--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/euser/unicode/Compare.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1388 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Folding and decomposition implementation
+#include "FoldDecomp.inl"
+#include "CompareImp.h"
+#include "u32std.h"
+#define ARRAY_LENGTH(a) (static_cast<TInt>(sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])))
+// Global functions
+TChar UTF16ToChar(const TText16* a)
+ {
+ if (0xD800 <= a[0])
+ {
+ if (a[0] < 0xE000)
+ {
+ if (a[0] < 0xDC00 && ::IsLowSurrogate(a[1]))
+ {
+ TChar c = ::PairSurrogates(a[0], a[1]);
+ if ((c & 0xFFFE) != 0xFFFE)
+ return c;
+ }
+ return 0xFFFF;
+ }
+ if (a[0] == 0xFFFE)
+ return 0xFFFF;
+ }
+ return a[0];
+ }
+Is a character a base character (ETrue) or a combiner (EFalse)?
+For now, we will treat all control characters as base characters.
+TBool IsBaseCharacter(TChar a)
+ {
+ if(a < 0x220)
+ {
+ // These Unicode characters are all assigned
+ // and none of them is a combining character
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return (a.GetCategory() & 0xFFF0) - TChar::EMarkGroup;
+ }
+inline TInt GetDecompositionIndex(TChar a)
+ {
+ TInt i = DecompositionHashStart(a);
+ TUint32 v = KUnicodeToIndexHash[i];
+ if (!v)
+ return -1;
+ if ((v & 0xFFFFF) != a)
+ {
+ TInt step = DecompositionHashStep(a);
+ do {
+ i = (i + step) & KDecompositionHashBitmask;
+ v = KUnicodeToIndexHash[i];
+ if (!v)
+ return -1;
+ } while ((v & 0xFFFFF) != a);
+ }
+// it is important that this is an unsigned shift
+ return static_cast<TInt>(v >> 20);
+ }
+Will not work if an invalid index is passed.
+static TUTF32Iterator GetFoldedDecomposition(TInt aIndex)
+ {
+ TInt singletonIndex = aIndex - (sizeof(KNonSingletonFolds)/sizeof(KNonSingletonFolds[0])/2);
+ if (0 <= singletonIndex)
+ return TUTF32Iterator(KSingletonFolds + singletonIndex);
+ const TText* start = KNonSingletonFolds + aIndex * 2;
+ if (*start != KLongD)
+ return TUTF32Iterator(start, start + 2,
+ TUTF32Iterator::EStartsWithValidCharacter);
+ TInt longDecompIndex = start[1];
+ start = KLongDecompositions + (longDecompIndex & 0xFFF);
+ return TUTF32Iterator(start, start + (longDecompIndex >> 12) + 3,
+ TUTF32Iterator::EStartsWithValidCharacter);
+ }
+static TChar GetFirstFoldedChar(TChar a)
+ {
+ TInt index = ::GetDecompositionIndex(a);
+ return index < 0? a : ::GetFoldedDecomposition(index).Current();
+ }
+static TBool FirstFoldedCodeIsNot(TInt aNonSurrogate, TInt aFoldedNonSurrogate)
+ {
+ TInt index = ::GetDecompositionIndex(aNonSurrogate);
+ if (index < 0)
+ return aNonSurrogate - aFoldedNonSurrogate;
+ TInt singletonIndex = index - (sizeof(KNonSingletonFolds)/sizeof(KNonSingletonFolds[0])/2);
+ if (0 < singletonIndex)
+ return KSingletonFolds[singletonIndex] - aFoldedNonSurrogate;
+ const TText* start = KNonSingletonFolds + index * 2;
+ if (start[0] == KLongD)
+ start = KLongDecompositions + (start[1] & 0xFFF);
+ return *start - aFoldedNonSurrogate;
+ }
+static TInt GetClass(TFoldedDecompIterator& a)
+ {
+ ASSERT(!a.AtEnd());
+ a.EnterFoldedSequence();
+ TChar ch = a.Current();
+ TInt cl = ch.GetCombiningClass();
+ if (cl == 0)
+ // Assume starters have been folded from ypogegrammeni
+ cl = 240;
+ return cl;
+ }
+// TUTF32Iterator
+void TUTF32Iterator::Next()
+ {
+ ASSERT(iStart != iEnd);
+ while (++iStart != iEnd)
+ {
+ iCurrent = ::UTF16ToChar(iStart);
+ if (iCurrent != 0xFFFF)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+Locates a base character in a string using a folded comparision. Will not find combining
+characters, nor will it consider Korean combining Jamo to be equivalent to Hangul.
+TBool TUTF32Iterator::LocateFoldedBaseCharacter(TChar aChar)
+ {
+ // A quick shortcut for simple rejections
+ if (aChar < 0xFFFF)
+ {
+ while (iStart != iEnd && *iStart < 0xD800 && ::FirstFoldedCodeIsNot(*iStart, aChar))
+ ++iStart;
+ if (iStart != iEnd)
+ {
+ iCurrent = ::UTF16ToChar(iStart);
+ if (iCurrent == 0xFFFF)
+ Next();
+ }
+ }
+ while (!AtEnd())
+ {
+ TChar foldedChar = ::GetFirstFoldedChar(iCurrent);
+ if (aChar == foldedChar)
+ return ETrue;
+ Next();
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// TFoldedDecompIterator
+TFoldedDecompIterator::TFoldedDecompIterator(const TUTF32Iterator& a)
+ {
+ Set(a);
+ }
+TBool TFoldedDecompIterator::AtEnd() const
+ {
+ return iOriginal.AtEnd();
+ }
+TBool TFoldedDecompIterator::AtEndOrWildcard() const
+ {
+ // neither '?' nor '*' have decomposition sequences, so we can assume that
+ // if we are pointing at one or the other, we don't need to check if we
+ // are in a decomposition sequence or not.
+ return iOriginal.AtEnd() || iOriginal.Current() == '?' || iOriginal.Current() == '*';
+ }
+TBool TFoldedDecompIterator::EnterFoldedSequence()
+ {
+ ASSERT(!AtEnd());
+ return !IsInFoldedSequence() && StrictEnterFoldedSequence();
+ }
+Enter folded sequence, assuming that we are not already in one
+TBool TFoldedDecompIterator::StrictEnterFoldedSequence()
+ {
+ ASSERT(!AtEnd());
+ ASSERT(!IsInFoldedSequence());
+ TInt index = ::GetDecompositionIndex(iOriginal.Current());
+ if (index < 0)
+ return EFalse;
+ iFolded = ::GetFoldedDecomposition(index);
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+An iota might have folded from a combining ypogegrammeni.
+If the current character is a base character, this function will
+detect whether it was folded from a combining character (and
+therefore does not constitute a grapheme boundary).
+TBool TFoldedDecompIterator::CurrentIsBaseFoldedFromCombiner() const
+ {
+ if (!IsInFoldedSequence())
+ return EFalse;
+ // The only character that does this is Ypogerammeni, which folds to iota
+ if (iFolded.Current() != 0x3B9)
+ return EFalse;
+ // If the unfolded character is a combiner then it cannot contain an iota,
+ // so it must be an ypogegrammeni that has been folded to one.
+ // This will catch 0x345, the ypogegrammeni itself.
+ if (!::IsBaseCharacter(iOriginal.Current()))
+ return ETrue;
+ // Otherwise the base character will be at the start of the decomposition
+ // sequence. We will assume that it is folded from a genuine iota if and
+ // only if there is an iota at the start of the folded decomposition
+ // sequence. (In theory there might be an iota with a combining
+ // ypogegrammeni, but in practice this will not occur).
+ TInt index = ::GetDecompositionIndex(iOriginal.Current());
+ ASSERT(0 <= index);
+ TUTF32Iterator folded = ::GetFoldedDecomposition(index);
+ return folded.Current() != 0x3B9;
+ }
+TChar TFoldedDecompIterator::Current() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(!AtEnd());
+ return IsInFoldedSequence()? iFolded.Current() : iOriginal.Current();
+ }
+Move past this code if it matches unfolded or folded
+TBool TFoldedDecompIterator::Match(TChar aCode)
+ {
+ ASSERT(!AtEnd());
+ if (!IsInFoldedSequence())
+ {
+ if (aCode == iOriginal.Current())
+ {
+ iOriginal.Next();
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ if (!StrictEnterFoldedSequence())
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ ASSERT(IsInFoldedSequence());
+ if (aCode == iFolded.Current())
+ {
+ iFolded.Next();
+ if (iFolded.AtEnd())
+ iOriginal.Next();
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+Move this and argument past matching character.
+TBool TFoldedDecompIterator::Match(TFoldedDecompIterator& aThat)
+ {
+ ASSERT(!AtEnd());
+ if (!IsInFoldedSequence())
+ {
+ if ( aThat.Match(iOriginal.Current()) )
+ {
+ iOriginal.Next();
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ if (!StrictEnterFoldedSequence())
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ ASSERT(IsInFoldedSequence());
+ if ( aThat.Match(iFolded.Current()) )
+ {
+ iFolded.Next();
+ if (iFolded.AtEnd())
+ iOriginal.Next();
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void TFoldedDecompIterator::Next()
+ {
+ ASSERT(!AtEnd());
+ if (IsInFoldedSequence())
+ {
+ iFolded.Next();
+ if (IsInFoldedSequence())
+ return;
+ }
+ iOriginal.Next();
+ }
+// TFoldedSortedDecompIterator
+Set this iterator to iterate over the next combining characters.
+Iotas in folded sequences are assumed to be character class 240
+(combining ypogegrammeni). Next() must be used once before
+the first call to Current(), as long as AtEnd() returns false.
+@param aBase Sets the start of the iteration. This value is advanced to the
+ end of the iteration.
+@return The number of codes in the iteration.
+TInt TFoldedSortedDecompIterator::Set(TFoldedDecompIterator &aBase)
+ {
+ iStart = aBase;
+ TInt length = 0;
+ iCurrentClass = 256;
+ const TUnicodeDataSet* charDataSet = GetLocaleCharSet()->iCharDataSet;
+ // Find the next starter (i.e. character with combining class 0).
+ // We must not count iota folded from ypogegrammeni.
+ // Ypogegrammeni has combining class 240.
+ // Iota has combining class 0.
+ // Also we will be searching for the character with the smallest
+ // combining class to start at.
+ while (!aBase.AtEnd())
+ {
+ aBase.EnterFoldedSequence();
+ TChar ch = aBase.Current();
+ TInt cl = TUnicode(TUint(ch)).GetCombiningClass(charDataSet);
+ if (cl == 0)
+ {
+ if (aBase.CurrentIsBaseFoldedFromCombiner())
+ cl = 240;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cl < iCurrentClass)
+ {
+ iCurrentClass = cl;
+ iCurrent = aBase;
+ iCurrentCount = length;
+ }
+ ++length;
+ aBase.Next();
+ }
+ iRemaining = length;
+ iLength = length;
+ ASSERT(iLength == 0 || iCurrentClass < 256);
+ return length;
+ }
+Set this iterator so that AtEnd() returns ETrue.
+void TFoldedSortedDecompIterator::Set()
+ {
+ iRemaining = 0;
+ }
+TBool TFoldedSortedDecompIterator::AtEnd() const
+ {
+ return iRemaining == 0;
+ }
+TChar TFoldedSortedDecompIterator::Current() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(!AtEnd());
+ return iCurrent.Current();
+ }
+void TFoldedSortedDecompIterator::Next()
+ {
+ ASSERT(!AtEnd());
+ --iRemaining;
+ while (++iCurrentCount != iLength)
+ {
+ iCurrent.Next();
+ if (::GetClass(iCurrent) == iCurrentClass)
+ return;
+ }
+ // We have not found any more of the same class, so we will look
+ // for the smallest one larger.
+ TInt minClass = 256;
+ TFoldedDecompIterator searcher(iStart);
+ TInt searchCount = 0;
+ while (searchCount != iLength)
+ {
+ TInt cl = ::GetClass(searcher);
+ if (iCurrentClass < cl && cl < minClass)
+ {
+ minClass = cl;
+ iCurrentCount = searchCount;
+ iCurrent = searcher;
+ }
+ ++searchCount;
+ searcher.Next();
+ }
+ iCurrentClass = minClass;
+ ASSERT(minClass < 256 || AtEnd());
+ }
+// TFoldedCanonicalIterator
+TFoldedCanonicalIterator::TFoldedCanonicalIterator(const TUTF32Iterator& a)
+ {
+ iBase.Set(a);
+ iSorted.Set();
+ if(!iBase.AtEnd())
+ {
+ iBase.EnterFoldedSequence();
+ if (iBase.Current().GetCombiningClass() != 0 || iBase.CurrentIsBaseFoldedFromCombiner())
+ {
+ iSorted.Set(iBase);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TBool TFoldedCanonicalIterator::AtEnd() const
+ {
+ return iSorted.AtEnd() && iBase.AtEnd();
+ }
+TChar TFoldedCanonicalIterator::Current() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(!iBase.AtEnd() || !iSorted.AtEnd());
+ return iSorted.AtEnd()? iBase.Current() : iSorted.Current();
+ }
+void TFoldedCanonicalIterator::Next(const TUnicodeDataSet* aCharDataSet)
+ {
+ ASSERT(!iBase.AtEnd() || !iSorted.AtEnd());
+ if (!iSorted.AtEnd())
+ {
+ iSorted.Next();
+ return;
+ }
+ iBase.Next();
+ if(!iBase.AtEnd())
+ {
+ iBase.EnterFoldedSequence();
+ if (TUnicode(TUint(iBase.Current())).GetCombiningClass(aCharDataSet) != 0 || iBase.CurrentIsBaseFoldedFromCombiner())
+ {
+ iSorted.Set(iBase);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Folding - Global functions and structures
+struct TEndTester
+ {
+ typedef enum {EGenuine, EWildcard} TType;
+ inline TEndTester(TType aType) :
+ iType(aType)
+ {
+ }
+ inline TBool operator()(const TFoldedDecompIterator& a) const
+ {
+ return iType == EGenuine ? a.AtEnd() : a.AtEndOrWildcard();
+ }
+ TType iType;
+ };
+Consumes as much of aCandidate as matches aSearchTerm up to the next '?' or
+'*' wildcard or the end of aSearchTerm.
+It is assumed that the search term begins with a base character.
+Returns true if and only if the whole search term was matched
+with a whole number of UTF16s in the candidate string.
+On return of ETrue the candidate string iterator will have consumed the
+matching characters the search term will have had all its matching characters
+TBool ConsumeFoldedMatch(TUTF32Iterator& aCandidateString, TUTF32Iterator& aSearchTerm,
+ const TEndTester& aEndTester)
+ {
+ TBool assumeBase = ETrue;
+ TFoldedDecompIterator st(aSearchTerm);
+ TFoldedDecompIterator cs(aCandidateString);
+ while (!aEndTester(st))
+ {
+ if (cs.AtEnd())
+ return EFalse;
+ if (st.Match(cs))
+ {
+ assumeBase = EFalse;
+ if (aEndTester(st))
+ {
+ // We have a match...
+ if (cs.IsInFoldedSequence())
+ // but it was against only part of a character
+ // in the original string, so we fail.
+ return EFalse;
+ aCandidateString = cs.BaseIterator();
+ aSearchTerm = st.BaseIterator();
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // did not match. We need to re-order canonically.
+ if (assumeBase)
+ // The first characters did not match.. do not bother
+ // to re-order.
+ return EFalse;
+ TFoldedSortedDecompIterator csc;
+ TInt cscLength = csc.Set(cs);
+ if (cscLength < 2)
+ // If there are less than two characters to be reordered,
+ // there is no hope of getting a match by re-ordering
+ return EFalse;
+ TFoldedSortedDecompIterator stc;
+ if (cscLength != stc.Set(st))
+ // if the strings have differing numbers of characters,
+ // there can be no match
+ return EFalse;
+ while (!stc.AtEnd())
+ {
+ ASSERT(!csc.AtEnd());
+ if (stc.Current() != csc.Current())
+ // well, we tried.
+ return EFalse;
+ stc.Next();
+ csc.Next();
+ }
+ }
+ // If the candidate string is in a folded sequence, then
+ // we should not accept the match, as we require all matches
+ // to be for a whole number of characters in the original string.
+ if (cs.IsInFoldedSequence())
+ return EFalse;
+ aCandidateString = cs.BaseIterator();
+ aSearchTerm = st.BaseIterator();
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+TBool ConsumeFoldedMatchWholeGraphemes(TUTF32Iterator& aCandidateString, TUTF32Iterator& aSearchTerm,
+ const TEndTester& aEndTester)
+ {
+ if (!::ConsumeFoldedMatch(aCandidateString, aSearchTerm, aEndTester))
+ return EFalse;
+ return aCandidateString.AtEnd() || ::IsBaseCharacter(aCandidateString.Current());
+ }
+static TBool ConsumeGrapheme(TUTF32Iterator& a)
+ {
+ if (a.AtEnd())
+ return EFalse;
+ a.Next();
+ while (!a.AtEnd() && !::IsBaseCharacter(a.Current()))
+ a.Next();
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+TBool MatchSectionFolded(TUTF32Iterator& aCandidateString, TUTF32Iterator& aSearchTerm)
+ {
+ TEndTester endTester(TEndTester::EWildcard);
+ while(::ConsumeFoldedMatchWholeGraphemes(aCandidateString, aSearchTerm, endTester))
+ {
+ if (aSearchTerm.AtEnd() || aSearchTerm.Current() == '*')
+ return ETrue;
+ ASSERT(aSearchTerm.Current() == '?');
+ aSearchTerm.Next();
+ if (!::ConsumeGrapheme(aCandidateString))
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+TBool FindMatchSectionFolded(TUTF32Iterator& aCandidateString, TUTF32Iterator& aSearchTerm)
+ {
+ // match as many graphemes as there are leading ?s
+ while (!aSearchTerm.AtEnd()
+ && aSearchTerm.Current() != '*' && aSearchTerm.Current() == '?')
+ {
+ if (!::ConsumeGrapheme(aCandidateString))
+ return EFalse;
+ aSearchTerm.Next();
+ }
+ if (aSearchTerm.AtEnd() || aSearchTerm.Current() == '*')
+ return ETrue;
+ TChar firstCharOfSearchTerm = ::GetFirstFoldedChar(aSearchTerm.Current());
+ TUTF32Iterator savedST(aSearchTerm);
+ while (aCandidateString.LocateFoldedBaseCharacter(firstCharOfSearchTerm))
+ {
+ TUTF32Iterator savedCS = aCandidateString;
+ if (::MatchSectionFolded(aCandidateString, aSearchTerm))
+ return ETrue;
+ aSearchTerm = savedST;
+ aCandidateString = savedCS;
+ aCandidateString.Next();
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+TBool MatchStringFolded(const TText16* aCandidateStringStart, const TText16* aCandidateStringEnd,
+ const TText16* aSearchTermStart, const TText16* aSearchTermEnd)
+ {
+ TUTF32Iterator candidate(aCandidateStringStart, aCandidateStringEnd);
+ TUTF32Iterator searchTerm(aSearchTermStart, aSearchTermEnd);
+ // First section of search term must match exactly at the start of the
+ // candidate string.
+ if (!::MatchSectionFolded(candidate, searchTerm))
+ return EFalse;
+ // If there was only one section, it must match the whole candidate string.
+ if (searchTerm.AtEnd())
+ return candidate.AtEnd();
+ while (!searchTerm.AtEnd())
+ {
+ searchTerm.Next();
+ if (!::FindMatchSectionFolded(candidate, searchTerm))
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ // The last section must match exactly at the end of the candidate string.
+ if (candidate.AtEnd()) // shortcut
+ return ETrue;
+ const TText16* searchTermLastSection = aSearchTermEnd;
+ while (searchTermLastSection != aSearchTermStart
+ && searchTermLastSection[-1] != '*')
+ --searchTermLastSection;
+ if (searchTermLastSection == aSearchTermEnd)
+ // last section is null, so trivially matches
+ return ETrue;
+ // Count graphemes by counting the number of base characters.
+ // The first one is assumed to start a grapheme.
+ TInt graphemeCount = 1;
+ for (const TText16* s = searchTermLastSection + 1; s != aSearchTermEnd; ++s)
+ {
+ if (::IsBaseCharacter(*s))
+ ++graphemeCount;
+ }
+ // Count this many graphemes back in the candidate string
+ const TText16* candidateLastSection = aCandidateStringEnd;
+ while (graphemeCount != 0
+ && candidateLastSection != aCandidateStringStart)
+ {
+ if (::IsBaseCharacter(*--candidateLastSection))
+ --graphemeCount;
+ }
+ TUTF32Iterator last(candidateLastSection, aCandidateStringEnd);
+ TUTF32Iterator st(searchTermLastSection, aSearchTermEnd);
+ return ::MatchSectionFolded(last, st);
+ }
+Implementation of MatchF
+(slow if there is a match: MatchStringFolded is better, but does not return
+the position of the match)
+TInt LocateMatchStringFolded(const TText16* aCandidateStringStart, const TText16* aCandidateStringEnd,
+ const TText16* aSearchTermStart, const TText16* aSearchTermEnd)
+ {
+ // Quick shortcut for simple non-match
+ if (aSearchTermStart != aSearchTermEnd && *aSearchTermStart != '*')
+ {
+ if (aCandidateStringStart == aCandidateStringEnd)
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ // We won't bother with non-characters and surrogate pairs.
+ if (*aSearchTermStart != '?'
+ && *aSearchTermStart < 0xD800
+ && *aCandidateStringStart < 0xD800
+ && ::GetFirstFoldedChar(*aSearchTermStart) != ::GetFirstFoldedChar(*aCandidateStringStart))
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ if (!::MatchStringFolded(aCandidateStringStart, aCandidateStringEnd,
+ aSearchTermStart, aSearchTermEnd))
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ // find where it matches
+ while (aSearchTermStart != aSearchTermEnd && *aSearchTermStart == '*')
+ ++aSearchTermStart;
+ const TText16* end = aSearchTermStart;
+ while (end != aSearchTermEnd && *end != '*')
+ ++end;
+ // To preserve existing behaviour, a search term consisting of nothing
+ // but stars is considered to match at 0.
+ if (end == aSearchTermStart)
+ return 0;
+ for (const TText16* csSection = aCandidateStringStart;
+ csSection <= aCandidateStringEnd; ++csSection)
+ {
+ TUTF32Iterator cs(csSection, aCandidateStringEnd);
+ TUTF32Iterator st(aSearchTermStart, end);
+ if (::MatchSectionFolded(cs, st))
+ {
+ // If this match must match exactly at the end, we must keep
+ // going.
+ // This could be a lot faster, with some optimizations.
+ if (end == aSearchTermEnd)
+ {
+ if (!cs.AtEnd())
+ continue;
+ }
+ return csSection - aCandidateStringStart;
+ }
+ // Because this function is using TUTF32Iterator, which means the
+ // original author want to support surrogate. Take it as a defect and
+ // fix it, while do not define a new LocateMatchStringFoldedSurrogate().
+ if (IsSurrogate(*csSection))
+ ++csSection;
+ }
+ // this should never happen!
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+Implementation of FindF
+TInt FindFolded(TUTF32Iterator& aCandidateString, TUTF32Iterator& aSearchTerm)
+ {
+ //Empty aSearchTerm string? - Then return 0 - keep the new implementation functionally
+ //compatible with the old one.
+ if(aSearchTerm.Length() == 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const TText16* candidateStartPosition = aCandidateString.CurrentPosition();
+ TChar firstCharOfSearchTerm = ::GetFirstFoldedChar(aSearchTerm.Current());
+ TUTF32Iterator savedST(aSearchTerm);
+ while (aCandidateString.LocateFoldedBaseCharacter(firstCharOfSearchTerm))
+ {
+ TUTF32Iterator savedCS = aCandidateString;
+ TEndTester endTester(TEndTester::EGenuine);
+ if (::ConsumeFoldedMatchWholeGraphemes(aCandidateString, aSearchTerm, endTester))
+ return savedCS.CurrentPosition() - candidateStartPosition;
+ aSearchTerm = savedST;
+ aCandidateString = savedCS;
+ aCandidateString.Next();
+ }
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+Implementation of boolean CompareF
+TBool EqualsFolded(TUTF32Iterator& aLeft, TUTF32Iterator& aRight)
+ {
+ TEndTester endTester(TEndTester::EGenuine);
+ if (::ConsumeFoldedMatchWholeGraphemes(aLeft, aRight, endTester))
+ return aLeft.AtEnd();
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+Implementation of tri-state CompareF
+TInt CompareFolded(const TUTF32Iterator& aLeft, const TUTF32Iterator& aRight)
+ {
+ TFoldedCanonicalIterator left(aLeft);
+ TFoldedCanonicalIterator right(aRight);
+ const TUnicodeDataSet* charDataSet = GetLocaleCharSet()->iCharDataSet;
+ while (!left.AtEnd())
+ {
+ if (right.AtEnd())
+ return 1;
+ TChar cr = right.Current();
+ TChar cl = left.Current();
+ if (cr != cl)
+ return cl - cr;
+ right.Next(charDataSet);
+ left.Next(charDataSet);
+ }
+ return right.AtEnd()? 0 : -1;
+ }
+// Composition/Decomposition - Global functions and structures
+static TUTF32Iterator IndexToNonSingletonDecomposition(TInt aIndex)
+ {
+ const TText* start = KNonSingletonDecompositions + aIndex * 2;
+ if (*start != KLongD)
+ return TUTF32Iterator(start, start + 2, TUTF32Iterator::EStartsWithValidCharacter);
+ TInt longDecompIndex = start[1];
+ start = KLongDecompositions + (longDecompIndex & 0xFFF);
+ return TUTF32Iterator(start, start + (longDecompIndex >> 12) + 3, TUTF32Iterator::EStartsWithValidCharacter);
+ }
+Come up with a decomposition for the current value pointed at by the iterator
+static TBool Decompose(const TUTF32Iterator& aUTF32It, TUTF32Iterator& aOutIt)
+ {
+ TInt index = ::GetDecompositionIndex(aUTF32It.Current());
+ TInt singletonIndex = index - (sizeof(KNonSingletonDecompositions)/sizeof(KNonSingletonDecompositions[0])/2);
+ const TInt SizeOfSingletonTable = sizeof(KSingletonDecompositions)/sizeof(KSingletonDecompositions[0]);
+ if(index < 0 || SizeOfSingletonTable <= singletonIndex)
+ {
+ aOutIt = aUTF32It.CurrentAsIterator();
+ return EFalse;//There is not any valid decomposition
+ }
+ if(0 <= singletonIndex)
+ {
+ // KSingletonDecompositions contains some items that come from "ShortDecompsLongFolds".
+ // "ShortDecompsLongFolds" contains some characters that have no composition, but have "long fold".
+ // This basically specific to non-BMP characters with fold also outside BMP.
+ // For example:
+ // 10400;DESERET CAPITAL LETTER LONG I;Lu;0;L;;;;;N;;;;10428;
+ // In Unicode 5.0.0, totally, there are 40 similar characters, which are U+10400-U+10427.
+ if (KSingletonDecompositions[singletonIndex] == 0xFFFF)
+ return EFalse;
+ aOutIt = TUTF32Iterator(KSingletonDecompositions + singletonIndex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aOutIt = ::IndexToNonSingletonDecomposition(index);
+ }
+ return ETrue;//Valid decomposition
+ }
+static TUTF32Iterator CharToUTF32Iterator(TChar aChar, TDes16& aBuf)
+ {
+ aBuf.Zero();
+ if (aChar < 0x10000)
+ aBuf.Append(aChar);
+ else
+ {
+ aBuf.Append((aChar >> 10) + 0xD7C0);
+ aBuf.Append((aChar & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00);
+ }
+ const TText16* t = aBuf.Ptr();
+ return TUTF32Iterator(t, t + aBuf.Length());
+ }
+TBool DecomposeChar(TChar aCh, TPtrC16& aResult)
+ {
+ aResult.Set(NULL, 0);
+ TBuf16<2> srcBuf;
+ TUTF32Iterator it = ::CharToUTF32Iterator(aCh, srcBuf);
+ TBool res = ::Decompose(it, it);
+ if(res)
+ {
+ aResult.Set(it.CurrentPosition(), it.Length());
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+Turn an index into the hash table known to point to a non-singleton
+decomposition into that decomposition.
+static TUTF32Iterator HashIndexToDecomposition(TInt aIndex)
+ {
+ TUint32 v = KUnicodeToIndexHash[aIndex];
+ ASSERT(v != 0);
+ TInt index = static_cast<TInt>(v >> 20);
+ ASSERT(index < ARRAY_LENGTH(KNonSingletonDecompositions)/2);
+ return ::IndexToNonSingletonDecomposition(index);
+ }
+Takes a start and (one past the) end index into KCompostionMapping
+and a number of UTF16 characters (aLengthSoFar). All of the compositions
+within the range must have their first aLengthSoFar UTF16 characters
+On entry, if aStart == aEnd then there is no possibility of a match so return
+immediately with EFalse. To continue, aStart must be strictly less than aEnd.
+Afterwards, aStart and aEnd will be narrowed to all those compositions
+where the aLengthSoFar'th UTF16 character matches aNextCharacter.
+No further compositions existing is indicated by aStart == aEnd.
+@return ETrue if the composition at aStart is exactly of length aLengthSoFar + 1.
+static TBool RefineComposition(TInt& aStart, TInt& aEnd, TInt aLengthSoFar, TInt aNextCharacter)
+ {
+ if (aStart == aEnd)
+ return EFalse;
+ ASSERT((TUint)aStart < (TUint)aEnd);
+ ASSERT((TUint)aEnd <= (TUint)ARRAY_LENGTH(KCompositionMapping));
+ TUTF32Iterator startIterator(::HashIndexToDecomposition(KCompositionMapping[aStart]));
+ if (startIterator.Length() == aLengthSoFar)
+ ++aStart;
+ // Find a single example of a decomposition that is suitable
+ TInt mid;
+ TUTF32Iterator midIt;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (aStart == aEnd)
+ return EFalse;
+ mid = aStart + ((aEnd - aStart) >> 1);
+ midIt = ::HashIndexToDecomposition(KCompositionMapping[mid]);
+ ASSERT(aLengthSoFar < midIt.Length());
+ TInt midItChar = midIt[aLengthSoFar];
+ if (midItChar < aNextCharacter)
+ aStart = mid + 1;
+ else if (aNextCharacter < midItChar)
+ aEnd = mid;
+ else
+ {
+ startIterator = midIt;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // FInd the first decomposition that does not match
+ TInt start2 = mid + 1;
+ while (start2 != aEnd)
+ {
+ ASSERT(start2 < aEnd);
+ TInt mid2 = start2 + ((aEnd - start2) >> 1);
+ midIt = ::HashIndexToDecomposition(KCompositionMapping[mid2]);
+ ASSERT(aLengthSoFar < midIt.Length());
+ TInt midItChar = midIt[aLengthSoFar];
+ ASSERT(aNextCharacter <= midItChar);
+ if (aNextCharacter < midItChar)
+ aEnd = mid2;
+ else
+ start2 = mid2 + 1;
+ }
+ // Find the first decomposition that matches
+ while (aStart != mid)
+ {
+ ASSERT(aStart < mid);
+ TInt mid2 = aStart + ((mid - aStart) >> 1);
+ midIt = ::HashIndexToDecomposition(KCompositionMapping[mid2]);
+ ASSERT(aLengthSoFar < midIt.Length());
+ TInt midItChar = midIt[aLengthSoFar];
+ ASSERT(midItChar <= aNextCharacter);
+ if (midItChar < aNextCharacter)
+ aStart = mid2 + 1;
+ else
+ {
+ startIterator = midIt;
+ mid = mid2;
+ }
+ }
+ return startIterator.Length() == (aLengthSoFar + 1);
+ }
+static TBool RefineCompositionUTF32(TInt& aStart, TInt& aEnd, TInt& aLengthSoFar, TChar aChar)
+ {
+ if (aChar < 0x10000)
+ return ::RefineComposition(aStart, aEnd, aLengthSoFar++, aChar);
+ ::RefineComposition(aStart, aEnd, aLengthSoFar++, (aChar >> 10) + 0xD7C0);
+ if (aStart == aEnd)
+ return EFalse;
+ return ::RefineComposition(aStart, aEnd, aLengthSoFar++, (aChar & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00);
+ }
+Combine as many of the characters presented as possible into a single
+@return The number of characters successfully combined.
+@param aCombined If a nonzero value is returned, this contains
+ the character that is that number of characters from the start of
+ aDes combined.
+TInt CombineAsMuchAsPossible(const TDesC16& aDes, TChar& aCombined)
+ {
+ TInt start = 0;
+ TInt end = sizeof(KCompositionMapping)/sizeof(KCompositionMapping[0]);
+ TInt length = 0;
+ TInt bestIndex = 0;
+ TInt bestLength = 0;
+ const TText16* ptr = aDes.Ptr();
+ TUTF32Iterator input(ptr, ptr + aDes.Length());
+ while (!input.AtEnd())
+ {
+ if (::RefineCompositionUTF32(start, end, length, input.Current()))
+ {
+ bestIndex = start;
+ bestLength = length;
+ }
+ input.Next();
+ }
+ if (bestLength == 0)
+ return 0;
+ aCombined = KUnicodeToIndexHash[KCompositionMapping[bestIndex]] & 0xFFFFF;
+ return bestLength;
+ }
+// TDecompositionIterator class
+void TDecompositionIterator::Set(const TUTF32Iterator& a)
+ {
+ iBase = a;
+ if (!iBase.AtEnd())
+ {
+ (void)::Decompose(iBase, iDecomposition);
+ }
+ }
+TDecompositionIterator::TDecompositionIterator(const TUTF32Iterator& a)
+ {
+ Set(a);
+ }
+TBool TDecompositionIterator::AtEnd() const
+ {
+ return iBase.AtEnd();
+ }
+TChar TDecompositionIterator::Current() const
+ {
+ return iDecomposition.Current();
+ }
+void TDecompositionIterator::Next()
+ {
+ ASSERT(!iBase.AtEnd() && !iDecomposition.AtEnd());
+ iDecomposition.Next();
+ if (!iDecomposition.AtEnd())
+ return;
+ iBase.Next();
+ if (!iBase.AtEnd())
+ {
+ (void)::Decompose(iBase, iDecomposition);
+ }
+ }
+const TText16* TDecompositionIterator::CurrentPosition() const
+ {
+ return iBase.CurrentPosition();
+ }
+Find out the length and minimum combining class of
+the current run of characters of nonzero combining class.
+aMinClass and aMinClassPos are not written to if the return
+value is 0.
