--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/nkernsmp/arm/ncutilf.cia Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1607 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\nkernsmp\arm\ncutilf.cia
+#include <e32cia.h>
+#include <arm.h>
+#include <arm_gic.h>
+#include <arm_tmr.h>
+__NAKED__ void Arm::GetUserSpAndLr(TAny*)
+ {
+ asm("stmia r0, {r13, r14}^ ");
+ asm("mov r0, r0"); // NOP needed between stm^ and banked register access
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+__NAKED__ void Arm::SetUserSpAndLr(TAny*)
+ {
+ asm("ldmia r0, {r13, r14}^ ");
+ asm("mov r0, r0"); // NOP needed between ldm^ and banked register access
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+__NAKED__ TUint32 Arm::Dacr()
+ {
+ asm("mrc p15, 0, r0, c3, c0, 0 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+__NAKED__ void Arm::SetDacr(TUint32)
+ {
+ asm("mcr p15, 0, r0, c3, c0, 0 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+__NAKED__ TUint32 Arm::ModifyDacr(TUint32, TUint32)
+ {
+ asm("mrc p15, 0, r2, c3, c0, 0 ");
+ asm("bic r2, r2, r0 ");
+ asm("orr r2, r2, r1 ");
+ asm("mcr p15, 0, r2, c3, c0, 0 ");
+ asm("mov r0, r2 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+__NAKED__ void Arm::SetCar(TUint32)
+ {
+ SET_CAR(, r0);
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+/** Get the CPU's coprocessor access register value
+@return The value of the CAR, 0 if CPU doesn't have CAR
+ */
+EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TUint32 Arm::Car()
+ {
+ GET_CAR(, r0);
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+/** Modify the CPU's coprocessor access register value
+ Does nothing if CPU does not have CAR.
+@param aClearMask Mask of bits to clear (1 = clear this bit)
+@param aSetMask Mask of bits to set (1 = set this bit)
+@return The original value of the CAR, 0 if CPU doesn't have CAR
+ */
+EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TUint32 Arm::ModifyCar(TUint32 /*aClearMask*/, TUint32 /*aSetMask*/)
+ {
+ GET_CAR(, r2);
+ asm("bic r0, r2, r0 ");
+ asm("orr r0, r0, r1 ");
+ SET_CAR(, r0);
+ asm("mov r0, r2 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+#ifdef __CPU_HAS_VFP
+__NAKED__ void Arm::SetFpExc(TUint32)
+ {
+#if defined(__CPU_ARM1136__) && !defined(__CPU_ARM1136_ERRATUM_351912_FIXED)
+// If we are about to enable VFP, disable dynamic branch prediction
+// If we are about to disable VFP, enable dynamic branch prediction if return stack prediction is enabled
+ asm("mrs r3, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI();
+ asm("mrc p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 1 ");
+ asm("tst r0, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)VFP_FPEXC_EN) );
+ asm("bic r1, r1, #2 "); // clear DB bit (disable dynamic prediction)
+ asm("and r2, r1, #1 "); // r2 bit 0 = RS bit (1 if return stack enabled)
+ asm("orreq r1, r1, r2, lsl #1 "); // if VFP is being disabled set DB = RS
+ asm("mcr p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 1 ");
+ asm("mcr p15, 0, r2, c7, c5, 6 "); // flush BTAC
+ asm("msr cpsr, r3 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+/** Get the value of the VFP FPEXC register
+@return The value of FPEXC, 0 if there is no VFP
+ */
+EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TUint32 Arm::FpExc()
+ {
+#ifdef __CPU_HAS_VFP
+ asm("mov r0, #0 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+/** Modify the VFP FPEXC register
+ Does nothing if there is no VFP
+@param aClearMask Mask of bits to clear (1 = clear this bit)
+@param aSetMask Mask of bits to set (1 = set this bit)
+@return The original value of FPEXC, 0 if no VFP present
+ */
+EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TUint32 Arm::ModifyFpExc(TUint32 /*aClearMask*/, TUint32 /*aSetMask*/)
+ {
+#ifdef __CPU_HAS_VFP
+ asm("bic r0, r12, r0 ");
+ asm("orr r0, r0, r1 ");
+#if defined(__CPU_ARM1136__) && !defined(__CPU_ARM1136_ERRATUM_351912_FIXED)
+// If we are about to enable VFP, disable dynamic branch prediction
+// If we are about to disable VFP, enable dynamic branch prediction if return stack prediction is enabled
+ asm("mrs r3, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI();
+ asm("mrc p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 1 ");
+ asm("tst r0, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)VFP_FPEXC_EN) );
+ asm("bic r1, r1, #2 "); // clear DB bit (disable dynamic prediction)
+ asm("and r2, r1, #1 "); // r2 bit 0 = RS bit (1 if return stack enabled)
+ asm("orreq r1, r1, r2, lsl #1 "); // if VFP is being disabled set DB = RS
+ asm("mcr p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 1 ");
+ asm("mcr p15, 0, r2, c7, c5, 6 "); // flush BTAC
+ asm("msr cpsr, r3 ");
+#endif // erratum 351912
+ asm("mov r0, r12 ");
+#else // no vfp
+ asm("mov r0, #0 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+/** Get the value of the VFP FPSCR register
+@return The value of FPSCR, 0 if there is no VFP
+ */
+EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TUint32 Arm::FpScr()
+ {
+#ifdef __CPU_HAS_VFP
+ asm("mov r0, #0 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+/** Modify the VFP FPSCR register
+ Does nothing if there is no VFP
+@param aClearMask Mask of bits to clear (1 = clear this bit)
+@param aSetMask Mask of bits to set (1 = set this bit)
+@return The original value of FPSCR, 0 if no VFP present
+ */
+EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TUint32 Arm::ModifyFpScr(TUint32 /*aClearMask*/, TUint32 /*aSetMask*/)
+ {
+#ifdef __CPU_HAS_VFP
+ asm("bic r0, r2, r0 ");
+ asm("orr r0, r0, r1 ");
+ asm("mov r0, r2 ");
+ asm("mov r0, #0 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+/** Detect whether NEON is present
+@return ETrue if present, EFalse if not
+ */
+#if defined(__CPU_HAS_VFP) && defined(__VFP_V3)
+__NAKED__ TBool Arm::NeonPresent()
+ {
+ asm("mov r0, #0 "); // Not present
+ VFP_FMRX(, 1,VFP_XREG_FPEXC); // Save VFP state
+ asm("orr r2, r1, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)VFP_FPEXC_EN));
+ asm("tst r2, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)VFP_MVFR0_ASIMD32)); // Check to see if all 32 Advanced SIMD registers are present
+ asm("beq 0f "); // Skip ahead if not
+ GET_CAR(, r2);
+ asm("tst r2, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)VFP_CPACR_ASEDIS)); // Check to see if ASIMD is disabled
+ asm("bne 0f "); // Skip ahead if so
+ asm("tst r2, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)VFP_CPACR_D32DIS)); // Check to see if the upper 16 registers are disabled
+ asm("moveq r0, #1" ); // If not then eport NEON present
+ asm("0: ");
+ VFP_FMXR(,VFP_XREG_FPEXC,1); // Restore VFP state
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+#ifdef __CPU_HAS_MMU
+__NAKED__ TBool Arm::MmuActive()
+ {
+ asm("mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 ");
+ asm("and r0, r0, #1 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+// Returns the content of Translate Table Base Register 0.
+// To get physical address of the level 1 table, on some platforms this must be orred with 0xffff8000 (to get rid of table walk cache attributes)
+__NAKED__ TUint32 Arm::MmuTTBR0()
+ {
+ asm("mrc p15, 0, r0, c2, c0, 0 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+/** Get the current value of the system timestamp
+EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TUint64 NKern::Timestamp()
+ {
+ asm("ldr r3, __TheScheduler ");
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr "); // r12 = saved interrupt mask
+ asm("ldr r2, [r3, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,i_LocalTimerAddr)); // r2 points to local timer
+ __ASM_CLI(); // disable all interrupts
+ GET_RWNO_TID(,r3); // r3 -> TSubScheduler
+ asm("ldr r1, [r2, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(ArmLocalTimer,iTimerCount)); // r1 = current timer counter
+ asm("ldr r0, [r3, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,i_LastTimerSet)); // r0 = last value written to timer counter
+ asm("ldr r2, [r3, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,i_TimerMultI)); // r2 = scaling factor
+ asm("sub r0, r0, r1 "); // elapsed timer ticks since last timestamp sync
+ asm("umull r1, r2, r0, r2 "); // r2:r1 = elapsed ticks * scaling factor
+ asm("ldr r0, [r3, #%a0]!" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,iLastTimestamp64)); // r0 = last timestamp sync point, low word
+ asm("ldr r3, [r3, #4] "); // r3 = last timestamp sync point, high word
+ asm("adds r1, r1, #0x00800000 "); // add 2^23 (rounding)
+ asm("adcs r2, r2, #0 ");
+ asm("mov r1, r1, lsr #24 "); // divide by 2^24
+ asm("orr r1, r1, r2, lsl #8 "); // r1 = elapsed time since last timestamp sync
+ asm("msr cpsr, r12 "); // restore interrupts
+ asm("adds r0, r0, r1 "); // r1:r0 = last timestamp sync point + elapsed time since last timestamp sync
+ asm("adcs r1, r3, #0 ");
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("__TheScheduler: ");
+ asm(".word %a0" : : "i" ((TInt)&TheScheduler));
+ }
+extern "C" __NAKED__ TLinAddr get_sp_svc()
+ {
+ asm("mrs r1, cpsr ");
+ asm("mov r0, sp ");
+ asm("msr cpsr, r1 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+extern "C" __NAKED__ TLinAddr get_lr_svc()
+ {
+ asm("mrs r1, cpsr ");
+ asm("mov r0, lr ");
+ asm("msr cpsr, r1 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+/** Get the return address from an ISR
+Call only from an ISR
+EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TLinAddr Arm::IrqReturnAddress()
+ {
+ asm("mrs r1, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI();
+ asm("and r0, r1, #0x1f ");
+ asm("cmp r0, #0x11 "); // mode_fiq ?
+ asm("beq 1f ");
+ asm("ldr r0, [sp, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadExcStack,iR15));
+ asm("msr cpsr, r1 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ asm("1: ");
+ GET_RWNO_TID(,r3);
+ asm("ldr r2, [r3, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,i_FiqStackTop)); // if so, r2->top of FIQ stack
+ asm("ldr r0, [r2, #-4] "); // get return address
+ asm("msr cpsr, r1 ");
+ __JUMP(, lr);
+ }
+#if defined(__INCLUDE_SPIN_LOCK_CHECKS__)
+#define __ASM_CALL(func) \
+ asm("str lr, [sp, #-4]! "); \
+ asm("bl " CSM_CFUNC(func)); \
+ asm("ldr lr, [sp], #4 ");
+#define SPIN_LOCK_ENTRY_CHECK() __ASM_CALL(spin_lock_entry_check)
+#define SPIN_LOCK_MARK_ACQ() __ASM_CALL(spin_lock_mark_acq)
+#define SPIN_UNLOCK_ENTRY_CHECK() __ASM_CALL(spin_unlock_entry_check)
+#define RWSPIN_RLOCK_ENTRY_CHECK() __ASM_CALL(rwspin_rlock_entry_check)
+#define RWSPIN_RLOCK_MARK_ACQ() __ASM_CALL(rwspin_rlock_mark_acq)
+#define RWSPIN_RUNLOCK_ENTRY_CHECK() __ASM_CALL(rwspin_runlock_entry_check)
+#define RWSPIN_WLOCK_ENTRY_CHECK() __ASM_CALL(rwspin_wlock_entry_check)
+#define RWSPIN_WLOCK_MARK_ACQ() __ASM_CALL(rwspin_wlock_mark_acq)
+#define RWSPIN_WUNLOCK_ENTRY_CHECK() __ASM_CALL(rwspin_wunlock_entry_check)
+ * Spin locks
+ *
+ * [this+0] in count (byte)
+ * [this+1] out count (byte)
+ * [this+6] order (byte)
+ * [this+7] holding CPU (byte)
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#if defined(__INCLUDE_SPIN_LOCK_CHECKS__)
+extern "C" __NAKED__ void spin_lock_entry_check()
+ {
+ /* R0 points to lock */
+ asm("stmfd sp!, {r1,r2,r3,r12} ");
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI();
+ GET_RWNO_TID(, r1); /* R1->SubScheduler */
+ asm("cmp r1, #0 ");
+ asm("beq slec_ok "); /* Skip checks if subscheduler not yet initialised */
+ asm("ldrh r2, [r0, #6] "); /* R2[8:15]=holding CPU, R2[0:7]=order */
+ asm("tst r2, #0xE0 ");
+ asm("bne slec_preemption "); /* This lock requires preemption to be disabled */
+ /* check interrupts disabled, if interrupts/preemption is not disabled
+ there is a risk of same core deadlock occuring, hence this check and
+ run-time assert to ensure code stays safe */
+ asm("and r3, r12, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask));
+ asm("cmp r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask)); /* Check interrupts masked */
+ asm("beq slec_1 "); /* Yes - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* No - die */
+ asm("slec_preemption: ");
+ asm("and r3, r2, #0xFF ");
+ asm("cmp r3, #0xFF "); /* check for EOrderNone */
+ asm("beq slec_1 "); /* EOrderNone - don't check interrupts or preemption */
+ asm("and r3, r12, #0x1F ");
+ asm("cmp r3, #0x13 "); /* Make sure we're in mode_svc */
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iKernLockCount));
+ asm("bne slec_preemption_die "); /* If not, die */
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne slec_1 "); /* Preemption disabled - OK */
+ asm("slec_preemption_die: ");
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* Preemption enabled - die */
+ asm("slec_1: ");
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuNum));
+ asm("cmp r3, r2, lsr #8 "); /* Test if held by current CPU */
+ asm("bne slec_2 "); /* Not already held by this CPU - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* Already held by this CPU - die */
+ asm("slec_2: ");
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]!" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iSpinLockOrderCheck));
+ asm("ldr r1, [r1, #4] "); /* r3=low word of iSpinLockOrderCheck, r1=high word */
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("addeq r2, r2, #0x20000000 "); /* if low word zero, add 32 to LS1 index ... */
+ asm("moveq r3, r1 "); /* ... and r3=high word ... */
+ asm("subs r1, r3, #1 "); /* R1 = R3 with all bits up to and including LS1 flipped */
+ asm("beq slec_ok "); /* If all bits zero, no locks held so OK */
+ asm("eor r3, r3, r1 "); /* Clear all bits above LS1 */
+ CLZ(1,3); /* R1 = 31 - bit number of LS1 */
+ asm("rsb r1, r1, #31 "); /* R1 = bit number of LS1 */
+ asm("add r1, r1, r2, lsr #24 "); /* add 32 if we were looking at high word */
+ asm("mov r2, r2, lsl #24 "); /* this lock's order value into R2 high byte */
+ asm("cmp r1, r2, asr #24 "); /* compare current lowest order lock to sign-extended order value */
+ asm("bgt slec_ok "); /* if this lock's order < current lowest, OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* otherwise die */
+ asm("slec_ok: ");
+ asm("msr cpsr, r12 "); /* restore interrupts */
+ asm("ldmfd sp!, {r1,r2,r3,r12} ");
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+extern "C" __NAKED__ void spin_lock_mark_acq()
+ {
+ /* R0 points to lock */
+ asm("stmfd sp!, {r1,r2,r3,r12} ");
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI();
+ GET_RWNO_TID(, r1); /* R1->SubScheduler */
+ asm("cmp r1, #0 ");
+ asm("beq slma_ok "); /* Skip checks if subscheduler not yet initialised */
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuNum));
+ asm("ldrb r2, [r0, #6] "); /* R2 = lock order value */
+ asm("add r1, r1, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iSpinLockOrderCheck));
+ asm("strb r3, [r0, #7] "); /* set byte 7 to holding CPU number */
+ asm("cmp r2, #0x40 ");
+ asm("bhs slma_ok "); /* if EOrderNone, done */
+ asm("cmp r2, #0x20 ");
+ asm("addhs r1, r1, #4 ");
+ asm("and r2, r2, #0x1f ");
+ asm("mov r3, #1 ");
+ asm("mov r3, r3, lsl r2 "); /* r3 = bit to set */
+ asm("ldr r2, [r1] ");
+ asm("orr r2, r2, r3 ");
+ asm("str r2, [r1] "); /* set bit in iSpinLockOrderCheck corresponding to lock order */
+ asm("slma_ok: ");
+ asm("msr cpsr, r12 "); /* restore interrupts */
+ asm("ldmfd sp!, {r1,r2,r3,r12} ");
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+extern "C" __NAKED__ void spin_unlock_entry_check()
+ {
+ /* R0 points to lock */
+ asm("stmfd sp!, {r1,r2,r3,r12} ");
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI();
+ GET_RWNO_TID(, r1); /* R1->SubScheduler */
+ asm("cmp r1, #0 ");
+ asm("beq suec_ok "); /* Skip checks if subscheduler not yet initialised */
+ asm("ldrh r2, [r0, #6] "); /* R2[8:15]=holding CPU, R2[0:7]=order */
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuNum));
+ asm("eor r2, r2, r3, lsl #8 "); /* R2[8:15]=holding CPU^current CPU, R2[0:7]=order */
+ asm("tst r2, #0xE0 ");
+ asm("bne suec_preemption "); /* This lock requires preemption to be disabled */
+ /* check interrupts disabled */
+ asm("and r3, r12, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask));
+ asm("cmp r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask)); /* Check interrupts masked */
+ asm("beq suec_1 "); /* Yes - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* No - die */
+ asm("suec_preemption: ");
+ asm("and r3, r2, #0xFF ");
+ asm("cmp r3, #0xFF "); /* check for EOrderNone */
+ asm("ldrne r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iKernLockCount));
+ asm("beq suec_1 "); /* EOrderNone - don't check interrupts or preemption */
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne suec_1 "); /* Preemption disabled - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* Preemption enabled - die */
+ asm("suec_1: ");
+ asm("tst r2, #0xFF00 "); /* Check if holding CPU ^ current CPU number == 0 */
+ asm("beq suec_2 "); /* Held by this CPU - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* Not held by this CPU - die */
+ asm("suec_2: ");
+ asm("add r1, r1, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iSpinLockOrderCheck));
+ asm("mov r3, #0xFF ");
+ asm("strb r3, [r0, #7] "); /* reset holding CPU */
+ asm("cmp r2, #0x40 ");
+ asm("bhs suec_ok "); /* if EOrderNone, done */
+ asm("cmp r2, #0x20 ");
+ asm("addhs r1, r1, #4 ");
+ asm("and r2, r2, #0x1F ");
+ asm("mov r3, #1 ");
+ asm("mov r3, r3, lsl r2 "); /* r3 = bit to clear */
+ asm("ldr r2, [r1] ");
+ asm("tst r2, r3 "); /* test bit originally set */
+ asm("bic r2, r2, r3 ");
+ asm("str r2, [r1] "); /* clear bit in iSpinLockOrderCheck corresponding to lock order */
+ asm("bne suec_ok "); /* if originally set, OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* if not, die - something must have got corrupted */
+ asm("suec_ok: ");
+ asm("msr cpsr, r12 "); /* restore interrupts */
+ asm("ldmfd sp!, {r1,r2,r3,r12} ");
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+ * Plain old spin lock
+ *
+ * Fundamental algorithm:
+ * lock() { old_in = in++; while(out!=old_in) __chill(); }
+ * unlock() { ++out; }
+ *
+ * [this+0] out count (byte)
+ * [this+1] in count (byte)
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TSpinLock::LockIrq()
+ {
+ __ASM_CLI(); /* Disable interrupts */
+ asm("1: ");
+ LDREXH(1,0);
+ asm("mov r2, r1, lsr #8 "); /* R2 = original in count */
+ asm("add r1, r1, #0x100 ");
+ STREXH(3,1,0);
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne 1b ");
+ asm("and r1, r1, #0xFF "); /* R1 = out count */
+ asm("3: ");
+ asm("cmp r2, r1 "); /* out = original in ? */
+ asm("bne 2f "); /* no - must wait */
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER__(r3); /* we have got the lock */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("2: ");
+ asm("ldrb r1, [r0, #0] "); /* read out count again */
+ asm("b 3b ");
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TSpinLock::UnlockIrq()
+ {
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER_Z__(r1); /* Ensure accesses don't move outside locked section */
+ asm("ldrb r2, [r0, #0] ");
+ asm("add r2, r2, #1 ");
+ asm("strb r2, [r0, #0] "); /* ++out */
+ __DATA_SYNC_BARRIER__(r1); /* Ensure write to out completes before SEV */
+ ARM_SEV; /* Wake up any waiting processors */
+ __ASM_STI(); /* Enable interrupts */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TBool TSpinLock::FlashIrq()
+ {
+ GET_RWNO_TID(,r12); /* r12 -> TSubScheduler */
+ asm("ldr r12, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,i_GicCpuIfcAddr));
+ asm("ldrh r1, [r0, #0] ");
+ asm("ldr r3, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(GicCpuIfc,iHighestPending));
+ asm("sub r1, r1, r1, lsr #8 "); /* r1 low byte = (out - in) mod 256 */
+ asm("and r1, r1, #0xFF ");
+ asm("cmp r1, #0xFF "); /* if out - in = -1, no-one else waiting */
+ asm("addeq r3, r3, #1 ");
+ asm("cmpeq r3, #1024 "); /* if no-one waiting for lock, check for pending interrupt */
+ asm("bne 1f "); /* branch if someone else waiting */
+ asm("mov r0, #0 "); /* else return FALSE */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("1: ");
+ asm("str lr, [sp, #-4]! ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN9TSpinLock9UnlockIrqEv);
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN9TSpinLock7LockIrqEv);
+ asm("mov r0, #1 ");
+ asm("ldr pc, [sp], #4 ");
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TSpinLock::LockOnly()
+ {
+ asm("1: ");
+ LDREXH(1,0);
+ asm("mov r2, r1, lsr #8 "); /* R2 = original in count */
+ asm("add r1, r1, #0x100 ");
+ STREXH(3,1,0);
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne 1b ");
+ asm("and r1, r1, #0xFF "); /* R1 = out count */
+ asm("3: ");
+ asm("cmp r2, r1 "); /* out = original in ? */
+ asm("bne 2f "); /* no - must wait */
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER__(r3); /* we have got the lock */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("2: ");
+ asm("ldrb r1, [r0, #0] "); /* read out count again */
+ asm("b 3b ");
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TSpinLock::UnlockOnly()
+ {
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER_Z__(r1); /* Ensure accesses don't move outside locked section */
+ asm("ldrb r2, [r0, #0] ");
+ asm("add r2, r2, #1 ");
+ asm("strb r2, [r0, #0] "); /* ++out */
+ __DATA_SYNC_BARRIER__(r1); /* Ensure write to out completes before SEV */
+ ARM_SEV; /* Wake up any waiting processors */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TBool TSpinLock::FlashOnly()
+ {
+ asm("ldrh r1, [r0, #0] ");
+ asm("sub r1, r1, r1, lsr #8 "); /* r1 low byte = (out - in) mod 256 */
+ asm("and r1, r1, #0xFF ");
+ asm("cmp r1, #0xFF "); /* if out - in = -1, no-one else waiting */
+ asm("bne 1f "); /* branch if someone else waiting */
+ asm("mov r0, #0 "); /* else return FALSE */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("1: ");
+ asm("str lr, [sp, #-4]! ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN9TSpinLock10UnlockOnlyEv);
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN9TSpinLock8LockOnlyEv);
+ asm("mov r0, #1 ");
+ asm("ldr pc, [sp], #4 ");
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TInt TSpinLock::LockIrqSave()
+ {
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI(); /* Disable interrupts */
+ asm("1: ");
+ LDREXH(1,0);
+ asm("mov r2, r1, lsr #8 "); /* R2 = original in count */
+ asm("add r1, r1, #0x100 ");
+ STREXH(3,1,0);
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne 1b ");
+ asm("and r1, r1, #0xFF "); /* R1 = out count */
+ asm("3: ");
+ asm("cmp r2, r1 "); /* out = original in ? */
+ asm("bne 2f "); /* no - must wait */
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER__(r3); /* we have got the lock */
+ asm("and r0, r12, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask)); /* return original CPSR I and F bits */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("2: ");
+ asm("ldrb r1, [r0, #0] "); /* read out count again */
+ asm("b 3b ");
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TSpinLock::UnlockIrqRestore(TInt)
+ {
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER_Z__(r3); /* Ensure accesses don't move outside locked section */
+ asm("ldrb r2, [r0, #0] ");
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ asm("add r2, r2, #1 ");
+ asm("bic r12, r12, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask));
+ asm("strb r2, [r0, #0] "); /* ++out */
+ __DATA_SYNC_BARRIER__(r3); /* Ensure write to out completes before SEV */
+ ARM_SEV; /* Wake up any waiting processors */
+ asm("orr r1, r1, r12 ");
+ asm("msr cpsr, r1 "); /* restore interrupts */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TBool TSpinLock::FlashIrqRestore(TInt)
+ {
+ GET_RWNO_TID(,r12); /* r12 -> TSubScheduler */
+ asm("ldr r12, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,i_GicCpuIfcAddr));
+ asm("ldrh r2, [r0, #0] ");
+ asm("ldr r3, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(GicCpuIfc,iHighestPending));
+ asm("sub r2, r2, r2, lsr #8 "); /* r2 low byte = (out - in) mod 256 */
+ asm("and r2, r2, #0xFF ");
+ asm("cmp r2, #0xFF "); /* if out - in = -1, no-one else waiting */
+ asm("addeq r3, r3, #1 ");
+ asm("cmpeq r3, #1024 "); /* if no-one waiting for lock, check for pending interrupt */
+ asm("bne 1f "); /* branch if someone else waiting */
+ asm("mov r0, #0 "); /* else return FALSE */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("1: ");
+ asm("str lr, [sp, #-4]! ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN9TSpinLock16UnlockIrqRestoreEi);
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN9TSpinLock7LockIrqEv);
+ asm("mov r0, #1 ");
+ asm("ldr pc, [sp], #4 ");
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TBool TSpinLock::FlashPreempt()
+ {
+ asm("ldrh r2, [r0, #0] ");
+ GET_RWNO_TID(,r12); /* r12 -> TSubScheduler */
+ asm("ldr r3, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,iRescheduleNeededFlag));
+ asm("sub r2, r2, r2, lsr #8 "); /* r2 low byte = (out - in) mod 256 */
+ asm("and r2, r2, #0xFF ");
+ asm("cmp r2, #0xFF "); /* if out - in = -1, no-one else waiting */
+ asm("cmpeq r3, #0 "); /* if no-one else waiting, check if reschedule or IDFCs pending */
+ asm("bne 1f "); /* if so or someone else waiting, branch to release lock */
+ asm("mov r0, #0 "); /* else return FALSE */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("1: ");
+ asm("stmfd sp!, {r0,lr} ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN9TSpinLock10UnlockOnlyEv);
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN5NKern15PreemptionPointEv);
+ asm("ldr r0, [sp], #4 ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN9TSpinLock8LockOnlyEv);
+ asm("mov r0, #1 ");
+ asm("ldr pc, [sp], #4 ");
+ }
+ * Read/Write Spin lock
+ *
+ * Structure ( (in.r,in.w) , (out.r,out.w) )
+ * Fundamental algorithm:
+ * lockr() { old_in = (in.r++,in.w); while(out.w!=old_in.w) __chill(); }
+ * unlockr() { ++out.r; }
+ * lockw() { old_in = (in.r,in.w++); while(out!=old_in) __chill(); }
+ * unlockw() { ++out.w; }
+ *
+ * [this+0] in.w
+ * [this+1] in.r
+ * [this+2] out.w
+ * [this+3] out.r
+ * [this+4] Bit mask of CPUs which hold read locks
+ * [this+6] order value
+ * [this+7] CPU number which holds write lock, 0xFF if none
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#if defined(__INCLUDE_SPIN_LOCK_CHECKS__)
+extern "C" __NAKED__ void rwspin_rlock_entry_check()
+ {
+ /* R0 points to lock */
+ asm("stmfd sp!, {r1,r2,r3,r12} ");
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI(); /* Disable interrupts */
+ GET_RWNO_TID(, r1); /* R1->SubScheduler */
+ asm("cmp r1, #0 ");
+ asm("beq rwrlec_ok "); /* Skip checks if subscheduler not yet initialised */
+ asm("ldr r2, [r0, #4] "); /* R2[24:31]=wcpu, R2[16:23]=order, R2[0:7]=rcpu mask */
+ asm("tst r2, #0x00E00000 ");
+ asm("bne rwrlec_preemption "); /* This lock requires preemption to be disabled */
+ /* check interrupts disabled */
+ asm("and r3, r12, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask));
+ asm("cmp r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask)); /* Check interrupts masked */
+ asm("beq rwrlec_1 "); /* Yes - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* No - die */
+ asm("rwrlec_preemption: ");
+ asm("and r3, r2, #0x00FF0000 ");
+ asm("cmp r3, #0x00FF0000 "); /* check for EOrderNone */
+ asm("beq rwrlec_1 "); /* EOrderNone - don't check interrupts or preemption */
+ asm("and r3, r12, #0x1F ");
+ asm("cmp r3, #0x13 "); /* Make sure we're in mode_svc */
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iKernLockCount));
+ asm("bne rwrlec_preemption_die "); /* If not, die */
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne rwrlec_1 "); /* Preemption disabled - OK */
+ asm("rwrlec_preemption_die: ");
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* Preemption enabled - die */
+ asm("rwrlec_1: ");
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuNum));
+ asm("eor r3, r2, r3, lsl #24 ");
+ asm("cmp r3, #0x01000000 "); /* Held by current CPU for write ? */
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuMask));
+ asm("bhs rwrlec_2 "); /* No - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* Already held by this CPU for write - die */
+ asm("rwrlec_2: ");
+ asm("tst r2, r3 "); /* Held by current CPU for read ? */
+ asm("beq rwrlec_3 "); /* No - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* Already held by this CPU for read - die */
+ asm("rwrlec_3: ");
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]!" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iSpinLockOrderCheck));
+ asm("mov r2, r2, lsr #16 ");
+ asm("and r2, r2, #0xFF "); /* r2 = lock order */
+ asm("ldr r1, [r1, #4] "); /* r3=low word of iSpinLockOrderCheck, r1=high word */
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("addeq r2, r2, #0x20000000 "); /* if low word zero, add 32 to LS1 index ... */
