--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/iic/iic_psl/iic_slaveclient.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1647 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test/iic/iic_slaveclient.cpp
+// Simulated client of IIC Platform Independent Layer (PIL) Slave functionality
+#include <kernel/kern_priv.h> // for DThread, TDfc
+#include <drivers/iic_transaction.h>
+#include <drivers/iic.h>
+#include "../t_iic.h"
+#include <drivers/iic_channel.h>
+#include "i2c.h"
+#define CLIENT_PRINT(str) Kern::Printf str
+#define CLIENT_PRINT(str)
+//For channel creation
+#define NUM_CHANNELS 3 // Arbitrary
+#if defined(MASTER_MODE) && !defined(SLAVE_MODE)
+const TInt KChannelTypeArray[NUM_CHANNELS] = {DIicBusChannel::EMaster, DIicBusChannel::EMaster, DIicBusChannel::EMaster};
+#elif defined(MASTER_MODE) && defined(SLAVE_MODE)
+const TInt KChannelTypeArray[NUM_CHANNELS] = {DIicBusChannel::EMaster, DIicBusChannel::ESlave, DIicBusChannel::EMasterSlave};
+const TInt KChannelTypeArray[NUM_CHANNELS] = {DIicBusChannel::ESlave, DIicBusChannel::ESlave, DIicBusChannel::ESlave};
+#define CHANNEL_TYPE(n) (KChannelTypeArray[n])
+#define CHANNEL_DUPLEX(n) (DIicBusChannel::EHalfDuplex)
+#define BUS_TYPE (DIicBusChannel::EI2c)
+#if defined(MASTER_MODE)
+const TInt8 KI2cChannelNumBase = 10; // Arbitrary, real platform may consult the Configuration Repository
+ // Note limit of 5 bit representation (0-31)
+const TInt8 KI2cChannelNumBase = 10 + NUM_CHANNELS; // For Slave mode, want to provide different response
+ // If client assumes Master mode, should be informed not available
+LOCAL_C TInt8 AssignChanNumI2c()
+ {
+ static TInt8 iBaseChanNumI2c = KI2cChannelNumBase;
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("I2C AssignChanNum - on entry, iBaseChanNum = 0x%x\n",iBaseChanNumI2c));
+ return iBaseChanNumI2c++; // Arbitrary, for illustration
+ }
+class DIicSlaveClientChan : public DBase
+ {
+ DIicSlaveClientChan(DIicBusChannel* aChan, TInt8 aChanNum, TInt aChanType):iChan(aChan),iChanNumber(aChanNum),iChanType(aChanType){};
+ ~DIicSlaveClientChan();
+ TInt GetChanNum()const {return iChanNumber;};
+ TInt GetChanType()const {return iChanType;};
+ DIicBusChannel* GetChannelPtr(){return iChan;};
+ TInt8 iChanNumber;
+ TInt iChanType;
+ DIicBusChannel* iChan;
+ };
+ {
+ if(iChan)
+ delete iChan;
+ }
+const TInt KIicSlaveClientThreadPriority = 24;
+const TInt KIicSlaveClientDfcPriority = 3; // 0 to 7, 7 is highest
+const TInt KMaxNumChannels = 2; // 1 "true" slave, one "dummy"
+struct TCapsIicSlaveClient
+ {
+ TVersion version;
+ };
+class DDeviceIicSlaveClient : public DLogicalDevice
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * The constructor
+ */
+ DDeviceIicSlaveClient();
+ /**
+ * The destructor
+ */
+ ~DDeviceIicSlaveClient();
+ /**
+ * Second stage constructor - install the device
+ */
+ virtual TInt Install();
+ /**
+ * Get the Capabilites of the device
+ * @param aDes descriptor that will contain the returned capibilites
+ */
+ virtual void GetCaps(TDes8 &aDes) const;
+ /**
+ * Create a logical channel to the device
+ */
+ virtual TInt Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel);
+ };
+class DChannelIicSlaveClient : public DLogicalChannel
+ {
+ public:
+ DChannelIicSlaveClient();
+ ~DChannelIicSlaveClient();
+ virtual TInt DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* aInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
+ void RequestComplete(TInt r);
+ TInt CheckDataWritten();
+ TInt CheckDataRead();
+ static void SlaveClientCallbackFunc(TInt aChannelId, TInt aReturn, TInt aTrigger, TInt16 aRxWords, TInt16 aTxWords, TAny* aParam);
+ static TInt OrderEntries(const DIicSlaveClientChan& aMatch, const DIicSlaveClientChan& aEntry);
+ protected:
+ virtual void HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg); // Note: this is a pure virtual in DLogicalChannel
+ TInt DoControl(TInt aId, TAny* a1, TAny* a2); // Name for convenience!
+ TInt DoRequest(TInt aId, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* a1, TAny* a2); // Name for convenience!
+ private:
+ TInt InitSlaveClient();
+ TInt CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx();
+ TInt RegisterRxBuffer(TInt aChannelId, TPtr8 aRxBuffer, TInt8 aBufGranularity, TInt8 aNumWords, TInt8 aOffset);
+ TInt SetNotificationTrigger(TInt aChannelId, TInt aTrigger);
+ TInt StaticExtension(TUint aId, TUint aFunction, TAny* aParam1, TAny* aParam2);
+ TInt RegisterTxBuffer(TInt aChannelId, TPtr8 aTxBuffer, TInt8 aBufGranularity, TInt8 aNumWords, TInt8 aOffset);
+ TInt CaptureChannel(TInt aBusId, TDes8* aConfigHdr, TIicBusSlaveCallback* aCallback, TInt& aChannelId, TBool aAsynch=NULL);
+ TInt ReleaseChannel(TInt aChannelId);
+ private:
+ TDynamicDfcQue* iDfcQue;
+ TIicBusSlaveCallback* iNotif;
+ HBuf8* iConfigHdr;
+ TRequestStatus* iStatus;
+ TUint8* iRxBuf;
+ TUint8* iTxBuf;
+ TUint8* iBusTxCheckBuf;
+ TInt8 iNumRegRxWords;
+ TInt8 iNumRegTxWords;
+ TInt8 iTxRegGranularity;
+ TInt8 iTxRegOffset;
+ TInt8 iTxReqNumWords;
+ TInt8 iRxRegGranularity;
+ TInt8 iRxRegOffset;
+ TInt8 iRxReqNumWords;
+ TUint iBusId;
+ // For some slave-channel-only functions,e.g. ReleaseChannel, RegisterRxBuffer, etc.
+ // the client needs to remember the slave channel that has been captured
+ struct TCapturedChannel
+ {
+ DIicSlaveClientChan* iChannel;
+ TInt iChannelId;
+ };
+ TCapturedChannel iCapturedChan;
+ public:
+ DThread* iClient;
+ TInt iChannelId; // public to be accessible by callback
+ TInt* iClientChanId;
+ TInt iExpectedTrigger;
+ TInt iFullDuplexReq;
+ TInt iBlockedTrigger;
+ typedef enum TTestOverUnderState
+ {
+ EStartState = 0x1,
+ ERxOverrun_1,
+ ERxOverrun_2,
+ ETxUnderrun_1,
+ ETxUnderrun_2
+ };
+ TTestOverUnderState iTestOverUnderState;
+ };
+// Constructor
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("> DDeviceIicSlaveClient::DDeviceIicSlaveClient()"));
+ iParseMask=0; // No info, no PDD, no Units
+ iUnitsMask=0;
+ iVersion=TVersion(KIicClientMajorVersionNumber,
+ KIicClientMinorVersionNumber,
+ KIicClientBuildVersionNumber);
+ }
+//Store all the channels created by the client into an array
+RPointerArray<DIicSlaveClientChan> ChannelArray;
+// Destructor
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("> DDeviceIicSlaveClient::~DDeviceIicSlaveClient()"));
+ //The client is reponsible for channel destroy in STANDALONE_CHANNEL mode
+ ChannelArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ }
+TInt DDeviceIicSlaveClient::Install()
+// Install the device driver.
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("> DDeviceIicSlaveClient::Install()"));
+ return(SetName(&KLddRootName));
+ }
+void DDeviceIicSlaveClient::GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const
+// Return the IicClient capabilities.
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("> DDeviceIicSlaveClient::GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const"));
+ TPckgBuf<TCapsIicSlaveClient> b;
+ b().version=TVersion(KIicClientMajorVersionNumber,
+ KIicClientMinorVersionNumber,
+ KIicClientBuildVersionNumber);
+ Kern::InfoCopy(aDes,b);
+ }
+TInt DDeviceIicSlaveClient::Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel)
+// Create a channel on the device.
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("> DDeviceIicSlaveClient::Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel)"));
+ if(iOpenChannels>=KMaxNumChannels)
+ return KErrOverflow;
+ aChannel=new DChannelIicSlaveClient;
+ return aChannel?KErrNone:KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+// auxiliary function for ordering entries in the array of channels
+TInt DChannelIicSlaveClient::OrderEntries(const DIicSlaveClientChan& aMatch, const DIicSlaveClientChan& aEntry)
+ {
+ TUint8 l=(TUint8)aMatch.GetChanNum();
+ TUint8 r=(TUint8)aEntry.GetChanNum();
+ if(l>r)
+ return -1;
+ else if(l<r)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+// global ordering object to be passed to RPointerArray InsertInOrderXXX and FindInOrder
+TLinearOrder<DIicSlaveClientChan> EntryOrder(DChannelIicSlaveClient::OrderEntries);
+TInt GetChanPtr(const TInt aBusId, DIicSlaveClientChan*& aChan)
+ {
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("GetChanPtr, aBusId=0x%x\n",aBusId));
+ TInt32 chanId;
+ chanId = GET_CHAN_NUM(aBusId);
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("GetChanPtr, chanId=0x%x\n",chanId));
+ DIicSlaveClientChan chanEntry(NULL,(TInt8)chanId, DIicBusChannel::EMasterSlave);
+ TInt r = KErrNotFound;
+ TInt aIndex = ChannelArray.FindInOrder(&chanEntry, EntryOrder);
+ if(aIndex >= 0)
+ {
+ aChan = ChannelArray[aIndex];
+ r = KErrNone;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ {
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ DIicBusChannel *chan = NULL, *chanM = NULL, *chanS = NULL;
+ DIicSlaveClientChan* aSlaveClientChan;
+ for(TInt i=0; i<NUM_CHANNELS; i++)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\n"));
+ #if defined(MASTER_MODE)
+ if(CHANNEL_TYPE(i) == (DIicBusChannel::EMaster))
+ {
+ chan=new DSimulatedIicBusChannelMasterI2c(BUS_TYPE,CHANNEL_DUPLEX(i));
+ if(!chan)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\n\nI2C: Channel of type (%d) not created for index %d\n\n",CHANNEL_TYPE(i),i));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("I2C chan created at 0x%x\n",chan));
+ if(((DSimulatedIicBusChannelMasterI2c*)chan)->Create()!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete chan;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ aSlaveClientChan = new DIicSlaveClientChan(chan,AssignChanNumI2c(),DIicBusChannel::EMaster);
+ if(!aSlaveClientChan)
+ {
+ delete chan;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ r = ChannelArray.InsertInOrder(aSlaveClientChan,EntryOrder);
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete chan;
+ delete aSlaveClientChan;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ #if defined(MASTER_MODE) && defined(SLAVE_MODE)
+ if(CHANNEL_TYPE(i) == DIicBusChannel::EMasterSlave)
+ {
+ chanM=new DSimulatedIicBusChannelMasterI2c(BUS_TYPE,CHANNEL_DUPLEX(i));
+ if(!chanM)
+ return NULL;
+ chanS=new DSimulatedIicBusChannelSlaveI2c(BUS_TYPE,CHANNEL_DUPLEX(i));
+ if(!chanS)
+ {
+ delete chanM;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ chan=new DSimulatedIicBusChannelMasterSlaveI2c(BUS_TYPE,CHANNEL_DUPLEX(i),(DSimulatedIicBusChannelMasterI2c*)chanM,(DSimulatedIicBusChannelSlaveI2c*)chanS); // Generic implementation
+ if(!chan)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\n\nI2C: Channel of type (%d) not created for index %d\n\n",CHANNEL_TYPE(i),i));
+ delete chanM;
+ delete chanS;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("I2C chan created at 0x%x\n",chan));
+ if(((DIicBusChannelMasterSlave*)chan)->DoCreate()!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete chanM;
+ delete chanS;
+ delete chan;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ aSlaveClientChan = new DIicSlaveClientChan(chan,AssignChanNumI2c(),DIicBusChannel::EMasterSlave);
+ if(!aSlaveClientChan)
+ {
+ delete chanM;
+ delete chanS;
+ delete chan;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ r = ChannelArray.InsertInOrder(aSlaveClientChan,EntryOrder);
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete chanM;
+ delete chanS;
+ delete chan;
+ delete aSlaveClientChan;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ #if defined(SLAVE_MODE)
+ if(CHANNEL_TYPE(i) == (DIicBusChannel::ESlave))
+ {
+ chan=new DSimulatedIicBusChannelSlaveI2c(BUS_TYPE,CHANNEL_DUPLEX(i));
+ if(!chan)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\n\nI2C: Channel of type (%d) not created for index %d\n\n",CHANNEL_TYPE(i),i));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("I2C chan created at 0x%x\n",chan));
+ if(((DSimulatedIicBusChannelSlaveI2c*)chan)->Create()!=KErrNone)
+ return NULL;
+ aSlaveClientChan = new DIicSlaveClientChan(chan,AssignChanNumI2c(),DIicBusChannel::ESlave);
+ if(!aSlaveClientChan)
+ {
+ delete chan;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ r = ChannelArray.InsertInOrder(aSlaveClientChan,EntryOrder);
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete chan;
+ delete aSlaveClientChan;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(MASTER_MODE) && !defined(SLAVE_MODE)
+ #error I2C mode not defined as Master, Slave nor Master-Slave
+ #endif
+ }
+ return new DDeviceIicSlaveClient;
+ }
+// Constructor
+ {
+ iFullDuplexReq=iBlockedTrigger=iExpectedTrigger=0;
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("> DChannelIicSlaveClient::DChannelIicSlaveClient()"));
+ iClient=&Kern::CurrentThread();
+ // Increase the DThread's ref count so that it does not close without us
+ iClient->Open();
+ iTestOverUnderState = EStartState;
+ }
+// Destructor
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("> DChannelIicSlaveClient::~DChannelIicSlaveClient()"));
+ iDfcQue->Destroy();
+ delete iNotif;
+ delete iRxBuf;
+ delete iTxBuf;
+ delete iBusTxCheckBuf;
+ // decrement the DThread's reference count
+ Kern::SafeClose((DObject*&)iClient, NULL);
+ }
+void DChannelIicSlaveClient::RequestComplete(TInt r)
+ {
+ Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, iStatus, r);
+ }
+TInt DChannelIicSlaveClient::RegisterRxBuffer(TInt aChannelId, TPtr8 aRxBuffer, TInt8 aBufGranularity, TInt8 aNumWords, TInt8 aOffset)
+ {
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ DIicSlaveClientChan* aChanPtr = NULL;
+ if(iCapturedChan.iChannelId == aChannelId)
+ aChanPtr = iCapturedChan.iChannel;
+ if(!aChanPtr)
+ return KErrArgument;
+ if(aChanPtr->GetChanType() == DIicBusChannel::EMasterSlave)
+ r = ((DIicBusChannelMasterSlave*)(aChanPtr->GetChannelPtr()))->RegisterRxBuffer(aRxBuffer, aBufGranularity, aNumWords, aOffset);
+ else if(aChanPtr->GetChanType() == DIicBusChannel::ESlave)
+ r = ((DIicBusChannelSlave*)(aChanPtr->GetChannelPtr()))->RegisterRxBuffer(aRxBuffer, aBufGranularity, aNumWords, aOffset);
+ r = IicBus::RegisterRxBuffer(aChannelId, aRxBuffer, aBufGranularity, aNumWords, aOffset);
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DChannelIicSlaveClient::SetNotificationTrigger(TInt aChannelId, TInt aTrigger)
+ {
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ DIicSlaveClientChan* aChanPtr = NULL;
+ if(iCapturedChan.iChannelId == aChannelId)
+ aChanPtr = iCapturedChan.iChannel;
+ if(!aChanPtr)
+ return KErrArgument;
+ if(aChanPtr->GetChanType() == DIicBusChannel::EMasterSlave)
+ r = ((DIicBusChannelMasterSlave*)(aChanPtr->GetChannelPtr()))->SetNotificationTrigger(aTrigger);
+ else if(aChanPtr->GetChanType() == DIicBusChannel::ESlave)
+ r = ((DIicBusChannelSlave*)(aChanPtr->GetChannelPtr()))->SetNotificationTrigger(aTrigger);
+ r = IicBus::SetNotificationTrigger(aChannelId, aTrigger);
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DChannelIicSlaveClient::StaticExtension(TUint aId, TUint aFunction, TAny* aParam1, TAny* aParam2)
+ {
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ DIicSlaveClientChan* aChanPtr;
+ r = GetChanPtr(aId, aChanPtr);
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ return r;
+ if(!aChanPtr)
+ return KErrArgument;
+ if(aChanPtr->GetChanType() == DIicBusChannel::EMasterSlave)
+ r = ((DIicBusChannelMasterSlave*)(aChanPtr->GetChannelPtr()))->StaticExtension(aFunction, aParam1, aParam2);
+ else if(aChanPtr->GetChanType() == DIicBusChannel::ESlave)
+ r = ((DIicBusChannelSlave*)(aChanPtr->GetChannelPtr()))->StaticExtension(aFunction, aParam1, aParam2);
+ r = IicBus::StaticExtension(aId, aFunction, aParam1, aParam2);
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DChannelIicSlaveClient::RegisterTxBuffer(TInt aChannelId, TPtr8 aTxBuffer, TInt8 aBufGranularity, TInt8 aNumWords, TInt8 aOffset)
+ {
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ DIicSlaveClientChan* aChanPtr = NULL;
+ if(iCapturedChan.iChannelId == aChannelId)
+ aChanPtr = iCapturedChan.iChannel;
+ if(!aChanPtr)
+ return KErrArgument;
+ if(aChanPtr->GetChanType() == DIicBusChannel::EMasterSlave)
+ r = ((DIicBusChannelMasterSlave*)(aChanPtr->GetChannelPtr()))->RegisterTxBuffer(aTxBuffer, aBufGranularity, aNumWords, aOffset);
+ else if(aChanPtr->GetChanType() == DIicBusChannel::ESlave)
+ r = ((DIicBusChannelSlave*)(aChanPtr->GetChannelPtr()))->RegisterTxBuffer(aTxBuffer, aBufGranularity, aNumWords, aOffset);
+ r = IicBus::RegisterTxBuffer(aChannelId, aTxBuffer, aBufGranularity, aNumWords, aOffset);
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DChannelIicSlaveClient::CaptureChannel(TInt aBusId, TDes8* aConfigHdr, TIicBusSlaveCallback* aCallback, TInt& aChannelId, TBool aAsynch)
+ {
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ r = IicBus::CaptureChannel(aBusId, aConfigHdr, aCallback, aChannelId, aAsynch);
+ // Check that that aCallback!=NULL and aConfigHdr!=NULL - if not, return KErrArgument
+ if(!aCallback || !aConfigHdr)
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ // Get the channel
+ DIicSlaveClientChan* chanPtr = NULL;
+ if(r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ r = GetChanPtr(aBusId, chanPtr);
+ if(r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ if(!chanPtr)
+ {
+ r = KErrArgument;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch(chanPtr->GetChanType())
+ {
+ // CaptureChannel requests are only supported by channels in Slave mode.
+ case DIicBusChannel::EMaster:
+ {
+ r = KErrNotSupported;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DIicBusChannel::EMasterSlave:
+ {
+ r = ((DIicBusChannelMasterSlave*) (chanPtr->GetChannelPtr()))->CaptureChannel(aConfigHdr, aCallback, aChannelId, aAsynch);
+ break;
+ }
+ case DIicBusChannel::ESlave:
+ {
+ r = ((DIicBusChannelSlave*) (chanPtr->GetChannelPtr()))->CaptureChannel(aConfigHdr, aCallback, aChannelId, aAsynch);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ r = KErrArgument;
+ }
+ }
+ // For synchronous capture, if successful then install the channel
+ if(r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ if(!aAsynch)
+ {
+ iCapturedChan.iChannel = chanPtr;
+ iCapturedChan.iChannelId = aChannelId;
+ }
+ else
+ //For asynchronous capture, record slaveChanPtr, if later failed capture,
+ //clean iCapturedChannel in client's callback.
+ iCapturedChan.iChannel = chanPtr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DChannelIicSlaveClient::ReleaseChannel(TInt aChannelId)
+ {
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ r = IicBus::ReleaseChannel(aChannelId);
+ __KTRACE_OPT(KIIC, Kern::Printf("DChannelIicSlaveClient::ReleaseChannel, channelID = 0x%x \n",aChannelId));
+ // Acquire the pointer to the Slave Channel
+ if(iCapturedChan.iChannelId != aChannelId)
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ if((iCapturedChan.iChannel)->GetChanType() == DIicBusChannel::EMasterSlave)
+ r = ((DIicBusChannelMasterSlave*)((iCapturedChan.iChannel)->GetChannelPtr()))->ReleaseChannel();
+ else if((iCapturedChan.iChannel)->GetChanType() == DIicBusChannel::ESlave)
+ r = ((DIicBusChannelSlave*)((iCapturedChan.iChannel)->GetChannelPtr()))->ReleaseChannel();
+ //After release channel, reset iCapturedChan
+ iCapturedChan.iChannel = NULL;
+ iCapturedChan.iChannelId = 0;
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DChannelIicSlaveClient::CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx()
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("> DChannelIicSlaveClient::CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx(), iTestOverUnderState=%d\n",iTestOverUnderState));
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ switch (iTestOverUnderState)
+ {
+ case(EStartState):
+ {
+ // In this state, no action is required
+ break;
+ };
+ case(ERxOverrun_1):
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx: entry state = ERxOverrun_1\n"));
+ // At this point, the outstanding request trigger should be ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun
+ // and the flag to indicate duplex transfers should be cleared
+ if((iExpectedTrigger != (ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun)) || (iFullDuplexReq != ETxAllBytes))
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("Error: CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx, iExpectedTrigger=0x%x, iFullDuplexReq=%d\n",iExpectedTrigger,iFullDuplexReq));
+ r=KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Simulate providing a new buffer (actually, re-use existing buffer)
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx: invoking RegisterRxBuffer\n"));
+ TPtr8 rxPtr(iRxBuf,KRxBufSizeInBytes);
+ r = RegisterRxBuffer(iChannelId, rxPtr, iRxRegGranularity, iNumRegRxWords, iRxRegOffset);
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("Error: CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx - RegisterRxBuffer returned %d\n",r));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // For the next step, just specify the new Rx triggers (do not specify Tx triggers)
+ r = SetNotificationTrigger(iChannelId, (ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun));
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("Error: CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx - SetNotificationTrigger returned %d\n",r));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iExpectedTrigger = ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun | ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun;
+ iFullDuplexReq |= (ERxAllBytes|ETxAllBytes);
+ iTestOverUnderState = ERxOverrun_2; // Prepare for callback
+ // The requested number of words when the buffer was registered was 8, so simulate 10
+ // to provoke an RxOverrun event.
+ TInt numWords=10;
+ // To support testing, any values of aId for StaticExtension must be shifted left one place
+ // and for a Slave, the two msbs must be zero
+ TInt ctrlIoVal = RBusDevIicClient::ECtrlIoRxWords;
+ ctrlIoVal = (ctrlIoVal << 1) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
+ r = StaticExtension(iBusId, ctrlIoVal, (TAny*)iChannelId, (TAny*)numWords);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ };
+ case(ERxOverrun_2):
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx: entry state = ERxOverrun_2\n"));
+ // At this point, the outstanding request trigger should be ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun
+ // and the flag to indicate duplex transfers should be cleared
+ if((iExpectedTrigger != (ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun)) || (iFullDuplexReq != ETxAllBytes))
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("Error: CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx, iExpectedTrigger=0x%x, iFullDuplexReq=%d\n",iExpectedTrigger,iFullDuplexReq));
+ r=KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Simulate providing a new buffer (actually, re-use existing buffer)
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx: invoking RegisterRxBuffer\n"));
+ TPtr8 rxPtr(iRxBuf,KRxBufSizeInBytes);
+ r = RegisterRxBuffer(iChannelId, rxPtr, iRxRegGranularity, iNumRegRxWords, iRxRegOffset);
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("Error: CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx - RegisterRxBuffer returned %d\n",r));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Test that an attempt to modify existing Tx notification requests is rejected
+ r = SetNotificationTrigger(iChannelId, (ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun | ETxAllBytes | ETxOverrun));
+ if(r != KErrInUse)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("Error: CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx - SetNotificationTrigger returned %d, expected KErrInUse\n",r));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // For the next step, specify the new Rx triggers and the Tx triggers
+ r = SetNotificationTrigger(iChannelId, (ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun | ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun));
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("Error: CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx - SetNotificationTrigger returned %d, expected KErrNone\n",r));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iExpectedTrigger = ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun | ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun;
+ iFullDuplexReq |= (ERxAllBytes|ETxAllBytes);
+ iTestOverUnderState = ETxUnderrun_1; // Prepare for callback
+ // The requested number of words when the buffer was registered was 12, so simulate 14
+ // to provoke an TxUnderrun event.
+ TInt numWords=14;
+ // To support testing, any values of aId for StaticExtension must be shifted left one place
+ // and for a Slave, the two msbs must be zero
+ TInt ctrlIoVal = RBusDevIicClient::ECtrlIoTxWords;
+ ctrlIoVal = (ctrlIoVal << 1) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
+ r = StaticExtension(iBusId, ctrlIoVal, (TAny*)iChannelId, (TAny*)numWords);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ };
+ case(ETxUnderrun_1):
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx: entry state = ETxOverrun_1\n"));
+ // At this point, the outstanding request trigger should be ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun
+ // and the flag to indicate duplex transfers should be cleared
+ if((iExpectedTrigger != (ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun)) || (iFullDuplexReq != ERxAllBytes))
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("Error: CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx, iExpectedTrigger=0x%x, iFullDuplexReq=%d\n",iExpectedTrigger,iFullDuplexReq));
+ r=KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Simulate providing a new buffer (actually, re-use existing buffer)
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx: invoking RegisterTxBuffer\n"));
+ TPtr8 rxPtr(iTxBuf,KTxBufSizeInBytes);
+ r = RegisterTxBuffer(iChannelId, rxPtr, iTxRegGranularity, iNumRegTxWords, iTxRegOffset);
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("Error: CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx - RegisterTxBuffer returned %d\n",r));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // For the next step, just specify the new Tx triggers (do not specify Rx triggers)
+ r = SetNotificationTrigger(iChannelId, (ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun));
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("Error: CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx - SetNotificationTrigger returned %d\n",r));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iExpectedTrigger = ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun | ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun;
+ iFullDuplexReq |= (ERxAllBytes|ETxAllBytes);
+ iTestOverUnderState = ETxUnderrun_2; // Prepare for callback
+ // The requested number of words when the buffer was registered was 12, so simulate 14
+ // to provoke an TxUnderrun event.
+ TInt numWords=14;
+ // To support testing, any values of aId for StaticExtension must be shifted left one place
+ // and for a Slave, the two msbs must be zero
+ TInt ctrlIoVal = RBusDevIicClient::ECtrlIoTxWords;
+ ctrlIoVal = (ctrlIoVal << 1) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
+ r = StaticExtension(iBusId, ctrlIoVal, (TAny*)iChannelId, (TAny*)numWords);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ };
+ case(ETxUnderrun_2):
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx: entry state = ETxUnderrun_2\n"));
+ // At this point, the outstanding request trigger should be ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun
+ // and the flag to indicate duplex transfers should be cleared
+ if((iExpectedTrigger != (ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun)) || (iFullDuplexReq != ERxAllBytes))
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("Error: CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx, iExpectedTrigger=0x%x, iFullDuplexReq=%d\n",iExpectedTrigger,iFullDuplexReq));
+ r=KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Simulate providing a new buffer (actually, re-use existing buffer)
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx: invoking RegisterRxBuffer\n"));
+ TPtr8 rxPtr(iTxBuf,KTxBufSizeInBytes);
+ r = RegisterTxBuffer(iChannelId, rxPtr, iTxRegGranularity, iNumRegTxWords, iTxRegOffset);
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("Error: CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx - RegisterTxBuffer returned %d\n",r));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Test that an attempt to modify existing Rx notification requests is rejected
+ r = SetNotificationTrigger(iChannelId, (ERxAllBytes | ERxUnderrun | ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun));
+ if(r != KErrInUse)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("Error: CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx - SetNotificationTrigger returned %d, expected KErrInUse\n",r));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // For the next step, specify the new Rx triggers and the Tx triggers
+ r = SetNotificationTrigger(iChannelId, (ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun | ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun));
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("Error: CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx - SetNotificationTrigger returned %d, expected KErrNone\n",r));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Simulate a simultaneous ERxAllBytes and ETxAllBytes event.
