--- a/kernel/eka/include/drivers/dma.h Tue Jan 19 13:48:03 2010 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/drivers/dma.h Mon Jan 18 21:31:10 2010 +0200
@@ -11,794 +11,20 @@
// Contributors:
// Description:
-// e32\include\drivers\dma.h
-// DMA framework API
+// include/drivers/dma.h
+// DMA Framework - Client API definition.
#ifndef __DMA_H__
#define __DMA_H__
-#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
-// Debug Support - KDmaPanicCat is defined in each source file
-#define __DMA_ASSERTD(e) __ASSERT_DEBUG(e, Kern::Fault(KDmaPanicCat, __LINE__))
-#define __DMA_ASSERTA(e) __ASSERT_ALWAYS(e, Kern::Fault(KDmaPanicCat, __LINE__))
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#define __DMA_CANT_HAPPEN() Kern::Fault(KDmaPanicCat, __LINE__)
-#define __DMA_DECLARE_INVARIANT public: void Invariant();
-#define __DMA_INVARIANT() Invariant()
+#ifndef DMA_APIV2
+# include <drivers/dma_v1.h>
-#define __DMA_CANT_HAPPEN()
-#define __DMA_INVARIANT()
-Bitmasks used for configuring a DMA request.
-In general, specify KDmaMemSrc|KDmaIncSrc (resp. KDmaMemDest|KDmaIncDest) if
-the source (resp. destination) is a memory buffer and clear
-KDmaMemSrc|KDmaIncSrc (resp. KDmaMemDest|KDmaIncDest) if the source
-(resp. destination) is a peripheral.
-If the location is given as a physical address (rather than a linear one)
-then also specify KDmaPhysAddrSrc and/or KDmaPhysAddrDest.
-The EKA1 "Fill Mode" can be implemented by omitting KDmaIncSrc.
-Some peripherals may require a post-increment address mode.
-@see DDmaRequest::Fragment
-enum TDmaRequestFlags
- {
- /** Source is address of memory buffer */
- KDmaMemSrc = 0x01,
- /** Destination is address of memory buffer */
- KDmaMemDest = 0x02,
- /** Source address must be post-incremented during transfer */
- KDmaIncSrc = 0x04,
- /** Destination address must be post-incremented during transfer */
- KDmaIncDest = 0x08,
- /** Source address is a physical address (as opposed to a linear one) */
- KDmaPhysAddrSrc = 0x10,
- /** Destination address is a physical address (as opposed to a linear one) */
- KDmaPhysAddrDest = 0x20,
- /** Request a different max transfer size (for instance for test purposes) */
- KDmaAltTransferLen = 0x40
- };
-class TDmaChannel;
-struct SDmaDesHdr;
-/** A DMA request is a list of fragments small enough to be transferred in one go
- by the DMAC.
- In general, fragmentation is done in the framework by calling Fragment() but
- clients with special needs can allocate a blank descriptor list with
- ExpandDesList() and customise it to fit their needs.
- Clients should not set attributes directly, but should use the various functions
- instead.
- This class has not been designed to be called from several concurrent threads.
- Multithreaded clients must implement their own locking scheme (via DMutex).
- Fast mutexes are used internally to protect data structures accessed both
- by the client thread and the DFC thread. Therefore no fast mutex can be held
- when calling a request function.
- @publishedPartner
- @released
- */
-class DDmaRequest : public DBase
- {
- friend class TDmaChannel;
- /** The outcome of the transfer */
- enum TResult {EBadResult=0, EOk, EError};
- /** The signature of the completion/failure callback function */
- typedef void (*TCallback)(TResult, TAny*);
- /**
- Create a new transfer request.
- @param aChannel The channel this request is bound to.
- @param aCb Callback function called on transfer completion or failure (in channel
- DFC context). Can be NULL.
- @param aCbArg Argument passed to callback function.
- @param aMaxTransferSize Maximum fragment size. If not specified, defaults to the maximum size
- supported by the DMA controller for the type of transfer that is later scheduled.
- */
- IMPORT_C DDmaRequest(TDmaChannel& aChannel, TCallback aCb=NULL, TAny* aCbArg=NULL, TInt aMaxTransferSize=0);
- /**
- Destructor.
- Assume the request is not being transferred or pending.
- */
- IMPORT_C ~DDmaRequest();
- /**
- Split request into a list of fragments small enough to be fed to the DMAC.
- The size of each fragment is smaller than or equal to the maximum transfer size
- supported by the DMAC. If the source and/or destination is memory, each
- fragment points to memory which is physically contiguous.
- The kind of transfer to perform is specified via a set of flags used by a PIL
- and a magic cookie passed to the PSL. If the source (resp. destination) is a
- peripheral, aSrc (resp. aDest) is treated as a magic cookie by the PIL and
- passed straight to the PSL.
- The request can be uninitialised or may have been fragmented previously. The
- previous configuration if any is lost whether or not the function succeeds.
- @param aSrc Source memory buffer linear address or peripheral magic cookie.
- @param aDest Destination memory buffer linear address or peripheral magic cookie.
- @param aCount Number of bytes to transfer.
- @param aFlags Bitmask characterising the transfer.
- @param aPslInfo Hardware-specific information passed to PSL.
- @return KErrNone if success. KErrArgument if aFlags and/or aPslInfo are invalid when finding
- the maximum transfer size. May also fail if running out of descriptors.
- @pre The request is not being transferred or pending.
- @pre The various parameters must be valid. The PIL or PSL will fault the
- kernel if not.
- @see TDmaRequestFlags
- */
- IMPORT_C TInt Fragment(TUint32 aSrc, TUint32 aDest, TInt aCount, TUint aFlags, TUint32 aPslInfo);
- /**
- Transfer asynchronously this request.
- If this request's channel is idle, the request is transferred immediately.
- Otherwise, it is queued and transferred later.
- The client is responsible for ensuring cache consistency before and/or after the
- transfer if necessary.
- */
- IMPORT_C void Queue();
- /**
- Append new descriptor(s) to existing list.
- Clients needing to build a custom descriptor list should call this function to
- allocate the list and access the resulting list through iFirstHdr and iLastHdr.
- Clients should not change the value of iFirstHdr, iLastHdr and the iNext field
- of the descriptor headers to ensure descriptors can be deallocated. Clients
- are free to change hardware descriptors, including chaining, in whatever way
- suit them.
- Assume the request is not being transferred or pending.
- @param aCount Number of descriptors to append.
- @return KErrNone or KErrTooBig if not enough descriptors available.
- */
- IMPORT_C TInt ExpandDesList(TInt aCount=1);
- /**
- Free resources associated with this request.
- Assume the request is not being transferred or pending.
- */
- IMPORT_C void FreeDesList();
- inline void OnDeque();
- // WARNING: The following attributes are accessed both in client and DFC
- // context and so accesses must be protected with the channel lock.
- TDmaChannel& iChannel; /**< The channel this request is bound to */
- volatile TCallback iCb; /**< Called on completion/failure (can be NULL) */
- TAny* volatile iCbArg; /**< Callback argument */
- TInt iDesCount; /**< The number of fragments in list */
- SDmaDesHdr* iFirstHdr; /**< The first fragment in the list (or NULL) */
- SDmaDesHdr* iLastHdr; /**< The last fragment in the list (or NULL) */
- SDblQueLink iLink; /**< The link on channel queue of pending requests */
- TBool iQueued; /**< Indicates whether request is pending or being transferred */
- TInt iMaxTransferSize; /**< Defaults to DMA controller max. transfer size */
- };
-class TDmac;
-class DmaChannelMgr;
-/** DMA channel base class.
- This class has not been designed to be called from several concurrent
- client threads. Multithreaded clients must implement their own locking
- scheme (via DMutex).
- Fast mutexes are used internally to protect data structures accessed both
- by the client thread and the DFC one. Therefore no fast mutex can be held
- when calling a channel function.
- Must be allocated in BSS because it relies on being zeroed at
- creation-time. If the PSL really needs to allocate channels on the kernel
- heap, it must manually zero-initialises the instances. This can be
- achieved either by allocating raw memory and using placement new, or by
- wrapping channels into a DBase-derived wrapper.
- @publishedPartner
- @released
- */
-class TDmaCancelInfo;
-class TDmaChannel
- {
- friend class DDmaRequest;
- friend class TDmac;
- friend class DmaChannelMgr;
- /** Information passed by client when opening channel */
- struct SCreateInfo
- {
- /** Identifier used by PSL to select channel to open */
- TUint32 iCookie;
- /** Number of descriptors this channel can use */
- TInt iDesCount;
- /** DFC queue used to service DMA interrupts. The DFC thread
- priority must be higher than any client thread priority to
- avoid a situation where a transfer completes while being
- cancelled and another transfer is started before the DFC
- thread gets a chance to run. This would lead to a stray
- DFC.
- */
- TDfcQue* iDfcQ;
- /** DFC priority */
- TUint8 iDfcPriority;
- };
- /**
- Opens the DMA channel.
- Channel selection is done by the hardware-specific layer using a cookie passed in
- via aInfo.
- The client should not delete the returned pointer as the framework owns
- channel objects. However, the client should explicitly close the channel when
- finished with it.
- @param aInfo Information passed by caller to select and configure channel.
- @param aChannel Point to open channel on successful return. NULL otherwise.
- @return KErrNone or standard error code.
- */
- IMPORT_C static TInt Open(const SCreateInfo& aInfo, TDmaChannel*& aChannel);
- /**
- Closes a previously opened DMA channel.
- Assume the channel is idle and all requests have been deleted.
- */
- IMPORT_C void Close();
- /**
- Cancels the current request and all the pending ones.
- */
- IMPORT_C void CancelAll();
- inline TBool IsOpened() const;
- inline TBool IsQueueEmpty() const;
- inline TUint32 PslId() const;
- inline TInt FailNext(TInt aFragmentCount);
- inline TInt MissNextInterrupts(TInt aInterruptCount);
- inline TInt Extension(TInt aCmd, TAny* aArg);
- /**
- This is a function that allows the Platform Specific Layer (PSL) to extend the DMA API
- with new channel-independent operations.
- @param aCmd Command identifier. Negative values are reserved for Symbian use.
- @param aArg PSL-specific.
- @return KErrNotSupported if aCmd is not supported; a PSL specific value otherwise.