+ asm("moveq r3, r1 "); /* ... and r3=high word ... */
+ asm("subs r1, r3, #1 "); /* R1 = R3 with all bits up to and including LS1 flipped */
+ asm("beq rwrlec_ok "); /* If all bits zero, no locks held so OK */
+ asm("eor r3, r3, r1 "); /* Clear all bits above LS1 */
+ CLZ(1,3); /* R1 = 31 - bit number of LS1 */
+ asm("rsb r1, r1, #31 "); /* R1 = bit number of LS1 */
+ asm("add r1, r1, r2, lsr #24 "); /* add 32 if we were looking at high word */
+ asm("mov r2, r2, lsl #24 "); /* this lock's order value into R2 high byte */
+ asm("cmp r1, r2, asr #24 "); /* compare current lowest order lock to sign-extended order value */
+ asm("bgt rwrlec_ok "); /* if this lock's order < current lowest, OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* otherwise die */
+ asm("rwrlec_ok: ");
+ asm("msr cpsr, r12 "); /* restore interrupts */
+ asm("ldmfd sp!, {r1,r2,r3,r12} ");
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+extern "C" __NAKED__ void rwspin_rlock_mark_acq()
+ {
+ /* R0 points to lock */
+ asm("stmfd sp!, {r1-r4,r12} ");
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI(); /* Disable interrupts */
+ GET_RWNO_TID(, r1); /* R1->SubScheduler */
+ asm("cmp r1, #0 ");
+ asm("beq rwrlma_ok "); /* Skip checks if subscheduler not yet initialised */
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuMask));
+ asm("add r0, r0, #4 ");
+ asm("1: ");
+ LDREXB(2,0); /* rcpu mask */
+ asm("orr r2, r2, r3 "); /* set bit corresponding to current CPU */
+ STREXB(4,2,0);
+ asm("cmp r4, #0 ");
+ asm("bne 1b ");
+ asm("ldrb r2, [r0, #2] "); /* R2 = lock order value */
+ asm("sub r0, r0, #4 ");
+ asm("add r1, r1, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iSpinLockOrderCheck));
+ asm("cmp r2, #0x40 ");
+ asm("bhs rwrlma_ok "); /* if EOrderNone, done */
+ asm("cmp r2, #0x20 ");
+ asm("addhs r1, r1, #4 ");
+ asm("and r2, r2, #0x1f ");
+ asm("mov r3, #1 ");
+ asm("mov r3, r3, lsl r2 "); /* r3 = bit to set */
+ asm("ldr r2, [r1] ");
+ asm("orr r2, r2, r3 ");
+ asm("str r2, [r1] "); /* set bit in iSpinLockOrderCheck corresponding to lock order */
+ asm("rwrlma_ok: ");
+ asm("msr cpsr, r12 "); /* restore interrupts */
+ asm("ldmfd sp!, {r1-r4,r12} ");
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+extern "C" __NAKED__ void rwspin_runlock_entry_check()
+ {
+ /* R0 points to lock */
+ asm("stmfd sp!, {r1-r4,r12} ");
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI(); /* Disable interrupts */
+ GET_RWNO_TID(, r1); /* R1->SubScheduler */
+ asm("cmp r1, #0 ");
+ asm("beq rwruec_ok "); /* Skip checks if subscheduler not yet initialised */
+ asm("ldr r2, [r0, #4] "); /* R2[24:31]=wcpu, R2[16:23]=order, R2[0:7]=rcpu mask */
+ asm("tst r2, #0x00E00000 ");
+ asm("bne rwruec_preemption "); /* This lock requires preemption to be disabled */
+ /* check interrupts disabled */
+ asm("and r3, r12, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask));
+ asm("cmp r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask)); /* Check interrupts masked */
+ asm("beq rwruec_1 "); /* Yes - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* No - die */
+ asm("rwruec_preemption: ");
+ asm("and r3, r2, #0x00FF0000 ");
+ asm("cmp r3, #0x00FF0000 "); /* check for EOrderNone */
+ asm("ldrne r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iKernLockCount));
+ asm("beq rwruec_1 "); /* EOrderNone - don't check interrupts or preemption */
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne rwruec_1 "); /* Preemption disabled - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* Preemption enabled - die */
+ asm("rwruec_1: ");
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuMask));
+ asm("tst r2, r3 "); /* Check if current CPU holds read lock */
+ asm("bne rwruec_2 "); /* Read lock held by this CPU - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* Not held by this CPU - die */
+ asm("rwruec_2: ");
+ asm("add r0, r0, #4 ");
+ asm("1: ");
+ LDREX(2,0); /* rcpu mask */
+ asm("bic r2, r2, r3 "); /* clear bit corresponding to current CPU */
+ STREX(4,2,0);
+ asm("cmp r4, #0 ");
+ asm("bne 1b ");
+ asm("sub r0, r0, #4 ");
+ asm("add r1, r1, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iSpinLockOrderCheck));
+ asm("tst r2, #0x00C00000 ");
+ asm("bne rwruec_ok "); /* if EOrderNone, done */
+ asm("tst r2, #0x00200000 ");
+ asm("addne r1, r1, #4 ");
+ asm("mov r2, r2, lsr #16 ");
+ asm("and r2, r2, #0x1F ");
+ asm("mov r3, #1 ");
+ asm("mov r3, r3, lsl r2 "); /* r3 = bit to clear */
+ asm("ldr r2, [r1] ");
+ asm("tst r2, r3 "); /* test bit originally set */
+ asm("bic r2, r2, r3 ");
+ asm("str r2, [r1] "); /* clear bit in iSpinLockOrderCheck corresponding to lock order */
+ asm("bne rwruec_ok "); /* if originally set, OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* if not, die - something must have got corrupted */
+ asm("rwruec_ok: ");
+ asm("msr cpsr, r12 "); /* restore interrupts */
+ asm("ldmfd sp!, {r1-r4,r12} ");
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+extern "C" __NAKED__ void rwspin_wlock_entry_check()
+ {
+ /* R0 points to lock */
+ asm("stmfd sp!, {r1,r2,r3,r12} ");
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI(); /* Disable interrupts */
+ GET_RWNO_TID(, r1); /* R1->SubScheduler */
+ asm("cmp r1, #0 ");
+ asm("beq rwwlec_ok "); /* Skip checks if subscheduler not yet initialised */
+ asm("ldr r2, [r0, #4] "); /* R2[24:31]=wcpu, R2[16:23]=order, R2[0:7]=rcpu mask */
+ asm("tst r2, #0x00E00000 ");
+ asm("bne rwwlec_preemption "); /* This lock requires preemption to be disabled */
+ /* check interrupts disabled */
+ asm("and r3, r12, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask));
+ asm("cmp r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask)); /* Check interrupts masked */
+ asm("beq rwwlec_1 "); /* Yes - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* No - die */
+ asm("rwwlec_preemption: ");
+ asm("and r3, r2, #0x00FF0000 ");
+ asm("cmp r3, #0x00FF0000 "); /* check for EOrderNone */
+ asm("beq rwwlec_1 "); /* EOrderNone - don't check interrupts or preemption */
+ asm("and r3, r12, #0x1F ");
+ asm("cmp r3, #0x13 "); /* Make sure we're in mode_svc */
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iKernLockCount));
+ asm("bne rwwlec_preemption_die "); /* If not, die */
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne rwwlec_1 "); /* Preemption disabled - OK */
+ asm("rwwlec_preemption_die: ");
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* Preemption enabled - die */
+ asm("rwwlec_1: ");
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuMask));
+ asm("tst r2, r3 "); /* Test if held by current CPU for read */
+ asm("beq rwwlec_2 "); /* No - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* Yes - die */
+ asm("rwwlec_2: ");
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuNum));
+ asm("cmp r3, r2, lsr #24 "); /* Test if held by current CPU for write */
+ asm("bne rwwlec_3 "); /* No - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* Yes - die */
+ asm("rwwlec_3: ");
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]!" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iSpinLockOrderCheck));
+ asm("mov r2, r2, lsr #16 ");
+ asm("and r2, r2, #0xFF "); /* r2 = lock order */
