changeset 43 c1f20ce4abcf
equal deleted inserted replaced
42:a179b74831c9 43:c1f20ce4abcf
     1 // Copyright (c) 2009-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32\nkernsmp\nk_mon.cpp
    15 // Kernel crash debugger - NKERNSMP platform-independent portion
    16 // 
    17 //
    21 #include "nk_bal.h"
    22 #include <kernel/monitor.h>
    23 #include "nk_priv.h"
    25 void Monitor::DisplaySpinLock(const char* aTitle, TSpinLock* aLock)
    26 	{
    27 	volatile TUint32* p = (volatile TUint32*)aLock;
    28 	Printf("%s %08x %08x\r\n", aTitle, p[0], p[1]);
    29 	}
    31 EXPORT_C void Monitor::DisplayNThreadInfo(NThread* aT)
    32 	{
    33 	DisplayNSchedulableInfo(aT);
    34 	}
    36 extern void DisplayNThreadStackedRegs(Monitor&, SThreadReschedStack&);
    37 extern void DisplaySubSchedulerExt(Monitor& m, TSubScheduler& ss);
    38 extern void DisplaySchedulerExt(Monitor& m, TScheduler& s);
    40 void Monitor::DisplayNSchedulableInfo(NSchedulable* aS)
    41 	{
    42 	NThread* t = aS->iParent ? (NThread*)aS : 0;
    43 	NThreadGroup* g = aS->iParent ? 0 : (NThreadGroup*)aS;
    45 	if (t && aS->iParent==aS)
    46 		Printf("NThread @%08x Pri %d\r\n",aS,aS->iPriority);
    47 	else if (t)
    48 		Printf("NThread @%08x (G:%08x) Pri %d\r\n",aS,aS->iParent,aS->iPriority);
    49 	else
    50 		Printf("NThreadGroup @%08x Pri %d\r\n",aS,aS->iPriority);
    51 	Printf("Rdy=%02x Curr=%02x LastCpu=%d CpuChg=%02x FrzCpu=%d\r\n", aS->iReady, aS->iCurrent, aS->iLastCpu, aS->iCpuChange, aS->iFreezeCpu);
    52 	Printf("Next=%08x Prev=%08x Parent=%08x\r\n", aS->iNext, aS->iPrev, aS->iParent);
    53 	Printf("CPUaff=%08x PrefCpu=%02x TCpu=%02x FCpu=%02x\r\n", aS->iCpuAffinity, aS->iPreferredCpu, aS->iTransientCpu, aS->iForcedCpu);
    54 	Printf("PauseCount %02x Susp %1x ACount %02x ActiveState %d\r\n", aS->iPauseCount, aS->iSuspended, aS->iACount, aS->iActiveState);
    55 	DisplaySpinLock("SpinLock", &aS->iSSpinLock);
    56 	Printf("Stopping %02x Events %08x %08x EventState %08x\r\n", aS->iStopping, aS->iEvents.iA.iNext, aS->iEvents.iA.iPrev, aS->iEventState);
    57 	Printf("TotalCpuTime    %08x %08x  RunCount        %08x %08x\r\n", aS->iTotalCpuTime.i32[1], aS->iTotalCpuTime.i32[0], aS->iRunCount.i32[1], aS->iRunCount.i32[0]);
    58 	Printf("TotalActiveTime %08x %08x  LastActivation  %08x %08x\r\n", aS->iTotalActiveTime.i32[1], aS->iTotalActiveTime.i32[0], aS->iLastActivationTime.i32[1], aS->iLastActivationTime.i32[0]);
    59 	Printf("SavedCpuTime    %08x %08x  SavedActiveTime %08x %08x\r\n", aS->iSavedCpuTime.i32[1], aS->iSavedCpuTime.i32[0], aS->iSavedActiveTime.i32[1], aS->iSavedActiveTime.i32[0]);
    60 	Printf("LastRunTime     %08x %08x  LbLink          %08x %08x    LbState %02x\r\n", aS->iLastRunTime.i32[1], aS->iLastRunTime.i32[0], aS->iLbLink.iNext, aS->iLbLink.iPrev, aS->iLbState);
    63 	volatile TUint32* el = (volatile TUint32*)&aS->iEnumerateLink;
    64 	Printf("EnumLink  %08x %08x\r\n", el[0], el[1]);
    66 	if (g)
    67 		{
    68 		// Thread group
    69 		return;
    70 		}
    72 	Printf("WaitState %02x %02x [%02x %02x] (%08x)\r\n", t->iWaitState.iWtC.iWtStFlags, t->iWaitState.iWtC.iWtObjType,
    73 											t->iWaitState.iWtC.iWtStSpare1, t->iWaitState.iWtC.iWtStSpare2, t->iWaitState.iWtC.iWtObj);
    74 	Printf("BasePri %d MutexPri %d NomPri %d Att=%02x\r\n", t->iBasePri, t->iMutexPri, t->iNominalPri, t->i_ThrdAttr);
    75 	Printf("HeldFM=%08x FMDef=%02x AddrSp=%08x Initial=%d\r\n", t->iHeldFastMutex, t->iFastMutexDefer, t->iAddressSpace, t->iInitial);
    76 	Printf("Time=%d Timeslice=%d ReqCount=%08x\r\n", t->iTime, t->iTimeslice, t->iRequestSemaphore.iCount);
    77 	Printf("SuspendCount=%d CsCount=%d CsFunction=%08x\r\n", t->iSuspendCount, t->iCsCount, t->iCsFunction);
    78 	Printf("LinkedObjType %02x LinkedObj %08x CoreCyc %02x RebalAttr %02x\r\n", t->iLinkedObjType, t->iLinkedObj, t->iCoreCycling, t->iRebalanceAttr);
    79 	Printf("SavedSP=%08x WaitLink:%08x %08x %d\r\n", t->iSavedSP, t->iWaitLink.iNext, t->iWaitLink.iPrev, t->iWaitLink.iPriority);
    80 	Printf("iNewParent=%08x iExtraContext=%08x, iExtraContextSize=%08x\r\n", t->iNewParent, t->iExtraContext, t->iExtraContextSize);
    81 	Printf("iUserModeCallbacks=%08x iNThreadBaseSpare6=%08x\r\n", t->iUserModeCallbacks, t->iNThreadBaseSpare6);
    82 	Printf("iNThreadBaseSpare7=%08x iNThreadBaseSpare8=%08x iNThreadBaseSpare9=%08x\r\n", t->iNThreadBaseSpare7, t->iNThreadBaseSpare8, t->iNThreadBaseSpare9);
    83 	if (!aS->iCurrent)
    84 		{
    85 		TUint32* pS=(TUint32*)t->iSavedSP;
    86 		SThreadReschedStack reg;
    87 		MTRAPD(r,wordmove(&reg,pS,sizeof(SThreadReschedStack)));
    88 		if (r==KErrNone)
    89 			DisplayNThreadStackedRegs(*this, reg);
    90 		}
    91 	NewLine();
    92 	}
    94 void Monitor::DisplayNFastSemInfo(NFastSemaphore* pS)
    95 	{
    96 	if (pS->iCount >= 0)
    97 		Printf("NFastSemaphore @ %08x Count %d OwningThread %08x\r\n",pS,pS->iCount,pS->iOwningThread);
    98 	else
    99 		Printf("NFastSemaphore @ %08x Count %08x (%08x) OwningThread %08x\r\n",pS,pS->iCount,pS->iCount<<2,pS->iOwningThread);
   100 	}
   102 void Monitor::DisplayNFastMutexInfo(NFastMutex* aM)
   103 	{
   104 	Printf("NFastMutex @ %08x HoldingThread %08x iWaitQ Pri Mask %08x %08x\r\n", aM, aM->iHoldingThread, aM->iWaitQ.iPresent[1], aM->iWaitQ.iPresent[0]);
   105 	DisplaySpinLock("SpinLock", &aM->iMutexLock);
   106 	}
   108 void DisplaySubSchedulerInfo(Monitor& m, TSubScheduler& ss)
   109 	{
   110 	m.Printf("\r\nSUBSCHEDULER %d @%08x:\r\n", ss.iCpuNum, &ss);
   111 	m.Printf("CurrentThread=%08x\r\n", ss.iCurrentThread);
   112 	m.Printf("IDFCs   %08x %08x    CPU# %08x CPUmask %08x\r\n", ss.iDfcs.iA.iNext, ss.iDfcs.iA.iPrev, ss.iCpuNum, ss.iCpuMask);
   113 	m.Printf("ExIDFCs %08x %08x CurIDFC %08x PendFlg %08x\r\n", ss.iExIDfcs.iA.iNext, ss.iExIDfcs.iA.iPrev, ss.iCurrentIDFC, *(TUint32*)&ss.iRescheduleNeededFlag);
   114 	m.DisplaySpinLock("ExIDfcLock", &ss.iExIDfcLock);
   115 	m.Printf("KLCount %d InIDFC %02x EvPend %02x\r\n", ss.iKernLockCount, ss.iInIDFC, ss.iEventHandlersPending);
   116 	m.Printf("LbQ     %08x %08x   LbCtr %02x\r\n", ss.iLbQ.iA.iNext, ss.iLbQ.iA.iPrev, ss.iLbCounter);
   117 	m.Printf("AddrSp  %08x RschdIPIs %08x iNextIPI %08x\r\n", ss.iAddressSpace, ss.iReschedIPIs, ss.iNextIPI);
   118 	m.DisplaySpinLock("ReadyListLock", &ss.iReadyListLock);
   119 	m.Printf("EvtHand %08x %08x InitThrd %08x SLOC %08x %08x\r\n", ss.iEventHandlers.iA.iNext, ss.iEventHandlers.iA.iPrev,
   120 		ss.iInitialThread, I64HIGH(ss.iSpinLockOrderCheck), I64LOW(ss.iSpinLockOrderCheck));
   121 	m.DisplaySpinLock("EventHandlerLock", &ss.iEventHandlerLock);
   122 	m.Printf("LastTmstmp %08x %08x            RschdCount %08x %08x\r\n", ss.iLastTimestamp.i32[1], ss.iLastTimestamp.i32[0], ss.iReschedCount.i32[1], ss.iReschedCount.i32[0]);
   124 	m.Printf("DeferShutdown %4d RdyThrdC %d Uncached %08x\r\n", ss.iDeferShutdown, ss.iRdyThreadCount, ss.iUncached);
   125 	DisplaySubSchedulerExt(m, ss);
   126 	TPriListBase* b = (TPriListBase*)&ss;
   127 	m.Printf("PriClassThrdC %4d %4d %4d %4d\r\n", ss.iPriClassThreadCount[0], ss.iPriClassThreadCount[1], ss.iPriClassThreadCount[2], ss.iPriClassThreadCount[3]);
   128 	m.Printf("Present %08x %08x\r\n", b->iPresent[1], b->iPresent[0]);
   129 	TInt k;
   130 	TUint64 p64 = b->iPresent64;
   131 	for (k=KNumPriorities-1; k>=0; --k, p64+=p64)
   132 		{
   133 		if (p64>>63)
   134 			{
   135 			m.Printf("Priority %2d -> %08x\r\n", k, ss.EntryAtPriority(k));
   136 			}
   137 		}
   138 	}
   140 void Monitor::DisplaySchedulerInfo()
   141 	{
   142 	TScheduler* pS=TScheduler::Ptr();
   143 	Printf("SCHEDULER @%08x:\r\n",pS);
   144 	Printf("ProcessHandler    %08x MonitorExcHndlr %08x ReschedHook %08x\r\n",pS->iProcessHandler,pS->iMonitorExceptionHandler,pS->iRescheduleHook);
   145 	Printf("iThreadAcceptCpus %08x  iIpiAcceptCpus %08x    iNumCpus %d\r\n",pS->iThreadAcceptCpus,pS->iIpiAcceptCpus,pS->iNumCpus);
   146 	Printf("iCpusComingUp     %08x  iCpusGoingDown %08x  CCDeferCnt %d\r\n",pS->iCpusComingUp,pS->iCpusGoingDown,pS->iCCDeferCount);
   147 	Printf("iCCSyncCpus       %08x  CCReactiv8Cpus %08x  CCState    %08x\r\n",pS->iCCSyncCpus,pS->iCCReactivateCpus,pS->iCCState);
   148 	Printf("IdleDfcs %08x %08x     CpusNotIdle %08x     IdleGen %02x IdleSpillCpu %02x\r\n",
   149 		pS->iIdleDfcs.iA.iNext, pS->iIdleDfcs.iA.iPrev, pS->iCpusNotIdle, pS->iIdleGeneration, pS->iIdleSpillCpu);
   150 	DisplaySpinLock("IdleSpinLock", &pS->iIdleSpinLock);
   151 	Printf("SYSLOCK @ %08x\r\n",&pS->iLock);
   152 	DisplayNFastMutexInfo(&pS->iLock);
   154 	DisplaySpinLock("EnumerateLock", &pS->iEnumerateLock);
   155 	volatile TUint32* at = (volatile TUint32*)&pS->iAllThreads;
   156 	volatile TUint32* ag = (volatile TUint32*)&pS->iAllGroups;
   157 	Printf("AllThrds %08x %08x       AllGroups %08x %08x\r\n", at[0], at[1], ag[0], ag[1]);
   158 	DisplaySpinLock("IdleBalanceLock", &pS->iIdleBalanceLock);
   159 	DisplaySpinLock("BalanceListLock", &pS->iBalanceListLock);
   160 	Printf("BalList  %08x %08x LastBalanceTime %08x %08x\r\n", pS->iBalanceList.iA.iNext, pS->iBalanceList.iA.iPrev,
   161 									I64HIGH(pS->iLastBalanceTime), I64LOW(pS->iLastBalanceTime));
   162 	Printf("LbCntr   %02x RebalanceDfcQ %08x NeedBal %02x\r\n", pS->iLbCounter, pS->iRebalanceDfcQ, pS->iNeedBal);
   163 	Printf("iCCRequestLevel   %08x  iPoweringOff   %08x  DetachCnt  %08x\r\n",pS->iCCRequestLevel,pS->iPoweringOff,pS->iDetachCount);
   165 	DisplaySchedulerExt(*this, *pS);
   166 	volatile TUint32* sc = (volatile TUint32*)&pS->iSchedScratch[0];
   167 	Printf("Scratch 0: %08x  1: %08x  2: %08x  3: %08x\r\n",sc[0],sc[1],sc[2],sc[3]);
   168 	Printf("Scratch 4: %08x  5: %08x  6: %08x  7: %08x\r\n",sc[4],sc[5],sc[6],sc[7]);
   169 	Printf("Scratch 8: %08x  9: %08x  A: %08x  B: %08x\r\n",sc[8],sc[9],sc[10],sc[11]);
   170 	Printf("Scratch C: %08x  D: %08x  E: %08x  F: %08x\r\n",sc[12],sc[13],sc[14],sc[15]);
   172 	TInt i;
   173 	for (i=0; i<KMaxCpus; ++i)
   174 		{
   175 		TSubScheduler& ss = *pS->iSub[i];
   176 		DisplaySubSchedulerInfo(*this, ss);
   177 		}
   178 	NewLine();
   179 	}