changeset 9 96e5fb8b040d
child 43 c1f20ce4abcf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/usbho/t_otgdi/src/otgroot.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1062 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// @internalComponent
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32std_private.h>
+#include <u32std.h> 	// unicode builds
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32base_private.h>
+#include <e32cons.h>
+#include <e32Test.h>	// RTest header
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <e32def_private.h>
+#include <d32otgdi.h>		// OTGDI header
+#include <d32usbc.h>		// USBCC header
+#include "otgroot.h"
+#include "testcaseroot.h"
+RUsbOtgDriver  oUsbOtgDriver;
+RDevUsbcClient oUsbcClient;
+/*	this class wraps all OTGDI calls as well to simplify 
+	 calling and normalising object access. - it has no base-class hence we can use multiple-inheritance
+	 */	
+	COtgRoot::COtgRoot()
+	{
+	iOptActive = EFalse;
+	SetLoaded(EFalse);	
+	}
+/** otgLoadLdd
+TInt COtgRoot::otgLoadLdd()
+	{
+	LOG_VERBOSE2(_L("Load driver: %S\n"), &KOTGDeviceInterfaceDriverName);
+	if (!LddLoaded())
+		{
+	 	// load ldd device drivers (load otg only, it will load the needed stuff for us)
+		TInt err(User::LoadLogicalDevice(KOTGDeviceInterfaceDriverName));
+		if ( (err != KErrNone) && (err != KErrAlreadyExists) )
+			{
+			test.Printf(_L("<Error %d> Unable to load driver: %S\n"), err, &KOTGDeviceInterfaceDriverName);
+			SetLoaded(EFalse);
+			return(err);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			LOG_VERBOSE2(_L("Loaded driver: '%S' OK\n"), &KOTGDeviceInterfaceDriverName);
+			SetLoaded(ETrue);
+			}
+		}
+		return(KErrNone);
+	}
+/** otgOpen
+TInt COtgRoot::otgOpen()
+	{
+	LOG_VERBOSE2(_L("Opening session... loaded = %d\n"), LddLoaded());
+	TInt err(oUsbOtgDriver.Open());
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		test.Printf(_L("<Error %d> Unable to open a channel to USB OTG driver\n"),err);
+		return(err);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		LOG_VERBOSE1(_L("Open channel OK\n"));
+		}
+	return(KErrNone);	
+	}
+/** otgClose
+void COtgRoot::otgClose()
+	{
+	test.Printf(_L("Closing session... loaded = %d\n"), LddLoaded());
+	oUsbOtgDriver.Close();
+	}
+/* otgActivateOptTestMode
+ */ 
+TInt COtgRoot::otgActivateOptTestMode()
+	{
+	TInt err = oUsbOtgDriver.ActivateOptTestMode();
+	return(err);
+	}
+/** otgStartStacks
+TInt COtgRoot::otgStartStacks()
+	{
+	TInt err(oUsbOtgDriver.StartStacks());
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		}
+	return(err);
+	}
+/** otgStopStacks
+void COtgRoot::otgStopStacks()
+	{
+	oUsbOtgDriver.StopStacks();
+	}
+/** otgUnloadLdd
+void COtgRoot::otgUnloadLdd()
+	{
+	// code to unload the OTG ldd driver
+	TInt err (User::FreeLogicalDevice(KOTGDeviceInterfaceDriverName));
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		}
+	SetLoaded(EFalse);
+	}
+/** otgQueueOtgEventRequest
+void COtgRoot::otgQueueOtgEventRequest(RUsbOtgDriver::TOtgEvent& aEvent, TRequestStatus &aStatus)
+	{
+	LOG_VERBOSE2(_L("Queue an Event Request %08X.\n"), (TInt)(&aStatus));
+	oUsbOtgDriver.QueueOtgEventRequest(aEvent, aStatus);
+	}
+/** otgCancelOtgEventRequest
