1 Version 2.00.1137 |
2 ================= |
3 (Made by Vino Jose 14/08/2009) |
4 |
5 1. OliverStuart |
6 1. MINOR_CHANGE [System Build]: Missing distribution.polocy.s60 files |
7 |
8 Version 2.00.1136 |
9 ================= |
10 (Made by Vino Jose 07/08/2009) |
11 |
12 |
13 1. OliverStuart |
14 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF141411: [BFC]: Warnings in BFC build "SYSTEMINCLUDE path not found" |
15 |
16 Version 2.00.1135 |
17 ================= |
18 (Made by Vino Jose 05/08/2009) |
19 |
20 |
21 1. OliverStuart |
22 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF141390: [System Build]: SBS Errors "source of export not found" in GT stage |
23 |
24 Version 2.00.1134 |
25 ================= |
26 (Made by Vino Jose 03/08/2009) |
27 |
28 |
29 1. SaravanaAttiyappagounder |
30 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF140935: UID(3) allocation for Setcap.exe |
31 |
32 |
33 Version 2.00.1133 |
34 ================= |
35 (Made by Vino Jose 14/07/2009) |
36 |
37 1. NeilClifford |
38 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF140960: WDP Image fails with BOOTFAULT: 594d555d @ line 234 while booting |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 Version 2.00.1132 |
44 ================= |
45 (Made by Vino Jose 10/07/2009) |
46 |
47 1. ChrisN |
48 1. MILESTONE: SymTB9.2, GT0419, MS3.36, DS.1815 PREQ2621 System Architecture Relocating header files - K&HS support |
49 |
50 Version 2.00.1131 |
51 ================= |
52 (Made by VincentF 26/06/2009) |
53 |
54 1 HenryGrant |
55 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF137080: BFC failed due to missing rebootdrv.h |
56 |
57 2. OliverStuart |
58 1. MINOR CHANGE: CR1970: Adding missing S60 distribution files and correcting IDs. |
59 2. MINOR CHANGE: CR1994: Updating incorrect copyright headers. |
60 |
61 Version 2.00.1130 |
62 ================= |
63 (Made by indrajeetsingh 27/11/2008) |
64 |
65 1 JenniferH |
66 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF130431: NAND core loader has unguarded print statements |
67 2. OliverStuart |
68 1. MINOR CHANGE: CR1970: Setting correct IDs on S60 distribution policy files. |
69 2. MINOR CHANGE: CR1994: Replacing Symbian copyright notices with SF notices. |
70 |
71 Version 2.00.1129 |
72 ================= |
73 (Made by DaveGordon 12/11/2008) |
74 |
75 1. DmitryL |
76 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF129769 usbmsapp doesn't respect the original filesystem mounted on the drive |
77 |
78 |
79 Version 2.00.1128 |
80 ================= |
81 (Made by DeleOgunjumelo 06/10/2008) |
82 |
83 1. bhaskarreddy |
84 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF128359: usb bootloader hangs when given a delay |
85 |
86 |
87 Version 2.00.1127 |
88 ================= |
89 (Made by indrajeetsingh 26/08/2008) |
90 |
91 1. RichardCo |
92 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF126617: btrace will kern-exec 0 when dumping over serial |
93 |
94 |
95 Version 2.00.1126 |
96 ================= |
97 (Made by VincentF 19/08/2008) |
98 |
99 1. VincentF |
100 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF126482: distribution.policy mismatchs with ipr in base_e32utils |
101 |
102 |
103 Version 2.00.1125 |
104 ================= |
105 (Made by ReubenH 12/05/2008) |
106 |
107 1. LukaszF |
108 1. DEFECT FIX: PDEF122307 : d_exc logs gets deleted on UIQ devices |
109 |
110 |
111 Version 2.00.1124 |
112 ================= |
113 (Made by LukaszF 09/05/2008) |
114 |
115 1. AttilaV |
116 1. PDEF114174: nandloader not able to flash rofs beyond ~30MByte offset |
117 |
118 2. SebOlney |
119 1. DEFECT FIX: PDEF122134: Crashread fails to read large crashlogs |
120 |
121 |
122 Version 2.00.1123 |
123 ================= |
124 (Made by DmitryL 28/04/2008) |
125 1. JohnS |
126 1. DEF120466: make_ecc_512(address_t pEccbuf, address_t pDatabuf) requires copyright banner |
127 |
128 |
129 Version 2.00.1122 |
130 ================= |
131 (Made by JohnS 20/03/2008) |
132 3. JohnS |
133 1. MILESTONE: Sphinx, GT0339, MS3.1.2 DS607 PREQ 1115: Peripherals : Support FAT on <90nm flash devices (part 2) |
134 2. MILESTONE: Sphinx, GT0339, MS3.1.3 DS605 PREQ 1115: Peripherals : Support FAT on <90nm flash devices (part 3) |
135 |
136 |
137 Version 2.00.1121 |
138 ================= |
139 (Made by DmitryL 16/01/2008) |
140 |
141 1. LukaszF |
142 1. CHANGE REQUEST: Development CR: BBRE-79KLJQ, GT0339 Base Meteora, Peripherals: Upgrade netcards.exe to support WiFi |
143 |
144 |
145 Version 2.00.1120 |
146 ================= |
147 (Made by fabiangortz 11/01/2008) |
148 |
149 1. MarkTa |
150 1. MINOR CHANGE: Fix typo in nandloader debug output. |
151 |
152 |
153 Version 2.00.1119 |
154 ================= |
155 (Made by RichardCo 30/11/2007) |
156 |
157 1. NicholasC |
158 1. DEF114775: RestoreMount does not clear fatUnmountList in usbmsapp |
159 |
160 Version 2.00.1118 |
161 ================= |
162 (Made by MarkTa 26/09/2007) |
163 |
164 1. MarkTa |
165 1. MILESTONE: Naiad, GT0302, MS3.5.2 DS503 PREQ308 - Defragment physical RAM. |
166 Modify the btrace tool to handle fast mutex tracing. |
167 |
168 2. MichaelP |
169 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF112166: Base's USBMSAPP doesn't delete Remote-Wakeup capability from USB Configuration |
170 Base's USBMSAPP now deletes Remote-Wakeup capability from the USB Configuration descriptor |
171 so that the USB Mass Storage device can also easily be used for Chapter9 testing. |
172 |
173 |
174 Version 2.00.1117 |
175 ================= |
176 (Made by DmitryL, 11/09/2007) |
177 |
178 1. MichaelP |
179 1. MINOR_CHANGE: Deleted file /e32utils/testusbcldd/inc/d32testusbc.inl since |
180 it was not used anywhere. |
181 |
182 |
183 Version 2.00.1116 |
184 ================= |
185 (Made by ReubenH, 29/08/2007) |
186 |
187 1. JonCo |
188 MINOR_CHANGE: btrace analyser now skips junk one byte at a time, and also understands EPaging traces |
189 |
190 Version 2.00.1115 |
191 ================= |
192 (Made by JonCo, 15/08/2007) |
193 |
194 1. JonM |
195 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF110290: Various BTrace bugs Various BTrace defect fixes |
196 |
197 2. NickC |
198 1. DEFECT FIX: PDEF110325: Mass Storage volume spontaneously remounts on Mac OS X and ubuntu |
199 |
200 |
201 Version 2.00.1114 |
202 ================= |
203 (Made by ParameshwariB, 24/07/2007) |
204 1. Yogesh Chauhan |
205 1. DEFECT FIX: PDEF109480: Analyser does not parse symbol file correctly. |
206 |
207 Version 2.00.1113 |
208 ================= |
209 (Made by JohnS, 17/07/2007) |
210 |
211 1. lukaszforynski |
212 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF109580 Documentation: ROFS identified as XIP. |
213 |
214 |
215 Version 2.00.1112 |
216 ================= |
217 (Made by JonCo, 26/06/2007) |
218 |
219 1. ChrisN |
220 1. DEFECT FIX: PDEF108114 S60 3.2 emulator: netcard.exe crashing when enabling LAN connection (platform_tc |
221 |
222 Version 2.00.1111 |
223 ================= |
224 (Made by DjordjeK, 17/01/2007) |
225 |
226 1. NicholasC |
227 1. DEF099681: USB mass storage changes have broken ubootldr mass storage support |
228 |
229 Version 2.00.1110 |
230 ================= |
231 (Made by OlegI, 18/12/2006) |
232 |
233 1. NicholasC |
234 1. PDEF098443: accessing MMC panics when accessed after usbmsapp/MAC connection |
235 2. PDEF098510: USB Disconnect is not handled properly in usbmsapp |
236 |
237 Version 2.00.1109 |
238 ================= |
239 (Made by MichaelMo, 04/12/2006) |
240 |
241 1. RichardCo |
242 1. DEFECT FIX: PDEF098447: SSR Nandloader - need to initialise partitions to 5 to get Crash Log to work |
243 Make the nandloader determine the extension FBR size correctly. |
244 |
245 |
246 Version 2.00.1108 |
247 ================= |
248 (Made by JonCo, 10/11/2006) |
249 |
250 1. JohnS |
251 1. DEFECT FIX: PDEF095962: DP: nandloader does not flash image files automatically |
252 Enhancement implements building of nandloader rom that will automatically flash |
253 NAND in a way that is of general use for demand paging testing. |
254 2. MarkTa |
255 1. DEFECT FIX: PDEF097317 Sampler.ldd will fault the kernel if its client dies |
256 Stop sampler device driver panicing supervisor thread when it cleans up sampler up |
257 2. DEFECT FIX: PDEF097642: null thread systematically included in sampling profiler output |
258 Make string comparison for NULL thread case insensitive |
259 |
260 |
261 Version 2.00.1107 |
262 ================= |
263 (Made by AndrewHi, 16/10/2006) |
264 |
265 1. MarkTa |
266 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF096234: printstk.pl mis-reads ARM MAP files |
267 Make script interpret size in rvct map files as decimal not hex |
268 |
269 |
270 Version 2.00.1106 |
271 ================= |
272 (Made by StefanW, 11/07/2006) |
273 |
274 1. StefanW |
275 1. MILESTONE: Bravo GT0236, MS3.20.1 DS317 PREQ1389 CR0795 Support for >2G SD part 1 |
276 Updated MMCTEST and D_MMCIF to support >2G SD cards |
277 Updated T_SDPARTITION for SD2.0 filesystem compliance testing |
278 |
279 Version 2.00.1105 |
280 ================= |
281 (Made by DmitryL, 07/04/2006) |
282 |
283 1. OlegI |
284 1. MILESTONE: Argus GT0286, MS3.5.4 PREQ1030 Kernel support for device driver test suites |
285 This completes all of the preconditions checks planned for this PREQ. |
286 |
287 Version 2.00.1104 |
288 ================= |
289 (Made by AndreasP, 20/03/2006) |
290 |
291 1. AndreasP |
292 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF081194: Nandloader should autodetect NAND ROFS drive |
293 Nandloader now obtains information from all drives numbered within the range of 0 and KMaxDrives. |
294 The first drive that is of type KPartitionTypeRofs is the first usable ROFS drive which we are interested in. |
295 If such a drive is not found then Nandloader uses testgui::KDefaultDrive (7) as before. In both cases though |
296 that value gets overwritten if the -d option has been used to specify a drive number for the NAND area. |
297 |
298 Version 2.00.1105 |
299 ================= |
300 (Made by JonathanM, 04/01/2006) |
301 |
302 1. DjordjeK |
303 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF074427: Profiler does not recognize iDFCs |
304 Sampler's callback routine (DProfile::Sample runs in interrupt content) samples the program counter by |
305 reading the first entry in the interrupt stack - at it is the next address to be executed (in either supervisor |
306 or user mode) after the interrupt is completed. It then assigns that value to the current thread (obtained |
307 by NKern::CurrentThread()). |
308 However, when iDFC is running, the current thread in Scheduler is not updated (nor somehow marked that there is |
309 no current thread). As the consequence, each sample that comes from iDFC is assigned to the last thread running |
310 before iDFC has started. |
311 With this fix, Profiler will recognize iDFCs, and assign value -1 as threadID for such samples and text |
312 string "Running in iDFC" for thread name. It will also assign the sample to an 'artificial process' with ID -1 |
313 and set "N/A" for process name. |
314 2. DEFECT FIX: DEF075212: Profiler doesn't work with JAVA VM supporting Jazelle (MCL) |
315 Profiler tool panics if an odd program counter is sampled (Jazelle code). |
316 This fix clears LSB in the sample ensuring that profiler is OK. |
317 As the consequence, the sample of Jazelle code from odd address will be reported as |
318 the Jazelle instruction from the previous even address. |
319 |
320 |
321 Version 2.00.1104 |
322 ================= |
323 (Made by AttilaV, 12/12/2005) |
324 |
325 1. OlegI |
326 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF072990: CoreOs address not read from FBR in nandloader |
327 Added SectionData[CoreOSImage].iStart =aFBRRecord.Start(); to CSectionData::UpdateSectionDataFromFBR() |
328 for setting the start of the CoreOS image in the case of presence of AltCoreOS |
329 |
330 |
331 Version 2.00.1103 |
332 ================= |
333 (Made by MichaelP, 15/11/2005) |
334 |
335 1. AndrewHi |
336 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF072105: Missing the header files "nanddefs.h and var_reboot_module.h" in Epoc |
337 Added export of nanddefs.h |
338 |
339 |
340 Version 2.00.1102 |
341 ================= |
342 (Made by DmitryL, 31/10/2005) |
343 |
344 1. AndreasP |
345 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF070250: NAND Loader message is misleading. |
346 CNandLoaderGui::ProcessKeyPress( ) has been modified to inform the user when the platform doesn't support Miniboot. |
347 |
348 2. JonCo |
349 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF072344: Profiler.exe raises a PlatSec warning |
350 |
351 Version 2.00.1101 |
352 ================= |
