--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/memmodel/emul/win32/mcodeseg.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1145 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\memmodel\emul\win32\mcodeseg.cpp
+#include "memmodel.h"
+#include <property.h>
+#include <emulator.h>
+#include <wchar.h>
+#define __CHECKHEAP() ((RHeapK*)K::Allocator)->Check()
+static TBool BootComplete; // flag set when boot EXE is loaded as an EPOC process
+static DWin32CodeSeg* KernelCodeSeg;
+static HMODULE KernelModuleHandle;
+GLREF_C TInt CompareCodeSegsByName(const DCodeSeg& aA, const DCodeSeg& aB);
+void TruncToNarrow(TUint8* aDes, const TUint16* aSrc, int aLen)
+ {
+ //converts to narrow by dumping the high order byte
+ if(aDes && aSrc)
+ {
+ if(aLen==-1)
+ {
+ for(int index=0;*aSrc;index++)
+ *aDes++ = (TUint8)*aSrc++;
+ *aDes = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ for(int index=0;index<aLen;index++)
+ *aDes++ = (TUint8)*aSrc++;
+ }
+ }
+void ExpandToWide(TUint16* aDes, const TUint8* aSrc, int aLen)
+ {
+ if(aDes && aSrc)
+ {
+ for(int index=0;index<aLen;index++)
+ *aDes++ = (TUint16)*aSrc++;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef KDLL
+void DumpWin32CodeSeg(DWin32CodeSeg& a)
+ {
+ const TUint32* uid=(const TUint32*)&a.iUids;
+ Kern::Printf("DWin32CodeSeg@%08x:",&a);
+ Kern::Printf("iLink = %08x %08x", a.iLink.iNext, a.iLink.iPrev);
+ Kern::Printf("iTempLink = %08x %08x", a.iTempLink.iNext, a.iTempLink.iPrev);
+ Kern::Printf("iGbgLink = %08x %08x", a.iGbgLink.iNext, a.iGbgLink.iPrev);
+ Kern::Printf("iAccessCount = %d", a.iAccessCount);
+ Kern::Printf("iEntryPtVeneer = %08x", a.iEntryPtVeneer);
+ Kern::Printf("iFileEntryPoint = %08x", a.iFileEntryPoint);
+ Kern::Printf("iFileName = %lS", a.iFileName);
+ Kern::Printf("iRootName = %lS", &a.iRootName);
+ Kern::Printf("iExtOffset = %d", a.iExtOffset);
+ Kern::Printf("iModuleVersion = %08x", a.iModuleVersion);
+ Kern::Printf("iUids = %08x %08x %08x", uid[0], uid[1], uid[2]);
+ Kern::Printf("iDepCount=%d iDeps=%08x", a.iDepCount, a.iDeps);
+ Kern::Printf("iNextDep=%d, iMark=%08x, iAttr=%08x", a.iNextDep, a.iMark, a.iAttr);
+ Kern::Printf("iExeCodeSeg=%08x, iAttachProcess=%O", a.iExeCodeSeg, a.iAttachProcess);
+ Kern::Printf("iWinInstance = %08x", a.iWinInstance);
+ Kern::Printf("iModuleHandle = %08x", a.iModuleHandle);
+ Kern::Printf("iModuleFile = %08x", a.iModuleFile);
+ Kern::Printf("iAlwaysLoaded = %08x", a.iAlwaysLoaded);
+ Kern::Printf("iModuleList = %08x", a.iModuleList);
+ }
+void ExecInEntryPoint()
+ {
+ // This function will be called if an Exec:: call is attempted in the entry
+ // point of a DLL which didn't specify 'epocallowdlldata'
+ Kern::Fault("BAD DLL STATIC",0);
+ }
+static const SFastExecTable DummyFastExecTable={0,{0}};
+static const SSlowExecTable DummySlowExecTable={0,(TLinAddr)ExecInEntryPoint,0,{{0,0}}};
+// Force a call to a DLL entry point to initialise any gratuitous writeable data
+// generated by the compiler.
+// Change exec table to prevent any executive calls in case someone forgot to
+// use the 'epocallowdlldata' option.
+void ForceEntryPointCall(TLinAddr aEntryPoint)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("ForceEntryPoint %08x", aEntryPoint));
+ NKern::Lock();
+ NThread* nthrd = NKern::CurrentThread();
+ const SFastExecTable* fast = nthrd->iFastExecTable;
+ const SSlowExecEntry* slow = nthrd->iSlowExecTable;
+ nthrd->iFastExecTable = (SFastExecTable*)&DummyFastExecTable;
+ nthrd->iSlowExecTable = DummySlowExecTable.iEntries;
+ TLibraryEntry ep = (TLibraryEntry)aEntryPoint;
+ (*ep)(KModuleEntryReasonProcessAttach);
+ nthrd->iFastExecTable = fast;
+ nthrd->iSlowExecTable = slow;
+ NKern::Unlock();
+ }
+class TWin32Filename
+ {
+ inline TWin32Filename()
+ {iBuf[0] = '\0';}
+ inline TWin32Filename(const TDesC& aFilename)
+ {Set(aFilename);}
+ inline TWin32Filename& operator=(const TDesC& aFilename)
+ {Set(aFilename);return *this;}
+ inline operator LPCWSTR() const
+ {return iBuf;}
+ void Set(const TDesC& aFilename);
+ WCHAR iBuf[KMaxFileName + 1];
+ };
+void TWin32Filename::Set(const TDesC& aFilename)
+ {
+ TUint16 fileName[KMaxFileName];
+ ExpandToWide(fileName, aFilename.Ptr(), aFilename.Length());
+ TPtr p((TUint8*)iBuf,KMaxFileName<<1);
+ Property::MapFilename(p, TPtrC((TUint8*)fileName,aFilename.Length()<<1));
+ iBuf[p.Length()>>1] = '\0';
+ }
+class DModuleList : public DBase
+ {
+ enum TFlags
+ {
+ EFlagData=0x01,
+ EFlagDataPresent=0x02,
+ EFlagAlreadyLoaded=0x04,
+ EFlagMark=0x08,
+ EFlagExe=0x10,
+ EFlagAlwaysLoaded=0x20,
+ EFlagExeInTree=0x40,
+ };
+ struct SModule
+ {
+ TLinAddr iModuleHandle;
+ DWin32CodeSeg* iCodeSeg;
+ TUint32 iFlags;
+ SSecurityInfo iS;
+ TUint32 iModuleVersion;
+ TInt iDepCount;
+ TInt* iDepList;
+ };
+ DModuleList(DWin32CodeSeg* aMainSeg, DProcess* aProcess);
+ virtual ~DModuleList();
+ TInt Find(TInt aModule);
+ TInt GatherDependencies(HMODULE aModule);
+ TInt CompileDepLists();
+ void SetFlags();
+ TUint32 Flags(SModule* aM);
+ TInt LoadDependencies();
+ void LinkDependencies();
+ TInt Loaded();
+ DWin32CodeSeg* iMain;
+ DProcess* iAttachProcess;
+ RArray<SModule> iModules;
+ };
+DModuleList::DModuleList(DWin32CodeSeg* aMainSeg, DProcess* aProcess)
+ : iMain(aMainSeg), iAttachProcess(aProcess),
+ iModules(8, _FOFF(SModule,iModuleHandle), 2*256)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ TInt c = iModules.Count();
+ if (c)
+ {
+ SModule* pM = (SModule*)&iModules[0];
+ SModule* pE = pM + c;
+ for (; pM<pE; ++pM)
+ {
+ Kern::Free(pM->iDepList);
+ }
+ }
+ iModules.Close();
+ }
+TInt DModuleList::Find(TInt aModule)
+ {
+ SModule mod;
+ mod.iModuleHandle=(TLinAddr)aModule;
+ return iModules.FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(mod);
+ }
+Populate iModules with SModule entries corresponding to supplied HModule and all of its dependencies,
+direct and indirect.
+@param aModule A Windows module handle
+@return KErrNone if successful
+TInt DModuleList::GatherDependencies(HMODULE aModule)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf(">DModuleList::GatherDependencies %08x %08x %C", aModule, iMain, iMain));
+ Emulator::TModule etm(aModule);
+ SModule mod;
+ mod.iModuleHandle=(TLinAddr)aModule;
+ mod.iCodeSeg=NULL;
+ mod.iDepList=NULL;
+ TUint32 uid[3];
+ TUidType& uidref=*(TUidType*)uid;
+ const TEmulatorImageHeader* hdr = (const TEmulatorImageHeader*)etm.Section(KWin32SectionName_Symbian);
+ if (!hdr)
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("Module flags %08x, cap %08x %08x, sid %08x", hdr->iFlags, hdr->iS.iCaps[1], hdr->iS.iCaps[0], hdr->iS.iSecureId));
+ mod.iS = hdr->iS;
+ // Overide capabilities in image
+ const SCapabilitySet& disabledCaps = *(SCapabilitySet*)&TheSuperPage().iDisabledCapabilities;
+ for(TInt i=0; i<SCapabilitySet::ENCapW; i++)
+ {
+ mod.iS.iCaps[i] |= disabledCaps[i];
+ mod.iS.iCaps[i] &= AllSupportedCapabilities[i];
+ }
+ mod.iModuleVersion = hdr->iModuleVersion;
+ mod.iFlags = (hdr->iFlags & KEmulatorImageFlagAllowDllData) ? EFlagData|EFlagDataPresent : 0;
+ uidref = *(const TUidType*)&hdr->iUids[0];
+ TBool isExe = (uid[0]==KExecutableImageUidValue);
+ TBool data_section_present = (etm.Section(KWin32SectionName_EpocData) != NULL);
+ if (data_section_present && isExe)
+ mod.iFlags = EFlagData|EFlagDataPresent;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("DataSectionPresent = %x", data_section_present));
+ // Can't do this for CodeWarrior since it sticks everything in .data, even constants
+ // On VC6 this check works for Base code, but not for some other code.
+// if (data_section_present && !isExe && !(hdr->iFlags & KEmulatorImageFlagAllowDllData))
+// return KErrNotSupported;
+ if (!data_section_present)
+ mod.iFlags = 0;
+ if (isExe)
+ mod.iFlags |= EFlagExe|EFlagExeInTree;
+ SWin32Module w32m;
+ w32m.iWin32ModuleHandle=(TLinAddr)aModule;
+ w32m.iCodeSeg=NULL;
+ TInt ix=MM::Win32Modules.FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(w32m);
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("GlobalIx=%d", ix));
+ if ((ix>=0 && !MM::Win32Modules[ix].iCodeSeg) || aModule==KernelModuleHandle)
+ mod.iFlags|=EFlagAlwaysLoaded;
+ TInt r=iModules.InsertInUnsignedKeyOrder(mod);
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("Flags=%08x, InsertRes=%d", mod.iFlags, r));
+ if (r==KErrAlreadyExists)
+ return KErrNone;
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ return r;
+ if (mod.iFlags & EFlagAlwaysLoaded)
+ return KErrNone; // stop if we reach an extension or variant
+ if (data_section_present && (mod.iFlags & EFlagData)==0)
+ {
+ // DLL, .data present but 'epocallowdlldata' not specified
+ // - either the compiler forgetting that something's constant or
+ // developer forgetting to specify 'epocallowdlldata'.
+ // call entry point from here to keep the compiler happy
+ const char* entry_name = "_E32Dll" ;
+ TLinAddr ep = (TLinAddr)Emulator::GetProcAddress(aModule, entry_name);
+ __NK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(ep!=0);
+ ForceEntryPointCall(ep);
+ }
+ const IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR* imports = etm.Imports();
+ if (imports)
+ {
+ for (; imports->Characteristics; ++imports )
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, { TPtrC8 n((const TText8*)etm.Translate(imports->Name)); Kern::Printf("Importing from %S", &n);} );
+ Emulator::TModule imp_etm((PCSTR)etm.Translate(imports->Name));
+ if (!imp_etm.IsValid())
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("Spurious import"));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (imp_etm.Section(KWin32SectionName_Symbian) == 0)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("Not EPOC Module"));
+ continue; // not an epoc DLL
+ }
+ r=GatherDependencies(imp_etm.iModule);
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("<DModuleList::GatherDependencies %08x %08x %C", aModule, iMain, iMain));
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+#ifdef __VC32__
+#pragma warning( disable : 4701 ) // disable warning C4701: local variable 'missingCaps' may be used without having been initialized
+Iterate through imports (if any) of each SModule in list. Populate iDepList with the indicies (in iModules)
+of directly required modules. Checks that dependencies are legal under platsec.
+@return KErrNone on success.
+TInt DModuleList::CompileDepLists()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf(">DModuleList::CompileDepLists"));
+ TInt result=KErrNone;
+ TInt c=iModules.Count();
+ SModule* pM=(SModule*)&iModules[0];
+ SModule* pE=pM+c;
+ for (; pM<pE; ++pM)
+ {
+ pM->iDepList=(TInt*)Kern::Alloc(c*sizeof(TInt));
+ if (!pM->iDepList)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ memset(pM->iDepList, 0xff, c*sizeof(TInt));
+ Emulator::TModule etm((HINSTANCE)pM->iModuleHandle);
+ const IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR* imports = etm.Imports();
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("Module %08x, imports=%08x flags=%08x", pM->iModuleHandle, imports, pM->iFlags));
+ if (!imports || (pM->iFlags&EFlagAlwaysLoaded))
+ continue;
+ const SCapabilitySet& cap = pM->iS.iCaps;
+ const SCapabilitySet& disabledCaps=*(SCapabilitySet*)&TheSuperPage().iDisabledCapabilities;
+ TInt* pI=pM->iDepList;
+ for (; imports->Characteristics; ++imports )
+ {
+ Emulator::TModule imp_etm((PCSTR)etm.Translate(imports->Name));
+ if (!imp_etm.IsValid())
+ continue; // spurious import
+ if (imp_etm.Section(KWin32SectionName_Symbian) == 0)
+ continue; // not an epoc DLL
+ TInt ix=Find((TInt)imp_etm.iModule);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(ix>=0, MM::Panic(MM::ECompileDepLists));
+ *pI++=ix;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("Depends on %08x, ix=%d", imp_etm.iModule, ix));
+ const SModule& dep = iModules[ix];
+ SCapabilitySet missingCaps;
+ SCapabilitySet depCaps = dep.iS.iCaps;
+ TUint32 checkFail = 0;
+ for (TInt i=0; i<SCapabilitySet::ENCapW; ++i)
+ {
+ depCaps[i] = dep.iS.iCaps[i]|disabledCaps[i];
+ TUint32 missing = cap[i] & ~depCaps[i];
+ missingCaps[i] = missing;
+ checkFail |= missing;
+ }
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("Cap=%08x %08x, DepCap=%08x %08x", cap[1], cap[0], depCaps[1], depCaps[0]));
+ if (checkFail)
+ {
+ TUint8 mainBuf8[MAX_PATH];
+ TInt mainlen;
+ {
+ TUint16 mainBuf[MAX_PATH];
+ mainlen=Emulator::GetModuleFileName(reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(pM->iModuleHandle),mainBuf);
+ TruncToNarrow(mainBuf8, mainBuf, mainlen);
+ }
+ TPtrC mainp(mainBuf8,mainlen);
+ TInt ix=mainp.LocateReverse('\\');
