--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/personality/example/personality_int.h Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* e32\personality\example\personality_int.h
+* Internal header file for example RTOS personality.
+* This will be included by the personality layer source files.
+* WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
+* to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
+* outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#ifndef __PERSONALITY_INT_H__
+#define __PERSONALITY_INT_H__
+// NThreadBase member data
+#include <personality/example/personality.h>
+#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
+// dummy constructor
+inline NThreadBase::NThreadBase()
+ {
+ }
+class PThread : public NThread
+ {
+ enum PThreadState
+ {
+ EWaitMsgQ = NThreadBase::ENumNStates,
+ EWaitSemaphore
+ };
+ static TInt Create(PThread*& aThread, const taskinfo* aInfo);
+ static void CreateAll(const taskinfo* aInfo);
+ static void MsgQIDfcFn(TAny*);
+ static void StateHandler(NThread* aThread, TInt aOp, TInt aParam);
+ static void ExceptionHandler(TAny* aContext, NThread* aThread);
+ inline PThread() : iMsgQIDfc(0,0) {} // dummy constructor
+ void ISRPost(msghdr* aM);
+ void Post(msghdr* aFirst, msghdr* aLast);
+ msghdr* GetMsg();
+ void HandleSuspend();
+ void HandleResume();
+ void HandleRelease(TInt aReturnCode);
+ void HandlePriorityChange(TInt aNewPriority);
+ void HandleTimeout();
+ TInt iTaskId;
+ TInt iSetPriority;
+ msghdr* iFirstMsg;
+ msghdr* iLastMsg;
+ TDfc iMsgQIDfc;
+ msghdr* iISRFirstMsg;
+ msghdr* iISRLastMsg;
+ static TInt NumTasks;
+ static TInt MaxTaskId;
+ static PThread** TaskTable;
+ static const TUint8 NThreadPriorityTable[MAX_TASK_PRIORITY+1];
+ static const SNThreadHandlers Handlers;
+ };
+class PMemPool;
+struct SMemBlock
+ {
+ PMemPool* iPool;
+ SMemBlock* iNext; // only if free block
+ };
+class PMemPool
+ {
+ TInt Create(const poolinfo* aInfo);
+ void* Alloc();
+ void Free(void* aBlock);
+ SMemBlock* iFirstFree;
+ size_t iBlockSize;
+ };
+class PMemMgr
+ {
+ static void Create(const poolinfo* aInfo);
+ static void* Alloc(size_t aSize);
+ static void Free(void* aBlock);
+ TInt iPoolCount;
+ PMemPool iPools[1]; // extend
+ static PMemMgr* TheMgr;
+ };
+class PTimer : public NTimer
+ {
+ PTimer();
+ static void CreateAll();
+ static void NTimerExpired(TAny*);
+ TInt iPeriod; // 0 if single shot
+ TAny* iCookie;
+ PThread* iThread;
+ TUint iExpiryCount;
+ static TInt NumTimers;
+ static PTimer* TimerTable;
+ };
+class PSemaphore
+ {
+ static void CreateAll();
+ PSemaphore();
+ void WaitCancel(PThread* aThread);
+ void SuspendWaitingThread(PThread* aThread);
+ void ResumeWaitingThread(PThread* aThread);
+ void ChangeWaitingThreadPriority(PThread* aThread, TInt aNewPriority);
+ void Signal();
+ void ISRSignal();
+ static void IDfcFn(TAny*);
+ TInt iCount;
+ TInt iISRCount;
+ TDfc iIDfc;
+ SDblQue iSuspendedQ;
+ TPriList<PThread, KNumPriorities> iWaitQ;
+ static TInt NumSemaphores;
+ static PSemaphore* SemaphoreTable;
+ };
+class TPMsgQ : public TDfc
+ {
+ TPMsgQ(TDfcFn aFunction, TAny* aPtr, TDfcQue* aDfcQ, TInt aPriority);
+ void Receive();
+ msghdr* Get();
+ void CancelReceive();
+ msghdr* iFirstMsg;
+ msghdr* iLastMsg;
+ TBool iReady;
+ static TPMsgQ* ThePMsgQ;
+ };