353 (Made by JenniferH, 11/10/2005) |
354 |
355 1. JonathanM |
356 1. MINOR_CHANGE: Fix test utility REBOOTDRV so that CPU state is cleaner after reboot |
357 |
358 2. YingS |
359 1. DEF067961 USB CF - Mass Storage Class interface (Reported by USB CF) |
360 |
361 |
362 Version 2.00.1100 |
363 ================= |
364 (Made by AndreasP, 14/09/2005) |
365 |
366 |
367 Patch to Version 2.00.1007 |
368 ================= |
369 (Made by RobertJ, 05/08/2005) |
370 |
371 1. RobertJ |
372 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF067024: [system build] GT, CBR (missing files) and ROM building errors in MCL |
373 Added source files to the listing in mrp file |
374 |
375 Version 2.00.1007 |
376 ================= |
377 (Made by MaximK, 05/08/2005) |
378 |
379 1. AnatolyP |
380 1. DEFECT FIX: INC064563: Printstk.pl needs to be updated to handle RVCT map files |
381 Support of RVCT-generated map-files added. |
382 Because of insufficient documentation the \e32toolp\maksym\maksym.pl was used as a template for this modification. |
383 Parsing of GCC-generated map-files is slightly modified to make it consistent with maksym.pl that performes the same parsing. |
384 |
385 |
386 Version 2.00.1006 |
387 ================= |
388 (Made by DjordjeK, 05/07/2005) |
389 |
390 1. MichaelMo |
391 1. MINOR CHANGE: Fix H2 USB bootloader so that it works under Mac OS X |
392 2. MINOR CHANGE: Refactor USB Sample Application / Bootloader code to support building both bootloader executable and sample application |
393 |
394 |
395 Version 2.00.1005 |
396 ================= |
397 (Made by AndrewHi, 23/06/2005) |
398 |
399 1. StefanW |
400 1. MINOR CHANGE: Modified BLD.INF to include MMC tests (T_MMCIF.EXE and D_MMCIF.LDD) |
401 and removed an 'unreachable code' build warning from D_MMCIF. |
402 |
403 Version 2.00.1004 |
404 ================= |
405 (Made by CarlosF, 06/06/2005) |
406 |
407 1. OlegI & DjordjeK |
408 1. GT0236 MS3.6: CHANGE REQUEST ALAF-68YJKY - System, GT0236 Base, Aid NAND flash/ROFS based platform |
409 performance by making the Sampling Profiler ROFS aware. (development CR) |
410 - Analyser tool upgraded to support NonXIP images. |
411 - Profiler tool now collects DCodeSeg create/delete events. |
412 - Kernel has to be built with __DEBUGGER_SUPPORT__ option to fully support profiling of non-XIP code. |
413 |
414 2. JonCo |
415 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF062081: [Mike IPR] Distribution.policy files not in compliance with 9.1 CKL |
416 |
417 Version 2.00.1003 |
418 ================= |
419 (Made by MiguelB, 03/05/2005) |
420 |
421 1. JonCo |
422 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF060454: [Mike IPR] Distribution.policy files not in compliance with 9.1 CKL |
423 |
424 |
425 Version 2.00.1002 |
426 ================ |
427 (Made by AndrewHi, 09/03/2005) |
428 |
429 1) AndrewHi |
430 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF056779 [System Build] IPR error in 03510 |
431 2. DEFECT FIX: DEF056775 Base build errors in Build From Clean |
432 |
433 Version 2.00.1001 |
434 ================ |
435 (Made by AndrewHi, 08/03/2005) |
436 |
437 1) AndrewHi |
438 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF056688 - [System Build] CBR Errors in build 03508 - The multiple MRPs owning the same files |
439 2. DEFECT FIX: DEF056698 - [System Build] CBR error in 03509 - base_nandboot_unistore2 - The MRP base_nandboot_unistore2 does not own itself and hence gets deleted |
440 |
441 Version 2.00.1000 |
442 ================ |
443 (Made by MichaelMo, 04/03/2005) |
444 |
445 1) AndrewHi |
446 1. MILESTONE: Mike,GT0223,MS3.5.1 NAND Unistore II (XSR) submission (Phase 1) |
447 |
448 Version 2.00.518 |
449 ================ |
450 (Made by DjordjeK, 21/02/2005) |
451 |
452 1) DavidM |
453 1. CR: RFID-66EMED - Add more trace flag fields to ROM header and increase the size of the |
454 boot ROM header. Originally there were 32 kernel trace bits, there are now 256. |
455 The trace bits are now referred to via a bit number instead of a bit-mask. |
456 2. INTERFACE CHANGE: Break Request 1322 was approved with confirmation |
457 numbers: BR1322.1, BR1322.2 & BR1322.3. |
458 |
459 2) TonyM |
460 1. MINOR CHANGE: |
461 Some improvements to the USB MS Boot loader app. Make more code variant configurable. |
462 |
463 3) AndrewHi |
464 1. DEFECT FIX: DEF0046963 - Crashlogger isn't sufficiently configurable |
465 |
466 Version 2.00.517 |
467 ================ |
468 (Made by CarlosF, 15/02/2005) |
469 |
470 1) WilliamRo |
471 1) DEF055029 - Can't distinguish between EKA1 and EKA2 versions of NandLoader.exe |
472 |
473 Version 2.00.516 |
474 ================ |
475 (Made by JonathanM, 18/01/2005) |
476 |
477 1) MichaelMo |
478 1) DEFECT FIX: DEF052236 - netcards.exe not in epoc32\tools |
479 |
480 Version 2.00.515 |
481 ================ |
482 (Made by DjordjeK, 08/12/2004) |
483 |
484 1) JonathanM |
485 1) DEFECT FIX: DEF052516 - [System Build] GT Base errors found in build 03434 |
486 This reverts defect fix DEF052236 - netcards.exe not in epoc32\tools |
487 |
488 |
489 Version 2.00.514 |
490 ================ |
491 (Made by KamranN, 06/12/2004) |
492 |
493 2) IanivS |
494 1) Fixed DEF051807 - Memory leak in USB test LDD (testusbc.ldd) |
495 |
496 Version 2.00.513 |
497 ================ |
498 (Made by StefanW, 19/11/2004) |
499 |
500 1) StefanW |
501 1) PREQ544:USB Mass Storage - Added test USB LDD for USB simulation testing. |
502 |
503 Version 2.00.512 |
504 ================ |
505 (Made by DjordjeK, 16/11/2004) |
506 |
507 1) DjordjeK |
508 1) Added capability in crashread.mmp file |
509 |
510 Version 2.00.511 |
511 ================ |
512 (Made by JonathanM, 26/07/2004) |
513 |
514 1) JonathanM |
515 1) Expanded SETCAP.EXE to allow Secure or Vendor IDs to be modified. |
516 |
517 Version 2.00.510 |
518 ================ |
519 (Made by AndrewH, 06/07/2004) |
520 |
521 1) CarlosF |
522 1) Fix defect DEF045188 - Number of blocks in a nand device is assumed to be 2048 |
523 |
524 Version 2.00.509 |
525 ================ |
526 (Made by JonathanM, 26/05/2004) |
527 |
528 1) CiprianM |
529 1) Fixed DEF041607 - Sampling profiler crashing after 5+ min on Lubbock board |
530 with watchers running. Updated profiler.rtf to reflect these changes and |
531 to make people aware of some limitations of the profiler. |
532 |
533 Version 2.00.508 |
534 ================ |
