changeset 9 96e5fb8b040d
child 13 46fffbe7b5a7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/drivers/pbus/mmc/session.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <drivers/mmc.h>
+//	--------  class DMMCSession  --------
+EXPORT_C DMMCSession::DMMCSession(const TMMCCallBack& aCallBack)
+ * Constructor - initializes callbacks and timers.
+ * Once the session has been engaged, the completion of the request is signalled by calling 
+ * the function provided in aCallback. A session will be completed in this way if it has completed
+ * normally, an error has occurred or the session has been stopped by this or another client.
+ * @param aCallBack reference to a TMMCCallback object to be called upon completion.
+ */
+	: iCallBack(aCallBack),
+#ifdef __EPOC32__
+	iPollTimer(DMMCSession::PollTimerCallBack, this),
+	iRetryTimer(DMMCSession::RetryTimerCallBack, this),
+	iProgramTimer(DMMCSession::ProgramTimerCallBack, this),
+#endif	// #ifdef __EPOC32__
+	iConfig()
+	{
+	}
+EXPORT_C DMMCSession::~DMMCSession()
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+	{
+	// Ensure that the stack isn't currently running in another thread's context, otherwise this session won't be 
+	// removed from the stack's workset until some time later - by which time the session will have been deleted
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!iStackP->StackRunning(), DMMCSocket::Panic(DMMCSocket::EMMCNotInDfcContext));
+	Abort();
+	UnlockStack();
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::SetCard(TMMCard* aCardP)
+ * Assigns a card to the session. The card pointer would normally be obtained via a call of DMMCStack::CardP(). 
+ * Assigning a card to the session is the means by which a particular card in the stack is targeted for a 
+ * particular request. Some requests involve broadcasting to the entire stack. However, the majority involve 
+ * an individual card at some stage of the process and so an attempt to engage the session before a card has 
+ * been assigned to it will generally fail straight away. It is possible to change the card assigned to the 
+ * session as long as this is not attempted while the session is engaged.
+ * @param aCardP A pointer to the card to be assigned to the session.
+ */
+	{
+	iCardP = aCardP;
+	iCID = iCardP->CID();
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::SetupCIMReadBlock(TMMCArgument aDevAddr, TUint32 aLength, TUint8* aMemoryP)
+ * Sets the session up to perform the CIM_READ_BLOCK macro as outlined by the MMCA. 
+ * Having set-up the session for this operation, the client must then engage the session before the operation can commence. 
+ * The CIM_READ_BLOCK macro reads a single block from the card. It starts by setting the block length (CMD16) as specified 
+ * in 'aLength'. It then reads a single block of data (CMD17) from the card at offset 'aDevAddr' on the card into system 
+ * memory starting at address 'aMemoryP'.
+ * @param aDevAddr Contains offset to the block to be read from the card
+ * @param aLength Block length
+ * @param aMemoryP host destination address
+ */
+	{
+	ResetCommandStack();
+	FillCommandArgs(aDevAddr, aLength, aMemoryP, aLength);
+	iSessionID = ECIMReadBlock;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::SetupCIMWriteBlock(TMMCArgument aDevAddr, TUint32 aLength, TUint8* aMemoryP)
+ * Set up the session to perform the CIM_WRITE_BLOCK macro as outlined by the MMCA.
+ * Having set-up the session for this operation, the client must then engage the session before the operation can commence. 
+ * The CIM_WRITE_BLOCK macro writes a single block to the card. It starts by setting the block length (CMD16) as specified 
+ * in 'aLength'. It then writes a single block of data (CMD24) to the card at offset 'aDevAddr' on the card reading from system 
+ * memory starting at address 'aMemoryP'.
+ * @param aDevAddr Contains offset to the block to be written on the card
+ * @param aLength Block length
+ * @param aMemoryP Host source address
+ */
+	{
+	ResetCommandStack();
+	FillCommandArgs(aDevAddr, aLength, aMemoryP, aLength);
+	iSessionID = ECIMWriteBlock;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::SetupCIMReadMBlock(TMMCArgument aDevAddr, TUint32 aLength, TUint8* aMemoryP, TUint32 aBlkLen)
+ * Set up the session to perform the CIM_READ_MBLOCK macro as outlined by the MMCA.
+ * Having set-up the session for this operation, the client must then engage the session before the operation can commence. 
+ * The CIM_READ_MBLOCK macro reads a series of blocks from the card. It starts by setting the block length (CMD16) as specified 
+ * in 'aBlkLen'. It then issues the read multiple block command (CMD18) to continually transfer blocks from the card to host 
+ * starting at offset 'aDevAddr' on the card into system memory starting at address 'aMemoryP'. This continues until 'aLength'
+ * bytes have been read at which point the Controller issues the stop command (CMD12) to halt the transfer.
+ * @param aDevAddr Contains offset to the block to be read from the card
+ * @param aLength Total number of bytes to read.
+ * @param aMemoryP Host destination address
+ * @param aBlkLen Block length
+ */
+	{
+	ResetCommandStack();
+	FillCommandArgs(aDevAddr, aLength, aMemoryP, aBlkLen);
+	iSessionID = ECIMReadMBlock;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::SetupCIMWriteMBlock(TMMCArgument aDevAddr, TUint32 aLength, TUint8* aMemoryP, TUint32 aBlkLen)
+ * Set up the session to perform the CIM_WRITE_MBLOCK macro as outlined by the MMCA.
+ * Having set-up the session for this operation, the client must then engage the session before the operation can commence. 
+ * The CIM_WRITE_MBLOCK macro writes a series of blocks to the card. It starts by setting the block length (CMD16) as specified 
+ * in 'aBlkLen'. It then issues the write multiple block command (CMD25) to continually transfer blocks from host to the card 
+ * starting at address 'aMemoryP' in system memory and offset 'aDevAddr' on the card.. This continues until 'aLength' bytes have 
+ * been written at which point the Controller issues the stop command (CMD12) to halt the transfer
+ * @param aDevAddr Contains offset to the block to be written on the card
+ * @param aLength Total number of bytes to write.
+ * @param aMemoryP Host source address
+ * @param aBlkLen Block length
+ */
+	{
+	ResetCommandStack();
+	FillCommandArgs(aDevAddr, aLength, aMemoryP, aBlkLen);
+	iSessionID = ECIMWriteMBlock;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::SetupCIMEraseSector(TMMCArgument aDevAddr, TUint32 aLength)
+ * Set up the session to perform the CIM_ERASE_SECTOR macro broadly as outlined by the MMCA. 
+ * However, the macro only performs a sector erase of a contiguous area and doesn't support the un-tagging of particular sectors 
+ * within the initial tagged area. Having set-up the session for this operation, the client must then engage the session before 
+ * the operation can commence. 
+ * The CIM_ERASE_SECTOR macro erases a range of sectors on the card starting at offset 'aDevAddr' on the card and ending at offset 
+ * 'aDevAdd'+'aLength'. The entire area specified must lie within a single erase group. (The erase group size can be read from the CSD).
+ * The specified start offset and end offset need not coincide exactly with a sector boundary since the card will ignore LSBs below 
+ * the sector size. The tag sector start command (CMD32) is first issued setting the address of the first sector to be erased. 
+ * This is followed by the tag sector end command (CMD33) setting the address of the last sector to be erased. Now that the erase 
+ * sectors are tagged, the erase command (CMD38) is sent followed by a send status command (CMD13) to read any additional status 
+ * information from the card.
+ * @param aDevAddr Contains offset to the first block to be erased
+ * @param aLength Total number of bytes to erase
+ */
+	{
+	ResetCommandStack();
+	FillCommandArgs(aDevAddr, aLength, NULL, 0);
+	iSessionID = ECIMEraseSector;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::SetupCIMEraseGroup(TMMCArgument aDevAddr, TUint32 aLength)
+ * Set up the session to perform the CIM_ERASE_GROUP macro broadly as outlined by the MMCA. 
+ * However, the macro only performs an erase group erase of a contiguous area and doesn't support the un-tagging of particular 
+ * erase groups within the initial tagged area. Having set-up the session for this operation, the client must then engage the 
+ * session before the operation can commence. 
+ * The CIM_ERASE_GROUP macro erases a range of erase groups on the card starting at offset 'aDevAddr' on the card and ending at 
+ * offset 'aDevAdd'+'aLength'. The specified start offset and end offset need not coincide exactly with an erase group boundary 
+ * since the card will ignore LSBs below the erase group size. The tag ease group start command (CMD35) is first issued setting 
+ * the address of the first erase group to be erased. This is followed by the tag erase group end command (CMD36) setting the 
+ * address of the last erase group to be erased. Now that the erase groups are tagged, the erase command (CMD38) is sent followed 
+ * by a send status command (CMD13) to read any additional status information from the card.
+ * @param aDevAddr Contains offset to the first block to be erased
+ * @param aLength Total number of bytes to erase
+ */
+	{
+	ResetCommandStack();
+	FillCommandArgs(aDevAddr, aLength, NULL, 0);
+	iSessionID = ECIMEraseGroup;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::SetupCIMReadIO(TUint8 aRegAddr, TUint32 aLength, TUint8* aMemoryP)
+ * Set up the session to perform the read i/o macro (CMD39).
+ * This macro reads a stream of bytes from an I/O register on a MultiMediaCard. This makes use of the fast i/o (CMD39) command, 
+ * reading 'aLength' bytes of data from I/O register 'aRegAddr' on the card into system memory starting at address 'aMemoryP'. 
+ * Having set-up the session for this operation, the client must then engage the session before the operation can commence. 
+ * @param aRegAddr Address of IO register
+ * @param aLength Total number of bytes to read
+ * @param aMemoryP Host destination address
+ */
+	{
+	ResetCommandStack();
+	FillCommandArgs(aRegAddr, aLength, aMemoryP, 0);
+	iSessionID = ECIMReadIO;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::SetupCIMWriteIO(TUint8 aRegAddr, TUint32 aLength, TUint8* aMemoryP)
+ * Set up the session to perform the write i/o macro (CMD39). 
+ * This macro writes a stream of bytes to an I/O register on a MultiMediaCard. This makes use of the fast i/o (CMD39) command,
+ * writing 'aLength' bytes of data to I/O register 'aRegAddr' on the card from system memory starting at address 'aMemoryP'. 
+ * Having set-up the session for this operation, the client must then engage the session before the operation can commence. 
+ * @param aRegAddr Address of IO register
+ * @param aLength Total number of bytes to write
+ * @param aMemoryP Host source address
+ */
+	{
+	ResetCommandStack();
+	FillCommandArgs(aRegAddr, aLength, aMemoryP, 0);
+	iSessionID = ECIMWriteIO;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::SetupCIMLockUnlock(TUint32 aLength, TUint8* aMemoryP)
+ * Set up the session to perform the lock-unlock macro (CMD42). 
+ * This macro is used to manage the password protection feature (if supported) on a MultiMediaCard. 
+ * This same macro is used to lock or unlock a card, set or clear a password or force erase a card.  
+ * Having set-up the session for the required operation, the client must then engage the session before 
+ * the operation can commence. 
+ * The block length (CMD16) as specified in 'aLength' is first set. The lock unlock command (CMD42) is 
+ * then issued. This command has the same structure as a regular single block write command. 
+ * A data block is written to the card from system memory starting at address 'aMemoryP'. The transferred 
+ * data block should contain the password setting mode, the password length and the password data if appropriate.
+ * @param aLength Block length
+ * @param aMemoryP Host source address containing password data
+ */
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("ms:slu%08x", aLength));
+	ResetCommandStack();
+	FillCommandDesc(ECmdLockUnlock);
+	FillCommandArgs(0, aLength, aMemoryP, aLength);
+	iSessionID = ECIMLockUnlock;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::SetupCommand(TMMCCommandEnum aCommand, TMMCArgument anArgument)
+ * Set up the session to issue a raw command to the card. 
+ * This raw command function should be used when issuing a known command with or without an argument. 
+ * Having set-up the session for this operation, the client must then engage this session before 
+ * the operation can commence.
+ * @param aCommand Command to be sent
+ * @param anArgument Associated argument
+ */
+	{
+	ResetCommandStack();
+	FillCommandDesc(aCommand, anArgument);
+	iSessionID = ECIMNakedSession;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::SetupRSCommand(TMMCCommandEnum aCommand, TMMCArgument anArgument,
+							TUint32 aResponseLength, TMMCCommandTypeEnum aCommandType,
+							TMMCResponseTypeEnum aResponseType,
+							TUint32 aCommandClass)
+ * Set up the session to issue a raw command to the card. 
+ * This raw command function should be used when issuing an unknown command, an argument and an unknown response type.
+ * Having set-up the session for this operation, the client must then engage this session before the operation can commence.
+ * @param aCommand
+ * @param anArgument
+ * @param aResponseLength
+ * @param aCommandType
+ * @param aResponseType
+ * @param aCommandClass
+ * @todo Complete the parameter descriptions
+ */
+	{
+	ResetCommandStack();
+	FillCommandDesc(aCommand, anArgument);
+	TMMCCommandSpec& cmdSpec = Command().iSpec;
+	cmdSpec.iDirection = EDirNone;
+	if( aResponseLength <= KMMCMaxResponseLength )
+		cmdSpec.iResponseLength = aResponseLength;
+	if( aCommandType != ECmdTypeUK )
+		cmdSpec.iCommandType = aCommandType;
+	if( aResponseType != ERespTypeUnknown )
+		cmdSpec.iResponseType = aResponseType;
+	if( aCommandClass != KMMCCmdClassNone )
+		cmdSpec.iCommandClass = aCommandClass;
+	iSessionID = ECIMNakedSession;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::SetupDTCommand(TMMCCommandEnum aCommand, TMMCArgument anArgument,
+							TUint32 aTotalLength, TUint8* aMemoryAddress, TUint32 aBlockLength,
+							TBool aStopTransmission, TMMCCmdDirEnum aDir,
+							TUint32 aCommandClass)
+ * Set up the session to issue a raw command to the card. 
+ * This raw command function should be used when issuing a generic transfer command and argument.
+ * Having set-up the session for this operation, the client must then engage this session before
+ * the operation can commence.
+ * @param aCommand
+ * @param anArgument
+ * @param aTotalLength
+ * @param aMemoryAddress
+ * @param aBlockLength
+ * @param aStopTransmission
+ * @param aDir
+ * @param aCommandClass
+ * @todo Complete the parameter descriptions
+ */
+	{
+	ResetCommandStack();
+	FillCommandDesc(aCommand);
+	FillCommandArgs(anArgument, aTotalLength, aMemoryAddress, aBlockLength);
+	TMMCCommandDesc& cmd = Command();
+	if( aBlockLength == 0 )
+		cmd.iBlockLength = aTotalLength;
+	cmd.iSpec.iMultipleBlocks = (cmd.iBlockLength != aTotalLength);
+	if( aStopTransmission )
+		cmd.iSpec.iUseStopTransmission = ETrue;
+	if( aDir != EDirNone )
+		{
+		cmd.iSpec.iUseStopTransmission = aStopTransmission;
+		cmd.iSpec.iDirection = aDir;
+		}
+	if( aCommandClass != KMMCCmdClassNone )
+		cmd.iSpec.iCommandClass = aCommandClass;
+	iSessionID = ECIMNakedSession;
+	}
+void DMMCSession::SetupCIMControl(TInt aSessID)
+// find matching macro function for supplied session
+	{
+	TMMCSMSTFunc f = GetMacro(aSessID);
+	if (f == 0)
+		f = DMMCStack::NoSessionSMST;
+	iSessionID = (TMMCSessionTypeEnum) aSessID;
+	iBytesTransferred = 0;
+	iMMCExitCode = KMMCErrNone;
+	iState = 0;
+	iInitContext = 0;
+	iGlobalRetries = 0;
+	iDoAbort = iDoStop = iDoComplete = EFalse;
+	iBlockOn = 0;
+	ResetCommandStack();
+	iMachine.Setup(f, iStackP);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TMMCSMSTFunc DMMCSession::GetMacro(TInt aSessNum) const
+	{
+	TMMCSMSTFunc f = 0;
+	static const TMMCSMSTFunc macros[KMMCMaxSessionTypeNumber] =
+		{
+		DMMCStack::NakedSessionSMST,
+		DMMCStack::CIMUpdateAcqSMST,
+		DMMCStack::CIMInitStackSMST,
+		DMMCStack::CIMCheckStackSMST,
+		DMMCStack::CIMSetupCardSMST,
+		DMMCStack::CIMReadWriteBlocksSMST,			// CIMReadBlock
+		DMMCStack::CIMReadWriteBlocksSMST,			// CIMWriteBlock
+		DMMCStack::CIMReadWriteBlocksSMST,			// CIMReadMBlock
+		DMMCStack::CIMReadWriteBlocksSMST,			// CIMWriteMBlock
+		DMMCStack::CIMEraseSMST,
+		DMMCStack::CIMEraseSMST,
+		DMMCStack::CIMReadWriteIOSMST,
+		DMMCStack::CIMReadWriteIOSMST,
+		DMMCStack::CIMLockUnlockSMST,				// CIMLockUnlock
+		DMMCStack::NoSessionSMST,					// CIMLockStack is never really executed as a session
+		DMMCStack::InitStackAfterUnlockSMST,
+		DMMCStack::CIMAutoUnlockSMST,
+		DMMCStack::ExecSleepCommandSMST				// CIMSleep
+		};
+	if (aSessNum >= 0 && aSessNum < (TInt) KMMCMaxSessionTypeNumber)
+		f = macros[aSessNum];
+	return f;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt DMMCSession::Engage()
+ * Enque this session for execution on the DMMCStack object which is serving it.
+ * @return KErrBadDriver if no stack is associated with the session
+ * @return KErrServerBusy if the stack is currently locked (and KMMCModeEnqueIfLocked flag is cleared)
+ * @return KErrNotReady if the media is not present
+ * @return KErrNone if successful
+ */
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf(">ms:eng"));
+	if( iStackP == NULL )
+		return( KErrBadDriver );
+	if( iStackP->iLockingSessionP != NULL && iStackP->iLockingSessionP != this &&
+		(iStackP->EffectiveModes(iConfig) & KMMCModeEnqueIfLocked) == 0 )
+		return( KErrServerBusy );
+	const TMediaState doorState=iStackP->MMCSocket()->iMediaChange->MediaState();
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf(">MMC:Eng ds = %x", doorState));
+	if (doorState == EDoorOpen)
+		return KErrNotReady;
+	SetupCIMControl(iSessionID);
+	iStackP->Add(this);
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("<ms:eng"));
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+// Command specification table for standard MMC commands (CMD0 - CMD63)
+extern const TMMCCommandSpec CommandTable[KMMCCommandMask+1] =
+	{//  Class				  Type			Dir			MBlk	StopT	Rsp Type		  Len	Cmd No
+	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,		ECmdTypeBC,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeNone,		0}, //CMD0
+	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,		ECmdTypeBCR,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR3,		4}, //CMD1
+	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,		ECmdTypeBCR,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR2,		16},//CMD2
+	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,		ECmdTypeAC,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD3
+	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,		ECmdTypeBC,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeNone,		0}, //CMD4
+	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,		ECmdTypeAC,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1B,		0}, //CMD5 - SLEEP/AWAKE
+	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,		ECmdTypeACS,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1B,		0}, //CMD6
+	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,		ECmdTypeAC,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1B,		4}, //CMD7
+	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,		ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirRead,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		512}, //CMD8
+	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,		ECmdTypeAC,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR2,		16},//CMD9
+	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,		ECmdTypeAC,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR2,		16},//CMD10
+	{KMMCCmdClassStreamRead,ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirRead,	EFalse, ETrue,	ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD11
+	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,		ECmdTypeACS,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1B,		4}, //CMD12
+	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,		ECmdTypeAC,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD13
+	{KMMCCmdClassBlockRead,	ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirRead,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD14 - BUSTEST_R
+	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,		ECmdTypeAC,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeNone,		0}, //CMD15
+	{KMMCCmdClassBlockRead,	ECmdTypeACS,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD16
+	{KMMCCmdClassBlockRead,	ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirRead,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD17
+	{KMMCCmdClassBlockRead,	ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirRead,	ETrue,	ETrue,	ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD18
+	{KMMCCmdClassBlockWrite,ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirWrite,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD19 - BUSTEST_W
+	{KMMCCmdClassStreamWrite,ECmdTypeADTCS, EDirWrite,	EFalse, ETrue,	ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD20
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD21
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD22
+	{KMMCCmdClassBlockRead | 
+	 KMMCCmdClassBlockWrite,ECmdTypeACS,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,	4}, //CMD23
+	{KMMCCmdClassBlockWrite,ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirWrite,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD24
+	{KMMCCmdClassBlockWrite,ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirWrite,	ETrue,	ETrue,	ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD25
+	{KMMCCmdClassBlockWrite,ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirWrite,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD26
+	{KMMCCmdClassBlockWrite,ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirWrite,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD27
+	{KMMCCmdClassWriteProtection,ECmdTypeACS,EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1B,		4}, //CMD28
+	{KMMCCmdClassWriteProtection,ECmdTypeACS,EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1B,		4}, //CMD29
+	{KMMCCmdClassWriteProtection,ECmdTypeADTCS,EDirRead,EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD30
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD31
+	{KMMCCmdClassErase,		ECmdTypeACS,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD32
+	{KMMCCmdClassErase,		ECmdTypeACS,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD33
+	{KMMCCmdClassErase,		ECmdTypeACS,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD34
+	{KMMCCmdClassErase,		ECmdTypeACS,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD35
+	{KMMCCmdClassErase,		ECmdTypeACS,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD36
+	{KMMCCmdClassErase,		ECmdTypeACS,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD37
+	{KMMCCmdClassErase,		ECmdTypeACS,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1B,		4}, //CMD38
+	{KMMCCmdClassIOMode,	ECmdTypeAC,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR4,		4}, //CMD39
+	{KMMCCmdClassIOMode,	ECmdTypeBCR,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR5,		4}, //CMD40
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD41
+	{KMMCCmdClassLockCard,	ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirWrite,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1B,		4}, //CMD42
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD43
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD44
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD45
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD46
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD47
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD48
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD49
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD50
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD51
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD52
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD53
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD54
+	{KMMCCmdClassApplication,ECmdTypeAC,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,		4}, //CMD55
+	{KMMCCmdClassApplication,ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirRBit0,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1B,		4}, //CMD56
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD57
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD58
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD59
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD60
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD61
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}, //CMD62
+	{KMMCCmdClassNone,		ECmdTypeUK,		EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeUnknown,	0}	//CMD63
+	};
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::FillCommandDesc()
+ * Fills the current command descriptor with the default data according to MMC spec V2.1
+ */
+	{
+	TMMCCommandDesc& cmd = Command();
+	cmd.iSpec = CommandTable[cmd.iCommand & KMMCCommandMask];
+	cmd.iFlags = 0;
+	cmd.iBytesDone = 0;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::FillCommandDesc(TMMCCommandEnum aCommand)
+ * Initialises the current command according to whether it is a normal
+ * or an application command.
+ * @param aCommand Contains the command.
+ */
+	{
+	Command().iCommand = aCommand;
+	Command().iArgument = 0;					// set stuff bits to zero
+	FillCommandDesc();
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::FillCommandDesc(TMMCCommandEnum aCommand, TMMCArgument anArgument)
+ * Initialises the current command with an argument according to whether
+ * it is a normal or an application command.
+ * @param aCommand Contains the command.
+ * @param anArgument Specifies the argument.
+ */
+	{
+	TMMCCommandDesc& cmd = Command();
+	cmd.iCommand = aCommand;
+	FillCommandDesc();
+	cmd.iArgument = anArgument;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DMMCSession::FillCommandArgs(TMMCArgument anArgument, TUint32 aLength, TUint8* aMemoryP,
+								  TUint32 aBlkLen)
+ * Initialises the current commands arguments with the specified parameters
+ * It is necessary to have set the command arguments with this command prior
+ * to engaging a read/write macro or command.
+ * @param anArgument Command specific argument.
+ * @param aLength aLength Total number of bytes to read/write.
+ * @param aMemoryP Host source/destination address
+ * @param aBlkLen Block length
+ */
+	{
+	TMMCCommandDesc& cmd = Command();
+	cmd.iArgument = anArgument;
+	cmd.iTotalLength = aLength;
+	cmd.iDataMemoryP = aMemoryP;
+	cmd.iBlockLength = aBlkLen;
+	cmd.iFlags = 0;
+	}
+const TMMCCommandSpec& DMMCSession::FindCommandSpec(const TMMCIdxCommandSpec aSpecs[], TInt aIdx)
+ * Searches the supplied command specification list for the specification corresponding to the
+ * supplied command.
+ * @param aSpecs The command specification list to be searched.
+ * @param aIdx The requested command.
+ */
+	{
+	TInt i = 0;
+	while (aSpecs[i].iIdx != aIdx)
+		++i;
+	return aSpecs[i].iSpec;
+	}
+void DMMCSession::SynchBlock(TUint32 aFlag)
+// Blocks a session synchronously (within scheduler context)
+	{
+	(void)__e32_atomic_ior_ord32(&iBlockOn, aFlag);
+	}
+void DMMCSession::SynchUnBlock(TUint32 aFlag)
+// Unblocks a session synchronously (within scheduler context)
+	{
+	if( (iBlockOn & aFlag) == 0 )
+		return;
+	(void)__e32_atomic_and_ord32(&iBlockOn, ~aFlag);
+	}
+ * Checks that the card is still the same and ready
+ * @return A TRCA object containing the card's RCA (or 0 if the card is not ready)
+ */
+	{
+	// Rely on 'CardIsGone' bit rather than a CID comparison	
+	if ( iCardP != NULL && iCardP->IsPresent() && !(iState & KMMCSessStateCardIsGone) ) 
+		return( iCardP->RCA() );
+	return(0);
+	}
+#ifdef __EPOC32__
+void DMMCSession::ProgramTimerCallBack(TAny* aSessP)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("=mss:pgtcb"));
+    static_cast<DMMCSession *>(aSessP)->iState |= KMMCSessStateDoDFC;
+	static_cast<DMMCSession *>(aSessP)->UnBlock(KMMCBlockOnPgmTimer, KMMCErrNone);
+	}
+void DMMCSession::PollTimerCallBack(TAny* aSessP)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("=mss:ptcb"));
+    static_cast<DMMCSession *>(aSessP)->iState |= KMMCSessStateDoDFC;
+	static_cast<DMMCSession *>(aSessP)->UnBlock(KMMCBlockOnPollTimer, KMMCErrNone);
+	}
+void DMMCSession::RetryTimerCallBack(TAny* aSessP)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("=mss:rtcb"));
+    static_cast<DMMCSession *>(aSessP)->iState |= KMMCSessStateDoDFC;
+	static_cast<DMMCSession *>(aSessP)->UnBlock(KMMCBlockOnRetryTimer, KMMCErrNone);
+	}
+#endif	// #ifdef __EPOC32__
+EXPORT_C TInt DMMCSession::EpocErrorCode() const
+ * Returns the last Symbian OS style error code returned in this session. 
+ * The Symbian OS error code is derived from both the last MMC specific exit code MMCExitCode()
+ * and the last status information from the card (iLastStatus).
+ * @return Standard Symbian OS error code
+ */
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("=mss:eee:%08x,%08x", MMCExitCode(), LastStatus().State() ));
+	struct errorTableEntry
+		{
+		TUint32 iMask;
+		TInt iErrorCode;
+		};
+	static const errorTableEntry mmcTable[] = 
+		{
+		{KMMCErrNotSupported,									KErrNotSupported},
+		{KMMCErrStackNotReady,									KErrBadPower},
+		{KMMCErrArgument,										KErrArgument},
+		{KMMCErrBrokenLock | KMMCErrPowerDown | KMMCErrAbort,	KErrAbort},
+		{KMMCErrNoCard | KMMCErrResponseTimeOut | KMMCErrDataTimeOut |
+			KMMCErrBusyTimeOut | KMMCErrBusTimeOut,				KErrNotReady},
+		{KMMCErrResponseCRC|KMMCErrDataCRC|KMMCErrCommandCRC,	KErrCorrupt},
+		{KMMCErrLocked,											KErrLocked},
+		{KMMCErrNotFound,										KErrNotFound},
+		{KMMCErrAlreadyExists,									KErrAlreadyExists},
+		{KMMCErrGeneral,										KErrGeneral},
+		{~0UL,													KErrUnknown}
+		};
+	static const errorTableEntry statusTable[] = 
+		{
+		{KMMCStatErrOverrun|KMMCStatErrUnderrun|
+			KMMCStatErrCardECCFailed|KMMCStatErrComCRCError,	KErrGeneral},
+		{KMMCStatErrCSDOverwrite|KMMCStatErrWPViolation,		KErrWrite},
+		{KMMCStatErrLockUnlock,									KErrLocked},
+		{KMMCStatErrIllegalCommand,								KErrNotSupported},
+		{KMMCStatErrEraseParam|KMMCStatErrEraseSeqError|
+			KMMCStatErrBlockLenError|KMMCStatErrAddressError|
+			KMMCStatErrOutOfRange,								KErrArgument},
+		{~0UL,													KErrUnknown}
+		};
+	TUint32 errCode = MMCExitCode();
+	if( errCode == 0 )
+		return KErrNone;
+	const errorTableEntry* ptr = &mmcTable[0];
+	if( errCode == KMMCErrStatus )
+		{
+		ptr = &statusTable[0];
+		if( (errCode = LastStatus()) == 0 )
+			return( KErrUnknown );
+		}
+	for( ;; )
+		if( (errCode & ptr->iMask) != 0 )
+			return( ptr->iErrorCode );
+		else
+			ptr++;
+	}