--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/memmodel/epoc/pcodeseg.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\memmodel\epoc\pcodeseg.cpp
+#include "plat_priv.h"
+#include <e32uid.h>
+TLinAddr DCodeSeg::ExceptionDescriptor()
+ {
+ DEpocCodeSeg* s = (DEpocCodeSeg*)this;
+ if (s->iXIP)
+ return s->RomInfo().iExceptionDescriptor;
+ return s->RamInfo().iExceptionDescriptor;
+ }
+ {
+ if (!iXIP && iMemory)
+ {
+ iMemory->iCodeSeg = 0;
+ iMemory->Close();
+ iMemory = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void DEpocCodeSeg::Destruct()
+ {
+ DCodeSeg::Wait();
+ if (iLoaderCookie!=NULL)
+ {
+ if ((TInt) iLoaderCookie&1) // Not set fully loaded
+ {
+ iLoaderCookie = (TCodeSegLoaderCookieList*) ( ((TInt) iLoaderCookie) & ~1);
+ delete iLoaderCookie;
+ iLoaderCookie=NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Notify reaper of destruction
+ NKern::LockSystem();
+ if (DestructNotifyRequest->IsReady())
+ {
+ DThread* t = DestructNotifyThread;
+ DestructNotifyThread = NULL;
+ Kern::QueueRequestComplete(t, DestructNotifyRequest,KErrNone);
+ }
+ NKern::UnlockSystem();
+ iLoaderCookie->iNext=DestructNotifyList;
+ DestructNotifyList=iLoaderCookie;
+ iLoaderCookie=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ DCodeSeg::Signal();
+ DCodeSeg::Destruct();
+ }
+void DEpocCodeSeg::Info(TCodeSegCreateInfo& aInfo)
+ {
+ if (iXIP)
+ {
+ const TRomImageHeader& rih=RomInfo();
+ aInfo.iCodeSize=rih.iCodeSize;
+ aInfo.iTextSize=rih.iTextSize;
+ aInfo.iDataSize=rih.iDataSize;
+ aInfo.iBssSize=rih.iBssSize;
+ aInfo.iTotalDataSize=rih.iTotalDataSize;
+ aInfo.iExportDir=rih.iExportDir;
+ aInfo.iExportDirCount=rih.iExportDirCount;
+ aInfo.iCodeLoadAddress=rih.iCodeAddress;
+ aInfo.iCodeRunAddress=rih.iCodeAddress;
+ aInfo.iDataLoadAddress=rih.iDataAddress;
+ aInfo.iDataRunAddress=rih.iDataBssLinearBase;
+ aInfo.iExceptionDescriptor = rih.iExceptionDescriptor;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const SRamCodeInfo& ri=RamInfo();
+ aInfo.iCodeSize=ri.iCodeSize;
+ aInfo.iTextSize=ri.iTextSize;
+ aInfo.iDataSize=ri.iDataSize;
+ aInfo.iBssSize=ri.iBssSize;
+ aInfo.iTotalDataSize=ri.iDataSize+ri.iBssSize;
+ aInfo.iExportDir=ri.iExportDir;
+ aInfo.iExportDirCount=ri.iExportDirCount;
+ aInfo.iCodeLoadAddress=ri.iCodeLoadAddr;
+ aInfo.iCodeRunAddress=ri.iCodeRunAddr;
+ aInfo.iDataLoadAddress=ri.iDataLoadAddr;
+ aInfo.iDataRunAddress=ri.iDataRunAddr;
+ aInfo.iExceptionDescriptor = ri.iExceptionDescriptor;
+ }
+ DCodeSeg::Info(aInfo);
+ }
+void DEpocCodeSeg::GetDataSizeAndBase(TInt& aTotalDataSizeOut, TLinAddr& aDataBaseOut)
+ {
+ if (iXIP)
+ {
+ aTotalDataSizeOut=RomInfo().iTotalDataSize;
+ aDataBaseOut=RomInfo().iDataBssLinearBase;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aTotalDataSizeOut=RamInfo().iDataSize+RamInfo().iBssSize;
+ aDataBaseOut=RamInfo().iDataRunAddr;
+ }
+ }
+TLibraryFunction DEpocCodeSeg::Lookup(TInt aOrdinal)
+ {
+ // return NULL for -ve ordinal or 0th ordinal when not stddll/stdexe
+ if (aOrdinal<0 || (aOrdinal==0 && !(iAttr&ECodeSegAttNmdExpData)))
+ return NULL;
+ TInt xdc;
+ TLinAddr* xd; // points to the 0th ordinal of export table
+ if (iXIP)
+ {
+ const TRomImageHeader& rih=RomInfo();
+ xdc=rih.iExportDirCount;
+ xd=(TLinAddr*)rih.iExportDir - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SRamCodeInfo& ri=RamInfo();
+ xdc=ri.iExportDirCount;
+ xd=(TLinAddr*)ri.iExportDir - 1;
+ }
+ if (aOrdinal <= xdc)
+ {
+ TLibraryFunction f=(TLibraryFunction)xd[aOrdinal];
+ if ((TLinAddr)f == iFileEntryPoint)
+ f = NULL;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("Lookup(%d)->%08x",aOrdinal,f));
+ return f;
+ }
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("Lookup(%d)->NULL",aOrdinal));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+TInt DEpocCodeSeg::GetMemoryInfo(TModuleMemoryInfo& aInfo, DProcess*)
+ {
+ if (iXIP)
+ {
+ const TRomImageHeader& rih = RomInfo();
+ aInfo.iCodeBase = rih.iCodeAddress;
+ aInfo.iCodeSize = rih.iTextSize;
+ aInfo.iConstDataSize = rih.iCodeSize - aInfo.iCodeSize;
+ aInfo.iConstDataBase = (aInfo.iConstDataSize > 0) ? (aInfo.iCodeBase + aInfo.iCodeSize) : 0;
+ aInfo.iInitialisedDataBase = rih.iDataBssLinearBase;
+ aInfo.iInitialisedDataSize = rih.iDataSize;
+ aInfo.iUninitialisedDataSize = rih.iBssSize;
+ aInfo.iUninitialisedDataBase = aInfo.iInitialisedDataBase+aInfo.iInitialisedDataSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const SRamCodeInfo& ri = RamInfo();
+ aInfo.iCodeBase = ri.iCodeRunAddr;
+ aInfo.iCodeSize = ri.iTextSize;
+ aInfo.iConstDataSize = ri.iCodeSize - aInfo.iCodeSize;
+ aInfo.iConstDataBase = (aInfo.iConstDataSize > 0) ? (aInfo.iCodeBase + aInfo.iCodeSize) : 0;
+ aInfo.iInitialisedDataBase = ri.iDataRunAddr;
+ aInfo.iInitialisedDataSize = ri.iDataSize;
+ aInfo.iUninitialisedDataSize = ri.iBssSize;
+ aInfo.iUninitialisedDataBase = aInfo.iInitialisedDataBase + aInfo.iInitialisedDataSize;
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+//const TUint32 KRomImageFlagsAlwaysLoaded=KRomImageFlagPrimary|KRomImageFlagVariant|KRomImageFlagExtension;
+const TUint32 KRomImageDataFlags=(KRomImageFlagData|KRomImageFlagDataInit|KRomImageFlagDataPresent);
+TInt DEpocCodeSeg::DoCreate(TCodeSegCreateInfo& aInfo, DProcess* aProcess)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf(">DEpocCodeSeg::DoCreate code_addr=%08x",aInfo.iCodeLoadAddress));
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ TBool exeSeg=(iExeCodeSeg==this);
+ TBool kp=exeSeg && (aProcess->iAttributes&DProcess::ESupervisor);
+ TBool user_proc=exeSeg && !kp;
+ if (aInfo.iCodeLoadAddress)
+ {
+ iXIP=ETrue;
+ iInfo=(const TAny*)aInfo.iCodeLoadAddress;
+ }
+ if (user_proc)
+ {
+ r=aProcess->CreateDataBssStackArea((TProcessCreateInfo&)aInfo);
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (iXIP)
+ {
+ const TRomImageHeader& rih=RomInfo();
+ iXIP=ETrue;
+ if ( (rih.iFlags & (KRomImageFlagExeInTree|KRomImageFlagDll)) == (KRomImageFlagExeInTree|KRomImageFlagDll))
+ {
+ const TRomImageHeader* exeRIH=rih.iDllRefTable->iEntry[0]; // EXE is always first entry
+ if (aProcess)
+ {
+ DEpocCodeSeg* pS=(DEpocCodeSeg*)aProcess->CodeSeg();
+ if (!pS->iXIP || &pS->RomInfo()!=exeRIH)
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ iExeCodeSeg=pS;
+ }
+ }
+ iMark |= (rih.iFlags & KRomImageDataFlags);
+ iMark |= EMarkRecursiveFlagsValid;
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("ROM Code Seg: mark %08x attr=%02x",iMark,iAttr));
+ aInfo.iFileEntryPoint=rih.iEntryPoint;
+ aInfo.iExportDir=rih.iExportDir;
+ aInfo.iCodeLoadAddress=rih.iCodeAddress;
+ aInfo.iCodeRunAddress=rih.iCodeAddress;
+ iRunAddress = rih.iCodeAddress;
+ iSize = rih.iCodeSize;
+ aInfo.iDataLoadAddress=rih.iDataAddress;
+ if (aInfo.iTotalDataSize && user_proc && aProcess->iDataBssRunAddress!=rih.iDataBssLinearBase)
+ K::Fault(K::EProcessDataAddressInvalid);
+ aInfo.iDataRunAddress=rih.iDataBssLinearBase;
+ aInfo.iExceptionDescriptor = rih.iExceptionDescriptor;
+ r=DoCreateXIP(aProcess);
+ return r;
+ }
+ iMemory = DEpocCodeSegMemory::New(this);
+ if (!iMemory)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ iInfo = &iMemory->iRamInfo;
+ if (aInfo.iUseCodePaging)
+ {
+ if ((aInfo.iCodeBlockMapEntries==NULL) || (aInfo.iCodeBlockMapCommon.iLocalDriveNumber<0) ||
+ (((TInt64) (aInfo.iFileClamp.iCookie[0] | aInfo.iFileClamp.iCookie[1]))==0))
+ return KErrArgument;
+ iLoaderCookie = new TCodeSegLoaderCookieList();
+ if (!iLoaderCookie)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ SBlockMapInfoBase* cbm = &aInfo.iCodeBlockMapCommon;
+ TUint startBlock;
+ kumemget32(&startBlock, &aInfo.iCodeBlockMapEntries->iStartBlock, sizeof(TUint));
+ iLoaderCookie->iCookie.iDriveNumber = cbm->iLocalDriveNumber;
+ iLoaderCookie->iCookie.iStartAddress = cbm->iStartBlockAddress +
+ startBlock *
+ cbm->iBlockGranularity +
+ cbm->iBlockStartOffset;
+ iLoaderCookie->iCookie.iFileClamp = aInfo.iFileClamp;
+ // Mark cookie not to be closed yet
+ iLoaderCookie = (TCodeSegLoaderCookieList*) ( ((TInt) iLoaderCookie) | 1);
+ }
+ SRamCodeInfo& ri=RamInfo();
+ ri.iCodeSize=aInfo.iCodeSize;
+ ri.iTextSize=aInfo.iTextSize;
+ ri.iDataSize=aInfo.iDataSize;
+ ri.iBssSize=aInfo.iBssSize;
+ TInt total_data_size=ri.iDataSize+ri.iBssSize;
+ ri.iExportDirCount=aInfo.iExportDirCount;
+ if (total_data_size!=0)
+ {
+ iMark|=(EMarkData|EMarkDataPresent);
+ if (!exeSeg)
+ iMark|=EMarkDataInit;
+ }
+ // if this DLL/EXE doesn't have data, don't set valid bit since we don't yet know about its dependencies
+ if (exeSeg)
+ ri.iDataRunAddr=aProcess->iDataBssRunAddress;
+ r=DoCreateRam(aInfo, aProcess);
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ aInfo.iFileEntryPoint+=ri.iCodeRunAddr;
+ aInfo.iExportDir+=ri.iCodeRunAddr;
+ ri.iExportDir=aInfo.iExportDir;
+ aInfo.iCodeLoadAddress=ri.iCodeLoadAddr;
+ aInfo.iCodeRunAddress=ri.iCodeRunAddr;
+ aInfo.iDataLoadAddress=ri.iDataLoadAddr;
+ aInfo.iDataRunAddress=ri.iDataRunAddr;
+ TUint32 xd = aInfo.iExceptionDescriptor;
+ ri.iExceptionDescriptor = xd ? (xd + ri.iCodeRunAddr) : 0;
+ aInfo.iExceptionDescriptor = ri.iExceptionDescriptor;
+ iRunAddress = ri.iCodeRunAddr;
+ }
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("RAM Code Seg: mark %08x attr=%02x xd=%08x",iMark,iAttr,ri.iExceptionDescriptor));
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("<DEpocCodeSeg::DoCreate %d",r));
+ return r;
+ }
+void DEpocCodeSeg::InitData()
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("DEpocCodeSeg::InitData %C", this));
+ TInt bss_size=0;
+ TInt data_size=0;
+ TUint8* data_run_ptr=0;
+ const TUint8* data_load_ptr=0;
+ if (iXIP)
+ {
+ const TRomImageHeader& rih=RomInfo();
+ bss_size=rih.iBssSize;
+ data_size=rih.iDataSize;
+ data_run_ptr=(TUint8*)rih.iDataBssLinearBase;
+ data_load_ptr=(const TUint8*)rih.iDataAddress;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SRamCodeInfo& ri=RamInfo();
+ bss_size=ri.iBssSize;
+ data_size=ri.iDataSize;
+ data_run_ptr=(TUint8*)ri.iDataRunAddr;
+ data_load_ptr=(const TUint8*)ri.iDataLoadAddr;
+ }
+ if (data_size)
+ memcpy(data_run_ptr, data_load_ptr, data_size);
+ if (bss_size)
+ memclr(data_run_ptr+data_size, bss_size);
+ }
+DCodeSeg* DCodeSeg::FindRomCode(const TAny* aRomImgHdr)
+ {
+ const TRomImageHeader& rih = *(const TRomImageHeader*)aRomImgHdr;
+ TLinAddr ca = rih.iCodeAddress;
+ return CodeSegsByAddress.Find(ca);
+ }
+void P::NormalizeExecutableFileName(TDes& /*aFileName*/)
+ {
+ }
+TInt DEpocCodeSeg::Loaded(TCodeSegCreateInfo& aInfo)
+ {
+ iLoaderCookie = (TCodeSegLoaderCookieList*) ( ((TInt) iLoaderCookie) & ~1);
+ return DCodeSeg::Loaded(aInfo);
+ }
+// DEpocCodeSegMemory
+DEpocCodeSegMemory::DEpocCodeSegMemory(DEpocCodeSeg* aCodeSeg)
+ : iAccessCount(1), iCodeSeg(aCodeSeg)
+ {
+ }
+TInt DEpocCodeSegMemory::Open()
+ {
+ return __e32_atomic_tas_ord32(&iAccessCount, 1, 1, 0) ? KErrNone : KErrGeneral;
+ }
+TInt DEpocCodeSegMemory::Close()
+ {
+ if (__e32_atomic_tas_ord32(&iAccessCount, 1, -1, 0) == 1)
+ {
+ AsyncDelete();
+ return DObject::EObjectDeleted;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }