticDependentResources; count++)
  2843 		{
  2844 		r = lddChan.RequestNotification(Clients[0].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[count]);
  2845 		test(r == KErrNone);
  2846 		}
  2847 	//Change state of resource A to -11 and verify
  2848 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[0].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[1], -11);
  2849 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2850 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -11, Clients[0].iClientId);
  2851 	//Change state of resource A to -12 and verify
  2852 	state = -12;
  2853 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[0].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[1], state, reqSet);
  2854 	User::WaitForRequest(reqSet);
  2855 	test(reqSet.Int() == KErrNone);
  2856 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[1], 1, 0);
  2857 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2858 	//Register client2
  2859 	RmTest.RegisterClient();
  2860 	//Change state of resource D to -49 and verify
  2861 	state = -49;
  2862 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[1].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[0], state, reqSet);
  2863 	User::WaitForRequest(reqSet);
  2864 	test(reqSet.Int() == KErrNone);
  2865 	//Check for notifications
  2866 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[0], 1, 0);
  2867 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2868 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[1], 1, 0);
  2869 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2870 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 1, 0);
  2871 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2872 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 1, 0);
  2873 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2874 	//Get the state and verify for correctness
  2875 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], -49, Clients[1].iClientId);
  2876 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -13, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2877 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2878 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 16, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2879 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2880 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 71, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2881 	//Change state of resource F to 1 and verify
  2882 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[1].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1);
  2883 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2884 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 0, 0);
  2885 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2886 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, Clients[1].iClientId);
  2887 	//Register client 3
  2888 	RmTest.RegisterClient();
  2889 	//Change state of resource E to 19 and verify
  2890 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[2].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[3], 19); 
  2891 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2892 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 1, 0);
  2893 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2894 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 1, 0);
  2895 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2896 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], -49, Clients[1].iClientId);
  2897 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -13, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2898 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, Clients[1].iClientId);
  2899 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 19, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2900 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2901 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 69, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2902 	//Register client 4
  2903 	RmTest.RegisterClient();
  2904 	//Change state of resource C to 0 and verify
  2905 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[3].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0);
  2906 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2907 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, 0);
  2908 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2909 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2910 	//Change state of resource C to 1 and verify
  2911 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[2].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[4], 1);
  2912 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2913 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, 0);
  2914 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2915 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2916 	//Change state of resource G to 67 and verify
  2917 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[2].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[5], 67);
  2918 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2919 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 1, 0);
  2920 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2921 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], -49, Clients[1].iClientId);
  2922 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -13, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2923 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, Clients[1].iClientId);
  2924 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 19, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2925 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2926 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 67, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2927 	//Change state of resource G to 67 and verify
  2928 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[3].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[5], 67);
  2929 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2930 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 0, 0);
  2931 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2932 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], -49, Clients[1].iClientId);
  2933 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -13, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2934 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, Clients[1].iClientId);
  2935 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 19, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2936 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2937 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 67, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2939 	//Change the state of the resource E to 24
  2940 	state = 24;
  2941 	//Register client 5
  2942 	RmTest.RegisterClient();
  2943 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[4].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[3], state, reqSet);
  2944 	User::WaitForRequest(reqSet);
  2945 	test(reqSet.Int() == KErrNone);
  2946 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 1, 0);
  2947 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2948 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 1, 0);
  2949 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2950 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], -49, Clients[1].iClientId);
  2951 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -13, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2952 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, Clients[1].iClientId);
  2953 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 24, Clients[4].iClientId);
  2954 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2955 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 65, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2957 	//Change resource state of Resource D to -51
  2958 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[2].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[0], -51);
  2959 	test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
  2960 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], -49, Clients[1].iClientId);
  2962 	//DeregisterClient 5
  2963 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[4].iClientId);
  2964 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2966 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 1, 0);
  2967 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2968 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 1, 0);
  2969 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2971 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 19, Clients[2].iClientId);
  2972 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 63, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2974 	//Change resource state of resource D to 50
  2975 	state = 50;
  2976 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(Clients[1].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[0], state, reqSet);
  2977 	User::WaitForRequest(reqSet);
  2978 	test(reqSet.Int() == KErrNone);
  2979 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[0], 1, 0);
  2980 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2981 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[1], 1, 0);
  2982 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2983 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 1, 0);
  2984 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2985 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 1, 0);
  2986 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2988 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], 50, Clients[1].iClientId);
  2989 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -14, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2990 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, Clients[1].iClientId);
  2991 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 22, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  2992 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2993 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 61, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  2995 	//Change resource state of resource G to 61
  2996 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[3].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[5], 61);
  2997 	test(r == KErrNone);
  2999 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 0, 0);
  3000 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3002 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], 50, Clients[1].iClientId);
  3003 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -14, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3004 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, Clients[1].iClientId);
  3005 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 22, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3006 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3007 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 61, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3009 	//Deregister client 4;
  3010 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[3].iClientId);
  3011 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3013 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 0, 0);
  3014 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3016 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], 50, Clients[1].iClientId);
  3017 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -14, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3018 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, Clients[1].iClientId);
  3019 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 22, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3020 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3021 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 61, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3023 	//Deregister client 3.