+ asm("ldr r1, [r1, #4] "); /* r3=low word of iSpinLockOrderCheck, r1=high word */
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("addeq r2, r2, #0x20000000 "); /* if low word zero, add 32 to LS1 index ... */
+ asm("moveq r3, r1 "); /* ... and r3=high word ... */
+ asm("subs r1, r3, #1 "); /* R1 = R3 with all bits up to and including LS1 flipped */
+ asm("beq rwwlec_ok "); /* If all bits zero, no locks held so OK */
+ asm("eor r3, r3, r1 "); /* Clear all bits above LS1 */
+ CLZ(1,3); /* R1 = 31 - bit number of LS1 */
+ asm("rsb r1, r1, #31 "); /* R1 = bit number of LS1 */
+ asm("add r1, r1, r2, lsr #24 "); /* add 32 if we were looking at high word */
+ asm("mov r2, r2, lsl #24 "); /* this lock's order value into R2 high byte */
+ asm("cmp r1, r2, asr #24 "); /* compare current lowest order lock to sign-extended order value */
+ asm("bgt rwwlec_ok "); /* if this lock's order < current lowest, OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* otherwise die */
+ asm("rwwlec_ok: ");
+ asm("msr cpsr, r12 "); /* restore interrupts */
+ asm("ldmfd sp!, {r1,r2,r3,r12} ");
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+extern "C" __NAKED__ void rwspin_wlock_mark_acq()
+ {
+ /* R0 points to lock */
+ asm("stmfd sp!, {r1,r2,r3,r12} ");
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI(); /* Disable interrupts */
+ GET_RWNO_TID(, r1); /* R1->SubScheduler */
+ asm("cmp r1, #0 ");
+ asm("beq rwwlma_ok "); /* Skip checks if subscheduler not yet initialised */
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuNum));
+ asm("ldrb r2, [r0, #6] "); /* R2 = lock order value */
+ asm("add r1, r1, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iSpinLockOrderCheck));
+ asm("strb r3, [r0, #7] "); /* set byte 7 to holding CPU number */
+ asm("cmp r2, #0x40 ");
+ asm("bhs rwwlma_ok "); /* if EOrderNone, done */
+ asm("cmp r2, #0x20 ");
+ asm("addhs r1, r1, #4 ");
+ asm("and r2, r2, #0x1f ");
+ asm("mov r3, #1 ");
+ asm("mov r3, r3, lsl r2 "); /* r3 = bit to set */
+ asm("ldr r2, [r1] ");
+ asm("orr r2, r2, r3 ");
+ asm("str r2, [r1] "); /* set bit in iSpinLockOrderCheck corresponding to lock order */
+ asm("rwwlma_ok: ");
+ asm("msr cpsr, r12 "); /* restore interrupts */
+ asm("ldmfd sp!, {r1,r2,r3,r12} ");
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+extern "C" __NAKED__ void rwspin_wunlock_entry_check()
+ {
+ /* R0 points to lock */
+ asm("stmfd sp!, {r1,r2,r3,r12} ");
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI(); /* Disable interrupts */
+ GET_RWNO_TID(, r1); /* R1->SubScheduler */
+ asm("cmp r1, #0 ");
+ asm("beq rwwuec_ok "); /* Skip checks if subscheduler not yet initialised */
+ asm("ldrh r2, [r0, #6] "); /* R2[8:15]=holding CPU, R2[0:7]=order */
+ asm("ldr r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuNum));
+ asm("eor r2, r2, r3, lsl #8 "); /* R2[8:15]=holding CPU^current CPU, R2[0:7]=order */
+ asm("tst r2, #0xE0 ");
+ asm("bne rwwuec_preemption "); /* This lock requires preemption to be disabled */
+ /* check interrupts disabled */
+ asm("and r3, r12, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask));
+ asm("cmp r3, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask)); /* Check interrupts masked */
+ asm("beq rwwuec_1 "); /* Yes - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* No - die */
+ asm("rwwuec_preemption: ");
+ asm("and r3, r2, #0xFF ");
+ asm("cmp r3, #0xFF "); /* check for EOrderNone */
+ asm("ldrne r3, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iKernLockCount));
+ asm("beq rwwuec_1 "); /* EOrderNone - don't check interrupts or preemption */
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne rwwuec_1 "); /* Preemption disabled - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* Preemption enabled - die */
+ asm("rwwuec_1: ");
+ asm("tst r2, #0xFF00 "); /* Check if holding CPU ^ current CPU number == 0 */
+ asm("beq rwwuec_2 "); /* Held by this CPU - OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* Not held by this CPU - die */
+ asm("rwwuec_2: ");
+ asm("add r1, r1, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iSpinLockOrderCheck));
+ asm("mov r3, #0xFF ");
+ asm("strb r3, [r0, #7] "); /* reset holding CPU */
+ asm("cmp r2, #0x40 ");
+ asm("bhs rwwuec_ok "); /* if EOrderNone, done */
+ asm("cmp r2, #0x20 ");
+ asm("addhs r1, r1, #4 ");
+ asm("and r2, r2, #0x1F ");
+ asm("mov r3, #1 ");
+ asm("mov r3, r3, lsl r2 "); /* r3 = bit to clear */
+ asm("ldr r2, [r1] ");
+ asm("tst r2, r3 "); /* test bit originally set */
+ asm("bic r2, r2, r3 ");
+ asm("str r2, [r1] "); /* clear bit in iSpinLockOrderCheck corresponding to lock order */
+ asm("bne rwwuec_ok "); /* if originally set, OK */
+ __ASM_CRASH(); /* if not, die - something must have got corrupted */
+ asm("rwwuec_ok: ");
+ asm("msr cpsr, r12 "); /* restore interrupts */
+ asm("ldmfd sp!, {r1,r2,r3,r12} ");
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+ - Read locks disabling IRQ
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TRWSpinLock::LockIrqR()
+ {
+ __ASM_CLI(); /* Disable interrupts */
+ asm("1: ");
+ LDREX(1,0);
+ asm("and r2, r1, #0xFF "); /* R2 = original in.w */
+ asm("add r1, r1, #0x100 "); /* increment in.r */
+ asm("tst r1, #0xFF00 "); /* if wraparound ... */
+ asm("subeq r1, r1, #0x10000 "); /* ... revert carry into out.w */
+ STREX(3,1,0);
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne 1b ");
+ asm("3: ");
+ asm("and r1, r1, #0xFF0000 "); /* R1 = out.w << 16 */
+ asm("cmp r1, r2, lsl #16 "); /* out.w = original in.w ? */
+ asm("bne 2f "); /* no - must wait */
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER__(r3); /* we have got the lock */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("2: ");
+ asm("ldr r1, [r0, #0] "); /* read out.w count again */
+ asm("b 3b ");
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TRWSpinLock::UnlockIrqR()
+ {
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER_Z__(r3); /* Ensure accesses don't move outside locked section */
+ asm("1: ");
+ LDREX(2,0);
+ asm("add r2, r2, #0x01000000 "); /* increment out.r */
+ STREX(3,2,0);
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne 1b ");
+ __DATA_SYNC_BARRIER__(r3); /* Ensure write to out.r completes before SEV */
+ ARM_SEV; /* Wake up any waiting processors */
+ __ASM_STI(); /* Enable interrupts */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TBool TRWSpinLock::FlashIrqR()
+ {
+ GET_RWNO_TID(,r12); /* r12 -> TSubScheduler */
+ asm("ldr r12, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,i_GicCpuIfcAddr));
+ asm("ldr r2, [r0, #0] ");
+ asm("ldr r3, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(GicCpuIfc,iHighestPending));
+ asm("eor r2, r2, r2, lsr #16 "); /* r2 low byte = out.w ^ in.w = 0 if no writers waiting */
+ asm("tst r2, #0xFF ");
+ asm("addeq r3, r3, #1 ");
+ asm("cmpeq r3, #1024 "); /* if no writers waiting for lock, check for pending interrupt */
+ asm("bne 1f "); /* branch if writers waiting or pending interrupt */
+ asm("mov r0, #0 "); /* else return FALSE */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("1: ");
+ asm("str lr, [sp, #-4]! ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock10UnlockIrqREv);
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock8LockIrqREv);
+ asm("mov r0, #1 ");
+ asm("ldr pc, [sp], #4 ");
+ }
+ - Write locks disabling IRQ
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TRWSpinLock::LockIrqW()
+ {
+ __ASM_CLI(); /* Disable interrupts */
+ asm("1: ");
+ LDREX(1,0);
+ asm("mov r2, r1, lsl #16 "); /* R2 = original in << 16 */
+ asm("add r1, r1, #1 "); /* increment in.w */
+ asm("tst r1, #0xFF "); /* if wraparound ... */
+ asm("subeq r1, r1, #0x100 "); /* ... revert carry into in.r */
+ STREX(3,1,0);
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne 1b ");
+ asm("3: ");
+ asm("mov r1, r1, lsr #16 "); /* r1 = out */
+ asm("cmp r1, r2, lsr #16 "); /* out = original in ? */
+ asm("bne 2f "); /* no - must wait */
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER__(r3); /* we have got the lock */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("2: ");
+ asm("ldr r1, [r0, #0] "); /* read out count again */
+ asm("b 3b ");
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TRWSpinLock::UnlockIrqW()
+ {
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER_Z__(r3); /* Ensure accesses don't move outside locked section */
+ asm("ldrb r2, [r0, #2] ");
+ asm("add r2, r2, #1 ");
+ asm("strb r2, [r0, #2] "); /* increment out.w */
+ __DATA_SYNC_BARRIER__(r3); /* Ensure write to out.w completes before SEV */
+ ARM_SEV; /* Wake up any waiting processors */
+ __ASM_STI(); /* Enable interrupts */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TBool TRWSpinLock::FlashIrqW()
+ {
+ GET_RWNO_TID(,r12); /* r12 -> TSubScheduler */
+ asm("ldr r12, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,i_GicCpuIfcAddr));
+ asm("ldr r2, [r0, #0] ");
+ asm("ldr r3, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(GicCpuIfc,iHighestPending));
+ asm("add r2, r2, #0x00010000 "); /* increment out.w */
+ asm("tst r2, #0x00FF0000 "); /* if wraparound, revert carry */
+ asm("subeq r2, r2, #0x01000000 ");
+ asm("eor r2, r2, r2, lsl #16 "); /* test if (out.w+1,out.r) == (in.w,in.r) */
+ asm("cmp r2, #0x00010000 ");
+ asm("bhs 1f "); /* if not, someone else is waiting */
+ asm("add r3, r3, #1 ");
+ asm("cmp r3, #1024 "); /* if no-one waiting for lock, check for pending interrupt */
+ asm("bne 1f "); /* branch if pending interrupt */
+ asm("mov r0, #0 "); /* else return FALSE */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("1: ");
+ asm("str lr, [sp, #-4]! ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock10UnlockIrqWEv);
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock8LockIrqWEv);
+ asm("mov r0, #1 ");
+ asm("ldr pc, [sp], #4 ");
+ }
+ - Read locks leaving IRQ alone
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TRWSpinLock::LockOnlyR()
+ {
+ asm("1: ");
+ LDREX(1,0);
+ asm("and r2, r1, #0xFF "); /* R2 = original in.w */
+ asm("add r1, r1, #0x100 "); /* increment in.r */
+ asm("tst r1, #0xFF00 "); /* if wraparound ... */
+ asm("subeq r1, r1, #0x10000 "); /* ... revert carry into out.w */
+ STREX(3,1,0);
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne 1b ");
+ asm("3: ");
+ asm("and r1, r1, #0xFF0000 "); /* R1 = out.w << 16 */
+ asm("cmp r1, r2, lsl #16 "); /* out.w = original in.w ? */
+ asm("bne 2f "); /* no - must wait */
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER__(r3); /* we have got the lock */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("2: ");
+ asm("ldr r1, [r0, #0] "); /* read out.w count again */
+ asm("b 3b ");
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TRWSpinLock::UnlockOnlyR()
+ {
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER_Z__(r3); /* Ensure accesses don't move outside locked section */
+ asm("1: ");
+ LDREX(2,0);
+ asm("add r2, r2, #0x01000000 "); /* increment out.r */
+ STREX(3,2,0);
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne 1b ");
+ __DATA_SYNC_BARRIER__(r3); /* Ensure write to out.r completes before SEV */
+ ARM_SEV; /* Wake up any waiting processors */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TBool TRWSpinLock::FlashOnlyR()
+ {
+ asm("ldr r2, [r0, #0] ");
+ asm("eor r2, r2, r2, lsr #16 "); /* r2 low byte = out.w ^ in.w = 0 if no writers waiting */
+ asm("tst r2, #0xFF ");
+ asm("bne 1f "); /* branch if writers waiting */
+ asm("mov r0, #0 "); /* else return FALSE */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("1: ");
+ asm("str lr, [sp, #-4]! ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock11UnlockOnlyREv);
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock9LockOnlyREv);
+ asm("mov r0, #1 ");
+ asm("ldr pc, [sp], #4 ");
+ }
+ - Write locks leaving IRQ alone
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TRWSpinLock::LockOnlyW()
+ {
+ asm("1: ");
+ LDREX(1,0);
+ asm("mov r2, r1, lsl #16 "); /* R2 = original in << 16 */
+ asm("add r1, r1, #1 "); /* increment in.w */
+ asm("tst r1, #0xFF "); /* if wraparound ... */
+ asm("subeq r1, r1, #0x100 "); /* ... revert carry into in.r */
+ STREX(3,1,0);
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne 1b ");
+ asm("3: ");
+ asm("mov r1, r1, lsr #16 "); /* r1 = out */
+ asm("cmp r1, r2, lsr #16 "); /* out = original in ? */
+ asm("bne 2f "); /* no - must wait */
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER__(r3); /* we have got the lock */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("2: ");
+ asm("ldr r1, [r0, #0] "); /* read out count again */
+ asm("b 3b ");
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TRWSpinLock::UnlockOnlyW()
+ {
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER_Z__(r3); /* Ensure accesses don't move outside locked section */
+ asm("ldrb r2, [r0, #2] ");
+ asm("add r2, r2, #1 ");
+ asm("strb r2, [r0, #2] "); /* increment out.w */
+ __DATA_SYNC_BARRIER__(r3); /* Ensure write to out.w completes before SEV */
+ ARM_SEV; /* Wake up any waiting processors */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TBool TRWSpinLock::FlashOnlyW()
+ {
+ asm("ldr r2, [r0, #0] ");
+ asm("add r2, r2, #0x00010000 "); /* increment out.w */
+ asm("tst r2, #0x00FF0000 "); /* if wraparound, revert carry */
+ asm("subeq r2, r2, #0x01000000 ");
+ asm("eor r2, r2, r2, lsl #16 "); /* test if (out.w+1,out.r) == (in.w,in.r) */
+ asm("cmp r2, #0x00010000 ");
+ asm("bhs 1f "); /* if not, someone else is waiting */
+ asm("mov r0, #0 "); /* else return FALSE */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("1: ");
+ asm("str lr, [sp, #-4]! ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock11UnlockOnlyWEv);
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock9LockOnlyWEv);
+ asm("mov r0, #1 ");
+ asm("ldr pc, [sp], #4 ");
+ }
+ - Read locks disabling IRQ with save/restore IRQ state
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TInt TRWSpinLock::LockIrqSaveR()
+ {
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI(); /* Disable interrupts */
+ asm("1: ");
+ LDREX(1,0);
+ asm("and r2, r1, #0xFF "); /* R2 = original in.w */
+ asm("add r1, r1, #0x100 "); /* increment in.r */
+ asm("tst r1, #0xFF00 "); /* if wraparound ... */
+ asm("subeq r1, r1, #0x10000 "); /* ... revert carry into out.w */
+ STREX(3,1,0);
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne 1b ");
+ asm("3: ");
+ asm("and r1, r1, #0xFF0000 "); /* R1 = out.w << 16 */
+ asm("cmp r1, r2, lsl #16 "); /* out.w = original in.w ? */
+ asm("bne 2f "); /* no - must wait */
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER__(r3); /* we have got the lock */
+ asm("and r0, r12, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask)); /* return original CPSR I and F bits */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("2: ");
+ asm("ldr r1, [r0, #0] "); /* read out.w count again */
+ asm("b 3b ");
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TRWSpinLock::UnlockIrqRestoreR(TInt)
+ {
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER_Z__(r3); /* Ensure accesses don't move outside locked section */
+ asm("1: ");
+ LDREX(2,0);
+ asm("add r2, r2, #0x01000000 "); /* increment out.r */
+ STREX(3,2,0);
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne 1b ");
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ __DATA_SYNC_BARRIER__(r3); /* Ensure write to out.r completes before SEV */
+ asm("bic r12, r12, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask));
+ ARM_SEV; /* Wake up any waiting processors */
+ asm("orr r1, r1, r12 ");
+ asm("msr cpsr, r1 "); /* restore interrupts */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TBool TRWSpinLock::FlashIrqRestoreR(TInt)
+ {
+ GET_RWNO_TID(,r12); /* r12 -> TSubScheduler */
+ asm("ldr r12, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,i_GicCpuIfcAddr));
+ asm("ldr r2, [r0, #0] ");
+ asm("ldr r3, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(GicCpuIfc,iHighestPending));
+ asm("eor r2, r2, r2, lsr #16 "); /* r2 low byte = out.w ^ in.w = 0 if no writers waiting */
+ asm("tst r2, #0xFF ");
+ asm("addeq r3, r3, #1 ");
+ asm("cmpeq r3, #1024 "); /* if no writers waiting for lock, check for pending interrupt */
+ asm("bne 1f "); /* branch if writers waiting or pending interrupt */
+ asm("mov r0, #0 "); /* else return FALSE */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("1: ");
+ asm("str lr, [sp, #-4]! ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock17UnlockIrqRestoreREi);
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock8LockIrqREv);
+ asm("mov r0, #1 ");
+ asm("ldr pc, [sp], #4 ");
+ }
+ - Write locks disabling IRQ with save/restore IRQ state
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TInt TRWSpinLock::LockIrqSaveW()
+ {
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ __ASM_CLI(); /* Disable interrupts */
+ asm("1: ");
+ LDREX(1,0);
+ asm("mov r2, r1, lsl #16 "); /* R2 = original in << 16 */
+ asm("add r1, r1, #1 "); /* increment in.w */
+ asm("tst r1, #0xFF "); /* if wraparound ... */
+ asm("subeq r1, r1, #0x100 "); /* ... revert carry into in.r */
+ STREX(3,1,0);
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 ");
+ asm("bne 1b ");
+ asm("3: ");
+ asm("mov r1, r1, lsr #16 "); /* r1 = out */
+ asm("cmp r1, r2, lsr #16 "); /* out = original in ? */
+ asm("bne 2f "); /* no - must wait */
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER__(r3); /* we have got the lock */
+ asm("and r0, r12, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask)); /* return original CPSR I and F bits */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("2: ");
+ asm("ldr r1, [r0, #0] "); /* read out count again */
+ asm("b 3b ");
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void TRWSpinLock::UnlockIrqRestoreW(TInt)
+ {
+ __DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER_Z__(r3); /* Ensure accesses don't move outside locked section */
+ asm("ldrb r2, [r0, #2] ");
+ asm("mrs r12, cpsr ");
+ asm("add r2, r2, #1 ");
+ asm("bic r12, r12, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)KAllInterruptsMask));
+ asm("strb r2, [r0, #2] "); /* increment out.w */
+ __DATA_SYNC_BARRIER__(r3); /* Ensure write to out.w completes before SEV */
+ ARM_SEV; /* Wake up any waiting processors */
+ asm("orr r1, r1, r12 ");
+ asm("msr cpsr, r1 "); /* restore interrupts */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ }
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TBool TRWSpinLock::FlashIrqRestoreW(TInt)
+ {
+ GET_RWNO_TID(,r12); /* r12 -> TSubScheduler */
+ asm("ldr r12, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,i_GicCpuIfcAddr));
+ asm("ldr r2, [r0, #0] ");
+ asm("ldr r3, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(GicCpuIfc,iHighestPending));
+ asm("add r2, r2, #0x00010000 "); /* increment out.w */
+ asm("tst r2, #0x00FF0000 "); /* if wraparound, revert carry */
+ asm("subeq r2, r2, #0x01000000 ");
+ asm("eor r2, r2, r2, lsl #16 "); /* test if (out.w+1,out.r) == (in.w,in.r) */
+ asm("cmp r2, #0x00010000 ");
+ asm("bhs 1f "); /* if not, someone else is waiting */
+ asm("add r3, r3, #1 ");
+ asm("cmp r3, #1024 "); /* if no-one else waiting for lock, check for pending interrupt */
+ asm("bne 1f "); /* branch if pending interrupt */
+ asm("mov r0, #0 "); /* else return FALSE */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("1: ");
+ asm("str lr, [sp, #-4]! ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock17UnlockIrqRestoreWEi);
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock8LockIrqWEv);
+ asm("mov r0, #1 ");
+ asm("ldr pc, [sp], #4 ");
+ }
+ - Read lock flash allowing preemption
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TBool TRWSpinLock::FlashPreemptR()
+ {
+ asm("ldr r2, [r0, #0] ");
+ GET_RWNO_TID(,r12); /* r12 -> TSubScheduler */
+ asm("ldr r3, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,iRescheduleNeededFlag));
+ asm("eor r2, r2, r2, lsr #16 "); /* r2 low byte = out.w ^ in.w = 0 if no writers waiting */
+ asm("tst r2, #0xFF ");
+ asm("cmpeq r3, #0 "); /* if no writers waiting, check if reschedule or IDFCs pending */
+ asm("bne 1f "); /* branch if so or if writers waiting */
+ asm("mov r0, #0 "); /* else return FALSE */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("1: ");
+ asm("stmfd sp!, {r0,lr} ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock11UnlockOnlyREv);
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN5NKern15PreemptionPointEv);
+ asm("ldr r0, [sp], #4 ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock9LockOnlyREv);
+ asm("mov r0, #1 ");
+ asm("ldr pc, [sp], #4 ");
+ }
+ - Write lock flash allowing preemption
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+__NAKED__ EXPORT_C TBool TRWSpinLock::FlashPreemptW()
+ {
+ asm("ldr r2, [r0, #0] ");
+ GET_RWNO_TID(,r12); /* r12 -> TSubScheduler */
+ asm("ldr r3, [r12, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,iRescheduleNeededFlag));
+ asm("add r2, r2, #0x00010000 "); /* increment out.w */
+ asm("tst r2, #0x00FF0000 "); /* if wraparound, revert carry */
+ asm("subeq r2, r2, #0x01000000 ");
+ asm("eor r2, r2, r2, lsl #16 "); /* test if (out.w+1,out.r) == (in.w,in.r) */
+ asm("cmp r2, #0x00010000 ");
+ asm("bhs 1f "); /* if not, someone else is waiting */
+ asm("cmp r3, #0 "); /* no-one else waiting, check if reschedule or IDFCs pending */
+ asm("bne 1f "); /* if so, branch to release lock */
+ asm("mov r0, #0 "); /* else return FALSE */
+ __JUMP(,lr);
+ asm("1: ");
+ asm("stmfd sp!, {r0,lr} ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock11UnlockOnlyWEv);
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN5NKern15PreemptionPointEv);
+ asm("ldr r0, [sp], #4 ");
+ asm("bl " CSM_ZN11TRWSpinLock9LockOnlyWEv);
+ asm("mov r0, #1 ");
+ asm("ldr pc, [sp], #4 ");
+ }