changeset 43 c1f20ce4abcf
equal deleted inserted replaced
42:a179b74831c9 43:c1f20ce4abcf
     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // include/drivers/dma_v1.h
    15 // DMA Framework API v1
    16 //
    17 // NB: DMA clients should never include this file directly, but only ever the
    18 // generic header file <drivers/dma.h>.
    19 //
    21 #ifndef __DMA_H__
    22 #error "dma_v1.h must'n be included directly - use <drivers/dma.h> instead"
    23 #endif	// #ifndef __DMA_H__
    25 #ifndef __DMA_V1_H__
    26 #define __DMA_V1_H__
    28 #include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
    31 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    32 // Debug Support - KDmaPanicCat is defined in each source file
    34 #define __DMA_ASSERTD(e) __ASSERT_DEBUG(e, Kern::Fault(KDmaPanicCat, __LINE__))
    35 #define __DMA_ASSERTA(e) __ASSERT_ALWAYS(e, Kern::Fault(KDmaPanicCat, __LINE__))
    36 #ifdef _DEBUG
    37 #define __DMA_CANT_HAPPEN() Kern::Fault(KDmaPanicCat, __LINE__)
    38 #define __DMA_DECLARE_INVARIANT public: void Invariant();
    39 #define __DMA_INVARIANT() Invariant()
    40 #else
    41 #define __DMA_CANT_HAPPEN()
    42 #define __DMA_DECLARE_INVARIANT
    43 #define __DMA_INVARIANT()
    44 #endif
    47 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    49 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    51 /**
    52 Bitmasks used for configuring a DMA request.
    54 In general, specify KDmaMemSrc|KDmaIncSrc (resp. KDmaMemDest|KDmaIncDest) if
    55 the source (resp. destination) is a memory buffer and clear
    56 KDmaMemSrc|KDmaIncSrc (resp. KDmaMemDest|KDmaIncDest) if the source
    57 (resp. destination) is a peripheral.
    59 If the location is given as a physical address (rather than a linear one)
    60 then also specify KDmaPhysAddrSrc and/or KDmaPhysAddrDest.
    62 The EKA1 "Fill Mode" can be implemented by omitting KDmaIncSrc.
    64 Some peripherals may require a post-increment address mode.
    66 @see DDmaRequest::Fragment
    67 @publishedPartner
    68 @released
    69 */
    71 enum TDmaRequestFlags
    72 	{
    73 	/** Source is address of memory buffer */
    74 	KDmaMemSrc       = 0x01,
    75 	/** Destination is address of memory buffer */
    76 	KDmaMemDest      = 0x02,
    77 	/** Source address must be post-incremented during transfer */
    78 	KDmaIncSrc       = 0x04,
    79 	/** Destination address must be post-incremented during transfer */
    80 	KDmaIncDest      = 0x08,
    81 	/** Source address is a physical address (as opposed to a linear one) */
    82 	KDmaPhysAddrSrc  = 0x10,
    83 	/** Destination address is a physical address (as opposed to a linear one) */
    84 	KDmaPhysAddrDest = 0x20,
    85 	/** Request a different max transfer size (for instance for test purposes) */
    86 	KDmaAltTransferLen = 0x40
    87 	};
    90 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    92 class TDmaChannel;
    93 struct SDmaDesHdr;
    95 /** A DMA request is a list of fragments small enough to be transferred in one go
    96 	by the DMAC.
    98 	In general, fragmentation is done in the framework by calling Fragment() but
    99 	clients with special needs can allocate a blank descriptor list with
   100 	ExpandDesList() and customise it to fit their needs.
   102 	Clients should not set attributes directly, but should use the various functions
   103 	instead.
   105 	This class has not been designed to be called from several concurrent threads.
   106 	Multithreaded clients must implement their own locking scheme (via DMutex).
   108 	Fast mutexes are used internally to protect data structures accessed both
   109 	by the client thread and the DFC thread.  Therefore no fast mutex can be held
   110 	when calling a request function.
   112 	@publishedPartner
   113 	@released
   114  */
   115 class DDmaRequest : public DBase
   116 	{
   117 	friend class TDmaChannel;
   118 public:
   119 	/** The outcome of the transfer */
   120 	enum TResult {EBadResult=0, EOk, EError};
   121 	/** The signature of the completion/failure callback function */
   122 	typedef void (*TCallback)(TResult, TAny*);
   123 public:
   125     /**
   126     Create a new transfer request. 
   128     @param aChannel The channel this request is bound to.
   129     @param aCb      Callback function called on transfer completion or failure (in channel
   130                     DFC context).  Can be NULL.
   131     @param aCbArg   Argument passed to callback function.