535 (Made by CarlosF, 14/04/2004) |
536 |
537 1) JonathanM |
538 1) Fixed defect DEF044235 - printstk.pl problems with Perl v5.6.1 in 7.0s |
539 |
540 Version 2.00.507 |
541 ================ |
542 (Made by AndrewJ, 13/02/2004) |
543 |
544 1. JonathanM |
545 1. Fix for defect DEF041507 - Sampling Profiler Not Working on Cedar |
546 (this fix is a documentation update only.) |
547 |
548 2. StephanGu |
549 1. Implemented CLCT-5VEK4P - "Binary search in ROFS |
550 together with 'expanding ROFS entries with UIDs'". |
551 Changed Rofsbuild to provide a sorted array of offsets |
552 in order to allow the file system to perform binary search |
553 through the image. Also expended the TRofsEntry structure |
554 to include a copy of the file UID data. |
555 |
556 Added Winsnandgen utility to facilitate easy construction |
557 of emulated Nand media file for Wins. |
558 |
559 |
560 Version 2.00.506 |
561 ================ |
562 (Made by StephanGu, 13/11/2003) |
563 |
564 1. CarlosF |
565 1. Added support for NAND flash as per PREQ12 (REQ1752) NandFlash on EKA2. |
566 Added Nandloader code, modified NandFlash Media Driver and Generic side |
567 of RebootDrv. |
568 |
569 |
570 Version 2.00.505 |
571 ================ |
572 (Made by JonathanM, 05/08/2003) |
573 |
574 1. Nicolas |
575 1. Propagated fix for DEF032889 - printsym.pl is very slow and can't read |
576 kernel crash debugger memory dumps. |
577 2. Propagated fix for DEF029536 - e32utils cannot build reprob.img with |
578 RVCT. Building of reprob.img and reproc.img was already disabled in |
579 Cedar, but now the binaries are stored in p4 and exported by "abld |
580 export" |
581 |
582 Version 2.00.504 |
583 ================ |
584 (Made by JonathanM, 19/05/2003) |
585 |
586 0. JonathanM and ChrisM |
587 1. Changes resulting from making E32 compatible with with |
588 Symbian OS version 7.0 |
589 |
590 1. Nicolas |
591 1. Changed d_exc/minkda to support DKernelEventHandler. |
592 2. Fixed d_exc/minkda which was broken when kernel-side unicode |
593 support was removed. |
594 3. Fixed lifetime bug in minkda: event handler was unconditionally |
595 checking if the current thread is d_exc which is incorrect as |
596 the d_exc thread may be closed before the event handler. |
597 4. Updated printsym.pl and printstk.pl so they work with the new |
598 memory map (ROM base moved to 0xF8000000). |
599 |
600 Version 2.00.503 |
601 ================ |
602 (Made by JonathanM, 14/02/2003) |
603 |
604 1. JonathanM |
605 1. Changed SETCAP.EXE so that it can only grant capabilities which it has itself. |
606 |
607 |
608 Version 2.00.502 |
609 ================ |
610 (Made by JonathanM, 20/09/2002) |
611 |
612 1. Dennis |
613 1. Split all ARM inline assembler into separate .cia files. |
614 2. JonathanM |
615 1. Add SETCAP.EXE: Makes a copy of an exe file and gives it the specified capabilities |
616 |
617 Command line syntax: |
618 |
619 SETCAP source_exe capability destination_path |
620 |
621 source_exe Name of an exe file ( default path z:\system\bin\ ) |
622 capability Hex value for capabilities |
623 destination_path Name and path to copy the exe to ( defaults to c:\system\bin\ ) |
624 |
625 Notes |
626 |
627 1. If the source EXE is in ROM it must the a RAM executable image. I.e. its entry in |
628 an OBY file must start with "data=" and not "file=". To ensure this happens by |
629 using an MMP file use something like: |
630 |
631 ROMTARGET // Empty ROM path means don't include normal execute-in-place file |
632 RAMTARGET \system\bin\ // Target path (in ROM) for RAM executable image |
633 |
634 2. The Symbian OS only allows one binary file with a given name; (the name doesn't |
635 include file path or extention). This means that if you use SETCAP to make a |
636 copy of a binary which is already loaded then the copy will not get loaded when |
637 you come to use it; the already loaded version will be used instead. To avoid this, |
638 use SETCAP to give the copy a different name. E.g. "SETCAP test.exe 1234 test2.exe" |
639 |
640 |
641 Version 2.00.501 |
642 ================ |
643 (Made by Dennis, 16/08/2002) |
644 |
645 1) Nicolas |
646 1) Added MINKDA.LDD, an example of kernel-side debug |
647 agent providing minimal support for debugging. |
648 2) Introduced new version of D_EXC, the EKA1 tool used to |
649 trap user-side exceptions and panics. This version |
650 uses MINKDA. By default, it is compatible with the |
651 EKA1 version but has additional features, the main one |
652 being the ability to dump crash information to a |
653 serial port instead of a file. Some documentation is |
654 in being written but not completed yet. In the |
655 meantime, please look at the usage comment at the top |
656 of D_EXC.CPP. |
657 3) Updated printstk.pl for new D_EXC. Its limitations are: |
658 a) Map files must be in the directory from which |
659 printstk is started. Failing that, no symbols are |
660 displayed for non XIP binaries. |
661 b) It does not deal with kernel-side exceptions as |
662 d_exc does not (yet?) dump supervisor stacks. |
663 |
664 Version 2.00.500 |
665 ================ |
666 (Made by AndrewT, 23/05/2002) |
667 |
668 First release of EKA2 into Symbian OS mainline. |
669 |
670 |
671 Version 1.01.134 |
672 ================ |
673 (Made by ChrisM, 06/03/2002) |
674 |
675 1) PeterS |
676 1) Enabled the CF/ATA approval test program APPRVATA on SA1100 platforms. |
677 |
678 Version 1.01.133 |
679 ================ |
680 (Made by RobertJ, 11/02/2002) |
681 |
682 1) MarkCa |
683 1) Updated MMCTEST / D_MMCIF to get CSD value. |
684 |
685 Version 1.01.132 |
686 ================ |
687 (Made by MarkCa, 15/01/2002) |
688 |
689 1) Pete |
690 1) Re-enabled the buidling of D_PCCDIF.LDD for WINS. |
691 2) Modified D_PCCDIF.MMP and D_MMCIF.MMP for new EPBUS?.LIB. |
692 3) Modifications to PCTEST and MMCTEST so that it supports 4 rather |
693 than only 2 sockets and no longer crashes on start-up if socket 0 |
694 isn't a PC Card socket. |
695 4) Changes to D_PCCDIF.LDD and D_MMCIF.LDD corresponding to the kernel |
696 changes to support multiple Peripheral Bus Controllers. |
697 |
698 Version 1.01.131 |
699 ================ |
700 (Made by Dennis, 26/10/2001) |
701 |
702 1) MarkCa |
703 1) Added kernel\ASSP to SYSTEMINCLUDE for D_MMCIF so P32MMC.H can be |
704 configured from MMC_CFG.H. See \e32\release.txt. |
705 |
706 2) Pete |
707 Migrated the fixes for the following 6.1 defect: |
708 1) Fixed PAS-4WRMQS "Requeing a read() after PowerOn Panics the Driver/Kernel" |
709 - Added a further configuration request function to the PC Card Controller |
710 test driver D_PCCDIF.LDD. This new version of the function |
711 RPcCardCntrlIf::ReqConfig() takes an additonal 'TInt aFlag' parameter and |
712 therefore allows the client to specify a flag setting when requesting a |
713 configuration. This can be used to request a configuration with the |
714 recently added KPccdConfigOverrideNormalPwrEvents setting. |
715 |
716 Version 1.01.130 |
717 ================ |
718 (Made by ChrisM, 05/10/2001) |
719 |
720 1) Pete |
721 1) Removed CROMCOPY as this is specific to MEDCRM.PDD. |
722 2) Removed CF card profile driver D_MEDAWD.CPP. |
723 3) Removed REPRO source. |
724 |
725 Version 1.01.129 |
726 ================ |
727 (Made by Pete, 06/08/2001) |
728 |
729 1) Pete |
730 1) Modified pccd\d_medawd.cpp to use new media driver opening system. |
731 See release note 7.4 in \e32\release.txt. |
732 |
733 Version 0.01.128 |
734 ================ |
735 (Made by Michael, 21/06/2001) |
736 |
737 1) MarkCa |
738 1) Modified mmctest to display CID as four words for legibility. |
739 |
740 Version 0.01.127 |
741 ================ |
742 (Made by Nicolas, 04-05-2001) |
743 |
744 1) Pete |
745 1) Another go at fixing build warnings in PC Card test utilities. |
746 |
747 2) Nicolas |
748 1) Merged 6.1 release branch back into the mainline. |
749 |
750 Version 0.01.126 |
751 ================ |
752 (Made by Dennis, 20-04-2001) |
753 |
754 1) Pete |
755 1) Fixed SCE-4V7SG5 "Fix warnings in E32UTILS" |
756 2) Fixed ROS-4U8NYT 'e32utils\repro should not be IPR category E' |
757 3) Fixed EDNPSCE-4K9MZJ "T_PCCD3 panics on Brutus" |
758 |
759 Version 0.01.125 |
760 ================ |
761 (Made RobertJ, 26.03.01) |
762 |
763 1) MarkCa |
764 1) Removed kernel trace from d_mmcif.cpp. |
765 |
766 2) Pete |
767 1) Fixed warnings in D_MMCIF.CPP |
768 |
769 3) Markdo |
770 1) D_MMCIF now build for MEIG instead of D_PCCDIF. |
771 |
772 Version 0.01.115 |
773 ================ |
774 (Made ???, ???) |
775 |
776 1) Pete |
777 1) Fixed SCE-4V7SG5 "Fix warnings in E32UTILS" |
778 |
779 Version 0.01.114 |
780 ================ |
781 (Made MarkCa, 20.03.01) |
782 |
783 1) Pete |
784 1) Fixed ROS-4U8NYT 'e32utils\repro should not be IPR category E' |
785 |
786 Version 0.01.113 |
787 ================ |
788 (Made by WillR, 06.03.01) |
789 |
790 1) William |
791 1) Changed D_EXC to handle stack overflow and threads with stack but no private heap. |
792 Fixes defect ROS-4UJHR8 "D_EXC doesn't handle stack overflow" |
793 |
794 Version 0.01.112 |
795 ================ |
796 (Made RobertJ, 13.12.00) |
797 |
798 1) William |
799 1) Changed the way that printstk.pl uses charconv, so that it works with the |
800 revised Perl version. This also generates a narrow text version of the |
801 d_exc_NNN.txt file as a side-effect. |
802 2) Removed old PVCS support scripts |
803 |
804 2) Pete |
805 1) Switched over to 16Mb version of REPROC. |
806 |
807 Version 0.01.111 |
808 ================ |
809 (Made Nicolas, 31.10.00) |
810 1) William |
811 1) Removed GDBSTUB entirely into a new component DEBUGGER_STUB |
812 2) Renamed DEXEC to be D_EXC |
813 |
814 Version 0.01.110 |
815 ================ |
816 (Made by Nicolas, 19.10.00) |
817 |
818 1) Pete |
819 1) Enabled building of D_MMCIF in WINS builds. |
820 |
821 Version 0.01.109 |
822 ================ |
823 (Made by Nicolas, 10.10.00) |
824 |
825 1) Nicolas |
826 Replaced old GDBSTUB with first internal release of new GDBSTUB. |
827 |
828 Version 0.01.108 |
829 ================ |
830 (Made by MarkCa, 29.09.00) |
831 |
832 1) William |
833 1) More MCORE changes - fixed BLD.INF and correct a problem in D_EXC.CPP |
834 2) Tweak D_EXC to allow for MCORE having 18 registers rather than 16, and a |
835 different ROM address. |
836 3) Stop building D_EXC and GDBSTUB for WINS |
837 |
838 2) MarkCa |
839 1) Added MLNK to list of supported platforms in bld.inf. |
840 |
841 Version 0.01.107 |
842 ================ |
843 (Made by RobertJ, 20.07.00) |
844 |
845 1) Morgan |
846 1) Added DEXEC\printsym.pl from WillR |
847 |
848 Version 0.01.106 |
849 ================ |
850 (Made by Markdo, 07.06.00) |
851 |
852 1) MarkCa |
853 1) Removed TMediaPassword padding from DRVTEST.CPP (pswd encoding moved |
854 to DPlatPcCardController.) Moved automatic store tests |
856 |
857 2) Nicolas |
858 1) Changes to GDBSTUB. |
859 |
860 3) Pete |
861 1) Fixed warnings in \PCCD. |
862 |
863 |
864 Version 0.01.105 |
865 ================ |
866 (Made by Alastair, 10-03-2000) |
867 |
868 1) Pete |
869 1) Modified DRVTEST so it now can be used to lock or |
870 unlock a removable device supporting password protection. |
871 |
872 2) MarkCa |
873 1) Modified DRVTEST to pad passwords with 0 and added option to |
874 test password store. |
875 |
876 Version 0.01.104 |
877 ================ |
878 (Made by Dennis, 14-02-2000) |
879 |
880 1) Dennis |
881 1) Replaced most UserHal:: calls with corresponding HAL:: calls (if they |
882 exist). |
883 |
884 |
885 Version 0.01.103 |
886 ================ |
887 (Made by Dennis, 19/01/00) |
888 |
889 1) Pete |
890 1) Altered the test media driver for the CF card approval test |
891 program (MEDAWD.PDD) so that it employs the same busy wait |
892 timeout settings that the normal media driver uses. Prior to |
893 this, the test media driver was timing out where the normal |
894 one would have been OK. |
895 2) Altered the CF card approval test program (APPRVATA) |
896 so that it logs/displays read timings and write timings separately |
897 during the single sector stress test. |
898 3) Added Jason's changes to the Brutus repro program |
899 (REPROB) so that 12Mb rom images can be supported. Also changes to |
900 DRAM timings to speed up memory access. |
901 4) Added Petteri's changes to the Cirrus Logic repro program (REPROC) |
902 to support the flash device used on the Cirrus CA variant. |
903 5) Added William's change to the Cirrus Logic repro program (REPROC) |
904 so this now expects the file size of the main image as a 10 |
905 character decimal string rather than an 8 character hex. string. This |
906 allows it to work with W32REPRO. |
907 6) Changes to various PC Card utilities required due to the removal of |
908 the RLogicalChannel class from E32. |
909 |
910 Version 0.01.102 |
911 ================ |
912 (Made by Pete, 21st December 1999) |
913 |
914 1) Pete |
915 1) Fixed a problem building CROMCOPY in MEIG |
916 |
917 Version 0.01.101 |
918 ================ |
919 (Made by Pete, 25th November 1999) |
920 |
921 1) Pete |
922 1) Fixed problem building PCTEST in WINS. |
923 2) Fixed problem building MEDAWD in MAWD. |
924 3) Added MMCTEST.EXE - the MMC test utility for interrogating and |
925 testing MMC cards (and an associated driver for MMAD). |
926 4) Modifications to THexDisplay class (used by DRVTEST,PCTEST and MMCTEST |
927 for hex display and editor) to adjust the hex display according to the |
928 screen size of the machine. |
929 |
930 2) Alastair |
931 1) (From William) updated PRINTSTK.PL so that it does now handle the Unicode |
932 text files and gets the filenames from the command line. |
933 2) Updated PCTEST, APPRVATA and MMCTEST in accordance with AndrewT's IPC |
934 architecture changes. |
935 |
936 Version 0.01.100 |
937 ================ |
938 (Made by Alastair, 14/9/99) |
939 |
940 1) Alastair |
941 1) (From William) Added updated version of D_EXC.EXE and a Perl script, |
942 printstk.pl, for decoding the output from D_EXC.EXE. |
943 2) Changed GDBSTUB.EXE so that it's built for an ABI (ARMI, etc) rather |
944 than an ASSP (MAWD, etc). |
945 |
946 |
947 Version 0.01.041 |
948 ================ |
949 (Made by Morgan, 26/8/99) |
950 |
951 1) Alastair |
952 1) Added empty target "FINAL" to GROUP\REPROIMG.MKE. |
953 |
954 |
955 Version 0.01.040 |
956 ================ |
957 (Made by Alastair, 2.8.99) |
958 |
959 1) Alastair |
960 1) Removed all LI.PRJ files now that these are generated automatically. |
961 2) Added RESOURCE target to GROUP\REPROIMG.MKE. |
962 |
963 |
964 Version 0.01.035 |
965 ================ |
966 (Made by Alastair, 5.7.99) |
967 |
968 1) Alastair |
969 1) Replaced all B[plat].PRJ files for use with BLDMAKE with BLD.INF in |
970 accordance with ER5u bldmake changes. Note that this means the MARM |
971 build has been replaced with MEIG. |
972 2) Removed all *.REL files from GROUP directory and changed MNT.BAT so that |
973 MNT PUTREL looks for .REL files generated by BLDMAKE instead. Updated |
974 BLD.INF accordingly. |
975 3) Changed zips of releasables put onto the network. There is now one zip |
976 file for each platform containing full \Epoc32 paths to each item. |
977 There is also a zip file for exported header files. Hence, the contents |
978 of S:\e32utils\zip includes export.<ver>, meig.<ver>, misa.<ver>, |
979 mawd.<ver>. MEIG is the new platform name |
980 for MARM just as far as the base is concerned. |
981 The files within these zip files now also have full pathnames so ensure |
982 you unzip them into the root of your EPOC drive with any flags required |
983 to recreate the directory structure. |
984 Added new command, MNT CHECKREL, to check that all releasables are |
985 present before doing an MNT PUTREL. |
986 Before doing MNT CHECKREL or MNT PUTREL call BLDMAKE -v RELFILES to |
987 create the lists of releasables. |
988 4) Added dopcvs.pl and lock.pl to GROUP directory for use with MNT.BAT. |
989 5) Added fetcher definition file, E32UTILS.FTC, to the group directory. |
990 6) Added an MNT.VALID command. |
991 7) Changed REPROB so that REPROB.IMG is created in \EPOC32\Release\MISA\ |
992 rather than \e32utils\reprob. Added REPROB.IMG to the releasables' zip |
993 file for the MISA platform so there is no longer a separate REPROB zip |
994 file. Incorporated building of REPROB.IMG into the bldmake system. |
995 8) Made similar changes to REPROC as for REPROB. |
996 9) Removed various old build command files and makefiles. |
997 |
998 |
999 |
1000 Version 0.01.027 |
1001 ================ |
1002 (Made by Pete, 23nd February 1999) |
1003 |
1004 1) Simon |
1005 1) Applied boilerplate copyright to sources. |
1006 |
1007 2) Jonathan |
1008 1) Replaced hard-coded instances of 'R:' in MNT.CMD with '%S%'. |
1009 |
1010 3) Pete |
1011 1) Changed over to use the TBusLocalDrive class rather than TLocalDrive |
1012 for local drive access. This in turn required converting calls to |
1013 TBusLocalDrive::Caps() to take a TLocalDriveCapsBuf parameter rather |
1014 than a TLocalDriveCaps. |
1015 2) Added APPRVATA.EXE (and its associated test media driver for |
1016 MAWD - MEDAWD.PDD). This combines all the individual test programs |
1017 used when evaluating vendors ATA cards. The output is directed to |
1018 the serial port and is formatted in such a way that this could be |
1019 captured into a text file and then used as an evaluation report. |
1020 Part of the test involves using a timer directly to measure the card |
1021 busy periods during an ATA command. This is done via a media driver |
1022 and a separate Media Driver per platform is required (only MAWD released |
1023 so far). |
1024 |
1025 4) Alex |
1026 1) Modified Reprob to be able to download the kernel image to DRAM |
1027 and boot it from there (controlled by switch S21 on Brutus board). |
1028 |
1029 Version 0.01.026 |
1030 ================ |
1031 (Made by Pete, 18th December 1998) |
1032 1) Pete |
1033 1) Now release D_DRVIF and D_PCCDIF for MISA builds. |
1034 2) Fixed problem with PCTEST and DRVTEST such that they could |
1035 potentially request a console window larger than the available |
1036 screen size - leading to a panic. |
1037 3) Changed UIDs of D_PCCDIF and D_DRVIF UIDs LDDs to be compatible with |
1038 E32 159. |
1039 |
1040 Version 0.01.025 |
1041 ================ |
1042 (Made by Pete, 7th December 1998) |
1043 1) Alastair |
1044 1) Removed bld.bat, clean.bat and prepare.bat from group\li.prj. Bldmake |
1045 must be run to generate these files. |
1046 |
1047 2) Pete |
1048 1) Modified D_DRVIF, D_PCCDIF and PCTEST to work with E32-158. |
1049 2) Fixed a problem with REPROB such that the code was |
1050 exiting from the erase-complete polling loop to early. Up until now |
1051 an extra delay had been necessary after erase to cope with this. |
1052 3) Changes to REPROC to support 28F160S3/28F320S3 flash devices. |
1053 4) Now release D_DRVIF and D_PCCDIF for MAWD builds. |
1054 |
1055 |
1056 Version 0.01.024 |
1057 ================ |
1058 (Made by Dennis, 19th November 1998) |
1059 1) Dennis |
1060 1) Fixed problem with REPRO which came to light after Gator changes to |
1061 E32. REPRO was assuming that ETNA was mapped to linear address |
1062 0x58001000, i.e. one page after EIGER. Changes for Gator mean that |
1063 EIGER now takes up 2 pages of addresses (to cope with the extra |
1064 registers of the 7111 chip) and so ETNA appears at 0x58002000 instead. |
1065 REPRO now remaps ETNA to 0x5ED00000 so avoiding any future problems of |
1066 this sort. |
1067 |
1068 Version 0.01.023 |
1069 ================ |
1070 (Made by Jonathan, 29th October 1998) |
1071 |
1072 1) Alastair |
1073 1) Updated .MMP files so that the LDDs in this component get the correct |
1074 UNICODE uids. |
1075 2) Comment out REPRO and PCTEST from \E32UTILS\GROUP\BWINS.PRJ - they |
1076 didn't build under WINS and no WINS versions of anything are |
1077 released from this component anyway. |
1078 |
1079 2) Jonathan |
1080 1) Added new group\bldrtool.bat file to build the ReproB and ReproC |
1081 tools. |
1082 |
1083 |
1084 Version 0.01.022 |
1085 ================ |
1086 (Made by Dennis, 9th October 1998) |
1087 1) Dennis |
1088 1) Modified REPRO to work under unicode. The image file on D:\ must have |
1089 a valid DOS name. |
1090 |
1091 |
1092 Version 0.01.021 |
1093 ================ |
1094 (Made by Pete, 7th October 1998) |
1095 1) Pete |
1096 1) Added added the following two components:- |
1097 - REPROB: The repro firmware for the Brutus rack. This is then blown |
1098 onto a flash device and installed in the rack facilitating serial |
1099 repro using PREPRO.EXE (released via PTOOL/PEIGER). REPROB is released |
1100 separately from the rest of the E32 utilities. |
1101 - REPROC: The repro firmware for the Cirrus Logic rack. This, |
1102 together with CREPRO.EXE (released via PTOOL/PEIGER) facilities |
1103 serial repro. The CL-PS7111 has a boot mode whereby it automatically |
1104 downloads a 2K main image (serially at 9600baud) into SRAM and executes |
1105 it. REPROC supplies such a 2K image. REPROC then recieves the main |
1106 EPOC image (serially at 115K baud) and programs it into the flash |
1107 devices. CREPRO.EXE is a modified version of PREPRO.EXE, which intially |
1108 sends the 2K image at 9600baud. REPROC is released separately from the |
1109 rest of the E32 utilities. |
1110 |
1111 Version 0.01.020 |
1112 ================ |
1113 (Made by Pete, 23rd June 1998) |
1114 1) Pete |
1115 1) Changed over to using MAKMAKE system. |
1116 2) Added D_PCCDIF.LDD and D_DRVIF.LDD which replace the UserPcCardCntrl |
1117 functions withered in E32-141. |
1119 rather than UserPcCardCntrl. |
1120 |
1121 Version 0.01.019 |
1122 ================ |
1123 (Made by Dennis, 4th Dec 1997) |
1124 |
1125 1) Dennis |
1126 Updated REPRO to work with E32 119 and later. This is required due to |
1127 different addresses being used for some hardware devices. |
1128 |
1129 Version 0.01.018 |
1130 ================ |
1131 (Made by Dennis, 23rd May 1997) |
1132 |
1133 1) Dennis |
1134 1) Fixed Panic -28 problem when running repro.exe under EIKON shell. Now, if |
1135 RProcess().FileName() is at the beginning of RProcess().CommandLine(), a serial |
1136 repro will be done. |
1137 2) After reprogramming from a CF card, repro will not restart if a character is received |
1138 from the serial port. It will still restart if programming via the serial port. |
1139 3) Removed the two superfluous trailing zeros from the progress indications. |
1140 |
1141 Version 0.01.017 |
1142 ================ |
1143 (Made by Dennis, 21st May 1997) |
1144 |
1145 1) Dennis |
1146 Speeded up repro from CF card by reducing the rate at which the progress indications |
1147 are updated during programming. |
1148 |
1149 Version 0.01.016 |
1150 ================ |
1151 (Made by Graham, 20th May 1997) |
1152 |
1153 1) Pete |
1154 Change to PCTEST to display more configuration entry information (configuration |
1155 register base address, configuration registers present mask and Vpp requirements). |
1156 |
1157 2) Dennis |
1158 Fixed a problem with the new repro from CF card facility if |
1159 the image file was fragmented and a lot of RAM was available |
1160 to receive that image. |
1161 |
1162 Version 0.01.015 |
1163 ================ |
1164 (Made by Dennis, 20th May 1997) |
1165 |
1166 1) Dennis |
1167 Upgrade of REPRO to allow reprogramming from an ATA CF card. The image file |
1168 must be in the root directory of the D: drive. If repro is invoked with no |
1169 command line parameters, a standard serial repro will be performed. If repro |
1170 is invoked as |
1171 repro filename |
1172 then a repro will be performed from D:\filename. In addition, if repro is |
1173 executed directly from a CF card on reset under the name D:\SYSTEM\LIBS\EWSRV.EXE |
1174 then a search will be made for D:\E32ROM.IMG. If this file exists, the FLASH |
1175 will be reprogrammed from it, otherwise a serial repro will be done. |
1176 |
1177 |
1178 Version 0.01.014 |
1179 ================ |
1180 (Made by Jonathan, 9th May 1997) |
1181 |
1182 1) Jonathan |
1183 1) Gdbstub: |
1184 1) Uses changed RDebug interface in E32 105. |
1185 2) Handles gdb's normal breakpoint set/clear command (m/M) as |
1186 well as Psion's hacked one (b/B). We can now use a 'vanilla' |
1187 Cygnus gdb release. |
1188 3) Some support for debugging multiple threads. Currently |
1189 #ifdefed out because needs more work. |
1190 4) Stub dies when debugee thread terminates or is killed. |
1191 5) When run in -m mode, stub doesn't call RDebug::Open until it |
1192 attaches to a panicing thread => it can be happily killed. |
1193 |
1194 Version 0.01.013 |
1195 ================ |
1196 (Made by William, May 1st 1997) |
1197 |
1198 1) William |
1199 1) Change REPRO to print shorter progress messages, improving the |
1200 chance of buffering complete requests in the PC uart |
1201 2) Change REPRO to retry block requests up to 3 times before giving |
1202 up and restarting from the beginning |
1203 3) Change REPRO so that it can be persuaded to start all over again |
1204 after a successful run: if it receives any characters down the |
1205 serial line it will start again and can be sent an entirely different |
1206 image, if desired. |
1207 4) Put #ifdef TEST_REPRO around the parts of REPRO that actually modify |
1208 the ROM, so that future changes can be tested more easily by building |
1209 a special "test REPRO". NB. This doesn't work in DEBUG builds. |
1210 |
1211 Version 0.01.012 |
1212 ================ |
1213 (Made by Pete, April 17th 1997) |
1214 |
1215 1) Pete |
1216 1) Changes to PCTEST to request a dummy attribute memory chunk when |
1217 powering up a card. This stops the PC Card Controller powering down |
1218 the card again because no resources have been requested withing |
1219 the 'notlocked' timeout period. |
1220 2) Changes to PCTEST to support multifunction cards. |
1221 3) CROMCOPY no longer prompts the user for the CRom card size. This |
1222 is detected by the CRom(Prog) driver. |
1223 4) CROMCOPY no longer unloads the standard CRom driver during repro. |
1224 The CRom(Prog) driver now has 'high' priority and will open in |
1225 preference to the standard one. |
1226 5) Bug in calculating the drive checksum fixed. The 16bit |
1227 arithmetic checksum is written in the last 2bytes of the 1st 2K page |
1228 of the CRom card. |
1229 |
1230 |
1231 Version 0.01.011 |
1232 ================ |
1233 (Made by Graham, April 16th 1997) |
1234 |
1235 1) Graham |
1236 1) Re-release with new UIDs |
1237 |
1238 Version 0.01.010 |
1239 ================ |
1240 (Made by Graham, April 9th 1997) |
1241 |
1242 1) Jonathan |
1243 1) Small fixes to gdbstub (larger ones to follow): |
1244 1) With -d option, no longer waits for user input after hitting a |
1245 breakpoint. |
1246 2) Fixed memory writes which were hanging. |
1247 2) Pete |
1248 1) Changes to PCTEST to display more information when viewing |
1249 device information tuples. |
1250 2) Added CROMCOPY. This can be used to write files to a CROM |
1251 card. It requires the CROM Programmer Media Driver (MEDCRR.PDD). |
1252 |
1253 The CROM programming procedure is as follows:- |
1254 i) CROM cards can only be programmed on a Rack D. The rack needs |
1255 to be programmed with CROMCOPY.EXE and MEDCRR.PDD - use ROMCRRPD.IMG. |
1256 ii) With power removed, insert the target CROM card into the first |
1257 socket - D: and a CF card into the second socket - E:. (This requires a |
1258 CF card carrier to allow it to be inserted into the PC Card socket). |
1259 iii) Check the 'VPPEN' switch is in the active position (DOWN). Switch the |
1260 '3.3V/5V' switch to the 5V position (LEFT). Switch the 'CFVPP' switch to |
1261 the active position (LEFT). NOTE: This last operation enables +12V to be |
1262 applied to the WP pin of the first socket (D:) when the rack is powered. It |
1263 is important that only a programable CROM card is ever present while |
1264 the socket is in this state. Any other type of card may be damaged. |
1265 iv) Power up the rack via the DC input (6V). Power the second socket (E:) by |
1266 connecting a 5V/200mA supply to the +5V pin next to the '3.3V/5V' switch. |
1267 v) Copy the required files onto the CF card in E: via PsiWin. |
1268 vi) Run CROMCOPY to perform a direct copy from the CF card to the CROM card. |
1269 This operation takes 2.5min for a 2Mb card and 7.5min for a 6Mb card. |
1272 |
1273 3) Graham |
1274 1) Updated REPRO\BUILDARM.CMD to remove PETRAN - this is now |
1275 done automatically by MAKTRAN. |
1276 |
1277 Version 0.01.009 |
1278 ================ |
1279 (Made by Graham, March 12th 1997) |
1280 |
1281 1) Pete |
1282 1) Rebuilt PCTEST for E32(091) |
1283 2) Changes to PCTEST to display extra page of information |
1284 when viewing configuration entry tuples. |
1285 |
1286 Version 0.01.008 |
1287 ================ |
1288 (Made by Graham, February 28th 1997) |
1289 |
1290 1) Graham |
1291 1) Updated REPRO to work with E32 090. |
1292 |
1293 Version 0.01.007 |
1294 ================ |
1295 (Made by Graham, February 26th 1997) |
1296 |
1297 1) Graham |
1298 1) Enhanced REPRO to accomodate the upper 2Mb on Limes. |
1299 |
1300 Version 0.01.005 |
1301 ================ |
1302 (Made by Jane, January 12th 1997) |
1303 |
1304 1) Rebuilt with new E32 |
1305 |
1306 Version 0.01.004 |
1307 ================ |
1308 (Made by Graham, November 28th 1996) |
1309 |
1310 1) SteveG |
1311 1) The GdbStub now gets the correct .textsize of the program |
1312 being debugged from RDebug - you no longer need to supply |
1313 the textsize using the -t option to gdbstub |
1314 |
1315 2) Fixed an End() without matching Start() error when debugging |
1316 with the -d option |
1317 |
1318 2) Graham |
1319 1) Fixed, I think, the end of repro bug (HA-257) |
1320 |
1321 Version 0.01.003 |
1322 ================ |
1323 (Made by SteveG) |
1324 |
1325 1) SteveG |
1326 1) Changes to gdbstub: |
1327 |
1328 Code tidied up and split into two classes - was previously |
1329 just a load of local functions based on an example stub |
1330 supplied with gdb. Now much easier to maintain and add |
1331 new stub commands etc |
1332 |
1333 Added -d option to display debugging information in a console |
1334 window, showing stub commands as they are received |
1335 |
1336 Added -c option which spews the size and name of all RAM chunks |
1337 out the serial port for capturing in a text file or similar |
1338 |
1339 Added -m option to act as a monitor - running the stub with |
1340 the -m option will allow you to connect remotely with GDB |
1341 and to disassemble/examine ROM contents rather than debugging |
1342 a program |
1343 |
1344 Version 0.01.002 |
1345 ================ |
1346 (Made by Graham, 26 Oct 1996) |
1347 |
1348 In line with E32(072) and F32(028) |
1349 |
1350 Version 0.01.001 |
1351 ================ |
1352 (Made by SteveG, 18 Oct 1996) |
1353 |
1354 Separated REPRO.EXE and D_GDB.EXE from E32, as they are in fact separate |
1355 releaseables which tend to get updated independantly of E32. |
1356 |
1357 1) SteveG |
1358 1) Added -p and -b switches to the gdb stub, to allow you to |
1359 select the comms port and baud rate used for debugging. |
1360 Defaults to port1, 19200 baud if no parameters are specified. |
1361 The parameters must preceed the filename of the program being |
1362 debugged, eg: |
1363 |
1364 D_GDB -p2 -b57600 Z:\TEST\T_WWINS.EXE |
1365 |
1366 D_GDB.EXE should be in z:\system\libs, and after EUSER.DLL in |
1367 the rom build. You can launch the stub from the E32 text shell |
1368 using the DEBUG command, ie: |
1369 |
1370 DEBUG -b19200 z:\test\t_comms.exe |
1371 |
1372 Note that GDB itself currently only runs at a maximum of 19200 |
1373 baud, but the stub will accept upto -b115200. To run GDB at |
1374 19200, use: |
1375 |
1376 gdb --baud 19200 |
1377 |