--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/multimedia/t_camera_api.cpp Wed Sep 01 12:34:56 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1487 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\multimedia\t_camera_api.cpp
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <d32camerasc.h>
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <e32def_private.h>
+#include "t_camera_display.h"
+#include "t_camera_bitmap.h"
+#include "d_mmcsc.h"
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+_LIT(KFrameSize, "%dx%d");
+_LIT(KSensor, "d:\\Sensor_");
+_LIT(KUnderscore, "_");
+_LIT(KBmp, ".bmp");
+_LIT(KJpeg, ".jpg");
+_LIT(KSpeedTaggedJpeg, ".stj");
+LOCAL_D TCameraCapsV02* CameraCaps;
+LOCAL_D TInt CapsSize;
+LOCAL_D TAny* CapsBufPtr;
+RTest Test(_L("T_CAMERA_API"));
+const TInt KNumVideoFramesToAllocate=6;
+const TInt KNumVideoFramesToCapture=(KNumVideoFramesToAllocate-2);
+const TInt KHeapSize=0x4000;
+const TInt KUnit0=0;
+enum TSecThreadTestId
+ {
+ ESecThreadTestOpen,
+ ESecThreadTestDuplicateHandle,
+ ESecThreadReuseHandle
+ };
+struct SSecondaryThreadInfo
+ {
+ TSecThreadTestId iTestId;
+ TInt iExpectedRetVal;
+ TThreadId iThreadId;
+ TInt iDrvHandle;
+ TInt iCameraModuleIndex;
+ };
+LOCAL_C TInt secondaryThread(TAny* aTestInfo)
+ {
+ RTest stest(_L("Secondary test camera thread"));
+ stest.Title();
+ stest.Start(_L("Check which test to perform"));
+ SSecondaryThreadInfo sti =*((SSecondaryThreadInfo*)aTestInfo);
+ TInt r;
+ switch(sti.iTestId)
+ {
+ case ESecThreadTestOpen:
+ {
+ stest.Next(_L("Open channel test"));
+ RDevCameraSc cam;
+ r=cam.Open(sti.iCameraModuleIndex);
+ stest(r==sti.iExpectedRetVal);
+ cam.Close();
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESecThreadTestDuplicateHandle:
+ {
+ stest.Next(_L("Duplicate channel handle test"));
+ // Get a reference to the main thread - which created the handle
+ RThread thread;
+ r=thread.Open(sti.iThreadId);
+ stest(r==KErrNone);
+ // Duplicate the driver handle passed from the other thread - for this thread
+ RDevCameraSc cam;
+ cam.SetHandle(sti.iDrvHandle);
+ r=cam.Duplicate(thread);
+ stest(r==sti.iExpectedRetVal);
+ cam.Close();
+ thread.Close();
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESecThreadReuseHandle:
+ {
+ stest.Next(_L("Re-use channel test"));
+ RDevCameraSc* camPtr=(RDevCameraSc*)sti.iDrvHandle;
+ TCameraConfigV02Buf camConfBuf;
+ camPtr->GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeImage, camConfBuf); // This should cause a panic.
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ stest.End();
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+/** Test for defect DEF135950. */
+LOCAL_C void DoCamDynamicSettingsTests(RDevCameraSc& aCam, RTest& aTest)
+ {
+ aTest.Next(_L("Get the Caps size. Should be non-zero"));
+ TInt capsSize = aCam.CapsSize();
+ aTest(capsSize>0);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Get the Capabilities (driver owned copy)."));
+ TPtrC8 driverCopy = aCam.Caps();
+ aTest(driverCopy.Ptr() != NULL);
+ aTest(driverCopy.Length()>0);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Test failure (buffer too small)."));
+ TAny* capsBufPtr = User::Alloc(capsSize-1);
+ aTest(capsBufPtr != NULL);
+ TPtr8 smallBuf((TUint8*) capsBufPtr, capsSize-1, capsSize-1);
+ aTest(KErrArgument==aCam.Caps(smallBuf));
+ User::Free(capsBufPtr);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Get the Capabilities (client owned copy)."));
+ capsBufPtr = User::Alloc(capsSize);
+ aTest(capsBufPtr != NULL);
+ TPtr8 clientCopy((TUint8*) capsBufPtr, capsSize, capsSize);
+ aTest(KErrNone==aCam.Caps(clientCopy));
+ aTest(clientCopy.Ptr() != NULL);
+ aTest(clientCopy.Length()>0);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Obtain the range for Dynamic Settings from both copies (should be the same)."));
+ TDynamicRange &driverRangeBrightness = ((TCameraCapsV02*)(driverCopy.Ptr()))->iDynamicRange[ECamAttributeBrightness];
+ TDynamicRange &clientRangeBrightness = ((TCameraCapsV02*)(clientCopy.Ptr()))->iDynamicRange[ECamAttributeBrightness];
+ aTest(driverRangeBrightness.iMin == 0);
+ aTest(driverRangeBrightness.iMax == 6);
+ aTest(driverRangeBrightness.iMin == clientRangeBrightness.iMin);
+ aTest(driverRangeBrightness.iMax == clientRangeBrightness.iMax);
+ TDynamicRange &driverRangeContrast = ((TCameraCapsV02*)(driverCopy.Ptr()))->iDynamicRange[ECamAttributeContrast];
+ TDynamicRange &clientRangeContrast = ((TCameraCapsV02*)(clientCopy.Ptr()))->iDynamicRange[ECamAttributeContrast];
+ aTest(driverRangeContrast.iMin == 0);
+ aTest(driverRangeContrast.iMax == 6);
+ aTest(driverRangeContrast.iMin == clientRangeContrast.iMin);
+ aTest(driverRangeContrast.iMax == clientRangeContrast.iMax);
+ TDynamicRange &driverRangeColorEffect = ((TCameraCapsV02*)(driverCopy.Ptr()))->iDynamicRange[ECamAttributeColorEffect];
+ TDynamicRange &clientRangeColorEffect = ((TCameraCapsV02*)(clientCopy.Ptr()))->iDynamicRange[ECamAttributeColorEffect];
+ aTest(driverRangeColorEffect.iMin == 0);
+ aTest(driverRangeColorEffect.iMax == 7); // TBC::OV3640 set to 7, template driver set to 0x0040 (enum)
+ aTest(driverRangeColorEffect.iMin == clientRangeColorEffect.iMin);
+ aTest(driverRangeColorEffect.iMax == clientRangeColorEffect.iMax);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Test for invalid Min range."));
+ aTest(aCam.SetDynamicAttribute(ECamAttributeBrightness, driverRangeBrightness.iMin-1)==KErrArgument);
+ aTest(aCam.SetDynamicAttribute(ECamAttributeContrast, driverRangeContrast.iMin-1)==KErrArgument);
+ aTest(aCam.SetDynamicAttribute(ECamAttributeColorEffect, driverRangeColorEffect.iMin-1)==KErrArgument);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Test for invalid Max range."));
+ aTest(aCam.SetDynamicAttribute(ECamAttributeBrightness, driverRangeBrightness.iMax+1)==KErrArgument);
+ aTest(aCam.SetDynamicAttribute(ECamAttributeContrast, driverRangeContrast.iMax+1)==KErrArgument);
+ aTest(aCam.SetDynamicAttribute(ECamAttributeColorEffect, driverRangeColorEffect.iMax+1)==KErrArgument);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Test all valid settings as reported by range - Brightness"));
+ for (TUint i=driverRangeBrightness.iMin; i <= driverRangeBrightness.iMax; ++i)
+ {
+ aTest(aCam.SetDynamicAttribute(ECamAttributeBrightness, i)==KErrNone);
+ }
+ aTest.Next(_L("Test all valid settings as reported by range - Contrast"));
+ for (TUint j=driverRangeContrast.iMin; j <= driverRangeContrast.iMax; ++j)
+ {
+ aTest(aCam.SetDynamicAttribute(ECamAttributeContrast, j)==KErrNone);
+ }
+ aTest.Next(_L("Test all valid settings as reported by range - ColorEffect"));
+ for (TUint k=driverRangeColorEffect.iMin; k <= driverRangeColorEffect.iMax; ++k)
+ {
+ aTest(aCam.SetDynamicAttribute(ECamAttributeColorEffect, k)==KErrNone);
+ }
+ User::Free(capsBufPtr);
+ }
+/** Test for defect DEF135949. */
+LOCAL_C void DoCamBufferOffsetTests(RDevCameraSc& aCam, RTest& aTest, const SDevCamPixelFormat& aPixelFormat, const SDevCamFrameSize& aFrameSize, TUint aFrameRate)
+ {
+ TInt r;
+ aTest.Printf(_L("PixelFormat = %d, FrameSize = %d x %d\n"),aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat,aFrameSize.iWidth,aFrameSize.iHeight);
+ // Configure Image Capture
+ aTest.Next(_L("Get the camera config of Image mode"));
+ TCameraConfigV02Buf camConfBuf;
+ aCam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeImage, camConfBuf);
+ TCameraConfigV02 &camConf=camConfBuf();
+ camConf.iFrameSize=aFrameSize;
+ camConf.iPixelFormat=aPixelFormat;
+ camConf.iFrameRate=aFrameRate;
+ // Set the Image configuration.
+ aTest.Next(_L("Set the Get the camera config of Image mode"));
+ r=aCam.SetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeImage,camConfBuf);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aCam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeImage, camConfBuf);
+ PrintCamConf(camConf,aTest);
+ // Create an Image chunk handle.
+ aTest.Next(_L("Create the Image chunk"));
+ RChunk imgChunkImage;
+ TInt numBuffers=KNumVideoFramesToAllocate;
+ r=aCam.SetBufConfigChunkCreate(ECamCaptureModeImage,numBuffers,imgChunkImage);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Read and display the Image buffer config"));
+ TMmSharedChunkBufConfig bufferConfig;
+ TPckg<TMmSharedChunkBufConfig> bufferConfigBuf(bufferConfig);
+ aCam.GetBufferConfig(ECamCaptureModeImage, bufferConfigBuf);
+ PrintBufferConf(bufferConfig,aTest);
+ // Configure Video Capture
+ aTest.Next(_L("Get the camera config of Video mode"));
+ aCam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeVideo, camConfBuf);
+ camConf=camConfBuf();
+ camConf.iFrameSize=aFrameSize;
+ camConf.iPixelFormat=aPixelFormat;
+ camConf.iFrameRate=aFrameRate;
+ // Set the video configuration.
+ aTest.Next(_L("Set the Get the camera config of Video mode"));
+ r=aCam.SetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeVideo,camConfBuf);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aCam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeVideo, camConfBuf);
+ PrintCamConf(camConf,aTest);
+ // Create an Video chunk handle.
+ aTest.Next(_L("Create the Video chunk"));
+ RChunk chunkVideo;
+ numBuffers=KNumVideoFramesToAllocate;
+ r=aCam.SetBufConfigChunkCreate(ECamCaptureModeVideo,numBuffers,chunkVideo);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Read and display the Video buffer config"));
+ aCam.GetBufferConfig(ECamCaptureModeVideo, bufferConfigBuf);
+ PrintBufferConf(bufferConfig,aTest);
+ // Test that stop still returns an error.
+ r=aCam.Stop();
+ aTest(r==KErrGeneral);
+ // Set the current capture mode to image
+ aTest.Next(_L("Set the camera in Image mode and capture a buffer, then requesting the buffer offset."));
+ r=aCam.SetCaptureMode(ECamCaptureModeImage);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ // Start the camera
+ r=aCam.Start();
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Issue a capture request"));
+ TRequestStatus rs1;
+ aCam.NotifyNewImage(rs1);
+ User::WaitForRequest(rs1);
+ TInt retId=rs1.Int();
+ TInt retOffset=-1;
+ aTest(retId>=0);
+ aCam.BufferIdToOffset(ECamCaptureModeImage,retId,retOffset);
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Buffer offset: %d(%xH)\r\n"),retId,retOffset);
+ aTest(retOffset>=0);
+ // Change capture mode
+ aTest.Next(_L("Set the capture mode to Video."));
+ r=aCam.SetCaptureMode(ECamCaptureModeVideo);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Request again the offset for the buffer in Image mode."));
+ aCam.BufferIdToOffset(ECamCaptureModeImage,retId,retOffset);
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Buffer offset: %d(%xH)\r\n"),retId,retOffset);
+ aTest(retOffset>=0);
+ // Stop the camera.
