--- a/kernel/eka/memmodel/epoc/flexible/mmu/mramalloc.cpp Mon Dec 21 16:14:42 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,695 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/sfl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-#include <plat_priv.h>
-#include "mramalloc.h"
-struct SGroup
- {
- TBitMapAllocator* iBma;
- TPhysAddr iPhysBase;
- TInt iNumBase;
- TUint8 iPwrBlock;
- };
-class DRamAllocator : public DRamAllocatorBase
- {
- virtual TInt Create(const SRamInfo& aInfo, const SRamBank* aPowerBanks);
- virtual TInt MarkPageAllocated(TPhysAddr aAddr);
- virtual TInt FreeRamPage(TPhysAddr aAddr);
- virtual void FreeRamPages(TPhysAddr* aPageList, TInt aNumPages);
- virtual TInt AllocRamPages(TPhysAddr* aPageList, TInt aNumPages);
- virtual TInt AllocContiguousRam(TInt aNumPages, TPhysAddr& aPhysAddr, TInt aAlign=0);
- virtual TInt SetPhysicalRamState(TPhysAddr aBase, TInt aSize, TBool aState);
- virtual TUint TotalPhysicalRamPages() {return iTotalRamPages;};
-#ifdef KMMU
- void DebugDump();
- SGroup* GetGroupAndOffset(TPhysAddr aAddr, TInt& aOffset);
- void MarkPagesAllocated(TInt aPageNum, TInt aCount);
- TInt FindContiguousRam(TInt aNumPages, TInt aAlignWrtPage, TUint8* aPermute, TInt& aPageNum);
- enum TPanic
- {
- // don't use 0
- EDoNotUse=0,
- EBytesFromStartInvalid,
- EBytesFromEndInvalid,
- EAreasTooSmall,
- ETooManyPowerBlocks,
- EInvalidPowerBlocks,
- EDoMarkPagesAllocated1,
- EAllocRamPagesInconsistent,
- };
- TInt iTotalRamPages;
- TInt iNumGroups; // group corresponds to BMA
- TInt iAreaSize; // size of an area in bytes
- TInt iAreaShift; // log2(areasize)
- TUint32 iAreaMask; // iAreaSize-1
- TInt iAreaPages; // size of an area in pages
- TInt iAreaPageShift; // log2(areapages)
- TUint32 iAreaPageMask; // iAreaPages-1
- TInt iNumAreas; // number of areas recognised (size of iPhysAddrLUT)
- SGroup* iGroups; // per-group info
- TUint8* iGroupPowerOrder; // table of indices into above tables in power block order
- TUint8* iPhysAddrLUT; // table of indices indexed by (physaddr-physaddrbase)>>areashift
- TUint8* iPageNumLUT; // table of indices indexed by pagenum>>areapageshift
- TPhysAddr iPhysAddrBase; // lowest valid physical address
- TPhysAddr iPhysAddrTop; // highest valid physical address+1
- };
-DRamAllocatorBase* DRamAllocatorBase::New()
- {
- return new DRamAllocator;
- }
-DRamAllocatorBase* DRamAllocatorBase::New(const SRamInfo& aInfo, TInt aPageShift, const SRamBank* aPowerBanks)
- {
- DRamAllocatorBase* pA=New();
- if (!pA)
- Panic(KErrNoMemory);
- pA->iPageShift=aPageShift;
- pA->iPageSize=1<<aPageShift;
- TInt r=pA->Create(aInfo,aPowerBanks);
- if (r!=KErrNone)
- Panic(r);
- return pA;
- }
-void DRamAllocatorBase::Panic(TInt aPanic)
- {
- Kern::Fault("RAM-ALLOC", aPanic);
- }
-#ifdef KMMU
-void HexDump32(const TAny* a, TInt n, const char* s)
- {
- const TUint32* p=(const TUint32*)a;
- Kern::Printf(s);
- TInt i=0;
- while(n)
- {
- TBuf8<80> b;
- b.AppendNumFixedWidth(i,EHex,4);
