changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 6 0173bcd7697c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a41df078684a
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // f32test\fsstress\t_sesfs.cpp
    15 // 
    16 //
    17 #define __E32TEST_EXTENSION__
    18 #include "t_sess.h"
    20 GLDEF_D TFileName tPath;
    21 GLREF_D TFileName gExeFileName;
    23 LOCAL_C void printDriveAtt(TInt aDrive,TUint anAtt);
    24 LOCAL_C void printDriveInfo(TInt aDrive,TDriveInfo& anInfo);
    25 LOCAL_C void DriveInfo(TInt aDrive,TDriveInfo& anInfo);
    28 void TSessionTest::Initialise(RFs& aFs)
    29 //
    30 //	Initialise iFs
    31 //
    32 	{
    33 	iFs=aFs;
    34 	}
    37 void TSessionTest::RunTests()
    38 //
    39 //	Run tests on iFs file server session
    40 //
    42 	{
    44 	testDriveList();
    45 	testDriveInfo();
    46 	testVolumeInfo();
    47 	testSetVolume();
    48 	testPath();
    49 	CreateTestDirectory(_L("\\SESSION_TEST\\TFSRV\\"));
    50 	testInitialisation();
    51 	testSubst();
    52 	CopyFileToTestDirectory();
    53 	MakeAndDeleteFiles();
    54 	}
    58 void TSessionTest::testDriveList()
    59 //
    60 // Test the drive list.
    61 //
    62 	{
    64 	test.Start(_L("The drive list"));
    65 	TDriveList list;
    66 	TDriveInfo info;
    67 	TInt r=iFs.DriveList(list);
    68 	test_KErrNone(r);
    69 	for (TInt i=0;i<KMaxDrives;i++)
    70 		{
    71 		if (list[i])
    72 			{
    73 			r = iFs.Drive(info, i);
    74 			test_KErrNone(r);
    75 			printDriveAtt(i,info.iDriveAtt);
    76 			}
    77 		}
    79 	test.End();
    80 	}
    82 void TSessionTest::testDriveInfo()
    83 //
    84 // Test the drive info.
    85 //
    86 	{
    88 	test.Start(_L("The drive info"));
    89 	TDriveList list;
    90 	TInt r=iFs.DriveList(list);
    91 	test_KErrNone(r);
    92 	for (TInt i=0;i<KMaxDrives;i++)
    93 		{
    94 		TInt att=list[i];
    95 		if (att)
    96 			{
    97 			TDriveInfo d;
    98 			r=iFs.Drive(d,i);
    99 			test_KErrNone(r);
   100 			printDriveInfo(i,d);
   101 			test.Printf(_L("\n"));
   102 			DriveInfo(i,d);
   103 			}
   104 		}
   106 	test.End();
   107 	}
   109 void TSessionTest::testVolumeInfo()
   110 //
   111 // Test volume info.
   112 //
   113 	{
   115 	test.Start(_L("The volume info"));
   116 	TDriveList list;
   117 	TInt r=iFs.DriveList(list);
   118 	test_KErrNone(r);
   119 	for (TInt i=0;i<KMaxDrives;i++)
   120 		{
   121 		TVolumeInfo v;
   122 		TDriveInfo d;
   123 		switch (r=iFs.Volume(v,i))
   124 			{
   125 			case KErrNone:
   126 				printDriveInfo(i,v.iDrive);
   127 				test.Printf(_L("   VOL=\"%S\" ID=%08x\n"),&v.iName,v.iUniqueID);
   128 				test.Printf(_L("   SIZE=%ldK FREE=%ldK\n"),v.iSize/1024,v.iFree/1024);
   129 				break;
   130 			case KErrNotReady:
   131 				r=iFs.Drive(d, i);
   132 				test_KErrNone(r);
   133 				if (d.iType == EMediaNotPresent)
   134 					test.Printf(_L("%c: Medium not present - cannot perform test.\n"), i + 'A');
   135 				else
   136 					test.Printf(_L("medium found (type %d) but drive %c: not ready\nPrevious test may have hung; else, check hardware.\n"), (TInt)d.iType, i + 'A');
   137 				break;
   138 			case KErrPathNotFound:
   139 				test.Printf(_L("%c: Not Found\n"), i + 'A');
   140 				break;
   141 			case KErrCorrupt:
   142 				test.Printf(_L("%c: Media corruption; previous test may have aborted; else, check hardware\n"), i + 'A');
   143 			default:
   144 				test.Printf(_L("%c: Error %d - aborting test.\n"),i + 'A', r);
   145 				test(0);
   146 			}
   147 		test.Printf(_L("\n"));
   148 		}
   150 	test.End();
   151 	}
   154 void TSessionTest::testPath()
   155 //
   156 // Test the path handling.
   157 //
   158 	{
   160 	test.Start(_L("Test path handling"));
   162 	TInt r;
   164 	TFileName p;
   165 	r=iFs.SessionPath(p);
   166 	test_KErrNone(r);
   167 	test.Printf(_L("SESSION=\"%S\"\n"),&p);
   168 	r=iFs.SetSessionPath(_L("A:\\TEST\\"));
   169 	test_KErrNone(r);
   170 	r=iFs.SessionPath(p);
   171 	test_KErrNone(r);
   172 	test(p==_L("A:\\TEST\\"));
   173 	r=iFs.SetSessionPath(gTestSessionPath);
   174 	test_KErrNone(r);
   176 	test.End();
   177 	}
   180 void TSessionTest::testInitialisation()
   181 //
   182 //	Tests that calls to CheckedClose() are OK, ie, tests bug fix
   183 //
   184 	{
   185 	test.Next(_L("Test calls to CheckedClose are OK"));
   187 	RFile file;
   188 	RDir dir;
   190 	TInt count;
   191 	RFormat format;
   192 	TInt r=format.Open(iFs,_L("Z:\\"),EFullFormat,count);
   194 	test_Value(r, r==KErrAccessDenied || r==KErrInUse);
   196 	r=dir.Open(iFs,_L("\\SESSION_TEST\\ERRORTEST\\"),KEntryAttMatchMask);
   197 	test_Value(r, r==KErrPathNotFound);
   199 	r=file.Open(iFs,_L("\\SESSION_TEST\\SessionTest1.txt"),EFileRead);
   200 	test_Value(r, r==KErrNotFound);
   202 	r=dir.Open(iFs,_L("\\SESSION_TEST\\ERRORTEST2\\"),KEntryAttMatchMask);
   203 	test_Value(r, r==KErrPathNotFound);		
   205 	r=file.Open(iFs,_L("\\SESSION_TEST\\SessionTest2.txt"),EFileRead);
   206 	test_Value(r, r==KErrNotFound);
   208 	r=dir.Open(iFs,_L("\\SESSION_TEST\\ERRORTEST3\\"),KEntryAttMatchMask);
   209 	test_Value(r, r==KErrPathNotFound);		
   211 	r=file.Open(iFs,_L("\\SESSION_TEST\\SessionTest3.txt"),EFileRead);
   212 	test_Value(r, r==KErrNotFound);
   214 	r=file.Open(iFs,_L("\\SESSION_TEST\\SessionTest4.txt"),EFileRead);
   215 	test_Value(r, r==KErrNotFound);
   217 	format.Close();
   218 	dir.Close();
   219 	file.Close();
   220 	}
   223 void TSessionTest::testSubst()
   224 //
   225 // Test the substitute functions.