  3024 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[2].iClientId);
  3025 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3027 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], 50, Clients[1].iClientId);
  3028 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -14, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3029 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, Clients[1].iClientId);
  3030 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 22, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3031 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3032 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 61, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3034 	//Deregister client 0 from Resource A
  3035 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(Clients[0].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[1]);
  3036 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3038 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[1], 0, 0);
  3039 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3041 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], 50, Clients[1].iClientId);
  3042 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -14, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3043 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, Clients[1].iClientId);
  3044 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 22, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3045 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3046 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 61, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3048 	//Move Resource D to default
  3049 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(Clients[1].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[0], -100);
  3050 	test(r == KErrPermissionDenied);
  3052 	//Deregister client 1 from Resource F
  3053 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(Clients[1].iClientId, iStaticDependencyResources[2]);
  3054 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3056 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(iStaticDependencyResources[1], 0, 0);
  3057 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3059 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], 50, Clients[1].iClientId);
  3060 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -14, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3061 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3062 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 22, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3063 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3064 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 61, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3066 	//Deregister client 2
  3067 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[1].iClientId);
  3068 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3070 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], -100, -1);
  3071 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -10, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3072 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3073 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 10, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3074 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 1, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3075 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 75, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3076 	//Deregister client 1
  3077 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[0].iClientId);
  3078 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3079 	Clients.Close(); //Close the array and release memory
  3081 	//Test parallel execution of RC and Dependency resource DFC's
  3082 	//Register client 1
  3083 	RmTest.RegisterClient();
  3084 	//Register client 2
  3085 	RmTest.RegisterClient();
  3087 	state = 50;
  3088 	/* CheckParallelExecutionForResChageStateWithDependency */
  3089 	lddChan.CheckParallelExecutionForChangeResState(Clients[1].iClientId,
  3090 								iStaticDependencyResources[0],state,5,0,reqSet);
  3092 	User::WaitForRequest(reqSet);
  3093 	test(reqSet.Int() == KErrNone);
  3095 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], 50, Clients[1].iClientId);
  3096 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -11, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3097 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 1, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3098 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 13, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3099 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3100 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 73, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3102 	TInt owner;
  3103 	TBool cached = ETrue;
  3104 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(Clients[1].iClientId, 4, cached, state, owner);
  3105 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3106 	test(state == 75);
  3107 	test(owner == -1);
  3109 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[1].iClientId);
  3110 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3112 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[0], -100, -1);
  3113 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[1], -10, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3114 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[2], 0, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3115 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[3], 10, iStaticDependencyResources[0]);
  3116 	GetExtendedResStateAsyncAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[4], 1, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3117 	GetExtendedResStateAndVerify(iStaticDependencyResources[5], 75, iStaticDependencyResources[3]);
  3119 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(Clients[0].iClientId, 4, cached, state, owner);
  3120 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3121 	test(state == 75);
  3122 	test(owner == -1);
  3124 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(Clients[0].iClientId);
  3125 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3127 	Clients.Close(); //Close the array and release memory
  3128 	depResArray.Close(); //Close the array and release memory
  3129 	}
  3130 #endif
  3132 //This function validates each of the resource manager API's
  3133 void TestRM::APIValidationTest()
  3134 	{
  3135 	test.Next(_L("\nStarting API validation Test...."));
  3136 	RmTest.RegisterClient();
  3137  	r = lddChan.GetResourceControllerVersion(Clients[0].iClientId, iTestingExtendedVersion);
  3138 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3139 	if(!iTestingExtendedVersion)
  3140 		test.Printf(_L("Testing Basic Version only...."));
  3141 	else
  3142 		test.Printf(_L("Testing basic & extended version...."));
  3143    RmTest.ValidateClient(5, EOwnerProcess);
  3144 	iCurrentClientId = -1;
  3145 	RmTest.GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(iCurrentClientId);
  3146 	RmTest.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(iCurrentClientId, iMaxStaticResources);
  3147 	iCurrentClientId = 0;
  3148 	NegativeTesting = ETrue;
  3149 	if(Resources[0].iName.Compare(*(const TDesC8*)&SpecialResName))
  3150 		{
  3151 		test.Printf(_L("Test runs only on simulated PSL\n"));
  3152 		RmTest.DeRegisterClient(Clients[0].iClientId);
  3153 		return;
  3154 		}	
  3155  	TBuf8<32> PowerController = _L8("PowerController");
  3156 	r = lddChan.GetClientId(Clients[0].iClientId, (TDesC8&)PowerController, iPowerControllerId);
  3157 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3158 	r = lddChan.RegisterForIdleResourcesInfo(iPowerControllerId, 15);
  3159 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3160 	RmTest.GetClientName(iCurrentClientId);
  3161 	RmTest.GetClientId(iCurrentClientId);
  3162 	RmTest.GetResourceId(2);
  3163 	RmTest.GetResourceInfo(19);
  3164 	RmTest.GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(iCurrentClientId);
  3165 	RmTest.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(iCurrentClientId, 3);
  3166 	RmTest.GetNumClientsUsingResource(iCurrentClientId, (TUint)-1);
  3167 	RmTest.GetNumClientsUsingResource(iCurrentClientId, 10);
  3168 	RmTest.GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource((TUint)-1, 4);
  3169 	RmTest.GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(5, 3);
  3171 	TUint c;
  3172 	for(c = 0; c < iMaxStaticResources; c++)
  3173 		{
  3174 		if(Resources[c].iSense == ECustom)
  3175 			continue;
  3176 		RmTest.GetResourceStateAsync(c, ETrue);
  3177 		}
  3178 	User::After(2000000);  //Add delay to make sure that the asynchronous request is processed in controller thread
  3180 	for(c = 0; c < iMaxStaticResources; c++)
  3181 		{
  3182 		if(Resources[c].iSense == ECustom)
  3183 			continue;
  3184 		iCurrentClientId = c;
  3185 		RmTest.RegisterClient();
  3186 		RmTest.AllocReserve(c);
  3187 		RmTest.GetResourceStateAsync(c);
  3188 		RmTest.RequestNotification(c);
  3189 		RmTest.RequestNotificationCon(c);
  3190 		}
  3192 	for(c=0; c< iMaxStaticResources; c++)
  3193 		{
  3194 		if(Resources[c].iSense == ECustom)
  3195 			continue;
  3196 		iCurrentClientId = c;
  3197 		RmTest.ChangeResourceStateAsync(c);
  3198 		RmTest.GetResourceStateAsync(c);
  3199 		RmTest.GetResourceStateSync(c);
  3200 		RmTest.ChangeResourceStateSync(c);
  3201 		}
  3202 	for(c = 0; c < iMaxStaticResources; c++)
  3203 		{
  3204 		if(Resources[c].iSense == ECustom)
  3205 			continue;
  3206 		iCurrentClientId = c;
  3207 		RmTest.GetClientName(c);
  3208 		RmTest.GetClientId(c);
  3209 		RmTest.GetResourceId(c);
  3210 		RmTest.GetResourceInfo(c);
  3211 		RmTest.GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(c);
  3212 		RmTest.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(c, Clients[c].iNumResources);
  3213 		RmTest.GetNumClientsUsingResource(c, c);
  3214 		RmTest.GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(c, Resources[c].iNumClients);
  3215 		RmTest.CancelNotification(c, ETrue);
  3216 		RmTest.CancelNotification(c, EFalse);
  3217 		}
  3219 	TInt clientCount = Clients.Count();
  3220 	for(c = clientCount-1; ((TInt)c) >=0; c--)
  3221 	{ 
  3222 		test.Printf(_L("DeRegister ClientId %d\n"), Clients[c].iClientId);
  3223 		RmTest.DeRegisterClient(c);
  3224 		}
  3225 	Clients.Close();
  3226 	//Find any shared binary resource
  3227 	for(c = 0; c < iMaxStaticResources; c++)
  3228 		{
  3229 		if(Resources[c].iSense == ECustom)
  3230 			continue;
  3231 		if((Resources[c].iUsage == EShared) && (Resources[c].iSense == ENegative))
  3232 			{
  3233 			if(Resources[c].iType == 0x0) //Binary Resource
  3234 				RmTest.SharedBinaryNegativeResourceTesting(c);
  3235 			else 
  3236 				RmTest.SharedMultilevelNegativeResourceTesting(c);
  3237 			}
  3238 		else if((Resources[c].iUsage == EShared) && (Resources[c].iSense == EPositive))
  3239 			{
  3240 			if(Resources[c].iType == 0x0) //Binary Resource
  3241 				RmTest.SharedBinaryPositiveResourceTesting(c);
  3242 			else
  3243 				RmTest.SharedMultilevelPositiveResourceTesting(c);
  3244 			}
  3245 		}
  3247 	RmTest.CustomResourceTesting(CUSTOM_RESOURCE_NUMBER);
  3249 	//Testing of Deregistration of client level for binary resource
  3250 	RmTest.RegisterClient();
  3251 	for(c = 0; c < iMaxStaticResources; c++)
  3252 		{
  3253 		if(Resources[c].iSense == ECustom)
  3254 			continue;
  3255 		RmTest.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(-1, c);
  3256 		}
  3257 	for(c = 0; c < iMaxStaticResources; c++)
  3258 		{
  3259 		iCurrentClientId = 0;
  3260 		RmTest.ChangeResourceStateSync(c);
  3261 		RmTest.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(0, c);
  3262 		}
  3263 	RmTest.RegisterClient();
  3264 	for(c = 0; c < iMaxStaticResources; c++) //Test valid only for shared resources.
  3265 		{
  3266 		if((Resources[c].iSense == ECustom) || (Resources[c].iUsage == ESingle))
  3267 			continue;
  3268 		iCurrentClientId = 0;
  3269 		RmTest.ChangeResourceStateSync(c);
  3270 		iCurrentClientId  = 1;
  3271 		RmTest.ChangeResourceStateSync(c);
  3272 		if(Resources[c].iCurrentClient == 0)
  3273 			{
  3274 			RmTest.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(0, c);
  3275 			RmTest.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(1, c);
  3276 			}
  3277 		else
  3278 			{
  3279 			RmTest.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(1, c);
  3280 			RmTest.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(0, c);
  3281 			}
  3282 		}
  3283 	//Testing of Deregistration of client level for shared resource
  3284 	for(c = 0; c < iMaxStaticResources; c++)
  3285 		{
  3286 		if((Resources[c].iSense == ECustom) || (!Resources[c].iUsage))
  3287 			continue;
  3288 		RmTest.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(-1, c);
  3289 		}
  3291 	RmTest.DeRegisterClient(1);
  3292 	RmTest.DeRegisterClient(0);
  3293 	RBuf8 info;
  3294 	info.Create(15 * sizeof(SIdleResourceInfo));
  3295 	r = lddChan.GetIdleResourcesInfo(15, (TAny*)(TDes8*)&info);
  3296 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3297 	SIdleResourceInfo* pI = (SIdleResourceInfo*)info.Ptr();
  3298 	for(c = 0; c< 15; c++)
  3299 	{
  3300 	   test(Resources[c].iCurrentClient == pI->iLevelOwnerId);
  3301 	   test(Resources[c].iCurrentLevel == pI->iCurrentLevel);
  3302 	   test(Resources[c].iResourceId == pI->iResourceId);
  3303 	   pI++;
  3304 	}
  3305 	info.Close();
  3306 	Clients.Close();
  3308 	if(iTestingExtendedVersion)
  3309 		{
  3310 		TestStaticResourceWithDependency();
  3311 		TestDynamicResource();
  3312 		TestDynamicResourceDependency();
  3313 		}
  3314 #endif
  3315 	Clients.Close();
  3316 	return;
  3317 	}
  3319 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3320 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0592
  3321 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  3322 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  3323 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests deregistration of client level functionality.
  3324 //! @SYMTestActions		0	Register client
  3325 //!						1	Change Resource State
  3326 //!						2	Deregister client level
  3327 //!						3	Deregister client
  3328 //!
  3329 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults   0	API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  3330 //!							  1	API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  3331 //!							  2	API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  3332 //!							  3 API should return with KErrNone, panics otherwise.