- b.Append(':');
- TInt m=Min(n,4);
- n-=m;
- i+=m;
- while(m--)
- {
- b.Append(' ');
- b.AppendNumFixedWidth(*p++,EHex,8);
- }
- Kern::Printf("%S",&b);
- }
- }
-void HexDump8(const TAny* a, TInt n, const char* s)
- {
- const TUint8* p=(const TUint8*)a;
- Kern::Printf(s);
- TInt i=0;
- while(n)
- {
- TBuf8<80> b;
- b.AppendNumFixedWidth(i,EHex,4);
- b.Append(':');
- TInt m=Min(n,16);
- n-=m;
- i+=m;
- while(m--)
- {
- b.Append(' ');
- b.AppendNumFixedWidth(*p++,EHex,2);
- }
- Kern::Printf("%S",&b);
- }
- }
-void DRamAllocator::DebugDump()
- {
- Kern::Printf("PageSize=%08x PageShift=%d",iPageSize,iPageShift);
- Kern::Printf("AreaSize=%08x AreaShift=%d AreaMask=%08x",iAreaSize,iAreaShift,iAreaMask);
- Kern::Printf("AreaPages=%08x AreaPageShift=%d AreaPageMask=%08x",iAreaPages,iAreaPageShift,iAreaPageMask);
- Kern::Printf("Total Pages=%08x Total Free=%08x",iTotalRamPages,iTotalFreeRamPages);
- Kern::Printf("Number of areas=%08x, number of groups=%08x",iNumAreas,iNumGroups);
- Kern::Printf("Number of power blocks=%d, PowerState=%08x",iNumPowerBlocks,iPowerState);
- Kern::Printf("PhysAddrBase=%08x, PhysAddrTop=%08x",iPhysAddrBase,iPhysAddrTop);
- TInt i;
- Kern::Printf("Group Info:");
- for (i=0; i<iNumGroups; ++i)
- {
- SGroup& g=iGroups[i];
- TBitMapAllocator& b=*g.iBma;
- Kern::Printf("%02x: Avail %08x Size %08x Phys %08x Num %08x Pwr %02x",i,b.iAvail,b.iSize,
- g.iPhysBase,g.iNumBase,g.iPwrBlock);
- }
- if (iGroupPowerOrder)
- HexDump8(iGroupPowerOrder,iNumGroups,"GroupPowerOrder:");
- HexDump8(iPhysAddrLUT,iNumAreas,"PhysAddrLUT:");
- HexDump8(iPageNumLUT,iTotalRamPages>>iAreaPageShift,"PageNumLUT:");
- HexDump32(iPowerBlockPages,iNumPowerBlocks,"PowerBlockPages:");
- }
-TInt CountBanks(const SRamBank* aBankList)
- {
- TInt banks=0;
- for (; aBankList->iSize; ++banks, ++aBankList);
- return banks;
- }
-TInt CalcAreaShift(const SRamBank* aBankList)
- {
- TUint32 mask=0;
- for (; aBankList->iSize; ++aBankList)
- {
- TUint32 base=aBankList->iBase;
- TUint32 end=base+aBankList->iSize-1;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,Kern::Printf("Base=%08x End=%08x",base,end));
- mask|=base;
- mask|=~end;
- }
- return __e32_find_ls1_32(mask);
- }
-TUint32 TotalBankSize(const SRamBank* aBankList)
- {
- TUint32 size=0;
- for (; aBankList->iSize; ++aBankList)
- size+=aBankList->iSize;
- return size;
- }
-TInt DRamAllocator::Create(const SRamInfo& a, const SRamBank* aP)
- {
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("DRamAllocator::Create"));
- TInt num_boot_banks=CountBanks(a.iBanks);
- TUint32 total_ram_size=TotalBankSize(a.iBanks);
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("#banks from bootstrap=%d",num_boot_banks));
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Total size=%08x",total_ram_size));
- iTotalRamPages=total_ram_size>>iPageShift;
- iTotalFreeRamPages=iTotalRamPages;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Total size=%08x, total pages=%08x",total_ram_size,iTotalRamPages));
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Calculate area shift from bootstrap blocks"));
- iAreaShift=CalcAreaShift(a.iBanks);
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("iAreaShift=%d",iAreaShift));
- iNumPowerBlocks=1;
- if (aP)
- {
- iNumPowerBlocks=CountBanks(aP);
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("iNumPowerBlocks=%d",iNumPowerBlocks));
- if (iNumPowerBlocks>32)
- return ETooManyPowerBlocks;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Calculate area shift from power blocks"));
- TInt as=CalcAreaShift(aP);
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("area shift=%d",as));
- if (as<iAreaShift)
- iAreaShift=as;
- }
- if (iAreaShift<16 || iAreaShift<iPageShift)
- return EAreasTooSmall;
- iAreaSize=1<<iAreaShift;
- iAreaMask=iAreaSize-1;
- iAreaPageShift=iAreaShift-iPageShift;
- iAreaPages=1<<iAreaPageShift;
- iAreaPageMask=iAreaPages-1;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("iAreaShift=%d",iAreaShift));
- iPhysAddrBase=a.iBanks[0].iBase;
- const SRamBank& last_boot_bank=a.iBanks[num_boot_banks-1];
- iPhysAddrTop=last_boot_bank.iBase+last_boot_bank.iSize;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("PA base=%08x, PA top=%08x",iPhysAddrBase,iPhysAddrTop));
- iNumAreas=(iPhysAddrTop-iPhysAddrBase)>>iAreaShift;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("iNumAreas=%08x",iNumAreas));
- iPhysAddrLUT=(TUint8*)Kern::Alloc(iNumAreas);
- if (!iPhysAddrLUT)
- return KErrNoMemory;
- iPageNumLUT=(TUint8*)Kern::Alloc(iNumAreas); // overallocate temporarily
- if (!iPageNumLUT)
- return KErrNoMemory;
- iPowerBlockPages=(TInt*)Kern::AllocZ(iNumPowerBlocks*sizeof(TInt));
- if (!iPowerBlockPages)
- return KErrNoMemory;
- // coalesce contiguous boot banks
- SRamBank* phys_banks = (SRamBank*)Kern::Alloc(num_boot_banks*sizeof(SRamBank));
- if (!phys_banks)
- return KErrNoMemory;
- SRamBank* pD=phys_banks;
- const SRamBank* pBoot=a.iBanks;
- const SRamBank* pE=pBoot+num_boot_banks;
- TPhysAddr base=0;
- TPhysAddr end=0;
- for (; pBoot<=pE; ++pBoot)
- {
- if (pBoot==pE || pBoot->iBase!=end)
- {
- if (end)
- {
- pD->iBase=base;
- pD->iSize=end-base;
- ++pD;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Coalesced bank: %08x-%08x",base,end));
- }
- if (pBoot<pE)
- {
- base=pBoot->iBase;
- end=base+pBoot->iSize;
- }
- }
- else
- end+=pBoot->iSize;
- }
- SRamBank* pPhysEnd=pD;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("#Coalesced banks: %d",pD-phys_banks));
- // work out groups
- TInt start_area;
- TInt num_areas;
- TInt phys_bank;
- TInt pwr_bank;
- memset(iPhysAddrLUT,0xff,iNumAreas);
- pD=phys_banks;
- for (; pD<pPhysEnd; ++pD)
- {
- start_area=(pD->iBase-iPhysAddrBase)>>iAreaShift;
- num_areas=pD->iSize>>iAreaShift;
- phys_bank=pD-phys_banks;
- memset(iPhysAddrLUT+start_area, phys_bank, num_areas);
- }
- if (aP)
- {
- memset(iPageNumLUT,0xff,iNumAreas);
- const SRamBank* pB=aP;
- const SRamBank* pPwrEnd=aP+iNumPowerBlocks;
- for (; pB<pPwrEnd; ++pB)
- {
- start_area=(Max(pB->iBase,iPhysAddrBase)-iPhysAddrBase)>>iAreaShift;
- num_areas=(TInt)Min(TUint32(pB->iSize)>>iAreaShift, TUint32(iNumAreas-start_area));
- pwr_bank=pB-aP;
- memset(iPageNumLUT+start_area, pwr_bank, num_areas);
- }
- }
- Kern::Free(phys_banks);
- phys_bank=0xff;
- pwr_bank=-1;
- TInt area;
- iNumGroups=0;
- for (area=0; area<=iNumAreas; ++area)
- {
- TInt pb=(area<iNumAreas)?iPhysAddrLUT[area]:0xff;
- TInt pwb=aP?((area<iNumAreas)?iPageNumLUT[area]:0xff):-1;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Area %04x (%08x) : pb=%02x pwb=%02x",area,iPhysAddrBase+(area<<iAreaShift),pb,pwb));
- if (pb!=phys_bank || pwb!=pwr_bank)
- {
- if (pb!=0xff && pwb==0xff)
- return EInvalidPowerBlocks;
- if (phys_bank!=0xff)
- ++iNumGroups;
- phys_bank=pb;
- if (aP)
- pwr_bank=pwb;
- }
- }
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("iNumGroups=%d",iNumGroups));
- iGroups=(SGroup*)Kern::Alloc(iNumGroups*sizeof(SGroup));
- if (!iGroups)
- return KErrNoMemory;
- if (aP)
- {
- iGroupPowerOrder = (TUint8*)Kern::Alloc(iNumGroups);
- if (!iGroupPowerOrder)
- return KErrNoMemory;
- }
- start_area=0;
- phys_bank=0xff;
- pwr_bank=0;
- TInt group=0;
- TInt page_number=0;
- for (area=0; area<=iNumAreas; ++area)
- {
- TInt pb=(area<iNumAreas)?iPhysAddrLUT[area]:0xff;
- TInt pwb=aP?((area<iNumAreas)?iPageNumLUT[area]:0xff):0;
- if (pb!=phys_bank || (aP && pwb!=pwr_bank))
- {
- TInt group_num_areas=area-start_area;
- if (phys_bank!=0xff)
- {
- SGroup& g=iGroups[group];
- TInt group_num_pages=TUint32(group_num_areas)<<iAreaPageShift;
- g.iBma=TBitMapAllocator::New(group_num_pages, ETrue);
- if (!g.iBma)
- return KErrNoMemory;
- g.iPhysBase=(TPhysAddr(start_area)<<iAreaShift)+iPhysAddrBase;
- g.iNumBase=page_number;
- memset(iPhysAddrLUT+start_area, group, group_num_areas);
- memset(iPageNumLUT+(page_number>>iAreaPageShift), group, group_num_areas);
- page_number+=group_num_pages;
- g.iPwrBlock=pwr_bank;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Group %d: PhysBase=%08x NumBase=%08x PwrBlock=%02x NumPages=%08x",
- group, g.iPhysBase, g.iNumBase, g.iPwrBlock, group_num_pages));
- ++group;
- }
- start_area=area;
- phys_bank=pb;
- if (aP)
- pwr_bank=pwb;
- }
- }
- // shrink iPageNumLUT to correct size
- iPageNumLUT=(TUint8*)Kern::ReAlloc(iPageNumLUT, iTotalRamPages>>iAreaPageShift);
- if (aP)
- {
- // work out power block ordering of groups
- TBool identity=ETrue;
- TInt last_pwb=-1;
- group=0;
- while(group<iNumGroups)
- {
- TInt first_pwb=256;
- TInt i=0;
- TInt j=0;
- for (; i<iNumGroups; ++i)
- {
- TInt gpwb=iGroups[i].iPwrBlock;
- if (gpwb>last_pwb && gpwb<first_pwb)
- {
- j=i;
- first_pwb=gpwb;
- }
- }
- do {
- if (j!=group)
- identity=EFalse;
- iGroupPowerOrder[group++]=j++;
- } while (j<iNumGroups && iGroups[j].iPwrBlock==first_pwb);
- last_pwb=first_pwb;
- }
- if (identity)
- {
- // power order and physical address order coincide so no need to keep iGroupPowerOrder
- Kern::Free(iGroupPowerOrder);
- iGroupPowerOrder=NULL;
- }
- }
- // Now mark any reserved regions as allocated
- const SRamBank* pB = pE + 1; // first reserved block specifier
- for (; pB->iSize; ++pB)
- {
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("Reserve physical block %08x+%x", pB->iBase, pB->iSize));
- TInt r = SetPhysicalRamState(pB->iBase, pB->iSize, EFalse);
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("Reserve returns %d", r));
- if (r!=KErrNone)
- return r;
- }
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,DebugDump());
- return KErrNone;
- }
-SGroup* DRamAllocator::GetGroupAndOffset(TPhysAddr aAddr, TInt& aOffset)
- {
- if (aAddr<iPhysAddrBase || aAddr>=iPhysAddrTop)
- return NULL;
- TInt area=TInt((aAddr-iPhysAddrBase)>>iAreaShift);
- TInt group=iPhysAddrLUT[area];
- if (group==0xff)
- return NULL;
- SGroup& g=iGroups[group];
- aOffset=(aAddr-g.iPhysBase)>>iPageShift;
- return &g;
- }
-void DRamAllocator::MarkPagesAllocated(TInt aPageNum, TInt aCount)
- {
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("DRamAllocator::MarkPagesAllocated(%x+%x)",aPageNum,aCount));
- if ((TUint32(aPageNum)>=TUint32(iTotalRamPages)) || (TUint32(aCount)>TUint32(iTotalRamPages-aPageNum)))
- Panic(EDoMarkPagesAllocated1);
- TInt area=aPageNum>>iAreaPageShift;
- SGroup* pG=iGroups+iPageNumLUT[area];
- iTotalFreeRamPages-=aCount;
- while(aCount)
- {
- TInt gpnb=pG->iNumBase;
- TBitMapAllocator& bma=*pG->iBma;
- TInt gsz=bma.iSize;
- TInt ix=aPageNum-gpnb;
- TInt count=Min(gsz-ix,aCount);
- bma.Alloc(ix,count);
- TInt pwb=pG->iPwrBlock;
- iPowerBlockPages[pwb]+=count;
- iPowerState|=(1u<<pwb);
- aCount-=count;
- aPageNum+=count;
- ++pG;
- }
- }
-TInt DRamAllocator::MarkPageAllocated(TPhysAddr aAddr)
- {
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("DRamAllocator::MarkPageAllocated %08x",aAddr));
- TInt n;
- SGroup* g=GetGroupAndOffset(aAddr,n);
- if (!g)
- return KErrArgument;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("Group %d index %04x",g-iGroups,n));
- TBitMapAllocator& bma=*g->iBma;
- if (bma.NotFree(n,1))
- {
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Page already allocated"));
- return KErrAlreadyExists; // page is already allocated
- }
- bma.Alloc(n,1);
- --iTotalFreeRamPages;
- TInt pwb=g->iPwrBlock;
- if (++iPowerBlockPages[pwb]==1)
- iPowerState|=(1u<<pwb);
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Total free RAM pages now = %d",iTotalFreeRamPages));
- return KErrNone;
- }
-TInt DRamAllocator::FreeRamPage(TPhysAddr aAddr)
- {
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("FreeRamPage %08x",aAddr));
- TInt n;
- SGroup* g=GetGroupAndOffset(aAddr,n);
- if (!g)
- return KErrArgument;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("Group %d index %04x",g-iGroups,n));
- TBitMapAllocator& bma=*g->iBma;
- bma.Free(n);
- ++iTotalFreeRamPages;
- TInt pwb=g->iPwrBlock;
- if (--iPowerBlockPages[pwb]==0)
- iPowerState&=~(1u<<pwb);
- return KErrNone;
- }
-void DRamAllocator::FreeRamPages(TPhysAddr* aPageList, TInt aNumPages)
- {
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("FreeRamPages count=%08x",aNumPages));
- while(aNumPages--)
- {
- TPhysAddr first_pa=*aPageList++;
- if (first_pa==NULL_PAGE)
- continue;
- TInt ix;
- SGroup* g=GetGroupAndOffset(first_pa,ix);
- if (!g)
- continue;
- TBitMapAllocator& bma=*g->iBma;
- TInt gp_rem=bma.iSize-ix;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("1st PA=%08x Group %d index %04x",first_pa,g-iGroups,ix));
- TInt n=1;
- TPhysAddr pa=first_pa+iPageSize;
- while (--gp_rem && aNumPages && *aPageList==pa)
- {
- ++n;
- --aNumPages;
- ++aPageList;
- pa+=iPageSize;
- }
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("%d consecutive pages, gp_rem=%x, %d remaining pages",n,gp_rem,aNumPages));
- bma.Free(ix,n);
- iTotalFreeRamPages+=n;
- TInt pwb=g->iPwrBlock;
- if ((iPowerBlockPages[pwb]-=n)==0)
- iPowerState&=~(1u<<pwb);
- }
- }
-@return 0 on success, on failure, the number of extra pages required to fulfill the request
-TInt DRamAllocator::AllocRamPages(TPhysAddr* aPageList, TInt aNumPages)
- {
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("AllocRamPages %x",aNumPages));
- TInt numMissing = aNumPages-iTotalFreeRamPages;
- if (numMissing>0)
- return numMissing;
- iTotalFreeRamPages-=aNumPages;
- TInt gix;
- for (gix=0; aNumPages && gix<iNumGroups; ++gix)
- {
- TInt group=iGroupPowerOrder?iGroupPowerOrder[gix]:gix;
- SGroup& g=iGroups[group];
- TBitMapAllocator& bma=*g.iBma;
- TPhysAddr gpb=g.iPhysBase;
- TInt got=bma.AllocList(aNumPages, (TInt*)aPageList);
- if (got)
- {
- TInt pwb=g.iPwrBlock;
- TPhysAddr* pE=aPageList+got;
- while(aPageList<pE)
- {
- TInt ix=*aPageList;
- *aPageList++=gpb+(ix<<iPageShift);
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Got page @%08x",gpb+(ix<<iPageShift)));
- }
- aNumPages-=got;
- iPowerBlockPages[pwb]+=got;
- iPowerState |= (1u<<pwb);
- }
- }
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aNumPages==0, Panic(EAllocRamPagesInconsistent));
- return 0;
- }
-TInt DRamAllocator::FindContiguousRam(TInt aNumPages, TInt aAlignWrtPage, TUint8* aPermute, TInt& aPageNum)
- {
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("FindContiguousRam np=%d align=%d",aNumPages,aAlignWrtPage));
- TUint32 alignsize=1u<<aAlignWrtPage;
- TUint32 alignmask=alignsize-1;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("alignsize=%08x alignmask=%08x",alignsize,alignmask));
- TInt base=KErrNotFound;
- TInt gplen=0;
- TInt carry=0;
- TInt gix;
- for (gix=0; gix<iNumGroups; ++gix)
- {
- TInt group=aPermute?aPermute[gix]:gix;
- SGroup& g=iGroups[group];
- TBitMapAllocator& bma=*g.iBma;
- TInt gpb=TInt(g.iPhysBase>>iPageShift);
- if (gpb!=base+gplen)
- {
- // this group is not contiguous with previous one
- carry=0;
- }
- base=gpb;
- gplen=bma.iSize;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("FCR: base=%08x gplen=%08x carry=%08x",base,gplen,carry));