   226 //
   227 	{
   229 	test.Printf(_L("Test subst"));
   230 	TVolumeInfo v;
   231 	TInt r=iFs.Volume(v);
   232 	test_KErrNone(r);
   233 	TDriveInfo origDI;
   234 	r=iFs.Drive(origDI);
   235 	test_KErrNone(r);
   237 	TDriveInfo driveInfo;
   238 	r=iFs.Drive(driveInfo,EDriveO);
   239 	test_KErrNone(r);
   241 	testSetVolume();
   243 	if (driveInfo.iDriveAtt==KDriveAttLocal)
   244 		{	
   245 		return;	//	Subst local drives fails
   246 		}
   248 	TFileName n;
   249 	r=iFs.Subst(n,EDriveO);
   250 	test_KErrNone(r);
   251 	test(n.Length()==0);
   252 	r=iFs.SetSubst(gTestSessionPath,EDriveO);
   253 	test_KErrNone(r);
   254 	r=iFs.Subst(n,EDriveO);
   255 	test_KErrNone(r);
   256 	test(n==gTestSessionPath);
   257 	TVolumeInfo w;
   258 	r=iFs.Volume(w,EDriveO);
   259 	test_KErrNone(r);
   260 	test(w.iDrive.iType==v.iDrive.iType);
   261 	test(w.iDrive.iBattery==v.iDrive.iBattery);
   262 	test(w.iDrive.iDriveAtt==KDriveAttSubsted);
   263 	test(w.iDrive.iMediaAtt==v.iDrive.iMediaAtt);
   264 	test(w.iUniqueID==v.iUniqueID);
   265 	test(w.iSize==v.iSize);
   267 // If this test is being run under windows using drive C then skip free space comparison
   268 // as it is likely to fail as the windows file system is unlike to have static freespace
   269 #ifdef __WINS__
   270 	if(User::UpperCase(gTestSessionPath[0]) != 'C')
   271 		{
   272 #endif
   273 		test(w.iFree==v.iFree);
   275 #ifdef __WINS__
   276 		}
   277 #endif
   279 	test(w.iName==v.iName);
   280 	TDriveList driveList;
   281 	r=iFs.DriveList(driveList);
   282 	test_KErrNone(r);
   283 	test(driveList[EDriveO]==KDriveAttSubsted);
   284 	TDriveInfo d;
   285 	r=iFs.Drive(d,EDriveO);
   286 	test_KErrNone(r);
   287 	test(d.iDriveAtt==KDriveAttSubsted);
   288 	test(d.iMediaAtt==origDI.iMediaAtt);
   289 	test(d.iType==origDI.iType);
   290 	test(d.iBattery==origDI.iBattery);
   293 	test.Next(_L("Test real name"));
   294 	r=iFs.RealName(_L("O:\\FILE.XXX"),n);
   295 	test_KErrNone(r);
   296 	TFileName substedPath=gTestSessionPath;
   297 	substedPath.Append(_L("FILE.XXX"));
   298 	test(n.CompareF(substedPath)==KErrNone);
   299 //
   300 	test.Next(_L("Test MkDir, Rename and RmDir on Substed drive"));
   301 	_LIT(KTurgid,"turgid\\");
   302 	TFileName dir=gTestSessionPath;
   303 	dir+=KTurgid;
   304 	r=iFs.MkDirAll(dir);
   305 	test_KErrNone(r);
   306 	dir+=_L("subdir\\");
   307 	r=iFs.MkDir(dir);
   308 	test_KErrNone(r);
   309 	r=iFs.RmDir(_L("O:\\turgid\\subdir\\"));
   310 	test_KErrNone(r);
   311 	r=iFs.Rename(_L("O:\\turgid"), _L("O:\\facile"));
   312 	test_KErrNone(r);
   313 	r=iFs.MkDir(_L("O:\\insipid\\"));
   314 	test_KErrNone(r);
   315 	r=iFs.Rename(_L("O:\\insipid"), _L("O:\\glib"));
   316 	test_KErrNone(r);
   317 	r=iFs.RmDir(_L("O:\\facile\\"));
   318 	test_KErrNone(r);
   319 	_LIT(KGlib,"glib\\");
   320 	dir=gTestSessionPath;
   321 	dir+=KGlib;
