--- a/kernel/eka/include/e32std.inl Tue Aug 31 16:34:26 2010 +0300
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/e32std.inl Wed Sep 01 12:34:56 2010 +0100
@@ -155,6 +155,13 @@
+// class RHeap
+inline TInt RHeap::SetBrk(TInt aBrk)
+ { return ((RChunk*)&iChunkHandle)->Adjust(aBrk); }
// class TChar
#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
inline void TChar::SetChar(TUint aChar)
@@ -252,102 +259,6 @@
@return True, if the character is 0; false, otherwise.
-inline TBool TChar::IsSupplementary(TUint aChar)
-@param aChar The 32-bit code point value of a Unicode character.
-@return True, if aChar is supplementary character; false, otherwise.
- {
- return (aChar > 0xFFFF);
- }
-inline TBool TChar::IsSurrogate(TText16 aInt16)
-@return True, if aText16 is high surrogate or low surrogate; false, otherwise.
- {
- return (aInt16 & 0xF800) == 0xD800;
- }
-inline TBool TChar::IsHighSurrogate(TText16 aInt16)
-@return True, if aText16 is high surrogate; false, otherwise.
- {
- return (aInt16 & 0xFC00) == 0xD800;
- }
-inline TBool TChar::IsLowSurrogate(TText16 aInt16)
-@return True, if aText16 is low surrogate; false, otherwise.
- {
- return (aInt16 & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00;
- }
-inline TUint TChar::JoinSurrogate(TText16 aHighSurrogate, TText16 aLowSurrogate)
-Combine a high surrogate and a low surrogate into a supplementary character.
-@return The 32-bit code point value of the generated Unicode supplementary
- character.
- {
- return ((aHighSurrogate - 0xD7F7) << 10) + aLowSurrogate;
- }
-inline TText16 TChar::GetHighSurrogate(TUint aChar)
-Retrieve the high surrogate of a supplementary character.
-@param aChar The 32-bit code point value of a Unicode character.
-@return High surrogate of aChar, if aChar is a supplementary character;
- aChar itself, if aChar is not a supplementary character.
-@see TChar::GetLowSurrogate
- {
- return STATIC_CAST(TText16, 0xD7C0 + (aChar >> 10));
- }
-inline TText16 TChar::GetLowSurrogate(TUint aChar)
-Retrieve the low surrogate of a supplementary character.
-@param aChar The 32-bit code point value of a Unicode character.
-@return Low surrogate of aChar, if aChar is a supplementary character;
- zero, if aChar is not a supplementary character.
-@see TChar::GetHighSurrogate
- {
- return STATIC_CAST(TText16, 0xDC00 | (aChar & 0x3FF));
- }
#endif // _UNICODE