--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/pccd/t_pccdsk.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\pccd\t_pccdsk.cpp
+// Soak test the Compact Flash card (ATA).
+// One of these
+//#define USE_POWER_OFF_ON
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include <e32hal.h>
+#include <e32uid.h>
+#include <hal.h>
+#define ATA_PDD_NAME _L("MEDATA")
+const TInt KAtaSectorSize=512;
+const TInt KMaxSectors=16;
+const TInt KMaxRdWrBufLen=(KAtaSectorSize*KMaxSectors); // 8K
+const TInt KMaxErrPos=5;
+LOCAL_D TBusLocalDrive TheDrive;
+LOCAL_D TBool ChangedFlag;
+RTest test(_L("Local Drive Soak Test"));
+LOCAL_D TBuf8<KMaxRdWrBufLen> wrBuf1,wrBuf2,rdBuf;
+class TResult
+ {
+ enum TResTest {EWrite,ERead,ECompare,EFormat,EReMount};
+ TResult();
+ void Display(CConsoleBase *aConsole, TInt aCycles);
+ void Add(TResTest aTst,TInt anErr,TInt anErrPos);
+ inline void SetMemStillFree(TInt aVal)
+ {iFreeMem=aVal;}
+ inline void WriteAborted()
+ {iAbortedWrites++;}
+ inline TInt WriteFails()
+ {return(iWriteTimeoutFails+iWriteWriteFails+iWriteGeneralFails+iWriteCorruptFails+iWriteBatLowFails+iWriteOtherFails);}
+ inline TInt ReadFails()
+ {return(iReadTimeoutFails+iReadCorruptFails+iReadOtherFails);}
+ inline TInt CompareFails()
+ {return(iCompareFails);}
+ inline TInt FormatFails()
+ {return(iFormatTimeoutFails+iFormatEmergencyFails+iFormatBatLowFails+iFormatOtherFails);}
+ inline TInt ReMountFails()
+ {return(iReMountFails);}
+ TInt iWriteTimeoutFails;
+ TInt iWriteWriteFails;
+ TInt iWriteGeneralFails;
+ TInt iWriteCorruptFails;
+ TInt iWriteBatLowFails;
+ TInt iWriteOtherFails;
+ TInt iReadTimeoutFails;
+ TInt iReadCorruptFails;
+ TInt iReadOtherFails;
+ TInt iCompareFails;
+ TInt iFormatTimeoutFails;
+ TInt iFormatEmergencyFails;
+ TInt iFormatBatLowFails;
+ TInt iFormatOtherFails;
+ TInt iReMountFails;
+ TInt iLastErrorPos[KMaxErrPos];
+ TInt iLastErrorPtr;
+ TInt iFreeMem;
+ TInt iAbortedWrites;
+ };
+LOCAL_C void StatusBar(TInt aPos,TInt anEndPos,TInt aYPos,const TPtrC &aTitle)
+// Display progress of local drive operation on screen (1-16 dots)
+ {
+ static TInt prev;
+ TInt curr;
+ if ((curr=(aPos-1)/(anEndPos>>4))>prev)
+ { // Update progress bar
+ test.Console()->SetPos(0,aYPos);
+ test.Printf(_L(" "));
+ test.Console()->SetPos(2);
+ test.Printf(_L("%S "),&aTitle);
+ for (TInt i=curr;i>=0;i--)
+ test.Printf(_L("."));
+ }
+ prev=curr;
+ }
+// Constructor
+ {
+ iWriteTimeoutFails=0;
+ iWriteWriteFails=0;
+ iWriteGeneralFails=0;
+ iWriteCorruptFails=0;
+ iWriteBatLowFails=0;
+ iWriteOtherFails=0;
+ iReadTimeoutFails=0;
+ iReadCorruptFails=0;
+ iReadOtherFails=0;
+ iCompareFails=0;
+ iFormatTimeoutFails=0;
+ iFormatEmergencyFails=0;
+ iFormatBatLowFails=0;
+ iFormatOtherFails=0;
+ iReMountFails=0;
+ for (TInt i=0;i<KMaxErrPos;i++)
+ iLastErrorPos[i]=0;
+ iLastErrorPtr=0;
+ iFreeMem=0;
+ iAbortedWrites=0;
+ }
+void TResult::Display(CConsoleBase *aConsole, TInt aCycles)
+// Display test results
+ {
+ TInt xStartPos=3;
+ TInt yStartPos=8;
+ aConsole->SetPos(xStartPos,yStartPos);
+ test.Printf(_L("Cycles(%08xH) : %d"),iFreeMem,aCycles);
+ aConsole->SetPos(xStartPos,yStartPos+1);
+ if (WriteFails())
+ test.Printf(_L("Write Fails : %d (TO:%d BT:%d WR:%d GE:%d CU:%d OT:%d)"),WriteFails(),iWriteTimeoutFails,\
+ iWriteBatLowFails,iWriteWriteFails,iWriteGeneralFails,iWriteCorruptFails,iWriteOtherFails);
+ else
+ test.Printf(_L("Write Fails : 0"));
+ aConsole->SetPos(xStartPos,yStartPos+2);
+ if (ReadFails())
+ test.Printf(_L("Read Fails : %d (TO:%d CU:%d OT:%d)"),ReadFails(),iReadTimeoutFails,iReadCorruptFails,iReadOtherFails);
+ else
+ test.Printf(_L("Read Fails : 0"));
+ aConsole->SetPos(xStartPos,yStartPos+3);
+ test.Printf(_L("Compare Fails : %d"),CompareFails());
+ aConsole->SetPos(xStartPos,yStartPos+4);
+ if (FormatFails())
+ test.Printf(_L("Format Fails : %d (TO:%d EM:%d BT:%d OT:%d)"),FormatFails(),iFormatTimeoutFails,iFormatEmergencyFails,iFormatBatLowFails,iFormatOtherFails);
+ else
+ test.Printf(_L("Format Fails : 0"));
+ aConsole->SetPos(xStartPos,yStartPos+5);
+#if defined (USE_MEDIA_CHANGE)
+ test.Printf(_L("MediaChange Fails : %d"),ReMountFails());
+ test.Printf(_L("Pwr off/on Fails : %d"),ReMountFails());
+ aConsole->SetPos(xStartPos,yStartPos+6);
+ test.Printf(_L("Last failures at : "));
+ for (TInt i=iLastErrorPtr;i>0;i--)
+ test.Printf(_L("%xH "),iLastErrorPos[i-1]);
+ aConsole->SetPos(xStartPos,yStartPos+7);
+ test.Printf(_L("Writes aborted : %d"),iAbortedWrites);
+ test.Printf(_L("\r\n"));
+ }
+void TResult::Add(TResTest aTst,TInt anErr,TInt anErrPos)
+// Add a test result
+ {
+ if (anErr!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%d) %d(%x)"),aTst,anErr,anErrPos);
+ // Save start sector involved in operation which failed
+ if (anErrPos>=0)
+ {
+ if (iLastErrorPtr>=KMaxErrPos)
+ {
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=0;i<(KMaxErrPos-1);i++)
+ iLastErrorPos[i]=iLastErrorPos[i+1];
+ iLastErrorPos[i]=anErrPos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iLastErrorPtr++;
+ iLastErrorPos[iLastErrorPtr-1]=anErrPos;
+ }
+ }
+ // Save error type
+ switch (aTst)
+ {
+ case EWrite:
+ if (anErr==KErrTimedOut)
+ iWriteTimeoutFails++;
+ else if (anErr==KErrWrite)
+ iWriteWriteFails++;
+ else if (anErr==KErrGeneral)
+ iWriteGeneralFails++;
+ else if (anErr==KErrCorrupt)
+ iWriteCorruptFails++;
+ else if (anErr==KErrBadPower)
+ iWriteBatLowFails++;
+ else
+ iWriteOtherFails++;
+ break;
+ case ERead:
+ if (anErr==KErrTimedOut)
+ iReadTimeoutFails++;
+ else if (anErr==KErrCorrupt)
+ iReadCorruptFails++;
+ else
+ iReadOtherFails++;
+ break;
+ case ECompare:
+ iCompareFails++;
+ break;
+ case EFormat:
+ if (anErr==KErrTimedOut)
+ iFormatTimeoutFails++;
+ else if (anErr==KErrAbort)
+ iFormatEmergencyFails++;
+ else if (anErr==KErrBadPower)
+ iFormatBatLowFails++;
+ else
+ iFormatOtherFails++;
+ break;
+ case EReMount:
+ iReMountFails++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C TUint GetTUintFromConsole(const TDesC &aText)
+// Get a TUint value from the console
+ {
+ TBuf<10> buf(0);
+ TKeyCode kc;
+ TUint pos=0;
+ test.Printf(aText);
+ TUint linePos=(aText.Length()+2);
+ test.Console()->SetPos(linePos);
+ {
+ switch((kc=test.Getch()))
+ {
+ case EKeyEscape: case EKeyEnter:
+ {
+ TLex lex(buf);
+ TUint v;
+ if (lex.Val(v,EDecimal)==KErrNone)
+ return(v);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ case EKeyBackspace: case EKeyDelete:
+ pos--;
+ buf.Delete(pos,1);
+ linePos--;
+ test.Console()->SetPos(linePos);
+ test.Printf(_L(" "));
+ test.Console()->SetPos(linePos);
+ break;
+ default:
+ TChar ch=(TUint)kc;
+ if (ch.IsDigit() && pos<9)
+ {
+ buf.Append(ch);
+ pos++;
+ test.Printf(_L("%c"),(TUint)ch);
+ linePos++;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ TBuf<64> b;
+ test.Title();
+ TDriveInfoV1Buf diBuf;
+ UserHal::DriveInfo(diBuf);
+ TDriveInfoV1 &di=diBuf();
+ test.Printf(_L("Select Local Drive (C-%c): "),'C'+(di.iTotalSupportedDrives-1));
+ TChar c;
+ TInt drv;
+ {
+ c=(TUint)test.Getch();
+ c.UpperCase();
+ drv=((TUint)c)-'C';
+ if (drv>=0&&drv<di.iTotalSupportedDrives)
+ break;
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("%c:\r\n"),'C'+drv);
+ test.Printf(_L("Select Test Sequence (Sector 1-R,2-WR,3-WRF)/(SubSector 4-R,5-WR,6-WRF): "));
+ TInt testSeq;
+ {
+ c=(TUint)test.Getch();
+ testSeq=((TUint)c)-'0';
+ if (testSeq>=0&&testSeq<=6)
+ break;
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("%d\r\n"),testSeq);
+ TInt RdWrLen=(TInt)GetTUintFromConsole(_L("Select Buffer Size In Sectors: "));
+ RdWrLen*=KAtaSectorSize;
+ test.Start(_L("Load Ata Media Driver"));
+ TInt r;
+ r=User::LoadPhysicalDevice(ATA_PDD_NAME);
+ test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
+#if defined (USE_POWER_OFF_ON)
+ RTimer timer;
+ test(timer.CreateLocal()==KErrNone);
+ TRequestStatus prs;
+ TTime tim;
+ TInt muid=0;
+ r=HAL::Get(HAL::EMachineUid, muid);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ TBool reMountTestSupported=ETrue;
+// if (machineName.MatchF(_L("SNOWBALL*"))>=0) // snowball is ancient history
+// reMountTestSupported=EFalse;
+ b.Format(_L("Connect to drive %c:"),'C'+drv);
+ test.Next(b);
+ ChangedFlag=EFalse;
+ TheDrive.Connect(drv,ChangedFlag);
+ test.Next(_L("ATA drive: Capabilities"));
+ TLocalDriveCapsV2Buf info;
+ test(TheDrive.Caps(info)==KErrNone);
+ test(info().iType==EMediaHardDisk);
+ TInt diskSize=I64LOW(info().iSize);
+ wrBuf1.SetLength(RdWrLen);
+ TInt j;
+ for (j=0;j<RdWrLen;j++)
+ wrBuf1[j]=(TUint8)j;
+ wrBuf2.SetLength(RdWrLen);
+ for (j=0;j<RdWrLen;j++)
+ wrBuf2[j]=(TUint8)((RdWrLen-1)-j);
+ TUint *p;
+ TDes8* wrBuf;
+ TInt cycles=0;
+ TResult results;
+ TBool decendPat=EFalse;
+ TRequestStatus kStat;
+ test.Console()->Read(kStat);
+ {
+ wrBuf=(decendPat)?&wrBuf2:&wrBuf1;
+ p=(decendPat)?(TUint*)&wrBuf2[0]:(TUint*)&wrBuf1[0];
+ TInt i,j,len,res;
+ // Recalculate amount of free memory
+ TMemoryInfoV1Buf membuf;
+ UserHal::MemoryInfo(membuf);
+ TMemoryInfoV1 &memoryInfo=membuf();
+ results.SetMemStillFree(memoryInfo.iFreeRamInBytes);
+ results.Display(test.Console(),cycles);
+ // Write test
+ RDebug::Print(_L("0"));
+ if (testSeq==2||testSeq==3||testSeq==5||testSeq==6)
+ {
+ for (i=0,j=0;i<diskSize;i+=len,j++)
+ {
+ StatusBar(i,diskSize,16,_L("WRITING "));
+ if (testSeq>3)
+ len=Min(RdWrLen-3,(diskSize-i)); // Not on sector boundary
+ else
+ len=Min(RdWrLen,(diskSize-i));
+ (*p)=j;
+ wrBuf->SetLength(len);
+ do
+ {
+ res=TheDrive.Write(i,*wrBuf);
+ if (res==KErrAbort)
+ {
+ results.WriteAborted();
+ results.Display(test.Console(),cycles);
+ }
+ } while (res==KErrNotReady||res==KErrAbort);
+ results.Add(TResult::EWrite,res,i);
+ if (res!=KErrNone)
+ break;
+ }
+ results.Display(test.Console(),cycles);
+ }
+ // Read test
+ RDebug::Print(_L("1"));
+ if (testSeq>=1)
+ {
+ for (i=0,j=0;i<diskSize;i+=len,j++)
+ {
+ StatusBar(i,diskSize,16,_L("READING "));
+ if (testSeq>3)
+ len=Min(RdWrLen-3,(diskSize-i)); // Not on sector boundary
+ else
+ len=Min(RdWrLen,(diskSize-i));
+ rdBuf.Fill(0,len);
+ do
+ {
+ res=TheDrive.Read(i,len,rdBuf);
+ } while (res==KErrNotReady);
+ results.Add(TResult::ERead,res,i);
+ if (res!=KErrNone)
+ break;
+ if (testSeq==2||testSeq==3||testSeq==5||testSeq==6)
+ {
+ (*p)=j;
+ wrBuf->SetLength(len);
+ if (rdBuf.Compare(*wrBuf)!=0)
+ {
+ results.Add(TResult::ECompare,KErrGeneral,-1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ results.Display(test.Console(),cycles);
+ }
+ // Format test
+ RDebug::Print(_L("3"));
+ if (testSeq==3||testSeq==6)
+ {
+ TFormatInfo fi;
+ {
+ StatusBar((fi.i512ByteSectorsFormatted<<9),diskSize,16,_L("FORMATTING"));
+ do
+ {
+ res=TheDrive.Format(fi);
+ } while (res==KErrNotReady);
+ if (res==KErrEof)
+ break;
+ results.Add(TResult::EFormat,res,(fi.i512ByteSectorsFormatted<<9));
+ if (res!=KErrNone)
+ break;
+ }
+ results.Display(test.Console(),cycles);
+ }
+ RDebug::Print(_L("4"));
+ if (reMountTestSupported)
+ {
+ // Media change test / power off-on test
+#if defined (USE_MEDIA_CHANGE)
+ TheDrive.ForceMediaChange();
+ if (ChangedFlag==EFalse)
+ results.Add(TResult::EReMount,KErrGeneral,-1);
+ tim.HomeTime();
+ tim+=TTimeIntervalSeconds(8);
+ timer.At(prs,tim);
+ UserHal::SwitchOff(); // Switch off
+ User::WaitForRequest(prs); // Switch back on
+ if (prs.Int()!=KErrNone)
+ results.Add(TResult::EReMount,KErrGeneral,-1);
+ else
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ res=TheDrive.Caps(info);
+ } while (res==KErrNotReady);
+ if (res==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (info().iType!=EMediaHardDisk)
+ results.Add(TResult::EReMount,KErrGeneral,-1);
+ }
+ else
+ results.Add(TResult::EReMount,res,-1);
+ }
+ ChangedFlag=EFalse;
+ }
+ cycles++;
+ decendPat^=0x01;
+ if (kStat!=KRequestPending)
+ {
+ TKeyCode c=test.Console()->KeyCode();
+ if (c==EKeySpace)
+ break;
+ test.Console()->Read(kStat);
+ }
+ RDebug::Print(_L("<<"));
+ }
+ b.Format(_L("Disconnect from local drive (%c:)"),'C'+drv);
+ test.Next(b);
+ TheDrive.Disconnect();
+ test.End();
+ return(0);
+ }