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     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32\include\drivers\usbcdesc.h
    15 // USB descriptors and their management.
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 /**
    20  @file
    21  @internalTechnology
    22 */
    24 #if !defined(__USBCDESC_H__)
    25 #define __USBCDESC_H__
    27 #include "kerndefs.h"
    28 #include <d32usbc.h>
    30 class TUsbcDescriptorBase
    31 	{
    32 public:
    33 	virtual ~TUsbcDescriptorBase();
    34 	void SetByte(TUint aPosition, TUint8 aValue);
    35 	void SetWord(TUint aPosition, TUint16 aValue);
    36 	TUint8 Byte(TUint aPosition) const;
    37 	TUint16 Word(TUint aPosition) const;
    38 	void GetDescriptorData(TDes8& aBuffer) const;
    39 	TInt GetDescriptorData(TUint8* aBuffer) const;
    40 	TInt GetDescriptorData(TUint8* aBuffer, TInt aMaxSize) const;
    41 	const TDes8& DescriptorData() const;
    42 	TDes8& DescriptorData();
    43 	TInt Size() const;
    44 	TUint8 Type() const;
    45 protected:
    46 	TUsbcDescriptorBase();
    47 	void SetBufferPointer(const TDesC8& aDes);
    48 private:
    50 	TUint8 iIndex;											// only needed for SET_DESCRIPTOR
    51 #endif
    52 	TPtr8 iBufPtr;
    53 	};
    56 class TUsbcDeviceDescriptor : public TUsbcDescriptorBase
    57 	{
    58 public:
    59 	static TUsbcDeviceDescriptor* New(TUint8 aDeviceClass, TUint8 aDeviceSubClass,
    60 									  TUint8 aDeviceProtocol, TUint8 aMaxPacketSize0,
    61 									  TUint16 aVendorId, TUint16 aProductId,
    62 									  TUint16 aDeviceRelease, TUint8 aNumConfigurations);
    63 private:
    64 	TUsbcDeviceDescriptor();
    65 	TInt Construct(TUint8 aDeviceClass, TUint8 aDeviceSubClass, TUint8 aDeviceProtocol,
    66 				   TUint8 aMaxPacketSize0, TUint16 aVendorId, TUint16 aProductId,
    67 				   TUint16 aDeviceRelease, TUint8 aNumConfigurations);
    68 	TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Device> iBuf;
    69 	};
    72 class TUsbcConfigDescriptor : public TUsbcDescriptorBase
    73 	{
    74 public:
    75 	static TUsbcConfigDescriptor* New(TUint8 aConfigurationValue, TBool aSelfPowered, TBool aRemoteWakeup,
    76 									  TUint8 aMaxPower);	// give MaxPower in milliamps!
    77 private:
    78 	TUsbcConfigDescriptor();
    79 	TInt Construct(TUint8 aConfigurationValue, TBool aSelfPowered, TBool aRemoteWakeup, TUint8 aMaxPower);
    80 	TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Config> iBuf;
    81 	};
    84 class TUsbcInterfaceDescriptor : public TUsbcDescriptorBase
    85 	{
    86 public:
    87 	static TUsbcInterfaceDescriptor* New(TUint8 aInterfaceNumber, TUint8 aAlternateSetting, TInt NumEndpoints,
    88 										 const TUsbcClassInfo& aClassInfo);
    89 private:
    90 	TUsbcInterfaceDescriptor();
    91 	TInt Construct(TUint8 aInterfaceNumber, TUint8 aAlternateSetting, TInt aNumEndpoints,
    92 				   const TUsbcClassInfo& aClassInfo);
    93 	TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Interface> iBuf;
    94 	};
    97 class TUsbcEndpointDescriptor : public TUsbcDescriptorBase
    98 	{
    99 public:
   100 	static TUsbcEndpointDescriptor* New(TUint8 aEndpointAddress, const TUsbcEndpointInfo& aEpInfo);
   101 private:
   102 	TUsbcEndpointDescriptor();
   103 	TInt Construct(TUint8 aEndpointAddress, const TUsbcEndpointInfo& aEpInfo);
   104 	TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Endpoint> iBuf;
   105 	};
   108 class TUsbcAudioEndpointDescriptor : public TUsbcDescriptorBase
   109 	{
   110 public:
   111 	static TUsbcAudioEndpointDescriptor* New(TUint8 aEndpointAddress, const TUsbcEndpointInfo& aEpInfo);
   112 private:
   113 	TUsbcAudioEndpointDescriptor();
   114 	TInt Construct(TUint8 aEndpointAddress, const TUsbcEndpointInfo& aEpInfo);
   115 	TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_AudioEndpoint> iBuf;
   116 	};
   119 class TUsbcClassSpecificDescriptor : public TUsbcDescriptorBase
   120 	{
   121 public:
   122 	virtual ~TUsbcClassSpecificDescriptor();
   123 	static TUsbcClassSpecificDescriptor* New(TUint8 aType, TInt aSize);
   124 private:
   125 	TUsbcClassSpecificDescriptor();
   126 	TInt Construct(TUint8 aType, TInt aSize);
   127 	HBuf8Plat* iBuf;
   128 	};
   131 class TUsbcStringDescriptorBase
   132 	{
   133 public:
   134 	virtual ~TUsbcStringDescriptorBase();
   135 	TUint16 Word(TUint aPosition) const;
   136 	TInt GetDescriptorData(TUint8* aBuffer) const;
   137 	TInt GetDescriptorData(TUint8* aBuffer, TInt aMaxSize) const;
   138 	const TDes8& StringData() const;
   139 	TDes8& StringData();
   140 	TInt Size() const;
   141 	void SetBufferPointer(const TDesC8& aDes);
   142 protected:
   143 	TUsbcStringDescriptorBase();
   144 	TBuf8<2> iSBuf;
   145 	TPtr8 iBufPtr;
   146 private:
   147 //	TUint8 iIndex;											// not needed in DescriptorPool: position == index
   148 	};
   151 class TUsbcStringDescriptor : public TUsbcStringDescriptorBase
   152 	{
   153 public:
   154 	virtual ~TUsbcStringDescriptor();
   155 	static TUsbcStringDescriptor* New(const TDesC8& aString);
   156 private:
   157 	TUsbcStringDescriptor();								// use static New
   158 	TInt Construct(const TDesC8& aString);
   159 	HBuf8Plat* iBuf;
   160 	};
   163 // Currently we support only one language, and thus there's no need to provide
   164 // a LangId string descriptor with more than one array element.
   165 class TUsbcLangIdDescriptor : public TUsbcStringDescriptorBase
   166 	{
   167 public:
   168 	virtual ~TUsbcLangIdDescriptor();
   169 	static TUsbcLangIdDescriptor* New(TUint16 aLangId);
   170 private:
   171 	TUsbcLangIdDescriptor();								// use static New
   172 	TInt Construct(TUint16 aLangId);
   173 	TBuf8<2> iBuf;
   174 	};
   177 class TUsbcDescriptorPool
   178 	{
   179 public:
   180 	TUsbcDescriptorPool(TUint8* aEp0_TxBuf);
   181 	~TUsbcDescriptorPool();
   182 	TInt Init(TUsbcDeviceDescriptor* aDeviceDesc, TUsbcConfigDescriptor* aConfigDesc,
   183 			  TUsbcLangIdDescriptor* aLangId, TUsbcStringDescriptor* aManufacturer,
   184 			  TUsbcStringDescriptor* aProduct, TUsbcStringDescriptor* aSerialNum,
   185 			  TUsbcStringDescriptor* aConfig);
   186 	// Descriptors
   187 	TInt FindDescriptor(TUint8 aType, TUint8 aIndex, TUint16 aLangid, TInt& aSize) const;
   188 	void InsertDescriptor(TUsbcDescriptorBase* aDesc);
   189 	void DeleteIfcDescriptor(TInt aNumber, TInt aSetting = 0);
   191 	// The TC in many of the following functions stands for 'ThreadCopy' because that's what happens there.
   192 	TInt GetDeviceDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer) const;
   193 	TInt SetDeviceDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aBuffer);
   194 	TInt GetConfigurationDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer) const;
   195 	TInt SetConfigurationDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aBuffer);
   196 	TInt GetInterfaceDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting) const;
   197 	TInt SetInterfaceDescriptor(const TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting);
   198 	TInt GetEndpointDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting,
   199 								 TUint8 aEndpointAddress) const;
   200 	TInt SetEndpointDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting,
   201 								 TUint8 aEndpointAddress);
   202 	TInt GetEndpointDescriptorSize(TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting, TUint8 aEndpointAddress, TInt& aSize) const;
   203 	TInt GetCSInterfaceDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting) const;
   204 	TInt SetCSInterfaceDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting,
   205 									TInt aSize);
   206 	TInt GetCSInterfaceDescriptorSize(TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting, TInt& aSize) const;
   207 	TInt GetCSEndpointDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting,
   208 								   TUint8 aEndpointAddress) const;
   209 	TInt SetCSEndpointDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting,
   210 								   TUint8 aEndpointAddress, TInt aSize);
   211 	TInt GetCSEndpointDescriptorSize(TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting, TUint8 aEndpointAddress, TInt& aSize) const;
   213 	// String descriptors
   214 	void SetIfcStringDescriptor(TUsbcStringDescriptor* aDesc, TInt aNumber, TInt aSetting = 0);
   215 	TInt GetManufacturerStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aString) const;
   216 	TInt SetManufacturerStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aString);
   217 	TInt GetProductStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aString) const;
   218 	TInt SetProductStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aString);
   219 	TInt GetSerialNumberStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aString) const;
   220 	TInt SetSerialNumberStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aString);
   221 	TInt GetConfigurationStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aString) const;
   222 	TInt SetConfigurationStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aString);
   223 private:
   224 	void InsertDevDesc(TUsbcDescriptorBase* aDesc);
   225 	void InsertConfigDesc(TUsbcDescriptorBase* aDesc);
   226 	void InsertIfcDesc(TUsbcDescriptorBase* aDesc);
   227 	void InsertEpDesc(TUsbcDescriptorBase* aDesc);
   228 	TInt FindIfcDescriptor(TInt aIfcNumber, TInt aIfcSetting) const;
   229 	TInt FindEpDescriptor(TInt aIfcNumber, TInt aIfcSetting, TUint8 aEpAddress) const;
   230 	void DeleteDescriptors(TInt aIndex, TInt aCount = 1);
   231 	void DeleteString(TInt aIndex);
   232 	void UpdateIfcNumbers(TInt aNumber);
   233 	void UpdateIfcStringIndexes(TInt aStringIndex);
   234 	TInt GetDeviceDescriptor() const;
   235 	TInt GetConfigDescriptor() const;
   236 	TInt GetStringDescriptor(TInt aIndex) const;
   237 	TInt GetDeviceStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aString, TInt aIndex) const;
   238 	TInt SetDeviceStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aString, TInt aIndex);
   239 	TInt ExchangeStringDescriptor(TInt aIndex, const TUsbcStringDescriptor* aDesc);
   240 private:
   241 	// Data members
   242 	RPointerArray<TUsbcDescriptorBase> iDescriptors;
   243 	RPointerArray<TUsbcStringDescriptorBase> iStrings;
   244 	TInt iIfcIdx;
   245 	TUint8* const iEp0_TxBuf;								// points to the controller's Ep0 Tx buffer
   246 	};
   249 #endif	// __USBCDESC_H__