changeset 9 96e5fb8b040d
child 13 46fffbe7b5a7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/memmodel/epoc/flexible/mmu/mmapping.h	Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1110 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#ifndef MMAPPING_H
+#define MMAPPING_H
+#include "mrefcntobj.h"
+#include "mmappinglist.h"
+#include "mpagearray.h"
+Base class for memory mappings.
+This provides the methods for linking a mapping to a memory object
+as well as the interface for updating the MMU page tables associated
+with a mapping when the memory state changes.
+class DMemoryMappingBase : public DReferenceCountedObject
+	{
+	/**
+	Memory object to which this mapping is currently attached.
+	Updates to the are protected by the MmuLock.
+	*/
+	DMemoryObject*	 iMemory;
+	/**
+	Link used to maintain list of mappings attached to a memory object.
+	*/
+	TMappingListLink iLink;
+	/**
+	Offset, in page units, within the memory object's memory for start of this mapping.
+	*/
+	TUint			 iStartIndex;
+	/**
+	Size of this mapping, in page units.
+	*/
+	TUint			 iSizeInPages;
+	/**
+	Instance count which is incremented every time a mapping is attached to a memory object.
+	When code is manipulating mappings, the instance count is used to detect that a
+	mapping has been reused and that the operation it is performing is no long needed.
+	*/
+	TUint			 iMapInstanceCount;
+	/**
+	Bit flags stored in #Flags giving various state and attributes of the mapping.
+	*/
+	enum TFlags
+		{
+		/**
+		Flag set during object construction to indicate that this mapping is of
+		class #DCoarseMapping.
+		*/
+		ECoarseMapping			= 1<<0,
+		/**
+		Flag set during object construction to indicate that this mapping will pin
+		any memory pages it maps. This may not be used with coarse memory mappings.
+		*/
+		EPinned					= 1<<1,
+		/**
+		Pages have already been reserved for pinning, so when this mapping is attached
+		to a memory object no additional pages need to be reserved. Pre-reserving pages
+		is used to prevent the possibility of failing to pin due to an out of memory
+		condition. It is essential that the users of these mappings ensure that there
+		are enough reserved pages in the paging pool to meet the maximum mapping size
+		used.
+		*/
+		EPinningPagesReserved	= 1<<2,
+		/**
+		Pages have been successfully pinned by this mapping. This is set after demand
+		paged memory has been succeeded pinned and is used to indicate that the pages
+		need unpinning again when the mapping is later unmapped.
+		*/
+		EPagesPinned			= 1<<3,
+		/**
+		Flag set during object construction to indicate that MMU page tables are to
+		be permanently allocated for use by this mapping. Normally, page tables are
+		allocated as needed to map memory which can result in out-of-memory errors
+		when mapping memory pages.
+		*/
+		EPermanentPageTables	= 1<<4,
+		/**
+		Permanent page tables have been successfully been allocated for this mapping.
+		This flag is used to track allocation so they can be released when the mapping
+		is destroyed.
+		*/
+		EPageTablesAllocated	= 1<<5,
+		/**
+		For pinned mappings (EPinned) this flag is set whenever the mapping prevents
+		any pages of memory from being fully decommitted from a memory object. When a
+		mapping is finally unmapped from the memory object this flag is checked, and,
+		if set, further cleanup of the decommitted pages triggered.
+		*/
+		EPageUnmapVetoed		= 1<<6,
+		/**
+		Mapping is being, or has been, detached from a memory object.
+		When set, operations on the mapping should act as though the mapping is no
+		longer attached to a memory object. Specifically, no further pages of memory
+		should be mapped into this mapping.
+		This flag is only set when the MmuLock is held.
+		*/
+		EDetaching				= 1<<7,
+		/**
+		This mapping is a physical pinning mapping.  The pages it pins
+		cannot be paged out or moved.
+		This flag is set when DPhysicalPinMapping objects are created.
+		*/
+		EPhysicalPinningMapping = 1<<8,
+		/**
+		Flag set during object construction to indicate that this mapping is of
+		class #DLargeMapping.
+		Note that #DLargeMapping is derived from #DCoarseMapping, therefore presence of this flag
+		implies presence of #ECoarseMapping as well.
+		*/
+		ELargeMapping			= 1<<9,
+		};
+	/**
+	Bitmask of values from enum #TPteType which will be used to calculate
+	the correct attributes for any page table entries this mapping uses.
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TUint8& PteType()
+		{ return iLink.iSpare1; }
+	/**
+	Bitmask of values from enum #TFlags.
+	The flags 16 bits and are stored in iLink.iSpare2 and iLink.iSpare3.
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TUint16& Flags()
+		{ return (TUint16&)iLink.iSpare2; }
+	/**
+	Return the memory object to which this mapping is currently attached.
+	@pre MmuLock is held. (If aNoCheck==false)
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE DMemoryObject* Memory(TBool aNoCheck=false)
+		{
+		if(!aNoCheck)
+			__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(MmuLock::IsHeld());
+		return iMemory;
+		}
+	/**
+	Return true if the mapping is currently attached to a memory object.
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TBool IsAttached()
+		{ return iLink.IsLinked(); }
+	/**
+	Return true if the mapping is being, or has been, detached from a memory object.
+	The mapping may or may not still be attached to a memory object, i.e. #IsAttached
+	is indeterminate.
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TBool BeingDetached()
+		{ return Flags()&EDetaching; }
+	/**
+	Return the mapping instance count.
+	@see #iMapInstanceCount.
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TUint MapInstanceCount()
+		{ return iMapInstanceCount; }
+	/**
+	Return true if this mapping provides read only access to memory.
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TBool IsReadOnly()
+		{ return !(PteType()&EPteTypeWritable); }
+	/**
+	Return true if this mapping provides access to memory which allows
+	code to be executed from it.
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TBool IsExecutable()
+		{ return (PteType()&EPteTypeExecutable); }
+	/**
+	Return true if this is a coarse mapping, in other words it is an instance of #DCoarseMapping or
+	#DLargeMapping.
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TBool IsCoarse()
+		{ return Flags()&ECoarseMapping; }
+	/**
+	Return true if this mapping is a large mapping, in other words an instance of #DLargeMapping.
+	Note that all large mappings are also coarse mappings.
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TBool IsLarge()
+		{ return Flags()&ELargeMapping; }
+	/**
+	Return true if this mapping pins the memory it maps.
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TBool IsPinned()
+		{ return Flags()&EPinned; }
+	/**
+	Return true if this mapping physically pins the memory it maps.
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TBool IsPhysicalPinning()
+		{ return Flags()&EPhysicalPinningMapping; }
+	/**
+	Return the access permissions which this mapping uses to maps memory.
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TMappingPermissions Permissions()
+		{ return Mmu::PermissionsFromPteType(PteType()); }
+	/**
+	Link this mapping to a memory object.
+	This is called by the memory object during processing of #Attach.
+	@param aMemory		The memory object the mapping is being attached to.
+	@param aMappingList	The list to add this mapping to.
+	@pre MmuLock is held.
+	@pre Mapping list lock is held.
+	*/
+	void LinkToMemory(DMemoryObject* aMemory, TMappingList& aMappingList);
+	/**
+	Unlink this mapping from the memory object it was previously linked to with
+	#LinkToMemory.
+	This is called by the memory object during processing of #Detach.
+	@param aMappingList	The list that the mapping appears on.
+	*/
+	void UnlinkFromMemory(TMappingList& aMappingList);
+	/**
+	@param aType Initial value for #Flags.
+	*/
+	DMemoryMappingBase(TUint aType);
+	/**
+	Attach this mapping to a memory object so that it maps a specified region of its memory.
+	@param aMemory	The memory object.
+	@param aIndex	The page index of the first page of memory to be mapped by the mapping.
+	@param aCount	The number of pages of memory to be mapped by the mapping.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
+	*/
+	TInt Attach(DMemoryObject* aMemory, TUint aIndex, TUint aCount);
+	/**
+	Remove this mapping from the memory object it was previously attached to by #Attach.
+	*/
+	void Detach();
+	/**
+	Update the page table entries corresponding to this mapping to add entries for
+	a specified set of memory pages.
+	This method is called by DMemoryObject::MapPages to update each mapping attached
+	to a memory object whenever new pages of memory are added. However, it won't be
+	called for any mapping with the #EPinned attribute as such mappings are unchanging.
+	@param aPages				An RPageArray::TIter which refers to a range of pages
+								in a memory object. This has been clipped to fit within
+								the range of pages mapped by this mapping.
+								Only array entries which have state RPageArray::ECommitted
+								should be mapped into the mapping's page tables.
+	@param aMapInstanceCount	The instance of this mapping which is to be updated.
+								Whenever this no longer matches the current #MapInstanceCount
+								the function must not update any more of the mapping's
+								page table entries, (but must still return KErrNone).
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.	
+	*/
+	virtual TInt MapPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TUint aMapInstanceCount) =0;
+	/**
+	Update the page table entries corresponding to this mapping to remove entries for
+	a specified set of memory pages.
+	This method is called by DMemoryObject::UnmapPages to update each mapping attached
+	to a memory object whenever pages of memory are removed.
+	@param aPages				An RPageArray::TIter which refers to a range of pages
+								in a memory object. This has been clipped to fit within
+								the range of pages mapped by this mapping.
+								Only array entries which return true for
+								RPageArray::TargetStateIsDecommitted should be unmapped
+								from the mapping's page tables.
+	@param aMapInstanceCount	The instance of this mapping which is to be updated.
+								Whenever this no longer matches the current #MapInstanceCount
+								the function must not update any more of the mapping's
+								page table entries.
+	*/
+	virtual void UnmapPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TUint aMapInstanceCount) =0;
+	/**
+	Update the page table entry corresponding to this mapping to update an entry for a specified
+	page that has just been moved or shadowed.
+	@param aPages				The page array entry of the page in a memory object. 
+								Only array entries which have a target state of 
+								RPageArray::ECommitted should be mapped into the 
+								mapping's page tables.
+	@param aIndex				The index of the page in the memory object.
+	@param aMapInstanceCount	The instance of this mapping which is to be updated.
+								Whenever this no longer matches the current #MapInstanceCount
+								the function must not update any more of the mapping's
+								page table entries, (but must still return KErrNone).
+	@param	aInvalidateTLB		Set to ETrue when the TLB entries associated with this page
+								should be invalidated.  This must be done when there is 
+								already a valid pte for this page, i.e. if the page is still 
+								mapped.
+	*/
+	virtual void RemapPage(TPhysAddr& aPageArray, TUint aIndex, TUint aMapInstanceCount, TBool aInvalidateTLB)=0;
+	/**
+	Update the page table entries corresponding to this mapping to apply access restrictions
+	to a specified set of memory pages.
+	This method is called by DMemoryObject::RestrictPages to update each mapping attached
+	to a memory object whenever pages of memory are restricted.
+	@param aPages				An RPageArray::TIter which refers to a range of pages
+								in a memory object. This has been clipped to fit within
+								the range of pages mapped by this mapping.
+								Only array entries which return true for
+								RPageArray::TargetStateIsDecommitted should be unmapped
+								from the mapping's page tables.
+	@param aMapInstanceCount	The instance of this mapping which is to be updated.
+								Whenever this no longer matches the current #MapInstanceCount
+								the function must not update any more of the mapping's
+								page table entries.
+	*/
+	virtual void RestrictPagesNA(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TUint aMapInstanceCount) =0;
+	/**
+	Update the page table entries corresponding to this mapping to add entries for
+	a specified set of demand paged memory pages following a 'page in' or memory
+	pinning operation.
+	@param aPages				An RPageArray::TIter which refers to a range of pages
+								in a memory object. This will be within the range of pages
+								mapped by this mapping.
+								Only array entries which have state RPageArray::ECommitted
+								should be mapped into the mapping's page tables.
+	@param aPinArgs				The resources required to pin any page tables the mapping uses.
+								Page table must be pinned if \a aPinArgs.iPinnedPageTables is
+								not the null pointer, in which case this the virtual address
+								of the pinned must be stored in the array this points to.
+								\a aPinArgs.iReadOnly is true if write access permissions
+								are not needed.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.	
+	*/
+	virtual TInt PageIn(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TPinArgs& aPinArgs, TUint aMapInstanceCount) =0;
+	/**
+	Update the page table entry corresponding to this mapping to add an entry for
+	a specified page which is in the process of being moved.
+	@param aPageArrayPtr		The page array entry for the page to be mapped which must be
+								within this mapping range of pages.
+								Only array entries which have a target state of
+								RPageArray::ECommitted should be mapped into the mapping's 
+								page tables.
+	@param	aIndex				The index of the page.
+	@return ETrue if successful, EFalse otherwise.
+	*/
+	virtual TBool MovingPageIn(TPhysAddr& aPageArrayPtr, TUint aIndex)=0;
+	/**
+	In debug builds, dump information about this mapping to the kernel trace port.
+	*/
+	virtual void Dump();
+	/**
+	Update this mapping's MMU data structures to map all pages of memory
+	currently committed to the memory object (#iMemory) in the region covered
+	by this mapping.
+	This method is called by #Attach after the mapping has been linked
+	into the memory object.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoMap() =0;
+	/**
+	Update this mapping's MMU data structures to unmap all pages of memory.
+	This method is called by #Detach before the mapping has been unlinked
+	from the memory object but after the #EDetaching flag has been set.
+	*/
+	virtual void DoUnmap() =0;
+	/**
+	For pinned mapping, this virtual method is called by #Attach in order to pin
+	pages of memory if required. This is called after the mapping has been linked
+	into the memory object but before #DoMap.
+	The default implementation of this method simply calls DMemoryManager::Pin.