+ r=aCam.Stop();
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Close the chunk"));
+ r=aCam.ChunkClose(ECamCaptureModeImage);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ r=aCam.ChunkClose(ECamCaptureModeVideo);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DoCamOpenCapTests(RTest& aTest,TInt aCameraSensorIndex)
+ {
+ TInt r;
+ // Open the camera driver to obtain the basic capabilities for use throughout the tests and
+ // then close it again so that it may be confirmed that opening multiple times is ok
+ RDevCameraSc cam;
+ aTest.Next(_L("Open a channel on the camera driver"));
+ r=cam.Open(aCameraSensorIndex);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ // Make sure that the driver can handle attempts to start it before it has been configured
+ aTest.Next(_L("Try to start/stop camera before its configured"));
+ r=cam.Start();
+ aTest(r==KErrNotReady);
+ r=cam.Stop();
+ aTest(r==KErrGeneral);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Read the capabilities structure size of this device"));
+ CapsSize=cam.CapsSize();
+ aTest.Next(_L("Read and display the capabilities of this device"));
+ CapsBufPtr = User::Alloc(CapsSize);
+ TPtr8 capsPtr( (TUint8*)CapsBufPtr, CapsSize, CapsSize );
+ r=cam.Caps(capsPtr);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ CameraCaps = (TCameraCapsV02*) capsPtr.Ptr();
+ PrintCamModes(CameraCaps,aTest);
+ TAny* frameSizeCapsBuf;
+ SDevCamPixelFormat* pixelFormat;
+ TBuf<80> buf;
+ SDevCamFrameSize* frameSize;
+ TPtr8 frameSizeCapsPtr(0,0,0);
+ TUint fsCount, pfCount, theCount = 0;
+ /* IMAGE */
+ /* Use pixel formats from 0 to CapsBuf->iNumImagePixelFormats */
+ buf.Zero();
+ buf.Append(KCaptureModeImage);
+ buf.Append(_L("\r\n"));
+ aTest.Printf(buf);
+ pixelFormat = (SDevCamPixelFormat*) (CameraCaps + 1);
+ for (pfCount = theCount; pfCount < CameraCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats; pfCount++)
+ {
+ buf.Zero();
+ AppendPixelFormat(buf, pixelFormat->iPixelFormat);
+ aTest.Printf(buf);
+ frameSizeCapsBuf = User::Alloc(pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes*sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize));
+ new (&frameSizeCapsPtr) TPtr8((TUint8*)frameSizeCapsBuf, pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes*sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize), pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes*sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize));
+ r=cam.FrameSizeCaps(ECamCaptureModeImage, pixelFormat->iPixelFormat, frameSizeCapsPtr);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ frameSize = (SDevCamFrameSize*) frameSizeCapsPtr.Ptr();
+ for (fsCount = 0; fsCount < pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes; fsCount++)
+ {
+ aTest.Printf(_L("%dx%d "),frameSize->iWidth,frameSize->iHeight);
+ frameSize++;
+ }
+ aTest.Printf(_L("\n"));
+ User::Free(frameSizeCapsBuf);
+ pixelFormat++;
+ }
+ /* VIDEO */
+ buf.Zero();
+ buf.Append(KCaptureModeVideo);
+ buf.Append(_L("\r\n"));
+ aTest.Printf(buf);
+ pixelFormat = (SDevCamPixelFormat*) (CameraCaps + 1);
+ pixelFormat += CameraCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats;
+ theCount = CameraCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats + CameraCaps->iNumVideoPixelFormats;
+ for (pfCount = CameraCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats; pfCount < theCount; pfCount++)
+ {
+ buf.Zero();
+ AppendPixelFormat(buf, pixelFormat->iPixelFormat);
+ aTest.Printf(buf);
+ frameSizeCapsBuf = User::Alloc(pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes*sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize));
+ new (&frameSizeCapsPtr) TPtr8((TUint8*)frameSizeCapsBuf, pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes*sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize), pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes*sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize));
+ r=cam.FrameSizeCaps(ECamCaptureModeVideo, pixelFormat->iPixelFormat, frameSizeCapsPtr);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ frameSize = (SDevCamFrameSize*) frameSizeCapsPtr.Ptr();
+ for (fsCount = 0; fsCount < pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes; fsCount++)
+ {
+ aTest.Printf(_L("%dx%d "),frameSize->iWidth,frameSize->iHeight);
+ frameSize++;
+ }
+ aTest.Printf(_L("\n"));
+ User::Free(frameSizeCapsBuf);
+ pixelFormat++;
+ }
+ buf.Zero();
+ buf.Append(KCaptureModeViewFinder);
+ buf.Append(_L("\r\n"));
+ aTest.Printf(buf);
+ pixelFormat = (SDevCamPixelFormat*) (CameraCaps + 1);
+ pixelFormat += (CameraCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats + CameraCaps->iNumVideoPixelFormats);
+ theCount = CameraCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats + CameraCaps->iNumVideoPixelFormats + CameraCaps->iNumViewFinderPixelFormats;
+ for (pfCount = CameraCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats + CameraCaps->iNumVideoPixelFormats; pfCount < theCount; pfCount++)
+ {
+ buf.Zero();
+ AppendPixelFormat(buf, pixelFormat->iPixelFormat);
+ aTest.Printf(buf);
+ frameSizeCapsBuf = User::Alloc(pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes*sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize));
+ new (&frameSizeCapsPtr) TPtr8((TUint8*)frameSizeCapsBuf, pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes*sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize), pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes*sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize));
+ r=cam.FrameSizeCaps(ECamCaptureModeViewFinder, pixelFormat->iPixelFormat, frameSizeCapsPtr);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ frameSize = (SDevCamFrameSize*) frameSizeCapsPtr.Ptr();
+ for (fsCount = 0; fsCount < pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes; fsCount++)
+ {
+ aTest.Printf(_L("%dx%d "),frameSize->iWidth,frameSize->iHeight);
+ frameSize++;
+ }
+ aTest.Printf(_L("\n"));
+ User::Free(frameSizeCapsBuf);
+ pixelFormat++;
+ }
+ aTest.Next(_L("Try opening the same unit a second time."));
+ RDevCameraSc cam2;
+ r=cam2.Open(aCameraSensorIndex);
+ aTest(r==KErrInUse);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Open a channel from the 2nd thread without closing the 1st"));
+ RThread thread;
+ TRequestStatus stat;
+ SSecondaryThreadInfo sti;
+ // Setup the 2nd thread to open a channel on the same unit
+ sti.iTestId=ESecThreadTestOpen;
+ sti.iExpectedRetVal=KErrInUse;
+ sti.iCameraModuleIndex=aCameraSensorIndex;
+ r=thread.Create(_L("Thread"),secondaryThread,KDefaultStackSize,KHeapSize,KHeapSize,&sti);
+ Test(r==KErrNone);
+ thread.Logon(stat);
+ thread.Resume();
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ Test(stat.Int()==KErrNone);
+ Test(thread.ExitType()==EExitKill);
+ thread.Close();
+ User::After(10000); // Wait 10ms
+ aTest.Next(_L("Open a channel from the 2nd thread having closed the 1st"));
+ cam.Close(); // Close the 1st channel
+ sti.iTestId=ESecThreadTestOpen;
+ sti.iExpectedRetVal=KErrNone;
+ r=thread.Create(_L("Thread02"),secondaryThread,KDefaultStackSize,KHeapSize,KHeapSize,&sti);
+ Test(r==KErrNone);
+ thread.Logon(stat);
+ thread.Resume();
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ Test(stat.Int()==KErrNone);
+ Test(thread.ExitType()==EExitKill);
+ thread.Close();
+ User::After(10000); // Wait 10ms
+ aTest.Next(_L("Re-open channel and duplicate it from 2nd thread"));
+ r=cam.Open(aCameraSensorIndex); // Re-open the channel
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ sti.iTestId=ESecThreadTestDuplicateHandle;
+ sti.iExpectedRetVal=KErrAccessDenied;
+ sti.iThreadId=RThread().Id(); // Get the ID of this thread
+ sti.iDrvHandle=cam.Handle(); // Pass the channel handle
+ r=thread.Create(_L("Thread03"),secondaryThread,KDefaultStackSize,KHeapSize,KHeapSize,&sti); // Create secondary thread
+ Test(r==KErrNone);
+ thread.Logon(stat);
+ thread.Resume();
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ Test(stat.Int()==KErrNone);
+ Test(thread.ExitType()==EExitKill);
+ thread.Close();
+ User::After(10000); // Wait 10ms
+ aTest.Next(_L("Re-use the same channel from 2nd thread"));
+ sti.iTestId=ESecThreadReuseHandle;
+ sti.iDrvHandle=(TInt)&cam; // Pass a pointer to the channel
+ r=thread.Create(_L("Thread04"),secondaryThread,KDefaultStackSize,KHeapSize,KHeapSize,&sti); // Create secondary thread
+ Test(r==KErrNone);
+ thread.Logon(stat);
+ thread.Resume();
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ TExitCategoryName exitCategoryName = thread.ExitCategory();
+ Test.Printf(_L("Thread exit info: Cat:%S, Reason:%x, Type:%d\r\n"),&exitCategoryName,thread.ExitReason(),thread.ExitType());
+ Test(thread.ExitType()==EExitPanic); // Secondary thread is expected to panic
+ Test(stat.Int()==KErrNone);
+ thread.Close();
+ User::After(10000); // Wait 10ms
+ cam.Close();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DoCamConfigTests(RDevCameraSc& aCam, RTest& aTest, TDevCamCaptureMode aCaptureMode, const SDevCamPixelFormat& aPixelFormat, const SDevCamFrameSize& aFrameSize)
+ {
+ TInt r;
+ aTest.Printf(_L("CaptureMode = %d, PixelFormat = %x, FrameSize = %d x %d\n"),aCaptureMode,aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat,aFrameSize.iWidth,aFrameSize.iHeight);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Read and display the default camera config for requested capture mode"));
+ TCameraConfigV02Buf camConfBuf;
+ aCam.GetCamConfig(aCaptureMode, camConfBuf);
+ TCameraConfigV02 &camConf=camConfBuf();
+ PrintCamConf(camConf,aTest);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Read and display the default buffer config for requested capture mode"));
+ TMmSharedChunkBufConfig bufferConfig;
+ TPckg<TMmSharedChunkBufConfig> bufferConfigBuf(bufferConfig);
+ aCam.GetBufferConfig(aCaptureMode, bufferConfigBuf);
+ PrintBufferConf(bufferConfig,aTest);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Setup the config - creating a chunk"));
+ camConf.iFrameSize=aFrameSize;
+ camConf.iPixelFormat=aPixelFormat;
+ camConf.iFrameRate=aFrameSize.iMaxFrameRate;
+ r=aCam.SetCamConfig(aCaptureMode, camConfBuf);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ RChunk chunk;
+ r=aCam.SetBufConfigChunkCreate(aCaptureMode, KNumVideoFramesToAllocate, chunk);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aCam.GetCamConfig(aCaptureMode, camConfBuf);
+ PrintCamConf(camConf,aTest);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Read and display the resulting buffer config"));
+ aCam.GetBufferConfig(aCaptureMode, bufferConfigBuf);
+ PrintBufferConf(bufferConfig,aTest);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Close the chunk created"));
+ chunk.Close();
+ aTest.Next(_L("Open a channel on the test driver"));
+ RMmCreateSc tstDrv;
+ r=tstDrv.Open(); // Opening the channel results in the creation of a shared chunk.
