changeset 43 c1f20ce4abcf
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //  
    15 // This test checks the accuracy if NKern::Timestamp (in SMP systems) or
    16 // NKern::Fastcounter (in unicore), when low power modes are being selected
    17 // during idle.
    18 // Platforms requiring this test need to provide a d_timestamp.pdd which
    19 // implements the functions required to test the accurary. If no pdd is 
    20 // supplied the test is skipped and claims to succeed.
    21 // Overview:
    23 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    24 //! @SYMTestCaseID				KBASE-t_timestamp-2706
    25 //! @SYMTestCaseDesc			verifying that NKern::Timestamp/FastCounter works correctly 
    26 //!                             accross low power modes
    27 //! @SYMPREQ					417-52765
    28 //! @SYMTestPriority			High
    29 //! @SYMTestActions				
    30 //! 1. This test harness first gets information about NKern::Timestamp or
    31 //!     NKern::FastCounter in particular its frequency. It also obtains
    32 //!     the following constants: Number of timer to run the test, number
    33 //!     of retries before giving up if no low power modes are detected,
    34 //!     and acceptable error percent. Length in nanokernel ticks of each cycle
    35 //! 2. Then it measures the timestamp before and after a time interval 
    36 //!    controlled by NTimerIntervalInS (constant is in seconds)
    37 //!    2.1 If in period of KTimerInterval a low power mode was entered and 
    38 //!        the timer underlying NKern::Timestamp had to be restated then before
    39 //!        and after time is stored. The cycle is considered successful.
    40 //! 3. If KNMaxentries occur with no successful entries the test fails
    41 //! 4. If any valid entry has an interval as measured with NKern::Timestamp that
    42 //!    is outside KNErrPercent of the same interval as measured with nanokernel 
    43 //!    ticks then the test fails
    44 //! 5. If KNValidRuns valid cycles have an acceptable error the test succeeds
    45 //! 
    46 //! @SYMTestExpectedResults 
    47 //!     test passed
    48 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50 #include <e32std.h>
    51 #include <e32base.h>
    52 #include <e32debug.h>
    53 #define __E32TEST_EXTENSION__
    54 #include <e32test.h>
    55 #include <hal.h>
    56 #include <u32hal.h>
    57 #include <e32svr.h>
    58 #include "d_timestamp.h"
    60 _LIT(KTimestampTestLddFileName,"D_TIMESTAMP.LDD");
    61 _LIT(KTimestampTestPddFileName,"D_TIMESTAMP.PDD");
    63 RTest test(_L("T_TIMESTAMP"));
    65 LOCAL_C void UnloadDrivers()
    66 	{
    67     test.Printf(_L("Unloading LDD\n"));
    69 	TInt r=User::FreeLogicalDevice(RTimestampTest::Name());
    70     test_KErrNone(r);
    72 	TName pddName(RTimestampTest::Name());
    73 	_LIT(KPddWildcardExtension,".*");
    74 	pddName.Append(KPddWildcardExtension);
    75 	TFindPhysicalDevice findPD(pddName);
    76 	TFullName findResult;
    77 	r=findPD.Next(findResult);
    78 	while (r==KErrNone)
    79 		{
    80         test.Printf(_L("Unloading PDD: %S\n"),&findResult);
    81 		r=User::FreePhysicalDevice(findResult);
    82         test_KErrNone(r);
    83 		findPD.Find(pddName); // Reset the find handle now that we have deleted something from the container.
    84 		r=findPD.Next(findResult);
    85 		} 
    86 	}
    89 GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
    90     {
    92     TBool dontFail = (User::CommandLineLength()!=0);
    94     test.Title();
    96     test.Start(_L("Timestamp accuracy test"));
    99     TInt r;
   100     TRequestStatus st;
   102     r = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KTimestampTestPddFileName);
   103     if (KErrNotFound == r)
   104         {
   105         test.Printf(_L("No timestamp pdd, test skipped\n"));
   106         test.End(); // skip test if this platform does not supply a PDD
   107         return 0;
   108         }
   111 	r=User::LoadLogicalDevice(KTimestampTestLddFileName);
   112 	test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
   114     RTimestampTest ldd;
   115     r = ldd.Open();
   116     test_KErrNone(r);
   118     test.Next(_L("Get timestamp frequency"));
   119     STimestampTestConfig info;
   120     r = ldd.Config(info);
   121     test_KErrNone(r);
   124     TUint retries = 0;
   125     TUint validruns = 0;
   127     test.Next(_L("Get nanotick frequency"));
   128 	TInt tickPeriod = 0;
   129 	r = HAL::Get(HAL::ENanoTickPeriod, tickPeriod);
   130     test_KErrNone(r);
   131     test.Printf(_L(" tick period in uS== %d\n"), tickPeriod);
   133     TInt ticks = info.iTimerDurationS*1000000/tickPeriod;
   134     TUint64 expected = info.iTimerDurationS*info.iFreq;
   135     TUint64 acceptError = info.iErrorPercent*expected/100;
   137     test.Printf(_L("running at %dHz for %d interations, each lasting %d seconds and with %d retries\n"),
   138                 info.iFreq,
   139                 info.iIterations,
   140                 info.iTimerDurationS,
   141                 info.iRetries
   142         );
   144     test.Printf(_L("expecting %lu with up to %lu error\n"),expected,acceptError);
   146     test.Next(_L("test timer interval"));
   147     STimestampResult result;
   148     STimestampResult* validResults = new STimestampResult[info.iIterations];
   149     memset(&validResults[0],0,sizeof(validResults));
   150     ldd.Start(st,ticks);
   151     User::WaitForRequest(st);
   152     test_KErrNone(st.Int());
   154     FOREVER
   155         {
   156         ldd.WaitOnTimer(st,result);
   157         User::WaitForRequest(st);
   158         test_KErrNone(st.Int());
   159         TUint64 error = (result.iDelta>expected) ? result.iDelta-expected : expected - result.iDelta;
   161         if (error < acceptError)
   162             {
   163             test.Printf(_L("Got %lu expected %lu, LPM Entered:%d, error %lu is OK \n"),
   164                         result.iDelta,expected,result.iLPMEntered,error);
   165             }
   166         else 
   167             {
   168             test.Printf(_L("Got %lu expected %lu, LPM Entered:%d, error %lu is BAD\n"),
   169                         result.iDelta,expected,result.iLPMEntered,error);
   170             if (!dontFail) 
   171                 {
   172                 delete [] validResults;
   173                 ldd.Close();
   174                 UnloadDrivers();
   175                 test(error < acceptError);
   176                 }
   177             }
   179         if (result.iLPMEntered)
   180             {
   181             retries = 0;
   182             validResults[validruns] = result;
   183             if (++validruns==info.iIterations) break;
   184             }
   185         else
   186             {
   187             retries++;
   188             if (retries==info.iRetries) 
   189                 {
   190                 test.Printf(_L("several retries with no power mode entry ... aborting ...\n"));
   191                 ldd.Close();
   192                 delete [] validResults;
   193                 UnloadDrivers();
   194                 test_Compare(retries,<,info.iRetries);
   195                 }
   197             }
   198         }
   200     delete [] validResults;
   201     ldd.Close();
   202     UnloadDrivers();
   203     test.End();
   204 	return(0);
   205     }