+ if (ix>=0)
+ mainp.Set(mainp.Mid(ix+1));
+ if (mainp.Length() && mainp[mainp.Length()-1]==')' && (ix=mainp.LocateReverse('('))>=0)
+ mainp.Set(mainp.Left(ix));
+ TUint8 depBuf8[MAX_PATH];
+ TInt deplen;
+ {
+ TUint16 depBuf[MAX_PATH];
+ deplen=Emulator::GetModuleFileName(reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(dep.iModuleHandle),depBuf);
+ TruncToNarrow(depBuf8, depBuf, deplen);
+ }
+ TPtrC depp(depBuf8,deplen);
+ if ((ix=depp.LocateReverse('\\'))>=0)
+ depp.Set(depp.Mid(ix+1));
+ TInt r = PlatSec::LoaderCapabilityViolation(mainp, depp, missingCaps);
+ TInt r = PlatSec::EmitDiagnostic();
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ result=r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+#ifdef __VC32__
+#pragma warning( default : 4701 ) // enable warning C4701: local variable 'missingCaps' may be used without having been initialized
+void DModuleList::SetFlags()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("DModuleList::SetFlags"));
+ TInt c=iModules.Count();
+ SModule* pM=(SModule*)&iModules[0];
+ SModule* pE=pM+c;
+ for (; pM<pE; ++pM)
+ {
+ SModule* pM2=(SModule*)&iModules[0];
+ for (; pM2<pE; ++pM2)
+ pM2->iFlags &= ~EFlagMark;
+ TUint32 flags=Flags(pM);
+ if (flags & EFlagData)
+ pM->iFlags|=EFlagDataPresent;
+ if (flags & EFlagExe)
+ pM->iFlags|=EFlagExeInTree;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("Module %08x Flags=%08x", pM->iModuleHandle, pM->iFlags));
+ }
+ pM=(SModule*)&iModules[0];
+ for (; pM<pE; ++pM)
+ {
+ TInt dc=0;
+ const TInt* pI=pM->iDepList;
+ const TInt* pIE=pI+c;
+ while (pI<pIE)
+ {
+ TInt ix=*pI++;
+ if (ix<0)
+ break;
+ TUint32 mflags=iModules[ix].iFlags;
+ if ( (mflags&(EFlagDataPresent|EFlagExeInTree)) && !(mflags&EFlagAlwaysLoaded))
+ ++dc;
+ }
+ pM->iDepCount=dc;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("Module %08x DepCount=%d", pM->iModuleHandle, pM->iDepCount));
+ }
+ }
+TUint32 DModuleList::Flags(SModule* aM)
+ {
+ TUint32 flags=aM->iFlags;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf(">DModuleList::Flags %08x", aM->iModuleHandle));
+ if ((aM->iFlags & EFlagMark)==0)
+ {
+ aM->iFlags |= EFlagMark;
+ const TInt* pI=aM->iDepList;
+ const TInt* pE=pI+iModules.Count();
+ while (pI<pE)
+ {
+ TInt ix=*pI++;
+ if (ix<0)
+ break;
+ TUint32 mflags=Flags(&iModules[ix]);
+ if (mflags&EFlagExe)
+ mflags&=~EFlagData;
+ flags |= mflags;
+ }
+ }
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("<DModuleList::Flags %08x = %08x", aM->iModuleHandle, flags));
+ return flags;
+ }
+TInt DModuleList::LoadDependencies()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("DModuleList::LoadDependencies"));
+ TInt c=iModules.Count();
+ SModule* pM=(SModule*)&iModules[0];
+ SModule* pE=pM+c;
+ for (; pM<pE; ++pM)
+ {
+ DWin32CodeSeg* pS;
+ TUint32 flags=pM->iFlags;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("ModuleHandle %08x flags %08x", pM->iModuleHandle, flags));
+ if (!(flags & (EFlagDataPresent|EFlagExeInTree)) || (flags&EFlagAlwaysLoaded))
+ continue;
+ SWin32Module w32m;
+ w32m.iWin32ModuleHandle=(TLinAddr)pM->iModuleHandle;
+ w32m.iCodeSeg=NULL;
+ TInt ix=MM::Win32Modules.FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(w32m);
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("GlobalIndex=%d", ix));
+ if (ix<0 && (flags & EFlagExe))
+ return KErrNotSupported; // we never implicitly load an EXE
+ if (ix>=0)
+ {
+ pS=MM::Win32Modules[ix].iCodeSeg;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("Already loaded; CSEG=%08x %C", pS, pS));
+ if (pS==iMain)
+ {
+ pS->iDepCount=pM->iDepCount;
+ if (pS->iDepCount)
+ {
+ pS->iDeps=(DCodeSeg**)Kern::AllocZ(pS->iDepCount*sizeof(DCodeSeg*));
+ if (!pS->iDeps)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!(pS->iMark & DCodeSeg::EMarkLdr))
+ {
