--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/d32soundsc.h Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\include\d32soundsc.h
+// User side class definition for the shared chunk sound driver.
+ @file
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype
+#ifndef __D32SOUNDSC_H__
+#define __D32SOUNDSC_H__
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <e32ver.h>
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+#include <e32std.h>
+const TInt KSoundScTxUnit0=0;
+const TInt KSoundScTxUnit1=1;
+@capability UserEnvironment
+@ref RSoundSc::Open An RSoundSc may not be opened for record without UserEnvironment
+const TInt KSoundScRxUnit0=4;
+@capability UserEnvironment
+@ref RSoundSc::Open An RSoundSc may not be opened for record without UserEnvironment
+const TInt KSoundScRxUnit1=5;
+// Note that the implementation in the sound driver LDD to calculate a default audio configuration assumes a
+// monotonic ordering of all caps bitfields. If it is necessary to break this ordering then this implementation
+// will need to be reviewed and possibly changed.
+Sound driver capability constants - bitmasks of the audio channel configurations supported
+by a unit. @see TSoundFormatsSupportedV02.
+/** The unit supports Mono (i.e. a single audio channel). */
+const TUint KSoundMonoChannel = 0x0001;
+/** The unit supports Stereo (i.e. two audio channels). */
+const TUint KSoundStereoChannel = 0x0002;
+/** The unit supports three audio channels. */
+const TUint KSoundThreeChannel = 0x0004;
+/** The unit supports four audio channels. */
+const TUint KSoundFourChannel = 0x0008;
+/** The unit supports five audio channels. */
+const TUint KSoundFiveChannel = 0x0010;
+/** The unit supports six audio channels. */
+const TUint KSoundSixChannel = 0x0020;
+Sound driver capability constants - bitmasks of supported sample rates. @see TSoundFormatsSupportedV02.
+/** The device supports the 7.35KHz sample rate. */
+const TUint KSoundRate7350Hz = 0x0001;
+/** The device supports the 8KHz sample rate. */
+const TUint KSoundRate8000Hz = 0x0002;
+/** The device supports the 8.82KHz sample rate. */
+const TUint KSoundRate8820Hz = 0x0004;
+/** The device supports the 9.6KHz sample rate. */
+const TUint KSoundRate9600Hz = 0x0008;
+/** The device supports the 11.025KHz sample rate. */
+const TUint KSoundRate11025Hz = 0x0010;
+/** The device supports the 12KHz sample rate. */
+const TUint KSoundRate12000Hz = 0x0020;
+/** The device supports the 14.7KHz sample rate. */
+const TUint KSoundRate14700Hz = 0x0040;
+/** The device supports the 16KHz sample rate. */
+const TUint KSoundRate16000Hz = 0x0080;
+/** The device supports the 22.05KHz sample rate. */
+const TUint KSoundRate22050Hz = 0x0100;
+/** The device supports the 24KHz sample rate. */
+const TUint KSoundRate24000Hz = 0x0200;
+/** The device supports the 29.4KHz sample rate. */
+const TUint KSoundRate29400Hz = 0x0400;
+/** The device supports the 32KHz sample rate. */
+const TUint KSoundRate32000Hz = 0x0800;
+/** The device supports the 44.1KHz sample rate. */
+const TUint KSoundRate44100Hz = 0x1000;
+/** The device supports the 48KHz sample rate. */
+const TUint KSoundRate48000Hz = 0x2000;
+Sound driver capability constants - bitmasks of supported encoding formats. @see TSoundFormatsSupportedV02.
+/** The device supports 8bit PCM encoding format. */
+const TUint KSoundEncoding8BitPCM = 0x0001;
+/** The device supports 16bit PCM encoding format. */
+const TUint KSoundEncoding16BitPCM = 0x0002;
+/** The device supports 24bit PCM encoding format. */
+const TUint KSoundEncoding24BitPCM = 0x0004;
+Sound driver capability constants - bitmasks of the data formats supported
+by the device. @see TSoundFormatsSupportedV02.
+/** The device supports an interleaved data format (i.e. data for each channel is interleaved throughout
+each data buffer). */
+const TUint KSoundDataFormatInterleaved = 0x0001;
+/** The device supports a non-interleaved data format (i.e. data for each channel is arranged in
+contiguous regions within each data buffer). */
+const TUint KSoundDataFormatNonInterleaved = 0x0002;
+/** The maximum setting possible for the record level / volume. */
+const TInt KSoundMaxVolume = 255;
+Enumeration of possible data transfer directions. @see TSoundFormatsSupportedV02.
+enum TSoundDirection
+ {
+ /** A unit for recording data. */
+ ESoundDirRecord,
+ /** A unit for playing data. */
+ ESoundDirPlayback
+ };
+Enumeration of possible sample rates. @see TCurrentSoundFormatV02.
+enum TSoundRate
+ {
+ /** 7.35KHz sample rate. */
+ ESoundRate7350Hz,
+ /** 8KHz sample rate. */
+ ESoundRate8000Hz,
+ /** 8.82KHz sample rate. */
+ ESoundRate8820Hz,
+ /** 9.6KHz sample rate. */
+ ESoundRate9600Hz,
+ /** 11.025KHz sample rate. */
+ ESoundRate11025Hz,
+ /** 12KHz sample rate. */
+ ESoundRate12000Hz,
+ /** 14.7KHz sample rate. */
+ ESoundRate14700Hz,
+ /** 16KHz sample rate. */
+ ESoundRate16000Hz,
+ /** 22.05KHz sample rate. */
+ ESoundRate22050Hz,
+ /** 24KHz sample rate. */
+ ESoundRate24000Hz,
+ /** 29.4KHz sample rate. */
+ ESoundRate29400Hz,
+ /** 32KHz sample rate. */
+ ESoundRate32000Hz,
+ /** 44.1KHz sample rate. */
+ ESoundRate44100Hz,
+ /** 48KHz sample rate. */
+ ESoundRate48000Hz
+ };
+Enumeration of possible sound encoding formats. @see TCurrentSoundFormatV02.
+enum TSoundEncoding
+ {
+ /** 8bit PCM encoding format. */
+ ESoundEncoding8BitPCM,
+ /** 16bit PCM encoding format. */
+ ESoundEncoding16BitPCM,
+ /** 24bit PCM encoding format. */
+ ESoundEncoding24BitPCM
+ };
+Enumeration of possible sound data formats. @see TCurrentSoundFormatV02.
+enum TSoundDataFormat
+ {
+ /** The device supports an interleaved data format. */
+ ESoundDataFormatInterleaved,
+ /** The device supports a non-interleaved data format. */
+ ESoundDataFormatNonInterleaved
+ };
+The general driver capabilites class - returned by the LDD factory in response to RDevice::GetCaps().
+class TCapsSoundScV01
+ {
+ TVersion iVersion;
+ };
+The main audio capabilities class. This is used by the LDD to get either the play or record capabilities
+of a particular sound device once a channel to it has been opened.
+class TSoundFormatsSupportedV02
+ {
+ /** The data transfer direction for this unit: play or record. @see TSoundDirection. */
+ TSoundDirection iDirection;
+ /** The audio channel configurations supported by this unit - a bitfield. */
+ TUint32 iChannels;
+ /** The sample rates supported - a bitfield. */
+ TUint32 iRates;
+ /** The encoding formats supported - a bitfield. */
+ TUint32 iEncodings;
+ /** The data formats supported - a bitfield. */
+ TUint32 iDataFormats;
+ /** The minimum request size that the device can support. All requests to play or record data must be of a
+ length that is a multiple of this value. */
+ TInt iRequestMinSize;
+ /** The logarithm to base 2 of the alignment required for request arguments. All requests to play or
+ record data must specify locations in the shared chunk which conform to this alignment.
+ For example, iRequestAlignment of 1 is 2 byte aligned (2^1), 2 is 4 byte aligned (2^2) etc. */
+ TInt iRequestAlignment;
+ /** Indicates whether this unit is capable of detecting changes in its hardware configuration. */
+ TBool iHwConfigNotificationSupport;
+ /** Reserved field. */
+ TInt iReserved1;
+ };
+typedef TPckgBuf<TSoundFormatsSupportedV02> TSoundFormatsSupportedV02Buf;
+The sound format configuration class. This is used to get and set the current configuration
+of the sound device (both for playing and recording).