- TInt l;
- TInt r=bma.AllocAligned(aNumPages, aAlignWrtPage, base, EFalse, carry, l);
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("FCR: r=%08x",r));
- if (r>=0)
- {
- TInt p=(base+r-carry+alignmask)&~alignmask;
- aPageNum=g.iNumBase+p-base;
- return p;
- }
- }
- return KErrNotFound;
- }
-TInt DRamAllocator::AllocContiguousRam(TInt aSize, TPhysAddr& aPhysAddr, TInt aAlign)
- {
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("AllocContiguousRam size %08x align %d",aSize,aAlign));
- TInt npages=(aSize+iPageSize-1)>>iPageShift;
- TInt align_wrt_page=Max(aAlign-iPageShift,0);
- TInt pagenum;
- TInt found=FindContiguousRam(npages, align_wrt_page, iGroupPowerOrder, pagenum);
- if (found<0 && iGroupPowerOrder)
- found=FindContiguousRam(npages, align_wrt_page, NULL, pagenum);
- if (found<0)
- return KErrNoMemory;
- aPhysAddr=TPhysAddr(found)<<iPageShift;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("AllocContiguousRam returns %08x(%x)",aPhysAddr,pagenum));
- MarkPagesAllocated(pagenum, npages);
- return KErrNone;
- }
-TInt DRamAllocator::SetPhysicalRamState(TPhysAddr aBase, TInt aSize, TBool aState)
- {
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("SetPhysicalRamState(%08x,%x,%d)",aBase,aSize,aState?1:0));
- TUint32 m=iPageSize-1;
- aSize+=(aBase&m);
- aBase&=~m;
- TInt npages=(aSize+m)>>iPageShift;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Rounded base %08x npages=%x",aBase,npages));
- TInt ix0;
- SGroup* g0=GetGroupAndOffset(aBase,ix0);
- if (!g0)
- return KErrArgument;
- if ((TUint32)aSize>iPhysAddrTop-aBase)
- return KErrArgument;
- SGroup* g=g0;
- SGroup* gE=iGroups+iNumGroups;
- TPhysAddr base=aBase;
- TInt n=npages;
- TInt ix=ix0;
- TInt r=KErrNone;
- TInt c=-1;
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("Group %d index %x g=%08x gE=%08x n=%x base=%08x",g-iGroups,ix,g,gE,n,base));
- for (; n && g<gE && g->iPhysBase+(ix<<iPageShift)==base ; ++g, n-=c, ix=0, base+=(TPhysAddr(c)<<iPageShift))
- {
- TBitMapAllocator& bma=*g->iBma;
- TInt gp_rem=bma.iSize-ix;
- c=Min(n, gp_rem);
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("Group %d pages %x+%x base %08x",g-iGroups,ix,c,base));
- if(aState)
- {
- if(bma.NotAllocated(ix,c))
- r=KErrGeneral;
- }
- else
- {
- if(bma.NotFree(ix,c))
- r=KErrInUse;
- }
- }
- if (n)
- return KErrArgument; // not all of the specified range exists
- if (r!=KErrNone)
- return r; // some pages were already free/allocated
- iTotalFreeRamPages += (aState ? npages : -npages);
- for (g=g0, n=npages, ix=ix0; n; ++g, n-=c, ix=0)
- {
- TBitMapAllocator& bma=*g->iBma;
- TInt pwb=g->iPwrBlock;
- TInt& p=iPowerBlockPages[pwb];
- TUint32 pm=1u<<pwb;
- TInt gp_rem=bma.iSize-ix;
- c=Min(n, gp_rem);
- __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("Group %d pages %x+%x base %08x",g-iGroups,ix,c,base));
- aState ? (bma.Free(ix,c), (p||(iPowerState|=pm)), p+=c) : (bma.Alloc(ix,c), ((p-=c)||(iPowerState&=~pm)) );
- }
- return KErrNone;
- }