+	@param aPinArgs	The resources to use for pinning. This has sufficient replacement
+					pages allocated to pin every page the mapping covers, and the
+					value of \a aPinArgs.iReadOnly has been set to correspond to the
+					mappings access permissions.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoPin(TPinArgs& aPinArgs);
+	/**
+	For pinned mapping, this virtual method is called by #Detach in order to unpin
+	pages of memory if required. This is called before the mapping has been unlinked
+	from the memory object but after #DoUnmap.
+	The default implementation of this method simply calls DMemoryManager::Unpin.
+	@param aPinArgs	The resources used for pinning. The replacement pages allocated
+					to this will be increased for each page which was became completely
+					unpinned.
+	*/
+	virtual void DoUnpin(TPinArgs& aPinArgs);
+	};
+Base class for memory mappings which map memory contents into a address space.
+This provides methods for allocating virtual memory and holds the attributes needed
+for MMU page table entries.
+class DMemoryMapping : public DMemoryMappingBase
+	{
+	/**
+	The page directory entry (PDE) value for use when mapping this mapping's page tables.
+	This value has the physical address component being zero, so a page table's physical
+	address can be simply ORed in.
+	This could potentially be removed (see DMemoryMapping::PdeType()).
+	*/
+	TPde			iBlankPde;
+	/**
+	The page table entry (PTE) value for use when mapping pages into this mapping.
+	This value has the physical address component being zero, so a page's physical
+	address can be simply ORed in.
+	*/
+	TPte			iBlankPte;
+	/**
+	Start of the virtual address region allocated for use by this mapping
+	ORed with the OS ASID of the address space this lies in.
+	Note, the address at which memory is mapped (#iLinAddrAndOsAsid) may be different
+	to this allocated address due to page colouring restrictions.
+	@see iAllocatedSize
+	*/
+	TLinAddr		iAllocatedLinAddrAndOsAsid;
+	/**
+	Size of virtual address region memory allocated for use by this mapping.
+	@see iAllocatedLinAddrAndOsAsid
+	*/
+	TUint			iAllocatedSize;
+	/**
+	Start of the virtual address region that this mapping is currently
+	mapping memory at, ORed with the OS ASID of the address space this lies in.
+	This value is set by #Map which is called from #Attach when the mapping
+	is attached to a memory object. The address used may be different to
+	#iAllocatedLinAddrAndOsAsid due to page colouring restrictions.
+	The size of the region mapped is #iSizeInPages.
+	Note, access to this value is through #Base() and #OsAsid().
+	*/
+	TLinAddr		iLinAddrAndOsAsid;
+	/**
+	Second phase constructor.
+	The main function of this is to allocate a virtual address region for the mapping
+	and to add it to an address space.
+	@param aAttributes		The attributes of the memory which this mapping is intended to map.
+							This is only needed to setup #PdeType which is required for correct
+							virtual address allocation so in practice the only relevant attribute
+							is to set EMemoryAttributeUseECC if required, else use
+							EMemoryAttributeStandard.
+	@param aFlags			A combination of the options from enum TMappingCreateFlags.
+	@param aOsAsid			The OS ASID of the address space the mapping is to be added to.
+	@param aAddr			The virtual address to use for the mapping, or zero if this is
+							to be allocated by this function.
+	@param aSize			The maximum size of memory, in bytes, this mapping will be used to
+							map. This determines the size of the virtual address region the
+							mapping will use.
+	@param aColourOffset	The byte offset within a memory object's memory which this mapping
+							is to start. This is used to adjust virtual memory allocation to
+							meet page colouring restrictions. If this value is not known leave
+							this argument unspecified; however, it must be specified if \a aAddr
+							is specified.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.	
+	*/
+	TInt Construct(TMemoryAttributes aAttributes, TMappingCreateFlags aFlags, TInt aOsAsid, TLinAddr aAddr, TUint aSize, TLinAddr aColourOffset=~(TLinAddr)0);
+	/**
+	Add this mapping to a memory object so that it maps a specified region of its memory.
+	Most of the action of this method is performed by #Attach.
+	@param aMemory		The memory object.
+	@param aIndex		The page index of the first page of memory to be mapped by the mapping.
+	@param aCount		The number of pages of memory to be mapped by the mapping.
+	@param aPermissions	The memory access permissions to apply to the mapping.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
+	*/
+	TInt Map(DMemoryObject* aMemory, TUint aIndex, TUint aCount, TMappingPermissions aPermissions);
+	/**
+	Remove this mapping from the memory object it was previously added to by #Map.
+	Most of the action of this method is performed by #Detach.
+	*/
+	void Unmap();
+	/**
+	Return the OS ASID for the address space that this mapping is currently mapping memory in.
+	*/
+		{
+		__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iLinAddrAndOsAsid); // check mapping has been added to an address space
+		return iLinAddrAndOsAsid&KPageMask;
+		}
+	/**
+	Return starting virtual address that this mapping is currently mapping memory at.
+	The size of the region mapped is #iSizeInPages.
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TLinAddr Base()
+		{
+		__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iLinAddrAndOsAsid); // check mapping has been added to an address space
+		return iLinAddrAndOsAsid&~KPageMask;
+		}
+	/**
+	Return #Base()|#OsAsid()
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TLinAddr LinAddrAndOsAsid()
+		{
+		__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iLinAddrAndOsAsid); // check mapping has been added to an address space
+		return iLinAddrAndOsAsid;
+		}
+	FORCE_INLINE TBool IsUserMapping()
+		{
+		// Note: must be usable before the mapping has been added to an address space
+		return (PteType() & (EPteTypeUserAccess|EPteTypeGlobal)) == EPteTypeUserAccess;
+		}
+	/**
+	Return #iBlankPde.
+	*/
+	FORCE_INLINE TPde BlankPde()
+		{
+		return iBlankPde;
+		}
+	/**
+	Emit BTrace traces identifying this mappings virtual address usage.
+	*/
+	void BTraceCreate();
+	/**
+	In debug builds, dump information about this mapping to the kernel trace port.
+	*/
+	virtual void Dump();
+	/**
+	Function to return a page table pointer for the specified linear address and
+	index to this mapping.
+	This is called by #Epoc::MovePhysicalPage when moving page table or page table info pages.
+	@param aLinAddr		The linear address to find the page table entry for.
+	@param aMemoryIndex	The memory object index of the page to find the page 
+						table entry for.
+	@return A pointer to the page table entry, if the page table entry couldn't 
+			be found this will be NULL
+	*/
+	virtual TPte* FindPageTable(TLinAddr aLinAddr, TUint aMemoryIndex)=0;
+	/**
+	@param aType Initial value for #Flags.
+	*/
+	DMemoryMapping(TUint aType);
+	/**
+	This destructor removes the mapping from any address space it was added to and
+	frees any virtual addresses allocated to it.
+	*/
+	~DMemoryMapping();
+	/**
+	Allocatate virtual addresses for this mapping to use.
+	This is called from #Construct and the arguments to this function are the same.
+	On success, iAllocatedLinAddrAndOsAsid and iAllocatedSize will be initialised.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt AllocateVirtualMemory(TMappingCreateFlags aFlags, TInt aOsAsid, TLinAddr aAddr, TUint aSize, TLinAddr aColourOffset);
+	/**
+	Free the virtual addresses allocated to this mapping with AllocateVirtualMemory.
+	*/
+	virtual void FreeVirtualMemory();
+	};
+A memory mapping to map a 'chunk' aligned region of a DCoarseMemory object into
+an address space. A 'chunk' is the size of memory mapped by a whole MMU page table
+and is #KChunkSize bytes.
+These mappings make use of page tables owned by a DCoarseMemory and when
+they are attached to a memory object they are linked into
+DCoarseMemory::DPageTables::iMappings not DCoarseMemory::iMappings.
+class DCoarseMapping : public DMemoryMapping
+	{
+	DCoarseMapping();
+	~DCoarseMapping();
+	DCoarseMapping(TUint aFlags);
+	// from DMemoryMappingBase...
+	virtual TInt MapPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TUint aMapInstanceCount); ///< Not implemented. Faults in debug builds.
+	virtual void UnmapPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TUint aMapInstanceCount); ///< Not implemented. Faults in debug builds.
+	virtual void RemapPage(TPhysAddr& aPageArray, TUint aIndex, TUint aMapInstanceCount, TBool aInvalidateTLB); ///< Not implemented. Faults in debug builds.
+	virtual void RestrictPagesNA(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TUint aMapInstanceCount); ///< Not implemented. Faults in debug builds.
+	virtual TInt PageIn(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TPinArgs& aPinArgs, TUint aMapInstanceCount);
+	virtual TBool MovingPageIn(TPhysAddr& aPageArrayPtr, TUint aIndex);
+	virtual TInt DoMap();
+	virtual void DoUnmap();
+	// from DMemoryMapping...
+	virtual TPte* FindPageTable(TLinAddr aLinAddr, TUint aMemoryIndex);
+	};
+A memory mapping to map a page aligned region of a memory object into
+an address space. The may be used with any memory object: DFineMemory or DCoarseMemory.
+class DFineMapping : public DMemoryMapping
+	{
+	DFineMapping();
+	~DFineMapping();
+	// from DMemoryMappingBase...
+	virtual TInt MapPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TUint aMapInstanceCount);
+	virtual void UnmapPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TUint aMapInstanceCount);
+	virtual void RemapPage(TPhysAddr& aPageArray, TUint aIndex, TUint aMapInstanceCount, TBool aInvalidateTLB);
+	virtual void RestrictPagesNA(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TUint aMapInstanceCount);
+	virtual TInt PageIn(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TPinArgs& aPinArgs, TUint aMapInstanceCount);
+	virtual TBool MovingPageIn(TPhysAddr& aPageArrayPtr, TUint aIndex);
+	virtual TInt DoMap();
+	virtual void DoUnmap();
+	// from DMemoryMapping...
+	/**
+	Allocatate virtual addresses for this mapping to use.
+	In addition to performing the action of DMemoryMapping::AllocateVirtualMemory
+	this will also allocate all permanent page tables for the mapping if it has attribute
+	#EPermanentPageTables.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt AllocateVirtualMemory(TMappingCreateFlags aFlags, TInt aOsAsid, TLinAddr aAddr, TUint aSize, TLinAddr aColourOffset);
+	/**
+	Free the virtual addresses and permanent page tables allocated to this mapping with
+	AllocateVirtualMemory.
+	*/
+	virtual void FreeVirtualMemory();
+	virtual TPte* FindPageTable(TLinAddr aLinAddr, TUint aMemoryIndex);
+	// new...
+	/**
+	Allocate all the page tables required for this mapping. This is called by
+	AllocateVirtualMemory if the #EPermanentPageTables attribute is set.
+	Each page table for the virtual address region used by the mapping is
+	allocated if not already present. The permanence count of any page table
+	(SPageTableInfo::iPermanenceCount) is then incremented so that it is not
+	freed even when it no longer maps any pages.
+	If successful, the #EPageTablesAllocated flag in #Flags will be set.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
+	*/
+	TInt AllocatePermanentPageTables();
+	/**
+	Free all permanent page tables allocated to this mapping.
+	This reverses the action of #AllocatePermanentPageTables by decrementing
+	the permanence count for each page table and freeing it if is no longer in use.
+	*/
+	void FreePermanentPageTables();
+	/**
+	Free a range of permanent page tables.
+	This is an implementation factor for FreePermanentPageTables and
+	AllocatePermanentPageTables. It decrements the permanence count
+	for each page table and frees it if is no longer in use
+	@param aFirstPde	The address of the page directory entry which refers to
+						the first page table to be freed.
+	@param aLastPde		The address of the page directory entry which refers to
+						the last page table to be freed.
+	*/
+	void FreePermanentPageTables(TPde* aFirstPde, TPde* aLastPde);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	/**
+	Validate the contents of the page table are valid.
+	@param aPt	The page table to validate.
+	*/
+	void ValidatePageTable(TPte* aPt, TLinAddr aAddr);
+	/**
+	Get the page table being used to map a specified virtual address if it exists.
+	@param aAddr	A virtual address in the region allocated to this mapping.
+	@return The virtual address of the page table mapping \a aAddr,
+			or the null pointer if one wasn't found.
+	*/
+	TPte* GetPageTable(TLinAddr aAddr);
+	/**
+	Get the page table being used to map a specified virtual address; allocating
+	a new one if it didn't previously exist.
+	@param aAddr	A virtual address in the region allocated to this mapping.
+	@return The virtual address of the page table mapping \a aAddr,
+			or the null pointer if one wasn't found and couldn't be allocated.
+	*/
+	TPte* GetOrAllocatePageTable(TLinAddr aAddr);
+	/**
+	Get and pin the page table being used to map a specified virtual address;
+	allocating a new one if it didn't previously exist.
+	@param aAddr	A virtual address in the region allocated to this mapping.
+	@param aPinArgs	The resources required to pin the page table.
+					On success, the page table will have been appended to
+					\a aPinArgs.iPinnedPageTables.
+	@return The virtual address of the page table mapping \a aAddr,
+			or the null pointer if one wasn't found and couldn't be allocated.
+	*/
+	TPte* GetOrAllocatePageTable(TLinAddr aAddr, TPinArgs& aPinArgs);
+	/**
+	Allocate a single page table.
+	@param aAddr		The virtual address the page table will be used to map.
+	@param aPdeAddress	Address of the page directory entry which is to map
+						the newly allocated page table.
+	@param aPermanent	True, if the page table's permanence count is to be incremented.
+	@return The virtual address of the page table if it was successfully allocated,
+			otherwise the null pointer.
+	*/
+	TPte* AllocatePageTable(TLinAddr aAddr, TPde* aPdeAddress, TBool aPermanent=false);
+	/**
+	Free a single page table if it is unused.
+	@param aPdeAddress	Address of the page directory entry (PDE) which maps the page table.
+						If the page table is freed, this PDE will be set to an 'unallocated' value.
+	*/
+	void FreePageTable(TPde* aPdeAddress);
+	};
+A mapping which provides access to the physical address used by a memory object
+without mapping these at any virtual address accessible to software.
+These mappings are always of the 'pinned' type to prevent the obtained physical addresses
+from becoming invalid.
+class DPhysicalPinMapping : public DMemoryMappingBase
+	{
+	DPhysicalPinMapping();
+	/**
+	Attach this mapping to a memory object so that it pins a specified region of its memory.
+	Most of the action of this method is performed by #Attach.
+	@param aMemory		The memory object.
+	@param aIndex		The page index of the first page of memory to be pinned by the mapping.
+	@param aCount		The number of pages of memory to be pinned by the mapping.
+	@param aPermissions	The memory access permissions appropriate to the intended use
+						of the physical addresses. E.g. if the memory contents will be
+						changes, use EReadWrite. These permissions are used for error
+						checking, e.g. detecting attempted writes to read-only memory.
+						They are also used for optimising access to demand paged memory;
+						which is more efficient if only read-only access is required.
+	@return KErrNone if successful,
+			KErrNotFound if any part of the memory to be pinned was not present,
+			KErrNoMemory if there was insufficient memory,
+			otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
+	*/
+	TInt Pin(DMemoryObject* aMemory, TUint aIndex, TUint aCount, TMappingPermissions aPermissions);
+	/**
+	Remove this mapping from the memory object it was previously added to by #Pin.
+	Most of the action of this method is performed by #Detach.
+	*/
+	virtual void Unpin();
+	/**
+	Get the physical address(es) for a region of pages in this mapping.
+	@param aIndex			Page index, within the mapping, for start of the region.
+	@param aCount			Number of pages in the region.
+	@param aPhysicalAddress	On success, this value is set to one of two values.
+							If the specified region is physically contiguous,
+							the value is the physical address of the first page
+							in the region. If the region is discontiguous, the
+							value is set to KPhysAddrInvalid.
+	@param aPhysicalPageList If not zero, this points to an array of TPhysAddr
+							objects. On success, this array will be filled
+							with the addresses of the physical pages which
+							contain the specified region. If aPageList is
+							zero, then the function will fail with
+							KErrNotFound if the specified region is not
+							physically contiguous.
+	@return 0 if successful and the whole region is physically contiguous.
+			1 if successful but the region isn't physically contiguous.
+			KErrNotFound, if any page in the region is not present,
+			otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
+	@pre This mapping must have been attached to a memory object with #Pin.
+	*/
+	TInt PhysAddr(TUint aIndex, TUint aCount, TPhysAddr& aPhysicalAddress, TPhysAddr* aPhysicalPageList);
+	// from DMemoryMappingBase...
+	virtual TInt MapPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TUint aMapInstanceCount); ///< Not implemented. Faults in debug builds.
+	virtual void UnmapPages(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TUint aMapInstanceCount); ///< Does nothing
+	virtual void RemapPage(TPhysAddr& aPageArray, TUint aIndex, TUint aMapInstanceCount, TBool aInvalidateTLB); ///< Not implemented. Faults in debug builds.
+	virtual void RestrictPagesNA(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TUint aMapInstanceCount); ///< Does nothing
+	virtual TInt PageIn(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TPinArgs& aPinArgs, TUint aMapInstanceCount); ///< Does nothing
+	virtual TBool MovingPageIn(TPhysAddr& aPageArrayPtr, TUint aIndex);///< Not implemented. Faults in debug builds.
+	virtual TInt DoMap(); ///< Does nothing
+	virtual void DoUnmap(); ///< Does nothing
+	}; 
+A mapping which pins memory in order to prevent demand paging related
+page faults from occurring.
+class DVirtualPinMapping : public DPhysicalPinMapping
+	{
+	DVirtualPinMapping();
+	~DVirtualPinMapping();
+	/**
+	Create a new DVirtualPinMapping object suitable for pinning a specified number of pages.
+	If no maximum is specified (\a aMaxCount==0) then this object may be used to pin
+	any number of pages, however this will require dynamic allocation of storage for
+	page table references.
+	@param aMaxCount The maximum number of pages which can be pinned, or zero for no maximum.
+	@return The newly created DVirtualPinMapping or the null pointer if there was
+			insufficient memory.
+	*/
+	static DVirtualPinMapping* New(TUint aMaxCount);
+	/**
+	Attach this mapping to a memory object so that it pins a specified region of its memory.
+	Additionally, pin the page tables in a specified mapping (\a aMapping) which
+	are being used to map these pages.
+	The result of this function is that access to the pinned memory through the virtual
+	addresses used by \a aMapping will not generate any demand paging related page faults.
+	@param aMemory		The memory object.
+	@param aIndex		The page index of the first page of memory to be pinned by the mapping.
+	@param aCount		The number of pages of memory to be pinned by the mapping.
+	@param aPermissions	The memory access permissions appropriate to the intended use
+						of the physical addresses. E.g. if the memory contents will be
+						changes, use EReadWrite. These permissions are used for error
+						checking, e.g. detecting attempted writes to read-only memory.
+						They are also used for optimising access to demand paged memory;
+						which is more efficient if only read-only access is required.
+	@param aMapping		The mapping whose page tables are to be pinned. This must be
+						currently mapping the specified region of memory pages.
+	@param aMapInstanceCount	The instance count of the mapping who's page tables are to be pinned.
+	@return KErrNone if successful,
+			KErrNotFound if any part of the memory to be pinned was not present,
+			KErrNoMemory if there was insufficient memory,
+			otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
+	*/
+	TInt Pin(	DMemoryObject* aMemory, TUint aIndex, TUint aCount, TMappingPermissions aPermissions, 
+				DMemoryMappingBase* aMapping, TUint aMapInstanceCount);
+	/**
+	Remove this mapping from the memory object it was previously added to by #Pin.
+	This will unpin any memory pages and pages tables that were pinned.
+	*/
+	void Unpin();
+	/**
+	Return the maximum number of page tables which could be required to map
+	\a aPageCount pages. This is used by various resource reserving calculations.
+	*/
+	static TUint MaxPageTables(TUint aPageCount);
+	/**
+	In debug builds, dump information about this mapping to the kernel trace port.
+	*/
+	virtual void Dump();
+	// from DMemoryMappingBase...
+	virtual void RemapPage(TPhysAddr& aPageArray, TUint aIndex, TUint aMapInstanceCount, TBool aInvalidateTLB); ///< Does nothing.
+	virtual TInt PageIn(RPageArray::TIter aPages, TPinArgs& aPinArgs, TUint aMapInstanceCount);
+	virtual TBool MovingPageIn(TPhysAddr& aPageArrayPtr, TUint aIndex);///< Not implemented. Faults in debug builds.
+	virtual TInt DoPin(TPinArgs& aPinArgs);
+	virtual void DoUnpin(TPinArgs& aPinArgs);
+	/**
+	Allocate memory to store pointers to all the page table which map
+	\a aCount pages of memory. The pointer to the allocated memory
+	is stored at iAllocatedPinnedPageTables.
+	If iSmallPinnedPageTablesArray is large enough, this function doesn't
+	allocate any memory.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise KErrNoMemory.
+	*/
+	TInt AllocPageTableArray(TUint aCount);
+	/**
+	Delete iAllocatedPinnedPageTables.
+	*/
+	void FreePageTableArray();
+	/**
+	Return the address of the array storing pinned page tables.
+	This is either iSmallPinnedPageTablesArray or iAllocatedPinnedPageTables.
+	*/
+	TPte** PageTableArray();
+	/**
+	Unpin all the page tables which have been pinned by this mapping.
+	@param aPinArgs	The resources used for pinning. The replacement pages allocated
+					to this will be increased for each page which was became completely
+					unpinned.
+	*/
+	void UnpinPageTables(TPinArgs& aPinArgs);
+	/**
+	Temporary store for the mapping passed to #Pin
+	*/
+	DMemoryMappingBase* iPinVirtualMapping;
+	/**
+	Temporary store for the mapping instance count passed to #Pin
+	*/
+	TUint iPinVirtualMapInstanceCount;
+	/**
+	The number of page tables which are currently being pinned by this mapping.
+	This is the number of valid entries stored at PageTableArray.
+	*/
+	TUint iNumPinnedPageTables;
+	/**
+	The maximum number of pages which can be pinned by this mapping.
+	If this is zero, there is no maximum.
+	*/
+	TUint iMaxCount;
+	/**
+	The memory allocated by this object for storing pointer to the page tables
+	it has pinned.
+	*/
+	TPte** iAllocatedPinnedPageTables;
+	enum
+		{
+		KSmallPinnedPageTableCount = 2 ///< Number of entries in iSmallPinnedPageTablesArray
+		};
+	/**
+	A small array to use for storing pinned page tables.
+	This is an optimisation used for the typical case of pinning a small number of pages
+	to avoid dynamic allocation of memory.
+	*/
+	TPte* iSmallPinnedPageTablesArray[KSmallPinnedPageTableCount];
+	}; 