   322 	r=iFs.RmDir(dir);
   323 	test_KErrNone(r);
   324 	test.Next(_L("Test file operations on Substed drive"));
   325 	_LIT(File1,"File1.txt");
   326 	_LIT(File2,"File2.txt");
   327 	_LIT(SubstRoot,"O:\\");
   328 	_LIT(Subdir,"subdir\\");
   329 	TFileName name1,name2;
   330 	name1=gTestSessionPath;
   331 	name1+=File1;
   332 	RFile f1;
   333 	r=f1.Create(iFs,name1,EFileShareExclusive|EFileWrite);
   334 	test_KErrNone(r);
   335 	name2=SubstRoot;
   336 	name2+=File2;
   337 	TBool isValid=iFs.IsValidName(name2);
   338 	test(isValid);
   339 	r=f1.Rename(name2);
   340 	test_KErrNone(r);
   341 	f1.Close();
   342 	r=f1.Create(iFs,name1,EFileShareExclusive|EFileWrite);
   343 	test_KErrNone(r);
   344 	f1.Close();
   345 	r=iFs.Replace(name2,name1);
   346 	test_KErrNone(r);
   347 	r=iFs.Delete(name1);
   348 	test_KErrNone(r);
   349 	test.Next(_L("Test notifications on Substed drive"));
   350 	name1=gTestSessionPath;
   351 	name1+=Subdir;
   352 	name2=SubstRoot;
   353 	name2+=Subdir;
   354 	// set up some extended notifications
   355 	TRequestStatus status1;
   356 	TRequestStatus status2;
   357 	TRequestStatus status3;
   358 	iFs.NotifyChange(ENotifyDir,status1,name1);
   359 	test(status1==KRequestPending);
   360 	iFs.NotifyChange(ENotifyDir,status2,name2);
   361 	test(status2==KRequestPending);
   362 	r=iFs.MkDirAll(name1);
   363 	test_KErrNone(r);
   364 	User::WaitForRequest(status1);
   365 	User::WaitForRequest(status2);
   366 	test(status1==KErrNone && status2==KErrNone);
   367 	iFs.NotifyChange(ENotifyDir,status1,name1);
   368 	test(status1==KRequestPending);
   369 	iFs.NotifyChange(ENotifyDir,status2,name2);
   370 	test(status2==KRequestPending);
   371 	iFs.NotifyChange(ENotifyAll,status3,name2);
   372 	test(status3==KRequestPending);
   373 	r=f1.Temp(iFs,name2,n,EFileShareAny|EFileWrite);
   374 	test_KErrNone(r);
   375 	User::WaitForRequest(status3);
   376 	test(status3==KErrNone && status1==KRequestPending && status2==KRequestPending);
   377 	f1.Close();
   378 	iFs.NotifyChangeCancel();
   379 	test(status1==KErrCancel && status2==KErrCancel);
   380 	User::WaitForRequest(status1);
   381 	User::WaitForRequest(status2);
   382 	r=iFs.Delete(n);
   383 	test_KErrNone(r);
   384 	r=iFs.RmDir(name1);
   385 	test_KErrNone(r);
   386 //
   387 	test.Next(_L("Test file systems on Substed drive"));
   388 	// test cannot mount file system on substituted drive
   389 	TInt sessionDrv;
   390 	r=iFs.CharToDrive(gTestSessionPath[0],sessionDrv);
   391 	test_KErrNone(r);
   392 	r=iFs.FileSystemName(n,sessionDrv);
   393 	test_Value(r, r==KErrNone || r==KErrNotFound);
   394 	r=iFs.MountFileSystem(n,EDriveO);
   395 	test_Value(r, r==KErrAccessDenied);
   396 	// test file system name on substitued drive is null
   397 	r=iFs.FileSystemName(n,EDriveO);
   398 	test_Value(r, r==KErrNotFound && n==KNullDesC);
   399 	// test cannot format a substitued drive