  3333 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  3334 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  3335 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3336 void TestRM::DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(TInt aClientId, TUint aResId)
  3337 	{
  3338 	TInt state;
  3339 	TInt newState;
  3340 	TInt levelOwnerId;
  3341 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(Clients[0].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, newState, levelOwnerId);
  3342 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3343 	if((levelOwnerId != -1) && (levelOwnerId != (TInt)Clients[aClientId].iClientId))
  3344 		{
  3345 		test.Printf(_L("Client Id does not match so not testing Deregistration of client level\n"));
  3346 		return;
  3347 		}
  3348 	if(Resources[aResId].iUsage == ESingle) //Single user resource
  3349 		{
  3350 		if(levelOwnerId == -1) 
  3351 			{
  3352 			TUint ClientId;
  3353 			ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId+1);
  3354 			r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId, (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3355 			test(r == KErrNone);
  3356 			newState = Resources[aResId].iMaxLevel;
  3357 			r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3358 			test(r == KErrNone);
  3359 			r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, state, levelOwnerId);
  3360 			test(r == KErrNone);
  3361 			test(state == newState);
  3362 			test(levelOwnerId == (TInt)ClientId);
  3363 			r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(ClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3364 			test(r == KErrNone);
  3365 			r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, state, levelOwnerId);
  3366 			test(r == KErrNone);
  3367 			test(levelOwnerId == -1);
  3368 			r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId);
  3369 			test(r == KErrNone);
  3370 			return;
  3371 			}
  3372 		r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3373 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3374 		r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, state, levelOwnerId);
  3375 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3376 		test(levelOwnerId == -1);
  3377 		//Update the local
  3378 		Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient = -1;
  3379 		Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel = state;
  3380 		Resources[aResId].iNumClients = 0;
  3381 		delete Resources[aResId].iLevel;
  3382 		Resources[aResId].iLevel = NULL;
  3383 		return;
  3384 		}
  3385 	//Handle for Shared resources
  3386 	if(levelOwnerId == -1)
  3387 		{
  3388 		TUint ClientId[2];
  3389 		ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId+1);
  3390 		r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[0], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3391 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3392 		ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId+2);
  3393 		r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[1], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3394 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3395 		newState = Resources[aResId].iMinLevel;
  3396 		r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3397 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3398 		r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, state, levelOwnerId);
  3399 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3400 		test(levelOwnerId == (TInt)ClientId[0]);
  3401 		r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3402 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3403 		r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3404 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3405 		r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, state, levelOwnerId);
  3406 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3407 		test(levelOwnerId == (TInt)ClientId[1]);
  3408 		r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3409 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3410 		r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, state, levelOwnerId);
  3411 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3412 		test(levelOwnerId == -1);
  3413 		r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[0]);
  3414 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3415 		r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[1]);
  3416 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3417 		return;
  3418 		}
  3419 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3420 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3421 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, state, levelOwnerId);
  3422 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3423 	test(levelOwnerId != (TInt)Clients[aClientId].iClientId);
  3424 	if(Resources[aResId].iNumClients == 1)
  3425 		{
  3426 		Resources[aResId].iNumClients--;
  3427 		Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient = -1;
  3428 		r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(Clients[aClientId].iClientId, Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, state, levelOwnerId);
  3429 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3430 		Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel = state;
  3431 		delete Resources[aResId].iLevel;
  3432 		Resources[aResId].iLevel = NULL;
  3433 		}
  3434 	else
  3435 		{
  3436 		Resources[aResId].iNumClients--;
  3437 		SPowerResourceClientLevel *pCL = NULL;
  3438 		TInt level = KMinTInt;
  3439 		TInt clientId = 0;
  3440 		for(SPowerResourceClientLevel* pL = Resources[aResId].iLevel; pL != NULL; pL = pL->iNextInList)
  3441 			{
  3442 			if(pL->iClientId == Clients[aClientId].iClientId)
  3443 				{
  3444 				pCL = pL;
  3445 				continue;
  3446 				}
  3447 			if(level == KMinTInt)
  3448 				{
  3449 				level = pL->iLevel;
  3450 				clientId = pL->iClientId;
  3451 				continue;
  3452 				}
  3453 			if(((Resources[aResId].iSense == EPositive) && (pL->iLevel > level)) || ((Resources[aResId].iSense == ENegative) && (pL->iLevel < level)))
  3454 				{
  3455 				level = pL->iLevel;
  3456 				clientId = pL->iClientId;
  3457 				}
  3458 			}
  3459 		delete pCL;
  3460 		Resources[aResId].iCurrentClient = clientId;
  3461 		Resources[aResId].iCurrentLevel = level;
  3462 		}
  3463 	return;
  3464 	}
  3466 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3467 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0593
  3468 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  3469 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  3470 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests changing resource state of shared positive resource.
  3471 //! @SYMTestActions		0	Register client1
  3472 //!						1	Register client2
  3473 //!						2	Register client3
  3474 //!						3	Register client4
  3475 //!						4	Client1 change resource state.
  3476 //!						5	Client2 change resource state.
  3477 //!						6	Client3 change resource state.
  3478 //!						7	Client4 change resource state.
  3479 //!						8	Client1 change resource state.
  3480 //!						9	Client2 change resource state.
  3481 //!						10	Deregister client2
  3482 //!						11	Client3 change resource state.
  3483 //!						12	Deregister client1
  3484 //!						13	Deregister client3
  3485 //!						14	Deregister client4
  3486 //!
  3487 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults   0	Client registered
  3488 //!							  1	Client registered
  3489 //!							  2 Client registered
  3490 //!							  3	Client registered
  3491 //!							  4 Resource state changed
  3492 //!							  5	Resource state changed
  3493 //!							  6	Resource state changed
  3494 //!							  7 Resource state changed
  3495 //!							  8 Resource state changed
  3496 //!							  9 Resource state changed
  3497 //!							 10 Client2 deregistered
  3498 //!							 11 Resource state changed
  3499 //!							 12 Client1 deregistered
  3500 //!							 13 Client3 deregistered
  3501 //!							 14 Client4	deregistered	
  3502 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  3503 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  3504 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3505 void TestRM::SharedBinaryPositiveResourceTesting(TUint aResId)
  3506 	{
  3507 	TInt newState, levelOwnerId;
  3508 	TRequestStatus req;
  3509 	TUint ClientId[5];
  3511 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId+1);
  3512 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[0], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3513 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3515 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, newState, levelOwnerId);
  3516 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3517 	if(levelOwnerId != -1)
  3518 		{
  3519 		test.Printf(_L("Not testing the shared resource as some other client is currently holding the resource\n"));
  3520 		r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[0]);
  3521 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3522 		return;
  3523 		}
  3525 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId +2);
  3526 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[1], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3527 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3528 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId +3);
  3529 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[2], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3530 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3531 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId +4);
  3532 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[3], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3533 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3534 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId +5);
  3535 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[4], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3536 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3538 	newState = 1;
  3539 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3540 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3541 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0, 0);
  3542 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3543 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3544 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3545 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(ClientId[2], Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3546 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3547 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(ClientId[3], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 1, ETrue);
  3548 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3549 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(ClientId[2], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0, EFalse);
  3550 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3551 	newState = !newState;	   //State 0
  3552 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3553 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3554 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 2, 1);
  3555 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3556 	newState = !newState;	//State 1
  3557 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3558 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3559 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 2, 1); 
  3560 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3561 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(ClientId[2], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState, req);
  3562 	User::WaitForRequest(req); //State 1
  3563 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  3564 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0, 0);
  3565 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3566 	newState = !newState;			   //State 0
  3567 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[3], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3568 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3569 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0, 0);
  3570 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3571 	newState = !newState;	//state 1
  3572 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3573 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3574 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0, 0);
  3575 	newState = !newState;   //state 0
  3576 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3577 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3578 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0,0);
  3579 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3580 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[1]);
  3581 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3582 	newState = 0;
  3583 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[2], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3584 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3585 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0,0);
  3586 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3587 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3588 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3589 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 1,1); 
  3590 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3591 	r = lddChan.CancelNotification(ClientId[2], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, EFalse);
  3592 	test(r == KErrCancel);
  3593 	r = lddChan.CancelNotification(ClientId[3], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue);
  3594 	test(r == KErrCancel);
  3595 	newState = 1;
  3596 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3597 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3598 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0, 0);
  3599 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3600 	r = lddChan.CancelNotification(ClientId[2], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue);
  3601 	test(r == KErrCancel);
  3602 	newState = 1;
  3603 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3604 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3605 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0, 0);
  3606 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3607 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[0]);
  3608 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3609 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[2]);
  3610 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3611 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[3]);
  3612 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3613 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[4], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, newState, levelOwnerId);
  3614 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3615 	test(levelOwnerId == -1);
  3616 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[4]);
  3617 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3618 	return;
  3619 	}
  3621 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3622 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0594
  3623 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  3624 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  3625 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests changing resource state of shared negative resource.