+void COtgRoot::otgCancelOtgEventRequest()
+	{
+	LOG_VERBOSE1(_L("Cancel Event Request.\n"));
+	oUsbOtgDriver.CancelOtgEventRequest();
+	}
+/** otgQueueOtgMessageRequest
+void COtgRoot::otgQueueOtgMessageRequest(RUsbOtgDriver::TOtgMessage& aMessage, TRequestStatus &aStatus)
+	{
+	LOG_VERBOSE2(_L("Queue a Message Request %08X.\n"), (TInt)(&aStatus));
+	//LOG_VERBOSE1(_L("Queue a Message Request.\n"));
+	oUsbOtgDriver.QueueOtgMessageRequest(aMessage, aStatus);
+	}
+/** otgCancelOtgMessageRequest
+void COtgRoot::otgCancelOtgMessageRequest()
+	{
+	LOG_VERBOSE1(_L("Cancel Message Request.\n"));
+	oUsbOtgDriver.CancelOtgMessageRequest();
+	}    
+void COtgRoot::otgQueuePeripheralStateRequest(TUint& aPeripheralState, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+	{
+	LOG_VERBOSE1(_L("Queue Peripheral State Request.\n"));
+	oUsbcClient.AlternateDeviceStatusNotify(aStatus, aPeripheralState);
+	}
+void COtgRoot::otgCancelPeripheralStateRequest()
+	{
+	LOG_VERBOSE1(_L("Cancel Peripheral State Request.\n"));
+	oUsbcClient.AlternateDeviceStatusNotifyCancel();	
+	}
+void COtgRoot::otgQueueAConnectionIdleRequest(RUsbOtgDriver::TOtgConnection& aAConnectionIdle, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+	{
+	LOG_VERBOSE1(_L("Queue A Connection Idle Request.\n"));
+	oUsbOtgDriver.QueueOtgConnectionNotification(aAConnectionIdle, aStatus);
+	}
+void COtgRoot::otgCancelAConnectionIdleRequest()
+	{
+	LOG_VERBOSE1(_L("Cancel A Connection Idle Request.\n"));
+	oUsbOtgDriver.CancelOtgConnectionNotification();
+	}
+/** otgQueueOtgStateRequest
+void COtgRoot::otgQueueOtgStateRequest(RUsbOtgDriver::TOtgState& aState, TRequestStatus &aStatus)
+	{
+	LOG_VERBOSE2(_L("Queue a State Request %08X.\n"), (TInt)(&aStatus));
+	oUsbOtgDriver.QueueOtgStateRequest(aState, aStatus);
+	}
+/** otgCancelOtgStateRequest
+void COtgRoot::otgCancelOtgStateRequest()
+	{
+	LOG_VERBOSE1(_L("Cancel State Request.\n"));
+	oUsbOtgDriver.CancelOtgStateRequest();
+	}
+/** otgBusRequest
+raise VBus (in reality this must only happen when a 'A' is present... and when not present it starts HNP)
+TInt COtgRoot::otgBusRequest()
+	{
+	TInt err(0);
+	err = oUsbOtgDriver.BusRequest();
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		}
+	return(err);
+	}
+/* call when SRP has been recieved, based on our HNP Enable setting, this will allow HNP. The 
+ * A-device may choose to call BusRequest directly, which will result in a 'short-circuit' role-swap.
+ */
+TInt COtgRoot::otgBusRespondSRP()
+	{
+	TInt err(0);
+		err = oUsbOtgDriver.BusRespondSrp();
+		if (err != KErrNone)
+			{
+			}
+		return(err);
+	}
+/** Drop VBus (A-host)
+TInt COtgRoot::otgBusDrop()
+	{
+	TInt err(0);
+	err = oUsbOtgDriver.BusDrop();
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		}
+	return(err);
+	}
+/** otgBusClearError
+TInt COtgRoot::otgBusClearError()
+	{
+	TInt err(0);
+	err = oUsbOtgDriver.BusClearError();
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		}
+	return(err);
+	}
+void COtgRoot::otgQueueOtgIdPinNotification(RUsbOtgDriver::TOtgIdPin& aPin, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+	{
+	oUsbOtgDriver.QueueOtgIdPinNotification(aPin, aStatus);	// the kernel driver populates aPin...
+	}
+void COtgRoot::otgCancelOtgIdPinNotification()
+	{
+	oUsbOtgDriver.CancelOtgIdPinNotification();
+	}
+void COtgRoot::otgQueueOtgVbusNotification(RUsbOtgDriver::TOtgVbus& aVbus, 
+                                                TRequestStatus& aStatus
+                                               )
+	{
+	oUsbOtgDriver.QueueOtgVbusNotification(aVbus, aStatus);
+	}
+void COtgRoot::otgCancelOtgVbusNotification()
+	{
+	oUsbOtgDriver.CancelOtgVbusNotification();
+	}
+TBool COtgRoot::otgIdPinPresent()
+	{
+	TRequestStatus aStatus;
+	RUsbOtgDriver::TOtgIdPin aPin;
+	oUsbOtgDriver.QueueOtgIdPinNotification(aPin, aStatus);	// the kernel driver populates aPin...
+	LOG_VERBOSE2(_L("(sync) ID_PIN=%d\n"), iOTGIdPin);
+	oUsbOtgDriver.CancelOtgIdPinNotification();
+	// swallow the event
+	User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
+	if (RUsbOtgDriver::EIdPinAPlug == aPin)			// at this stage, the aPin value is known
+		{
+		return(ETrue);
+		}
+	return(EFalse);
+	}
+TBool COtgRoot::otgVbusPresent()
+	{
+	TRequestStatus aStatus;
+ 	RUsbOtgDriver::TOtgVbus aVBus;
+	oUsbOtgDriver.QueueOtgVbusNotification(aVBus, aStatus);	// the kernel driver populates aPin in a kernel thread...
+	oUsbOtgDriver.CancelOtgVbusNotification();
+	// swallow the event
+	User::WaitForRequest(aStatus);
+	if (RUsbOtgDriver::EVbusHigh == aVBus)			// by this stage, the aVBus value is known
+		{
+		return(ETrue);
+		}
+	return(EFalse);
+	}
+TBool COtgRoot::iLoadedLdd = EFalse;
+TBool COtgRoot::iFdfActorActive = EFalse;
+RProcess COtgRoot::iFdfActorProcess;
+/** static */
+TBool& COtgRoot::LddLoaded()
+	{ 
+	return(iLoadedLdd);
+	}
+/** static */
+TBool COtgRoot::SetLoaded(TBool aState) 
+	{ 
+	iLoadedLdd = aState; 
+	return(LddLoaded());
+	}
+/** static */
+void COtgRoot::OtgEventString( RUsbOtgDriver::TOtgEvent aEvent, TBuf<MAX_DSTRLEN> &aDescription)
+	{
+	switch( aEvent )
+		{
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventAPlugInserted:		aDescription= _L("A Plug Inserted");break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventAPlugRemoved:			aDescription= _L("A Plug Removed");	break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventVbusRaised:			aDescription= _L("VBUS Raised");	break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventVbusDropped:			aDescription= _L("VBUS Dropped");	break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventSrpReceived:			aDescription= _L("SRP Received");	break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventSrpInitiated:			aDescription= _L("SRP Initiated");	break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventHnpEnabled:			aDescription= _L("HNP Enabled");	break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventHnpDisabled:			aDescription= _L("HNP Disabled");	break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventRoleChangedToHost:	aDescription= _L("Role->Host");		break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventRoleChangedToDevice:	aDescription= _L("Role->Device");	break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventRoleChangedToIdle:	aDescription= _L("Role->Idle");		break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventHnpSupported : 		aDescription= _L("HNP Supported");		break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventHnpAltSupported:		aDescription= _L("Alt-HNP Supp.");		break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventBusConnectionBusy:	aDescription= _L("Connection Busy");	break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventBusConnectionIdle:	aDescription= _L("Connection Idle");	break;
+		default:										aDescription= _L("Unknown");		break;
+		}
+	}
+/** static */
+void COtgRoot::OtgStateString( RUsbOtgDriver::TOtgState aState, TBuf<MAX_DSTRLEN> &aDescription)
+	{
+	switch( aState )
+		{
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EStateReset:		aDescription= _L("Reset");			break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EStateAIdle:		aDescription= _L("A-Idle");			break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EStateAHost:		aDescription= _L("A-Host");			break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EStateAPeripheral:	aDescription= _L("A-Peripheral");	break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EStateAVbusError:   aDescription= _L("A-VBus Error");	break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EStateBIdle:		aDescription= _L("B-Idle");			break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EStateBPeripheral:	aDescription= _L("B-Peripheral");	break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EStateBHost:		aDescription= _L("B-Host");			break;
+		default:								aDescription= _L("Unknown");		break;
+		}
+	}
+/** static */
+void COtgRoot::OtgMessageString( RUsbOtgDriver::TOtgMessage aMessage, TBuf<MAX_DSTRLEN> &aDescription)
+	{
+	switch( aMessage )
+		{
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EEventQueueOverflow:			aDescription = _L("Event Queue Overflow");		break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EStateQueueOverflow:			aDescription = _L("State Queue Overflow");		break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageQueueOverflow:			aDescription = _L("Message Queue Overflow");	break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageBadState:				aDescription = _L("Bad State");					break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageStackNotStarted:		aDescription = _L("Stack Not Started");			break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageVbusAlreadyRaised:		aDescription = _L("Vbus Already Raised");		break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageSrpForbidden:			aDescription = _L("SRP Forbidden");				break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageBusControlProblem:		aDescription = _L("Bus Control Problem");		break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageVbusError:				aDescription = _L("Vbus Error");				break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageSrpTimeout:				aDescription = _L("SRP Timeout");				break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageSrpActive:				aDescription = _L("SRP In Use");				break;
+		// PREQ 1305 messages
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageSrpNotPermitted:		aDescription = _L("Srp Not Permitted"); break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageHnpNotPermitted:		aDescription = _L("Hnp Not Permitted"); break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageHnpNotEnabled:			aDescription = _L("Hnp Not Enabled"); break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageHnpNotSuspended: 			aDescription = _L("HNP not possible, not suspended"); break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageVbusPowerUpNotPermitted:	aDescription = _L("Vbus PowerUp Not Permitted"); break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageVbusPowerUpError:			aDescription = _L("Vbus PowerUp Error"); break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageVbusPowerDownNotPermitted:	aDescription = _L("Vbus PowerDown Not Permitted"); break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageVbusClearErrorNotPermitted:	aDescription = _L("Vbus ClearError Not Permitted"); break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageHnpNotResponding:		aDescription = _L("Not reposnding to HNP");
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EMessageHnpBusDrop:				aDescription = _L("VBUS drop during HNP");
+		default:												aDescription = _L("Unknown");					break;
+		}
+	}
+void COtgRoot::PeripheralStateString( TUint aPeripheralState, TBuf<MAX_DSTRLEN> &aDescription)
+	{
+	if(aPeripheralState & KUsbAlternateSetting)
+		{
+		aDescription = _L("Interface Alternate Setting Change");
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		switch( aPeripheralState )
+			{
+			case EUsbcDeviceStateUndefined:		aDescription = _L("Undefined");			break;
+			case EUsbcDeviceStateAttached:		aDescription = _L("Attached");			break;
+			case EUsbcDeviceStatePowered:		aDescription = _L("Powered");			break;
+			case EUsbcDeviceStateDefault:		aDescription = _L("Default");			break;
+			case EUsbcDeviceStateAddress:		aDescription = _L("Addressed");			break;
+			case EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured:	aDescription = _L("Configured");		break;
+			case EUsbcDeviceStateSuspended:		aDescription = _L("Suspended");			break;
+			case EUsbcNoState:					aDescription = _L("NoState!");			break;
+			default:							aDescription = _L("Unknown");			break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void COtgRoot::AConnectionIdleString(RUsbOtgDriver::TOtgConnection aAConnectionIdle, TBuf<MAX_DSTRLEN> &aDescription)
+	{
+	switch( aAConnectionIdle )
+		{
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EConnectionBusy:		aDescription = _L("Busy");			break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EConnectionIdle:		aDescription = _L("Idle");			break;
+		case RUsbOtgDriver::EConnectionUnknown:		aDescription = _L("Unknown");		break;
+		default:									aDescription = _L("Not recognised");break;
+		}
+	}
+TInt COtgRoot::otgActivateFdfActor()
+	{
+	if(iFdfActorActive)
+		{
+		RDebug::Print(_L("FdfActor already exists!"));
+		return KErrAlreadyExists;
+		}
+	const TUid KFdfSvrUid={0x10282B48};
+	const TUidType fdfActorUid(KNullUid, KNullUid, KFdfSvrUid);
+	RDebug::Print(_L("About to activate FDF Actor"));
+//	RProcess fdfActorProcess;
+	TInt err = iFdfActorProcess.Create(_L("t_otgdi_fdfactor.exe"), KNullDesC, fdfActorUid);
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		RDebug::Print(_L("Failed to create FDF Actor, err=%d"),err);
+		iFdfActorProcess.Close();
+		return err;
+		}
+	TRequestStatus stat;
+	iFdfActorProcess.Rendezvous(stat);
+	if (stat!=KRequestPending)
+		{
+		RDebug::Print(_L("Failed to commence rendezvous, err=%d"),stat.Int());
+		iFdfActorProcess.Kill(0);		// abort startup
+		iFdfActorProcess.Close();
+		return stat.Int();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iFdfActorProcess.Resume();	// logon OK - start the server
+		}
+	User::WaitForRequest(stat);		// wait for start or death
+	if(stat.Int()!=KErrNone)
+		{
+		//	Wasn't KErrNone, which means that the FDFActor didn't successfully
+		//	start up. We shouldn't proceed with the test we're in.
+		RDebug::Print(_L("Failed to activate FDF Actor, err=%d"),stat.Int());
+		iFdfActorProcess.Close();
+		return stat.Int();
+		}
+	//	We rendezvoused(?) with the FDFActor OK, so it is going to suspend
+	//	any devices it sees being attached, and will shut itself down
+	//	when this process signals its Rendezvous (at the end of the test)...
+	RDebug::Print(_L("Activated FDF Actor"));
+	iFdfActorActive = ETrue;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void COtgRoot::otgDeactivateFdfActor()
+	{
+	if(!iFdfActorActive)
+		{
+		RDebug::Print(_L("FdfActor is not running!"));
+		return;
+		}
+	//	If iFdfActorActive is set, the FDF Actor should be waiting to
+	//	rendezvous with us before it shuts down...
+	//	First of all, logon to wait for it to close down properly
+	TRequestStatus waitForCloseStat;
+	iFdfActorProcess.Logon(waitForCloseStat);
+	//	Now, trigger the FDF Actor to close down
+	RProcess::Rendezvous(KErrNone);
+	//	...and wait for it to go away.
+	User::WaitForRequest(waitForCloseStat);
+	test.Printf(_L("T_OTGDI confirms FDF Actor has gone away %d\n"), waitForCloseStat.Int());
+	//	Now close our handle, and record that the process is no more...
+	iFdfActorProcess.Close();
+	iFdfActorActive = EFalse;
+	}
+/** Commonly used step to unload the USB Client Driver
+* @return ETrue if the ldd unloaded sucessfully
+TBool COtgRoot::StepUnloadClient()
+	{
+	test.Printf(_L("Unload USBCC Client\n"));
+	TInt err;
+	// Close the Client
+	test.Printf(_L("..Close\n"));
+	oUsbcClient.Close();
+	// Unload the LDD - note the name is *not* the same as for loading
+	test.Printf(_L("..Unload\n"));
+	err = User::FreeLogicalDevice( KUsbDeviceName );
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Client Unload Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	return(ETrue);
+	}
+/** Commonly used step to load the USB Client Driver and set up
+ *	a 'useful' default device descriptor set
+ * @return ETrue if the ldd loaded sucessfully
+ */
+TBool COtgRoot::StepLoadClient(TUint16 aPID, 
+								TBool aEnableHNP/*=ETrue*/, 
+								TBool aEnableSRP/*=ETrue*/)
+	{
+	test.Printf(_L("Load USBCC Client 0x%04x\n"),aPID);
+	TInt err;
+	// The incoming PID is expected to have a form of 0x0TTT or 0xFTTT
+	// where 'TTT' is the test number: if the lead is 0xF000 we now 
+	// overlay an 'A' or a 'B' depending on the default role
+	if (   ( ( aPID & 0xF000 ) != 0xF000 )
+		&& ( ( aPID & 0xF000 ) != 0x0000 )
+	   )
+		{
+		AssertionFailed(KErrAbort, _L("Bad default PID"));
+		}
+	if ( aPID & 0xF000 )
+		{
+		aPID &= 0x0FFF;
+		if ( gTestRoleMaster )
+			{
+			// this is the 'B' device
+			aPID |= 0xB000;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// this is the 'A' device
+			aPID |= 0xA000;
+			}
+		}
+	// Load the LDD - note the name is *not* the same as for unload
+	test.Printf(_L("..Load LDD\n"));
+	err = User::LoadLogicalDevice( KUsbcLddFileName );
+	if ((err != KErrNone) && (err !=KErrAlreadyExists))
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Client Load Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	// Open the Client
+	test.Printf(_L("..Open LDD\n"));
+	err = oUsbcClient.Open(0);
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Client Open Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	// Set up descriptors
+	test.Printf(_L("..Setup Descriptors\n"));
+	// the OTG descriptor
+	TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Otg> theOtgDescriptor;
+	err = oUsbcClient.GetOtgDescriptor(theOtgDescriptor);
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("OTG GetDes Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	// modify OTG descriptor based on parameters passed
+	if (aEnableHNP)
+		aEnableSRP=ETrue;	// Keep the device Legal according to OTG spec 6.4.2
+	/*Attribute Fields
+	  D7…2: Reserved (reset to zero)
+	  D1: HNP support
+	  D0: SRP support*/
+	TUint8 aByte = theOtgDescriptor[2];
+		aByte &= (~0x03);
+		aByte |= (aEnableSRP? 1 : 0); 
+		aByte |= (aEnableHNP? 2 : 0); 
+	test.Printf(_L("..Change OTG 0x%02X->0x%02X\n"), theOtgDescriptor[2], aByte);
+	theOtgDescriptor[2] = aByte;
+	err = oUsbcClient.SetOtgDescriptor(theOtgDescriptor);
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("OTG SetDes Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	//
+	TUsbDeviceCaps d_caps;
+	err = oUsbcClient.DeviceCaps(d_caps);
+	TBool softwareConnect;
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Client DevCaps Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	const TInt n = d_caps().iTotalEndpoints;
+	softwareConnect = d_caps().iConnect;
+	test.Printf(_L("..SoftwareConnect = %d\n"),softwareConnect);
+	if (n < 2)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Client Endpoints Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	// Endpoints
+	TUsbcEndpointData data[KUsbcMaxEndpoints];
+	TPtr8 dataptr(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(data), sizeof(data), sizeof(data));
+	err = oUsbcClient.EndpointCaps(dataptr);
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Client EpCaps Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	// Set up the active interface
+	TUsbcInterfaceInfoBuf ifc;
+	TInt ep_found = 0;
+	TBool foundBulkIN = EFalse;
+	TBool foundBulkOUT = EFalse;
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < n; i++)
+		{
+		const TUsbcEndpointCaps* const caps = &data[i].iCaps;
+		const TInt mps = caps->MaxPacketSize();
+		if (!foundBulkIN &&
+			(caps->iTypesAndDir & (KUsbEpTypeBulk | KUsbEpDirIn)) ==
+			(KUsbEpTypeBulk | KUsbEpDirIn))
+			{
+			if (!(mps == 64 || mps == 512))
+				{
+				}
+			// EEndpoint1 is going to be our Tx (IN) endpoint
+			ifc().iEndpointData[0].iType = KUsbEpTypeBulk;
+			ifc().iEndpointData[0].iDir	 = KUsbEpDirIn;
+			ifc().iEndpointData[0].iSize = mps;
+			foundBulkIN = ETrue;
+			if (++ep_found == 2)
+				break;
+			}
+		else if (!foundBulkOUT &&
+			(caps->iTypesAndDir & (KUsbEpTypeBulk | KUsbEpDirOut)) ==
+			(KUsbEpTypeBulk | KUsbEpDirOut))
+			{
+			if (!(mps == 64 || mps == 512))
+				{
+				}
+			// EEndpoint2 is going to be our Rx (OUT) endpoint
+			ifc().iEndpointData[1].iType = KUsbEpTypeBulk;
+			ifc().iEndpointData[1].iDir	 = KUsbEpDirOut;
+			ifc().iEndpointData[1].iSize = mps;
+			foundBulkOUT = ETrue;
+			if (++ep_found == 2)
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	if (ep_found != 2)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Client EpFound Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	_LIT16(ifcname, "T_OTGDI Test Interface (Default Setting 0)");
+	ifc().iString = const_cast<TDesC16*>(&ifcname);
+	ifc().iTotalEndpointsUsed = 2;
+	ifc().iClass.iClassNum	  = 0xff;						// vendor-specific
+	ifc().iClass.iSubClassNum = 0xff;						// vendor-specific
+	ifc().iClass.iProtocolNum = 0xff;						// vendor-specific
+	err = oUsbcClient.SetInterface(0, ifc, (EUsbcBandwidthOUTDefault | EUsbcBandwidthINDefault));
+	if( err != KErrNone )
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Client SetInt Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	// Set the revised PID
+	TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Device> theDeviceDescriptor;
+	err = oUsbcClient.GetDeviceDescriptor(theDeviceDescriptor);
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Client GetDes Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	TUint16 oldPID = ( theDeviceDescriptor[10] )
+		           + ( theDeviceDescriptor[11] << 8 );
+	theDeviceDescriptor[10] = ( aPID & 0x00FF );
+	theDeviceDescriptor[11] = ( aPID & 0xFF00 ) >> 8;
+	test.Printf(_L("..Change PID 0x%04X->0x%04X\n"), oldPID, aPID);
+	err = oUsbcClient.SetDeviceDescriptor(theDeviceDescriptor);
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Client SetDes Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	// Power Up UDC - KErrNotReady is expected
+	test.Printf(_L("..Power Up UDC\n"));
+	err = oUsbcClient.PowerUpUdc();
+	if( err != KErrNotReady )
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("PowerUp UDC Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	// Connect to Host
+	test.Printf(_L("..Connect to Host\n"));
+	err = oUsbcClient.DeviceConnectToHost();
+	if( err != KErrNone )
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Host Connect Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	// Default no-problem return
+	return(ETrue);
+	}
+/** Commonly used steps to control D+ connect/disconnect
+ *  the device to/from the host
+ */
+TBool COtgRoot::StepDisconnect()
+	{
+	test.Printf(_L("Disconnect from Host\n"));
+	TInt err;
+	err = oUsbcClient.DeviceDisconnectFromHost();
+	if( err != KErrNone )
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Host Disconnect Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	// Default no-problem return
+	return(ETrue);
+	}
+TBool COtgRoot::StepConnect()
+	{
+	test.Printf(_L("Connect to Host\n"));
+	TInt err;
+	err = oUsbcClient.DeviceConnectToHost();
+	if( err != KErrNone )
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Host Connect Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	// Default no-problem return
+	return(ETrue);
+	}
+/** Commonly used step to load the USB Client Driver and set up
+ *	a High-Speed electrical test VID/PID pair
+ * @return ETrue if the ldd loaded sucessfully
+ */
+TBool COtgRoot::StepChangeVidPid(TUint16 aVID, TUint16 aPID)
+	{
+	test.Printf(_L("Load USBCC HS Test Client 0x%04x/0x%04x\n"),aVID,aPID);
+	TInt err;
+	// Set the revised VID/PID pair
+	TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Device> theDeviceDescriptor;
+	err = oUsbcClient.GetDeviceDescriptor(theDeviceDescriptor);
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Client GetDes Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	TUint16 oldVID = ( theDeviceDescriptor[8] )
+		           + ( theDeviceDescriptor[9] << 8 );
+	theDeviceDescriptor[8] = ( aVID & 0x00FF );
+	theDeviceDescriptor[9] = ( aVID & 0xFF00 ) >> 8;
+	test.Printf(_L("..Change VID 0x%04X->0x%04X\n"), oldVID, aVID);
+	TUint16 oldPID = ( theDeviceDescriptor[10] )
+		           + ( theDeviceDescriptor[11] << 8 );
+	theDeviceDescriptor[10] = ( aPID & 0x00FF );
+	theDeviceDescriptor[11] = ( aPID & 0xFF00 ) >> 8;
+	test.Printf(_L("..Change PID 0x%04X->0x%04X\n"), oldPID, aPID);
+	err = oUsbcClient.SetDeviceDescriptor(theDeviceDescriptor);
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Client SetDes Fail "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	// Default no-problem return
+	return(ETrue);
+	}
+/** Commonly used step to set a flag that will cause the
+    OPT test mode to be activated when the stacks are
+	started 
+void COtgRoot::StepSetOptActive() 
+	{ 
+	iOptActive = ETrue;
+	}
+/** Commonly used step to unload the ldd and shut it down
+*@return ETrue if the ldd unloaded sucessfully
+TBool COtgRoot::StepUnloadLDD()
+	{ 
+	test.Printf(_L("Unload otg LDD (implicit Stop() + Close()) \n"));
+	LOG_VERBOSE1(_L("  Stop OTG+Host Stack\n"));
+	otgStopStacks();
+	otgClose();
+	LOG_VERBOSE1(_L("  Unload\n"));
+	otgUnloadLdd();
+	iOptActive = EFalse; // retain the OTGDI behavour to clears this flag when client shuts 
+	if (LddLoaded())
+		return(EFalse);
+	return(ETrue);
+	}
+/** StepLoadLDD - utility method : load the LDD, open it and init the stacks
+ a commonly used test step */
+TBool COtgRoot::StepLoadLDD()
+	{
+	TInt err;	
+	LOG_VERBOSE1(_L("Load otg LDD\n"));
+	err = otgLoadLdd();
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Loading LDD failed "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	LOG_VERBOSE1(_L("Open the LDD session\n"));
+	err = otgOpen();
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Open LDD session failed "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}
+	if ( iOptActive )
+		{
+		test.Printf(_L("Activate OPT Test Mode\n"));
+		err = otgActivateOptTestMode();
+		if (err != KErrNone)
+			{
+			AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("OPT Activate failed "), err);
+			return (EFalse);
+			}	
+		}
+	test.Printf(_L("Start OTG+Host Stack\n"));
+	err = otgStartStacks();
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		AssertionFailed2(KErrAbort, _L("Start stack failed "), err);
+		return (EFalse);
+		}	
+	//	DS - Temporarily adding .1 second delay in here to beat the race
+	//	condition to be fixed as part of third part USB HOST/OTG stack issue 60761
+	User::After(100000);
+	return(ETrue);
+	}
+void COtgRoot::SetMaxPowerToL(TUint16 aVal)
+	{
+	TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Config> buf;
+	oUsbcClient.GetConfigurationDescriptor(buf);
+	aVal %= 500;
+	buf[8] = (TUint8)(aVal / 2);
+	oUsbcClient.SetConfigurationDescriptor(buf);
+	}
+void COtgRoot::GetMaxPower(TUint16& aVal)
+	{
+	TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Config> buf;
+	oUsbcClient.GetConfigurationDescriptor(buf);
+	aVal = buf[8] * 2;
+	}