   400 	RFormat format;
   401 	TInt count;
   402 	r=format.Open(iFs,SubstRoot,EHighDensity,count);
   403 	test_Value(r, r==KErrAccessDenied);
   405 	r=iFs.SetSubst(_L(""),EDriveO);
   406 	test_KErrNone(r);
   407 	r=iFs.Subst(n,EDriveO);
   408 	test_KErrNone(r);
   409 	test(n==_L(""));
   410 	r=iFs.Drive(d,EDriveO);
   411 	test_KErrNone(r);
   412 	test(d.iDriveAtt==0);
   413 	}
   416 LOCAL_C TInt CreateFileX(const TDesC& aBaseName,TInt aX, RFs iFs)
   417 //
   418 // Create a large file. Return KErrEof or KErrNone
   419 //
   420 	{
   422 	TBuf<128> fileName=aBaseName;
   423 	fileName.AppendNum(aX);
   424 	RFile file;
   425 	TInt r=file.Replace(iFs,fileName,EFileWrite);
   426 	if (r==KErrDiskFull)
   427 		return(r);
   428 	if (r!=KErrNone)
   429 		{
   430 		test.Printf(_L("ERROR:: Replace returned %d\n"),r);
   431 		return(KErrDiskFull);
   432 		}
   433 	r=file.SetSize(65536);
   434 	if (r==KErrDiskFull)
   435 		{
   436 		file.Close();
   437 		return(r);
   438 		}
   439 	if (r!=KErrNone)
   440 		{
   441 		test.Printf(_L("ERROR:: SetSize returned %d\n"),r);
   442 		file.Close();
   443 		return(KErrDiskFull);
   444 		}
   445 	file.Close();
   446 //	r=iFs.CheckDisk(fileName);
   447 //	if (r!=KErrNone && r!=KErrNotSupported)
   448 //		{
   449 //		test.Printf(_L("ERROR:: CheckDisk returned %d\n"),r);
   450 //		test.Getch();
   451 //		return(KErrDiskFull);
   452 //		}
   453 	test.Printf(_L("Created file %d size 64k\n"),aX);
   454 	return(KErrNone);
   455 	}
   457 LOCAL_C TInt DeleteFileX(TBuf<128>& aBaseName,TInt aX, RFs iFs)
   458 //
   459 // Delete a file.
   460 //
   461 	{
   463 	TBuf<128> fileName=aBaseName;
   464 	fileName.AppendNum(aX);
   465 	TInt r=iFs.Delete(fileName);
   466 	test_KErrNone(r);
   467 //	r=iFs.CheckDisk(fileName);
   468 //	if (r!=KErrNone && r!=KErrNotSupported)
   469 //		{
   470 //		test.Printf(_L("ERROR:: CheckDisk returned %d\n"),r);
   471 //		test_KErrNone(r);
   472 //		}
   473 	test.Printf(_L("Deleted File %d\n"),aX);
   474 	return(KErrNone);
   475 	}
   477 void TSessionTest::MakeAndDeleteFiles()
   478 //
   479 // Create and delete large files in a randomish order
   480 //
   481 	{
   483 	test.Start(_L("Create and delete large files"));
   484 	TInt r=iFs.MkDirAll(_L("\\SESSION_TEST\\SMALLDIRECTORY\\"));
   485 	test_Value(r, r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
   486 	TBuf<128> fileName=_L("\\SESSION_TEST\\SMALLDIRECTORY\\FILE");
   487 	r=CreateFileX(fileName,0,iFs);
   488 	test_KErrNone(r);
   489 	r=CreateFileX(fileName,1,iFs);
   490 	test_KErrNone(r);
   491 	r=DeleteFileX(fileName,0,iFs);	
   492 	test_KErrNone(r);
   493 	r=CreateFileX(fileName,2,iFs);
   494 	test_KErrNone(r);
   495 	r=CreateFileX(fileName,1,iFs);
   496 	test_KErrNone(r);
   497 	r=CreateFileX(fileName,3,iFs);
   498 	test_KErrNone(r);
   499 	r=DeleteFileX(fileName,1,iFs);	
