changeset 9 96e5fb8b040d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/drivers/camerasc/cameraldd.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2223 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32/drivers/camerasc/cameraldd.cpp
+#include <drivers/camerasc.h>
+#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
+#include <kernel/cache.h>
+//#define __KTRACE_CAM(s) s;
+#define __KTRACE_CAM(s)
+static const char KCameraLddPanic[]="CameraSc LDD";
+Standard export function for LDDs. This creates a DLogicalDevice derived object,
+in this case, DSoundScLddFactory.
+	{
+	return new DCameraScLddFactory;
+	}
+Constructor for the camera driver factory class.
+	{
+//	iUnitsOpenMask=0;
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLddFactory::DCameraScLddFactory"));
+	// Set version number for this device.
+	iVersion=RDevCameraSc::VersionRequired();
+	// Indicate that units / PDD are supported.
+	iParseMask=KDeviceAllowUnit|KDeviceAllowPhysicalDevice;
+	// Leave the units decision to the PDD
+	iUnitsMask=0xffffffff;
+	}
+Second stage constructor for the camera driver factory class.
+This must at least set a name for the driver object.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DCameraScLddFactory::Install()
+	{
+	return(SetName(&KDevCameraScName));
+	}
+Return the 'capabilities' of the camera driver in general.
+Called in the response to an RDevice::GetCaps() request.
+@param aDes A user-side descriptor to write the capabilities information into.
+void DCameraScLddFactory::GetCaps(TDes8 &aDes) const
+	{
+	// Create a capabilities object
+	TCapsDevCameraV01 caps;
+	caps.iVersion=iVersion;
+	// Write it back to user memory
+	Kern::InfoCopy(aDes,(TUint8*)&caps,sizeof(caps));
+	}
+Called by the kernel's device driver framework to create a logical channel.
+This is called in the context of the client thread which requested the creation of a logical
+channel - through a call to RBusLogicalChannel::DoCreate().
+The thread is in a critical section.
+@param aChannel Set by this function to point to the created logical channel.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DCameraScLddFactory::Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLddFactory::Create"));
+	aChannel=new DCameraScLdd;
+	if (!aChannel)
+		return(KErrNoMemory);
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Check whether a channel has is currently open on the specified unit.
+@param aUnit The number of the unit to be checked.
+@return ETrue if a channel is open on the specified channel, EFalse otherwise.
+@pre The unit info. mutex must be held.
+TBool DCameraScLddFactory::IsUnitOpen(TInt aUnit)
+	{
+	return(iUnitsOpenMask&(1<<aUnit));
+	}
+Attempt to change the state of the channel open status for a particular channel.
+@param aUnit The number of the unit to be updated.
+@param aIsOpenSetting	The required new state for the channel open status: either ETrue to set the status to open or
+						EFalse to set the status to closed.
+@return KErrNone if the status was updated successfully;
+		KErrInUse if an attempt has been made to set the channnel status to open while it is already open.
+TInt DCameraScLddFactory::SetUnitOpen(TInt aUnit,TBool aIsOpenSetting)
+	{
+	NKern::FMWait(&iUnitInfoMutex); // Acquire the unit info. mutex.
+	// Fail a request to open an channel that is already open
+	if (aIsOpenSetting && IsUnitOpen(aUnit))
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iUnitInfoMutex); // Release the unit info. mutex.
+		return(KErrInUse);
+		}
+	// Update the open status as requested
+	if (aIsOpenSetting)
+		iUnitsOpenMask|=(1<<aUnit);
+	else
+		iUnitsOpenMask&=~(1<<aUnit);
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iUnitInfoMutex); // Release the unit info. mutex.
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Constructor for the camera driver logical channel.
+	:	iRequestQueue(&iMutex),
+		iRestartDfc(DCameraScLdd::RestartDfc,this,5),
+		iPowerDownDfc(DCameraScLdd::PowerDownDfc,this,3),
+		iPowerUpDfc(DCameraScLdd::PowerUpDfc,this,3)
+	{
+	iState=EOpen;
+//	iCaptureMode=ECaptureModeImage;
+//	iFrameHeight=0;
+//	iFrameWidth=0;
+//	iBufManager=NULL;
+//	iPowerHandler=NULL;
+//	iImageGatherCount=0;
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::DCameraScLdd"));
+	iUnit=-1;	// Invalid unit number
+	// Get pointer to client thread's DThread object
+	iOwningThread=&Kern::CurrentThread();
+	// Open a reference on client thread so it's control block can't dissapear until
+	// this driver has finished with it. Note, this call to Open() can't fail since
+	// it is the thread we are currently running in
+	iOwningThread->Open();
+	}
+Destructor for the camera driver logical channel.
+This is called in the context of the client thread once a 'ECloseMsg' message has been
+sent to the device driver DFC thread.
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::~DCameraScLdd"));
+	TInt captureMode;
+	// Remove and delete the power handler.
+	if (iPowerHandler)
+		{
+		iPowerHandler->Remove();
+		delete iPowerHandler;
+		}
+	if (iCaptureModeConfig)
+		{
+		// Delete any buffers and shared chunk we created.
+		for (captureMode=0; captureMode < ECamCaptureModeMax; captureMode++)
+			{
+			if (iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iBufManager)
+				delete iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iBufManager;
+			}
+		// Delete the buffer config. info. structure.
+		for (captureMode=0; captureMode < ECamCaptureModeMax; captureMode++)
+			{
+			if (iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iBufConfig)
+				Kern::Free(iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iBufConfig);
+			}
+			if (iCaptureModeConfig)
+				delete[] iCaptureModeConfig;
+		}
+	// Close our reference on the client thread
+	Kern::SafeClose((DObject*&)iOwningThread,NULL);
+	// Clear the 'units open mask' in the LDD factory.
+	if (iUnit>=0)
+		((DCameraScLddFactory*)iDevice)->SetUnitOpen(iUnit,EFalse);
+	}
+Second stage constructor for the camera driver - called by the kernel's device driver framework.
+This is called in the context of the client thread which requested the creation of a logical channel
+(e.g. through a call to RBusLogicalChannel::DoCreate()).
+The thread is in a critical section.
+@param aUnit The unit argument supplied by the client. This is checked by the PDD and not used here.
+@param aInfo The info argument supplied by the client. Always NULL in this case.
+@param aVer The version argument supplied by the client.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* /*aInfo*/, const TVersion& aVer)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::DoCreate"));
+	// Check the client has EMultimediaDD capability.
+	if (!Kern::CurrentThreadHasCapability(ECapabilityMultimediaDD,__PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked by ECAMERA.LDD (Camera driver)")))
+		return(KErrPermissionDenied);
+	// Check that the camera driver version specified by the client is compatible.
+	if (!Kern::QueryVersionSupported(RDevCameraSc::VersionRequired(),aVer))
+		return(KErrNotSupported);
+	// Check that a channel hasn't already been opened on this unit.
+	TInt r=((DCameraScLddFactory*)iDevice)->SetUnitOpen(aUnit,ETrue); // Try to update 'units open mask' in the LDD factory.
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	iUnit=aUnit;
+	// Create the power handler
+	iPowerHandler=new DCameraScPowerHandler(this);
+	if (!iPowerHandler)
+		return(KErrNoMemory);
+	iPowerHandler->Add();
+	// Create the pending capture request list
+	r=iRequestQueue.Create(iOwningThread);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	// Initialise the PDD
+	((DCameraScPdd*)iPdd)->iLdd=this;
+	// Setup the default camera config
+	iCaptureMode=ECamCaptureModeImage;
+	iCaptureModeConfig = new TCaptureModeConfig[ECamCaptureModeMax];
+	if(!iCaptureModeConfig)
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+	TInt capsSize = Pdd()->CapsSize();
+	TInt captureMode;
+	TAny* capsBuf;
+	capsBuf = Kern::Alloc(capsSize);
+	if(!capsBuf)
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+	// Query the driver for its capabilities and set a default pixel format
+	// and frame size for each available capture mode.
+	TPtr8 capsPtr( (TUint8*)capsBuf, capsSize, capsSize );
+	Pdd()->Caps(capsPtr);
+	TCameraCapsV02* caps = (TCameraCapsV02*) capsPtr.Ptr();
+	SDevCamPixelFormat* pixelFormat = (SDevCamPixelFormat*) (caps + 1);
+	SDevCamFrameSize* frameSize;
+	TAny* frameSizeCapsBuf=0;
+	TPtr8 frameSizeCapsPtr(0,0,0);
+	// Set the cache to hold the default dynamic attribute values.
+	iBrightnessValue = caps->iDynamicRange[ECamAttributeBrightness].iDefault;
+	iContrastValue = caps->iDynamicRange[ECamAttributeContrast].iDefault;
+	iColorEffectValue = caps->iDynamicRange[ECamAttributeColorEffect].iDefault;
+	for (captureMode=0; captureMode < ECamCaptureModeMax; captureMode++)
+		{
+		if ((captureMode==ECamCaptureModeImage) && (caps->iNumImagePixelFormats==0))
+			continue;
+		if ((captureMode==ECamCaptureModeVideo) && (caps->iNumVideoPixelFormats==0))
+			continue;
+		if ((captureMode==ECamCaptureModeViewFinder) && (caps->iNumViewFinderPixelFormats==0))
+			continue;
+		iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iCamConfig.iPixelFormat=*pixelFormat;
+		frameSizeCapsBuf = Kern::Alloc(pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes*sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize));
+		new (&frameSizeCapsPtr) TPtr8((TUint8*)frameSizeCapsBuf, pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes*sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize), pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes*sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize));
+		r=Pdd()->FrameSizeCaps((TDevCamCaptureMode)captureMode, pixelFormat->iPixelFormat, frameSizeCapsPtr);
+		if(r!=KErrNone)
+			{
+			Kern::Free(frameSizeCapsBuf);
+			return r;
+			}
+		frameSize=(SDevCamFrameSize*) frameSizeCapsPtr.Ptr();
+		iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iCamConfig.iFrameSize = *frameSize;
+		iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iCamConfig.iFrameRate = frameSize->iMinFrameRate;
+		Kern::Free(frameSizeCapsBuf);
+		iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iCamConfig.iFlashMode = ECamFlashNone;
+		iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iCamConfig.iExposureMode = ECamExposureAuto;
+		iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iCamConfig.iWhiteBalanceMode = ECamWBAuto;
+		iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iCamConfig.iZoom = 0;
+		iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iCamConfig.iPixelWidthInBytes = 0;
+		}
+	Kern::Free(capsBuf);
+	// Setup the default buffer config.
+	r=ReAllocBufferConfigInfo(0);	// Zeros the structure
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	for (captureMode=0; captureMode < ECamCaptureModeMax; captureMode++)
+		{
+		iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iBufConfig->iNumBuffers=KDefaultNumClientBuffers;
+		}
+	// Set up the correct DFC queue and enable the reception of client messages.
+	TDfcQue* dfcq=((DCameraScPdd*)iPdd)->DfcQ(aUnit);
+	SetDfcQ(dfcq);
+	iRestartDfc.SetDfcQ(dfcq);
+	iPowerDownDfc.SetDfcQ(dfcq);
+	iPowerUpDfc.SetDfcQ(dfcq);
+	iMsgQ.Receive();
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("<DCameraScLdd::DoCreate"));
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Shutdown the camera device.
+Terminate all device activity and power down the hardware.
+void DCameraScLdd::Shutdown()
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::Shutdown"));
+	iState=EOpen;
+	// Power down the hardware
+	Pdd()->PowerDown();
+	// Cancel any requests that we may be handling
+	DoCancel(RDevCameraSc::EAllRequests);
+	// Make sure DFCs are not queued.
+	iRestartDfc.Cancel();
+	iPowerDownDfc.Cancel();
+	iPowerUpDfc.Cancel();
+	}
+Notification to the driver that a handle to it has been requested by a user thread.
+The use of a camera driver channel is restricted here to a single thread (that has
+EMultimediaDD capability).
+@param aThread A pointer to thread which is requesting the handle.
+@param aType Whether the requested handle is thread or process relative.
+@return	KErrNone, if the request is for a thread relative handle - originating from
+		the same the thread that created the channel object;
+		KErrAccessDenied, otherwise.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::RequestUserHandle(DThread* aThread, TOwnerType aType)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::RequestUserHandle"));
+	// Ensure that each channel can only be used by a single thread.
+	if (aType!=EOwnerThread || aThread!=iOwningThread)
+		return(KErrAccessDenied);
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Process a request on this logical channel
+Called in the context of the client thread.
+@param aReqNo	The request number:
+				==KMaxTInt: a 'DoCancel' message;
+				>=0: a 'DoControl' message with function number equal to value.
+				<0: a 'DoRequest' message with function number equal to ~value.
+@param a1 The first request argument. For DoRequest(), this is a pointer to the TRequestStatus.
+@param a2 The second request argument. For DoRequest(), this is a pointer to the 2 actual TAny* arguments.
+@return The result of the request. This is ignored by device driver framework for DoRequest().
+TInt DCameraScLdd::Request(TInt aReqNo, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::Request(%d)",aReqNo));
+	TInt r;
+	if (aReqNo<RDevCameraSc::EMsgControlMax && aReqNo>(~RDevCameraSc::EMsgRequestMax))
+		{
+		// Implement in the context of the kernel thread - prepare and issue a kernel message.
+		r=DLogicalChannel::Request(aReqNo,a1,a2);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Implement in the context of the client thread.
+		// Decode the message type and dispatch it to the relevent handler function.
+		if ((TUint)aReqNo<(TUint)KMaxTInt)
+			r=DoControl(aReqNo,a1,a2);		// DoControl - process the request.
+		else if (aReqNo==KMaxTInt)
+			{
+			r=DoCancel((TInt)a1);			// DoCancel - cancel the request.
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// DoRequest
+			TInt func=~aReqNo;
+			// NotifyNewImage() during image capture mode is another case which must be handled in the kernel thread.
+			if (iCaptureMode==ECamCaptureModeImage && func==RDevCameraSc::ERequestNotifyNewImage)
+				r=DLogicalChannel::Request(aReqNo,a1,a2);
+			else
+				{
+				// Read the arguments from the client thread and process the request.
+				TAny* a[2];
+				kumemget32(a,a2,sizeof(a));
+				TRequestStatus* status=(TRequestStatus*)a1;
+				r=DoRequest(func,status,a[0],a[1]);
+				// Complete request if there was an error
+				if (r!=KErrNone)
+					Kern::RequestComplete(iOwningThread,status,r);
+				r=KErrNone;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("<DCameraScLdd::Request - %d",r));
+	return(r);
+	}
+Process a message for this logical channel.
+This function is called in the context of the DFC thread.
+@param aMsg The message to process.
+			The iValue member of this distinguishes the message type:
+			iValue==ECloseMsg, channel close message.
+			iValue==KMaxTInt, a 'DoCancel' message.
+			iValue>=0, a 'DoControl' message with function number equal to iValue.
+			iValue<0, a 'DoRequest' message with function number equal to ~iValue.
+void DCameraScLdd::HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg)
+	{
+	TThreadMessage& m=*(TThreadMessage*)aMsg;
+	TInt id=m.iValue;
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::HandleMsg(%d)",id));
+	// Decode the message type and dispatch it to the relevent handler function.
+	if (id==(TInt)ECloseMsg)
+		{
+		// Channel close.
+		Shutdown();
+		m.Complete(KErrNone,EFalse);
+		return;
+		}
+	else if (id<0)	// The only DoRequest handled in the kernel thread is NotifyNewImage(ECamCaptureModeImage).
+		{
+		// DoRequest
+		TRequestStatus* pS=(TRequestStatus*)m.Ptr0();
+		TInt r=DoRequest(~id,pS,m.Ptr1(),m.Ptr2());
+		if (r!=KErrNone)
+			Kern::RequestComplete(iOwningThread,pS,r);
+		m.Complete(KErrNone,ETrue);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Must be DoControl (Cancel is handled in the client thread).
+		TInt r=DoControl(id,m.Ptr0(),m.Ptr1());
+		m.Complete(r,ETrue);
+		}
+	}
+Process a synchronous 'DoControl' request.
+This function is called in the context of the DFC thread.
+@param aFunction The request number.
+@param a1 The first request argument.
+@param a2 The second request argument.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::DoControl(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::DoControl(%d)",aFunction));
+	TInt r=KErrNotSupported;
+	switch (aFunction)
+		{
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlCaps:
+			{
+			r = GetSensorCaps(a1);
+			break;
+			}
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlSetCaptureMode:
+			{
+			// Change the capture mode.
+			r=SetCaptureMode((TInt)a1);
+			break;
+			}
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlSetCamConfig:
+			{
+			// Set the new camera configuration.
+			NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+			r=SetCamConfig((TInt)a1, (const TDesC8*)a2);
+			NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+			break;
+			}
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlGetCamConfig:
+			{
+			// Write the config to the client.
+			TPtrC8 ptr((const TUint8*)&iCaptureModeConfig[(TInt)a1].iCamConfig,sizeof(iCaptureModeConfig[(TInt)a1].iCamConfig));
+			Kern::InfoCopy(*((TDes8*)a2),ptr);
+			r=KErrNone;
+			break;
+			}
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlGetBufferConfig:
+			if (iCaptureModeConfig[(TInt)a1].iBufConfig)
+				{
+				// Write the buffer config to the client.
+				TPtrC8 ptr((const TUint8*)&(*iCaptureModeConfig[(TInt)a1].iBufConfig),iCaptureModeConfig[(TInt)a1].iBufConfigSize);
+				Kern::InfoCopy(*((TDes8*)a2),ptr);
+				r=KErrNone;
+				}
+			break;
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlSetBufConfigChunkCreate:
+			// Need to be in critical section while deleting an exisiting config and creating a new one
+			NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+			r=SetBufConfig((TInt)a1,(TInt)a2);
+			NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+			break;
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlSetBufConfigChunkOpen:
+			SSetBufConfigChunkOpenInfo info;
+			r=Kern::ThreadRawRead(iOwningThread,a2,&info,sizeof(info));
+			if (r==KErrNone)
+				{
+				// Need to be in critical section while deleting an exisiting config and creating a new one
+				NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+				r=SetBufConfig((TInt)a1,info.iBufferConfigBuf,info.iChunkHandle);
+				NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+				}
+			break;
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlChunkClose:
+			r=ChunkClose((TInt)a1);
+			break;
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlStart:
+			r=Start();
+			break;
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlStop:
+			if (iState==ECapturing)
+				{
+				r=Pdd()->Stop();
+				DoCancel(1<<RDevCameraSc::ERequestNotifyNewImage);
+				if (r==KErrNone)
+					iState=EConfigured;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				r=KErrGeneral;
+				}
+			break;
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlReleaseBuffer:
+			r=ReleaseBuffer((TInt)a1);
+			break;
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlNotifyNewImageSpecificCancel:
+			{
+			NKern::FMWait(&iMutex); 		// Acquire the buffer/request list mutex.
+			iRequestQueue.Cancel((TRequestStatus*)a1);
+			NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex); 		// Release the buffer/request list mutex.
+			r=KErrNone;
+			break;
+			}
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlBufferIdToOffset:
+			{
+			// a1 has pointer to buffer for search criteria
+			// a2 has pointer to offset for result
+			TDevCamBufferModeAndId info;
+			TPtr8 inDesc((TUint8*)(&info), sizeof(info));
+			r = Kern::ThreadDesRead(iOwningThread,a1,inDesc,0);
+			if (r == KErrNone)
+				{
+				TInt id = info.iId;
+				TDevCamCaptureMode captureMode = info.iCaptureMode;
+				r = KErrNotFound;
+				DBufferManager* mgr = iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iBufManager;
+				if (mgr)
+					{
+					if (mgr->iImageBuffer[id].iId == id)
+						{
+						kumemput32(a2, &mgr->iImageBuffer[id].iChunkOffset, sizeof(TInt));
+						r = KErrNone;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlCapsSize:
+			{
+			r = Pdd()->CapsSize();
+			break;
+			}
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlFrameSizeCaps:
+			{
+			r = GetFrameSizeCaps(a1, a2);
+			break;
+			}
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlSetDynamicAttribute:
+			{
+			NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+			r = SetDynamicAttribute((TInt)a1, (TUint)a2);
+			NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+			break;
+			}
+		case RDevCameraSc::EControlGetDynamicAttribute:
+			{
+			TInt attribute = (TInt)(a1);
+			TUint value = 0;
+			r = GetDynamicAttribute(attribute, value);
+			if (r == KErrNone)
+				{
+				kumemput32(a2, &value, sizeof(TUint));
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	return(r);
+	}
+Process an asynchronous 'DoRequest' request.
+This function is called in the context of the DFC thread.
+@param aFunction The request number.
+@param aStatus A pointer to the TRequestStatus.
+@param a1 The first request argument.
+@param a2 The second request argument.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::DoRequest(TInt aFunction, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* /*a1*/, TAny* /*a2*/)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::DoRequest(%d)",aFunction));
+	TInt r=KErrNotSupported;
+	switch (aFunction)
+		{
+		case RDevCameraSc::ERequestNotifyNewImage:
+			r=NotifyNewImage(aStatus);
+			break;
+		}
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("<DCameraScLdd::DoRequest - %d",r));
+	return(r);
+	}
+Process the cancelling of asynchronous requests.
+This function is called in the context of the DFC thread.
+@param aMask A mask indicating which requests need to be cancelled.
+@return The result of the cancel. Either KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+	system wide error codes.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::DoCancel(TUint aMask)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::DoCancel(%08x)",aMask));
+	if (aMask&(1<<RDevCameraSc::ERequestNotifyNewImage))
+		{
+		NKern::FMWait(&iMutex); 		// Acquire the buffer/request list mutex.
+		iRequestQueue.CancelAll();
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex); 		// Release the buffer/request list mutex.
+		}
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+@pre The thread must be in a critical section.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::ReAllocBufferConfigInfo(TInt aNumBuffers)
+	{
+	for (TInt captureMode=0; captureMode < ECamCaptureModeMax; captureMode++)
+		{
+		if (iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iBufConfig)
+			{
+			Kern::Free(iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iBufConfig);
+			iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iBufConfig=NULL;
+			}
+		iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iBufConfigSize=aNumBuffers*(sizeof(SBufSpecList)); // Size of the three integers that hold the offset to the start of each buffer and the buffer id.
+		iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iBufConfigSize+=sizeof(TSharedChunkBufConfigBase);
+		iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iBufConfig=(TCameraSharedChunkBufConfig*)Kern::AllocZ(iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iBufConfigSize);
+		if (!iCaptureModeConfig[captureMode].iBufConfig)
+			return(KErrNoMemory);
+		}
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Reallocate memory for the new buffer configuration.
+@param aNumBuffers The number of buffers.
+@pre The thread must be in a critical section.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::ReAllocBufferConfigInfo(TInt aCaptureMode, TInt aNumBuffers)
+	{
+	if (iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufConfig)
+		{
+		Kern::Free(iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufConfig);
+		iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufConfig=NULL;
+		}
+	iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufConfigSize=aNumBuffers*(sizeof(SBufSpecList)); // Size of the three integers that hold the offset to the start of each buffer and the buffer id.
+	iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufConfigSize+=sizeof(TSharedChunkBufConfigBase);
+	iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufConfig=(TCameraSharedChunkBufConfig*)Kern::AllocZ(iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufConfigSize);
+	if (!iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufConfig)
+		return(KErrNoMemory);
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+@return	A handle to the shared chunk for the owning thread (a value >0), if successful;
+		otherwise one of the other system wide error codes, (a value <0).
+@param aCamConfigBuf The supplied camera configuration.
+@pre The thread must be in a critical section.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::SetCamConfig(TInt aCaptureMode, const TDesC8* aCamConfigBuf)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::SetCamConfig()"));
+	// Set the configuration of the sensor
+	TInt r=DoSetConfig(aCaptureMode, aCamConfigBuf);
+	return(r);
+	}
+Allows changing of the dynamic settings.
+Checks locally the validity of the arguments passed so as to increase performance by not
+forcing a context switch.
+If the setting has been accepted by the sensor the new value is cached by the LDD so further
+querying does not involve another context switch.
+@param aAttribute An enum identifying the dynamic attribute to change.
+@param aValue The attributes value.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotSupported if not supported, KErrArgument if aValue out of range.
+		Otherwise, one of the system wide error codes.
+@pre The thread must be in a critical section.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::SetDynamicAttribute(TInt aAttribute, TUint aValue)
+	{
+	TUint* attrCachePtr = NULL;
+	TInt err = KErrNotSupported;
+	switch (aAttribute)
+		{
+		case ECamAttributeBrightness:
+			err = Pdd()->SetBrightness(aValue);
+			attrCachePtr = &iBrightnessValue;
+			break;
+		case ECamAttributeContrast:
+			err = Pdd()->SetContrast(aValue);
+			attrCachePtr = &iContrastValue;
+			break;
+		case ECamAttributeColorEffect:
+			err = Pdd()->SetColorEffect(aValue);
+			attrCachePtr = &iColorEffectValue;
+			break;
+		default:
+			return err;
+		}
+	if (err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		// Cache the set value.
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(attrCachePtr, Kern::Fault(KCameraLddPanic, __LINE__));
+		*attrCachePtr = aValue;
+		}
+	return err;
+	}
+Allows querying of a dynamic setting.
+The value is read from the cached LDD values.
+@param aAttribute An enum identifying the dynamic attribute to change.
+@param aValue A reference to a variable that will receive the attribute value.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if aAttribute is an unsupported
+        setting. The parameter aValue is not changed if this function fails.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::GetDynamicAttribute(TInt aAttribute, TUint& aValue)
+	{
+	switch (aAttribute)
+		{
+		case ECamAttributeBrightness:
+			aValue = iBrightnessValue;
+			break;
+		case ECamAttributeContrast:
+			aValue = iContrastValue;
+			break;
+		case ECamAttributeColorEffect:
+			aValue = iColorEffectValue;
+			break;
+		default:
+			return KErrNotFound;
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Updates the buffer configuration of the camera for the specified capture mode.
+@return	A handle to the shared chunk for the owning thread (a value >0), if successful;
+		otherwise one of the other system wide error codes, (a value <0).
+TInt DCameraScLdd::SetBufConfig(TInt aCaptureMode, TInt aNumBuffers)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::SetBufConfig(CaptureMode=%d,NumBuffers=%d)",aCaptureMode,aNumBuffers));
+	// Free any memory and chunk already allocated
+	TInt r=ChunkClose(aCaptureMode);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	// Allocate a new shared chunk and create the specified number of buffers within it.
+	TInt buffersize=((iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iCamConfig.iFrameSize.iWidth*iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iCamConfig.iFrameSize.iHeight) * iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iCamConfig.iPixelWidthInBytes);
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">>DCameraScLdd::SetBufConfig - iFrameSize:%d, iPixelWidthInBytes:%d => bufferSize:%d",(iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iCamConfig.iFrameSize.iWidth*iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iCamConfig.iFrameSize.iHeight),iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iCamConfig.iPixelWidthInBytes,buffersize));
+	iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufManager=new DBufferManager(this);
+	if (!iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufManager)
+		return(KErrNoMemory);
+	r=iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufManager->Create(aNumBuffers,buffersize);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	// Update the LDD's chunk/buffer geometry info.
+	r=ReAllocBufferConfigInfo(aCaptureMode, aNumBuffers);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufManager->GetBufConfig(*iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufConfig);
+	// Create handle to the shared chunk for the owning thread.
+	r=Kern::MakeHandleAndOpen(iOwningThread,iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufManager->iChunk);
+	if (r>0)
+		{
+		// And save the the chunk and handle for later.  Normally the chunk handle will be closed when the chunk
+		// is closed, but if the chunk is re-allocated then it will need to be closed before re-allocation.
+		iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iChunkHandle=r;
+		}
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("<DCameraScLdd::SetBufConfig - %d",r));
+	return(r);
+	}
+Updates the buffer configuration of the camera, which has been supplied by the user, for the specified capture mode.
+@param aCaptureMode		The capture mode for which the setting of the buffer configuration is made.
+@param aBufferConfigBuf	A buffer that holds the buffer configuration for the camera.
+@param aChunkHandle		A handle for the shared chunk supplied by the client.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@pre The thread must be in a critical section.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::SetBufConfig(TInt aCaptureMode,const TDesC8* aBufferConfigBuf,TInt aChunkHandle)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::SetConfig(Handle-%d)",aChunkHandle));
+	// Read the buffer config structure from the client.
+	TInt numBuffers;
+	TPtr8 ptr((TUint8*)&numBuffers,sizeof(numBuffers));
+	TInt r=Kern::ThreadDesRead(iOwningThread,aBufferConfigBuf,ptr,0);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	// Calculate the minimum length of the descriptor.
+	TInt minDesLen=(numBuffers*sizeof(SBufSpecList))+sizeof(TSharedChunkBufConfigBase);
+	r=Kern::ThreadGetDesLength(iOwningThread,aBufferConfigBuf);
+	if (r<minDesLen)
+		return(KErrArgument);
+	r=ReAllocBufferConfigInfo(aCaptureMode, numBuffers);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	ptr.Set((TUint8*)iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufConfig,0,iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufConfigSize);
+	r=Kern::ThreadDesRead(iOwningThread,aBufferConfigBuf,ptr,0);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	// Free any memory and chunk already allocated
+	r=ChunkClose(aCaptureMode);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	// Open the shared chunk supplied and create buffer objects for the committed buffers within it.
+	iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufManager=new DBufferManager(this);
+	if (!iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufManager)
+		return(KErrNoMemory);
+	r=iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufManager->Create(*iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufConfig,aChunkHandle,iOwningThread);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("<DCameraScLdd::SetConfig - %d",KErrNone));
+	return(r);
+	}
+Frees the buffer manager associated with a chunk, and closes the chunk itself.  The chunk being closed,
+and its associated DBufferManager instance should have been allocated by the device driver.  However,
+this is not a requirement.
+@param aCaptureMode The capture mode for which to free the buffer manager and chunk.
+@return	KErrNone if successful.
+		KErrInUse if an attempt has been made to free the memory and chunk while they are in use.
+		Otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::ChunkClose(TInt aCaptureMode)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::ChunkClose(Capture Mode-%d)",aCaptureMode));
+	if(iCaptureMode == aCaptureMode)
+        {
+        if (iState==ECapturing)
+            return(KErrInUse);
+        }
+	// Delete any existing buffers
+	if (iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufManager)
+		{
+		delete iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufManager;
+		iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufManager=NULL;
+		}
+	// If a handle to the shared chunk was created, close it, using the handle of the thread on which
+	// it was created, in case a different thread is now calling us
+	if (iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iChunkHandle>0)
+		{
+		Kern::CloseHandle(iOwningThread,iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iChunkHandle);
+		iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iChunkHandle=0;
+		}
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Set the current capture mode and submits the camera configuration to the PDD, passing it as a descriptor
+to support future changes to the config structure.
+@param aCaptureMode	The capture mode that the camera switches to.
+@return KErrNone if successful;
+		otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::SetCaptureMode(TInt aCaptureMode)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::SetCaptureMode(Mode-%d)",aCaptureMode));
+	TInt r=KErrNone;
+	if(aCaptureMode >= ECamCaptureModeMax || aCaptureMode < 0)
+		{
+		r=KErrNotFound;
+		return(r);
+		}
+	if (!iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iBufManager)
+		{
+		r=KErrNotReady;
+		return(r);
+		}
+	iCaptureMode=(TDevCamCaptureMode)aCaptureMode;	// The capture mode has already been checked for its validity.
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("DCameraScLdd::SetCaptureMode: iFrameSize:%dx%d)",iCaptureModeConfig[iCaptureMode].iCamConfig.iFrameSize.iWidth, iCaptureModeConfig[iCaptureMode].iCamConfig.iFrameSize.iHeight));
+	// Call the PDD to change the hardware configuration according to the new capture mode.
+	// Pass it as a descriptor - to support future changes to the config structure.
+	TPtr8 ptr((TUint8*)&iCaptureModeConfig[iCaptureMode].iCamConfig,sizeof(iCaptureModeConfig[iCaptureMode].iCamConfig),sizeof(iCaptureModeConfig[iCaptureMode].iCamConfig));
+	r=Pdd()->SetConfig(ptr);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Process a start image capture request from the client - in the capture mode supplied.
+If this is a free running mode then the PDD is called straight away to commence capturing frames. In one shot mode the driver postpones the capturing
+of frames until a NotifyNewImage() request is received.
+@return KErrNone if successful; whether capture mode was actually started or deferred until NotifyNewImage();
+		KErrNotReady if SetConfig() has not been previously called;
+		otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::Start()
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::Start(Current Mode-%d)",iCaptureMode));
+	if (iState==ECapturing)
+		return(KErrInUse);
+	TInt r=KErrNone;
+	// Only continue if the mode being started has been configured
+	if (iCaptureModeConfig[iCaptureMode].iBufManager)
+		iState=EConfigured;
+	if (iState==EOpen)
+		r=KErrNotReady;
+	else if (iState==EConfigured)
+		{
+		iCaptureModeConfig[iCaptureMode].iBufManager->Reset();
+		if (iCaptureMode!=ECamCaptureModeImage)
+			r=DoStart();
+		if (r==KErrNone)
+			iState=ECapturing;
+		}
+	else
+		r=KErrGeneral;
+	return(r);
+	}
+Start the PDD capturing images.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::DoStart()
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::DoStart()"));
+	DBufferManager* bufManager=iCaptureModeConfig[iCaptureMode].iBufManager;
+	TLinAddr linAddr=(bufManager->iChunkBase)+(bufManager->iCurrentBuffer->iChunkOffset);
+	TPhysAddr physAddr=bufManager->iCurrentBuffer->iPhysicalAddress;
+	TInt r=Pdd()->Start(iCaptureMode,linAddr,physAddr);
+ * 	James Cooper: Uncommenting this code will cause the ASSERT_DEBUG in SetImageCaptured() to fail
+ * 	if (r==KErrNone && bufManager->iNextBuffer)
+		{
+		linAddr=(bufManager->iChunkBase)+(bufManager->iNextBuffer->iChunkOffset);
+		physAddr=bufManager->iNextBuffer->iPhysicalAddress;
+		r=Pdd()->CaptureNextImage(linAddr,physAddr);
+		}
+	return(r);
+	}
+Process a notify a new image request from the client.
+If there is an image already available then the request is completed straight away, otherwise it is added to the capture request queue.
+@param aStatus	The request status to be signalled when the request is complete. If the request is successful then this is set
+				to the offset within the shared chunk where the record data resides. Alternatively, if an error occurs,
+				it will be set to one of the system wide error values.
+@return KErrNone if successful - whether the request was completed or simply queued;
+		KErrNotReady if Start() hasn't been previousely called;
+		KErrInUse: if the client needs to free up buffers before further requests can be accepted;
+		KErrGeneral: if the client has more requests queued than there are buffers;
+		otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::NotifyNewImage(TRequestStatus* aStatus)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::NotifyNewImage(%x) - iState(%d)",aStatus,iState));
+	DBufferManager* bufManager=iCaptureModeConfig[iCaptureMode].iBufManager;
+	TInt r;
+	if (iState!=ECapturing || !bufManager)
+		return(KErrNotReady);
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex); 		// Acquire the buffer/request list mutex.
+	if (iCaptureMode!=ECamCaptureModeImage)
+		{
+		// We're operating in one of the free running modes, see if an image is already available.
+		__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::NotifyNewImage - Getting image for client"));
+		TImageBuffer* buf=bufManager->GetImageForClient(EFalse);
+		if (buf)
+			{
+			__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::NotifyNewImage - There is an image available already"));
+			// There is an image available already - complete the request.
+			r=buf->iResult;
+			NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex); 	// Release the buffer/request list mutex.
+			if (r==KErrNone)
+				{
+				// Only complete if successful here. Errors will be completed on returning from this method.
+				__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::NotifyNewImage(iId:%d)",buf->iId));
+				Kern::RequestComplete(iOwningThread,aStatus,(buf->iId));
+				}
+			return(r);
+			}
+		// The buffer 'completed' list is empty. If the 'in-use' list contains all the buffers apart from the one being filled
+		// then let the client know they need to free some buffers.
+		if (bufManager->iFreeBufferQ.IsEmpty() && !bufManager->iNextBuffer)
+			{
+			NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex); 	// Release the buffer/request list mutex.
+			return(KErrInUse);
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// We're operating in one shot image capture mode. Check if the client needs to free up some buffers
+		// before we can accept the request.
+		if (bufManager->iCompletedBufferQ.IsEmpty() && bufManager->iFreeBufferQ.IsEmpty() && !bufManager->iNextBuffer)
+			{
+			NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex); 	// Release the buffer/request list mutex.
+			return(KErrInUse);
+			}
+		// Enough buffers are available so we can start capturing data. First
+		// check that there isn't already a capture request in progress.
+		if (iRequestQueue.IsEmpty())
+			{
+			// No previous request in progress so start the PDD.
+			NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex); 	// Release the buffer/request list mutex.
+			r=DoStart();
+			if (r!=KErrNone)
+				return(r);
+			NKern::FMWait(&iMutex); 		// Acquire the buffer/request list mutex again.
+			}
+		}
+	// Save the request in the pending queue and return. The request will be completed from the PDD and the DFC thread when
+	// an image is available.
+	r=iRequestQueue.Add(aStatus);
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex); 	// Release the buffer/request list mutex.
+	return(r);
+	}
+Process a release buffer request from the client.
+@param aChunkOffset The chunk offset corresponding to the buffer to be freed.
+@return KErrNone if successful;
+		KErrNotFound if no 'in use' buffer had the specified chunk offset;
+		KErrNotReady if the driver hasn't been configured for the current capture mode.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::ReleaseBuffer(TInt aBufferId)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::ReleaseBuffer(%d)",aBufferId));
+	if(!iCaptureModeConfig[iCaptureMode].iBufManager)
+		return KErrNotReady;
+	DBufferManager* bufManager=iCaptureModeConfig[iCaptureMode].iBufManager;
+	TInt chunkOffset = 0;
+	TInt r=KErrNone;
+	/*	The driver is left in an ECapturing state after capturing frames. However, it can be left in an
+		EConfigured state as a result of Stop() being called. Stop() cancels all pending capture requests and
+		leaves the driver in a state in which it can be restarted without needing reconfiguring.	*/
+	if (iState!=EOpen && bufManager)
+		{
+		chunkOffset = bufManager->iImageBuffer[aBufferId].iChunkOffset;
+		TImageBuffer* buf=NULL;
+		NKern::FMWait(&iMutex); 		// Acquire the buffer/request list mutex.
+		buf=bufManager->FindInUseImage(chunkOffset);
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex); 		// Release the buffer/request list mutex.
+		if (buf)
+			{
+			// The buffer specified by the client has been found in the 'in-use' list.
+			bufManager->Purge(buf);
+			}
+		else
+			r=KErrNotFound;
+		if (r==KErrNone)
+			{
+			NKern::FMWait(&iMutex); 		// Acquire the buffer/request list mutex.
+			// Release it from the 'in-use list into the 'free' list.
+			r=bufManager->ReleaseImage(chunkOffset);
+			if (r>0)
+				{
+				// The buffer needs to be queued straight away - so signal this to the PDD
+				TLinAddr linAddr=(bufManager->iChunkBase)+(bufManager->iNextBuffer->iChunkOffset);
+				TPhysAddr physAddr=bufManager->iNextBuffer->iPhysicalAddress;
+				buf=bufManager->iNextBuffer;
+				NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex); 	// Release the buffer/request list mutex.
+				r=Pdd()->CaptureNextImage(linAddr,physAddr);
+				if (r==KErrNotReady)
+					r=KErrNone;
+				}
+			else
+				NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex); 	// Release the buffer/request list mutex.
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		r=KErrNotReady;
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("<DCameraScLdd::ReleaseBuffer() - r(%d)",r));
+	return(r);
+	}
+Called from the PDD in the DFC thread each time it finishes capturing an image frame.
+This will complete a pending capture request and update buffer lists.
+@param aCaptureMode The capture mode of the image captured. @see TDevCamCaptureMode.
+@param aResult The result of the image capture request being completed.
+@param aLinAddr	If this function returns KErrNone then on return, this holds the linear address of the start of the next buffer
+				to use for image capture.
+@param aPhysAddr If this function returns KErrNone then on return, this holds the physical address that corresponds to the
+				 linear address: aLinAddr.
+@return KErrNone if capturing should continue - with holding information on the next buffer to use for image capture.
+		KErrNotReady if capturing should continue - but with no further buffer available for image capture just yet.
+		KErrAbort if image capturing should now be terminated.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::ImageCaptureCallback(TDevCamCaptureMode /*aCaptureMode*/,TInt aResult,TLinAddr* aLinAddr,TPhysAddr* aPhysAddr)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::ImageCaptureCallback"));
+	DBufferManager* bufManager=iCaptureModeConfig[iCaptureMode].iBufManager;
+	// Update the buffer list and get the next buffer for capture.
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex); 				// Acquire the buffer/request list mutex.
+	TImageBuffer* nextBuffer=bufManager->SetImageCaptured(aResult);	// Puts the captured image's buffer in the completed buffer queue.
+	// Check if there is a capture request pending.
+	if (!iRequestQueue.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		// A capture request is pending.
+		TBool removeLast=((iCaptureMode==ECamCaptureModeImage) ? (TBool) ETrue : (TBool) EFalse);
+		TImageBuffer* buf=bufManager->GetImageForClient(removeLast);	// Retrieved the captured image from the buffer in the completed buffer queue.
+		if (buf)
+			{
+			// Update the request pending list and complete the request.
+			TRequestStatus* rs=iRequestQueue.Remove();
+			TInt reason=(buf->iResult==KErrNone) ? buf->iId : buf->iResult;
+			NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex); 													// Release the buffer/request list mutex.
+			buf->SyncMemoryAfterDmaRead();
+			Kern::RequestComplete(iOwningThread,rs,reason);								// Complete the request.
+			}
+		else
+			NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex); 													// Release the buffer/request list mutex.
+		}
+	else
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex); 														// Release the buffer/request list mutex.
+	// Now work out what instruction to give to the PDD
+	TInt r=KErrNone;
+	if (iCaptureMode==ECamCaptureModeImage)
+		{
+		// Image capture mode. If we've just completed a one shot request, see if there is yet another one pending.
+		if (!iRequestQueue.IsEmpty())
+			{
+			// Another request is pending so let the PDD carry on.
+			// If an error occured we need to first stop and re-start image capture
+			if (aResult!=KErrNone)
+				{
+				iRestartDfc.Enque();	// Queue a DFC to re-start the PDD later.
+				r=KErrAbort;
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			r=KErrAbort;	// End of image gather mode so stop the PDD.
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// One of the free running modes. If an error occured we need to first stop and re-start image capture
+		if (aResult!=KErrNone)
+			{
+			iRestartDfc.Enque();	// Queue a DFC to re-start the PDD later.
+			r=KErrAbort;
+			}
+		}
+	// If capture should continue, check if there is a further buffer available to use for image capture.
+	if (r==KErrNone)
+		{
+		if (nextBuffer)
+			{
+			*aLinAddr=(bufManager->iChunkBase)+(nextBuffer->iChunkOffset);
+			*aPhysAddr=nextBuffer->iPhysicalAddress;
+			}
+		else
+			r=KErrNotReady;
+		}
+	return(r);
+	}
+Stores the camera configuration passed in from the user after checking and validating it.
+@param	aCaptureMode	The capture mode for which the setting of the camera configuration is made.
+@param	aCamConfigBuf	A buffer that contains the camera configuration.
+@return	KErrNone if successful
+		KErrInUse if the camera is capturing an image
+		KErrArgument if the camera configuration passed in is invalid
+		otherwise a system wide error code.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::DoSetConfig(TInt aCaptureMode, const TDesC8* aCamConfigBuf)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::DoSetConfig(CaptureMode=%d)",aCaptureMode));
+    if(iCaptureMode == aCaptureMode)
+        {
+        if (iState==ECapturing)
+            return(KErrInUse);
+        }
+	// Read the config structure from the client
+	TCameraConfigV02 config;
+	TPtr8 ptr((TUint8*)&config,sizeof(config));
+	TInt r=Kern::ThreadDesRead(iOwningThread,aCamConfigBuf,ptr,0);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	// Check that it is compatible with this camera device
+	r=ValidateConfig(aCaptureMode, config);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		{
+		if (r == KErrNotFound)
+			r = KErrArgument;
+		return(r);
+		}
+	// We're about to replace any previous configuration - so set the
+	// status back to un-configured. A new buffer configuration must be calculated as a result of that.
+	//iState=EOpen;
+	// Save the new configuration.
+	iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iCamConfig=config;
+	iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iFrameHeight=iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iCamConfig.iFrameSize.iHeight;
+	iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iFrameWidth=iCaptureModeConfig[aCaptureMode].iCamConfig.iFrameSize.iWidth;
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("<DCameraScLdd::DoSetConfig - %d",KErrNone));
+	return(r);
+	}
+Validates the configuration that is about to be used with the driver.
+@param aCaptureMode	The capture mode that the configuration is for.
+@param aConfig 		The buffer that contains the camera configuration, as passed in from the user.
+@return	KErrNotFound if the configuration is not supported by the camera sensor.
+		KErrNotSupported if the driver does not support aCaptureMode
+		KErrNone if successful.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::ValidateConfig(TInt aCaptureMode, TCameraConfigV02& aConfig)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::ValidateConfig"));
+	TInt capsSize = Pdd()->CapsSize();
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	TAny* capsBuf = Kern::Alloc(capsSize);
+	if(!capsBuf)
+		{
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	TPtr8 capsPtr( (TUint8*)capsBuf, capsSize, capsSize );
+	Pdd()->Caps(capsPtr);
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	TCameraCapsV02* camCaps = (TCameraCapsV02*) capsPtr.Ptr();
+	TInt r;
+	if(aCaptureMode==ECamCaptureModeImage && camCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats)
+		{
+		r=DoValidateConfig(camCaps, aCaptureMode, aConfig);
+		}
+	else if(aCaptureMode==ECamCaptureModeVideo && camCaps->iNumVideoPixelFormats)
+		{
+		r=DoValidateConfig(camCaps, aCaptureMode, aConfig);
+		}
+	else if(aCaptureMode==ECamCaptureModeViewFinder && camCaps->iNumViewFinderPixelFormats)
+		{
+		r=DoValidateConfig(camCaps, aCaptureMode, aConfig);
+		}
+	else
+		r=KErrNotSupported;
+	if(r==KErrNone)
+		{
+		// Calculate the pixel width (in bytes) for the format specified
+		aConfig.iPixelWidthInBytes=aConfig.iPixelFormat.iPixelWidthInBytes;
+		}
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	Kern::Free(capsBuf);
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("<DCameraScLdd::ValidateConfig - %d",r));
+	return(r);
+	}
+Validates the configuration that is about to be used with the driver by checking it against what the camera sensor supports.
+@param aCamCaps		The buffer that contains the capabilities of the camera driver.
+@param aCaptureMode	The capture mode that the configuration is for.
+@param aConfig 		The buffer that contains the camera configuration, as passed in from the user.
+@return	KErrNotFound if the configuration is not supported by the camera sensor
+		KErrNone if successful
+		or one of the system wide error values.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::DoValidateConfig(TCameraCapsV02* aCamCaps, TInt& aCaptureMode, TCameraConfigV02& aConfig)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::DoValidateConfig"));
+	TAny* frameSizeCapsBuf;
+	TInt frameSizeCapsSize;
+	SFrameSizeCapsInfo info;
+	SDevCamFrameSize* frameSize;
+	TUint i;
+	TUint l;
+	SDevCamPixelFormat* pixelFormat;
+	TUint start;
+	TUint end;
+	TInt r;
+	pixelFormat = (SDevCamPixelFormat*) (aCamCaps + 1);
+	if(aCaptureMode==ECamCaptureModeImage)
+		{
+		start=0;
+		end=aCamCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats;
+		}
+	else if(aCaptureMode==ECamCaptureModeVideo)
+		{
+		start=aCamCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats;
+		end=aCamCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats + aCamCaps->iNumVideoPixelFormats;
+		pixelFormat += aCamCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats;
+		}
+	else if(aCaptureMode==ECamCaptureModeViewFinder)
+		{
+		start=aCamCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats+aCamCaps->iNumVideoPixelFormats;
+		end=aCamCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats + aCamCaps->iNumVideoPixelFormats + aCamCaps->iNumViewFinderPixelFormats;
+		pixelFormat += aCamCaps->iNumImagePixelFormats;
+		pixelFormat += aCamCaps->iNumVideoPixelFormats;
+		}
+	else
+		return KErrNotSupported;
+	for (i=start; i<end; i++)
+		{
+		if(aConfig.iPixelFormat.iPixelFormat==pixelFormat->iPixelFormat)
+			{
+			info.iUidPixelFormat = pixelFormat->iPixelFormat;
+			info.iCaptureMode = (TDevCamCaptureMode) aCaptureMode;
+			frameSizeCapsSize = pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes*sizeof(SDevCamFrameSize);
+			NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+			frameSizeCapsBuf = Kern::Alloc(frameSizeCapsSize);
+			NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+			if (!frameSizeCapsBuf)
+				{
+				return KErrNoMemory;
+				}
+			TPtr8 frameSizeCapsPtr( (TUint8*)frameSizeCapsBuf, frameSizeCapsSize, frameSizeCapsSize );
+			if ((r = Pdd()->FrameSizeCaps(info.iCaptureMode, info.iUidPixelFormat, frameSizeCapsPtr)) == KErrNone)
+				{
+				frameSize = (SDevCamFrameSize*) frameSizeCapsPtr.Ptr();
+				for(l=0; l<pixelFormat->iNumFrameSizes; l++ )
+					{
+					if (aConfig.iFrameSize.iWidth == frameSize->iWidth &&
+						aConfig.iFrameSize.iHeight == frameSize->iHeight &&
+						aConfig.iFrameRate >= frameSize->iMinFrameRate &&
+						aConfig.iFrameRate <= frameSize->iMaxFrameRate)
+						{
+						NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+						Kern::Free(frameSizeCapsBuf);
+						NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+						__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("<DCameraScLdd::DoValidateConfig"));
+						return KErrNone;
+						}
+					frameSize++;
+					}
+				NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+				Kern::Free(frameSizeCapsBuf);
+				NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+				return KErrNotFound;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+				Kern::Free(frameSizeCapsBuf);
+				NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+				return r;
+				}
+			}
+		pixelFormat++;
+		}
+	return KErrNotFound;
+	}
+The DFC used to re-start the PDD following a data capture error.
+@param aChannel A pointer to the camera driver logical channel object.
+void DCameraScLdd::RestartDfc(TAny* aChannel)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::RestartDfc"));
+	DCameraScLdd& drv=*(DCameraScLdd*)aChannel;
+	if (!drv.iCaptureModeConfig[drv.iCaptureMode].iBufManager->iCurrentBuffer)
+		drv.iCaptureModeConfig[drv.iCaptureMode].iBufManager->iCurrentBuffer=drv.iCaptureModeConfig[drv.iCaptureMode].iBufManager->NextAvailableForCapture();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(drv.iCaptureModeConfig[drv.iCaptureMode].iBufManager->iCurrentBuffer,Kern::Fault(KCameraLddPanic,__LINE__));
+	if (!drv.iCaptureModeConfig[drv.iCaptureMode].iBufManager->iNextBuffer)
+		drv.iCaptureModeConfig[drv.iCaptureMode].iBufManager->iNextBuffer=drv.iCaptureModeConfig[drv.iCaptureMode].iBufManager->NextAvailableForCapture();
+	drv.DoStart();
+	}
+The DFC used to handle power down requests from the power manager before a transition into system
+@param aChannel A pointer to the camera driver logical channel object.
+void DCameraScLdd::PowerDownDfc(TAny* aChannel)
+	{
+	DCameraScLdd& drv=*(DCameraScLdd*)aChannel;
+	drv.Shutdown();
+	drv.iPowerHandler->PowerDownDone();
+	}
+The DFC used to handle power up requests from the power manager following a transition out of system standby.
+@param aChannel A pointer to the camera driver logical channel object.
+void DCameraScLdd::PowerUpDfc(TAny* aChannel)
+	{
+	DCameraScLdd& drv=*(DCameraScLdd*)aChannel;
+	drv.iPowerHandler->PowerUpDone();
+	}
+void DCameraScLdd::PanicClientThread(TInt aReason)
+	{
+	Kern::ThreadKill(iOwningThread, EExitPanic, aReason, KDevCameraScName);
+	}
+Retrieves the capabilities of the camera sensor.
+@param aBuffer	A pointer to a descriptor passed in by the user.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::GetSensorCaps(TAny* aBuffer)
+	{
+	// Return the capabilities for this device. Read this from the PDD and
+	// then write it to the client
+	TInt capsSize = Pdd()->CapsSize();
+	TInt bufferSize;
+	TInt maxBufferSize;
+	Kern::KUDesInfo(*((TDes8*)aBuffer), bufferSize, maxBufferSize);
+	if(capsSize>maxBufferSize)
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	TAny* capsBuf = Kern::Alloc(capsSize);
+	if(!capsBuf)
+		{
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	TPtr8 capsPtr( (TUint8*)capsBuf, capsSize, capsSize );
+	Pdd()->Caps(capsPtr);
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	Kern::InfoCopy(*((TDes8*)aBuffer), capsPtr.Ptr(), capsSize);
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	Kern::Free((TAny*)capsBuf);
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Retrieves the frame sizes supported for a given pixel format.
+@param aBuffer	A pointer to descriptor passed in by the user.
+@param aFrameSizeCapsInfo A structure that holds information regarding the requested capabilities.
+TInt DCameraScLdd::GetFrameSizeCaps(TAny* aBuffer, TAny* aFrameSizeCapsInfo)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScLdd::GetFrameSizeCaps()"));
+	TInt frameSizeCapsMaxSize;
+	TInt frameSizeCapsSize;
+	Kern::KUDesInfo(*((TDes8*)aBuffer),frameSizeCapsSize,frameSizeCapsMaxSize);
+	SFrameSizeCapsInfo info;
+	kumemget((TAny*)&info,aFrameSizeCapsInfo,sizeof(info));
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	// Allocate memory on the heap for the frame size structure.
+	TAny* frameSizeCapsBuf = Kern::Alloc(frameSizeCapsMaxSize);
+	if (!frameSizeCapsBuf)
+		{
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	TPtr8 frameSizeCapsPtr( (TUint8*)frameSizeCapsBuf, frameSizeCapsMaxSize, frameSizeCapsMaxSize );
+	// Request the frame sizes from the Pdd.
+	TInt r=Pdd()->FrameSizeCaps(info.iCaptureMode, info.iUidPixelFormat, frameSizeCapsPtr);
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		{
+		NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+		Kern::Free((TAny*)frameSizeCapsBuf);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return r;
+		}
+	Kern::InfoCopy(*((TDes8*)aBuffer),frameSizeCapsPtr.Ptr(), frameSizeCapsMaxSize);
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	Kern::Free((TAny*)frameSizeCapsBuf);
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Constructor for the buffer manager.
+DBufferManager::DBufferManager(DCameraScLdd* aLdd)
+	: iLdd(aLdd)
+	{
+//	iChunk=NULL;
+//	iNumBuffers=0;
+//	iImageBuffer=NULL;
+	}
+Destructor for the buffer manager.
+@pre The thread must be in a critical section.
+	{
+	if (iChunk)
+		Kern::ChunkClose(iChunk);
+	delete[] iImageBuffer;
+	}
+Second stage constructor for the buffer manager. This version creates a shared chunk and a buffer object for each
+buffer specified within this. Then it commits memory within the chunk for each of these buffers. This also involves the
+creation of a set of buffer lists to manage the buffers.
+@param aNumBuffers The number of buffers required in the shared chunk.
+@param aBufferSize The size of each buffer required in the shared chunk.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@pre The thread must be in a critical section.
+TInt DBufferManager::Create(TInt aNumBuffers,TInt aBufferSize)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DBufferManager::Create(Bufs-%d,Sz-%d)",aNumBuffers,aBufferSize));
+	TInt r=CreateBufferLists(aNumBuffers);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	// Calculate the size of the chunk required for the buffer configuration specified.
+	aBufferSize=Kern::RoundToPageSize(aBufferSize);
+	TInt pageSize=Kern::RoundToPageSize(1);
+	// Leave space for guard pages around each buffer.  There is a guard page in between each buffer but
+	// NO guard page before the first buffer or after the last buffer
+	TUint64 chunkSize=TUint64(aBufferSize+pageSize)*aNumBuffers-pageSize;
+	if (chunkSize>(TUint64)KMaxTInt)
+		return(KErrNoMemory); // Need more than 2GB of memory!
+	// Create the shared chunk. The PDD supplies most of the chunk create info - but not the maximum size.
+	TChunkCreateInfo info;
+	info.iMaxSize=(TInt)chunkSize;
+	iLdd->Pdd()->GetChunkCreateInfo(info);		// Call down to the PDD for the rest.
+	r = Kern::ChunkCreate(info,iChunk,iChunkBase,iChunkMapAttr);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	// Commit memory in the chunk for each buffer.
+	TInt offset=0;
+	TBool isContiguous;
+	for (TInt i=0; i<aNumBuffers ; i++)
+		{
+		r=CommitMemoryForBuffer(offset,aBufferSize,isContiguous);
+		if (r!=KErrNone)
+			return(r);
+		r=iImageBuffer[i].Create(iChunk,offset,aBufferSize,i,isContiguous);
+		iImageBuffer[i].iId=i;
+		if (r!=KErrNone)
+			return(r);
+		offset += (aBufferSize+pageSize);
+		}
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Second stage constructor for the buffer manager. This version opens an existing shared chunk using a client supplied
+handle. It then creates a buffer object for each buffer that exists within the chunk as well as creating a set of buffer
+lists to manage the buffers.
+@param aBufConfig The shared chunk buffer configuration object - specifying the geometry of the buffer configuration
+within the shared chunk supplied.
+@param aChunkHandle A handle for the shared chunk supplied by the client.
+@param anOwningThread The thread in which the given handle is valid.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@pre The thread must be in a critical section.
+TInt DBufferManager::Create(TCameraSharedChunkBufConfig& aBufConfig,TInt aChunkHandle,DThread* anOwningThread)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DBufferManager::Create(Handle-%d)",aChunkHandle));
+	// Validate the buffer configuration information
+	if (!aBufConfig.iFlags&KScFlagBufOffsetListInUse)
+		return(KErrArgument);
+	TInt numBuffers=aBufConfig.iNumBuffers;
+	TInt r=CreateBufferLists(numBuffers);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	DChunk* chunk;
+	chunk=Kern::OpenSharedChunk(anOwningThread,aChunkHandle,ETrue);
+	if (!chunk)
+		return(KErrBadHandle);
+	iChunk=chunk;
+	// Read the physical address for the 1st buffer in order to determine the kernel address and the map attributes.
+	TInt bufferSizeInBytes=aBufConfig.iBufferSizeInBytes;
+	SBufSpecList* bufferSpec=&aBufConfig.iSpec;
+	TInt offset=bufferSpec[0].iBufferOffset;
+	TPhysAddr physAddr;
+	r=Kern::ChunkPhysicalAddress(iChunk,offset,bufferSizeInBytes,iChunkBase,iChunkMapAttr,physAddr,NULL);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	// Store the supplied buffer info. into each buffer object.
+	for (TInt i=0; i<numBuffers; i++)
+		{
+		offset=bufferSpec[i].iBufferOffset;
+		// Assume it isn't contiguous here - Create() will detect and do the right thing if it is contiguous.
+		r=iImageBuffer[i].Create(iChunk,offset,bufferSizeInBytes,i,EFalse);
+		iImageBuffer[i].iId=i;
+		if (r!=KErrNone)
+			return(r);
+		}
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("<DBufferManager::Create - %d",KErrNone));
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Copies the contents of the Buffer Manager's configuration into aBufConfig
+@param aBufConfig The buffer that the data is copied into.
+void DBufferManager::GetBufConfig(TCameraSharedChunkBufConfig& aBufConfig)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DBufferManager::GetBufConfig"));
+	TInt numBuffers=iNumBuffers;
+	if (numBuffers<=0)
+		return;
+	SBufSpecList* bufferSpec=&aBufConfig.iSpec;
+	while (numBuffers--)
+		{
+		bufferSpec[numBuffers].iBufferOffset=iImageBuffer[numBuffers].iChunkOffset;
+		bufferSpec[numBuffers].iBufferId=iImageBuffer[numBuffers].iId;
+		}
+	aBufConfig.iNumBuffers=iNumBuffers;
+	aBufConfig.iBufferSizeInBytes=iImageBuffer[0].iSize;	// They're all the same size - so read from the 1st one.
+	aBufConfig.iFlags|=KScFlagBufOffsetListInUse;
+	return;
+	}
+Allocate an array of buffer objects, - one for each buffer contained within the shared chunk.
+@param aNumBuffers The number of buffer objects required.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@pre The thread must be in a critical section.
+TInt DBufferManager::CreateBufferLists(TInt aNumBuffers)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DBufferManager::CreateBufferLists(Bufs-%d)",aNumBuffers));
+	// Construct the array of buffers.
+	iNumBuffers=aNumBuffers;
+	iImageBuffer=new TImageBuffer[aNumBuffers];
+	if (!iImageBuffer)
+		return(KErrNoMemory);
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+TInt DBufferManager::CommitMemoryForBuffer(TInt aChunkOffset,TInt aSize,TBool& aIsContiguous)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DBufferManager::CommitMemoryForBuffer(Offset-%x,Sz-%d)",aChunkOffset,aSize));
+	// Try for physically contiguous memory first.
+	TPhysAddr physicalAddress;
+	TInt r=Kern::ChunkCommitContiguous(iChunk,aChunkOffset,aSize,physicalAddress);
+	if (r==KErrNone)
+		{
+		aIsContiguous=ETrue;
+		return(r);
+		}
+	// Commit memory that isn't contiguous instead.
+	aIsContiguous=EFalse;
+	r=Kern::ChunkCommit(iChunk,aChunkOffset,aSize);
+	return(r);
+	}
+Reset all image buffer lists to reflect the state at the start of the image capture process.
+@pre The buffer/request queue mutex must be held.
+void DBufferManager::Reset()
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DBufferManager::Reset"));
+	TImageBuffer* pBuf;
+	// Before reseting buffer lists, purge the cache for all cached buffers currently in use by client.
+	pBuf=(TImageBuffer*)iInUseBufferQ.First();
+	SDblQueLink* anchor=&iInUseBufferQ.iA;
+	while (pBuf!=anchor)
+		{
+		Purge(pBuf);
+		pBuf=(TImageBuffer*)pBuf->iNext;
+		}
+	// Start by reseting all the lists.
+	iFreeBufferQ.iA.iNext=iFreeBufferQ.iA.iPrev=&iFreeBufferQ.iA;
+	iCompletedBufferQ.iA.iNext=iCompletedBufferQ.iA.iPrev=&iCompletedBufferQ.iA;
+	iInUseBufferQ.iA.iNext=iInUseBufferQ.iA.iPrev=&iInUseBufferQ.iA;
+	// Set the pointers to the current and the next record buffers.
+	pBuf=iImageBuffer; 		// This is the first buffer
+	iCurrentBuffer=pBuf++;
+	iNextBuffer = pBuf++;
+	// Add all other buffers to the free list.
+	TImageBuffer* bufferLimit=iImageBuffer+iNumBuffers;
+	while(pBuf<bufferLimit)
+		iFreeBufferQ.Add(pBuf++);
+	}
+Purge the cache for a cached image buffer.
+@param aBuffer The buffer to be purged.
+void DBufferManager::Purge(TImageBuffer* aBuffer)
+	{
+	aBuffer->SyncMemoryBeforeDmaRead();
+	}
+Update buffer lists after an image has been captured.
+@param aResult The result of the image capture operation that has just completed.
+@return A pointer to the next image buffer for capture - or NULL if none are available.
+@pre The buffer/request queue mutex must be held.
+TImageBuffer* DBufferManager::SetImageCaptured(TInt aResult)
+	{
+	// Take a copy of the buffer with the image just captured.
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentBuffer,Kern::Fault(KCameraLddPanic,__LINE__));
+	TImageBuffer* cur=iCurrentBuffer;
+	// Make the queued buffer the current one.
+	iCurrentBuffer=iNextBuffer;
+	// Now we need to identify the next image buffer to queue.
+	iNextBuffer=NextAvailableForCapture();
+	// Now add the buffer with the image just captured to the 'completed' list.
+	if (cur)
+		{
+		cur->iResult=aResult;						// Store the result of the capture operation in the image buffer object.
+		iCompletedBufferQ.Add(cur);
+		}
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("<DBufferManager::SetImageCaptured(buf=%08x)-%d",cur->iChunkOffset,aResult));
+	return(iNextBuffer);
+	}
+Remove from the buffer lists the next buffer that is available to queue for transfer.
+@return A pointer to the next image buffer for capture - or NULL if none are available.
+@pre The buffer/request queue mutex must be held.
+TImageBuffer* DBufferManager::NextAvailableForCapture()
+	{
+	// We need to identify the next image buffer to queue. Try to get one from the 'free' list.
+	TImageBuffer* buffer=(TImageBuffer*)iFreeBufferQ.GetFirst();
+	// If there are none left on the 'free' list then take one from the completed list.
+	if (!buffer)
+		buffer=(TImageBuffer*)iCompletedBufferQ.GetFirst();
+	return(buffer);
+	}
+Get the next image from the 'completed' capture list. If there is no error associated with the buffer,
+make it 'in use' by the client. Otherwise, return the buffer to the free list.
+@param aRemoveLast	If true, the buffer is removed from the tail of the completed capture list, otherwise
+					it is removed from the head of this list.
+@return A pointer to the next completed image buffer - or NULL if there is no buffer available.
+@pre The buffer/request queue mutex must be held.
+TImageBuffer* DBufferManager::GetImageForClient(TBool aRemoveLast)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("<DBufferManager::GetImageForClient"));
+	TImageBuffer* buffer=NULL;
+	if (!iCompletedBufferQ.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		buffer = (aRemoveLast) ? (TImageBuffer*)iCompletedBufferQ.Last() : (TImageBuffer*)iCompletedBufferQ.First();
+		buffer->Deque();
+		if (buffer->iResult==KErrNone)
+			iInUseBufferQ.Add(buffer);
+		else
+			iFreeBufferQ.Add(buffer);
+		}
+	return(buffer);
+	}
+Release (move to free list) the 'in use' image specified by the given chunk offset.
+@param aChunkOffset The chunk offset corresponding to the buffer to be freed.
+@return The freed image buffer, or NULL if no 'in use' buffer had the specified chunk offset.
+@return KErrNone if buffer moved to the free list;
+		1 if the buffer needs to be queued straight away
+		KErrArgument if no 'in use' buffer had the specified chunk offset;
+@pre The buffer/request queue mutex must be held.
+TInt DBufferManager::ReleaseImage(TInt aChunkOffset)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DBufferManager::ReleaseImage(chunkOffset=%08x)",aChunkOffset));
+	TInt r=KErrArgument;
+	// Scan 'in use' list for the image buffer
+	TImageBuffer* pBuf;
+	pBuf=(TImageBuffer*)iInUseBufferQ.First();
+	SDblQueLink* anchor=&iInUseBufferQ.iA;
+	while (pBuf!=anchor && pBuf->iChunkOffset!=aChunkOffset)
+		pBuf=(TImageBuffer*)pBuf->iNext;
+	if (pBuf!=anchor)
+		{
+		// Buffer found in 'in-use' list.
+		if (!iNextBuffer)
+			{
+			// We need to signal the pdd to queue this buffer straight away.
+			iNextBuffer=(TImageBuffer*)pBuf->Deque();
+			r=1;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Move buffer to the free list.
+			iFreeBufferQ.Add(pBuf->Deque());
+			r=KErrNone;
+			}
+		}
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("<DBufferManager::ReleaseImage(buf=%08x)",((pBuf!=anchor) ? pBuf->iChunkOffset : -1)));
+	return(r);
+	}
+Find the 'in use' image specified by the given chunk offset
+@param aChunkOffset The chunk offset corresponding to the buffer to be freed
+@return The image buffer, or NULL if no 'in use' buffer had the specified chunk offset
+@pre The buffer/request queue mutex must be held.
+TImageBuffer* DBufferManager::FindInUseImage(TInt aChunkOffset)
+	{
+	// Scan 'in use' list for the image buffer
+	TImageBuffer* pBuf;
+	pBuf=(TImageBuffer*)iInUseBufferQ.First();
+	SDblQueLink* anchor=&iInUseBufferQ.iA;
+	while (pBuf!=anchor && pBuf->iChunkOffset!=aChunkOffset)
+		pBuf=(TImageBuffer*)pBuf->iNext;
+	return((pBuf!=anchor)?pBuf:NULL);
+	}
+Constructor for the image buffer class.
+Clears all member data
+	{
+	memclr(this,sizeof(*this));
+	}
+Destructor for the image buffer class.
+	{
+	delete[] iPhysicalPages;
+	}
+Second stage constructor for the image buffer class - get information on the memory
+allocated to this buffer.
+@param aChunk	The chunk into which the memory is to be commited
+@param aOffset	The offset within aChunk for the start of the comitted memory.
+				Must be a multiple of the MMU page size.
+@param aSize	The number of bytes of memory commited.
+				Must be a multiple of the MMU page size.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@pre The thread must be in a critical section.
+TInt TImageBuffer::Create(DChunk* aChunk,TInt aOffset,TInt aSize, TInt aId, TBool aIsContiguous)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">TImageBuffer::Create(Off-%x,Sz-%d,Contig-%d)",aOffset,aSize,aIsContiguous));
+	// Save info. on the chunk the buffer is in, and the offset and size of the buffer.
+	iChunk=aChunk;
+	iChunkOffset=aOffset;
+	iId=aId;
+	iSize=aSize;
+	TInt r=KErrNone;
+	iPhysicalPages=NULL;
+	if (!aIsContiguous)
+		{
+		// Allocate an array for a list of the physical pages.
+		iPhysicalPages = new TPhysAddr[aSize/Kern::RoundToPageSize(1)+2];
+		if (!iPhysicalPages)
+			r=KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	if (r==KErrNone)
+		{
+		// Get the physical addresses of the pages in the buffer.
+		TUint32 mapAttr;
+		r=Kern::ChunkPhysicalAddress(aChunk,aOffset,aSize,iLinearAddress,mapAttr,iPhysicalAddress,iPhysicalPages);
+		// r = 0 or 1 on success. (1 meaning the physical pages are not contiguous).
+		if (r==1)
+			{
+			// The physical pages are not contiguous.
+			iPhysicalAddress=KPhysAddrInvalid;	// Mark the physical address as invalid.
+			r=(aIsContiguous) ? KErrGeneral : KErrNone;
+			}
+		if (r==0)
+			{
+			delete[] iPhysicalPages;	// We shouldn't retain this info. if the physical pages are contiguous.
+			iPhysicalPages=NULL;
+			}
+		}
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf("<TImageBuffer::Create - %d",r));
+	return(r);
+	}
+Prepares a cacheable buffer for use by the DMA engine, before an image capture.
+void TImageBuffer::SyncMemoryBeforeDmaRead()
+	{
+#ifndef __WINS__
+	if (iChunk->iMapAttr&EMapAttrCachedMax)
+		{
+		Cache::SyncMemoryBeforeDmaRead(iLinearAddress,iSize);
+		}
+	}
+Prepare a cacheable buffer for use by the CPU, after an image capture using DMA.
+void TImageBuffer::SyncMemoryAfterDmaRead()
+	{
+#ifndef __WINS__
+	if (iChunk->iMapAttr&EMapAttrCachedMax)
+		{
+		Cache::SyncMemoryAfterDmaRead(iLinearAddress,iSize);
+		}
+	}
+Constructor for the capture request queue.
+TCameraScRequestQueue::TCameraScRequestQueue(NFastMutex* aMutexPtr)
+	: iMutexPtr(aMutexPtr)
+	{
+	iOwningThread=NULL;
+	memclr(&iRequest[0],sizeof(TCameraScRequest*)*KMaxCamScRequestsPending);
+	}
+Destructor for the capture request queue.
+	{
+	for (TInt i=0 ; i<KMaxCamScRequestsPending ; i++)
+		delete iRequest[i];
+	}
+Second stage constructor for the capture request queue.
+@param anOwningThread A pointer to the owning client thread.
+@return KErrNone if successful;
+		KErrNoMemory if unable to allocate memory for the capture request queue.
+@pre The thread must be in a critical section.
+TInt TCameraScRequestQueue::Create(DThread* anOwningThread)
+	{
+	iOwningThread=anOwningThread;
+	// Create the set of available request objects and add them to the unused request queue.
+	for (TInt i=0 ; i<KMaxCamScRequestsPending ; i++)
+		{
+		iRequest[i]=new TCameraScRequest;
+		if (!iRequest[i])
+			return(KErrNoMemory);
+		iUnusedRequestQ.Add(iRequest[i]);
+		}
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Store a request status pointer onto the tail of the capture request queue.
+@param aStatus The request status pointer to be stored.
+@return KErrNone if successful;
+		KErrGeneral if the limit on the number of pending capture request (KMaxCamScRequestsPending) would be exceeded.
+@pre The buffer/request queue mutex must be held.
+TInt TCameraScRequestQueue::Add(TRequestStatus* aStatus)
+	{
+	TCameraScRequest* req=(TCameraScRequest*)iUnusedRequestQ.GetFirst();
+	if (!req)
+		return(KErrGeneral);								// Must have exceeded KMaxCamScRequestsPending
+	req->iStatus=aStatus;
+	iPendRequestQ.Add(req);
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+Retrieve the next request status pointer from the head of the capture request queue.
+@return The request status pointer removed or NULL if the list is empty.
+@pre The buffer/request queue mutex must be held.
+TRequestStatus* TCameraScRequestQueue::Remove()
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* status=NULL;
+	TCameraScRequest* req=(TCameraScRequest*)iPendRequestQ.GetFirst();
+	if (req)
+		{
+		status=req->iStatus;
+		iUnusedRequestQ.Add(req);
+		}
+	return(status);
+	}
+Remove a specifc request status pointer from the the capture request queue, completing it with a 'KErrCancel' completion reason.
+@param aStatus The request status pointer to be completed.
+@pre The buffer/request queue mutex must be held.
+void TCameraScRequestQueue::Cancel(TRequestStatus* aStatus)
+	{
+	// Find the entry concerned
+	TCameraScRequest* req=(TCameraScRequest*)iPendRequestQ.First();
+	SDblQueLink* anchor=&iPendRequestQ.iA;
+	while (req!=anchor && req->iStatus!=aStatus)
+		req=(TCameraScRequest*)req->iNext;
+	if (req==anchor)
+		return;
+	// Remove and cancel it.
+	req->Deque();
+	iUnusedRequestQ.Add(req);
+	NKern::FMSignal(iMutexPtr); 	// Release the request list mutex while we complete the request. This is safe.
+	Kern::RequestComplete(iOwningThread,req->iStatus,KErrCancel);
+	NKern::FMWait(iMutexPtr); 		// Re-acquire the request list mutex.
+	}
+Remove each request status pointer from the the capture request queue, completing each with a 'KErrCancel' completion reason.
+@pre The buffer/request queue mutex must be held.
+void TCameraScRequestQueue::CancelAll()
+	{
+	TRequestStatus* status;
+	while ((status=Remove())!=NULL)
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(iMutexPtr); 	// Release the request list mutex while we complete the request. This is safe.
+		Kern::RequestComplete(iOwningThread,status,KErrCancel);
+		NKern::FMWait(iMutexPtr); 		// Re-acquire the request list mutex.
+		}
+	}
+Constructor for the camera driver power handler class.
+@param aChannel A pointer to the camera driver logical channel which owns this power handler.
+DCameraScPowerHandler::DCameraScPowerHandler(DCameraScLdd* aChannel)
+:	DPowerHandler(KDevCameraScName),
+	iChannel(aChannel)
+	{
+	}
+A request from the power manager for the power down of the camera device.
+This is called during a transition of the phone into standby or power off.
+@param aState The target power state; can be EPwStandby or EPwOff only.
+void DCameraScPowerHandler::PowerDown(TPowerState aPowerState)
+	{
+	(void)aPowerState;
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScPowerHandler::PowerDown(State-%d)",aPowerState));
+	// Power-down involves hardware access so queue a DFC to perform this from the driver thread.
+	iChannel->iPowerDownDfc.Enque();
+	}
+A request from the power manager for the power up of the camera device.
+This is called during a transition of the phone out of standby.
+void DCameraScPowerHandler::PowerUp()
+	{
+	__KTRACE_CAM(Kern::Printf(">DCameraScPowerHandler::PowerUp"));
+	// Power-up involves hardware access so queue a DFC to perform this from the driver thread.
+	iChannel->iPowerUpDfc.Enque();
+	}