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Get a handle on its shared chunk"));
+ r=tstDrv.GetChunkHandle(chunk); // Get a handle on the shared chunk created by the test driver
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Read and display the buffer config"));
+ TMmSharedChunkBufConfig bufferConfigTest;
+ TPckg<TMmSharedChunkBufConfig> bufferConfigBufTest(bufferConfigTest);
+ // Get info on the buffers within the shared chunk
+ aTest.Next(_L("Get info. on the shared chunk"));
+ r=tstDrv.GetBufInfo(bufferConfigBufTest);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ PrintBufferConf(bufferConfigTest,aTest);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Setup the config - supplying a chunk"));
+ r=aCam.SetBufConfigChunkOpen(aCaptureMode, bufferConfigBufTest, chunk);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aCam.GetCamConfig(aCaptureMode, camConfBuf);
+ PrintCamConf(camConf,aTest);
+ aCam.GetBufferConfig(aCaptureMode, bufferConfigBufTest);
+ PrintBufferConf(bufferConfigTest,aTest);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Close the chunk driver and the 2nd chunk"));
+ tstDrv.Close();
+ chunk.Close();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DoCamVideoCaptureTests(RDevCameraSc& aCam, RTest& aTest, TDevCamCaptureMode aCaptureMode, const SDevCamPixelFormat& aPixelFormat, const SDevCamFrameSize& aFrameSize, TUint aFrameRate)
+ {
+ TInt r;
+ aTest.Next(_L("VIDEO CAPTURE TESTS"));
+ aTest.Printf(_L("CaptureMode = %d, PixelFormat = %x, FrameSize = %d x %d\n"),aCaptureMode,aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat,aFrameSize.iWidth,aFrameSize.iHeight);
+ // Configure Video or Viewfinder Capture
+ TCameraConfigV02Buf camConfBuf;
+ aCam.GetCamConfig(aCaptureMode, camConfBuf);
+ TCameraConfigV02 &camConf=camConfBuf();
+ camConf.iFrameSize=aFrameSize;
+ camConf.iPixelFormat=aPixelFormat;
+ camConf.iFrameRate=aFrameRate;
+ // Set the camera configuration.
+ r=aCam.SetCamConfig(aCaptureMode,camConfBuf);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aCam.GetCamConfig(aCaptureMode, camConfBuf);
+ PrintCamConf(camConf,aTest);
+ // Create a chunk handle and trigger the buffer creation.
+ aTest.Next(_L("Setup the config - creating a chunk"));
+ RChunk chunkVideo;
+ TInt numBuffers=KNumVideoFramesToAllocate;
+ r=aCam.SetBufConfigChunkCreate(aCaptureMode,numBuffers,chunkVideo);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Read and display the resulting buffer config"));
+ TMmSharedChunkBufConfig bufferConfig;
+ TPckg<TMmSharedChunkBufConfig> bufferConfigBufVideo(bufferConfig);
+ aCam.GetBufferConfig(aCaptureMode, bufferConfigBufVideo);
+ PrintBufferConf(bufferConfig,aTest);
+ // Request and print the camera and buffer configurations for all three capture modes
+ aTest.Next(_L("Read and display the camera configs"));
+ aCam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeVideo, camConfBuf);
+ PrintCamConf(camConf,aTest);
+ aCam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeImage, camConfBuf);
+ PrintCamConf(camConf,aTest);
+ aCam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeViewFinder, camConfBuf);
+ PrintCamConf(camConf,aTest);
+ // Create and configure a display handler
+ TCamDisplayHandler dispHand;
+ r=dispHand.Init();
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ if (aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatJPEG && aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatSpeedTaggedJPEG)
+ {
+ r=dispHand.SetConfig(aFrameSize,aPixelFormat);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ }
+ // Test that stop still returns an error.
+ r=aCam.Stop();
+ aTest(r==KErrGeneral);
+ // Set the current capture mode
+ r=aCam.SetCaptureMode(aCaptureMode);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Start the camera in video mode"));
+ r=aCam.Start();
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Issue capture requests"));
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Request %d frames\r\n"),KNumVideoFramesToCapture);
+ // Issue new image requests immediately. We'll have to wait while the
+ // camera captures the images.
+ TRequestStatus rs[KNumVideoFramesToCapture];
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=0 ; i<KNumVideoFramesToCapture; i++)
+ {
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Requesting new image... %d\n"), i);
+ aCam.NotifyNewImage(rs[i]);
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Requested new image... %d\n"), i);
+ }
+ TInt retId=-1;
+ TInt retOffset=-1;
+ for (i=0 ; i<KNumVideoFramesToCapture; i++)
+ {
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Waiting for... %d\n"), i);
+ User::WaitForRequest(rs[i]);
+ retId=rs[i].Int();
+ aTest(retId>=0);
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Getting buffer offset for... %d\n"), i);
+ aCam.BufferIdToOffset(aCaptureMode,retId,retOffset);
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Buffer%d(id:%d) offset: %d(%xH)\r\n"),i,retId,retOffset,retOffset);
+ aTest(retOffset>=0);
+ }
+ TUint8* imgBase;
+ // Display each image received for 333ms
+ for (i=0 ; i<KNumVideoFramesToCapture; i++)
+ {
+ if (aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatJPEG && aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatSpeedTaggedJPEG)
+ {
+ retId=rs[i].Int();
+ aTest(retId>=0);
+ aCam.BufferIdToOffset(aCaptureMode,retId,retOffset);
+ aTest(retOffset>=0);
+ imgBase=chunkVideo.Base()+retOffset;
+ r=dispHand.Process(imgBase);
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+ aTest(r==KErrNotSupported);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ User::After(333000); // 0.33sec
+ }
+ }
+ aTest.Next(_L("Free the buffers"));
+ for (i=0 ; i<KNumVideoFramesToCapture; i++)
+ {
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Releasing %d(i:%d) "),rs[i].Int(), i);
+ r=aCam.ReleaseBuffer(rs[i].Int());
+ aTest.Printf(_L("buffer(%d), r=%d\n"),rs[i].Int(),r);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ }
+ aTest.Next(_L("Issue more capture requests"));
+ // Wait a bit more so camera has images ready as soon as we issue the requests
+ User::After(500000); // 0.5sec
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Request %d frames\r\n"),KNumVideoFramesToCapture);
+ for (i=0 ; i<KNumVideoFramesToCapture; i++)
+ aCam.NotifyNewImage(rs[i]);
+ for (i=0 ; i<KNumVideoFramesToCapture; i++)
+ {
+ User::WaitForRequest(rs[i]);
+ retId=rs[i].Int();
+ aTest(retId>=0);
+ aCam.BufferIdToOffset(aCaptureMode,retId,retOffset);
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Buffer%d(id:%d) offset: %d(%xH)\r\n"),i,retId,retOffset,retOffset);
+ aTest(retOffset>=0);
+ }
+ aTest.Next(_L("Stop the camera."));
+ r=aCam.Stop();
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Start it again."));
+ r=aCam.Start();
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Continuously display for 10 secs"));
+ RTimer tim;
+ tim.CreateLocal();
+ TRequestStatus timStatus;
+ const TUint KTimeOut=10000000; // 10 seconds
+ tim.After(timStatus,KTimeOut);
+ aTest(timStatus==KRequestPending);
+ aCam.NotifyNewImage(rs[0]);
+ aCam.NotifyNewImage(rs[1]);
+ {
+ User::WaitForAnyRequest();
+ if (timStatus!=KRequestPending)
+ {
+ aCam.NotifyNewImageCancel();
+ User::WaitForRequest(rs[0]);
+ User::WaitForRequest(rs[1]);
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (rs[0]!=KRequestPending)
+ {
+ retId=rs[0].Int();
+ aTest(retId>=0);
+ aCam.BufferIdToOffset(aCaptureMode,retId,retOffset);
+ aTest(retOffset>=0);
+ imgBase=chunkVideo.Base()+retOffset;
+ if (aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatJPEG && aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatSpeedTaggedJPEG)
+ {
+ r=dispHand.Process(imgBase);
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+ aTest(r==KErrNotSupported);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ }
+ r=aCam.ReleaseBuffer(retId);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aCam.NotifyNewImage(rs[0]);
+ }
+ else if (rs[1]!=KRequestPending)
+ {
+ retId=rs[1].Int();
+ aTest(retId>=0);
+ aCam.BufferIdToOffset(aCaptureMode,retId,retOffset);
+ aTest(retOffset>=0);
+ imgBase=chunkVideo.Base()+retOffset;
+ if (aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatJPEG && aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatSpeedTaggedJPEG)
+ {
+ r=dispHand.Process(imgBase);
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+ aTest(r==KErrNotSupported);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ }
+ r=aCam.ReleaseBuffer(retId);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aCam.NotifyNewImage(rs[1]);
+ }
+ else
+ aTest(0);
+ }
+ tim.Close();
+ aTest.Next(_L("Stop the camera."));
+ r=aCam.Stop();
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Close the chunk"));
+ r=aCam.ChunkClose(aCaptureMode);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DoCamImageCaptureTests(RDevCameraSc& aCam, RTest& aTest, TInt aCameraSensorIndex, const SDevCamPixelFormat& aPixelFormat, const SDevCamFrameSize& aFrameSize, TUint aFrameRate)
+ {
+ TInt r;
+ aTest.Next(_L("IMAGE CAPTURE TESTS"));
+ aTest.Printf(_L("PixelFormat = %d, FrameSize = %d x %d\n"),aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat,aFrameSize.iWidth,aFrameSize.iHeight);
+ // Configure Image Capture
+ TCameraConfigV02Buf camConfBuf;
+ aCam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeImage, camConfBuf);
+ TCameraConfigV02 &camConf=camConfBuf();
+ camConf.iFrameSize=aFrameSize;
+ camConf.iPixelFormat=aPixelFormat;
+ camConf.iFrameRate=aFrameRate;
+ // Set the camera configuration.
+ r=aCam.SetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeImage,camConfBuf);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aCam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeImage, camConfBuf);
+ PrintCamConf(camConf,aTest);
+ // Create a chunk handle and trigger the buffer creation.
+ aTest.Next(_L("Setup the config - creating a chunk"));
+ RChunk chunkImage;
+ TInt numBuffers=KNumVideoFramesToAllocate;
+ r=aCam.SetBufConfigChunkCreate(ECamCaptureModeImage,numBuffers,chunkImage);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Read and display the resulting buffer config"));
+ TMmSharedChunkBufConfig bufferConfig;
+ TPckg<TMmSharedChunkBufConfig> bufferConfigBufImage(bufferConfig);
+ aCam.GetBufferConfig(ECamCaptureModeImage, bufferConfigBufImage);
+ PrintBufferConf(bufferConfig,aTest);
+ // Create and configure a display handler
+ TCamDisplayHandler dispHand;
+ r=dispHand.Init();
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ if (aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatJPEG && aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatSpeedTaggedJPEG)
+ {
+ r=dispHand.SetConfig(aFrameSize,aPixelFormat);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ }
+ // Test that stop still returns an error.
+ r=aCam.Stop();
+ aTest(r==KErrGeneral);
+ // Set the current capture mode
+ r=aCam.SetCaptureMode(ECamCaptureModeImage);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Start the camera in image capture mode"));
+ r=aCam.Start();
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Issue a capture request"));
+ TRequestStatus rs1;
+ aCam.NotifyNewImage(rs1);
+ User::WaitForRequest(rs1);
+ TInt retId=rs1.Int();
+ TInt retOffset=-1;
+ aTest(retId>=0);
+ aCam.BufferIdToOffset(ECamCaptureModeImage,retId,retOffset);
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Buffer offset: %d(%xH)\r\n"),retId,retOffset);
+ aTest(retOffset>=0);
+ TUint8* imgBase;
+ imgBase=chunkImage.Base()+retOffset;
+ if (aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatJPEG && aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatSpeedTaggedJPEG)
+ {
+ // Display the image received for 1s
+ r=dispHand.Process(imgBase);
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+ aTest(r==KErrNotSupported);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ User::After(1000000); // 1 sec
+ }
+ // Save the to do MMC card with a filename to indicate its size. If no MMC card is present
+ // then we will just display a warning rather than fail as this is an optional manual step
+ TBuf<100> fileName(KSensor);
+ fileName.AppendNum(aCameraSensorIndex);
+ fileName.Append(KUnderscore);
+ fileName.AppendFormat(KFrameSize, aFrameSize.iWidth, aFrameSize.iHeight);
+ fileName.Append(KUnderscore);
+ AppendPixelFormat(fileName, aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat);
+ TBool wrote = ETrue;
+ RBitmap bitmap;
+ if ((aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat == EUidPixelFormatJPEG) || (aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat == EUidPixelFormatSpeedTaggedJPEG))
+ {
+ fileName.Append((aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat == EUidPixelFormatJPEG) ? KJpeg : KSpeedTaggedJpeg);
+ r=bitmap.WriteBuffer(fileName, imgBase, (aFrameSize.iWidth * aFrameSize.iHeight * aPixelFormat.iPixelWidthInBytes));
+ }
+ else if ((aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat == EUidPixelFormatYUV_422Interleaved) || (aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat == EUidPixelFormatRGB_565))
+ {
+ fileName.Append(KBmp);
+ r=bitmap.WriteBMP(fileName, imgBase, aPixelFormat, aFrameSize.iWidth, aFrameSize.iHeight);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wrote = EFalse;
+ }
+ if (wrote)
+ {
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Wrote image to %S\n"),&fileName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Warning: Unable to write %S (error = %d)\r\n"),&fileName,r);
+ }
+ }
+ aTest.Next(_L("Free the buffer"));
+ r=aCam.ReleaseBuffer(retId);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Issue two consecutive capture requests"));
+ TRequestStatus rs2;
+ aCam.NotifyNewImage(rs1);
+ aCam.NotifyNewImage(rs2);
+ User::WaitForRequest(rs1);
+ retId=rs1.Int();
+ aTest(retId>=0);
+ aCam.BufferIdToOffset(ECamCaptureModeImage,retId,retOffset);
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Buffer0 offset: %d(%xH)\r\n"),retOffset,retOffset);
+ aTest(retOffset>=0);
+ if (aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatJPEG && aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatSpeedTaggedJPEG)
+ {
+ // Display the image received for 1s
+ imgBase=chunkImage.Base()+retOffset;
+ r=dispHand.Process(imgBase);
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+ aTest(r==KErrNotSupported);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ User::After(1000000); // 1 sec
+ }
+ r=aCam.ReleaseBuffer(retId);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ User::WaitForRequest(rs2);
+ retId=rs2.Int();
+ aTest(retId>=0);
+ aCam.BufferIdToOffset(ECamCaptureModeImage,retId,retOffset);
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Buffer1 offset: %d(%xH)\r\n"),retOffset,retOffset);
+ aTest(retOffset>=0);
+ if (aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatJPEG && aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatSpeedTaggedJPEG)
+ {
+ // Display the image received for 1s
+ imgBase=chunkImage.Base()+retOffset;
+ r=dispHand.Process(imgBase);
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+ aTest(r==KErrNotSupported);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ User::After(1000000); // 1 sec
+ }
+ r=aCam.ReleaseBuffer(retId);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Issue four more separate capture requests"));
+ for (TInt i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
+ {
+ aCam.NotifyNewImage(rs1);
+ User::WaitForRequest(rs1);
+ retId=rs1.Int();
+ aTest(retId>=0);
+ aCam.BufferIdToOffset(ECamCaptureModeImage,retId,retOffset);
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Buffer%d offset: %d(%xH)\r\n"),i,retOffset,retOffset);
+ aTest(retOffset>=0);
+ if (aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatJPEG && aPixelFormat.iPixelFormat!=EUidPixelFormatSpeedTaggedJPEG)
+ {
+ // Display the image received for 1s
+ imgBase=chunkImage.Base()+retOffset;
+ r=dispHand.Process(imgBase);
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+ aTest(r==KErrNotSupported);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ User::After(1000000); // 1 sec
+ }
+ }
+ r=aCam.ReleaseBuffer(retId);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Stop the camera."));
+ r=aCam.Stop();
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Close the chunk"));
+ r=aCam.ChunkClose(ECamCaptureModeImage);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DoCamCancelTests(RTest& aTest, TInt aCameraSensorIndex)
+ {
+ TInt bufferSize, r;
+ SDevCamFrameSize* frameSizes;
+ TCameraConfigV02Buf camConfBuf;
+ RDevCameraSc cam;
+ aTest.Next(_L("Open a channel on the camera driver"));
+ r=cam.Open(aCameraSensorIndex);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ TInt numBuffers=KNumVideoFramesToAllocate;
+ SDevCamPixelFormat* pixelFormat = (SDevCamPixelFormat*) (CameraCaps + 1);
+ // Test Image Capture, if supported
+ if (CameraCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats)
+ {
+ // If iNumImagePixelFormats is > 0 then the matching iNumFrameSizes should also be > 0
+ Test(pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes > 0);
+ frameSizes = new SDevCamFrameSize[pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes];
+ Test(frameSizes != NULL);
+ bufferSize = (sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize) * pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes);
+ TPtr8 frameSizesBuf((TUint8*) frameSizes, bufferSize, bufferSize);
+ r = cam.FrameSizeCaps(ECamCaptureModeImage, pixelFormat->iPixelFormat, frameSizesBuf);
+ Test(r == KErrNone);
+ cam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeImage, camConfBuf);
+ camConfBuf().iFrameSize=frameSizes[0];
+ camConfBuf().iPixelFormat=*pixelFormat;
+ camConfBuf().iFrameRate=frameSizes[0].iMaxFrameRate;
+ // Set the camera configuration.
+ r=cam.SetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeImage, camConfBuf);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ cam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeImage, camConfBuf);
+ PrintCamConf(camConfBuf(), aTest);
+ // Create a chunk handle and trigger the buffer creation.
+ RChunk chunkImage;
+ aTest.Next(_L("Setup the config - creating a chunk for image capture"));
+ r=cam.SetBufConfigChunkCreate(ECamCaptureModeImage,numBuffers,chunkImage);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Read and display the resulting buffer config"));
+ TMmSharedChunkBufConfig bufferConfig;
+ TPckg<TMmSharedChunkBufConfig> bufferConfigBufImage(bufferConfig);
+ cam.GetBufferConfig(ECamCaptureModeImage, bufferConfigBufImage);
+ PrintBufferConf(bufferConfig,aTest);
+ // Set the current capture mode
+ r=cam.SetCaptureMode(ECamCaptureModeImage);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Start the camera in image capture mode."));
+ r=cam.Start();
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ TRequestStatus rs[KNumVideoFramesToCapture];
+ TInt retId, retOffset;
+ aTest.Next(_L("Issue a request and then cancel it"));
+ cam.NotifyNewImage(rs[0]);
+ cam.NotifyNewImageCancel();
+ User::WaitForRequest(rs[0]);
+ retId=rs[0].Int();
+ aTest(retId==KErrCancel || retId>=0);
+ if (retId>=0)
+ {
+ cam.BufferIdToOffset(ECamCaptureModeImage,retId,retOffset);
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Buffer%d : %d\r\n"),retId,retOffset);
+ aTest(retOffset>=0);
+ cam.ReleaseBuffer(retId);
+ }
+ aTest.Next(_L("Stop the camera."));
+ r=cam.Stop();
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Close the Image chunk"));
+ chunkImage.Close();
+ delete [] frameSizes;
+ }
+ // Skip past the image pixel formats
+ pixelFormat += CameraCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats;
+ // Test Video Capture, if supported
+ if (CameraCaps->iNumVideoPixelFormats)
+ {
+ // If iNumVideoPixelFormats is > 0 then the matching iNumFrameSizes should also be > 0
+ Test(pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes > 0);
+ frameSizes = new SDevCamFrameSize[pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes];
+ Test(frameSizes != NULL);
+ bufferSize = (sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize) * pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes);
+ TPtr8 frameSizesBuf((TUint8*) frameSizes, bufferSize, bufferSize);
+ r = cam.FrameSizeCaps(ECamCaptureModeImage, pixelFormat->iPixelFormat, frameSizesBuf);
+ Test(r == KErrNone);
+ cam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeVideo, camConfBuf);
+ camConfBuf().iFrameSize=frameSizes[0];
+ camConfBuf().iPixelFormat=*pixelFormat;
+ camConfBuf().iFrameRate=frameSizes[0].iMaxFrameRate;
+ // Set the camera configuration.
+ r=cam.SetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeVideo, camConfBuf);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ cam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeVideo, camConfBuf);
+ PrintCamConf(camConfBuf(), aTest);
+ // Create a chunk handle and trigger the buffer creation.
+ RChunk chunkVideo;
+ aTest.Next(_L("Setup the config - creating a chunk for video capture"));
+ r=cam.SetBufConfigChunkCreate(ECamCaptureModeVideo,numBuffers,chunkVideo);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Read and display the resulting buffer config"));
+ TMmSharedChunkBufConfig bufferConfig;
+ TPckg<TMmSharedChunkBufConfig> bufferConfigBufVideo(bufferConfig);
+ cam.GetBufferConfig(ECamCaptureModeVideo, bufferConfigBufVideo);
+ PrintBufferConf(bufferConfig,aTest);
+ // Set the current capture mode
+ r=cam.SetCaptureMode(ECamCaptureModeVideo);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Start the camera in video mode"));
+ r=cam.Start();
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Issue capture requests and globally cancel them all"));
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Request %d frames\r\n"),KNumVideoFramesToCapture);
+ TRequestStatus rs[KNumVideoFramesToCapture];
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=0 ; i<KNumVideoFramesToCapture; i++)
+ cam.NotifyNewImage(rs[i]);
+ cam.NotifyNewImageCancel();
+ TInt retOffset = -2;
+ TInt retId = -2;
+ for (i=0 ; i<KNumVideoFramesToCapture; i++)
+ {
+ User::WaitForRequest(rs[i]);
+ retId=rs[i].Int();
+ aTest(retId==KErrCancel || retId>=0);
+ if (retId>=0)
+ {
+ cam.BufferIdToOffset(ECamCaptureModeVideo,retId,retOffset);
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Buffer%d : %d\r\n"),retId,retOffset);
+ aTest(retOffset>=0);
+ cam.ReleaseBuffer(retId);
+ }
+ }
+ aTest.Next(_L("Issue capture requests and individually cancel them all"));
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Request %d frames\r\n"),KNumVideoFramesToCapture);
+ for (i=0 ; i<KNumVideoFramesToCapture; i++)
+ cam.NotifyNewImage(rs[i]);
+ for (i=0 ; i<KNumVideoFramesToCapture; i++)
+ cam.NotifyNewImageCancel(rs[i]);
+ for (i=0 ; i<KNumVideoFramesToCapture; i++)
+ {
+ User::WaitForRequest(rs[i]);
+ retId=rs[i].Int();
+ aTest(retId==KErrCancel || retId>=0);
+ if (retId>=0)
+ {
+ cam.BufferIdToOffset(ECamCaptureModeVideo,retId,retOffset);
+ aTest.Printf(_L("Buffer%d : %d\r\n"),retId,retOffset);
+ aTest(retOffset>=0);
+ cam.ReleaseBuffer(retId);
+ }
+ }
+ aTest.Next(_L("Stop the camera."));
+ r=cam.Stop();
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Close the Video chunk"));
+ chunkVideo.Close();
+ delete [] frameSizes;
+ }
+ // Skip past the video pixel formats
+ pixelFormat += CameraCaps->iNumVideoPixelFormats;
+ // Test Viewfinder Capture, if supported
+ if (CameraCaps->iNumViewFinderPixelFormats)
+ {
+ // If iNumViewFinderPixelFormats is > 0 then the matching iNumFrameSizes should also be > 0
+ Test(pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes > 0);
+ frameSizes = new SDevCamFrameSize[pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes];
+ Test(frameSizes != NULL);
+ bufferSize = (sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize) * pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes);
+ TPtr8 frameSizesBuf((TUint8*) frameSizes, bufferSize, bufferSize);
+ r = cam.FrameSizeCaps(ECamCaptureModeViewFinder, pixelFormat->iPixelFormat, frameSizesBuf);
+ Test(r == KErrNone);
+ cam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeViewFinder, camConfBuf);
+ camConfBuf().iFrameSize=frameSizes[0];
+ camConfBuf().iPixelFormat=*pixelFormat;
+ camConfBuf().iFrameRate=frameSizes[0].iMaxFrameRate;
+ // Set the camera configuration.
+ r=cam.SetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeViewFinder, camConfBuf);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ cam.GetCamConfig(ECamCaptureModeViewFinder, camConfBuf);
+ PrintCamConf(camConfBuf(), aTest);
+ // Create a chunk handle and trigger the buffer creation.
+ RChunk chunkViewFinder;
+ aTest.Next(_L("Setup the config - creating a chunk for viewfinder capture"));
+ r=cam.SetBufConfigChunkCreate(ECamCaptureModeViewFinder,numBuffers,chunkViewFinder);
+ aTest(r==KErrNone);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Read and display the resulting buffer config"));
+ TMmSharedChunkBufConfig bufferConfig;
+ TPckg<TMmSharedChunkBufConfig> bufferConfigBufViewFinder(bufferConfig);
+ cam.GetBufferConfig(ECamCaptureModeViewFinder, bufferConfigBufViewFinder);
+ PrintBufferConf(bufferConfig,aTest);
+ aTest.Next(_L("Close the Viewfinder chunk"));
+ chunkViewFinder.Close();
+ delete [] frameSizes;
+ }
+ aTest.Next(_L("Close the drivers"));
+ cam.Close();
+ }
+void CameraTests(TInt aCameraSensorIndex)
+ {
+ TUint index, size;
+ Test.Printf(_L("Testing unit number: %d\r\n"),aCameraSensorIndex);
+ // Perform some basic opening and multithreaded tests. We don't want just in time debugging during
+ // these tests
+ TBool justInTime=User::JustInTime();
+ User::SetJustInTime(EFalse);
+ DoCamOpenCapTests(Test,aCameraSensorIndex);
+ User::SetJustInTime(justInTime);
+ // Test request handling
+ DoCamCancelTests(Test, aCameraSensorIndex);
+ // Re-open the camera driver for use below and to ensure that it can deal with being re-opened (it
+ // has already been opened and closed by DoCamOpenCapTests())
+ RDevCameraSc cam;
+ Test.Next(_L("Open a channel on the camera driver"));
+ TInt r=cam.Open(aCameraSensorIndex);
+ Test(r==KErrNone);
+ // Test Dynamic Settings, e.g. Brightness, Contrast, etc.
+ DoCamDynamicSettingsTests(cam, Test);
+ // Go through all supported image, video and viewfinder pixel formats and perform configuration
+ // and capture tests on them all, for all supported frame sizes and frame rates
+ TInt bufferSize;
+ SDevCamFrameSize* frameSizes;
+ TBool imageConfigTestsDone=EFalse, videoConfigTestsDone=EFalse, viewFinderConfigTestsDone=EFalse;
+ SDevCamPixelFormat* pixelFormat = (SDevCamPixelFormat*) (CameraCaps + 1);
+ for (index = 0; index < CameraCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats; ++index)
+ {
+ // If iNumImagePixelFormats is > 0 then the matching iNumFrameSizes should also be > 0
+ Test(pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes > 0);
+ Test.Printf(_L("Image pixel format %x, number of frame sizes = %d\n"), pixelFormat->iPixelFormat, pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes);
+ frameSizes=new SDevCamFrameSize[pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes];
+ Test(frameSizes!=NULL);
+ bufferSize=(sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize) * pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes);
+ TPtr8 frameSizesBuf((TUint8*) frameSizes, bufferSize, bufferSize);
+ r = cam.FrameSizeCaps(ECamCaptureModeImage, pixelFormat->iPixelFormat, frameSizesBuf);
+ Test(r == KErrNone);
+ // Test camera configuration for image capture. This is only done once for the sake of
+ // test expediency
+ if (!imageConfigTestsDone)
+ {
+ imageConfigTestsDone = ETrue;
+ DoCamConfigTests(cam, Test, ECamCaptureModeImage, *pixelFormat, frameSizes[0]);
+ }
+ // Test image capture mode
+ for (size = 0; size < pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes; ++size)
+ {
+ DoCamImageCaptureTests(cam, Test, aCameraSensorIndex, *pixelFormat, frameSizes[size], frameSizes[size].iMaxFrameRate);
+ }
+ // Test buffer offset
+ for (size = 0; size < pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes; ++size)
+ {
+ DoCamBufferOffsetTests(cam, Test, *pixelFormat, frameSizes[size], frameSizes[size].iMaxFrameRate);
+ }
+ delete [] frameSizes;
+ ++pixelFormat;
+ }
+ for (index = 0; index < CameraCaps->iNumVideoPixelFormats; ++index)
+ {
+ // If iNumVideoPixelFormats is > 0 then the matching iNumFrameSizes should also be > 0
+ Test(pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes > 0);
+ Test.Printf(_L("Video pixel format %x, number of frame sizes = %d\n"), pixelFormat->iPixelFormat, pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes);
+ frameSizes=new SDevCamFrameSize[pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes];
+ Test(frameSizes!=NULL);
+ bufferSize=(sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize) * pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes);
+ TPtr8 frameSizesBuf((TUint8*) frameSizes, bufferSize, bufferSize);
+ r = cam.FrameSizeCaps(ECamCaptureModeVideo, pixelFormat->iPixelFormat, frameSizesBuf);
+ Test(r == KErrNone);
+ // Test camera configuration for video capture. This is only done once for the sake of
+ // test expediency
+ if (!videoConfigTestsDone)
+ {
+ videoConfigTestsDone=ETrue;
+ DoCamConfigTests(cam, Test, ECamCaptureModeVideo, *pixelFormat, frameSizes[0]);
+ }
+ // Test video capture mode
+ for (size = 0; size < pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes; ++size)
+ {
+ DoCamVideoCaptureTests(cam, Test, ECamCaptureModeVideo, *pixelFormat,frameSizes[size], frameSizes[size].iMaxFrameRate);
+ }
+ delete [] frameSizes;
+ ++pixelFormat;
+ }
+ for (index = 0; index < CameraCaps->iNumViewFinderPixelFormats; ++index)
+ {
+ // If iNumViewFinderPixelFormats is > 0 then the matching iNumFrameSizes should also be > 0
+ Test(pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes > 0);
+ Test.Printf(_L("Viewfinder pixel format %x, number of frame sizes = %d\n"), pixelFormat->iPixelFormat, pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes);
+ frameSizes=new SDevCamFrameSize[pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes];
+ Test(frameSizes!=NULL);
+ bufferSize=(sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize) * pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes);
+ TPtr8 frameSizesBuf((TUint8*) frameSizes, bufferSize, bufferSize);
+ r = cam.FrameSizeCaps(ECamCaptureModeViewFinder, pixelFormat->iPixelFormat, frameSizesBuf);
+ Test(r == KErrNone);
+ // Test camera configuration for view finder capture. This is only done once for the sake of
+ // test expediency
+ if (!viewFinderConfigTestsDone)
+ {
+ viewFinderConfigTestsDone=ETrue;
+ DoCamConfigTests(cam, Test, ECamCaptureModeViewFinder, *pixelFormat, frameSizes[0]);
+ }
+ // Test view finder capture mode
+ for (size = 0; size < pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes; ++size)
+ {
+ DoCamVideoCaptureTests(cam, Test, ECamCaptureModeViewFinder, *pixelFormat, frameSizes[size], frameSizes[size].iMaxFrameRate);
+ }
+ delete [] frameSizes;
+ ++pixelFormat;
+ }
+ cam.Close();
+ // And free the global capabilities buffer that was allocated in DoCamOpenCapTests()
+ User::Free(CapsBufPtr);
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ Test.Title();
+ Test.Start(_L("Camera module API test"));
+ Test.Next(_L("Loading CAMERA PDD"));
+ TInt r=User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KCamPddFileName);
+ Test.Printf(_L("Returned %d\r\n"),r);
+ if (r==KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ Test.Printf(_L("Shared chunk camera driver not supported - test skipped\r\n"));
+ Test.End();
+ Test.Close();
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+ Test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
+ Test.Next(_L("Loading CAMERA LDD"));
+ r=User::LoadLogicalDevice(KCamLddFileName);
+ Test.Printf(_L("Returned %d\r\n"),r);
+ Test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
+ Test.Next(_L("Loading D_MMCSC LDD"));
+ r=User::LoadLogicalDevice(KTstLddFileName);
+ Test.Printf(_L("Returned %d\r\n"),r);
+ Test(r==KErrNone||r==KErrAlreadyExists);
+ if (User::CommandLineLength()>0)
+ {
+ TBuf<0x100> cmd;
+ TInt moduleIndex = KUnit0;
+ User::CommandLine(cmd);
+ Test(cmd.Length()>0);
+ if (cmd[0]>='0' && cmd[0]<='9')
+ moduleIndex=(TInt)(cmd[0]-'0');
+ CameraTests(moduleIndex);
+ }
+ else // If no command line arguments are passed we perform tests on the module 0 and 1
+ {
+ CameraTests(0);
+ }
+ // Free the PDDs and LDDs
+ Test.Next(_L("Freeing ECAMERASC LDD"));
+ r=User::FreeLogicalDevice(KDevCameraScName);
+ Test(r==KErrNone);
+ Test.Next(_L("Freeing CAMERASC PDD"));
+ TFindPhysicalDevice fDr;
+ TFullName drivName;
+ TName searchName;
+ searchName.Append(KDevCameraScName);
+ searchName.Append(KCamFreePddExtension);
+ fDr.Find(searchName);
+ r=fDr.Next(drivName);
+ Test(r==KErrNone);
+ r=User::FreePhysicalDevice(drivName);
+ Test(r==KErrNone);
+ Test.Next(_L("Freeing D_MMCSC LDD"));
+ r=User::FreeLogicalDevice(KDevMmCScName);
+ Test(r==KErrNone);
+ Test.End();
+ Test.Close();
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }