--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/f32test/manager/t_romg.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32test\manager\t_romg.cpp
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <e32rom.h>
+#include "..\server\t_server.h"
+const TInt KBufSize=0x10000;
+const TInt KFillerSize=0x100;
+const TInt KRomFileHeaderSize=0x100;
+const TInt KRomFileHeaderNameSize=0x10;
+class TRomFileHeaderBase
+ {
+ TText8 iName[KRomFileHeaderNameSize];
+ TText8 iVersionStr[4];
+ TText8 iBuildNumStr[4];
+ TInt iRomSize;
+ TInt iHeaderSize;
+ };
+class TRomFileHeader : public TRomFileHeaderBase
+ {
+ TUint8 iFiller[KRomFileHeaderSize-sizeof(TRomFileHeaderBase)];
+ };
+class CMemDir;
+class CMemEntry : public CBase
+ {
+ static CMemEntry* New(const TEntry& anEntry);
+ ~CMemEntry();
+ TInt EntrySize();
+ void Write();
+ void WriteFile();
+ inline TBool IsDir() {return(iEntry.iAtt&KEntryAttDir);}
+ inline CMemDir& Dir() {return(*iDir);}
+ inline void SetDir(CMemDir& aDir) {iDir=(&aDir);}
+ inline TInt Size() {return(iSize);}
+ inline TLinAddr Base() {return(iBase);}
+ inline void SetBase();
+ inline const TDesC& Name() {return(*iName);}
+ inline static TInt LinkOffset() {return(_FOFF(CMemEntry,iLink));}
+ CMemEntry(const TEntry& anEntry);
+ TLinAddr iBase;
+ TInt iSize;
+ TRomEntry iEntry;
+ HBufC* iName;
+ CMemDir* iDir;
+ TDblQueLink iLink;
+ };
+class CMemDir : public CBase
+ {
+ static CMemDir* NewL();
+ ~CMemDir();
+ void LoadDirL(const TDesC& aPath);
+ void SetBaseDirs();
+ void SetBaseFiles();
+ void WriteDirs();
+ void WriteFiles();
+ void Write();
+ TFileName Name(const TDesC& aName);
+ inline TLinAddr Base() {return(iBase);}
+ CMemDir();
+ TInt iSize;
+ TInt iCount;
+ TLinAddr iBase;
+ HBufC* iPath;
+ TDblQue<CMemEntry> iEntryQ;
+ };
+class RFileX : public RFile
+ {
+ RFileX() : RFile() {}
+ TInt Write(const TDesC8& aDes);
+ TInt Write(const TDesC8& aDes,TInt aLength);
+ };
+GLDEF_D RTest test(_L("T_ROMG"));
+LOCAL_D RFileX TheFile;
+LOCAL_D TRomHeader TheRomHeader;
+LOCAL_D TLinAddr TheCurrentBase;
+LOCAL_D CMemDir* TheRootDir;
+LOCAL_D TInt TheLevel;
+LOCAL_D TBuf8<KBufSize> TheBuf;
+LOCAL_D TBuf8<KFillerSize> TheFiller;
+#if defined(_UNICODE)
+LOCAL_D const TPtrC TheFileName=_L("ROMFILEU.BIN");
+LOCAL_D const TPtrC TheFileName=_L("ROMFILE.BIN");
+TInt RFileX::Write(const TDesC8& aDes)
+// Write and update the file pos
+ {
+ TheCurrentBase+=aDes.Size();
+ return(RFile::Write(aDes));
+ }
+TInt RFileX::Write(const TDesC8& aDes,TInt aLength)
+// Write and update the file pos
+ {
+ TheCurrentBase+=aLength;
+ return(RFile::Write(aDes,aLength));
+ }
+CMemEntry* CMemEntry::New(const TEntry& anEntry)
+// Create a new entry.
+ {
+ CMemEntry* pE=new(ELeave) CMemEntry(anEntry);
+ pE->iName=anEntry.iName.Alloc();
+ test(pE->iName!=NULL);
+ return(pE);
+ }
+#pragma warning( disable : 4705 ) // statement has no effect
+CMemEntry::CMemEntry(const TEntry& anEntry)
+// Constructor.
+ {
+ iEntry.iAtt=(TUint8)(anEntry.iAtt|KEntryAttReadOnly); // All rom files are read only
+ iEntry.iSize=anEntry.iSize;
+ iEntry.iNameLength=(TUint8)anEntry.iName.Size();
+ iSize=Align4(anEntry.iSize);
+ __DECLARE_NAME(_S("CMemEntry"));
+ }
+#pragma warning( default : 4705 )
+// Destruct.
+ {
+ if (iLink.iNext!=NULL)
+ iLink.Deque();
+ delete iName;
+ if (IsDir())
+ delete iDir;
+ }
+void CMemEntry::SetBase()
+// Set the entries base address.
+ {
+ iBase=TheCurrentBase;
+ iEntry.iAddressLin=TheCurrentBase;
+ }
+TInt CMemEntry::EntrySize()
+// Calculate the entries size.
+ {
+ return(Align4(KRomEntrySize+iEntry.iNameLength));
+ }
+void CMemEntry::Write()
+// Write the current entry.
+ {
+ test(TheFile.Write(TPtrC8((TUint8*)&iEntry,KRomEntrySize))==KErrNone);
+ test(TheFile.Write(TPtrC8((TUint8*)iName->Ptr(),iName->Size()))==KErrNone);
+ TInt rem=EntrySize()-iName->Size()-KRomEntrySize;
+ if (rem)
+ test(TheFile.Write(TheFiller,rem)==KErrNone);
+ }
+void CMemEntry::WriteFile()
+// Write the current entries file.
+ {
+ test(iBase==TheCurrentBase);
+ TAutoClose<RFile> f;
+ TFileName n=Dir().Name(*iName);
+ test(f.iObj.Open(TheFs,n,EFileStream|EFileRead)==KErrNone);
+ TInt size=0;
+ do
+ {
+ test(f.iObj.Read(TheBuf)==KErrNone);
+ test(TheFile.Write(TheBuf)==KErrNone);
+ size+=TheBuf.Length();
+ } while (TheBuf.Length()==TheBuf.MaxLength());
+ test(iEntry.iSize==size);
+ TInt rem=iSize-size;
+ if (rem)
+ test(TheFile.Write(TheFiller,rem)==KErrNone);
+ }
+CMemDir* CMemDir::NewL()
+// Create a new directory.
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CMemDir);
+ }
+// Constructor.
+ : iEntryQ(CMemEntry::LinkOffset())
+ {
+ __DECLARE_NAME(_S("CMemDir"));
+ }
+// Destruct.
+ {
+ while (!iEntryQ.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ CMemEntry* pE=iEntryQ.First();
+ delete pE;
+ }
+ delete iPath;
+ }
+void CMemDir::SetBaseDirs()
+// Set the base address of the directory and any sub-directories.
+ {
+ iBase=TheCurrentBase;
+ iSize=sizeof(TInt);
+ TDblQueIter<CMemEntry> q(iEntryQ);
+ CMemEntry* pE;
+ while ((pE=q++)!=NULL)
+ {
+ iCount++;
+ iSize+=pE->EntrySize();
+ }
+ TheCurrentBase+=iSize;
+ q.SetToFirst();
+ while ((pE=q++)!=NULL)
+ {
+ if (pE->IsDir())
+ {
+ pE->SetBase();
+ pE->Dir().SetBaseDirs();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CMemDir::SetBaseFiles()
+// Set the base address of each file.
+ {
+ TDblQueIter<CMemEntry> q(iEntryQ);
+ CMemEntry* pE;
+ while ((pE=q++)!=NULL)
+ {
+ if (!pE->IsDir())
+ {
+ pE->SetBase();
+ TheCurrentBase+=pE->Size();
+ }
+ }
+ q.SetToFirst();
+ while ((pE=q++)!=NULL)
+ {
+ if (pE->IsDir())
+ pE->Dir().SetBaseFiles();
+ }
+ }
+void CMemDir::WriteDirs()
+// Write the directory and any sub-directories.
+ {
+ TheLevel++;
+ TFileName name=Name(_L(""));
+ test.Printf(_L("%*p%S\n"),TheLevel<<1,&name);
+ Write();
+ TDblQueIter<CMemEntry> q(iEntryQ);
+ CMemEntry* pE;
+ while ((pE=q++)!=NULL)
+ {
+ if (pE->IsDir())
+ pE->Dir().WriteDirs();
+ }
+ TheLevel--;
+ }
+void CMemDir::WriteFiles()
+// Set the base address of each file.
+ {
+ TheLevel++;
+ TFileName name=Name(_L(""));
+ test.Printf(_L("%*p%S\n"),TheLevel<<1,&name);
+ TDblQueIter<CMemEntry> q(iEntryQ);
+ CMemEntry* pE;
+ while ((pE=q++)!=NULL)
+ {
+ if (!pE->IsDir())
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("%*p%S\n"),(TheLevel<<1)+2,&pE->Name()),
+ pE->WriteFile();
+ }
+ }
+ q.SetToFirst();
+ while ((pE=q++)!=NULL)
+ {
+ if (pE->IsDir())
+ pE->Dir().WriteFiles();
+ }
+ TheLevel--;
+ }
+void CMemDir::Write()
+// Write the current directory.
+ {
+ test(iBase==TheCurrentBase);
+ TInt size=iSize-sizeof(TInt);
+ test(TheFile.Write(TPtrC8((TUint8*)&size,sizeof(TInt)))==KErrNone);
+ TDblQueIter<CMemEntry> q(iEntryQ);
+ CMemEntry* pE;
+ while ((pE=q++)!=NULL)
+ pE->Write();
+ TInt sz=(TheCurrentBase-iBase);
+ test(sz==iSize);
+ }
+TFileName CMemDir::Name(const TDesC& aName)
+// Make a full path name from aName.
+ {
+ TFileName n(*iPath);
+ n+=_L("\\");
+ n+=aName;
+ return(n);
+ }
+void CMemDir::LoadDirL(const TDesC& aPath)
+// Load a directory.
+ {
+ TheLevel++;
+ iPath=aPath.AllocL();
+ TFileName name=Name(_L("*.*"));
+ test.Printf(_L("%*p%S\n"),TheLevel<<1,&name);
+ CDir* pD;
+ test(TheFs.GetDir(Name(_L("*.*")),KEntryAttMatchMask,EDirsFirst|ESortByName,pD)==KErrNone);
+ TInt count=pD->Count();
+ TInt i=0;
+ while (i<count)
+ {
+ const TEntry& e=(*pD)[i++];
+ TParse parse;
+ parse.Set(e.iName,NULL,NULL);
+ if (!parse.Ext().CompareF(_L(".NCB")))
+ continue; // Ignore .ncb files - cannot open/read them.
+ CMemEntry* pE=CMemEntry::New(e);
+ iEntryQ.AddLast(*pE);
+ }
+ delete pD;
+ TDblQueIter<CMemEntry> q(iEntryQ);
+ CMemEntry* pE;
+ while ((pE=q++)!=NULL)
+ {
+ if (pE->IsDir())
+ {
+ CMemDir* pM=CMemDir::NewL();
+ pE->SetDir(*pM);
+ pM->LoadDirL(Name(pE->Name()));
+ }
+ else
+ pE->SetDir(*this);
+ }
+ TheLevel--;
+ }
+LOCAL_C void buildRomImageL()
+// Build the ROM image.
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Parse command line"));
+ HBufC* buf=HBufC::New(RProcess().CommandLineLength());
+ test(buf!=NULL);
+ TPtr cmd = buf->Des();
+ RProcess().CommandLine(cmd);
+ TLex lex(*buf);
+ TFileName n=lex.NextToken();
+ if (n.Length()==0)
+ n=_L("\\F32");
+ test(n.Length()!=0);
+ if (n.Right(1)==_L("\\"))
+ n.SetLength(n.Length()-1);
+ test.Next(_L("Create root mem dir"));
+ TRAPD(r,TheRootDir=CMemDir::NewL());
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("Load directory structure"));
+ TheLevel=(-1);
+ TRAP(r,TheRootDir->LoadDirL(n));
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ test(TheLevel==(-1));
+ delete buf;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void baseRomImage()
+// Set base addresses for the ROM image.
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Setting up the header"));
+ Mem::FillZ(&TheRomHeader,sizeof(TRomHeader));
+ test.Printf(_L("1"));
+ TheRomHeader.iVersion=TVersion(1,0,1);
+ test.Printf(_L("2"));
+ TTime t;
+ t.HomeTime();
+ test.Printf(_L("3"));
+ TheRomHeader.iTime=t.Int64();
+ test.Printf(_L("4"));
+ TheRomHeader.iRomBase=UserSvr::RomHeaderAddress();
+ test.Printf(_L("5"));
+ TheRomHeader.iRomRootDirectoryList=TheCurrentBase=UserSvr::RomHeaderAddress()+sizeof(TRomHeader);
+ test.Printf(_L("6"));
+ test.Next(_L("Set dirs base"));
+ TheRootDir->SetBaseDirs();
+ test.Next(_L("Set files base"));
+ TheRootDir->SetBaseFiles();
+ TheRomHeader.iRomSize=TheCurrentBase-UserSvr::RomHeaderAddress();
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void writeRomImage()
+// Write the ROM image.
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Write rom file header"));
+ TPckgBuf<TRomFileHeader> fileHeadB;
+ fileHeadB.FillZ(fileHeadB.MaxLength());
+ TRomFileHeader& fileHead=fileHeadB();
+ Mem::Copy(&fileHead.iName[0],"EPOC468 ROM ",KRomFileHeaderNameSize);
+ Mem::Copy(&fileHead.iVersionStr[0],"0.01",4);
+ Mem::Copy(&fileHead.iBuildNumStr[0]," 1",4);
+ fileHead.iRomSize=TheRomHeader.iRomSize;
+ fileHead.iHeaderSize=KRomFileHeaderSize;
+ test(TheFile.Write(fileHeadB)==KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("Write rom header"));
+ TheFiller.FillZ(TheFiller.MaxLength());
+ TPckgC<TRomHeader> head(TheRomHeader);
+ test(TheFile.Write(head)==KErrNone);
+ TheCurrentBase=UserSvr::RomHeaderAddress()+sizeof(TheRomHeader);
+ test.Next(_L("Write directories"));
+ TheLevel=(-1);
+ TheRootDir->WriteDirs();
+ test(TheLevel==(-1));
+ test.Next(_L("Write files"));
+ TheLevel=(-1);
+ TheRootDir->WriteFiles();
+ test(TheLevel==(-1));
+ test.End();
+ }
+GLDEF_C void CallTestsL(void)
+// Test the file server.
+ {
+ test.Title();
+#if defined(__WINS__)
+ test.Printf(_L("Running on WINS. Skipping ROM test"));
+ return;
+ test.Start(_L("Testing rom"));
+ TInt r=TheFs.Delete(TheFileName);
+ if (r==KErrAccessDenied)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Error: Cannot access %S"),&TheFileName);
+ test.End();
+ return;
+ }
+ test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrNotFound);
+ test.Next(_L("Generating ROM image"));
+ TRAP(r,buildRomImageL());
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("Basing the rom image"));
+ baseRomImage();
+ TBuf<0x80> b=_L("Writing ROM file ");
+ b+=TheFileName;
+ test.Next(b);
+ r=TheFile.Replace(TheFs,TheFileName,EFileStream|EFileWrite);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ writeRomImage();
+ TheFile.Close();
+ delete TheRootDir;
+ test.End();
+ return;
+ }