changeset 0 a41df078684a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a41df078684a
     1 // Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "analyse.h"
    17 #include "trace.h"
    18 #include "nonxip.h"
    19 #include <memory.h>
    20 #include <string.h>
    22 #ifdef __MSVCDOTNET__
    23 #include <strstream>
    24 #include <fstream>
    25 #else //!__MSVCDOTNET__
    26 #include <strstrea.h>
    27 #include <fstream.h>
    28 #endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
    30 namespace {
    32 template <class T>
    33 class Map
    34 	{
    35 	enum {KInitialSize = 16};
    36 	typedef T* Entry;
    37 public:
    38 	Map();
    39 	T* Find(int aId) const;
    40 	int Add(T& aT);
    41 private:
    42 	static void Insert(Entry* aMap, int aSize, T& aT);
    43 	void Rehash();
    44 private:
    45 	Entry* iMap;
    46 	int iSize;
    47 	int iCount;
    48 	int iThreshold;
    49 	};
    51 template <class T>
    52 Map<T>::Map()
    53 	:iMap(0), iSize(0), iCount(0), iThreshold(0)
    54 	{}
    56 template <class T>
    57 T* Map<T>::Find(int aId) const
    58 	{
    59 	if (iSize == 0)
    60 		return 0;
    62 	unsigned hash = aId;
    63 	for (;;)
    64 		{
    65 		hash &= (iSize-1);
    66 		Entry x = iMap[hash];
    67 		if (x == 0)
    68 			return 0;
    69 		if (x->iId == aId)
    70 			return x;
    71 		if (x->iId < aId)
    72 			return 0;
    73 		++hash;
    74 		}
    75 	}
    77 template <class T>
    78 int Map<T>::Add(T& aT)
    79 	{
    80 	if (iCount == iThreshold)
    81 		Rehash();
    83 	Insert(iMap,iSize,aT);
    84 	return iCount++;
    85 	}
    87 template <class T>
    88 void Map<T>::Rehash()
    89 	{
    90 	if (iSize == 0)
    91 		{
    92 		iMap = new Entry[KInitialSize];
    93 		memset(iMap,0,KInitialSize*sizeof(Entry));
    94 		iSize = KInitialSize;
    95 		}
    96 	else
    97 		{
    98 		int size = iSize * 2;
    99 		Entry* map = new Entry[size];
   100 		memset(map,0,size*sizeof(Entry));
   101 		for (Entry* p = iMap + iSize; --p >= iMap; )
   102 			if (*p != 0)
   103 				Insert(map, size, **p);
   104 		delete [] iMap;
   105 		iMap = map;
   106 		iSize = size;
   107 		}
   108 	iThreshold = (iSize * 3) / 4;	// 75%
   109 	}
   111 template <class T>
   112 void Map<T>::Insert(typename Map<T>::Entry* aMap, int aSize, T& aT)
   113 	{
   114 	Entry e = &aT;
   115 	unsigned hash = aT.iId;
   116 	for (;;)
   117 		{
   118 		hash &= (aSize-1);
   119 		Entry x = aMap[hash];
   120 		if (x == 0)
   121 			{
   122 			aMap[hash] = e;
   123 			return;
   124 			}
   125 		if (x->iId < e->iId)
   126 			{
   127 			aMap[hash] = e;
   128 			e = x;
   129 			}
   130 		++hash;
   131 		}
   132 	}
   134 };	// local namespace
   136 class Decoder
   137 	{
   138 public:
   139 	enum {ELazyIndexThread = -1, EFilteredThread = -2, ENullThread = -3};
   140 	enum TValid {EOk, EBadFile, EBadVersion};
   141 public:
   142 	Decoder(const TraceData* aTrace, int aLength, unsigned aBeginSample, unsigned aEndSample);
   143 	TValid Validate();
   144 	void DecodeTrace(Sampler& aSampler, NonXIP* aNonXIP);
   145 private:
   146 	int DecodeInt();
   147 	unsigned DecodeUint();
   148 	char* DecodeName();
   149 	const Process* DecodeProcess();
   150 	Thread* DecodeThread();
   151 private:
   152 	unsigned iBegin;
   153 	unsigned iEnd;
   154 	const TraceData* iTrace;
   155 	const TraceData* iLimit;
   156 	Map<Process> iProcesses;
   157 	Map<Thread> iThreads;
   158 public:
   159 	unsigned iSamples;
   160 	unsigned iActive;
   161 	};
   163 Decoder::Decoder(const TraceData* aTrace, int aLength, unsigned aBeginSample, unsigned aEndSample)
   164 	:iBegin(aBeginSample), iEnd(aEndSample),
   165 	iTrace(aTrace), iLimit(aTrace + aLength),
   166 	iSamples(0), iActive(0)
   167 	{}
   169 int Decoder::DecodeInt()
   170 	{
   171 	int val = 0;
   172 	int shift = 0;
   173 	unsigned byte;
   174 	do
   175 		{
   176 		byte = *iTrace++;
   177 		val |= (byte & 0x7f) << shift;
   178 		shift += 7;
   179 		} while ((byte & 0x80) == 0);
   180 	if (shift < 32)
   181 		{	// sign extend
   182 		shift = 32 - shift;
   183 		val = val << shift >> shift;
   184 		}
   185 	return val;
   186 	}
   188 unsigned Decoder::DecodeUint()
   189 	{
   190 	unsigned val = 0;
   191 	int shift = 0;
   192 	unsigned byte;
   193 	do
   194 		{
   195 		byte = *iTrace++;
   196 		val |= (byte & 0x7f) << shift;
   197 		shift += 7;
   198 		} while ((byte & 0x80) == 0);
   199 	return val;
   200 	}
   202 char* Decoder::DecodeName()
   203 	{
   204 	int len = *iTrace++;
   205 	char* name = new char[len+1];
   206 	memcpy(name, iTrace, len);
   207 	name[len] = '\0';
   208 	iTrace += len;
   209 	return name;
   210 	}
   212 const Process* Decoder::DecodeProcess()
   213 	{
   214 	int pid = DecodeUint();
   215 	const Process* p = iProcesses.Find(pid);
   216 	if (p)
   217 		return p;
   219 	Process* np = new Process;
   220 	np->iId = pid;
   221 	np->iName = DecodeName();
   222 	iProcesses.Add(*np);
   223 	return np;
   224 	}
   226 Thread* Decoder::DecodeThread()
   227 	{
   228 	int tid = DecodeUint();
   229 	Thread* t = iThreads.Find(tid);
   230 	if (t)
   231 		return t;
   233 	const Process* p = DecodeProcess();
   234 	char* name = DecodeName();
   235 	Thread* nt = new Thread;
   236 	nt->iId = tid;
   237 	nt->iName = name;
   238 	nt->iProcess = p;
   239 	iThreads.Add(*nt);
   240 	if (!Analyse::Option(Analyse::ENull) && stricmp(name,"NULL") == 0)
   241 		{
   242 		nt->iIndex = ENullThread;
   243 		return nt;
   244 		}
   245 	else
   246 		{
   247 		strstream s;
   248 		s << p->iName << "::" << name << '\0';
   249 		if (Analyse::Match(s.str(), Analyse::sThread))
   250 			nt->iIndex = ELazyIndexThread;
   251 		else
   252 			nt->iIndex = EFilteredThread;
   253 		}
   254 	return nt;
   255 	}
   257 Decoder::TValid Decoder::Validate()
   258 //
   259 // Check the trace header
   260 //
   261 	{
   262 	char* tag = DecodeName();
   263 	int check = strcmp(tag, "profile");
   264 	delete [] tag;
   265 	if (check != 0)
   266 		return EBadFile;
   267 	int ver = DecodeUint();
   268 	if (ver != MajorVersion)
   269 		return EBadVersion;
   270 	return EOk;
   271 	}
   273 void Decoder::DecodeTrace(Sampler& aSampler, NonXIP* aNonXIP)
   274 	{
   275 	PC pc = 0;
   276 	Thread* thread = 0;
   277 	int sample = 0;
   278 	int threadIndexer = 0;
   279 	while (iTrace < iLimit && sample < iEnd)
   280 		{
   281 		int count = 1;
   282 		int diff = DecodeInt();
   283 		if (diff & 1)
   284 			{
   285 			diff &= ~1;
   286 			thread = DecodeThread();
   287 			}
   288 		else if (diff == 0)
   289 			{
   290 			unsigned int next = DecodeUint();
   291 			if (next != 0) 
   292 				count = next;
   293 			else	// non-XIP
   294 				{
   295 				next = DecodeUint();
   296 				if (next == 0) // footer
   297 					{
   298 					aNonXIP->iRowBufferErrors = DecodeUint();
   299 					aNonXIP->iCookBufferErrors = DecodeUint();
   300 					aNonXIP->iReportMask = DecodeUint();
   301 					}
   302 				else if (next & 1) // segment deletion
   303 					{
   304 					PC address = next & ~1;
   305 					aNonXIP->DeleteSegment(address);
   306 					}
   307 				else	// segment creation
   308 					{
   309 					PC address = next;
   310 					PC seg_size = DecodeUint();
   311 					char * seg_name = DecodeName();
   312 					aNonXIP->AddSegment(address, seg_size, seg_name + 3);
   313 					}
   314 				continue;
   315 				}
   316 			}
   317 		pc += diff;
   318 		while (--count >= 0)
   319 			{
   320 			if (sample >= iBegin)
   321 				{
   322 				++iSamples;
   323 				if (thread->iIndex != ENullThread)
   324 					++iActive;
   325 				if (thread->iIndex >= ELazyIndexThread)
   326 					{
   327 					if (thread->iIndex == ELazyIndexThread)
   328 						thread->iIndex = threadIndexer++;
   329 					aSampler.Sample(sample, *thread, pc);
   330 					}
   331 				}
   332 			if (++sample >= iEnd)
   333 				break;
   334 			}
   335 		}
   336 	}
   338 Trace::Trace()
   339 	:iTrace(0), iLength(0), iDecoder(0)
   340 	{}
   342 Trace::~Trace()
   343 	{
   344 	delete [] iTrace;
   345 	delete iDecoder;
   346 	}
   348 void Trace::Load(const char* aTraceFile, unsigned aBegin, unsigned aEnd)
   349 	{
   350 	ifstream file;
   351 #ifdef __MSVCDOTNET__
   352, ios::binary);
   353 #else //!__MSVCDOTNET__
   354, ios::nocreate | ios::binary);
   355 #endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
   356 	if (!file)
   357 		{
   358 		cerr << "Unable to open trace file '" << aTraceFile << '\'' << endl;
   359 		Analyse::Abort();
   360 		}
   361 //
   362 	file.seekg(0, ios::end);
   363 	iLength = file.tellg();
   364 //
   365 	iTrace = new TraceData[iLength];
   366 	file.seekg(0, ios::beg);
   367<char *>(iTrace), iLength);
   368 //
   369 	file.close();
   370 //
   371 	iDecoder = new Decoder(iTrace, iLength, aBegin, aEnd);
   372 	switch (iDecoder->Validate())
   373 		{
   374 	case Decoder::EOk:
   375 		break;
   376 	case Decoder::EBadFile:
   377 		cerr << "'" << aTraceFile << "' is not a valid trace file" << endl;
   378 		Analyse::Abort();
   379 		break;
   380 	case Decoder::EBadVersion:
   381 		Analyse::Abort("Trace file version not supported");
   382 		break;
   383 		}
   384 	}
   386 void Trace::Decode(Sampler& aSampler, NonXIP* aNonXIP)
   387 	{
   388 	iDecoder->DecodeTrace(aSampler, aNonXIP);
   389 	aSampler.Complete(iDecoder->iSamples, iDecoder->iActive);
   390 	}