changeset 6 0173bcd7697c
parent 4 56f325a607ea
child 8 538db54a451d
--- a/userlibandfileserver/fileserver/sfsrv/cl_cli.cpp	Wed Dec 23 11:43:31 2009 +0000
+++ b/userlibandfileserver/fileserver/sfsrv/cl_cli.cpp	Thu Jan 07 13:38:45 2010 +0200
@@ -644,12 +644,15 @@
     Gets the name of the file system mounted on the specified drive.
     The function can be called before calling DismountFileSystem().
     @param aName  On successful return, contains the name of the file system.
     @param aDrive The drive for which the file system name is required.
+    Note that the file system name, returned in the aName descriptor shall be threated as case-insensitive string. I.e. 
+    "fileSystem" and "FILESYSTEM" mean absolutely the same. Therefore, case-insensitive string methods (like TDesC::FindF(), TDesC::CompareF())
+    shall be used to deal with the names.
     @return KErrNone, if successful;
             KErrNotFound if aFileSystemName is not found, or the drive does not have a file	system mounted on it;
             KErrArgument, if the drive value is outside the valid range, i.e. zero to KMaxDrives-1 inclusive.
@@ -676,6 +679,10 @@
     If "automatic file system recognising" feature is not supported, the list will consist of just one name, and 
     this will be the name returned by RFs::FileSystemName() API.
+    Note that the file system name, returned in the aName descriptor shall be threated as case-insensitive string. I.e. 
+    "fileSystem" and "FILESYSTEM" mean absolutely the same. Therefore, case-insensitive string methods (like TDesC::FindF(), TDesC::CompareF())
+    shall be used to deal with the names.
     @param  aName           On successful return, contains the name of the file system that correspond to the aFsEnumerator value.
     m@param aDrive          The drive number 
     @param  aFsEnumerator   The supported file system enumerator. can be:
@@ -3741,24 +3748,29 @@
+    This function queries the sub type of the file system mounted on the specified volume. For example, 'FAT16' of the Fat file system. 
+    TFSName is recommended as the type for aName when using this function.
+    NOTE: For the file systems without a sub type (e.g. ROM file system), the  the file system name is returned (For example, 'Rom').
+    Examples:
+        "FAT"   file system; the subtypes can be "fat12", "fat16" or "fat32"
+        "ROFS"  file system; the subtype will be "ROFS"
+    Note also that the file system name, returned in the aName descriptor shall be threated as case-insensitive string. I.e. 
+    "fileSystem" and "FILESYSTEM" mean absolutely the same. Therefore, case-insensitive string methods (like TDesC::FindF(), TDesC::CompareF())
+    shall be used to deal with the names.
+    @param  aDrive  drive number, specifies which volume to query.
+    @param  aName   descriptor containing the returned sub type name or file system name.
+    @return KErrNone if successful; KErrNotSuppoted if sub type is not supported; 
+		    otherwise another system-wide error code is returned.
+    @see TFSName
 EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::FileSystemSubType(TInt aDrive, TDes& aName) const
-This function queries the sub type of the file system mounted on the specified volume. For example, 'FAT16' 
-of the Fat file system. 
-TFSName is recommended as the type for aName when using this function.
-NOTE: File systems without a sub type (For example, a ROM file system), the name of the file system is 
-returned (For example, 'Rom').
-@param aDrive A drive number, specifies which volume to query.
-@param aName A descriptor containing the returned sub type name or file system name.
-@return KErrNone if successful; KErrNotSuppoted if sub type is not supported; 
-		otherwise another system-wide error code is returned.
-@see TFSName
 	TRACEMULT3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsFileSystemSubType, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive, aName);