  3626 //! @SYMTestActions		0	Register client1
  3627 //!						1	Register client2
  3628 //!						2	Register client3
  3629 //!						3	Register client4
  3630 //!						4	Client1 change resource state.
  3631 //!						5	Client2 change resource state.
  3632 //!						6	Client3 change resource state.
  3633 //!						7	Client4 change resource state.
  3634 //!						8	Client1 change resource state.
  3635 //!						9	Client2 change resource state.
  3636 //!						10	Deregister client2
  3637 //!						11	Client3 change resource state.
  3638 //!						12	Deregister client1
  3639 //!						13	Deregister client3
  3640 //!						14	Deregister client4
  3641 //!
  3642 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults   0	Client registered
  3643 //!							  1	Client registered
  3644 //!							  2 Client registered
  3645 //!							  3	Client registered
  3646 //!							  4 Resource state changed
  3647 //!							  5	Resource state changed
  3648 //!							  6	Resource state changed
  3649 //!							  7 Resource state changed
  3650 //!							  8 Resource state changed
  3651 //!							  9 Resource state changed
  3652 //!							 10 Client2 deregistered
  3653 //!							 11 Resource state changed
  3654 //!							 12 Client1 deregistered
  3655 //!							 13 Client3 deregistered
  3656 //!							 14 Client4	deregistered	
  3657 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  3658 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  3659 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3660 void TestRM::SharedBinaryNegativeResourceTesting(TUint aResId)
  3661 	{
  3662 	TInt newState;
  3663 	TInt levelOwnerId;
  3664 	TRequestStatus req;
  3665 	TUint ClientId[5];
  3667 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId+1);
  3668 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[0], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3669 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3671 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, newState, levelOwnerId);
  3672 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3673 	if(levelOwnerId != -1)
  3674 		{
  3675 		test.Printf(_L("Not testing the shared resource as some other client is currently holding the resource\n"));
  3676 		r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[0]);
  3677 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3678 		return;
  3679 		}
  3681 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId +2);
  3682 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[1], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3683 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3684 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId +3);
  3685 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[2], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3686 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3687 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId +4);
  3688 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[3], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3689 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3690 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId +5);
  3691 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[4], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3692 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3694 	newState = 0;
  3695 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3696 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3697 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0, 0);
  3698 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3699 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3700 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3701 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(ClientId[2], Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3702 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3703 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(ClientId[3], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 1, ETrue);
  3704 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3705 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(ClientId[2], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0, EFalse);
  3706 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3707 	newState = !newState;	   //State 1
  3708 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3709 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3710 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 2, 1);
  3711 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3712 	newState = !newState;	//State 0
  3713 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3714 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3715 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 2, 1); 
  3716 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3717 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(ClientId[2], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState, req);
  3718 	User::WaitForRequest(req); //State 0
  3719 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  3720 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0, 0);
  3721 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3722 	newState = !newState;			   //State 1
  3723 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[3], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3724 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3725 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0, 0);
  3726 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3727 	newState = !newState;	//state 0
  3728 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3729 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3730 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0, 0);
  3731 	newState = !newState;   //state 1
  3732 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3733 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3734 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0,0);
  3735 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3736 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[1]);
  3737 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3738 	newState = 1;
  3739 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[2], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3740 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3741 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0,0);
  3742 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3743 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3744 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3745 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 1,1); 
  3746 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3747 	r = lddChan.CancelNotification(ClientId[2], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, EFalse);
  3748 	test(r == KErrCancel);
  3749 	r = lddChan.CancelNotification(ClientId[3], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue);
  3750 	test(r == KErrCancel);
  3751 	newState = 1;
  3752 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3753 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3754 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0, 0);
  3755 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3756 	r = lddChan.CancelNotification(ClientId[2], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue);
  3757 	test(r == KErrCancel);
  3758 	newState = 1;
  3759 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3760 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3761 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0, 0);
  3762 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3763 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[0]);
  3764 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3765 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[2]);
  3766 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3767 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[3]);
  3768 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3769 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[4], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, newState, levelOwnerId);
  3770 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3771 	test(levelOwnerId == -1);
  3772 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[4]);
  3773 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3774 	return;
  3775 	}
  3777 //Test cases to test the shared multilevel negative resources
  3778 void TestRM::SharedMultilevelNegativeResourceTesting(TUint aResId)
  3779 	{
  3780 	TInt newState;
  3781 	TInt levelOwnerId;
  3782 	TRequestStatus req;
  3783 	TUint ClientId[2];
  3785 	//Register 1st client
  3786 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId+1);
  3787 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[0], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3788 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3790 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, newState, levelOwnerId);
  3791 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3792 	if(levelOwnerId != -1)
  3793 		{
  3794 		test.Printf(_L("Not testing the shared resource as some other client is currently holding the resource\n"));
  3795 		r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[0]);
  3796 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3797 		return;
  3798 		}
  3800 	test.Printf(_L("Testing %d Shared Multilevel Negative Resource\n"), Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3802 	//Register 2nd client
  3803 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId+2);
  3804 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[1], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3805 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3807 	//Change the resource and ClientId[0] becomes the owner of the resource
  3808 	newState = Resources[aResId].iMaxLevel + 10;
  3810 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3811 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3813 	TInt state;
  3814 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, state, levelOwnerId);
  3815 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3816 	test(state == newState);
  3817 	test(levelOwnerId = (TInt)ClientId[0]);
  3819 	//Second client(clientId[1]) trying to change the resource, but still 
  3820 	newState = state +5;
  3821 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState, req);
  3822 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  3823 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  3825 	lddChan.GetResourceStateAsync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, EFalse, req, newState, levelOwnerId);
  3826 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  3827 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  3828 	test(state = newState);
  3829 	test(levelOwnerId == (TInt)ClientId[0]);
  3831 	newState = state + 10;
  3832 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3833 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3835 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, EFalse, state, levelOwnerId);
  3836 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3837 	newState = Resources[aResId].iMaxLevel + 15;
  3838 	test(state == newState);
  3839 	test(levelOwnerId == (TInt)ClientId[1]);
  3841 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3842 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3844 	state = Resources[aResId].iMaxLevel + 20;
  3845 	lddChan.GetResourceStateAsync(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, req, newState, levelOwnerId);
  3846 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  3847 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  3848 	test(state == newState);
  3849 	test(levelOwnerId == (TInt)ClientId[0]);
  3851 	newState = Resources[aResId].iMaxLevel + 10;
  3852 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState, req);
  3853 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  3854 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  3857 	lddChan.GetResourceStateAsync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, EFalse, req, state, levelOwnerId);
  3858 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  3859 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  3860 	test(state == newState);
  3861 	test(levelOwnerId == (TInt)ClientId[1]);
  3863 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[1]);
  3864 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3866 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3867 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3869 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, EFalse, state, levelOwnerId);
  3870 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3871 	test(state == Resources[aResId].iDefaultLevel);
  3872 	test(levelOwnerId == -1);
  3874 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[0]);
  3875 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3877 	return;
  3878 	}
  3880 //Test cases to test the shared multilevel positive resources
  3881 void TestRM::SharedMultilevelPositiveResourceTesting(TUint aResId)
  3882 	{
  3883 	TInt newState;
  3884 	TInt levelOwnerId;
  3885 	TRequestStatus req;
  3886 	TUint ClientId[2];
  3888 	//Register 1st client
  3889 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId+1);
  3890 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[0], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3891 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3893 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, newState, levelOwnerId);
  3894 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3895 	if(levelOwnerId != -1)
  3896 		{
  3897 		test.Printf(_L("Not testing the shared resource as some other client is currently holding the resource\n"));
  3898 		r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[0]);
  3899 		test(r == KErrNone);
  3900 		return;
  3901 		}
  3903 	test.Printf(_L("Testing %d Shared Multilevel positive Resource\n"), Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3905 	//Register 2nd client
  3906 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId+2);
  3907 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[1], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  3908 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3910 	//Change the resource and ClientId[0] becomes the owner of the resource
  3911 	newState = Resources[aResId].iMinLevel + 20;
  3913 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3914 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3916 	TInt state;
  3917 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, state, levelOwnerId);
  3918 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3919 	test(state == newState);
  3920 	test(levelOwnerId = (TInt)ClientId[0]);
  3922 	//Second client(clientId[1]) trying to change the resource, but still 
  3923 	newState = Resources[aResId].iMinLevel +10;
  3924 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState, req);
  3925 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  3926 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  3928 	lddChan.GetResourceStateAsync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, EFalse, req, newState, levelOwnerId);
  3929 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  3930 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  3931 	test(state = newState);
  3932 	test(levelOwnerId == (TInt)ClientId[0]);
  3934 	newState = Resources[aResId].iMinLevel + 5;
  3935 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState);
  3936 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3938 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, EFalse, state, levelOwnerId);
  3939 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3940 	test(state == Resources[aResId].iMinLevel+10);
  3941 	test(levelOwnerId == (TInt)ClientId[1]);
  3943 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3944 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3946 	newState = Resources[aResId].iMinLevel + 5;
  3947 	lddChan.GetResourceStateAsync(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, req, state, levelOwnerId);
  3948 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  3949 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  3950 	test(state == newState);
  3951 	test(levelOwnerId == (TInt)ClientId[0]);
  3953 	newState = Resources[aResId].iMinLevel + 10;
  3954 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, newState, req);
  3955 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  3956 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  3959 	lddChan.GetResourceStateAsync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, EFalse, req, state, levelOwnerId);
  3960 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  3961 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  3962 	test(state == newState);
  3963 	test(levelOwnerId == (TInt)ClientId[1]);
  3965 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[1]);
  3966 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3968 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  3969 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3971 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, EFalse, state, levelOwnerId);
  3972 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3973 	test(state == Resources[aResId].iDefaultLevel);
  3974 	test(levelOwnerId == -1);
  3976 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[0]);
  3977 	test(r == KErrNone);
  3979 	return;
  3980 	}
  3982 //Custom resource testing. This testing is done only with simulated resources.
  3983 //Testing of shared binary positive resource.
  3984 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3985 //! @SYMTestCaseID	  KBASE-T_RESCONTROLCLI-0593
  3986 //! @SYMTestType		UT
  3987 //! @SYMPREQ			PREQ1398
  3988 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc	This test case tests changing resource state of shared positive resource.
  3989 //! @SYMTestActions		0	Register client1
  3990 //!						1	Register client2
  3991 //!						2	Register client3
  3992 //!						3	Register client4
  3993 //!						4	Client1 change resource state.
  3994 //!						5	Client2 change resource state.
  3995 //!						6	Client3 get resource state.
  3996 //!						7	Client4 get resource state.
  3997 //!						8	Client1 change resource state.
  3998 //!						9	Client2 get resource state.
  3999 //!						10	Deregister client2
  4000 //!						11	Deregister client1
  4001 //!						12	Deregister client3
  4002 //!						13	Deregister client4
  4003 //!
  4004 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults   0	Client registered
  4005 //!							  1	Client registered
  4006 //!							  2 Client registered
  4007 //!							  3	Client registered
  4008 //!							  4 Resource state changed
  4009 //!							  5	Resource state changed
  4010 //!							  6	Resource state read and compared for correctness
  4011 //!							  7 Resource state read and compared for correctness
  4012 //!							  8 Resource state changed
  4013 //!							  9 Resource state read and compared for correctness
  4014 //!							 10 Client2 deregistered
  4015 //!							 11 Client1 deregistered
  4016 //!							 12 Client3 deregistered
  4017 //!							 13 Client4	deregistered	
  4018 //! @SYMTestPriority		High
  4019 //! @SYMTestStatus		  Implemented
  4020 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4021 void TestRM::CustomResourceTesting(TUint aResId)
  4022 	{
  4023 	test.Printf(_L("Testing custom function\n"));
  4024 	TInt r = KErrNone;
  4025 	TRequestStatus req;
  4026 	TInt state;
  4027 	TInt newState;
  4028 	TInt levelOwnerId;
  4029 	TUint ClientId[4];
  4030 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId +1);
  4031 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[0], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  4032 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4033 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId +2);
  4034 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[1], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  4035 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4036 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId +3);
  4037 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[2], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  4038 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4039 	ClientName[6] = (TUint8)('0' + iMaxClientId +4);
  4040 	r = lddChan.RegisterClient(ClientId[3], (const TDesC*)&ClientName);
  4041 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4042 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  4043 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4044 	r = lddChan.RequestNotification(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  4045 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4046 	newState = 1;
  4047 	state = 1;
  4048 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(ClientId[2], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, state, req);
  4049 	User::WaitForRequest(req); //State 1
  4050 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  4051 	test(state == newState);
  4052 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4053 	r = lddChan.CheckNotifications(Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 2, 0);
  4054 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4055 	state = 0;
  4056 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, state, req);
  4057 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  4058 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  4059 	test(state == newState);
  4060 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, EFalse, state, levelOwnerId);
  4061 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4062 	test(state == 1);
  4063 	lddChan.ChangeResourceStateAsync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, state, req);
  4064 	User::WaitForRequest(req);
  4065 	test(req.Int() == KErrNone);
  4066 	test(state == newState);
  4067 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, state, levelOwnerId);
  4068 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4069 	test((TUint)levelOwnerId == ClientId[2]);
  4070 	r = lddChan.ChangeResourceStateSync(ClientId[2], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, 0);
  4071 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4072 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[0], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, EFalse, state, levelOwnerId);
  4073 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4074 	test(state == 1);
  4075 	test((TUint)levelOwnerId == ClientId[0]);
  4076 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[0]);
  4077 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4078 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(ClientId[1], Resources[aResId].iResourceId);
  4079 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4080 	r= lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[2]);
  4081 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4082 	r = lddChan.GetResourceStateSync(ClientId[3], Resources[aResId].iResourceId, ETrue, state, levelOwnerId);
  4083 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4084 	test(levelOwnerId == -1);
  4085 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[3]);
  4086 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4087 	r = lddChan.DeRegisterClient(ClientId[1]);
  4088 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4089 	return;
  4090 	}
  4092 //Resource manager operations are chosen randomly and tested for correctness. This is done only in 
  4093 //simulated resources. Currently this runs for 500 iteration.
  4094 //NOTE: Increasing the iteration to more than 500 may fail due to insufficient internal buffers.
  4095 void TestRM::RegressionTest()
  4096 	{
  4097 	TUint operation = 0;
  4098 	TUint resourceId;
  4099 	TUint count;
  4100 	NegativeTesting = 0;
  4101 	iMaxClientId = 0;
  4102 	iMaxStaticResources = 0;
  4103 	iMaxStaticDependentResources = 0;
  4104 	iMaxClients = 0;
  4105 	RmTest.RegisterClient();
  4106 	iCurrentClientId = -1;
  4107 	r = lddChan.GetResourceControllerVersion(Clients[0].iClientId, iTestingExtendedVersion);
  4108 	if(r != KErrNone)
  4109 		test.Printf(_L("Return value of GetResourceControllerVersion %d\n"), r);
  4110 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4111 	if(!iTestingExtendedVersion)
  4112 		test.Printf(_L("Testing Basic Version only...."));
  4113 	else
  4114 		test.Printf(_L("Testing basic & extended version...."));
  4115 	RmTest.GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(iCurrentClientId);
  4116 	RmTest.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(iCurrentClientId, iMaxStaticResources);
  4117    if(!(Resources[0].iName.Compare(*(const TDesC8*)&SpecialResName)))
  4118 		{
  4119 		TBuf8<32> PowerController = _L8("PowerController");
  4120 		r = lddChan.GetClientId(Clients[0].iClientId, (TDesC8&)PowerController, iPowerControllerId);
  4121 		test(r == KErrNone);
  4122 		}
  4123 	else
  4124 		{
  4125 		test.Printf(_L("Regression testing is run only on simulator"));
  4126 		return;
  4127 		}
  4129 	for(count = 0; count < 500; count++)
  4130 		{
  4131 		operation = Math::Random() % EOperationEnd;
  4132 		iCurrentClientId = Math::Random() % iMaxClients;
  4133 		resourceId = Math::Random() % iMaxStaticResources;
  4134 		if(operation != ERegisterClient)
  4135 			{
  4136 			if(Clients[iCurrentClientId].iClientId == 0) //Not a valid client
  4137 				continue;
  4138 			}
  4139 		if(Resources[resourceId].iSense == ECustom)
  4140 			continue;
  4141 		test.Printf(_L("\nOperation = %d, ClientId = %d, ResourceId = %d\n"), operation, iCurrentClientId, resourceId);
  4142 		switch (operation)
  4143 			{
  4144 			case  ERegisterClient:
  4145 				RmTest.RegisterClient();
  4146 				break;
  4147 			case EGetClientName:
  4148 				RmTest.GetClientName(iCurrentClientId);
  4149 				break;
  4150 			case EGetAllClientName:
  4151 				RmTest.GetClientName(0);
  4152 				break;
  4153 			case EGetClientId:
  4154 				RmTest.GetClientId(iCurrentClientId);
  4155 				break;
  4156 			case EGetResourceId:
  4157 				RmTest.GetResourceId(resourceId);
  4158 				break;
  4159 			case EGetResourceInfo:
  4160 				RmTest.GetResourceInfo(resourceId);
  4161 				break;
  4162 			case EGetNumReosourceInUseByClient:
  4163 				RmTest.GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(iCurrentClientId);
  4164 				break;
  4165 			case EGetInfoOnResourceInUseByClient:
  4166 				test.Printf(_L("NumResources = %d\n"), Clients[iCurrentClientId].iNumResources);
  4167 				RmTest.GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(iCurrentClientId, Clients[iCurrentClientId].iNumResources);
  4168 				break;
  4169 			case EGetNumClientsUsingResource:
  4170 				if(resourceId == 0)
  4171 					{
  4172 					RmTest.GetNumClientsUsingResource(iCurrentClientId, (TUint)-1);
  4173 					}
  4174 				else
  4175 					{
  4176 					RmTest.GetNumClientsUsingResource(iCurrentClientId, resourceId);
  4177 					}
  4178 				break;
  4179 			case EGetInfoOnClientsUsingResource:
  4180 				if(resourceId == 0)
  4181 					RmTest.GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource((TUint)-1, iMaxClients+1);
  4182 				else
  4183 					{
  4184 					test.Printf(_L("NumResources = %d\n"), Resources[resourceId].iNumClients);
  4185 					RmTest.GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(resourceId, Resources[resourceId].iNumClients);
  4186 					}
  4187 				break;
  4188 			case EChangeResourceStateSync:
  4189 				RmTest.ChangeResourceStateSync(resourceId);
  4190 				break;
  4191 			case EChangeResourceStateAsync:
  4192 				RmTest.ChangeResourceStateAsync(resourceId);
  4193 				break;
  4194 			case EGetResourceStateSync:
  4195 				RmTest.GetResourceStateSync(resourceId);
  4196 				break;
  4197 			case EGetResourceStateAsync:
  4198 				RmTest.GetResourceStateAsync(resourceId);
  4199 				break;
  4200 			case ERequestNotificationCond:
  4201 				RmTest.RequestNotificationCon(resourceId);
  4202 				break;
  4203 			case ERequestNotificationUnCond:
  4204 				RmTest.RequestNotification(resourceId);
  4205 				break;
  4206 			case ECancelNotificationCond:
  4207 				RmTest.CancelNotification(resourceId, ETrue);
  4208 				break;
  4209 			case ECancelNotificationUnCond:
  4210 				RmTest.CancelNotification(resourceId, EFalse);
  4211 				break;
  4212 		}
  4213 	}
  4214 	//CleanUp
  4215 	test.Printf(_L("Cleanup of all Clients\n"));
  4216 	TInt clientCount = Clients.Count();
  4217 	for(count = clientCount-1; ((TInt)count) >=0; count--)
  4218 		{
  4219 		if(Clients[count].iClientId == 0)
  4220 			continue;
  4221 		test.Printf(_L("ClientId deregistration of %d\n"), Clients[count].iClientId);
  4222 		RmTest.DeRegisterClient(count);
  4223 	   }
  4224 	Clients.Close();
  4225 	}
  4227 GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
  4228 	{
  4229 	test.Title();
  4230 	test.Start(_L("Testing Resource Manager...\n"));
  4231 	test.Next(_L("Load Physical device"));
  4233 	r = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KPddFileName);
  4234 	test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
  4235 	test.Next(_L("Load Logical Device"));
  4236 	r=User::LoadLogicalDevice(KLddFileName);
  4237 	test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
  4238 	__KHEAP_MARK; //Heap testing is done only for basic version
  4239 #else
  4240 	r = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KExtPddFileName);
  4241 	test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
  4242 	test.Next(_L("Load Logical Device"));
  4243 	r=User::LoadLogicalDevice(KExtLddFileName);
  4244 	test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
  4245 #endif
  4246 	r = lddChan.Open();
  4247 	test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
  4248 	//Check whether the notifications recieved as a result of postboot level setting is as expected.
  4249 	r = lddChan.CheckPostBootLevelNotifications();
  4250 	test(r == KErrNone);
  4251 	TBool regressionTesting = EFalse;
  4252 	//Parse the command line arguments.
  4253 	TBuf<0x50> cmd;
  4254 	User::CommandLine(cmd);
  4255 	TLex lex(cmd);
  4256 	lex.SkipSpace();
  4257 	if(lex.Get() == '-')
  4258 		{
  4259 		TChar letter = lex.Get();
  4260 		if((letter == 'R') || (letter == 'r'))
  4261 			regressionTesting = ETrue;
  4262 		}
  4263 	if(regressionTesting)
  4264 		RmTest.RegressionTest();
  4265 	else
  4266 		RmTest.APIValidationTest();
  4267 	test.Printf(_L("Closing the channel\n"));
  4268 	lddChan.Close();
  4269 	test.Printf(_L("Freeing logical device\n"));
  4271 	__KHEAP_MARKEND;
  4272 	r = User::FreeLogicalDevice(KLddFileName);
  4273 	test(r==KErrNone);
  4274 	r = User::FreePhysicalDevice(KPddFileName);
  4275 	test(r==KErrNone);
  4276 #else
  4277 	r = User::FreeLogicalDevice(KExtLddFileName);
  4278 	test(r==KErrNone);
  4279 	r = User::FreePhysicalDevice(KExtPddFileName);
  4280 	test(r==KErrNone);
  4281 #endif
  4282 	User::After(100000);
  4283 	test.End();
  4284 	test.Close();
  4285 	return KErrNone;
  4286 	}