--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/system/t_ctrap.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1605 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\system\t_ctrap.cpp
+// Overview:
+// Test the CCleanup, CTrapCleanup and TAutoClose classes
+// API Information:
+// CCleanup, CTrapCleanup, TAutoClose
+// Details:
+// - Test cleanup stack reallocation during cleanup.
+// - Test cleanup stack modifications during the cleanup operation
+// will cause a panic.
+// - Test single-level cleanup of cells, objects, items and a mix:
+// Create a CCleanup object, call a combination of methods, verify
+// the results are as expected and verify the heap has not been
+// corrupted.
+// - Test multi-level cleanup of cells, objects, items and a mix:
+// Create a CCleanup object, call a combination of methods, verify
+// the results are as expected and verify the heap has not been
+// corrupted.
+// - Test a variety of special case cleanup tasks. Verify that the
+// results are as expected.
+// - Test CTrapCleanup cleanup of objects that either exit normally
+// or leave. Also test the cleanup of multiple objects that leave.
+// Verify results are as expected.
+// - Test TAutoClose: create a TAutoClose object, verify that it is
+// closed when it goes out of scope, push it on the cleanup stack,
+// verify cleanup results are as expected.
+// - Test that the Cleanup stack can go re-entrant.
+// - Ensure that the stack is properly balanced with and without
+// leaving.
+// Platforms/Drives/Compatibility:
+// All.
+// Assumptions/Requirement/Pre-requisites:
+// Failures and causes:
+// Base Port information:
+#define __E32TEST_EXTENSION__
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <e32panic.h>
+#include <e32debug.h>
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <e32def_private.h>
+const TInt KInitialCount=2;
+const TInt KInitialCountAll=3;
+const TInt KLeaveValue=0x12345678;
+const TInt KMaxAlloc=6;
+static const TInt KHeapSize = 0x2000;
+enum TWhat {EPop,EPopAndDestroy,EMulti,ENull};
+class CTest : public CBase
+ {
+ void ConstructL();
+ TInt iData;
+ };
+class CTest2: public CBase
+ {
+ ~CTest2();
+ };
+class CTest3: public CBase
+ {
+ ~CTest3();
+ };
+class RItem
+ {
+ RItem() : iOpen(EFalse) {}
+ void Open() {iOpen=ETrue;}
+ void Close() {iOpen=EFalse;}
+ operator TCleanupItem() {return TCleanupItem(Cleanup,this);}
+ TBool IsOpen() const {return(iOpen);}
+ static void Cleanup(TAny* aPtr);
+ TBool iOpen;
+ };
+LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("T_CTRAP"));
+LOCAL_D TAny* gP1;
+LOCAL_D CBufFlat* gP2;
+LOCAL_C void ReallocateStackL()
+ {
+ TInt n = 0;
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < KMaxAlloc; ++i)
+ {
+ HBufC *p1 = HBufC::NewLC(4); //Stack re-allocation will be performed due to the additional objects pushed
+ //into the cleanup stack
+ n = p1->Length(); //include this line to avoid warnigs for unused "p1" variable
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("ReallocateStackL(): PopAndDestroy KMaxAlloc pointers\n"));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(KMaxAlloc);
+ }
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNoMemory;
+ test.Printf(_L("~CTest2(): call ReallocateStackL()\n"));
+ TRAP(err, ReallocateStackL() );
+ }
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("~CTest3(): Modify Cleanup stack by pushing items");
+ TInt n = 0;
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < KMaxAlloc; ++i)
+ {
+ HBufC *p1 = HBufC::NewLC(4); //Stack re-allocation will be performed due to the additional objects pushed
+ //into the cleanup stack
+ n = p1->Length(); //include this line to avoid warnigs for unused "p1" variable
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void ModifyStack()
+ {
+ CTest3* ptr6 = new(ELeave)CTest3;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(ptr6);
+ RDebug::Printf("ModifyStack(): PopAndDestroy ptr6");
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ }
+LOCAL_C TInt PanicStackModifiedFn(TAny* aNopFn)
+ {
+ CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ aNopFn = NULL; //avoid warnings for unused "aNopFn" variable
+ TInt err = KErrNoMemory;
+ RDebug::Printf("PanicStackModifiedFn(): call TRAP(err, ModifyStack())");
+ if(NULL != cleanup)
+ {
+ TRAP(err, ModifyStack());
+ delete cleanup;
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+LOCAL_C void PushAndCleanupL()
+ {
+ CTest2* ptr1 = new(ELeave)CTest2;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(ptr1);
+ CTest2* ptr2 = new(ELeave)CTest2;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(ptr2);
+ CTest2* ptr3 = new(ELeave)CTest2;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(ptr3);
+ test.Printf(_L("PushAndCleanupL(): PopAndDestroy ptr3, ptr2 and ptr1\n"));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);
+ CTest2* ptr4 = new(ELeave)CTest2;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(ptr4);
+ CTest2* ptr5 = new(ELeave)CTest2;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(ptr5);
+ test.Printf(_L("PushAndCleanupL(): PopAndDestroy ptr5 and ptr4\n"));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testDestructorStackReallocation()
+ {
+ CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ TInt err = KErrNoMemory;
+ if(NULL != cleanup)
+ {
+ TRAP(err, PushAndCleanupL());
+ delete cleanup;
+ }
+ test_KErrNone(err);
+ test.Printf(_L("Verify cleanup stack modification during cleanup operation causes EClnStackModified panic\n"));
+ //
+ //To verify the above case a new thread is created which does modify the cleanup stack during cleanup.
+ //The exit reason is then checked for the appropriate value(EClnStackModified)
+ //
+ RThread panicThread;
+ TInt r = panicThread.Create(_L("Panic EClnStackModified Thread"), PanicStackModifiedFn, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ TRequestStatus panicThreadStatus;
+ panicThread.Logon(panicThreadStatus);
+ //don't want just in time debugging as we trap panics
+ TBool justInTime=User::JustInTime();
+ User::SetJustInTime(EFalse);
+ panicThread.Resume();
+ User::WaitForRequest(panicThreadStatus);
+ test_Equal(EExitPanic, panicThread.ExitType());
+ test_Equal(EClnStackModified, panicThread.ExitReason());
+ User::SetJustInTime(justInTime);
+ CLOSE_AND_WAIT(panicThread);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void createMultiL()
+// Create an object on the cleanup list and leave
+ {
+ CBufFlat* pT=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ User::LeaveIfNull(pT);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(pT);
+ User::Leave(KLeaveValue+1);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void createL(TWhat aWhat,TBool aLeave)
+// Create objects and then either leave or return.
+// Optionally pop them again.
+ {
+ gP1=User::AllocL(0x10);
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 1"));
+ CleanupStack::PushL(gP1);
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 2"));
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 3"));
+ gP2=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 4"));
+ User::LeaveIfNull(gP2);
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 5"));
+ CleanupStack::PushL(gP2);
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 6"));
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 7"));
+ if (aWhat==EPop)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 8"));
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 9"));
+ CleanupStack::Pop(1);
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 10"));
+ }
+ if (aWhat==EPopAndDestroy)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 11"));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 12"));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 13"));
+ }
+ if (aWhat==EMulti)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 14"));
+ TRAPD(r,createMultiL())
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 15"));
+ test(r==(KLeaveValue+1));
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 16"));
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 17"));
+ }
+ if (aLeave)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 18"));
+ User::Leave(KLeaveValue);
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("createL 19"));
+ }
+LOCAL_C void createAllL(TBool aLeave)
+// Call all functions which autmatically put objects on the cleanup list.
+ {
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCountAll);
+ TLex* pL=new(ELeave) TLex; // ::new, 1 cell
+ CleanupStack::PushL(pL); // Push
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCountAll+1);
+ CTest* pT=new(ELeave) CTest; // CBase::new, 1 cell
+ CleanupStack::PushL(pT); // Push
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCountAll+2);
+ pT->ConstructL(); // 1 more cell // Push
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCountAll+3);
+ User::AllocLC(0x10); // Test RHeap::AllocLC as well // Push
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCountAll+4);
+ _L("Hello").AllocLC(); // Test HBufC::NewLC() as well // Push
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCountAll+5);
+ HBufC* pH=HBufC::NewMaxLC(8); // Push
+ test(pH->Length()==8);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCountAll+6);
+ if (aLeave)
+ User::Leave(KLeaveValue);
+ // new behavior for TCleanupTrapHander requires Pushes to the
+ // cleanup stack to be balanced by Pops
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(6);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testSingleLevelCellsCleanup()
+// Test single level cells cleanup
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Creating"));
+ CCleanup* pC=CCleanup::New();
+ test(pC!=NULL);
+ test.Next(_L("PopAll when empty"));
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PopAll();
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop"));
+ TAny* p=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p);
+ pC->Pop();
+ User::Free(p);
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop N"));
+ TAny* p1=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ TAny* p2=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->Pop(2);
+ User::Free(p1);
+ User::Free(p2);
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop all"));
+ p1=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ p2=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ TAny* p3=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p3!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->PushL(p3);
+ pC->PopAll();
+ User::Free(p1);
+ User::Free(p2);
+ User::Free(p3);
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop and destroy"));
+ p=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p);
+ pC->PopAndDestroy();
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop and destroy N"));
+ p1=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ p2=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->PopAndDestroy(2);
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop and destroy all"));
+ p1=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ p2=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ p3=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p3!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->PushL(p3);
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ delete pC;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testSingleLevelObjCleanup()
+// Test single level object cleanup
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Creating"));
+ CCleanup* pC=CCleanup::New();
+ test(pC!=NULL);
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop"));
+ CBufFlat* p=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p);
+ pC->Pop();
+ User::Free(p);
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop N"));
+ CBufFlat* p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ CBufFlat* p2=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->Pop(2);
+ User::Free(p1);
+ User::Free(p2);
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop all"));
+ p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ p2=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ CBufFlat* p3=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p3!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->PushL(p3);
+ pC->PopAll();
+ User::Free(p1);
+ User::Free(p2);
+ User::Free(p3);
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop and destroy"));
+ p=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p);
+ pC->PopAndDestroy();
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop and destroy N"));
+ p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ p2=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->PopAndDestroy(2);
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop and destroy all"));
+ p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ p2=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ p3=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p3!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->PushL(p3);
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ delete pC;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testSingleLevelItemCleanup()
+// Test single level object cleanup
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Creating"));
+ CCleanup* pC=CCleanup::New();
+ test(pC!=NULL);
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop"));
+ RItem r;
+ r.Open();
+ test(r.IsOpen());
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(r);
+ pC->Pop();
+ test(r.IsOpen());
+ r.Close();
+ test(!r.IsOpen());
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop N"));
+ RItem r1;
+ r1.Open();
+ RItem r2;
+ r2.Open();
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(r1);
+ pC->PushL(r2);
+ pC->Pop(2);
+ test(r1.IsOpen());
+ test(r2.IsOpen());
+ r1.Close();
+ r2.Close();
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop all"));
+ r1.Open();
+ r2.Open();
+ RItem r3;
+ r3.Open();
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(r1);
+ pC->PushL(r2);
+ pC->PushL(r3);
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test(r1.IsOpen());
+ test(r2.IsOpen());
+ test(r3.IsOpen());
+ r1.Close();
+ r2.Close();
+ r3.Close();
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop and destroy"));
+ r.Open();
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(r);
+ pC->PopAndDestroy();
+ test(!r.IsOpen());
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop and destroy N"));
+ r1.Open();
+ r2.Open();
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(r1);
+ pC->PushL(r2);
+ pC->PopAndDestroy(2);
+ test(!r1.IsOpen());
+ test(!r2.IsOpen());
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test.Next(_L("Push and pop and destroy all"));
+ r1.Open();
+ r2.Open();
+ r3.Open();
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(r1);
+ pC->PushL(r2);
+ pC->PushL(r3);
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ test(!r1.IsOpen());
+ test(!r2.IsOpen());
+ test(!r3.IsOpen());
+ delete pC;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testSingleLevelMixCleanup()
+// Test single level mixed cleanup
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Creating"));
+ CCleanup* pC=CCleanup::New();
+ test(pC!=NULL);
+ test.Next(_L("PushO PushC PushI and pop N"));
+ CBufFlat* p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ TAny* p2=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ RItem r;
+ r.Open();
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->PushL(r);
+ pC->Pop(3);
+ test(r.IsOpen());
+ User::Free(p1);
+ User::Free(p2);
+ r.Close();
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test.Next(_L("PushO PushI PushC PushO and pop all"));
+ p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ r.Open();
+ p2=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ CBufFlat* p3=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p3!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(r);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->PushL(p3);
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test(r.IsOpen());
+ User::Free(p1);
+ User::Free(p2);
+ User::Free(p3);
+ r.Close();
+ test.Next(_L("PushO PushC PushI and pop and destroy N"));
+ p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ p2=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ r.Open();
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->PushL(r);
+ pC->PopAndDestroy(3);
+ test(!r.IsOpen());
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test.Next(_L("PushO PushI PushC PushO and pop and destroy all"));
+ p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ r.Open();
+ p2=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ p3=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p3!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(r);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->PushL(p3);
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ test(!r.IsOpen());
+ delete pC;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testMultiLevelCellsCleanup()
+// Test multi level cells cleanup
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Creating"));
+ CCleanup* pC=CCleanup::New();
+ test(pC!=NULL);
+ test.Next(_L("Nest push push nest push popall popall"));
+ TAny* p1=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ TAny* p2=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ TAny* p3=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p3!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p3);
+ pC->PopAll();
+ pC->PopAll();
+ User::Free(p1);
+ User::Free(p2);
+ User::Free(p3);
+ test.Next(_L("Nest push push nest push popallD popallD"));
+ p1=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ p2=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ p3=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p3!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p3);
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ delete pC;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testMultiLevelObjCleanup()
+// Test multi level object cleanup
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Creating"));
+ CCleanup* pC=CCleanup::New();
+ test(pC!=NULL);
+ test.Next(_L("Nest push push nest push popall popall"));
+ CBufFlat* p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ CBufFlat* p2=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ CBufFlat* p3=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p3!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p3);
+ pC->PopAll();
+ pC->PopAll();
+ User::Free(p1);
+ User::Free(p2);
+ User::Free(p3);
+ test.Next(_L("Nest push push nest push popallD popallD"));
+ p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ p2=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ p3=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p3!=NULL);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p3);
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ delete pC;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testMultiLevelItemCleanup()
+// Test multi level item cleanup
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Creating"));
+ CCleanup* pC=CCleanup::New();
+ test(pC!=NULL);
+ test.Next(_L("Nest push push nest push popall popall"));
+ RItem r1;
+ r1.Open();
+ RItem r2;
+ r2.Open();
+ RItem r3;
+ r3.Open();
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(r1);
+ pC->PushL(r2);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(r3);
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test(r1.IsOpen());
+ test(r2.IsOpen());
+ test(r3.IsOpen());
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test(r1.IsOpen());
+ test(r2.IsOpen());
+ test(r3.IsOpen());
+ r1.Close();
+ r2.Close();
+ r3.Close();
+ test.Next(_L("Nest push push nest push popallD popallD"));
+ r1.Open();
+ r2.Open();
+ r3.Open();
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(r1);
+ pC->PushL(r2);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(r3);
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ test(r1.IsOpen());
+ test(r2.IsOpen());
+ test(!r3.IsOpen());
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ test(!r1.IsOpen());
+ test(!r2.IsOpen());
+ test(!r3.IsOpen());
+ delete pC;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testMultiLevelMixCleanup()
+// Test multi level mixed cleanup
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Creating"));
+ CCleanup* pC=CCleanup::New();
+ test(pC!=NULL);
+ test.Next(_L("Nest pushO pushC nest pushI popall popall"));
+ CBufFlat* p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ TAny* p2=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ RItem r3;
+ r3.Open();
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(r3);
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test(r3.IsOpen());
+ pC->PopAll();
+ test(r3.IsOpen());
+ User::Free(p1);
+ User::Free(p2);
+ r3.Close();
+ test.Next(_L("Nest pushO pushC nest pushI popallD popallD"));
+ p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ p2=User::Alloc(0x10);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ r3.Open();
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(r3);
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ test(!r3.IsOpen());
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ test(!r3.IsOpen());
+ delete pC;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testSpecialCaseCleanup()
+// Test special case cleanup
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Creating"));
+ CCleanup* pC=CCleanup::New();
+ test(pC!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount);
+ test.Next(_L("Nest push push push fail"));
+ CBufFlat* p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+1);
+ CBufFlat* p2=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+2);
+ CBufFlat* p3=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p3!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+3);
+ CBufFlat* p4=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p4!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+4);
+ CBufFlat* p5=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p5!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+5);
+ CBufFlat* p6=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p6!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+6);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->PushL(p3);
+ pC->PushL(p4);
+ pC->PushL(p5);
+// The granularity is 4 so this should try and grow the array
+// since room is always made for a free slot. We set the allocator
+// to fail so that we can test that the free slot is re-established
+// when we do the cleanup. This test only works in debug mode.
+ TRAPD(r,pC->PushL(p6));
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ test(r==KErrNoMemory);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+6);
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount);
+ test.Next(_L("Nest push push push push popallD"));
+ p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+1);
+ p2=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+2);
+ p3=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p3!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+3);
+ p4=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p4!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+4);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->PushL(p3);
+ pC->PushL(p4);
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+1);
+ pC->PopAndDestroyAll();
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount);
+ test.Next(_L("Destroy cleanup object"));
+ p1=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p1!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+1);
+ p2=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p2!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+2);
+ p3=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p3!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+3);
+ p4=CBufFlat::NewL(8);
+ test(p4!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCount+4);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p1);
+ pC->NextLevel();
+ pC->PushL(p2);
+ pC->PushL(p3);
+ pC->PushL(p4);
+ delete pC;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testUnTrap()
+// Test cleanup with normal exits
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Creating"));
+ CTrapCleanup* pT=CTrapCleanup::New();
+ test(pT!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCountAll);
+ test.Next(_L("PushC PushO EPop cleanup empty"));
+ TRAPD(r,createL(EPop,EFalse))
+ test.Next(_L("PushC PushO EPop cleanup empty 1"));
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("PushC PushO EPop cleanup empty 2"));
+ test.Next(_L("PushC PushO EPop cleanup empty 3"));
+ User::Free(gP1);
+ test.Next(_L("PushC PushO EPop cleanup empty 4"));
+ delete gP2;
+ test.Next(_L("PushC PushO EPop cleanup empty 5"));
+ test.Next(_L("PushC PushO EPopAndDestroy cleanup empty"));
+ TRAP(r,createL(EPopAndDestroy,EFalse))
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+// Change of behavior for TCleanupTrapHandler means that the current
+// cleanup stack must be empty when UnTrap is called. IE. calls to
+// Push should be balanced with a Pop within the same function.
+ test.Next(_L("PushC PushO ENull cleanup 2 objects"));
+ TRAP(r,createL(ENull,EFalse))
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("Test all LC functions"));
+ TRAP(r,createAllL(EFalse))
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCountAll);
+ delete pT;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testLeave()
+// Test cleanup with leave exits
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Creating"));
+ CTrapCleanup* pT=CTrapCleanup::New();
+ test(pT!=NULL);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCountAll);
+ test.Next(_L("PushC PushO EPop cleanup empty and leave"));
+ TRAPD(r,createL(EPop,ETrue))
+ test(r==KLeaveValue);
+ User::Free(gP1);
+ delete gP2;
+ test.Next(_L("PushC PushO EPopAndDestroy cleanup empty and leave"));
+ TRAP(r,createL(EPopAndDestroy,ETrue))
+ test(r==KLeaveValue);
+ test.Next(_L("PushC PushO ENull cleanup 2 objects and leave"));
+ TRAP(r,createL(ENull,ETrue))
+ test(r==KLeaveValue);
+ test.Next(_L("Test all LC functions and leave"));
+ TRAP(r,createAllL(ETrue))
+ test(r==KLeaveValue);
+ __UHEAP_CHECK(KInitialCountAll);
+ delete pT;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testMultiLeave()
+// Test cleanup with multiple leave exits
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Creating"));
+ CTrapCleanup* pT=CTrapCleanup::New();
+ test(pT!=NULL);
+ test.Next(_L("PushC PushO nest PushO cleanup leave leave"));
+ TRAPD(r,createL(EMulti,ETrue))
+ test(r==KLeaveValue);
+ delete pT;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void addNullItemL()
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL((TAny*)0);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void addCellL()
+ {
+ User::AllocLC(4);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void useCleanupStackL()
+ {
+ addNullItemL();
+ addCellL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void reentrantCleanup(TAny*)
+// A cleanup operation which uses a trap harness and the cleanup stack
+ {
+ TRAPD(ignore,useCleanupStackL())
+ }
+LOCAL_C void addReentrantItemL()
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(reentrantCleanup));
+ }
+LOCAL_C void addItemsL(TInt aCount)
+// add number of reentrant items to make stack fail
+ {
+ while (--aCount>=0)
+ addReentrantItemL();
+#if !defined(_DEBUG)
+ User::Leave(KErrNoMemory); // heap failure not available
+ }
+const TInt KInitialStackSize=8; // from UC_CLN.CPP
+const TInt KGrowItems=KInitialStackSize-3;
+LOCAL_C void testReentrancyL()
+// Test the Cleanup stack can go re-entrant
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("PopAndDestroy()"));
+ addNullItemL();
+ addCellL();
+ addReentrantItemL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ test.Next(_L("cleanup after a leave"));
+ addNullItemL();
+ TRAPD(r,addReentrantItemL();User::Leave(KLeaveValue);)
+ test(r==KLeaveValue);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ test.Next(_L("cleanup after stack failure"));
+ // Ensuring stack reallocate fails by placing following cell
+ TInt* forceAlloc=(TInt*)User::AllocL(4);
+ for (TInt i=0;i<KGrowItems;++i)
+ addNullItemL();
+ __UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic,1); // fail everything
+ TRAP(r,addItemsL(1);) // will leave as stack full and cannot grow
+ test(r==KErrNoMemory);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(KGrowItems);
+ test.Next(_L("multiple re-entrancy & stack failure"));
+ __UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic,1); // fail everything
+ TRAP(r,addItemsL(KGrowItems+1););
+ test(r==KErrNoMemory);
+ User::Free(forceAlloc);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testReentrancy()
+// Test the Cleanup stack can go re-entrant
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Creating"));
+ CTrapCleanup* pT=CTrapCleanup::New();
+ test(pT!=NULL);
+ TRAPD(r,testReentrancyL());
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ delete pT;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testAutoCloseL()
+// A leaving function for testAutoClose()
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("Create a TAutoClose object"));
+ TAutoClose<RTimer> tim;
+ tim.iObj.CreateLocal();
+ test.Next(_L("Push it on the cleanup stack"));
+ tim.PushL();
+ test.Next(_L("Leave before object goes out of scope"));
+ User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+ tim.Pop();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testAutoClose()
+// Test the TAutoClose class
+ {
+ // Kill the granules
+ RTimer s[20];
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=0; i<20; i++)
+ s[i].CreateLocal();
+ for (i=0; i<20; i++)
+ s[i].Close();
+ test.Start(_L("Make a TAutoClose object"));
+ {
+ TAutoClose<RTimer> tim;
+ tim.iObj.CreateLocal();
+ test.Next(_L("Let it fall out of scope"));
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Check the object has closed"));
+ TRAPD(r, testAutoCloseL());
+ test.Next(_L("Check object has been closed and cleaned up after leave"));
+ test.End();
+ }
+void CTest::ConstructL()
+// Allocate a cell with CBase::new
+ {
+ TLex* pL=new(ELeave) TLex;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(pL);
+ }
+void RItem::Cleanup(TAny* aPtr)
+// Invoke the Close member on the RItem at aPtr
+ {
+ ((RItem*)aPtr)->Close();
+ }
+LOCAL_C TInt getStackPointer()
+ {
+ static TUint8 there;
+ TUint8 here;
+ return &here-&there;
+ }
+LOCAL_C void sheLeavesMeL(TBool sheLeavesMeNot)
+ {
+ if (!sheLeavesMeNot)
+ User::Leave(KErrBadName); // Montague
+ }
+// Variables for stack balance test need to be global or clever compiler optimisations
+// Can interfere with stack balance calculations.
+TInt StackBalanceLoopCounter;
+TInt StackBalanceResult=KErrNone;
+TInt StackBalanceBefore;
+TInt StackBalanceAfter;
+// Split into two functions because x86gcc makes a local stack optimisation for the second
+// loop which unbalances the stack frame of the first loop.
+LOCAL_C TInt StackBalanceNotLeaving()
+ {
+ StackBalanceBefore=getStackPointer();
+ for (StackBalanceLoopCounter=0; StackBalanceLoopCounter<20;StackBalanceLoopCounter++)
+ {
+ TRAP(StackBalanceResult,sheLeavesMeL(ETrue));
+ }
+ StackBalanceAfter=getStackPointer();
+ return StackBalanceAfter-StackBalanceBefore;
+ }
+LOCAL_C TInt StackBalanceLeaving()
+ {
+ StackBalanceBefore=getStackPointer();
+ for (StackBalanceLoopCounter=0; StackBalanceLoopCounter<20;StackBalanceLoopCounter++)
+ {
+ TRAP(StackBalanceResult,sheLeavesMeL(EFalse));
+ }
+ StackBalanceAfter=getStackPointer();
+ return StackBalanceAfter-StackBalanceBefore;
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testStackBalance()
+// Ensure that we get the stack properly balanced
+ {
+ // Not leaving case
+ test.Start(_L("Stack balance without Leaving"));
+ TInt balance = StackBalanceNotLeaving();
+ test.Printf(_L("Stack balance: %d bytes\n"), balance);
+ test(balance == 0);
+ // Leaving case
+ test.Next(_L("Stack balance after Leave"));
+ balance = StackBalanceLeaving();
+ test.Printf(_L("Stack balance: %d bytes\n"), balance);
+ test(balance == 0);
+ test.End();
+ }
+void Inc(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ ++(*(TInt*)aPtr);
+ }
+void testTrapIgnore()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Create cleanup"));
+ CCleanup* pC=CCleanup::New();
+ test(pC!=NULL);
+ TInt count = 0;
+ test.Next(_L("TRAP_IGNORE with no leave"));
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Inc,&count));
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ );
+ test(count==0);
+ test.Next(_L("TRAP_IGNORE with leave"));
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Inc,&count));
+ User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+ );
+ test(count==1);
+ delete pC;
+ test.End();
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ test.Title();
+ test.Start(_L("Test destructor causing stack reallocation"));
+ testDestructorStackReallocation();
+ test.Next(_L("CCleanup single level tests just alloc cells"));
+ testSingleLevelCellsCleanup();
+ test.Next(_L("CCleanup single level tests just objects"));
+ testSingleLevelObjCleanup();
+ test.Next(_L("CCleanup single level tests just items"));
+ testSingleLevelItemCleanup();
+ test.Next(_L("CCleanup single level tests mixed"));
+ testSingleLevelMixCleanup();
+ test.Next(_L("CCleanup multi level tests just alloc cells"));
+ testMultiLevelCellsCleanup();
+ test.Next(_L("CCleanup multi level tests just objects"));
+ testMultiLevelObjCleanup();
+ test.Next(_L("CCleanup multi level tests just items"));
+ testMultiLevelItemCleanup();
+ test.Next(_L("CCleanup multi level tests mixed"));
+ testMultiLevelMixCleanup();
+ test.Next(_L("CCleanup special case test"));
+ testSpecialCaseCleanup();
+ test.Next(_L("Install trap handler"));
+ CTrapCleanup* pT=CTrapCleanup::New();
+ test(pT!=NULL);
+ test.Next(_L("Untrap handling tests"));
+ testUnTrap();
+ test.Next(_L("Leave handling tests"));
+ testLeave();
+ test.Next(_L("Multi level leave handling tests"));
+ testMultiLeave();
+ test.Next(_L("Test TAutoClose"));
+ testAutoClose();
+ test.Next(_L("Test Re-entrancy of cleanup stack"));
+ testReentrancy();
+ test.Next(_L("Test stack safety of TRAP and Leave"));
+ testStackBalance();
+ test.Next(_L("Test TRAP_IGNORE"));
+ testTrapIgnore();
+ test.End();
+ return(0);
+ }