   132     @param aMaxTransferSize Maximum fragment size.  If not specified, defaults to the maximum size
   133            supported by the DMA controller for the type of transfer that is later scheduled.
   134     */
   135 	IMPORT_C DDmaRequest(TDmaChannel& aChannel, TCallback aCb=NULL, TAny* aCbArg=NULL, TInt aMaxTransferSize=0);
   138 	/**
   139     Destructor.
   141     Assume the request is not being transferred or pending.
   142     */
   143 	IMPORT_C ~DDmaRequest();
   146 	/**
   147     Split request into a list of fragments small enough to be fed to the DMAC.
   149     The size of each fragment is smaller than or equal to the maximum transfer size
   150     supported by the DMAC.  If the source and/or destination is memory, each
   151     fragment points to memory which is physically contiguous.
   153     The kind of transfer to perform is specified via a set of flags used by a PIL
   154     and a magic cookie passed to the PSL.  If the source (resp. destination) is a
   155     peripheral, aSrc (resp. aDest) is treated as a magic cookie by the PIL and
   156     passed straight to the PSL.
   158     The request can be uninitialised or may have been fragmented previously.  The
   159     previous configuration if any is lost whether or not the function succeeds.
   161     The client must ensure that any memory buffers involved in the transfer
   162     have been suitably prepared for DMA. For memory allocated on the kernel
   163     side or in a shared chunk this amounts to ensuring cache consistency
   164     before Queue() is called. However for memory that was allocated on the
   165     user side the client must also ensure that the memory is protected from
   166     both data paging and RAM defragmentation before Fragment() is called
   167     @see Kern::MapAndPinMemory(). Note however, that this function is only
   168     available if the flexible memory model (FMM) is in use.
   170     @param aSrc     Source memory buffer linear address or peripheral magic cookie.
   171     @param aDest    Destination memory buffer linear address or peripheral magic cookie.
   172     @param aCount   Number of bytes to transfer.
   173     @param aFlags   Bitmask characterising the transfer.
   174     @param aPslInfo Hardware-specific information passed to PSL.
   176     @return KErrNone if success. KErrArgument if aFlags and/or aPslInfo are invalid when finding
   177     the maximum transfer size. May also fail if running out of descriptors.
   179     @pre The request is not being transferred or pending.
   180     @pre The various parameters must be valid.  The PIL or PSL will fault the
   181     kernel if not.
   183     @see TDmaRequestFlags
   184     */
   185 	IMPORT_C TInt Fragment(TUint32 aSrc, TUint32 aDest, TInt aCount, TUint aFlags, TUint32 aPslInfo);
   188 	/**
   189     Transfer asynchronously this request.
   191     If this request's channel is idle, the request is transferred immediately.
   192     Otherwise, it is queued and transferred later.
   194     The client is responsible for ensuring cache consistency before and/or after the
   195     transfer if necessary.
   196     */
   197 	IMPORT_C void Queue();
   200     /**
   201     Append new descriptor(s) to existing list.
   203     Clients needing to build a custom descriptor list should call this function to
   204     allocate the list and access the resulting list through iFirstHdr and iLastHdr.
   206     Clients should not change the value of iFirstHdr, iLastHdr and the iNext field
   207     of the descriptor headers to ensure descriptors can be deallocated. Clients
   208     are free to change hardware descriptors, including chaining, in whatever way
   209     suit them.
   211     Assume the request is not being transferred or pending.
   213     @param aCount Number of descriptors to append.
   215     @return KErrNone or KErrTooBig if not enough descriptors available.
   216     */
   217 	IMPORT_C TInt ExpandDesList(TInt aCount=1);
   220 	/**
   221     Free resources associated with this request.
   223     Assume the request is not being transferred or pending.
   224     */
   225 	IMPORT_C void FreeDesList();
   226 private:
   227 	inline void OnDeque();
   228 public:
   229 	// WARNING: The following attributes are accessed both in client and DFC
   230 	// context and so accesses must be protected with the channel lock.
   231 	TDmaChannel& iChannel;		/**< The channel this request is bound to */
   232 	volatile TCallback iCb;		/**< Called on completion/failure (can be NULL) */
   233 	TAny* volatile iCbArg;		/**< Callback argument */
   234 	TInt iDesCount;				/**< The number of fragments in list */
   235 	SDmaDesHdr* iFirstHdr;		/**< The first fragment in the list (or NULL) */
   236 	SDmaDesHdr* iLastHdr;		/**< The last fragment in the list (or NULL) */
   237 	SDblQueLink iLink;			/**< The link on channel queue of pending requests */
   238 	TBool iQueued;				/**< Indicates whether request is pending or being transferred */
   239 	TInt iMaxTransferSize;		/**< Defaults to DMA controller max. transfer size */
   241 	};
   244 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   246 class TDmac;
   247 class DmaChannelMgr;
   249 /** DMA channel base class.
   251 	This class has not been designed to be called from several concurrent
   252 	client threads.  Multithreaded clients must implement their own locking
   253 	scheme (via DMutex).
   255 	Fast mutexes are used internally to protect data structures accessed both
   256 	by the client thread and the DFC one.  Therefore no fast mutex can be held
   257 	when calling a channel function.
   259 	Must be allocated in BSS because it relies on being zeroed at
   260 	creation-time.  If the PSL really needs to allocate channels on the kernel
   261 	heap, it must manually zero-initialises the instances.  This can be
   262 	achieved either by allocating raw memory and using placement new, or by
   263 	wrapping channels into a DBase-derived wrapper.
   265 	@publishedPartner
   266 	@released
   267  */
   268 class TDmaCancelInfo;
   269 class TDmaChannel
   270 	{
   271 	friend class DDmaRequest;
   272 	friend class TDmac;
   273 	friend class DmaChannelMgr;
   274 public:
   275 	/**  Information passed by client when opening channel */
   276 	struct SCreateInfo
   277 		{
   278 		/** Identifier used by PSL to select channel to open */
   279 		TUint32 iCookie;
   280 		/** Number of descriptors this channel can use */
   281 		TInt iDesCount;
   282 		/** DFC queue used to service DMA interrupts */
   283 		TDfcQue* iDfcQ;
   284 		/** DFC priority */
   285 		TUint8 iDfcPriority;
   286 		};
   287 public:
   288     /**
   289  	Opens the DMA channel.
   291  	Channel selection is done by the hardware-specific layer using a cookie passed in
   292  	via aInfo.
   294  	The client should not delete the returned pointer as the framework owns
   295  	channel objects.  However, the client should explicitly close the channel when
   296  	finished with it.
   298 	@param aInfo    Information passed by caller to select and configure channel.
   299  	@param aChannel Point to open channel on successful return.  NULL otherwise.
   301  	@return KErrNone or standard error code.
   302  	*/
   303 	IMPORT_C static TInt Open(const SCreateInfo& aInfo, TDmaChannel*& aChannel);
   306 	/**
   307  	Closes a previously opened DMA channel.
   309  	Assume the channel is idle and all requests have been deleted.
   310  	*/
   311 	IMPORT_C void Close();
   314 	/**
   315  	Cancels the current request and all the pending ones.
   316  	*/
   317 	IMPORT_C void CancelAll();
   318 	inline TBool IsOpened() const;
   319 	inline TBool IsQueueEmpty() const;
   320 	inline TUint32 PslId() const;
   321 	inline TInt FailNext(TInt aFragmentCount);
   322 	inline TInt MissNextInterrupts(TInt aInterruptCount);
   323 	inline TInt Extension(TInt aCmd, TAny* aArg);
   325 	/**
   326 	This is a function that allows the Platform Specific Layer (PSL) to extend the DMA API
   327 	with new channel-independent operations.
   329 	@param aCmd Command identifier.  Negative values are reserved for Symbian use.
   330 	@param aArg PSL-specific.
   332 	@return KErrNotSupported if aCmd is not supported; a  PSL specific value otherwise.
   333  	*/
   334 	IMPORT_C TInt StaticExtension(TInt aCmd, TAny* aArg);
   335 	inline const TDmac* Controller() const;
   336 	inline TInt MaxTransferSize(TUint aFlags, TUint32 aPslInfo);
   337 	inline TUint MemAlignMask(TUint aFlags, TUint32 aPslInfo);
   338 protected:
   339 	// Interface with state machines
   340 	TDmaChannel();
   341 	virtual void DoQueue(DDmaRequest& aReq) = 0;
   342 	virtual void DoCancelAll() = 0;
   343 	virtual void DoUnlink(SDmaDesHdr& aHdr);
   344 	virtual void DoDfc(DDmaRequest& aCurReq, SDmaDesHdr*& aCompletedHdr) = 0;
   345 	/**
   346 		This function allows the Platform Specific Layer (PSL) to control the
   347 		power management of the channel or its controller by overriding the
   348 		PIL's default implementation (which does nothing) and making
   349 		appropriate use of the Power Resource Manager (PRM).
   351 		The function gets called by the PIL whenever the channel's queued
   352 		requests count has changed in a significant way, either before the
   353 		channel's Transfer() method is invoked for a request on a previously
   354 		empty request queue, or immediately after the request count has become
   355 		zero because of request cancellation or completion.
   357 		Depending on the current and previous observed values of
   358 		iQueuedRequests, the PSL may power down or power up the channel.
   360 		Note that iQueuedRequests gets accessed and changed by different
   361 		threads, so the PSL needs to take the usual precautions when evaluating
   362 		the variable's value. Also, due to the multithreaded framework
   363 		architecture, there is no guarantee that the function calls always
   364 		arrive at the PSL level in the strict chronological order of
   365 		iQueuedRequests being incremented/decremented in the PIL, i.e. it might
   366 		happen that the PSL finds iQueuedRequests to have the same value in two
   367 		or more consecutive calls (that's why the previous observed value needs
   368 		to be locally available and taken into account). It is however promised
   369 		that before any actual transfer commences the PSL will find the request
   370 		count to be greater than zero and that after the last request has
   371 		finished it will be found to be zero.
   373 		None of the internal DMA framework mutexes is being held by the PIL
   374 		when calling this function.
   376 		Here is an example implementation for a derived channel class:
   378 		@code
   380 		class TFooDmaChannel : public TDmaSgChannel
   381 			{
   382 			DMutex* iDmaMutex;
   383 			TInt iPrevQueuedRequests;
   384 			virtual void QueuedRequestCountChanged();
   385 			};
   387 		void TFooDmaChannel::QueuedRequestCountChanged()
   388 			{
   389 			Kern::MutexWait(*iDmaMutex);
   390 			const TInt queued_now = __e32_atomic_load_acq32(&iQueuedRequests);
   391 			if ((queued_now > 0) && (iPrevQueuedRequests == 0))
   392 				{
   393 				IncreasePowerCount(); // Base port specific
   394 				}
   395 			else if ((queued_now == 0) && (iPrevQueuedRequests > 0))
   396 				{
   397 				DecreasePowerCount(); // Base port specific
   398 				}
   399 			iPrevQueuedRequests = queued_now;
   400 			Kern::MutexSignal(*iDmaMutex);
   401 			}
   403 		@endcode
   405 		@see iQueuedRequests
   406 	*/
   407 	virtual void QueuedRequestCountChanged();
   408 #if defined(__CPU_ARM) && !defined(__EABI__)
   409 	inline virtual ~TDmaChannel() {}	// kill really annoying warning
   410 #endif
   411 private:
   412 	static void Dfc(TAny*);
   413 	void DoDfc();
   414 	inline void Wait();
   415 	inline void Signal();
   416 	inline TBool Flash();
   417 	void ResetStateMachine();
   418 protected:
   419 	TDmac* iController;										// DMAC this channel belongs to (NULL when closed)
   420 	TUint32 iPslId;											// unique identifier provided by PSL
   421 	NFastMutex iLock;										// for data accessed in both client & DFC context
   422 	SDmaDesHdr* iCurHdr;									// fragment being transferred or NULL
   423 	SDmaDesHdr** iNullPtr;									// Pointer to NULL pointer following last fragment
   424 	TDfc iDfc;												// transfer completion/failure DFC
   425 	TInt iMaxDesCount;										// maximum number of allocable descriptors
   426 	TInt iAvailDesCount;									// available number of descriptors
   427 	volatile TUint32 iIsrDfc;								// Interface between ISR and DFC:
   428 	enum { KErrorFlagMask = 0x80000000 };					// bit 31 - error flag
   429 	enum { KCancelFlagMask = 0x40000000 };					// bit 30 - cancel flag
   430 	enum { KDfcCountMask = 0x3FFFFFFF };					// bits 0-29 - number of queued DFCs
   431 	SDblQue iReqQ;											// being/about to be transferred request queue
   432 	TInt iReqCount;											// number of requests attached to this channel
   433 	TInt iQueuedRequests; 									// number of requests currently queued on this channel
   434 	TBool iCallQueuedRequestFn;								// call QueuedRequestCountChanged? (default: true)
   435 private:
   436 	TDmaCancelInfo* iCancelInfo;
   438 	};
   441 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   443 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   445 // Trace macros intended for use by the DMA PSL
   446 #define DMA_PRINTF(MSG) __KTRACE_OPT(KDMA, Kern::Printf((MSG)))
   447 #define DMA_PRINTF1(MSG, ARG1) __KTRACE_OPT(KDMA, Kern::Printf((MSG), (ARG1)))
   448 #define DMA_PRINTF2(MSG, ARG1, ARG2) __KTRACE_OPT(KDMA, Kern::Printf((MSG), (ARG1), (ARG2)))
   450 #define DMA_PSL_MESG "DMA PSL: "
   452 // General PSL tracing
   458 #define DMA_PSL_CHAN_MESG DMA_PSL_MESG "ChanId %d: "
   459 #define DMA_PSL_CHAN_ARGS(CHAN) ((CHAN).PslId())
   461 // For channel specific tracing (where CHAN is a TDmaChannel)
   465 // For channel specific tracing, for use within methods of TDmaChannel derived
   466 // class
   471 /**
   472 Generic DMA descriptor used if the DMAC does not have support for hardware
   473 descriptor.
