changeset 22 2f92ad2dc5db
parent 6 0173bcd7697c
child 43 c1f20ce4abcf
--- a/kernel/eka/euser/us_ksvr.cpp	Mon Mar 15 12:45:50 2010 +0200
+++ b/kernel/eka/euser/us_ksvr.cpp	Wed Mar 31 23:38:45 2010 +0300
@@ -3469,16 +3469,17 @@
 be invoked on this TThreadCreateInfo to set the type of the thread to be created
 before being passed as a paramter to RThread::Create().
-@param aName        The name to be assigned to the thread.
+@param aName		The name to be assigned to the thread.
 					KNullDesC, to create an anonymous thread.
-@param aFunction    A pointer to a function. Control passes to this function
-                    when the thread is first resumed, i.e. when the thread
-                    is initially scheduled to run.
-@param aStackSize   The size of the new thread's stack.
-@param aPtr         A pointer to data to be passed as a parameter to
-                    the thread function when the thread is initially scheduled
-                    to run. If the thread function does not need any data then
-                    this pointer can be NULL.
+@param aFunction	A pointer to a function. Control passes to this function
+					when the thread is first resumed, i.e. when the thread
+					is initially scheduled to run.
+@param aStackSize	The size of the new thread's stack.  This must be at least
+					512 bytes, otherwise RThread::Create() will fail with KErrArgument.
+@param aPtr			A pointer to data to be passed as a parameter to
+					the thread function when the thread is initially scheduled
+					to run. If the thread function does not need any data then
+					this pointer can be NULL.
 EXPORT_C TThreadCreateInfo::TThreadCreateInfo(const TDesC &aName, TThreadFunction aFunction, 
 											TInt aStackSize, TAny* aPtr) :
@@ -3604,25 +3605,27 @@
 If KNullDesC is specified for the name, then an anonymous thread will be created.
 Anonymous threads are not global, and cannot be opened by other processes.
-@param aName        The name to be assigned to this thread.
+@param aName		The name to be assigned to this thread.
 					KNullDesC, to create an anonymous thread.
-@param aFunction    A pointer to a function.. Control passes to this function
-                    when the thread is first resumed, i.e. when the thread
-                    is initially scheduled to run.
-@param aStackSize   The size of the new thread's stack.
+@param aFunction	A pointer to a function.. Control passes to this function
+					when the thread is first resumed, i.e. when the thread
+					is initially scheduled to run.
+@param aStackSize	The size of the new thread's stack.  This must be at least
+					512 bytes, otherwise this method will fail with KErrArgument.
 @param aHeapMinSize The minimum size for the new thread's heap.
 @param aHeapMaxSize The maximum size for the new thread's heap.
-@param aPtr         A pointer to data to be passed as a parameter to
-                    the thread function when the thread is initially scheduled
-                    to run. If the thread function does not need any data then
-                    this pointer can be NULL. It must be ensured that the memory 
-                    pointed to by this pointer is still valid when accessed by 
-                    the new thread, e.g. if aPtr points to data on the stack.
-@param aType        An enumeration whose enumerators define the ownership of
-                    this thread handle. If not explicitly specified,
-                    EOwnerProcess is taken as default.
+@param aPtr			A pointer to data to be passed as a parameter to
+					the thread function when the thread is initially scheduled
+					to run. If the thread function does not need any data then
+					this pointer can be NULL. It must be ensured that the memory 
+					pointed to by this pointer is still valid when accessed by 
+					the new thread, e.g. if aPtr points to data on the stack.
+@param aType		An enumeration whose enumerators define the ownership of
+					this thread handle. If not explicitly specified,
+					EOwnerProcess is taken as default.
 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+		KErrArgument if aStackSize is less than 512 bytes.
         KErrAlreadyExists will be returned if there is another thread in this process with the
         specified name.
@@ -3630,7 +3633,10 @@
 @panic USER 110 if aHeapMinSize is less than KMinHeapSize.
 @panic USER 111 if aHeapMaxSize is less than aHeapMinSize.
-	{
+	{// This must be true otherwise the comment on aStackSize will be incorrect and BC 
+	// break will occur.  See ExecHandler::ThreadCreate() for details.
+	__ASSERT_COMPILE(KMaxThreadCreateInfo == 256);
 	TThreadCreateInfo createInfo(aName, aFunction, aStackSize, aPtr);
 	createInfo.SetCreateHeap(aHeapMinSize, aHeapMaxSize);
@@ -3655,25 +3661,27 @@
 If KNullDesC is specified for the name, then an anonymous thread will be created.
 Anonymous threads are not global, and cannot be opened by other processes.
-@param aName      The name to be assigned to this thread.
-				  KNullDesC, to create an anonymous thread.
-@param aFunction  A pointer to a function. Control passes to this function when 
-	              the thread is first resumed, i.e. when the thread is
-	              initially scheduled to run.
-@param aStackSize The size of the new thread's stack.
-@param aAllocator A pointer to the handle of the heap belonging to another thread 
-                  which this thread is to use.
-@param aPtr       A pointer to data to be passed as a parameter to the thread
-                  function when the thread is initially scheduled to run.
-                  If the thread function does not need any data,
-                  then this pointer can be NULL. It must be ensured that the 
-                  memory pointed to by this pointer is still valid when accessed 
-                  by the new thread, e.g. if aPtr points to data on the stack.
-@param aType      An enumeration whose enumerators define the ownership of this 
-                  thread handle. If not explicitly specified, EOwnerProcess is
-                  taken as default.
+@param aName		The name to be assigned to this thread.
+					KNullDesC, to create an anonymous thread.
+@param aFunction	A pointer to a function. Control passes to this function when 
+					the thread is first resumed, i.e. when the thread is
+					initially scheduled to run.
+@param aStackSize	The size of the new thread's stack.  This must be at least
+					512 bytes, otherwise this method will fail with KErrArgument.
+@param aAllocator	A pointer to the handle of the heap belonging to another thread 
+					which this thread is to use.
+@param aPtr			A pointer to data to be passed as a parameter to the thread
+					function when the thread is initially scheduled to run.
+					If the thread function does not need any data,
+					then this pointer can be NULL. It must be ensured that the 
+					memory pointed to by this pointer is still valid when accessed 
+					by the new thread, e.g. if aPtr points to data on the stack.
+@param aType		An enumeration whose enumerators define the ownership of this 
+					thread handle. If not explicitly specified, EOwnerProcess is
+					taken as default.
 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+		KErrArgument if aStackSize is less than 512 bytes.
         KErrAlreadyExists will be returned if there is another thread in this process with the
         specified name.