changeset 9 96e5fb8b040d
child 36 bbf8bed59bcb
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/drivers/xyin/d_xyin.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\drivers\xyin\d_xyin.cpp
+// Generic digitiser driver
+#include <drivers/xyin.h>
+#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
+LOCAL_C void sampleDfc(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	((DDigitiser*)aPtr)->ProcessRawSample();
+	}
+LOCAL_C void penUpDfc(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	((DDigitiser*)aPtr)->ProcessPenUp();
+	}
+LOCAL_C TInt halFunction(TAny* aPtr, TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
+	{
+	DDigitiser* pH=(DDigitiser*)aPtr;
+	return pH->HalFunction(aFunction,a1,a2);
+	}
+LOCAL_C void rxMsg(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	DDigitiser& h=*(DDigitiser*)aPtr;
+	TMessageBase* pM=h.iMsgQ.iMessage;
+	if (pM)
+		h.HandleMsg(pM);
+	}
+	:	DPowerHandler(KLitDigitiser),
+		iMsgQ(rxMsg,this,NULL,1),
+		iSampleDfc(sampleDfc,this,5),
+		iPenUpDfc(penUpDfc,this,5)
+	{
+//	iBufferIndex=0;
+//	iLastPos=TPoint(0,0);
+//	iState=EIdle;
+//	iCount=0;
+//	iPointerOn=EFalse
+	}
+TInt DDigitiser::Create()
+	{
+	TInt r=DoCreate();				// do hardware-dependent initialisation
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return r;
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDfcQ, Kern::Fault("DDigitiser::Create iDfcQ not set", __LINE__));
+	iMsgQ.SetDfcQ(iDfcQ);
+	iSampleDfc.SetDfcQ(iDfcQ);
+	iPenUpDfc.SetDfcQ(iDfcQ);
+	TInt n=iCfg.iPenUpDiscard;		// number of samples to delay
+	iBuffer=(TPoint*)Kern::Alloc(n*sizeof(TPoint));
+	if (!iBuffer)
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+	// install the HAL function
+	r=Kern::AddHalEntry(EHalGroupDigitiser,halFunction,this);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return r;
+	iMsgQ.Receive();
+	// wait for pen down
+	WaitForPenDown();
+	return r;
+	}
+void DDigitiser::RawSampleValid()
+// Called by hardware-dependent code when a raw sample is available
+	{
+	iSampleDfc.Add();
+	}
+void DDigitiser::PenUp()
+// Called by hardware-dependent code when the pen goes up
+	{
+	iPenUpDfc.Add();
+	}
+void DDigitiser::ProcessRawSample()
+// DFC to process a raw sample
+	{
+	TPoint p;
+	TInt r;
+	TBool ok=SamplesToPoint(p);
+	if (!ok)
+		{
+		// wait for pen to stabilise
+		__KTRACE_XY2(Kern::Printf("BS"));
+		WaitForPenUpDebounce();
+		return;
+		}
+	__KTRACE_XY2(Kern::Printf("GS (%d,%d) %d",p.iX,p.iY,iState));
+	switch (iState)
+		{
+		case EIdle:
+			// pen has just gone down
+			iCount=iCfg.iPenDownDiscard;
+			iState=EDiscardOnPenDown;
+			// fall through
+		case EDiscardOnPenDown:
+			if (iCount)
+				{
+				// still discarding
+				iCount--;
+				break;
+				}
+			iState=EBufferFilling;
+			iBufferIndex=0;
+			iCount=iCfg.iPenUpDiscard;
+			// fall through
+		case EBufferFilling:
+			if (iCount)
+				{
+				// buffer still filling
+				iCount--;
+				iBuffer[iBufferIndex++]=p;
+				if (iBufferIndex==iCfg.iPenUpDiscard)
+					iBufferIndex=0;
+				break;
+				}
+			iState=EBufferFull;
+			// fall through
+		case EBufferFull:
+			r=DelayAndConvertSample(p,iLastPos);
+			if (r!=KErrNone)
+				break;					// off the screen, so don't issue Pen Down Event
+			iState=EPenDown;
+			ResetPenMoveFilter();
+			IssuePenDownEvent();
+			break;
+		case EPenDown:
+			r=DelayAndConvertSample(p,p);
+			if (r!=KErrNone)
+				{
+				iState=EIdle;			// off the screen, so treat as pen-up
+				IssuePenUpEvent();
+				break;
+				}
+			FilterPenMove(p);
+			break;
+		};
+	WaitForPenUp();		// request another sample from the hardware
+	}
+void DDigitiser::ProcessPenUp()
+// DFC to process pen-up events
+	{
+	__KTRACE_XY2(Kern::Printf("up %d",iState));
+	switch (iState)
+		{
+		case EIdle:
+		case EDiscardOnPenDown:
+		case EBufferFilling:
+		case EBufferFull:
+			iState=EIdle;
+			break;
+		case EPenDown:
+			iState=EIdle;
+			IssuePenUpEvent();
+			break;
+		}
+	WaitForPenDown();	// tell the hardware to watch for another pen-down
+	}
+TBool DDigitiser::SamplesToPoint(TPoint& aPoint)
+// Average and validate the raw samples from the hardware
+	{
+#if defined(__DIGITISER_DEBUG2__)
+	TBuf<80> buf;
+	TInt i;
+	TInt minx=KMaxTInt;
+	TInt miny=KMaxTInt;
+	TInt maxx=KMinTInt;
+	TInt maxy=KMinTInt;
+	TInt sumx=0;
+	TInt sumy=0;
+	TInt n=iCfg.iNumXYSamples;
+	for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+		{
+		TInt x=iX[i];
+		if (x<minx)
+			minx=x;
+		if (x>maxx)
+			maxx=x;
+		sumx+=x;
+		TInt y=iY[i];
+		if (y<miny)
+			miny=y;
+		if (y>maxy)
+			maxy=y;
+		sumy+=y;
+//		__KTRACE_XY2(buf.AppendFormat(_L("(%d,%d) "),x,y));
+		__KTRACE_XY2(Kern::Printf("(%d,%d) ",x,y));
+		}
+//	__KTRACE_XY2(Kern::Printf("%S", buf));
+	TInt spreadx=maxx-minx;
+	TInt spready=maxy-miny;
+	if (iCfg.iDisregardMinMax)
+		{
+		sumx-=minx;					// disregard extremal values in average
+		sumx-=maxx;
+		sumy-=miny;
+		sumy-=maxy;
+		n-=2;
+		}
+	sumx/=n;	// average the values
+	sumy/=n;
+	if (spreadx<iCfg.iSpreadX && spready<iCfg.iSpreadY && sumx>=iCfg.iMinX && sumx<=iCfg.iMaxX && sumy>=iCfg.iMinY && sumy<=iCfg.iMaxY)
+		{
+		// samples are OK
+		aPoint.iX=sumx;
+		aPoint.iY=sumy;
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	// samples are dodgy
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+TInt DDigitiser::DelayAndConvertSample(const TPoint& aSample, TPoint& aScreenPoint)
+// Pass a sample through the delay line and convert to screen coordinates
+	{
+	if (iCfg.iPenUpDiscard != 0)
+		{
+		TPoint p=iBuffer[iBufferIndex];		// sample leaving delay line
+		iBuffer[iBufferIndex++]=aSample;	// sample entering delay line
+		if (iBufferIndex==iCfg.iPenUpDiscard)
+			iBufferIndex=0;
+		return DigitiserToScreen(p,aScreenPoint);
+		}
+	return DigitiserToScreen(aSample,aScreenPoint);
+	}
+void DDigitiser::IssuePenDownEvent()
+	{
+	TRawEvent e;
+	e.Set(TRawEvent::EButton1Down,iLastPos.iX,iLastPos.iY);
+	Kern::AddEvent(e);
+	__KTRACE_XY2(Kern::Printf("D %d,%d",e.Pos().iX,e.Pos().iY));
+	}
+void DDigitiser::IssuePenUpEvent()
+	{
+	TRawEvent e;
+	e.Set(TRawEvent::EButton1Up,iLastPos.iX,iLastPos.iY);
+	Kern::AddEvent(e);
+	__KTRACE_XY2(Kern::Printf("U %d,%d",e.Pos().iX,e.Pos().iY));
+	}
+void DDigitiser::IssuePenMoveEvent(const TPoint& aPoint)
+	{
+	TRawEvent e;
+	e.Set(TRawEvent::EPointerMove,aPoint.iX,aPoint.iY);
+	Kern::AddEvent(e);
+	__KTRACE_XY2(Kern::Printf("M %d,%d",e.Pos().iX,e.Pos().iY));
+	}
+void DDigitiser::HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg)
+	{
+	if (aMsg->iValue)
+		DigitiserOn();
+	else
+		DigitiserOff();
+	aMsg->Complete(KErrNone,ETrue);
+	}
+TInt DDigitiser::HalFunction(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
+	{
+	TInt r=KErrNone;
+__KTRACE_OPT(KEXTENSION,Kern::Printf("HalFunction %d", aFunction));
+	switch(aFunction)
+		{
+		case EDigitiserHalXYInfo:
+			{
+			TPckgBuf<TDigitiserInfoV01> vPckg;
+			DigitiserInfo(vPckg());
+			Kern::InfoCopy(*(TDes8*)a1,vPckg);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EDigitiserHalSetXYInputCalibration:
+			{
+			if(!Kern::CurrentThreadHasCapability(ECapabilityWriteDeviceData,__PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked by Hal function EDigitiserHalSetXYInputCalibration")))
+				return KErrPermissionDenied;
+			TDigitizerCalibration cal;
+			kumemget32(&cal,a1,sizeof(TDigitizerCalibration));
+			r=SetXYInputCalibration(cal);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EDigitiserHalCalibrationPoints:
+			TDigitizerCalibration cal;
+			r=CalibrationPoints(cal);
+			kumemput32(a1,&cal,sizeof(TDigitizerCalibration));
+			break;
+		case EDigitiserHalSaveXYInputCalibration:
+			r=SaveXYInputCalibration();
+			break;
+		case EDigitiserHalRestoreXYInputCalibration:
+			if(!Kern::CurrentThreadHasCapability(ECapabilityWriteDeviceData,__PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked by Hal function EDigitiserHalRestoreXYInputCalibration")))
+				return KErrPermissionDenied;
+			r=RestoreXYInputCalibration((TDigitizerCalibrationType)(TInt)a1);
+			break;
+		case EDigitiserHalSetXYState:
+			{
+			if(!Kern::CurrentThreadHasCapability(ECapabilityPowerMgmt,__PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked by Hal function EDigitiserHalSetXYState")))
+				return KErrPermissionDenied;
+			if ((TBool)a1)
+				{
+				TThreadMessage& m=Kern::Message();
+				m.iValue = ETrue;
+				m.SendReceive(&iMsgQ);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				TThreadMessage& m=Kern::Message();
+				m.iValue = EFalse;
+				m.SendReceive(&iMsgQ);
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		case EDigitiserHalXYState:
+			kumemput32(a1, (TBool*)&iPointerOn, sizeof(TBool));
+			break;
+		default:
+			r=KErrNotSupported;
+			break;
+		}
+	return r;
+	}
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KEXTENSION,Kern::Printf("Starting digitiser driver"));
+	if (Kern::SuperPage().iCpuId & KCpuIdISS)
+		return KErrNone;	// no digitiser on ARMULATOR
+	DDigitiser* pD=DDigitiser::New();
+	TInt r=KErrNoMemory;
+	if (pD)
+		r=pD->Create();
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KEXTENSION,Kern::Printf("Returning %d",r));
+	return r;
+	}
+class DDigitiserPdd : public DPhysicalDevice
+	{
+	virtual TInt Install();
+	virtual void GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const;
+	virtual TInt Create(DBase*& aChannel, TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
+	virtual TInt Validate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
+	};
+TInt DDigitiserPdd::Install()
+	{
+	return SetName(&KPddName);
+	}
+void DDigitiserPdd::GetCaps(TDes8&) const
+	{
+	}
+TInt DDigitiserPdd::Create(DBase*& aChannel, TInt, const TDesC8*, const TVersion&)
+	{
+	aChannel=NULL;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt DDigitiserPdd::Validate(TInt, const TDesC8*, const TVersion&)
+	{
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+	{
+	return new DDigitiserPdd;
+	}