- */
- IMPORT_C TInt StaticExtension(TInt aCmd, TAny* aArg);
- inline const TDmac* Controller() const;
- inline TInt MaxTransferSize(TUint aFlags, TUint32 aPslInfo);
- inline TUint MemAlignMask(TUint aFlags, TUint32 aPslInfo);
- // Interface with state machines
- TDmaChannel();
- virtual void DoQueue(DDmaRequest& aReq) = 0;
- virtual void DoCancelAll() = 0;
- virtual void DoUnlink(SDmaDesHdr& aHdr);
- virtual void DoDfc(DDmaRequest& aCurReq, SDmaDesHdr*& aCompletedHdr) = 0;
-#if defined(__CPU_ARM) && !defined(__EABI__)
- inline virtual ~TDmaChannel() {} // kill really annoying warning
- static void Dfc(TAny*);
- void DoDfc();
- inline void Wait();
- inline void Signal();
- inline TBool Flash();
- void ResetStateMachine();
- TDmac* iController; // DMAC this channel belongs to (NULL when closed)
- TUint32 iPslId; // unique identifier provided by PSL
- NFastMutex iLock; // for data accessed in both client & DFC context
- SDmaDesHdr* iCurHdr; // fragment being transferred or NULL
- SDmaDesHdr** iNullPtr; // Pointer to NULL pointer following last fragment
- TDfc iDfc; // transfer completion/failure DFC
- TInt iMaxDesCount; // maximum number of allocable descriptors
- TInt iAvailDesCount; // available number of descriptors
- volatile TUint32 iIsrDfc; // Interface between ISR and DFC:
- enum { KErrorFlagMask = 0x80000000 }; // bit 31 - error flag
- enum { KCancelFlagMask = 0x40000000 }; // bit 30 - cancel flag
- enum { KDfcCountMask = 0x3FFFFFFF }; // bits 0-29 - number of queued DFCs
- SDblQue iReqQ; // being/about to be transferred request queue
- TInt iReqCount; // number of requests attached to this channel
- TDmaCancelInfo* iCancelInfo;
- };
-Generic DMA descriptor used if the DMAC does not have support for hardware
-@see DDmaRequest::Fragment
-struct SDmaPseudoDes
- {
- /** Source linear address or peripheral cookie */
- TUint32 iSrc;
- /** Destination linear address or peripheral cookie */
- TUint32 iDest;
- /** Number of bytes to transfer */
- TInt iCount;
- /** @see TDmaRequestFlags */
- TUint iFlags;
- /** PSL-specific information provided by client */
- TUint32 iPslInfo;
- /** The same as TDmaChannel::SCreateInfo.iCookie */
- TUint32 iCookie;
- };
-Each hardware or pseudo descriptor is associated with a header. Headers are
-needed because hardware descriptors can not easily be extended to store
-additional information.
-struct SDmaDesHdr
- {
- SDmaDesHdr* iNext;
- };
+# include <drivers/dma_v2.h>
+#endif // #ifndef DMA_APIV2
-Interface used by PIL to open and close DMA channels.
-Must be implemented by PSL.
-class DmaChannelMgr
- {
- /** Opens a channel using a client-provided identifier.
- This function must be implemented by the PSL.
- @param aOpenId Magic cookie passed by client
- This may identify the channel (if a static channel
- allocation scheme is used) or may indicate some
- properties which the channel must possess (if a dynamic
- channel allocation scheme is used). It may be set to
- zero always if dynamic allocation is used and all
- channels are equivalent.
- @return Pointer to channel if available, NULL otherwise.
- @pre The PIL calls this function with a global fast mutex held to
- avoid race conditions.
- @post If a non-NULL pointer is returned, the object pointed to has its
- iController and iPslId members set to valid states.
- iController should point to the controller handling that channel.
- iPslId should contain a value uniquely identifying the channel -
- it is used only for debug tracing by PIL. It can be given any
- convenient value by PSL (channel index, I/O port address, ...).
- */
- static TDmaChannel* Open(TUint32 aOpenId);
- /** Performs platform-specific operations when a channel is closed.
- This function must be implemented by the PSL but the implementation can be
- a no-op.
- @param aChannel The channel to close
- @pre The PIL calls this function with a global fast mutex held to
- avoid race conditions.
- */
- static void Close(TDmaChannel* aChannel);
- /** Function allowing PSL to extend DMA API with new channel-independent operations.
- This function must be implemented by the PSL.
- @param aCmd Command identifier. Negative values are reserved for Symbian use.
- @param aArg PSL-specific
- @return KErrNotSupported if aCmd is not supported. PSL-specific value otherwise.
- */
- static TInt StaticExtension(TInt aCmd, TAny* aArg);
- static inline void Wait();
- static inline void Signal();
- static NFastMutex Lock;
- };
- Abstract base class representing a DMA controller.
- The class has two purposes.
- First, it is a container for channels, descriptors and descriptor headers.
- Second, it exposes a set of virtual functions implemented by
- the PSL (platform-specific layer).
- These functions are the main interfaces between
- the PIL (platform-independent layer) and PSL.
- Must be allocated in BSS because it relies on being zeroed at creation-time.
- @publishedPartner
- @released
- */
-class TDmac
- {
- friend class DmaChannelMgr;
-// protected: VC++ complains when building PSL if following decl is protected
- /** Data required for creating a new instance */
- struct SCreateInfo
- {
- /** Number of channels in controller */
- TInt iChannelCount;
- /** Maximum number of descriptors (shared by all channels) */
- TInt iDesCount;
- /** Bitmask. The only supported value is KCapsBitHwDes (hardware
- descriptors used). */
- TUint32 iCaps;
- /** Size of individual descriptors. Use sizeof(SDmaPseudoDes) for
- single-buffer and double-buffer controllers. */
- TInt iDesSize;
- /** Bitmask used when creating the hardware chunk storing the descriptor
- pool. Used only for hardware descriptors. The access part must be
- EMapAttrSupRw. If the chunk is cached and/or buffered, the PSL must
- flush the data cache and/or drain the write buffer in InitHwDes()
- and related functions.
- @see TMappingAttributes
- */
- TUint iDesChunkAttribs;
- };
- TInt Create(const SCreateInfo& aInfo);
- virtual ~TDmac();
- TInt ReserveSetOfDes(TInt aCount);
- void ReleaseSetOfDes(TInt aCount);
- void InitDes(const SDmaDesHdr& aHdr, TUint32 aSrc, TUint32 aDest, TInt aCount,
- TUint aFlags, TUint32 aPslInfo, TUint32 aCookie);
- inline SDmaPseudoDes& HdrToDes(const SDmaDesHdr& aHdr) const;
- inline TAny* HdrToHwDes(const SDmaDesHdr& aHdr) const;
- inline TUint32 DesLinToPhys(TAny* aDes) const;
- inline void Wait();
- inline void Signal();
- TDmac(const SCreateInfo& aInfo);
- /**
- Called by PIL when one fragment (single-buffer and double-buffer DMACs) or
- list of fragments (scatter/gather DMAC) is to be transferred.
- Called when initiating a new transfer and also, for double-buffer DMACs, for
- configuring the next fragment to transfer while the current one is
- ongoing. Must always be implemented by PSL.
- @param aChannel The channel to use
- @param aHdr Header associated with fragment to transfer
- */
- virtual void Transfer(const TDmaChannel& aChannel, const SDmaDesHdr& aHdr) = 0;
- /**
- Called by PIL to suspend transfer on a given channel.
- The suspension must occur synchronously as the PSL assumes the channel
- is suspended after calling this function. Must always be implemented by PSL.
- @param aChannel The channel to suspend
- */
- virtual void StopTransfer(const TDmaChannel& aChannel) = 0;
- /**
- Called by PIL to check whether a DMA channel is idle.
- @param aChannel The channel to test
- @return ETrue if channel idle, EFalse if transferring.
- */
- virtual TBool IsIdle(const TDmaChannel& aChannel) = 0;
- /**
- Called by PIL to retrieve from the PSL the maximum transfer size based on the
- parameters passed.
- @param aChannel Channel to be used for the transfer
- @param aFlags Bitmask characterising transfer
- @param aPslInfo Cookie passed by client and used by PSL
- @return 0 if invalid argument(s), -1 if transfer size not limited, the maximum
- transfer size otherwise.
- */
- virtual TInt MaxTransferSize(TDmaChannel& aChannel, TUint aFlags, TUint32 aPslInfo) = 0;
- /**
- Called by PIL to retrieve from the PSL the memory alignment mask based on the
- parameters passed. Some DMA controllers impose alignment constraints on the base
- address of memory buffers. This mask is AND'ed against memory addresses computed
- during fragmentation.
- @param aChannel Channel to be used for the transfer
- @param aFlags Bitmask characterising transfer
- @param aPslInfo Cookie passed by client and used by PSL
- @return A value representing the alignment mask (e.g. 3 if buffer must be 4-byte aligned)
- */
- virtual TUint MemAlignMask(TDmaChannel& aChannel, TUint aFlags, TUint32 aPslInfo) = 0;
- /**
- Called by PIL during fragmentation to initialise a hardware descriptor.
- The PSL must assume the descriptor is the last in the chain and so set the
- interrupt bit and set the next descriptor field to an end of chain marker.
- Must be implemented by PSL if and only if the DMAC supports hardware
- descriptors.
- @param aHdr Header associated with hardware descriptor to initialise
- @param aSrc Transfer source
- @param aDest Transfer destination
- @param aCount Number of bytes to transfer (<= max. size supported by DMAC)
- @param aFlags Bitmask characterising transfer
- @param aPslInfo Cookie passed by client and used by PSL
- @param aCookie the channel selection cookie
- @see DDmaRequest::Fragment
- */
- virtual void InitHwDes(const SDmaDesHdr& aHdr, TUint32 aSrc, TUint32 aDest, TInt aCount,
- TUint aFlags, TUint32 aPslInfo, TUint32 aCookie);
- /**
- Called by PIL, when fragmenting a request, to append a new hardware
- descriptor to an existing descriptor chain.
- Must clear the interrupt bit of the descriptor associated with aHdr.
- Must be implemented by PSL if and only if the DMAC supports hardware descriptors.
- @param aHdr Header associated with last fragment in chain
- @param aNextHdr Header associated with fragment to append
- */
- virtual void ChainHwDes(const SDmaDesHdr& aHdr, const SDmaDesHdr& aNextHdr);
- /**
- Called by PIL when queuing a new request while the channel is running.
- Must append the first hardware descriptor of the new request to the last
- descriptor in the existing chain. Must be implemented by PSL if and only if
- the DMAC supports hardware descriptors.
- @param aChannel The channel where the transfer takes place
- @param aLastHdr Header associated with last hardware descriptor in chain
- @param aNewHdr Header associated with first hardware descriptor in new request
- */
- virtual void AppendHwDes(const TDmaChannel& aChannel, const SDmaDesHdr& aLastHdr,
- const SDmaDesHdr& aNewHdr);
- /**
- Called by PIL when completing or cancelling a request to cause the PSL to unlink
- the last item in the h/w descriptor chain from a subsequent chain that it was
- possibly linked to. Must be implemented by the PSL if and only if the DMAC supports
- hardware descriptors.
- @param aChannel The channel where the request (and thus the descriptor) was queued
- @param aHdr Header associated with last h/w descriptor in completed/cancelled chain
- */
- virtual void UnlinkHwDes(const TDmaChannel& aChannel, SDmaDesHdr& aHdr);
- /**
- Called by test harness to force an error when the next fragment is
- transferred.
- Must be implemented by the PSL only if possible.
- @param aChannel The channel where the error is to occur.
- @return KErrNone if implemented. The default PIL implementation returns
- KErrNotSupported and the test harness knows how to deal with that.
- */
- virtual TInt FailNext(const TDmaChannel& aChannel);
- /**
- Called by test harness to force the DMA controller to miss one or
- more interrupts.
- Must be implemented by the PSL only if possible.
- @param aChannel The channel where the error is to occur
- @param aInterruptCount The number of interrupt to miss.
- @return KErrNone if implemented. The default PIL implementation returns
- KErrNotSupported and the test harness knows how to deal with that.
- */
- virtual TInt MissNextInterrupts(const TDmaChannel& aChannel, TInt aInterruptCount);
- /** Function allowing platform-specific layer to extend channel API with
- new channel-specific operations.
- @param aChannel Channel to operate on
- @param aCmd Command identifier. Negative values are reserved for Symbian use.
- @param aArg PSL-specific
- @return KErrNotSupported if aCmd is not supported. PSL-specific value otherwise.
- @see TDmaChannel::Extension
- */
- virtual TInt Extension(TDmaChannel& aChannel, TInt aCmd, TAny* aArg);
- static void HandleIsr(TDmaChannel& aChannel, TBool aIsComplete);
- TInt AllocDesPool(TUint aAttribs);
- void FreeDesPool();
- NFastMutex iLock; // protect descriptor reservation and allocation
- const TInt iMaxDesCount; // initial number of descriptors and headers
- TInt iAvailDesCount; // current available number of descriptors and headers
- SDmaDesHdr* iHdrPool; // descriptor header dynamic array
-#ifndef __WINS__
- DPlatChunkHw* iHwDesChunk; // chunk for hardware descriptor pool
- TAny* iDesPool; // hardware or pseudo descriptor dynamic array
- const TInt iDesSize; // descriptor size in bytes
- const TUint iCaps; /*< what is supported by DMA controller */
- enum {KCapsBitHwDes = 1}; /*< hardware descriptors supported */
- SDmaDesHdr* iFreeHdr; /*< head of unallocated descriptors linked list */
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- TBool IsValidHdr(const SDmaDesHdr* aHdr);
- };
-Single-buffer DMA channel.
-Can be instantiated or further derived by PSL. Not
-intended to be instantiated by client device drivers.
-class TDmaSbChannel : public TDmaChannel
- {
- virtual void DoQueue(DDmaRequest& aReq);
- virtual void DoCancelAll();
- virtual void DoDfc(DDmaRequest& aCurReq, SDmaDesHdr*& aCompletedHdr);
- TBool iTransferring;
- };
-Double-buffer DMA channel.
-Can be instantiated or further derived by PSL. Not
-intended to be instantiated by client device drivers.
-class TDmaDbChannel : public TDmaChannel
- {
- virtual void DoQueue(DDmaRequest& aReq);
- virtual void DoCancelAll();
- virtual void DoDfc(DDmaRequest& aCurReq, SDmaDesHdr*& aCompletedHdr);
- enum { EIdle = 0, ETransferring, ETransferringLast } iState;
- };
-Scatter-gather DMA channel.
-Can be instantiated or further derived by PSL.
-Not intended to be instantiated by client device drivers.
-class TDmaSgChannel : public TDmaChannel
- {
- virtual void DoQueue(DDmaRequest& aReq);
- virtual void DoCancelAll();
- virtual void DoUnlink(SDmaDesHdr& aHdr);
- virtual void DoDfc(DDmaRequest& aCurReq, SDmaDesHdr*& aCompletedHdr);
- TBool iTransferring;
- };
-Set of information used by test harness.
-struct TDmaTestInfo
- {
- /** Maximum transfer size in byte */
- TInt iMaxTransferSize;
- /** 3->Memory buffers must be 4-byte aligned, 7->8-byte aligned, ... */
- TUint iMemAlignMask;
- /** Cookie to pass to DDmaRequest::Fragment for memory-memory transfer*/
- TUint32 iMemMemPslInfo;
- /** Number of test single-buffer channels */
- TInt iMaxSbChannels;
- /** Pointer to array containing single-buffer test channel ids */
- TUint32* iSbChannels;
- /** Number of test double-buffer channels */
- TInt iMaxDbChannels;
- /** Pointer to array containing double-buffer test channel ids */
- TUint32* iDbChannels;
- /** Number of test scatter-gather channels */
- TInt iMaxSgChannels;
- /** Pointer to array containing scatter-gather test channel ids */
- TUint32* iSgChannels;
- };
-Provides access to test information structure stored in the PSL.
-Must be implemented by the PSL.
-IMPORT_C const TDmaTestInfo& DmaTestInfo();
-#include <drivers/dma.inl>
+#endif // #ifndef __DMA_H__