   500 	test_KErrNone(r);
   501 	r=CreateFileX(fileName,4,iFs);
   502 	test_KErrNone(r);
   503 	r=DeleteFileX(fileName,2,iFs);	
   504 	test_KErrNone(r);
   505 	r=DeleteFileX(fileName,3,iFs);	
   506 	test_KErrNone(r);
   507 	r=DeleteFileX(fileName,4,iFs);	
   508 	test_KErrNone(r);
   509 	r=CreateFileX(fileName,1,iFs);
   510 	test_KErrNone(r);
   511 	r=DeleteFileX(fileName,1,iFs);	
   512 	test_KErrNone(r);
   514 	r=iFs.CheckDisk(fileName);
   515 	test_Value(r, r==KErrNone || r==KErrNotSupported);
   516 	test.End();
   517 	}
   519 void TSessionTest::FillUpDisk()
   520 //
   521 // Test that a full disk is ok
   522 //
   523 	{
   525 	test.Start(_L("Fill disk to capacity"));
   526 	TInt r=iFs.MkDirAll(_L("\\SESSION_TEST\\BIGDIRECTORY\\"));
   527 	test_Value(r, r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
   528 	TInt count=0;
   529 	TFileName sessionPath;
   530 	r=iFs.SessionPath(sessionPath);
   531 	test_KErrNone(r);
   532 	TBuf<128> fileName=_L("\\SESSION_TEST\\BIGDIRECTORY\\FILE");
   533 	FOREVER
   534 		{
   535 		TInt r=CreateFileX(fileName,count,iFs);
   536 		if (r==KErrDiskFull)
   537 			break;
   538 		test_KErrNone(r);
   539 		count++;
   540  #if defined(__WINS__)
   541 		if (count==32 && sessionPath[0]=='C') // Don't fill up disk on NT
   542 			break;
   543  #endif
   544 		}
   546 	r=iFs.CheckDisk(fileName);
   547 	test_Value(r, r==KErrNone || r==KErrNotSupported);
   549 	while(count--)
   550 		DeleteFileX(fileName,count,iFs);
   552 	r=iFs.CheckDisk(fileName);
   553 	test_Value(r, r==KErrNone || r==KErrNotSupported);
   555 	test.End();
   556 	}
   558 void TSessionTest::CopyFileToTestDirectory()
   559 //
   560 // Make a copy of the file in ram
   561 //
   562 	{
   564 	TFileName fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP");
   565 	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
   566 	TParse f;
   567 	TInt r=iFs.Parse(fn,f);
   568 	test_KErrNone(r);
   569 	test.Next(_L("Copying file to test directory"));
   570 	TParse fCopy;
   571 	r=iFs.Parse(f.NameAndExt(),fCopy);
   572 	test_KErrNone(r);
   574 	RFile f1;
   575 	r=f1.Open(iFs,f.FullName(),EFileStreamText|EFileShareReadersOnly);
   576 	test.Printf(_L("r=%d\n"),r);
   577 	test_KErrNone(r);
   578 	RFile f2;
   579 	r=f2.Replace(iFs,fCopy.FullName(),EFileWrite);
   580 	test_KErrNone(r);
   581 	TBuf8<512> copyBuf;
   582 	TInt rem;
   583 	r=f1.Size(rem);
   584 	test_KErrNone(r);
   585 	TInt pos=0;
   586 	while (rem)
   587 		{
   588 		TInt s=Min(rem,copyBuf.MaxSize());
   589 		r=f1.Read(pos,copyBuf,s);
   590 		test_KErrNone(r);
   591 		test(copyBuf.Length()==s);
   592 		r=f2.Write(pos,copyBuf,s);
   593 		test_KErrNone(r);
   594 		pos+=s;
   595 		rem-=s;
   596 		}
   597 	f1.Close();
   598 	f2.Close();
   599 	}
   602 void TSessionTest::testSetVolume()
   603 //
   604 // Test setting the volume info.
   605 //
   606 	{
   608 	test.Start(_L("Test setting the volume label"));
   610 #if defined(_UNICODE)
   611 	test.Printf(_L("Unicode volume label set not implemented ****\n"));
   612 	test.End();
   613 	return;
   614 #else
   615 	TInt driveNum=CurrentDrive();
   616 	TVolumeInfo v;
   617 	TInt r=iFs.Volume(v,driveNum);
   618 	test_KErrNone(r);
   619 	TFileName n=v.iName;
   620 	test.Printf(_L("VOL=\"%S\"\n"),&n);
   622 	test.Next(_L("Set volume label to nothing"));
   623 	r=iFs.SetVolumeLabel(_L(""),driveNum);
   624 #if defined(__WINS__)
   625 	if (r==KErrGeneral || r==KErrAccessDenied || r==KErrNotSupported)
   626 		{
   627 		test.Printf(_L("Error %d: Set volume label not testing on WINS\n"),r);
   628 		test.End();
   629 		return;
   630 		}
   631 #endif
   632 	test_KErrNone(r);
   633 	r=iFs.Volume(v,driveNum);
   634 	test_KErrNone(r);
   635 	test(v.iName==_L(""));
   636 	test.Printf(_L("VOL=\"%S\"\n"),&v.iName);
   638 	test.Next(_L("Set volume label to ABCDEFGHIJK"));
   639 	r=iFs.SetVolumeLabel(_L("ABCDEFGHIJK"),driveNum);
   640 	test_KErrNone(r);
   641 	r=iFs.Volume(v,driveNum);
   642 	test_KErrNone(r);
   643 	test(v.iName==_L("ABCDEFGHIJK"));
   644 	test.Printf(_L("VOL=\"%S\"\n"),&v.iName);
   646 	test.Next(_L("Set volume label back to nothing"));
   647 	r=iFs.SetVolumeLabel(_L(""),driveNum);
   648 	test_KErrNone(r);
   649 	r=iFs.Volume(v,driveNum);
   650 	test_KErrNone(r);
   651 	test(v.iName==_L(""));
   652 	test.Printf(_L("VOL=\"%S\"\n"),&v.iName);
   654 	test.Next(_L("Set volume label to original"));
   655 	r=iFs.SetVolumeLabel(n,driveNum);
   656 	test_KErrNone(r);
   657 	r=iFs.Volume(v,driveNum);
   658 	test_KErrNone(r);
   659 	test(v.iName==n);
   660 	test.Printf(_L("VOL=\"%S\"\n"),&v.iName);
   662 	test.End();
   663 #endif
   664 	}
   666 LOCAL_C void printDriveAtt(TInt aDrive,TUint anAtt)
   667 //
   668 // Print a drive attribute.
   669 //
   670 	{
   672 	test.Printf(_L("%c: "),aDrive+'A');
   673 	if (anAtt&KDriveAttLocal)
   674 		test.Printf(_L("LOCAL "));
   675 	if (anAtt&KDriveAttRom)
   676 		test.Printf(_L("ROM "));
   677 	if (anAtt&KDriveAttRedirected)
   678 		test.Printf(_L("REDIR "));
   679 	if (anAtt&KDriveAttSubsted)
   680 		test.Printf(_L("SUBST "));
   681 	if (anAtt&KDriveAttInternal)
   682 		test.Printf(_L("INTERNAL "));
   683 	if ((anAtt&KDriveAttRemovable) && !(anAtt&KDriveAttLogicallyRemovable))
   684 		test.Printf(_L("PHYSICALLY-REMOVABLE "));
   685 	if (anAtt&KDriveAttLogicallyRemovable)
   686 		test.Printf(_L("LOGICALLY-REMOVABLE "));
   687 	if (anAtt&KDriveAttHidden)
   688 		test.Printf(_L("HIDDEN "));
   689 	test.Printf(_L("\n"));
   690 	}
   692 LOCAL_C void printDriveInfo(TInt aDrive,TDriveInfo& anInfo)
   693 //
   694 // Print a drive info.
   695 //
   696 	{
   698 	printDriveAtt(aDrive,anInfo.iDriveAtt);
   699 	test.Printf(_L("   MEDIA-ATT="));
   700 	if (anInfo.iMediaAtt==0)
   701 		test.Printf(_L("<none>"));
   702 	if (anInfo.iMediaAtt&KMediaAttVariableSize)
   703 		test.Printf(_L("VariableSize "));
   704 	if (anInfo.iMediaAtt&KMediaAttDualDensity)
   705 		test.Printf(_L("DualDensity "));
   706 	if (anInfo.iMediaAtt&KMediaAttFormattable)
   707 		test.Printf(_L("Formattable "));
   708 	if (anInfo.iMediaAtt&KMediaAttWriteProtected)
   709 		test.Printf(_L("WProtected "));
   710 	test.Printf(_L("\n   BATTERY="));
   711 	switch(anInfo.iBattery)
   712 		{
   713 	case EBatNotSupported: test.Printf(_L("Not supported\n")); break;
   714 	case EBatGood: test.Printf(_L("Good\n")); break;
   715 	case EBatLow: test.Printf(_L("Low\n")); break;
   716 	default:
   717 		test.Printf(_L("Unknown value\n"));
   718 		}
   719 	test.Printf(_L("   MEDIA="));
   720 	switch(anInfo.iType)
   721 		{
   722 	case EMediaNotPresent: test.Printf(_L("Not present\n")); break;
   723 	case EMediaUnknown: test.Printf(_L("Unknown\n")); break;
   724 	case EMediaFloppy: test.Printf(_L("Floppy\n")); break;
   725 	case EMediaHardDisk: test.Printf(_L("Hard disk\n")); break;
   726 	case EMediaCdRom: test.Printf(_L("CD Rom\n")); break;
   727 	case EMediaRam: test.Printf(_L("Ram\n")); break;
   728 	case EMediaFlash: test.Printf(_L("Flash\n")); break;
   729 	case EMediaRom: test.Printf(_L("Rom\n")); break;
   730 	case EMediaRemote: test.Printf(_L("Remote\n")); break;
   731 	default:
   732 		test.Printf(_L("Unknown value\n"));
   733 		}
   734 	}
   736 LOCAL_C void DriveInfo(TInt aDrive,TDriveInfo& anInfo)
   737 //
   738 // Test the drive info is reasonable
   739 //
   740 	{
   742 	test(anInfo.iBattery==EBatLow || anInfo.iBattery==EBatGood || anInfo.iBattery==EBatNotSupported);
   744 	if (aDrive==EDriveZ)
   745 		{
   746 		if (anInfo.iType==EMediaNotPresent)
   747 			return;
   749 		test(anInfo.iMediaAtt==KMediaAttWriteProtected);
   750 		test(anInfo.iDriveAtt==(KDriveAttRom|KDriveAttInternal));
   751 		test(anInfo.iType==EMediaRom);
   752 		}
   754 /*
   755 Why assume certain drive letters can only refer to certain drive types?
   756 	else if (aDrive==EDriveC || aDrive==EDriveY)
   757 		{
   758 		if (anInfo.iType==EMediaNotPresent)
   759 			return;
   761 //		test(anInfo.iDriveAtt==(KDriveAttLocal|KDriveAttInternal));
   763 		test(anInfo.iDriveAtt&(KDriveAttLocal|KDriveAttInternal)==KDriveAttLocal|KDriveAttInternal);	// LFFS sets KDriveAttTransaction as well
   764 		test(anInfo.iType==EMediaRam || anInfo.iType==EMediaFlash);
   765 		if(anInfo.iType==EMediaRam)	test(anInfo.iMediaAtt==(KMediaAttVariableSize|KMediaAttFormattable));
   766 		else if(anInfo.iType==EMediaFlash) test(anInfo.iMediaAtt==KMediaAttFormattable);
   767 		}
   769 	else if (aDrive==EDriveD || aDrive==EDriveX)
   770 		{
   771 		if (anInfo.iType==EMediaNotPresent)
   772 			return;
   774 		test(anInfo.iDriveAtt==(KDriveAttLocal|KDriveAttRemovable));
   775 		test(anInfo.iType==EMediaHardDisk);
   776 		test(anInfo.iMediaAtt&KMediaAttFormattable);
   777 		}
   778 */
   779 	}
   781 void TSessionTest::CreateTestDirectory(const TDesC& aSessionPath)
   782 //
   783 // Create directory for test
   784 //
   785 	{
   786 	TParsePtrC path(aSessionPath);
   787 	test(path.DrivePresent()==EFalse);
   789 	TInt r=iFs.SetSessionPath(aSessionPath);
   790 	test_KErrNone(r);
   791 	r=iFs.SessionPath(gTestSessionPath);
   792 	test_KErrNone(r);
   793 	r=iFs.MkDirAll(gTestSessionPath);
   794 	test_Value(r, r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
   795 	}
   797 TInt TSessionTest::CurrentDrive()
   798 //
   799 // Return the current drive number
   800 //
   801 	{
   803 	TInt driveNum;
   804 	TInt r=iFs.CharToDrive(gTestSessionPath[0],driveNum);
   805 	test_KErrNone(r);
   806 	return(driveNum);
   807 	}