+class TCurrentSoundFormatV02
+ {
+ /** The audio channel configuration: 1=Mono, 2=Stereo etc. */
+ TInt iChannels;
+ /** The sample rate. @see TSoundRate. */
+ TSoundRate iRate;
+ /** The encoding format. @see TSoundEncoding. */
+ TSoundEncoding iEncoding;
+ /** The data format: interleaved, non-interleaved etc. @see TSoundDataFormat. */
+ TSoundDataFormat iDataFormat;
+ /** Reserved field. */
+ TInt iReserved1;
+ };
+typedef TPckgBuf<TCurrentSoundFormatV02> TCurrentSoundFormatV02Buf;
+A flag that can be passed via the 'aFlags' argument of the function RSoundSc::PlayData(). This being
+set signifies that this particular play request is the last one of a series (ie EOF) and therefore an underflow is
+expected after this request completes.
+const TUint KSndFlagLastSample=0x00000001;
+/** Reserved settings used with CustomConfig(). */
+const TInt KSndCustomConfigMaxReserved=0x0FFFFFFF;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+const TInt KSndCustom_ForceHwConfigNotifSupported=0x00;
+const TInt KSndCustom_CompleteChangeOfHwConfig=0x01;
+const TInt KSndCustom_ForceStartTransferError=0x02;
+const TInt KSndCustom_ForceTransferDataError=0x03;
+const TInt KSndCustom_ForceTransferTimeout=0x04;
+/** A structure used to assemble arguments for the function RSoundSc::PlayData() and to pass these to the driver. */
+struct SRequestPlayDataInfo
+ {
+ TInt iBufferOffset;
+ TInt iLength;
+ TUint iFlags;
+ };
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+typedef TPckgBuf<TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds> TTimeIntervalMicroSecondsBuf;
+class RSoundSc : public RBusLogicalChannel
+ {
+ enum TRequest
+ /**
+ Asynchronous request types
+ */
+ {
+ EMsgRequestPlayData,
+ ERequestNotifyChangeOfHwConfig,
+ EMsgRequestMax=3, // All requests less than this value are handled in the driver DFC thread.
+ ERequestRecordData,
+ ENumRequests,
+ EAllRequests = (1<<ENumRequests)-1
+ };
+ enum TControl
+ /**
+ Synchronous request types
+ */
+ {
+ EMsgControlSetAudioFormat,
+ EMsgControlSetBufChunkCreate,
+ EMsgControlSetBufChunkOpen,
+ EMsgControlSetVolume,
+ EMsgControlPause,
+ EMsgControlResume,
+ EMsgControlCancelSpecific,
+ EMsgControlCustomConfig,
+ EControlTimePlayed,
+ EControlTimeRecorded,
+ EMsgControlMax=10, // All requests less than this value are handled in the driver DFC thread.
+ EControlGetCaps,
+ EControlGetAudioFormat,
+ EControlGetBufConfig,
+ EControlGetVolume,
+ EControlBytesTransferred,
+ EControlResetBytesTransferred,
+ EControlReleaseBuffer
+ };
+ friend class DSoundScLdd;
+ /**
+ Get the version number of sound driver interface.
+ @return The sound driver interface version number.
+ */
+ inline static TVersion VersionRequired();
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+ /**
+ Open a channel on a specified sound device. This driver allows more than one channel to be opened on each device.
+ @capability MultimediaDD
+ @capability Dependent UserEnvironment Is required when opening a record channel.
+ @param aUnit The unit number of the sound device.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful; KErrPermissionDenied, if process lacks required capabilities
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ */
+ inline TInt Open(TInt aUnit=KNullUnit);
+ /**
+ Get the capabilities of the sound device.
+ @param aCapsBuf A packaged object which will be filled with the capabilities of the device.
+ @see TSoundFormatsSupportedV02.
+ */
+ inline void Caps(TDes8& aCapsBuf);
+ /**
+ Get the current audio format configuration.
+ @param aFormatBuf A packaged object which will be filled with the audio configuration settings.
+ @see TCurrentSoundFormatV02.
+ */
+ inline void AudioFormat(TDes8& aFormatBuf);
+ /**
+ Set the current audio format configuration.