+ pS->iMark |= DCodeSeg::EMarkLdr;
+ pS->CheckedOpen();
+ }
+ pM->iFlags|=EFlagAlreadyLoaded;
+ }
+ pM->iCodeSeg=pS;
+ continue;
+ }
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("Create new, depcount=%d", pM->iDepCount));
+ pS=new DWin32CodeSeg;
+ if (!pS)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ TInt r=pS->CreateAlreadyLoaded((HMODULE)pM->iModuleHandle, pM->iDepCount);
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete pS;
+ return r;
+ }
+ pM->iCodeSeg=pS;
+ pS->iS = pM->iS;
+ pS->iModuleVersion = pM->iModuleVersion;
+ if (iMain->iAttr & ECodeSegAttKernel)
+ pS->iAttr |= ECodeSegAttKernel;
+ if (flags & EFlagData)
+ {
+ pS->iMark |= DCodeSeg::EMarkData|DCodeSeg::EMarkDataPresent;
+ if (!(flags&EFlagExe))
+ pS->iMark |= DCodeSeg::EMarkDataInit;
+ }
+ if ( (flags & EFlagData) || ((flags&(EFlagExe|EFlagExeInTree))==EFlagExeInTree) )
+ {
+ if (iAttachProcess)
+ {
+ pS->iExeCodeSeg = iAttachProcess->CodeSeg();
+ pS->SetAttachProcess(iAttachProcess);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void DModuleList::LinkDependencies()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("DModuleList::LinkDependencies"));
+ TInt c=iModules.Count();
+ SModule* pM=(SModule*)&iModules[0];
+ SModule* pE=pM+c;
+ for (; pM<pE; ++pM)
+ {
+ DWin32CodeSeg* pS=pM->iCodeSeg;
+ if (!pS || (pM->iFlags&EFlagAlreadyLoaded))
+ continue;
+ const TInt* pI=pM->iDepList;
+ const TInt* pIE=pI+c;
+ while (pI<pIE)
+ {
+ TInt ix=*pI++;
+ if (ix<0)
+ break;
+ DWin32CodeSeg* pD=iModules[ix].iCodeSeg;
+ if (pD)
+ pS->iDeps[pS->iNextDep++]=pD;
+ }
+ }
+ pM=(SModule*)&iModules[0];
+ }
+TInt DModuleList::Loaded()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("DModuleList::Loaded()"));
+ TInt c=iModules.Count();
+ SModule* pM=(SModule*)&iModules[0];
+ SModule* pE=pM+c;
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ for (; pM<pE && r==KErrNone; ++pM)
+ {
+ DWin32CodeSeg* pS=pM->iCodeSeg;
+ if (pS && pS!=iMain)
+ {
+ pS->FinaliseRecursiveFlags();
+ pS->iMark |= DCodeSeg::EMarkLoaded;
+ }
+ }
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ pM=(SModule*)&iModules[0];
+ for (; pM<pE; ++pM)
+ pM->iCodeSeg=NULL; // cleanup will occur by EMarkLdr if needed
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt MakeDll(HANDLE aFile)
+ {
+ DWORD bytes;
+ ReadFile(aFile, &dosh, sizeof(dosh), &bytes, NULL);
+ if ( IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE != dosh.e_magic )
+ return KErrArgument;
+ if (dosh.e_lfarlc < sizeof(dosh))
+ return KErrArgument;
+ SetFilePointer(aFile,dosh.e_lfanew,NULL,FILE_BEGIN);
+ ReadFile(aFile, &peh, sizeof(peh), &bytes, NULL);
+ if ( peh.Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE )
+ return KErrArgument;
+ peh.FileHeader.Characteristics |= IMAGE_FILE_DLL;
+ peh.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint = 0;
+ SetFilePointer(aFile,dosh.e_lfanew,NULL,FILE_BEGIN);
+ WriteFile(aFile, &peh, sizeof(peh), &bytes, NULL);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+wchar_t* TempModuleName(const wchar_t* aExe)
+ {
+ static TInt ModuleGeneration = 0;
+ static TInt Time = 0;
+ WCHAR ex_[KMaxFileName + 1];
+ if (!Time)
+ {
+ GetSystemTime(&st);
+ Time = st.wSecond + st.wMinute*60 + st.wHour*3600;
+ }
+ const char* imagePath = Property::GetString("EmulatorImagePath");
+ WCHAR* p = ex_;
+ while ((*p++ = *imagePath++) != 0)
+ ;
+ wcscpy(p-1, wcsrchr(aExe, '\\') + 1);
+ p = ex_ + wcslen(ex_);
+ *p++ = '(';
+ _itow(Time, p, 36);
+ p += wcslen(p);
+ *p++ = '-';
+ _itow(ModuleGeneration++, p, 10);
+ p += wcslen(p);
+ *p++ = ')';
+ *p++ = '\0';
+ wchar_t* file = (wchar_t*)Kern::Alloc((p-ex_)*sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if (file)
+ wcscpy(file, ex_);
+ return file;
+ }
+DCodeSeg* M::NewCodeSeg(TCodeSegCreateInfo&)
+// Create a new instance of this class.
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("M::NewCodeSeg"));
+ return new DWin32CodeSeg;
+ }
+// Constructor
+ {
+ }
+// Destructor
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("DWin32CodeSeg::Destruct %C", this));
+ DBase::Delete(iModuleList);
+ if (iWinInstance)
+ {
+ DCodeSeg::Wait();
+ SWin32Module w32m;
+ w32m.iWin32ModuleHandle=(TLinAddr)iModuleHandle;
+ w32m.iCodeSeg=NULL;
+ TInt ix=MM::Win32Modules.FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(w32m);
+ if (ix>=0)
+ {
+ if (iAlwaysLoaded)
+ MM::Win32Modules[ix].iCodeSeg=NULL;
+ else
+ MM::Win32Modules.Remove(ix);
+ }
+ // Kernel process has to be told to unmap code seg to work round
+ // a problem where failed driver code seg is not unmapped before delete
+ K::TheKernelProcess->UnmapCodeSeg(this);
+ Emulator::FreeLibrary(iWinInstance);
+ DCodeSeg::Signal();
+ }
+ if (iModuleFile)
+ {
+ Emulator::DeleteFile(iModuleFile);
+ Kern::Free(iModuleFile);
+ }
+ Kern::Free(iDataCopy);
+ DCodeSeg::Destruct();
+ }
+TInt DWin32CodeSeg::DoCreate(TCodeSegCreateInfo& aInfo, DProcess* aProcess)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("DWin32CodeSeg::DoCreate %C proc %O", this, aProcess));
+ TBool exe=(iExeCodeSeg==this);
+ if (exe && (iAttr&ECodeSegAttKernel))
+ {
+ // loading EKERN.EXE
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("W32CodeSeg : EKERN"));
+ TUint16 fileNameW[KMaxFileName];
+ ExpandToWide(fileNameW, iFileName->Ptr(), iFileName->Length());
+ fileNameW[iFileName->Length()] = '\0';
+ iWinInstance = Emulator::LoadLibrary(fileNameW);
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("W32CodeSeg : EKERN %08x", iWinInstance));
+ if (!iWinInstance)
+ return KErrGeneral;
+ if (aInfo.iTotalDataSize)
+ iMark|=EMarkData|EMarkDataPresent;
+ KernelCodeSeg=this;
+ KernelModuleHandle=Emulator::GetModuleHandle(fileNameW);
+ return RegisterCodeSeg(KernelModuleHandle);
+ }
+ TWin32Filename w32fn(*iFileName);
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("W32CodeSeg : w32fn=%S",iFileName))
+ DWin32Process* p=(DWin32Process*)aProcess;
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ DCodeSeg::Wait();
+ HMODULE h = Emulator::GetModuleHandle(w32fn);
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("W32CodeSeg : h=%08x exe=%08x",h,exe));
+ if (h && exe)
+ {
+ if (h == GetModuleHandleA(NULL))
+ {
+ // This was the executable that was used to run the emulator
+ // so all relocations will be valid and we can use it
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("W32CodeSeg : initial exe"));
+ if (BootComplete)
+ goto makecopy; // we can only do this once however
+ iWinInstance = Emulator::LoadLibrary(w32fn);
+ BootComplete = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ r=KErrAlreadyExists; // can't load same EXEXP twice
+ }
+ else if (h)
+ {
+ // Already loaded DLL
+ // Code segment doesn't exist so create it
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("Already loaded, module %08x",h));
+ iWinInstance = Emulator::LoadLibrary(w32fn);
+ }
+ else if (iAttr & ECodeSegAttHDll)
+ {
+ // EXE with exports (EXEXP target) - can only have one instance
+ // or DLL not already loaded
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("W32CodeSeg : EXEXP or new DLL"));
+ iWinInstance = Emulator::LoadLibrary(w32fn);
+ if (iWinInstance)
+ h=Emulator::GetModuleHandle(w32fn);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // EXE with no exports. In order that multiple instances of the EXE may be run,
+ // we make a copy of the EXE file to a name which is unique across instances,
+ // set the DLL flag and load it as a DLL.
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("W32CodeSeg : MakeCopy"));
+ h=0;
+ iModuleFile = TempModuleName(w32fn);
+ if (!iModuleFile)
+ r=KErrNoMemory;
+ else if (Emulator::CopyFile(w32fn,iModuleFile,FALSE))
+ {
+ DWORD fattr = Emulator::GetFileAttributes(iModuleFile);
+ if (fattr != 0xffffffff && Emulator::SetFileAttributes(iModuleFile, fattr & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY))
+ {
+ {
+ r = MakeDll(f);
+ CloseHandle(f);
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ iWinInstance = Emulator::LoadLibrary(iModuleFile);
+ if (iWinInstance)
+ h=Emulator::GetModuleHandle(iModuleFile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("W32CodeSeg : line %d r=%d iWinInstance=%08x",__LINE__,r,iWinInstance));
+ if (r==KErrNone && !iWinInstance)
+ r=Emulator::LastError();
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("W32CodeSeg : line %d r=%d",__LINE__,r));
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ const char* entry_name = exe ? "_E32Startup" : "_E32Dll" ;
+ aInfo.iFileEntryPoint = (TLinAddr)Emulator::GetProcAddress(iWinInstance, entry_name);
+ if (!aInfo.iFileEntryPoint)
+ r=KErrNotSupported;
+ else
+ r=RegisterCodeSeg(h);
+ if (r == KErrNone)
+ r = CopyDataBss();
+ }
+ if (r==KErrNone && aInfo.iTotalDataSize && !iAlwaysLoaded)
+ {
+ iMark|=EMarkData|EMarkDataPresent;
+ if (!exe)
+ iMark|=EMarkDataInit;
+ }
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ r=ProcessImports(p);
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, DumpWin32CodeSeg(*this));
+ DCodeSeg::Signal();
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DWin32CodeSeg::RegisterCodeSeg(HMODULE aModule)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("DWin32CodeSeg %C RegisterCodeSeg(%08x)", this, aModule));
+ Emulator::TModule etm(aModule);
+ const IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32* nth=etm.NtHeader();
+ iRunAddress = (TLinAddr)aModule;
+ iSize = nth->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
+ SWin32Module w32m;
+ w32m.iWin32ModuleHandle=(TLinAddr)aModule;
+ w32m.iCodeSeg=this;
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ TInt ix=MM::Win32Modules.FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(w32m);
+ if (ix>=0)
+ {
+ SWin32Module& wmr=MM::Win32Modules[ix];
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!wmr.iCodeSeg, MM::Panic(MM::EInvalidSharedModule));
+ wmr.iCodeSeg=this;
+ iAlwaysLoaded=ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ r=MM::Win32Modules.InsertInUnsignedKeyOrder(w32m);
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ iModuleHandle=aModule;
+ iCodeSegId=++MM::NextCodeSegId;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DWin32CodeSeg::CreateAlreadyLoaded(HMODULE aModule, TInt aDepCount)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("DWin32CodeSeg %08x CreateAlreadyLoaded(%08x,%d)", this, aModule, aDepCount));
+ Emulator::TModule etm(aModule);
+ etm.GetUids(iUids);
+ TInt32 uid1=iUids.iUid[0].iUid;
+ if (uid1!=KDynamicLibraryUidValue) // only implicitly load DLLs
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ WCHAR name[MAX_PATH+1];
+ TInt r=Emulator::GetModuleFileName(aModule, name);
+ if (!r)
+ return Emulator::LastError();
+ TUint8 name8[MAX_PATH+1];
+ TruncToNarrow(name8,name,-1);
+ TPtrC fpptr((const TText*)name8);
+ TInt slash=fpptr.LocateReverse('\\');
+ TPtrC nptr=fpptr.Mid(slash+1);
+ iFileName=HBuf::New(nptr);
+ if (!iFileName)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ iRootName.Set(*iFileName);
+ iExtOffset = iFileName->LocateReverse('.');
+ if (iExtOffset==KErrNotFound)
+ iExtOffset = iFileName->Length();
+ iModuleVersion = 0x00010000u;
+ iDepCount=aDepCount;
+ if (iDepCount)
+ {
+ iDeps=(DCodeSeg**)Kern::AllocZ(iDepCount*sizeof(DCodeSeg*));
+ if (!iDeps)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ iWinInstance = Emulator::LoadLibrary(name);
+ if (!iWinInstance)
+ return Emulator::LastError();
+ iFileEntryPoint = (TLinAddr)Emulator::GetProcAddress(iWinInstance, "_E32Dll");
+ if (!iFileEntryPoint)
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ iEntryPtVeneer = iFileEntryPoint;
+ r=RegisterCodeSeg(aModule);
+ if (r == KErrNone)
+ r = CopyDataBss();
+ if (r == KErrNone)
+ r = CodeSegsByName.InsertInOrderAllowRepeats(this, &CompareCodeSegsByName);
+ if (r == KErrNone)
+ r = CodeSegsByAddress.Add(this);
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ GlobalList.Add(&iLink);
+ iAsyncDeleteNext=this;
+ }
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, DumpWin32CodeSeg(*this));
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DWin32CodeSeg::CopyDataBss()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("DWin32CodeSeg::CopyDataBss()"));
+ Emulator::TModule etm(iModuleHandle);
+ const TEmulatorImageHeader* hdr = (const TEmulatorImageHeader*)etm.Section(KWin32SectionName_Symbian);
+ if (!(hdr->iFlags & KEmulatorImageFlagAllowDllData))
+ return KErrNone;
+ const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* data=etm.SectionHeader(KWin32SectionName_EpocData);
+ const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* bss=etm.SectionHeader(KWin32SectionName_EpocBss);
+ if (data)
+ {
+ iRealDataSize = data->Misc.VirtualSize;
+ iDataDest = (TLinAddr)etm.Translate(data->VirtualAddress);
+ iDataCopy = Kern::Alloc(iRealDataSize);
+ if (!iDataCopy)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ memcpy(iDataCopy, (const TAny*)iDataDest, iRealDataSize);
+ }
+ if (bss)
+ {
+ iRealBssSize = bss->Misc.VirtualSize;
+ iBssDest = (TLinAddr)etm.Translate(bss->VirtualAddress);
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt DWin32CodeSeg::ProcessImports(DProcess* aProcess)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("DWin32CodeSeg::ProcessImports(%O)", aProcess));
+ iModuleList=new DModuleList(this, aProcess);
+ if (!iModuleList)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ TInt r=iModuleList->GatherDependencies(iModuleHandle);
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ return r;
+ TInt ix=iModuleList->Find((TInt)iModuleHandle);
+ DModuleList::SModule& mm=iModuleList->iModules[ix];
+ r=iModuleList->CompileDepLists();
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ iModuleList->SetFlags();
+ r=iModuleList->LoadDependencies();
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if ((mm.iFlags&(DModuleList::EFlagDataPresent|DModuleList::EFlagExeInTree)) && !(mm.iFlags&DModuleList::EFlagAlwaysLoaded))
+ {
+ if (aProcess)
+ {
+ iExeCodeSeg=aProcess->CodeSeg();
+ SetAttachProcess(aProcess);
+ }
+ }
+ iModuleList->LinkDependencies();
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DWin32CodeSeg::Loaded(TCodeSegCreateInfo& aInfo)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("DWin32CodeSeg::Loaded()"));
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ if (iModuleList)
+ {
+ r=iModuleList->Loaded();
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ DBase::Delete(iModuleList);
+ iModuleList=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ r=DCodeSeg::Loaded(aInfo);
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("DWin32CodeSeg::Loaded() - %d", r));
+ return r;
+ }
+void DWin32CodeSeg::ReadExportDir(TUint32*)
+ {
+ // not needed
+ }
+TBool DWin32CodeSeg::FindCheck(DProcess* /*aProcess*/)
+ {
+ // We never create multiple copies of the same code segment,
+ // so if code segment exists, allow it to be found.
+ // CodeSegOpen will fail if it is incompatible.
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+TBool DWin32CodeSeg::OpenCheck(DProcess* aProcess)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("CSEG:%08x Compat? proc=%O",this,aProcess));
+ if (!aProcess)
+ return EFalse; // never reuse EXE code segments
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+TLibraryFunction DWin32CodeSeg::Lookup(TInt aOrdinal)
+// Find an exported function by ordinal
+ {
+ TLibraryFunction f = NULL;
+ if (aOrdinal != 0)
+ {
+ f = (TLibraryFunction)Emulator::GetProcAddress(iWinInstance, (const char *)aOrdinal);
+ if ((TLinAddr)f == iFileEntryPoint)
+ f = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Find 0th Ordinal, which should be named symbol export data, from named data segment
+ Emulator::TModule etm(iModuleHandle);
+ f = (TLibraryFunction)etm.Section(KWin32SectionName_NmdExpData);
+ }
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("DWin32CodeSeg::Lookup(%d)->%08x",aOrdinal,f));
+ return f;
+ }
+DCodeSeg* DCodeSeg::FindRomCode(const TAny*)
+ {
+ // never used
+ return NULL;
+ }
+void DWin32CodeSeg::InitData()
+ {
+ }
+TInt DWin32CodeSeg::GetMemoryInfo(TModuleMemoryInfo&, DProcess*)
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+void DWin32CodeSeg::Info(TCodeSegCreateInfo& aInfo)
+ {
+ Emulator::TModule etm(iModuleHandle);
+ const IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32* nth=etm.NtHeader();
+ (const IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY*)etm.Translate(nth->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress);
+ const TEmulatorImageHeader* hdr = (const TEmulatorImageHeader*)etm.Section(KWin32SectionName_Symbian);
+ TBool isExe = hdr && hdr->iUids[0].iUid==KExecutableImageUidValue;
+ const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* text=etm.SectionHeader(KWin32SectionName_Text);
+ const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* rdata=etm.SectionHeader(KWin32SectionName_RData);
+ const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* data=etm.SectionHeader(KWin32SectionName_EpocData);
+ if (!isExe && !(hdr->iFlags & KEmulatorImageFlagAllowDllData))
+ data = NULL;
+ aInfo.iTextSize=text->Misc.VirtualSize;
+ aInfo.iCodeSize=text->Misc.VirtualSize;
+ if (rdata)
+ aInfo.iCodeSize+=rdata->Misc.VirtualSize;
+ aInfo.iDataSize=data ? (data->SizeOfRawData) : 0;
+ aInfo.iBssSize=data ? (data->Misc.VirtualSize-data->SizeOfRawData) : 0;
+ aInfo.iTotalDataSize=aInfo.iDataSize+aInfo.iBssSize;
+ aInfo.iExportDir=(TLinAddr)exd;
+ aInfo.iExportDirCount=exd ? exd->NumberOfFunctions : 0;
+ aInfo.iCodeLoadAddress=(TLinAddr)etm.Translate(text->VirtualAddress);
+ aInfo.iCodeRunAddress=aInfo.iCodeLoadAddress;
+ aInfo.iDataLoadAddress=data ? (TLinAddr)etm.Translate(data->VirtualAddress) : 0;
+ aInfo.iDataRunAddress=aInfo.iDataLoadAddress;
+ DCodeSeg::Info(aInfo);
+ }
+TLinAddr DCodeSeg::ExceptionDescriptor()
+ {
+ return 0; // not used on emulator
+ }
+TInt MM::RegisterModule(HMODULE aModule)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT, Kern::Printf("MM::RegisterModule %08x",aModule));
+ SWin32Module w32m;
+ w32m.iWin32ModuleHandle=(TLinAddr)aModule;
+ w32m.iCodeSeg=NULL;
+ TInt r=MM::Win32Modules.InsertInUnsignedKeyOrder(w32m);
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT, Kern::Printf("MM::RegisterModule ret %d",r));
+ return r;
+ }
+_LIT(KRomSysBin, "Z:\\sys\\bin");
+// Massage file names returned for stuff in EPOCROOT\epoc32\release\wins\xxxx\
+// in order to make them appear to be in z:\system\libs
+void P::NormalizeExecutableFileName(TDes& a)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("NormalizeExecutableFileName %lS", &a));
+ if (a.Length()<3 || a[1]!=':' || a[2]!='\\')
+ {
+ // don't have a drive so assume in 'ROM'
+ TFileName initial(a);
+ a=KRomSysBin();
+ if (initial.Length()==0 || initial[0]!='\\')
+ a.Append('\\');
+ a+=initial;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL, Kern::Printf("NormalizeExecutableFileName -> %lS", &a));
+ }
+ }
+TInt LookupDllUid(TInt aModule)
+ {
+ TInt r = KDllUid_Default;
+ Kern::AccessCode();
+ SWin32Module w32m;
+ w32m.iWin32ModuleHandle=(TLinAddr)aModule;
+ TInt ix;
+ MM::Win32Modules.SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrder(w32m, ix, EArrayFindMode_Last);
+ if (ix>0)
+ {
+ DWin32CodeSeg* pS = MM::Win32Modules[ix-1].iCodeSeg;
+ if (pS && pS->iFileEntryPoint==(TLinAddr)aModule)
+ r = pS->iCodeSegId;
+ }
+ Kern::EndAccessCode();
+ return r;
+ }