+aEndOfRun is written to with the final position of the iteration
+if 0 is returned and aEndOfRun is non-null
+static TInt ReorderingRun(TInt& aMinClass, TDecompositionIterator& aMinClassPos,
+ const TDecompositionIterator& aStart, TBool* aOpenSequence,
+ TInt aMaxDisallowedClass = 0, TDecompositionIterator* aEndOfRun = 0)
+ {
+ TInt comclass = aStart.AtEnd()? 0 : aStart.Current().GetCombiningClass();
+ if (comclass == 0)
+ {
+ if (aEndOfRun)
+ *aEndOfRun = aStart;
+ if (aOpenSequence)
+ *aOpenSequence = aStart.AtEnd();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ aMinClass = 256;
+ TDecompositionIterator i = aStart;
+ TInt count = 0;
+ while (comclass != 0)
+ {
+ if (aMaxDisallowedClass < comclass)
+ {
+ if (comclass < aMinClass)
+ {
+ aMinClass = comclass;
+ aMinClassPos = i;
+ }
+ ++count;
+ }
+ i.Next();
+ comclass = i.AtEnd()? 0 : i.Current().GetCombiningClass();
+ }
+ if (count == 0 && aEndOfRun)
+ *aEndOfRun = i;
+ if (aOpenSequence)
+ *aOpenSequence = i.AtEnd();
+ return count;
+ }
+// TCanonicalDecompositionIterator class
+void TCanonicalDecompositionIterator::Set(const TUTF32Iterator& a)
+ {
+ iBase.Set(a);
+ iLastPosition = 0;
+ if (ReorderingRun(iCurrentCombiningClass, iCurrent, iBase, &iInOpenSequence) < 2)
+ iCurrentCombiningClass = 0;
+ }
+TBool TCanonicalDecompositionIterator::AtEnd() const
+ {
+ return iBase.AtEnd();
+ }
+TChar TCanonicalDecompositionIterator::Current() const
+ {
+ return iCurrentCombiningClass? iCurrent.Current() : iBase.Current();
+ }
+void TCanonicalDecompositionIterator::Next()
+ {
+ iLastPosition = iBase.CurrentPosition();
+ if (iCurrentCombiningClass == 0)
+ {
+ iBase.Next();
+ if (ReorderingRun(iCurrentCombiningClass, iCurrent, iBase, &iInOpenSequence) < 2)
+ iCurrentCombiningClass = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Find the next character in the run with the same combining class
+ iCurrent.Next();
+ TInt curclass = iCurrent.AtEnd()? 0 : iCurrent.Current().GetCombiningClass();
+ while (curclass != 0)
+ {
+ if (curclass == iCurrentCombiningClass)
+ // success
+ return;
+ iCurrent.Next();
+ curclass = iCurrent.AtEnd()? 0 : iCurrent.Current().GetCombiningClass();
+ }
+ // There are none left in the current class. Find out what the next one is.
+ if (0 == ReorderingRun(iCurrentCombiningClass, iCurrent, iBase, 0, iCurrentCombiningClass, &iBase))
+ iCurrentCombiningClass = 0;
+ }
+const TText16* TCanonicalDecompositionIterator::CurrentPositionIfAtCharacter() const
+ {
+ if (iCurrentCombiningClass != 0)
+ return 0;
+ const TText16* p = iBase.CurrentPosition();
+ return iLastPosition == p? 0 : p;
+ }
+TBool TCanonicalDecompositionIterator::IsInOpenSequence() const
+ {
+ return iInOpenSequence;
+ }
+// TCanonicalDecompositionIteratorCached class
+void TCanonicalDecompositionIteratorCached::Set(const TUTF32Iterator& a)
+ {
+ iBase.Set(a);
+ iCacheStart = 0;
+ iCacheSize = 0;
+ }
+TBool TCanonicalDecompositionIteratorCached::AtEnd() const
+ {
+ return iCacheSize == 0 && iBase.AtEnd();
+ }
+void TCanonicalDecompositionIteratorCached::Next(TInt aOffset)
+ {
+ ASSERT(0 <= aOffset);
+ ASSERT(0 <= iCacheSize);
+ ASSERT(0 != iCacheSize || !iBase.AtEnd());
+ if (aOffset <= iCacheSize)
+ {
+ iCacheSize -= aOffset;
+ iCacheStart = (iCacheStart + aOffset) & (KMaxLookAhead - 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ aOffset -= iCacheSize;
+ iCacheSize = 0;
+ while (aOffset != 0)
+ {
+ iBase.Next();
+ --aOffset;
+ }
+ }
+Get the character at the position of the iterator plus aOffset steps.
+Returns -1 if we are looking too far ahead.
+TChar TCanonicalDecompositionIteratorCached::Get(TInt aOffset)
+ {
+ // should be assert debug: there is a chance this could go off with
+ // bad collation tables
+ ASSERT(aOffset <= KMaxLookAhead);
+ while (iCacheSize <= aOffset)
+ {
+ if (iBase.AtEnd())
+ return TChar(static_cast <TUint> (-1));
+ TInt cachePos = (iCacheStart + iCacheSize) & (KMaxLookAhead - 1);
+ iCache[cachePos].iChar = iBase.Current();
+ iCache[cachePos].iPos = iBase.CurrentPositionIfAtCharacter();
+ ++iCacheSize;
+ iBase.Next();
+ }
+ return iCacheSize == aOffset? iBase.Current() : iCache[(iCacheStart + aOffset) & (KMaxLookAhead - 1)].iChar;
+ }
+If the current position in the original string is representable
+as a pointer into it and we know what it is, return it.
+const TText16* TCanonicalDecompositionIteratorCached::CurrentPositionIfAtCharacter() const
+ {
+ if(iCacheSize == 0)
+ {
+ return iBase.CurrentPositionIfAtCharacter();
+ }
+ return iCache[iCacheStart & (KMaxLookAhead - 1)].iPos;
+ }