+ This can't be changed while the driver is currently playing or recording data.
+ @param aFormatBuf A packaged object holding the new audio configuration settings to be used.
+ @return KErrNone if successful;
+ KErrInUse if the playing or recording of data is in progress;
+ KErrNotSupported if any configuration values are invalid;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ @see TCurrentSoundFormatV02.
+ */
+ inline TInt SetAudioFormat(const TDesC8& aFormatBuf);
+ /**
+ Get the current buffer configuration.
+ @param aConfigBuf A packaged TSharedChunkBufConfigBase derived object which will be filled with the buffer
+ configuration settings.
+ @see TSharedChunkBufConfigBase.
+ */
+ inline void GetBufferConfig(TDes8& aConfigBuf);
+ /**
+ Set the current buffer configuration - creating a shared chunk.
+ The driver will create a shared chunk according to the buffer specification supplied (and will commit
+ memory to it). This will replace any previous shared chunk created by this driver. A handle to
+ the chunk will then be created for the client thread which will be assigned to the RChunk object supplied
+ by the client.
+ The buffer configuration cannot be changed while the driver is currently playing or recording data.
+ Note that a minimum of three buffers are required when recording: one being loaded with record data by the driver,
+ another also owned by the driver - queued ready for the next transfer and a third owned by the client for processing.
+ Note that for record channels, the buffer size specified effectively determines the size of each record request.
+ Hence, for record channels the buffer size must be a multiple of the minimum request size as specified in the capabilities
+ class. @see TSoundFormatsSupportedV02. It should also be a multiple of the number of bytes per audio sample (e.g. a multiple
+ of 4 for 2 channels of 16bit PCM).
+ @param aConfigBuf A packaged TSharedChunkBufConfigBase derived object which must be set with the new buffer configuration
+ settings to be used. Note that this function will ignore any buffer offset information specified by the
+ caller (i.e. setting the flag KScFlagBufOffsetListInUse has no effect).
+ @param aChunk An RChunk object to which the chunk handle will be assigned.
+ @return KErrNone if successful;
+ KErrInUse if the playing or recording of data is in progress;
+ KErrArgument if any configuration values are invalid;
+ KErrNoMemory if the driver failed to allocate memory for the shared chunk specified;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ @see TSharedChunkBufConfigBase.
+ */
+ inline TInt SetBufferChunkCreate(const TDesC8& aConfigBuf,RChunk& aChunk);
+ /**
+ Set the current buffer configuration - using an existing shared chunk.
+ The client supplies an existing shared chunk which is to be used by the driver as the play or record buffer.
+ Any shared chunk previously created by the driver will be closed by it.
+ The buffer configuration cannot be changed while the driver is currently playing or recording data.
+ See RSoundSc::SetBufferChunkCreate for details on the buffer configuration setting necessary for playback or record.
+ @param aConfigBuf A packaged TSharedChunkBufConfigBase derived object which must be set with the buffer configuration
+ settings of the chunk supplied. This must include buffer offset information (i.e. the flag
+ KScFlagBufOffsetListInUse must be set).
+ @param aChunk A handle to the shared chunk which is to be used as the play or record buffer. (This must
+ be a valid handle for the calling thread).
+ @return KErrNone if successful;
+ KErrInUse if the playing or recording of data is in progress;
+ KErrArgument if any configuration values are invalid;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ @see TSharedChunkBufConfigBase.
+ */
+ inline TInt SetBufferChunkOpen(const TDesC8& aConfigBuf,RChunk& aChunk);
+ /**
+ Get the current play volume or record level.
+ @return The current play volume / record level - a value in the range 0 to 255. The value 255 equates to
+ the maximum volume and each value below this equates to a 0.5dB step below it.
+ */
+ inline TInt Volume();
+ /**
+ Set the current play volume or record level. The volume can be altered while the driver is in the process
+ of playing or recording data.
+ @param aVolume The play volume / record level to be set - a value in the range 0 to 255. The value 255
+ equates to the maximum volume and each value below this equates to a 0.5dB step below it.
+ @return KErrNone if successful;
+ KErrArgument if the specified volume is out of range;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ */
+ inline TInt SetVolume(TInt aVolume);
+ /**
+ Submit a request to play (write data) to the sound device from a buffer.
+ The buffer must be contained within the driver's shared chunk. A single play request may not span more than one
+ buffer even if two or more buffers are contiguous within the shared chunk.
+ The driver will allow more than one play request to be pending at any time. It will
+ process requests in FIFO order. This is an asynchronous operation with the driver completing the request and
+ returning the request status once all the specified data has been delivered to the sound device. The driver
+ will return a request status of KErrUnderflow each time it completes the last pending play request unless this
+ request was marked with the KSndFlagLastSample flag. If this flag is set, the driver will return
+ KErrNone in this situation. Therefore when it is required to play uninterrupted audio by issuing a series of play
+ requests, the client should mark the last play request using this flag.
+ @param aStatus The request status which is signalled when all of the specified data has been transferred to
+ the sound device (or when an error occurs). Possible values:
+ KErrNone: if all the specified data was successfully transferred and no underflow
+ occured following this transfer (or if an underflow occurred but the
+ request was marked with the KSndFlagLastSample flag);
+ KErrUnderflow: if data underflow occurred during or immediately following the transfer;
+ otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+ @param aBufferOffset Offset from the beginning of the shared chunk for the start of data to be played. This must be
+ aligned to a value conforming to the iRequestAlignment member of the capabilities structure.
+ @see TSoundFormatsSupportedV02.
+ @param aLength Number of bytes of data to be played. This must be a multiple of the minimum request size as
+ specified in the capabilities class. @see TSoundFormatsSupportedV02. It should also be a multiple
+ of the number of bytes per audio sample (e.g. a multiple of 4 for 2 channels of 16bit PCM).
+ @param aFlags Play request flags. Use KSndFlagLastSample to mark the last play request in a series of play
+ requests.
+ @pre The buffer must have been previously initialised by a call to SetBufferChunkN().
+ */
+ inline void PlayData(TRequestStatus& aStatus,TInt aBufferOffset,TInt aLength,TUint aFlags=0);
+ /**
+ Get the next available record buffer. More than one request may be pending at any time. This is an asynchronous
+ operation. If the driver is not already recording then the issuing of this request will start the capturing of
+ record data from the sound device into a record buffer.
+ @param aStatus The request status which is signalled when buffer is available (or an error occurs). If
+ the request is successful then this result value is set to the offset within the shared chunk
+ where the buffer resides. Alternatively, if an error occurs, it will be set to one of
+ the system wide error values. These include:
+ KErrInUse: if the client needs to free up record buffers;
+ KErrOverflow: if it was necessary for the driver to over-write unread record data since the
+ last record request;
+ KErrCancel: if the device is paused and there is no un-read record data available.
+ otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+ @param aLength On return, this contains the number of record bytes successfully stored in the buffer.
+ @pre The record buffer must have been previously initialised by a call to SetBufferChunkN().
+ */
+ inline void RecordData(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt& aLength);
+ /**
+ Release a record buffer - making it available again for the driver to record into.
+ @param aChunkOffset: The chunk offset of the image to be released. This is the value that was returned by the
+ RecordData() request when the buffer was claimed by the client.
+ @return KErrNone: if successful;
+ KErrNotFound: if the chunk offset is invalid;
+ otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+ */
+ inline TInt ReleaseBuffer(TInt aChunkOffset);
+ /**
+ Cancel all outstanding play requests.
+ This immediately stops the driver playing data and all outstanding play requests are completed with KErrCancel.
+ */
+ inline void CancelPlayData();
+ /**
+ Cancel all outstanding record requests.
+ This immediately stops the driver from capturing record data and all outstanding record requests are completed
+ with KErrCancel.
+ */
+ inline void CancelRecordData();
+ /**
+ Cancel a specific record or play request.
+ The outstanding request completes with KErrCancel.
+ @param aStatus The request status object associated with the request to be cancelled.
+ */
+ inline void Cancel(const TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ /**
+ For a play back units, this method returns the number of bytes delivered to the sound device hardware. For
+ recording units, this method returns the number of bytes read from the sound device hardware. This is the
+ count since the driver was opened or since the last ResetBytesTransferred() command was issued.
+ @return The number of bytes transferred.
+ @see ResetBytesTransferred()
+ */
+ inline TInt BytesTransferred();
+ /**
+ Reset the count of the number of bytes transferred by the sound device..
+ @see BytesTransferred().
+ */
+ inline void ResetBytesTransferred();
+ /**
+ Halt the playing or recording of data from the sound device.
+ Playing or recording can be resumed using Resume().
+ If an incomplete play request is outstanding when the device is paused, this request does not complete as a
+ result. Resuming play operation following a pause will cause the driver to re-commence playing data from the
+ next sample following the last one played - even of this is part way through a play buffer.
+ However, if an incomplete record request is outstanding when recording is paused, this will be completed immediately
+ as a result. Typically this will be a partially filled record buffer and the number of valid bytes in the buffer are
+ indicated via the length argument of the RecordData() method. The client should release this buffer in the normal
+ way in order to make it available again to the driver when recoding is resumed. Any other outstanding record
+ requests are completed immediately when recording is halted with a return value of KErrCancel. Likewise, record
+ requests received after the device has been paused will complete immediately in the same way - either successfully
+ if un-read data is available or KErrCancel if not. The device must be resumed before it can be primed to capture a
+ new record buffer. The driver will capture no record data while it is in the paused state. If recording is resumed,
+ the driver will begin storing the received data from the beginning of its next available record buffer.
+ @return KErrNone if successful;
+ KErrNotReady: if the driver is not currently playing or recording;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ @see Resume()
+ */
+ inline TInt Pause();
+ /**
+ Allow the sound device to resume playing or recording data.
+ This is used resume the operation of the driver following a earlier Pause() command to pause play or record.
+ @return KErrNone if successful;
+ KErrNotReady: if the driver is not currently paused;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ @see Pause()
+ */
+ inline TInt Resume();
+ /**
+ Register for notification of a change in the hardware configuration of the device.
+ This is an asynchronous operation. Only one request of this type can be outstanding per driver channel.
+ @param aStatus The request status which is signalled when a change in hardware configuration occurs. Possible
+ values returned:
+ KErrNotSupported: The unit cannot detect changes in configuration;
+ KErrInUse: A notification request is already outstanding for this driver channel.
+ KErrNone: A normal change in hardware configuration has occured;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ @param aHeadsetPresent On return, this is set to ETrue if the unit is connected to a microphone or headset socket and
+ this is now present. Otherwise it returns EFalse.
+ */
+ inline void NotifyChangeOfHwConfig(TRequestStatus& aStatus,TBool& aHeadsetPresent);
+ /**
+ Cancel a request for notification of a change in the hardware configuration.
+ This results in a pending request being completed immediately with KErrCancel.
+ */
+ inline void CancelNotifyChangeOfHwConfig();
+ /**
+ Issue a custom configuration request.
+ @param aFunction A number identifying the request. (Values below 0x10000000 are reserved).
+ @param aParam A 32-bit value passed to the driver. Its meaning depends on the request.
+ @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ */
+ inline TInt CustomConfig(TInt aFunction,TAny* aParam=NULL);
+ /**
+ Calculates and returns the number of microseconds of data played since the start of playback. If playback ends or
+ if CancelPlayData() is called, this number will be reset.
+ @param aTimePlayed A packaged TTimeIntervalMicroSecondsBuf into which to place the number of microseconds played.
+ @return KErrNone if successful.
+ KErrNotSupported if unit is not open for playback.
+ Otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ */
+ inline TInt TimePlayed(TTimeIntervalMicroSecondsBuf& aTimePlayed);
+ /**
+ Calculates and returns the number of microseconds of data recorded since the start of record. If recording ends or
+ if CancelRecord() is called, this number will be reset.
+ @param aTimeRecorded A packaged TTimeIntervalMicroSecondsBuf into which to place the number of microseconds played.
+ @return KErrNone if successful.
+ KErrNotSupported if unit is not open for recording.
+ Otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ */
+ inline TInt TimeRecorded(TTimeIntervalMicroSecondsBuf& aTimeRecorded);
+#endif // __KERNEL_MODE__
+ };
+#include <d32soundsc.inl>
+#endif // __D32SOUNDSC_H__