--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/memmodel/emul/win32/mutils.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\memmodel\emul\win32\mutils.cpp
+#include "memmodel.h"
+#include <kernel/cache.h>
+#include <emulator.h>
+void MM::Panic(MM::TMemModelPanic aPanic)
+ {
+ Kern::Fault("MemModel", aPanic);
+ }
+TInt M::PageSizeInBytes()
+ {
+ return MM::RamPageSize;
+ }
+TBool M::IsRomAddress(const TAny* )
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+TUint32 MM::RoundToPageSize(TUint32 aSize)
+ {
+ TUint32 m=MM::RamPageSize-1;
+ return (aSize+m)&~m;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TUint32 Kern::RoundToPageSize(TUint32 aSize)
+ {
+ return MM::RoundToPageSize(aSize);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TUint32 Kern::RoundToChunkSize(TUint32 aSize)
+ {
+ return MM::RoundToChunkSize(aSize);
+ }
+void MM::Init1()
+ {
+ TheScheduler.SetProcessHandler((TLinAddr)DoProcessSwitch);
+ }
+void MM::Wait()
+ {
+ Kern::MutexWait(*RamAllocatorMutex);
+ if (RamAllocatorMutex->iHoldCount==1)
+ {
+ InitialFreeMemory=FreeMemory;
+ AllocFailed=EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+TInt MM::Commit(TLinAddr aBase, TInt aSize, TInt aClearByte, TBool aExecute)
+// Get win32 to commit the pages.
+// We know they are not already committed - this is guaranteed by the caller so we can update the memory info easily
+ {
+ __ASSERT_MUTEX(RamAllocatorMutex);
+ if (aSize==0)
+ return KErrNone;
+ if (MM::FreeMemory+MM::CacheMemory >= aSize)
+ {
+ if (VirtualAlloc(LPVOID(aBase), aSize, MEM_COMMIT, protect))
+ {
+ TInt reclaimed = aSize - MM::FreeMemory;
+ if(reclaimed<=0)
+ MM::FreeMemory -= aSize;
+ else
+ {
+ // some cache memory was needed for this commit...
+ MM::FreeMemory = 0;
+ MM::CacheMemory -= reclaimed;
+ MM::ReclaimedCacheMemory += reclaimed;
+ }
+ MM::CheckMemoryCounters();
+ // Clear memory to value determined by chunk member
+ memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(aBase), aClearByte, aSize);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ }
+ MM::AllocFailed = ETrue;
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+TInt MM::Decommit(TLinAddr aBase, TInt aSize)
+// Get win32 to decommit the pages.
+// The pages may or may not be committed: we need to find out which ones are so that the memory info is updated correctly
+ {
+ __ASSERT_MUTEX(RamAllocatorMutex);
+ TInt freed = 0;
+ TInt remain = aSize;
+ TLinAddr base = aBase;
+ while (remain > 0)
+ {
+ VirtualQuery(LPVOID(base), &info, sizeof(info));
+ TInt size = Min(remain, info.RegionSize);
+ if (info.State == MEM_COMMIT)
+ freed += size;
+ BTraceContext12(BTrace::EChunks,BTrace::EChunkMemoryDeallocated,NULL,base,size);
+ base += info.RegionSize;
+ remain -= info.RegionSize;
+ }
+ VirtualFree(LPVOID(aBase), aSize, MEM_DECOMMIT);
+ MM::FreeMemory += freed;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KMEMTRACE, {Kern::Printf("MT:A %d %x %x %O",NTickCount(),NULL,aSize,NULL);});
+ return freed;
+ }
+void MM::CheckMemoryCounters()
+ {
+ __NK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(MM::CacheMemory>=0);
+ __NK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(MM::ReclaimedCacheMemory>=0);
+ __NK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(MM::FreeMemory+MM::CacheMemory>=0);
+ }
+void MM::Signal()
+ {
+ if (RamAllocatorMutex->iHoldCount>1)
+ {
+ Kern::MutexSignal(*RamAllocatorMutex);
+ return;
+ }
+ TInt initial=InitialFreeMemory;
+ TBool failed=AllocFailed;
+ TInt final=FreeMemory;
+ Kern::MutexSignal(*RamAllocatorMutex);
+ K::CheckFreeMemoryLevel(initial,final,failed);
+ }
+void MM::DoProcessSwitch(TAny* aAddressSpace)
+// Kernel locked on entry and exit
+ {
+ if (!aAddressSpace)
+ return;
+ DWin32Process* proc = (DWin32Process*)aAddressSpace;
+ if (proc == K::TheKernelProcess) return;
+ int count = proc->iDllData.Count();
+ for (int ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
+ {
+ SProcessDllDataBlock& procData = proc->iDllData[ii];
+ DWin32CodeSeg* codeSeg = procData.iCodeSeg;
+ if (!codeSeg)
+ continue;
+ DWin32Process*& liveProc = codeSeg->iLiveProcess;
+ if (liveProc == proc)
+ continue; // no change in live mapping
+ if (liveProc)
+ {
+ // copy out old process data
+ TInt liveIx = liveProc->iDllData.FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(procData);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(liveIx >= 0,MM::Panic(MM::EWsdDllNotInProcess));
+ SProcessDllDataBlock& oldProcData = liveProc->iDllData[liveIx];
+ memcpy(oldProcData.iDataCopy, (const TAny*)codeSeg->iDataDest, codeSeg->iRealDataSize);
+ memcpy(oldProcData.iBssCopy, (const TAny*)codeSeg->iBssDest, codeSeg->iRealBssSize);
+ }
+ // copy new data in
+ memcpy((TAny*)codeSeg->iDataDest, procData.iDataCopy, codeSeg->iRealDataSize);
+ memcpy((TAny*)codeSeg->iBssDest, procData.iBssCopy, codeSeg->iRealBssSize);
+ liveProc = proc;
+ }
+ }
+TAny* MM::CurrentAddress(DThread* aThread, const TAny* aPtr, TInt aSize, TBool /*aWrite*/, TBool& aLocked)
+// Enter and leave with system locked
+// Kernel unlocked on entry
+// Kernel may be locked on exit, iff aPtr is in DLL WSD.
+// this is because the returned address is only valid until the
+// target process DLL WSD changes live status, which can happen
+// independently when another thread runs.
+// Lock status signaled in aLocked.
+// Why? This allows the optimisation that WSD is only copied on
+// process switch when necessary. The gain from that optimisation is
+// expected to be much higher than the cost of leaving the kernel locked
+// during (rare) IPC to DLL WSD
+ {
+ DWin32Process* proc = (DWin32Process*)aThread->iOwningProcess;
+ // Is the address in DLL static data?
+ NKern::Lock();
+ TInt count = proc->iDllData.Count();
+ TLinAddr p = (TLinAddr)aPtr;
+ TLinAddr base = 0;
+ TInt size = 0;
+ TBool data = EFalse;
+ aLocked = EFalse;
+ for (TInt ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
+ {
+ const SProcessDllDataBlock& procData = proc->iDllData[ii];
+ DWin32CodeSeg* codeSeg = procData.iCodeSeg;
+ if (codeSeg->iDataDest <= p && p < codeSeg->iDataDest + codeSeg->iRealDataSize)
+ {
+ base = codeSeg->iDataDest;
+ size = codeSeg->iRealDataSize;
+ data = ETrue;
+ }
+ else if (codeSeg->iBssDest <= p && p < codeSeg->iBssDest + codeSeg->iRealBssSize)
+ {
+ base = codeSeg->iBssDest;
+ size = codeSeg->iRealBssSize;
+ }
+ if (base)
+ {
+ // This is a DLL static address, check range validity
+ if (p + aSize > base + size)
+ {
+ NKern::Unlock();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DWin32Process* liveProc = codeSeg->iLiveProcess;
+ if (proc == liveProc)
+ {
+ // If the target process is live, don't remap
+ NKern::Unlock();
+ return (TAny*)aPtr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aLocked = ETrue;
+ TLinAddr procBase = (TLinAddr)(data ? procData.iDataCopy : procData.iBssCopy);
+ TLinAddr remapped = procBase + (p - base);
+ return (TAny*) remapped;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NKern::Unlock();
+ // No, the address does not need to be remapped
+ return (TAny*)aPtr;
+ }
+void M::BTracePrime(TUint aCategory)
+ {
+ (void)aCategory;
+ // Must check for -1 as that is the default value of aCategory for
+ // BTrace::Prime() which is intended to prime all categories that are
+ // currently enabled via a single invocation of BTrace::Prime().
+ if(aCategory==BTrace::EKernelMemory || (TInt)aCategory == -1)
+ {
+ BTrace4(BTrace::EKernelMemory,BTrace::EKernelMemoryInitialFree,TheSuperPage().iTotalRamSize);
+ BTrace4(BTrace::EKernelMemory,BTrace::EKernelMemoryCurrentFree,Kern::FreeRamInBytes());
+ }
+ }
+Restart the system.
+On hardware targets this calls the Restart Vector in the ROM Header.
+Note, aMode is set to zero when this function is used by Kern::Fault()
+@param aMode Argument passed to the restart routine. The meaning of this value
+depends on the bootstrap implementation.
+EXPORT_C void Kern::Restart(TInt)
+ {
+ ExitProcess(0);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt TInternalRamDrive::MaxSize()
+ {
+ return PP::RamDriveMaxSize;
+ }
+void M::FsRegisterThread()
+ {
+ }
+void P::SetSuperPageSignature()
+ {
+ TUint32* sig = TheSuperPage().iSignature;
+ sig[0] = 0xb504f333;
+ sig[1] = 0xf9de6484;
+ }
+TBool P::CheckSuperPageSignature()
+ {
+ const TUint32* sig = TheSuperPage().iSignature;
+ return ( sig[0]==0xb504f333 && sig[1]==0xf9de6484 );
+ }
+// Dummy implementation of kernel pin APIs
+class TVirtualPinObject
+ {
+ };
+TInt M::CreateVirtualPinObject(TVirtualPinObject*& aPinObject)
+ {
+ aPinObject = new TVirtualPinObject;
+ return aPinObject != NULL ? KErrNone : KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+TInt M::PinVirtualMemory(TVirtualPinObject* aPinObject, TLinAddr, TUint, DThread*)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPinObject, K::Fault(K::EVirtualPinObjectBad));
+ (void)aPinObject;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt M::CreateAndPinVirtualMemory(TVirtualPinObject*& aPinObject, TLinAddr, TUint)
+ {
+ aPinObject = 0;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void M::UnpinVirtualMemory(TVirtualPinObject* aPinObject)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPinObject, K::Fault(K::EVirtualPinObjectBad));
+ (void)aPinObject;
+ }
+void M::DestroyVirtualPinObject(TVirtualPinObject*& aPinObject)
+ {
+ TVirtualPinObject* object = (TVirtualPinObject*)__e32_atomic_swp_ord_ptr(&aPinObject, 0);
+ if (object)
+ Kern::AsyncFree(object);
+ }
+class TPhysicalPinObject
+ {
+ };
+TInt M::CreatePhysicalPinObject(TPhysicalPinObject*& aPinObject)
+ {
+ aPinObject = new TPhysicalPinObject;
+ return aPinObject != NULL ? KErrNone : KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+TInt M::PinPhysicalMemory(TPhysicalPinObject* aPinObject, TLinAddr, TUint, TBool, TPhysAddr&, TPhysAddr*, TUint32&, TUint&, DThread*)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPinObject, K::Fault(K::EPhysicalPinObjectBad));
+ (void)aPinObject;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void M::UnpinPhysicalMemory(TPhysicalPinObject* aPinObject)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPinObject, K::Fault(K::EPhysicalPinObjectBad));
+ (void)aPinObject;
+ }
+void M::DestroyPhysicalPinObject(TPhysicalPinObject*& aPinObject)
+ {
+ TPhysicalPinObject* object = (TPhysicalPinObject*)__e32_atomic_swp_ord_ptr(&aPinObject, 0);
+ if (object)
+ Kern::AsyncFree(object);
+ }
+// Misc DPagingDevice methods
+EXPORT_C void DPagingDevice::NotifyIdle()
+ {
+ // Not used on this memory model
+ }
+EXPORT_C void DPagingDevice::NotifyBusy()
+ {
+ // Not used on this memory model
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt Cache::SyncPhysicalMemoryBeforeDmaWrite(TPhysAddr* , TUint , TUint , TUint , TUint32 )
+ {
+ CHECK_PRECONDITIONS(MASK_THREAD_STANDARD,"Cache::SyncPhysicalMemoryBeforeDmaWrite");
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt Cache::SyncPhysicalMemoryBeforeDmaRead(TPhysAddr* , TUint , TUint , TUint , TUint32 )
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt Cache::SyncPhysicalMemoryAfterDmaRead(TPhysAddr* , TUint , TUint , TUint , TUint32 )
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }