changeset 9 96e5fb8b040d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/nkern/x86/ncthrd.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\nkern\x86\ncthrd.cpp
+#include <x86.h>
+// Called by a thread when it first runs
+void __StartThread();
+void __DoForcedExit();
+void NThreadBase::OnKill()
+	{
+	}
+void NThreadBase::OnExit()
+	{
+	}
+void NThreadBase::SetEntry(NThreadFunction aFunc)
+	{
+	SThreadStack* stack=(SThreadStack*)iSavedSP;
+	stack->iEdi=(TUint32)aFunc;
+	}
+TInt NThread::Create(SNThreadCreateInfo& anInfo, TBool aInitial)
+	{
+	if (!anInfo.iStackBase || anInfo.iStackSize<0x100)
+		return KErrArgument;
+	TInt r=NThreadBase::Create(anInfo,aInitial);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return r;
+	if (!aInitial)
+		{
+		TUint32* sp=(TUint32*)(iStackBase+iStackSize-anInfo.iParameterBlockSize);
+		TUint32 esi=(TUint32)anInfo.iParameterBlock;
+		if (anInfo.iParameterBlockSize)
+			{
+			wordmove(sp,anInfo.iParameterBlock,anInfo.iParameterBlockSize);
+			esi=(TUint32)sp;
+			}
+		SThreadStack* stack=((SThreadStack*)sp)-1;
+		stack->iCR0=X86::DefaultCR0 | KX86CR0_TS;
+		stack->iEbx=0;
+		stack->iEsi=esi;					// parameter block pointer
+		stack->iEdi=(TUint32)anInfo.iFunction;
+		stack->iEbp=0;
+		stack->iGs=KRing0DS;
+		stack->iFs=0;
+		stack->iReschedFlag=1;
+		stack->iEip=(TUint32)__StartThread;
+		iSavedSP=(TLinAddr)stack;
+		wordmove(&iCoprocessorState, DefaultCoprocessorState, sizeof(iCoprocessorState));
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iLastStartTime = NKern::FastCounter();
+		NKern::EnableAllInterrupts();
+		}
+	BTrace4(BTrace::EThreadIdentification,BTrace::ENanoThreadCreate,this);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void NThreadBase::ForceExit()
+	{
+	SThreadStack* stack=(SThreadStack*)iSavedSP;
+	stack->iEip=(TUint32)__DoForcedExit;
+	}
+void DumpExcInfo(TX86ExcInfo& a)
+	{
+	DEBUGPRINT("Exc %02x EFLAGS=%08x FAR=%08x ErrCode=%08x",a.iExcId,a.iEflags,a.iFaultAddress,a.iExcErrorCode);
+	DEBUGPRINT("EAX=%08x EBX=%08x ECX=%08x EDX=%08x",a.iEax,a.iEbx,a.iEcx,a.iEdx);
+	DEBUGPRINT("ESP=%08x EBP=%08x ESI=%08x EDI=%08x",a.iEsp,a.iEbp,a.iEsi,a.iEdi);
+	DEBUGPRINT(" CS=%08x EIP=%08x  DS=%08x  SS=%08x",a.iCs,a.iEip,a.iDs,a.iSs);
+	DEBUGPRINT(" ES=%08x  FS=%08x  GS=%08x",a.iEs,a.iFs,a.iGs);
+	if (a.iCs&3)
+		{
+		DEBUGPRINT("SS3=%08x ESP3=%08x",a.iSs3,a.iEsp3);
+		}
+	DEBUGPRINT("Thread %T, KernCSLocked=%d, IrqNest=%d",TheScheduler.iCurrentThread,TheScheduler.iKernCSLocked,X86_IrqNestCount);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void NKern::ThreadGetUserContext(NThread* aThread, TAny* aContext, TUint32& aAvailMask)
+	{
+	TUint32* sp;
+	TUint32* stackTop;
+	TX86RegSet* regSet = (TX86RegSet*)aContext;
+	TInt delta;
+	NKern::Lock();
+	NThread* currentThread = NCurrentThread();
+	DEBUGPRINT(" NCurrentThread()=0x%x, aThread=0x%x", currentThread, aThread);
+	switch (NKern::CurrentContext())
+		{
+		case NKern::EThread: DEBUGPRINT(" CurrentContext=NKern::EThread"); break;
+		case NKern::EIDFC: DEBUGPRINT(" CurrentContext=NKern::EIDFC"); break;
+		case NKern::EInterrupt: DEBUGPRINT(" CurrentContext=NKern::EInterrupt"); break;
+		default: DEBUGPRINT(" CurrentContext= Unknown"); break;
+		}
+	DEBUGPRINT(" Attributes (iSpare2)=0x%x", aThread->iSpare2);
+	DEBUGPRINT(" iExtraContext=0x%x, iExtraContextSize=0x%x", aThread->iExtraContext, aThread->iExtraContextSize);
+	DEBUGPRINT(" iSuspendCount=%d", aThread->iSuspendCount);
+	DEBUGPRINT(" X86_IrqStack=%x", X86_IrqStack);
+	TBool isCurrentThread = (currentThread == aThread);
+	sp = (TUint32*)aThread->iSavedSP;
+	stackTop = (TUint32*)((TUint32)aThread->iStackBase+(TUint32)aThread->iStackSize);
+	delta = stackTop - sp;	// number of words on the supervisor stack
+	DEBUGPRINT(" Stack Top=iStackBase+iStackSize=0x%x iSavedSP=0x%x, delta=0x%x", stackTop, sp, delta);
+	DEBUGPRINT(" iUserContextType (iSpare3)=0x%x", aThread->iSpare3);
+	DEBUGPRINT(" NThreadState:");
+	switch(aThread->iSpare1)
+		{
+		case NThreadBase::EReady:
+			DEBUGPRINT(" EReady");
+			break;
+		case NThreadBase::ESuspended:
+			DEBUGPRINT(" ESuspended");
+			break;
+		case NThreadBase::EWaitFastSemaphore:
+			DEBUGPRINT(" EWaitFastSemaphore");
+			break;
+		case NThreadBase::ESleep:
+			DEBUGPRINT(" ESleep");
+			break;
+		case NThreadBase::EBlocked:
+			DEBUGPRINT(" EBlocked");
+			break;
+		case NThreadBase::EDead:
+			DEBUGPRINT(" EDead");
+			break;
+		case NThreadBase::EWaitDfc:
+			DEBUGPRINT(" EWaitDfc");
+			break;
+		default:
+			DEBUGPRINT(" *Unknown");
+		}
+	if (aAvailMask)
+		{
+		DEBUGPRINT(" Setting Stack-Saved Registers");
+		// Hack while ThreadSetUserContext is not implemented
+		if (0 == aThread->iSpare3)
+			{
+			// Context when interrupted by user
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<13)
+				stackTop[-1] = regSet->iSs;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<4)
+				stackTop[-2] = regSet->iEsp;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<14)
+				{
+				DEBUGPRINT(" Setting EFLAGS to %x", regSet->iEflags);
+				stackTop[-3] = regSet->iEflags;
+				}
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<8)
+				stackTop[-4] = regSet->iCs;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<15)
+				stackTop[-5] = regSet->iEip;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<9)
+				stackTop[-8] = regSet->iDs;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<0)
+				stackTop[-9] = regSet->iEax;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<2)
+				stackTop[-10] = regSet->iEcx;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<5)
+				stackTop[-16] = regSet->iEbp;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<7)
+				stackTop[-17] = regSet->iEdi;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<6)
+				stackTop[-18] = regSet->iEsi;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<13)
+				stackTop[-1] = regSet->iSs;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<4)
+				stackTop[-2] = regSet->iEsp;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<14)
+				{
+				stackTop[-3] = regSet->iEflags;
+				DEBUGPRINT(" Setting EFLAGS to %x", regSet->iEflags);
+				}
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<8)
+				stackTop[-4] = regSet->iCs;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<15)
+				stackTop[-5] = regSet->iEip;
+			/* -6 and -7 are not used since they are the vector number and the error code,
+			 * which are 3 and 0 resp. for breakpoints.
+			 */
+			/* The following are from the push instructions in __X86VectorExc */
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<9)
+				stackTop[-8] = regSet->iDs;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<10)
+				stackTop[-9] = regSet->iEs;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<11)
+				stackTop[-10] = regSet->iFs;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<12)
+				stackTop[-11] = regSet->iGs;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<5)
+				stackTop[-12] = regSet->iEbp;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<7)
+				stackTop[-13] = regSet->iEdi;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<6)
+				stackTop[-14] = regSet->iEsi;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<1)
+				stackTop[-15] = regSet->iEbx;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<2)
+				stackTop[-16] = regSet->iEcx;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<3)
+				stackTop[-17] = regSet->iEdx;
+			if (aAvailMask & 1<<0)
+				stackTop[-18] = regSet->iEax;
+			}
+		DEBUGPRINT("stack from stack top, after changes " );
+		if (delta < 128)
+			{
+			delta = -delta;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			delta = -128;
+			}
+		for ( ; delta < 0; delta++)
+			{
+			DEBUGPRINT("stackTop[%d]=%x", delta, stackTop[delta]);
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+ 		memclr(aContext, sizeof(TX86RegSet));
+		if (isCurrentThread)
+			{
+			// Not yet supported
+			DEBUGPRINT(" NThread::GetContext() : Don't know how to obtain context for current thread\n Use TSS?");
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			DEBUGPRINT("stack from stack top " );
+			if (delta < 128)
+				{
+				delta = -delta;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				delta = -128;
+				}
+			for( ; delta < 0; delta++)
+				{
+				DEBUGPRINT("stackTop[%d]=%x", delta, stackTop[delta]);
+				}
+			if (0 == aThread->iSpare3)
+				{
+				// Context when interrupted by user
+				regSet->iSs		= stackTop[-1];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<13;
+				regSet->iEsp	= stackTop[-2];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<4;
+				regSet->iEflags = stackTop[-3];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<14;
+				regSet->iCs		= stackTop[-4];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<8;
+				regSet->iEip	= stackTop[-5];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<15;
+				regSet->iDs		= stackTop[-8];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<9;
+				regSet->iEax	= stackTop[-9];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<0;
+				regSet->iEcx	= stackTop[-10];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<2;
+				regSet->iEbp	= stackTop[-16];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<5;
+				regSet->iEdi	= stackTop[-17];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<7;
+				regSet->iEsi	= stackTop[-18];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<6;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Now populate the TX86RegSet with the contents of the stack
+				/*
+				 * The first 5 are from the comments at the start of __X86VectorExc :
+				 * [ESP+0] = vector number
+				 * [ESP+4] = error code (filled with 0 for exceptions without error codes)
+				 * [ESP+8] = return EIP
+				 * [ESP+12] = return CS
+				 * [ESP+16] = return EFLAGS
+				 * [ESP+20] = return ESP if privilege change occurred
+				 * [ESP+24] = return SS if privilege change occurred
+				 */
+				regSet->iSs		= stackTop[-1];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<13;
+				regSet->iEsp	= stackTop[-2];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<4;
+				regSet->iEflags = stackTop[-3];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<14;
+				regSet->iCs		= stackTop[-4];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<8;
+				regSet->iEip	= stackTop[-5];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<15;
+				/* -6 and -7 are not used since they are the vector number and the error code,
+				 * which for a breakpoint are 3 and 0 resp.
+				 */
+				/* The following are from the push instructions in __X86VectorExc */
+				regSet->iDs		= stackTop[-8];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<9;
+				regSet->iEs		= stackTop[-9];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<10;
+				regSet->iFs		= stackTop[-10];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<11;
+				regSet->iGs		= stackTop[-11];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<12;
+				regSet->iEbp	= stackTop[-12];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<5;
+				regSet->iEdi	= stackTop[-13];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<7;
+				regSet->iEsi	= stackTop[-14];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<6;
+				regSet->iEbx	= stackTop[-15];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<1;
+				regSet->iEcx	= stackTop[-16];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<2;
+				regSet->iEdx	= stackTop[-17];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<3;
+				regSet->iEax = stackTop[-18];
+				aAvailMask |= 1<<0;
+				} // else if (0 == aThread->iSpare3)
+			} // else if (isCurrentThread)
+		} // else if (aAvailMask)
+	NKern::Unlock();
+	}
+void NKern::ThreadModifyUsp(NThread* aThread, TLinAddr aUsp)
+	{
+	}