   474 @see DDmaRequest::Fragment
   475 @publishedPartner
   476 @released
   477 */
   479 struct SDmaPseudoDes
   480 	{
   481 	/** Source linear address or peripheral cookie */
   482 	TUint32 iSrc;
   483 	/** Destination linear address or peripheral cookie */
   484 	TUint32 iDest;
   485 	/** Number of bytes to transfer */
   486 	TInt iCount;
   487 	/** @see TDmaRequestFlags */
   488 	TUint iFlags;
   489 	/** PSL-specific information provided by client */
   490 	TUint32 iPslInfo;
   491 	/** The same as TDmaChannel::SCreateInfo.iCookie */
   492 	TUint32 iCookie;
   493 	};
   496 /**
   497 Each hardware or pseudo descriptor is associated with a header.  Headers are
   498 needed because hardware descriptors can not easily be extended to store
   499 additional information.
   500 @publishedPartner
   501 @released
   502 */
   504 struct SDmaDesHdr
   505 	{
   506 	SDmaDesHdr* iNext;
   507 	};
   510 /**
   511 Interface used by PIL to open and close DMA channels.
   513 Must be implemented by PSL.
   514 @publishedPartner
   515 @released
   516 */
   518 class DmaChannelMgr
   519 	{
   520 public:
   521 	/** Opens a channel using a client-provided identifier.
   522 		This function must be implemented by the PSL.
   523 		@param	aOpenId Magic cookie passed by client
   524 				This may identify the channel (if a static channel
   525 				allocation scheme is used) or may indicate some
   526 				properties which the channel must possess (if a dynamic
   527 				channel allocation scheme is used). It may be set to
   528 				zero always if dynamic allocation is used and all
   529 				channels are equivalent.
   530 		@return	Pointer to channel if available, NULL otherwise.
   531 		@pre	The PIL calls this function with a global fast mutex held to
   532 				avoid race conditions.
   533 		@post	If a non-NULL pointer is returned, the object pointed to has its
   534 				iController and iPslId members set to valid states.
   535 				iController should point to the controller handling that channel.
   536 				iPslId should contain a value uniquely identifying the channel -
   537 				it is used only for debug tracing by PIL. It can be given any
   538 				convenient value by PSL	(channel index, I/O port address, ...).
   539 	*/
   540 	static TDmaChannel* Open(TUint32 aOpenId);
   542 	/** Performs platform-specific operations when a channel is closed.
   543 		This function must be implemented by the PSL but the implementation can be
   544 		a no-op.
   545 		@param aChannel The channel to close
   546 		@pre The PIL calls this function with a global fast mutex held to
   547 			avoid race conditions.
   548 	*/
   549 	static void Close(TDmaChannel* aChannel);
   551 	/** Function allowing PSL to extend DMA API with new channel-independent operations.
   552 		This function must be implemented by the PSL.
   553 		@param aCmd Command identifier.  Negative values are reserved for Symbian use.
   554 		@param aArg PSL-specific
   555 		@return KErrNotSupported if aCmd is not supported.  PSL-specific value otherwise.
   556 	 */
   557 	static TInt StaticExtension(TInt aCmd, TAny* aArg);
   559 	static inline void Wait();
   560 	static inline void Signal();
   561 private:
   562 	static NFastMutex Lock;
   563 	};
   566 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   568 /**
   569  Abstract base class representing a DMA controller.
   571  The class has two purposes.
   573  First, it is a container for channels, descriptors and descriptor headers.
   575  Second, it exposes a set of virtual functions implemented by
   576  the PSL (platform-specific layer).
   577  These functions are the main interfaces between
   578  the PIL (platform-independent layer) and PSL.
   580  Must be allocated in BSS because it relies on being zeroed at creation-time.
   582  @publishedPartner
   583  @released
   584  */
   586 class TDmac
   587 	{
   588 	friend class DmaChannelMgr;
   589 // protected: VC++ complains when building PSL if following decl is protected
   590 public:
   591 	/** Data required for creating a new instance */
   592 	struct SCreateInfo
   593 		{
   594 		/** Number of channels in controller */
   595 		TInt iChannelCount;
   596         /** Maximum number of descriptors (shared by all channels) */
   597 		TInt iDesCount;
   598 		/** Bitmask.  The only supported value is KCapsBitHwDes (hardware
   599 			descriptors used). */
   600 		TUint32 iCaps;
   601 		/** Size of individual descriptors.  Use sizeof(SDmaPseudoDes) for
   602 		 	single-buffer and double-buffer controllers. */
   603 		TInt iDesSize;
   604 		/** Bitmask used when creating the hardware chunk storing the descriptor
   605 			pool. Used only for hardware descriptors. The access part must be
   606 			EMapAttrSupRw.  If the chunk is cached and/or buffered, the PSL must
   607 			flush the data cache and/or drain the write buffer in InitHwDes()
   608 			and related functions.
   609 		 	@see TMappingAttributes
   610 		 */
   611 		TUint iDesChunkAttribs;
   612 		};
   613 public:
   614 	TInt Create(const SCreateInfo& aInfo);
   615 	virtual ~TDmac();
   616 	TInt ReserveSetOfDes(TInt aCount);
   617 	void ReleaseSetOfDes(TInt aCount);
   618 	void InitDes(const SDmaDesHdr& aHdr, TUint32 aSrc, TUint32 aDest, TInt aCount,
   619 				 TUint aFlags, TUint32 aPslInfo, TUint32 aCookie);
   620 	inline SDmaPseudoDes& HdrToDes(const SDmaDesHdr& aHdr) const;
   621 	inline TAny* HdrToHwDes(const SDmaDesHdr& aHdr) const;
   622 	inline TUint32 DesLinToPhys(TAny* aDes) const;
   623 	inline void Wait();
   624 	inline void Signal();
   625 protected:
   626 	TDmac(const SCreateInfo& aInfo);
   628 public:
   629 	/**
   630 	Called by PIL when one fragment (single-buffer and double-buffer DMACs) or
   631 	list of fragments (scatter/gather DMAC) is to be transferred.
   633 	Called when	initiating a new transfer and also, for double-buffer DMACs, for
   634 	configuring the next fragment to transfer while the current one is
   635 	ongoing. Must always be implemented by PSL.
   636 	@param aChannel The channel to use
   637 	@param aHdr Header associated with fragment to transfer
   638 	*/
   639 	virtual void Transfer(const TDmaChannel& aChannel, const SDmaDesHdr& aHdr) = 0;
   641 	/**
   642     Called by PIL to suspend transfer on a given channel.
   644     The suspension must occur synchronously as the PSL assumes the channel
   645     is suspended after calling this function. Must always be implemented by PSL.
   646 	@param aChannel The channel to suspend
   647 	*/
   648 	virtual void StopTransfer(const TDmaChannel& aChannel) = 0;
   650 	/**
   651 	Called by PIL to check whether a DMA channel is idle.
   652 	@param aChannel The channel to test
   653 	@return ETrue if channel idle, EFalse if transferring.
   654 	 */
   655 	virtual TBool IsIdle(const TDmaChannel& aChannel) = 0;
   657 	/**
   658 	Called by PIL to retrieve from the PSL the maximum transfer size based on the
   659 	parameters passed.
   660 	@param aChannel Channel to be used for the transfer
   661 	@param aFlags Bitmask characterising transfer
   662 	@param aPslInfo Cookie passed by client and used by PSL
   663 	@return 0 if invalid argument(s), -1 if transfer size not limited, the maximum
   664 	transfer size otherwise.
   665 	*/
   666 	virtual TInt MaxTransferSize(TDmaChannel& aChannel, TUint aFlags, TUint32 aPslInfo) = 0;
   668 	/**
   669 	Called by PIL to retrieve from the PSL the memory alignment mask based on the
   670 	parameters passed. Some DMA controllers impose alignment constraints on the base
   671 	address of memory buffers. This mask is AND'ed against memory addresses computed
   672 	during fragmentation.
   673 	@param aChannel Channel to be used for the transfer
   674 	@param aFlags Bitmask characterising transfer
   675 	@param aPslInfo Cookie passed by client and used by PSL
   676 	@return A value representing the alignment mask (e.g. 3 if buffer must be 4-byte aligned)
   677 	*/
   678 	virtual TUint MemAlignMask(TDmaChannel& aChannel, TUint aFlags, TUint32 aPslInfo) = 0;
   680 	/**
   681     Called by PIL during fragmentation to initialise a hardware descriptor.
   683     The PSL must assume the descriptor is the last in the chain and so set the
   684 	interrupt bit and set the next descriptor field to an end of chain marker.
   685 	Must be implemented by PSL if and only if the DMAC supports hardware
   686 	descriptors.
   687 	@param aHdr Header associated with hardware descriptor to initialise
   688 	@param aSrc Transfer source
   689 	@param aDest Transfer destination
   690 	@param aCount Number of bytes to transfer (<= max. size supported by DMAC)
   691 	@param aFlags Bitmask characterising transfer
   692 	@param aPslInfo Cookie passed by client and used by PSL
   693 	@param aCookie the channel selection cookie
   694 	@see DDmaRequest::Fragment
   695 	*/
   696 	virtual void InitHwDes(const SDmaDesHdr& aHdr, TUint32 aSrc, TUint32 aDest, TInt aCount,
   697 						   TUint aFlags, TUint32 aPslInfo, TUint32 aCookie);
   699 	/**
   700 	Called by PIL, when fragmenting a request, to append a new hardware
   701 	descriptor to an existing descriptor chain.
   703 	Must clear the interrupt bit of	the descriptor associated with aHdr.
   704 	Must be implemented by PSL if and only if the DMAC supports hardware descriptors.
   705 	@param aHdr Header associated with last fragment in chain
   706 	@param aNextHdr Header associated with fragment to append
   707 	*/
   708 	virtual void ChainHwDes(const SDmaDesHdr& aHdr, const SDmaDesHdr& aNextHdr);
   710 	/**
   711 	Called by PIL when queuing a new request while the channel is running.
   713 	Must append the first hardware descriptor of the new request to the last
   714 	descriptor in the existing chain. Must be implemented by PSL if and only if
   715 	the DMAC supports hardware descriptors.
   716 	@param aChannel The channel where the transfer takes place
   717 	@param aLastHdr Header associated with last hardware descriptor in chain
   718 	@param aNewHdr Header associated with first hardware descriptor in new request
   719 	*/
   720 	virtual void AppendHwDes(const TDmaChannel& aChannel, const SDmaDesHdr& aLastHdr,
   721 							 const SDmaDesHdr& aNewHdr);
   723 	/**
   724 	Called by PIL when completing or cancelling a request to cause the PSL to unlink
   725 	the last item in the h/w descriptor chain from a subsequent chain that it was
   726 	possibly linked to. Must be implemented by the PSL if and only if the DMAC supports
   727 	hardware descriptors.
   729 	@param aChannel The channel where the request (and thus the descriptor) was queued
   730 	@param aHdr Header associated with last h/w descriptor in completed/cancelled chain
   731 	*/
   732 	virtual void UnlinkHwDes(const TDmaChannel& aChannel, SDmaDesHdr& aHdr);
   734 	/**
   735 	Called by test harness to force an error when the next fragment is
   736 	transferred.
   738 	Must be implemented by the PSL only if possible.
   739 	@param aChannel The channel where the error is to occur.
   740 	@return KErrNone if implemented.  The default PIL implementation returns
   741 	KErrNotSupported and the test harness knows how to deal with that.
   742 	*/
   743 	virtual TInt FailNext(const TDmaChannel& aChannel);
   745 	/**
   746 	Called by test harness to force the DMA controller to miss one or
   747 	more interrupts.
   749 	Must be implemented by the PSL only if possible.
   750 	@param aChannel The channel where the error is to occur
   751 	@param aInterruptCount The number of interrupt to miss.
   752 	@return KErrNone if implemented.  The default PIL implementation returns
   753 	KErrNotSupported and the test harness knows how to deal with that.
   754 	*/
   755 	virtual TInt MissNextInterrupts(const TDmaChannel& aChannel, TInt aInterruptCount);
   757 	/** Function allowing platform-specific layer to extend channel API with
   758 		new channel-specific operations.
   759 		@param aChannel Channel to operate on
   760 		@param aCmd Command identifier.  Negative values are reserved for Symbian use.
   761 		@param aArg PSL-specific
   762 		@return KErrNotSupported if aCmd is not supported.  PSL-specific value otherwise.
   763 		@see TDmaChannel::Extension
   764 	*/
   765 	virtual TInt Extension(TDmaChannel& aChannel, TInt aCmd, TAny* aArg);
   767 protected:
   768 	static void HandleIsr(TDmaChannel& aChannel, TBool aIsComplete);
   769 private:
   770 	TInt AllocDesPool(TUint aAttribs);
   771 	void FreeDesPool();
   772 private:
   773 	NFastMutex iLock;			 // protect descriptor reservation and allocation
   774 	const TInt iMaxDesCount;	 // initial number of descriptors and headers
   775 	TInt iAvailDesCount;		 // current available number of descriptors and headers
   776 	SDmaDesHdr* iHdrPool;		 // descriptor header dynamic array
   777 #ifndef __WINS__
   778 	DPlatChunkHw* iHwDesChunk;	 // chunk for hardware descriptor pool
   779 #endif
   780 	TAny* iDesPool;				 // hardware or pseudo descriptor dynamic array
   781 	const TInt iDesSize;		 // descriptor size in bytes
   782 public:
   783 	const TUint iCaps;  		 /*< what is supported by DMA controller */
   784 	enum {KCapsBitHwDes = 1};	 /*< hardware descriptors supported */
   785 	SDmaDesHdr* iFreeHdr;		 /*< head of unallocated descriptors linked list */
   786 #ifdef _DEBUG
   787 	TBool IsValidHdr(const SDmaDesHdr* aHdr);
   788 #endif
   790 	};
   793 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   795 /**
   796 Single-buffer DMA channel.
   798 Can be instantiated or further derived by PSL.  Not
   799 intended to be instantiated by client device drivers.
   800 @publishedPartner
   801 @released
   802 */
   804 class TDmaSbChannel : public TDmaChannel
   805 	{
   806 private:
   807 	virtual void DoQueue(DDmaRequest& aReq);
   808 	virtual void DoCancelAll();
   809 	virtual void DoDfc(DDmaRequest& aCurReq, SDmaDesHdr*& aCompletedHdr);
   810 private:
   811 	TBool iTransferring;
   812 	};
   815 /**
   816 Double-buffer DMA channel.
   818 Can be instantiated or further derived by PSL.  Not
   819 intended to be instantiated by client device drivers.
   820 @publishedPartner
   821 @released
   822 */
   824 class TDmaDbChannel : public TDmaChannel
   825 	{
   826 private:
   827 	virtual void DoQueue(DDmaRequest& aReq);
   828 	virtual void DoCancelAll();
   829 	virtual void DoDfc(DDmaRequest& aCurReq, SDmaDesHdr*& aCompletedHdr);
   830 private:
   831 	enum { EIdle = 0, ETransferring, ETransferringLast } iState;
   832 	};
   835 /**
   836 Scatter-gather DMA channel.
   838 Can be instantiated or further derived by PSL.
   839 Not intended to be instantiated by client device drivers.
   840 @publishedPartner
   841 @released
   842 */
   844 class TDmaSgChannel : public TDmaChannel
   845 	{
   846 private:
   847 	virtual void DoQueue(DDmaRequest& aReq);
   848 	virtual void DoCancelAll();
   849 	virtual void DoUnlink(SDmaDesHdr& aHdr);
   850 	virtual void DoDfc(DDmaRequest& aCurReq, SDmaDesHdr*& aCompletedHdr);
   851 private:
   852 	TBool iTransferring;
   853 	};
   856 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   858 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   860 /**
   861 Set of information used by test harness.
   862 @publishedPartner
   863 @released
   864 */
   866 struct TDmaTestInfo
   867 	{
   868 	/** Maximum transfer size in bytes for all channels (ie. the minimum of all channels' maximum size)*/
   869 	TInt iMaxTransferSize;
   870 	/** 3->Memory buffers must be 4-byte aligned, 7->8-byte aligned, ... */
   871 	TUint iMemAlignMask;
   872 	/** Cookie to pass to DDmaRequest::Fragment for memory-memory transfer*/
   873 	TUint32 iMemMemPslInfo;
   874 	/** Number of test single-buffer channels */
   875 	TInt iMaxSbChannels;
   876 	/** Pointer to array containing single-buffer test channel ids */
   877 	TUint32* iSbChannels;
   878 	/** Number of test double-buffer channels */
   879 	TInt iMaxDbChannels;
   880 	/** Pointer to array containing double-buffer test channel ids */
   881 	TUint32* iDbChannels;
   882 	/** Number of test scatter-gather channels */
   883 	TInt iMaxSgChannels;
   884 	/** Pointer to array containing scatter-gather test channel ids */
   885 	TUint32* iSgChannels;
   886 	};
   889 /**
   890 Provides access to test information structure stored in the PSL.
   892 Must be implemented by the PSL.
   893 @publishedPartner
   894 @released
   895 */
   897 IMPORT_C const TDmaTestInfo& DmaTestInfo();
   900 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   902 #include <drivers/dma_v1.inl>
   904 #endif