--- a/kernel/eka/include/e32cmn.inl Tue Aug 31 16:34:26 2010 +0300
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/e32cmn.inl Wed Sep 01 12:34:56 2010 +0100
@@ -51,6 +51,120 @@
inline void RAllocator::__DbgMarkCheck(TBool aCountAll, TInt aCount, const TUint8* aFileName, TInt aLineNum)
{__DbgMarkCheck(aCountAll, aCount, TPtrC8(aFileName), aLineNum);}
+// Class RHeap
+inline RHeap::RHeap()
+ {}
+@return The maximum length to which the heap can grow.
+inline TInt RHeap::MaxLength() const
+ {return iMaxLength;}
+inline void RHeap::operator delete(TAny*, TAny*)
+Called if constructor issued by operator new(TUint aSize, TAny* aBase) throws exception.
+This is dummy as corresponding new operator does not allocate memory.
+ {}
+inline TUint8* RHeap::Base() const
+Gets a pointer to the start of the heap.
+Note that because of the small space overhead incurred by all allocated cells,
+no cell will have the same address as that returned by this function.
+@return A pointer to the base of the heap.
+ {return iBase;}
+inline TInt RHeap::Size() const
+Gets the current size of the heap.
+This is the total number of bytes committed by the host chunk.
+It is the requested size rounded up by page size minus the size of RHeap object(116 bytes)
+minus the cell alignment overhead as shown:
+Size = (Rounded committed size - Size of RHeap - Cell Alignment Overhead).
+The cell alignment overhead varies between release builds and debug builds.
+Note that this value is always greater than the total space available across all allocated cells.
+@return The size of the heap.
+@see Rheap::Available( )
+ {return iTop-iBase;}
+inline TInt RHeap::Align(TInt a) const
+ {return _ALIGN_UP(a, iAlign);}
+inline const TAny* RHeap::Align(const TAny* a) const
+ {return (const TAny*)_ALIGN_UP((TLinAddr)a, iAlign);}
+inline TBool RHeap::IsLastCell(const SCell* aCell) const
+ {return (((TUint8*)aCell) + aCell->len) == iTop;}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+inline void RHeap::Lock() const
+ {((RFastLock&)iLock).Wait();}
+inline void RHeap::Unlock() const
+ {((RFastLock&)iLock).Signal();}
+inline TInt RHeap::ChunkHandle() const
+ {
+ return iChunkHandle;
+ }
// Class TRefByValue
template <class T>
inline TRefByValue<T>::TRefByValue(T &aRef)