+ iExpectedTrigger = ERxAllBytes | ETxAllBytes;
+ iFullDuplexReq |= (ERxAllBytes|ETxAllBytes);
+ iTestOverUnderState = EStartState; // Prepare for callback - return to normal operation
+ // Need to pass the number of words in an array, for use by StaticExtension
+ TInt parms[2];
+ parms[0]= 8; // Number of Rx Words
+ parms[1]=12; // Number of Tx Words
+ // To support testing, any values of aId for StaticExtension must be shifted left one place
+ // and for a Slave, the two msbs must be zero
+ TInt ctrlIoVal = RBusDevIicClient::ECtrlIoRxTxWords;
+ ctrlIoVal = (ctrlIoVal << 1) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
+ r = StaticExtension(iBusId, ctrlIoVal, (TAny*)iChannelId, (TAny*)(&parms[0]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ };
+ default:
+ {
+ r = KErrGeneral;
+ break;
+ };
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+void DChannelIicSlaveClient::SlaveClientCallbackFunc(TInt aChannelId, TInt aReturn, TInt aTrigger, TInt16 aRxWords, TInt16 aTxWords, TAny* aParam)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("> SlaveClientCallbackFunc() - aChannelId=0x%x,aReturn=%d,aTrigger=0x%x,aRxWords=0x%x,aTxWords=0x%x,aParam=0x%x\n",aChannelId,aReturn,aTrigger,aRxWords,aTxWords,aParam));
+ (void)aTxWords; // Unused if CLIENT_PRINT is undefined
+ (void)aRxWords; // Unused if CLIENT_PRINT is undefined
+ DChannelIicSlaveClient* channel = (DChannelIicSlaveClient*)aParam;
+ // Ensure only the valid bits of aTrigger are processed
+ aTrigger &= 0xff;
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("SlaveClientCallbackFunc() - channel=0x%x\n",channel));
+ if(aTrigger == EAsyncCaptChan)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("SlaveClientCallbackFunc: capture channel completed\n"));
+ // Set iChannelId, and write to user-side variable.
+ channel->iChannelId=aChannelId;
+ TInt r=Kern::ThreadRawWrite(channel->iClient,channel->iClientChanId,&aChannelId,sizeof(TInt));
+ if(r == KErrNone)
+ r=aReturn;
+ // Set the captured channel's iChannelId if the capture succeeds.
+ if(r != KErrCompletion)
+ (channel->iCapturedChan).iChannel = NULL;
+ else
+ (channel->iCapturedChan).iChannelId = aChannelId;
+ channel->RequestComplete(r); // Inform user of error
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(aTrigger&ERxAllBytes)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("SlaveClientCallbackFunc() - ERxAllBytes\n"));
+ aTrigger&= ~ERxAllBytes;
+ channel->iExpectedTrigger&=~ERxAllBytes;
+ channel->iFullDuplexReq&=~ERxAllBytes;
+ aReturn=channel->CheckDataRead();
+ // Check underrun
+ if(aTrigger&ERxUnderrun)
+ {
+ if(channel->iExpectedTrigger&ERxUnderrun)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc() - expected ERxUnderrun found OK\n\n"));
+ channel->iExpectedTrigger&=~ERxUnderrun;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc() - unexpected ERxUnderrun indicated\n\n"));
+ aReturn = KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(channel->iExpectedTrigger&ERxUnderrun)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc() - expected ERxUnderrun not (yet) seen\n\n"));
+ aReturn = KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check overrun
+ if(aTrigger&ERxOverrun)
+ {
+ if(channel->iExpectedTrigger&ERxOverrun)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc() - expected ERxOverrun found OK\n\n"));
+ channel->iExpectedTrigger&=~ERxOverrun;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc() - unexpected ERxOverrun indicated\n\n"));
+ aReturn = KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(channel->iExpectedTrigger&ERxOverrun)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc() - expected ERxOverrun not (yet) seen\n\n"));
+ aReturn = KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(aTrigger&ETxAllBytes)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("SlaveClientCallbackFunc() - ETxAllBytes\n"));
+ aTrigger&= ~ETxAllBytes;
+ channel->iExpectedTrigger&=~ETxAllBytes;
+ channel->iFullDuplexReq&=~ETxAllBytes;
+ aReturn=channel->CheckDataWritten();
+ // Check underrun
+ if(aTrigger&ETxUnderrun)
+ {
+ if(channel->iExpectedTrigger&ETxUnderrun)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc() - expected ETxUnderrun found OK\n\n"));
+ channel->iExpectedTrigger&=~ETxUnderrun;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc() - unexpected ETxUnderrun indicated\n\n"));
+ aReturn = KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(channel->iExpectedTrigger&ETxUnderrun)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc() - expected ETxUnderrun not (yet) seen\n\n"));
+ aReturn = KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check overrun
+ if(aTrigger&ETxOverrun)
+ {
+ if(channel->iExpectedTrigger&ETxOverrun)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc() - expected ETxOverrun found OK\n\n"));
+ channel->iExpectedTrigger&=~ETxOverrun;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc() - unexpected ETxOverrun indicated\n\n"));
+ aReturn = KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(channel->iExpectedTrigger&ETxOverrun)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc() - expected ETxOverrun not (yet) seen\n\n"));
+ aReturn = KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(aTrigger&EGeneralBusError)
+ {
+ if(channel->iExpectedTrigger&EGeneralBusError)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc: EGeneralBusError - as expected\n\n"));
+ channel->iExpectedTrigger&=~EGeneralBusError;
+ if(aReturn == KErrGeneral)
+ {
+ aReturn=KErrNone; // If aReturn==KErrGeneral, set to KErrNone so t_iic knows test was successful
+ channel->iFullDuplexReq = 0; // The transaction is considered terminated, so don't wait for more triggers
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc: aReturn not EGeneralBusError, =0x%x \n\n",aReturn));
+ aReturn=KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc() - unexpected EGeneralBusError indicated\n\n"));
+ aReturn = KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ }
+ if((aTrigger < 0)||(aTrigger & (~0xFF)))
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("\nSlaveClientCallbackFunc: trigger condition 0x%x is not recognised \n\n",aTrigger));
+ }
+ // For simulataneous Rx,Tx triggers with ERxOverrun or TxUnderrun testing, need to call the following
+ if(aReturn == KErrNone)
+ {
+ aReturn = channel->CbProcessOverUnderRunRxTx();
+ }
+ if((channel->iExpectedTrigger == 0)&&(channel->iFullDuplexReq == 0))
+ channel->RequestComplete(aReturn); // Complete user-side request only if all the triggers have been satisfied
+ } // if(aTrigger == EAsyncCaptChan)
+ }
+TInt DChannelIicSlaveClient::CheckDataRead()
+ {
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ // This channel will have provided a buffer for writing to, with a specified offset and number of words
+ // Bytes in the buffer before the offset should be set to zero
+ // Bytes written at and beyond the offset should exhibit an incrementing count
+ // Bytes beyond the offset that were not written to should be set to zero
+ TInt8 numWords=(iRxReqNumWords>iNumRegRxWords)?iNumRegRxWords:iRxReqNumWords;
+ TInt8 currVal=0;
+ TInt8 index = 0;
+ while(index<iRxRegOffset)
+ {
+ currVal=*(iRxBuf+index);
+ if(currVal != 0)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::CheckDataRead, index=%d, value =0x%x, expected 0",index,currVal));
+ r=KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ ++index;
+ }
+ TInt8 checkVal=0x10; // first value written by simulated bus channel
+ TInt8 endOfData= (TInt8)(iRxRegOffset+(numWords*iRxRegGranularity));
+ TInt8 wordCount=0;
+ while(index<endOfData)
+ {
+ currVal = *(iRxBuf+index);
+ if(checkVal != currVal)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::CheckDataRead, index=%d, value =0x%x, expected 0x%x",index,currVal,checkVal));
+ r=KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ if(++wordCount == iRxRegGranularity)
+ {
+ wordCount=0;
+ checkVal++;
+ }
+ ++index;
+ }
+ while(index<KRxBufSizeInBytes)
+ {
+ currVal=*(iRxBuf+index);
+ if(currVal != 0)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::CheckDataRead, index=%d, value =0x%x, expected 0",index,currVal);)
+ r=KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ ++index;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DChannelIicSlaveClient::CheckDataWritten()
+ {
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ // The pattern in the transmit buffer used by the simulated bus channel contains a incrementing count
+ // from 0 to (KTxBufSizeInBytes-1), therefore the first value to be present in the check buffer will be
+ // represented by the required offset.
+ // The bytes "transmitted" are stored in the simulated bus' iTxCheckBuf
+ // Since the simulated bus channel is also in the kernel process it shares the same address space
+ // Get the address of the buffer
+ TUint testId = (((TUint)(RBusDevIicClient::ECtrlIoTxChkBuf))<<1)&0x3FFFFFFF;
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::CheckDataWritten invoking StaticExtension ECtrlIoTxChkBuf with iBusId=0x%x, testId=0x%x, iBusTxCheckBuf=0x%x\n",iBusId,testId,iBusTxCheckBuf));
+ r = StaticExtension(iBusId, testId, &iBusTxCheckBuf, NULL);
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::CheckDataWritten StaticExtension ECtrlIoTxChkBuf returned %d\n",r));
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Check that the values in the check buffer increment for the
+ // required number of words, and that any remaining bytes in the check buffer are set to zero.
+ TInt8 firstValue = iTxRegOffset;
+ TInt8 currVal = 0;
+ TInt8 wordsWritten = 0;
+ wordsWritten=(iTxReqNumWords>iNumRegTxWords)?iNumRegTxWords:iTxReqNumWords;
+ TInt8 index=0;
+ while(index<(wordsWritten*iTxRegGranularity))
+ {
+ currVal=*(iBusTxCheckBuf+index);
+ if(currVal != (TInt8)(firstValue+index))
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::CheckDataWritten, index=%d, value =0x%x, expected 0x%x",index,currVal,(TInt8)(firstValue+index)));
+ r=KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ ++index;
+ }
+ while(index<(iNumRegTxWords*iTxRegGranularity))
+ {
+ currVal=*(iBusTxCheckBuf+index);
+ if(currVal != 0)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::CheckDataWritten, index=%d, value =0x%x, expected 0",index,currVal));
+ r=KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ ++index;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoCreate(TInt /*aUnit*/, const TDesC8* /*aInfo*/, const TVersion& /*aVer*/)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("> DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion &aVer)"));
+ TInt r = Kern::DynamicDfcQCreate(iDfcQue,KIicSlaveClientThreadPriority,KIicSlaveClientThreadName);
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ return r;
+ SetDfcQ(iDfcQue);
+ // Allocate buffers for Rx, Tx operations
+ iRxBuf = new TUint8[KRxBufSizeInBytes];
+ iTxBuf = new TUint8[KTxBufSizeInBytes];
+ if((iRxBuf == NULL)||(iTxBuf == NULL))
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ // Start receiving messages
+ iMsgQ.Receive();
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DChannelIicSlaveClient::InitSlaveClient()
+ {
+ iNotif = new TIicBusSlaveCallback(DChannelIicSlaveClient::SlaveClientCallbackFunc, (TAny*)this, iDfcQue, KIicSlaveClientDfcPriority);
+ if(iNotif == NULL)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("> DChannelIicSlaveClient::InitSlaveClient ERROR unable to allocate space TIicBusSlaveCallback* iNotif \n"));
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void DChannelIicSlaveClient::HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg)
+ {
+ TThreadMessage& m=*(TThreadMessage*)aMsg;
+ TInt id=m.iValue;
+ CLIENT_PRINT((" >ldd: DChannelIicSlaveClient::HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg) id=%d\n", id));
+ if (id == (TInt)ECloseMsg)
+ {
+ iMsgQ.iMessage->Complete(KErrNone,EFalse);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (id<0)
+ {
+ TRequestStatus* pS=(TRequestStatus*)m.Ptr0();
+ TInt r=DoRequest(~id, pS, m.Ptr1(), m.Ptr2());
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, pS, r);
+ }
+ m.Complete(KErrNone,ETrue);
+ }
+ else
+ if((id>=0)&&(id!=KMaxTInt))
+ {
+ TInt r=DoControl(id,m.Ptr0(),m.Ptr1());
+ m.Complete(r,ETrue);
+ }
+ }
+TInt DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl(TInt aId, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl invoked with aId=0x%x, a1=0x%x, a2=0x%x\n", aId,a1,a2));
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ // To support testing, any values of aId for StaticExtension must be shifted left one place
+ // and for a Slave, the two msbs must be zero
+ TInt ctrlIoVal = 0;
+ if((aId & KTestSlaveControlIo) == KTestSlaveControlIo)
+ ctrlIoVal = (aId << 1) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
+ switch(aId)
+ {
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::EInitSlaveClient):
+ {
+ r=InitSlaveClient();
+ break;
+ }
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::ECaptureChanSync):
+ {
+ // a1 is a pointer to the TDes8* aConfigHdr
+ // a2 is a pointer to TInt* parms[2], where:
+ // parms[0]=(TInt*)aBusId;
+ // parms[1]=&aChannelId;
+ //
+ TInt* parms[2];
+ r=Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient,a2,&(parms[0]),2*sizeof(TInt*));
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ break; // Can't proceed if can't access request parameters
+ //
+ TInt hdrSize = Kern::ThreadGetDesLength(iClient,a1);
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl hdrSize = 0x%x\n",hdrSize));
+ if (hdrSize<=0)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl ERROR, hdrSize is invalid\n"));
+ r = KErrArgument;
+ break;
+ }
+ if((iConfigHdr = HBuf8::New(hdrSize)) == NULL)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ r = Kern::ThreadDesRead(iClient,a1,*iConfigHdr,0);
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete iConfigHdr;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Store the address of the user-side variable to update with the ChannelId
+ iClientChanId=parms[1];
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl invoking (synchronous) CaptureChannel\n"));
+ r = CaptureChannel((TInt)(parms[0]), iConfigHdr, iNotif, iChannelId);
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete iConfigHdr;
+ break;
+ }
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl CaptureChannelgave iChannelId=0x%x\n",iChannelId));
+ r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient,iClientChanId,&iChannelId,sizeof(TInt));
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ delete iConfigHdr;
+ break;
+ }
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::EReleaseChan):
+ {
+ // a1 represents TInt aChannelId
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl invoking ReleaseChannel\n"));
+ r = ReleaseChannel((TInt)a1);
+ delete iConfigHdr;
+ break;
+ }
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::ERegisterRxBuffer):
+ {
+ // a1 represents TInt aChannelId
+ // a2 represents (TAny*) of TInt8 parms[3] where parms[0]=aBufGranularity; parms[1]=aNumWords; parms[2]=aOffset
+ TInt8 parms[3];
+ r=Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient,a2,&(parms[0]),3*sizeof(TInt8));
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ break; // Can't proceed if can't access request parameters
+ // Store parameters for checking in the callback
+ iRxRegGranularity = parms[0];
+ iRxRegOffset= parms[2];
+ iNumRegRxWords=parms[1];
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl invoking RegisterRxBuffer\n"));
+ TPtr8 rxPtr(iRxBuf,KRxBufSizeInBytes);
+ r = RegisterRxBuffer((TInt)a1, rxPtr, parms[0], parms[1], parms[2]);
+ break;
+ }
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::ERegisterTxBuffer):
+ {
+ // a1 represents TInt aChannelId
+ // a2 represents (TAny*) of TInt8 parms[3] where parms[0]=aBufGranularity; parms[1]=aNumWords; parms[2]=aOffset
+ TInt8 parms[3];
+ r=Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient,a2,&(parms[0]),3*sizeof(TInt8));
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ break; // Can't proceed if can't access request parameters
+ // Store parameters for checking in the callback
+ iTxRegGranularity = parms[0];
+ iTxRegOffset= parms[2];
+ iNumRegTxWords=parms[1];
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl invoking RegisterTxBuffer\n"));
+ TPtr8 txPtr(iTxBuf,KTxBufSizeInBytes);
+ r = RegisterTxBuffer((TInt)a1, txPtr, parms[0], parms[1], parms[2]);
+ break;
+ }
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::ESetNotifTrigger):
+ {
+ // a1 represents (TAny*) of TRequestStatus* aStatus
+ // a2 represents (TAny*) of TInt parms[2] where parms[0]=aChannelId; parms[1]=aTrigger
+ TInt parms[2];
+ r=Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient,a2,&(parms[0]),2*sizeof(TInt));
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ break; // Can't proceed if can't access request parameters
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl invoking SetNotificationTrigger with aStatus=0x%x, aChannelId=0x%x, aTrigger=0x%x\n",a1,parms[0],parms[1]));
+ if(a1 == NULL)
+ {
+ r = KErrArgument;
+ break;
+ }
+ iStatus=(TRequestStatus*)a1;
+ // Set the flags for duplex processing
+ if((parms[1]&ERxAllBytes)&&(parms[1]&ETxAllBytes))
+ iFullDuplexReq |= (ERxAllBytes|ETxAllBytes);
+ r = SetNotificationTrigger(parms[0],parms[1]);
+ if(r == KErrTimedOut)
+ r=KErrNone; // KErrTimedOut is returned if the Client has not interacted with IIC for a while
+ break;
+ }
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::ECtrlIoNotifNoTrigger):
+ {
+ // a1 represents (TAny*) of aChannelId
+ // a2 represents (TAny*) of aTrigger
+ TInt chanId = (TInt)a1;
+ TInt trigger = (TInt)a2;
+ // No TRequestStatus is accessed because the call to SetNotificationTrigger
+ // is either with zero (when it is valid to do so), or it is being called with a
+ // trigger value that is expected to be rejected.
+ r = SetNotificationTrigger(chanId,trigger);
+ if(r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ if((trigger&ERxAllBytes)&&(trigger&ETxAllBytes))
+ iFullDuplexReq |= (ERxAllBytes|ETxAllBytes);
+ }
+ if(r == KErrTimedOut)
+ r=KErrNone; // KErrTimedOut is returned if the Client has not interacted with IIC for a while
+ break;
+ }
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::ECtrlIoRxWords):
+ {
+ // a1 represents TInt aBusId
+ // a2 represents (TAny*) of TInt parms[2] where parms[0]=aChannelId; parms[1]=aNumWords
+ TInt parms[2];
+ r=Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient,a2,&(parms[0]),2*sizeof(TInt));
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ break; // Can't proceed if can't access request parameters
+ // Prepare iRxBuf
+ memset(iRxBuf,0,KRxBufSizeInBytes);
+ // Store the number of words for checking in the callback
+ iRxReqNumWords=(TInt8)(parms[1]);
+ TInt tempTrigger=0;
+ // Set the expected result
+ tempTrigger |= ERxAllBytes;
+ if(parms[1] < iNumRegRxWords)
+ tempTrigger |= ERxUnderrun;
+ if(parms[1] > iNumRegRxWords)
+ tempTrigger |= ERxOverrun;
+ if(iExpectedTrigger != EGeneralBusError)
+ iExpectedTrigger |= tempTrigger;
+ else
+ iBlockedTrigger |= tempTrigger;
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl invoking StaticExtension (ECtrlIoRxWords) with aBusId=0x%x, aChannelId=0x%x, aNumBytes=0x%x\n",(TInt)a1,parms[0],parms[1]));
+ r = StaticExtension((TUint)a1, (TUint)ctrlIoVal, (TAny*)(parms[0]), (TAny*)(parms[1]));
+ if(r == KErrTimedOut)
+ r=KErrNone; // KErrTimedOut is returned if the Client has not interacted with IIC for a while
+ break;
+ }
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::ECtrlIoTxWords):
+ {
+ // a1 represents TInt aBusId
+ // a2 represents (TAny*) of TInt parms[2] where parms[0]=aChannelId; parms[1]=aNumWords
+ TInt parms[2];
+ r=Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient,a2,&(parms[0]),2*sizeof(TInt));
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ break; // Can't proceed if can't access request parameters
+ // Prepare iTxBuf
+ TUint8* ptr=iTxBuf;
+ for(TInt offset=0; offset<KRxBufSizeInBytes; ++offset)
+ *ptr++=(TUint8)offset;
+ // Store the number of words for checking in the callback
+ iTxReqNumWords=(TInt8)(parms[1]);
+ TInt tempTrigger=0;
+ // Set the expected result
+ tempTrigger |= ETxAllBytes;
+ if(parms[1] < iNumRegTxWords)
+ tempTrigger |= ETxOverrun;
+ if(parms[1] > iNumRegTxWords)
+ tempTrigger |= ETxUnderrun;
+ if(iExpectedTrigger != EGeneralBusError)
+ iExpectedTrigger |= tempTrigger;
+ else
+ iBlockedTrigger |= tempTrigger;
+ // The bytes "transmitted" are stored in the simulated bus' iTxCheckBuf
+ // Since the simulated bus channel is also in the kernel process it shares the same address space
+ // Get the address of the buffer
+ // As part of the callback invoked by IIC, this client will check the data stored by the simulated
+ // bus. Since the simulated bus channel is also in the kernel process it shares the same address space,
+ // so the buffer can be accessed directly - but the buffer is not created until it receives the following
+ // StaticExtension command, so the bus identifier represented by a1 is stored to allow accessing the buffer
+ // adddress from the callback.
+ iBusId=(TUint)a1;
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl invoking StaticExtension (ECtrlIoTxWords) with aBusId=0x%x, aChannelId=0x%x, aNumBytes=0x%x\n",(TInt)a1,parms[0],parms[1]));
+ aId<<=1;
+ r = StaticExtension((TUint)a1, (TUint)ctrlIoVal, (TAny*)(parms[0]), (TAny*)(parms[1]));
+ break;
+ }
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::ECtrlIoRxTxWords):
+ {
+ // a1 represents TInt aBusId
+ // a2 represents (TAny*) of TInt parms[3] where parms[0]=aChannelId; parms[1]=aNumRxWords; parms[2]=aNumTxWords
+ TInt parms[3];
+ r=Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient,a2,&(parms[0]),3*sizeof(TInt));
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ break; // Can't proceed if can't access request parameters
+ // Prepare iRxBuf, iTxBuf
+ memset(iRxBuf,0,KRxBufSizeInBytes);
+ TUint8* ptr=iTxBuf;
+ for(TInt offset=0; offset<KRxBufSizeInBytes; ++offset)
+ *ptr++=(TUint8)offset;
+ // Store the number of words for checking in the callback
+ iRxReqNumWords=(TInt8)(parms[1]);
+ iTxReqNumWords=(TInt8)(parms[2]);
+ TInt tempTrigger=0;
+ // Set the expected result
+ tempTrigger |= (ERxAllBytes|ETxAllBytes);
+ if(parms[1] < iNumRegRxWords)
+ tempTrigger |= ERxUnderrun;
+ if(parms[1] > iNumRegRxWords)
+ tempTrigger |= ERxOverrun;
+ if(parms[2] < iNumRegTxWords)
+ tempTrigger |= ETxOverrun;
+ if(parms[2] > iNumRegTxWords)
+ tempTrigger |= ETxUnderrun;
+ if(iExpectedTrigger != EGeneralBusError)
+ iExpectedTrigger |= tempTrigger;
+ else
+ iBlockedTrigger |= tempTrigger;
+ // The bytes "transmitted" are stored in the simulated bus' iTxCheckBuf
+ // Since the simulated bus channel is also in the kernel process it shares the same address space
+ // Get the address of the buffer
+ // As part of the callback invoked by IIC, this client will check the data stored by the simulated
+ // bus. Since the simulated bus channel is also in the kernel process it shares the same address space,
+ // so the buffer can be accessed directly - but the buffer is not created until it receives the following
+ // StaticExtension command, so the bus identifier represented by a1 is stored to allow accessing the buffer
+ // adddress from the callback.
+ iBusId=(TUint)a1;
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl invoking StaticExtension (ECtrlIoRxTxWords) with aBusId=0x%x, aChannelId=0x%x, aNumRxBytes=0x%x, aNumTxBytes=0x%x\n",(TInt)a1,parms[0],parms[1],parms[2]));
+ r = StaticExtension((TUint)a1, (TUint)ctrlIoVal, (TAny*)(parms[0]), (TAny*)(&(parms[1])));
+ if(r == KErrTimedOut)
+ r=KErrNone; // KErrTimedOut is returned if the Client has not interacted with IIC for a while
+ break;
+ }
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::ECtlIoBusError):
+ {
+ // a1 represents TInt aBusId
+ // a2 represents TInt aChannelId
+ // Set the expected result
+ iExpectedTrigger |= EGeneralBusError;
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl invoking StaticExtension (ECtlIoBusError) \n"));
+ r = StaticExtension((TUint)a1, (TUint)ctrlIoVal, (TAny*)a2, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::ECtrlIoUnblockNotification):
+ {
+ // a1 represents TInt aBusId
+ // a2 represents TInt aChannelId
+ iExpectedTrigger = iBlockedTrigger;
+ iBlockedTrigger=0;
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl invoking StaticExtension (ECtrlIoUnblockNotification) \n"));
+ r = StaticExtension((TUint)a1, (TUint)ctrlIoVal, (TAny*)a2, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::ECtrlIoBlockNotification):
+ {
+ // a1 represents TInt aBusId
+ // a2 represents TInt aChannelId
+ iBlockedTrigger = iExpectedTrigger;
+ iExpectedTrigger = EGeneralBusError; // For this test, just interested in if the timeout is detected
+ // iExpectedTrigger will be reinstated prior to unblocking
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl invoking StaticExtension (ECtrlIoBlockNotification) \n"));
+ r = StaticExtension((TUint)a1, (TUint)ctrlIoVal, (TAny*)a2, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::ECtrlIoUpdTimeout):
+ {
+ // a1 represents TInt aBusId
+ // a2 represents TInt aChannelId
+ // For this test, instruct the simulated bus to do the following for the Master and Client timeout values:
+ // (1) Read the current timeout value and check that it is set to the default
+ // (2) Set it to different value
+ // (3) Read it back to check success
+ // (4) Return to the original value, and readback to confirm
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl invoking StaticExtension (ECtrlIoBlockNotification) \n"));
+ r = StaticExtension((TUint)a1, (TUint)ctrlIoVal, NULL, NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoControl - unrecognised value for aId=0x%x\n",aId));
+ r=KErrArgument;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoRequest(TInt aId, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoRequest invoked with aId=0x%x, aStatus=0x%x, a1=0x%x, a2=0x%x\n", aId,aStatus,a1,a2));
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ switch(aId)
+ {
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::ECaptureChanAsync):
+ {
+ // a1 is a pointer to the TDes8* aConfigHdr
+ // a2 is a pointer to TInt* parms[2], where:
+ // parms[0]=(TInt*)aBusId;
+ // parms[1]=&aChannelId;
+ //
+ TInt* parms[2];
+ r=Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient,a2,&(parms[0]),2*sizeof(TInt*));
+ if(r!=KErrNone)
+ break; // Can't proceed if can't access request parameters
+ //
+ TInt hdrSize = Kern::ThreadGetDesLength(iClient,a1);
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoRequest hdrSize = 0x%x\n",hdrSize));
+ if (hdrSize<=0)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoRequest ERROR, hdrSize is invalid\n"));
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ if((iConfigHdr = HBuf8::New(hdrSize)) == NULL)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ if((r = Kern::ThreadDesRead(iClient,a1,*iConfigHdr,0))!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete iConfigHdr;
+ return r;
+ }
+ iStatus=aStatus;
+ // Store the address of the user-side variable to update with the ChannelId
+ iClientChanId=parms[1];
+ // Invoke the IIC API
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoRequest invoking (asynchronous) CaptureChannel\n"));
+ r = CaptureChannel((TInt)(parms[0]), iConfigHdr, iNotif, iChannelId, ETrue);
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ delete iConfigHdr;
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoRequest (asynchronous) CaptureChannel returned %d\n",r));
+ break;
+ }
+ case(RBusDevIicClient::ECtrlIoOvUndRunRxTx):
+ {
+ iBusId = (TInt)a1;
+ iChannelId = (TInt)a2;
+ iStatus=aStatus;
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoRequest status = 0x%x, busId = 0x%x, chanId =0x%x\n",iStatus,iBusId,iChannelId));
+ // This test is state-machine driven. It is instigated from this point, then subsequent steps
+ // are handled in the callback funciton SlaveClientCallbackFunc
+ //
+ // Check we in the appropriate state to start
+ if(iTestOverUnderState == EStartState)
+ {
+ // Re-use the previously-provided buffers. Just request the initial notification triggers,
+ // the simulate the first event (RxOverrun).
+ r = SetNotificationTrigger(iChannelId, (ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun | ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun));
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoRequest SetNotificationTrigger returned %d\n",r));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Trigger now set, so simulate the required event
+ iExpectedTrigger = ERxAllBytes | ERxOverrun | ETxAllBytes | ETxUnderrun;
+ iFullDuplexReq |= (ERxAllBytes|ETxAllBytes);
+ iTestOverUnderState = ERxOverrun_1; // Prepare for callback
+ // The requested number of words when the buffer was registered was 8, so simulate 10
+ // to provoke an RxOverrun event.
+ TInt numWords=10;
+ // To support testing, any values of aId for StaticExtension must be shifted left one place
+ // and for a Slave, the two msbs must be zero
+ TInt ctrlIoVal = RBusDevIicClient::ECtrlIoRxWords;
+ ctrlIoVal = (ctrlIoVal << 1) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
+ r = StaticExtension(iBusId, ctrlIoVal, (TAny*)iChannelId, (TAny*)numWords);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoRequest ECtrlIoOvUndRunRxTx, iTestOverUnderState = 0x%x\n",iTestOverUnderState));
+ r=KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ CLIENT_PRINT(("DChannelIicSlaveClient::DoRequest - unrecognised value for aId=0x%x\n",aId));
+ r=KErrArgument;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }