--- a/kernel/eka/drivers/iic/iic.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:34:26 2010 +0300
+++ b/kernel/eka/drivers/iic/iic.cpp Wed Sep 01 12:34:56 2010 +0100
@@ -26,10 +26,6 @@
// Global Controller pointer
static DIicBusController* TheController = NULL;
-DIicBusController*& gTheController = TheController;
// Implementation of generic IicBus API for client interface
@@ -1018,8 +1014,63 @@
+TVersion DIicPdd::VersionRequired()
+ {
+ const TInt KIicMajorVersionNumber=1;
+ const TInt KIicMinorVersionNumber=0;
+ const TInt KIicBuildVersionNumber=KE32BuildVersionNumber;
+ return TVersion(KIicMajorVersionNumber,KIicMinorVersionNumber,KIicBuildVersionNumber);
+ }
+/** Factory class constructor */
+ {
+ iVersion = DIicPdd::VersionRequired();
+ }
+ {
+ delete TheController;
+ }
+TInt DIicPdd::Install()
+ {
+ return(SetName(&KPddName));
+ }
+/** Called by the kernel's device driver framework to create a Physical Channel. */
+TInt DIicPdd::Create(DBase*& /*aChannel*/, TInt /*aUint*/, const TDesC8* /*anInfo*/, const TVersion& /*aVer*/)
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+/** Called by the kernel's device driver framework to check if this PDD is suitable for use with a Logical Channel.*/
+TInt DIicPdd::Validate(TInt /*aUnit*/, const TDesC8* /*anInfo*/, const TVersion& aVer)
+ {
+ if (!Kern::QueryVersionSupported(DIicPdd::VersionRequired(),aVer))
+ return(KErrNotSupported);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+/** Return the driver capabilities */
+void DIicPdd::GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const
+ {
+ // Create a capabilities object
+ TCaps caps;
+ caps.iVersion = iVersion;
+ // Zero the buffer
+ TInt maxLen = aDes.MaxLength();
+ aDes.FillZ(maxLen);
+ // Copy cpabilities
+ TInt size=sizeof(caps);
+ if(size>maxLen)
+ size=maxLen;
+ aDes.Copy((TUint8*)&caps,size);
+ }
// Client interface entry point
DECLARE_EXTENSION_WITH_PRIORITY(KExtensionMaximumPriority-1) // highest priority after Resource Manager
@@ -1029,6 +1080,26 @@
TInt r=TheController->Create();
return r;
+static DIicPdd* TheIicPdd;
+ {
+ TheController = new DIicBusController;
+ if(!TheController)
+ return NULL;
+ TInt r = TheController->Create();
+ if(r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TheIicPdd = new DIicPdd;
+ if(TheIicPdd)
+ return TheIicPdd;
+ }
+ delete TheController;
+ return NULL;
+ }