changeset 9 96e5fb8b040d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/f32test/rofs/src/t_rofsfile.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Tests reading from files
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32std_private.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include "utl.h"
+#include "randgen.h"
+RTest	test( _L("T_ROFSFILE") );
+_LIT( KSpotFile1, "root.txt" );
+_LIT( KSpotFile2, "Dir1\\level1.txt" );
+_LIT( KSpotFile3, "Dir1\\Dir2\\level2.txt" );
+_LIT( KSpotFile4, "Dir1\\Dir2\\Dir3\\level3.txt" );
+_LIT( KSpotFile5, "Dir1\\Dir2\\Dir3\\Dir4\\level4.txt" );
+_LIT( KSpotFile6, "Dir1\\Dir2\\Dir3\\Dir4\\Dir5\\level5.txt" );
+_LIT( KSpotFile7, "Dir1\\Dir2\\Dir3\\Dir4\\Dir5\\Dir6\\level6.txt" );
+_LIT( KSpotFile8, "Dir1\\Dir2\\Dir3\\Dir4\\Dir5\\Dir6\\Dir7\\level7.txt" );
+_LIT( KSpotFile9, "DeepDir1\\DeepDir2\\DeepDir3\\DeepDir4\\DeepDir5\\DeepDir6\\DeepDir7\\DeepDir8\\DeepDir9\\DeepDir10\\DeepDir11\\DeepDir12\\DeepDir13\\DeepDir14\\file.txt" );
+_LIT( KSpotFile10, "Parent\\parfile.txt" );
+_LIT( KSpotFile11, "Parent\\SubDir1A\\subfileA.txt" );
+_LIT( KSpotFile12, "Mixed\\par1.txt" );
+_LIT( KSpotFile13, "Mixed\\SubDir1\\sub1.txt" );
+_LIT( KSpotFile14, "Mixed\\SubDir2\\sub2.txt" );
+_LIT( KSpotFile15, "Dir1\\level1_ext.txt" );
+_LIT( KSameDirFile1, "ReadTest\\A\\file1" );
+_LIT( KSameDirFile2, "ReadTest\\A\\file2" );
+_LIT( KSameDirFile3, "ReadTest\\A\\file3" );
+_LIT( KSameDirFile4, "ReadTest\\A\\file4" );
+const TInt KSameDirFileLength = 256;
+const TUint KSameDirFile1Seed = 0xEF1113BC;
+const TUint KSameDirFile2Seed = 0x04082195;
+const TUint KSameDirFile3Seed = 0xEC36D359;
+const TUint KSameDirFile4Seed = 0x07D4DAC2;
+_LIT( KSameNameFile1, "ReadTest\\B\\B1\\testfile" );
+_LIT( KSameNameFile2, "ReadTest\\B\\B2\\testfile" );
+_LIT( KSameNameFile3, "ReadTest\\B\\B3\\testfile" );
+_LIT( KSameNameFile4, "ReadTest\\B\\B4\\testfile" );
+const TInt KSameNameFileLength = 256;	// we will read this much of the file
+const TUint KSameNameFile1Seed = 0x8DA9AA5A;
+const TUint KSameNameFile2Seed = 0x735AA240;
+const TUint KSameNameFile3Seed = 0x42D4BF02;
+const TUint KSameNameFile4Seed = 0x47C728FB;
+_LIT( KRandomReadFile, "ReadTest\\C\\seektest" );
+const TInt KRandomReadFileSize = 17466;
+const TUint KRandomReadFileSeed = 0x8DA9AA5A;
+_LIT( KEofFile1, "ReadTest\\D\\eoftest1" );
+_LIT( KEofFile2, "ReadTest\\D\\eoftest2" );
+_LIT( KEofFile3, "ReadTest\\D\\eoftest3" );
+_LIT( KEofFile4, "ReadTest\\D\\eoftest4" );
+_LIT( KEofFile5, "ReadTest\\D\\eoftest5" );
+_LIT( KEofFile6, "ReadTest\\D\\eoftest6" );
+_LIT( KStreamFile1, "ReadTest\\E\\stream1" );
+_LIT( KStreamFile2, "ReadTest\\E\\stream2" );
+_LIT( KStreamFile3, "ReadTest\\E\\stream3" );
+_LIT( KStreamFile4, "ReadTest\\E\\stream4" );
+_LIT( KTestFileExt, "ext.txt" );
+const TUint KStreamReadSeed = 0x8DA9AA5A;
+_LIT( KDriveBase, " :\\" );
+const TInt KHello8FileSize = 5;
+_LIT8( KHello8FileContent, "hello" );
+// A large buffer for file reads
+LOCAL_D TBuf8<18000> gFileBuffer;
+LOCAL_C void SpotCheckFilesL(TInt aDriveToTest, TBool aExtension)
+// Tests a few files for size & content. These are all the hello8.txt test file
+	{
+	const TDesC* const fileArray[15] =
+		{
+		&KSpotFile1, &KSpotFile2, &KSpotFile3, &KSpotFile4, &KSpotFile5,
+		&KSpotFile6, &KSpotFile7, &KSpotFile8, &KSpotFile9, &KSpotFile10,
+		&KSpotFile11, &KSpotFile12, &KSpotFile13, &KSpotFile14, &KSpotFile15
+		};
+	test.Next( _L("Spot-check some files") );
+	TFileName name(KDriveBase);
+	name[0] = TText('A' + aDriveToTest);
+	TInt index =0;
+	if(aExtension) index =1;
+	for( TInt i = index; i < 14; i++ )
+		{
+		name.SetLength( 3 );	// trim back to drive specifier
+		if(aExtension &&(i==1))
+			name.Append( *fileArray[i+13] );
+		else
+			name.Append( *fileArray[i] );
+		test.Printf( _L("Opening file %S"), &name );
+		RFile file;
+		TInt r = file.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
+		TInt fileSize;
+		r = file.Size( fileSize );
+		TEST_FOR_MATCH( fileSize, KHello8FileSize );
+		TBuf8<5> buf;
+		r = file.Read( buf );
+		TEST_FOR_MATCH( buf.Length(), KHello8FileSize );
+		test(buf == KHello8FileContent);
+		file.Close();
+		}
+	}
+LOCAL_C void FillRandomBuffer( TDes8& aDes, TRandomGenerator& aRand, TInt aLength )
+	{
+	aDes.SetLength( aLength );
+	TUint* ptr = (TUint*)aDes.Ptr();
+	while( aLength >= 4 )
+		{
+		TUint v = aRand.Next();
+		*ptr++ = v;
+		aLength -= 4;
+		}
+	if( aLength )
+		{
+		TUint v = aRand.Next();
+		TUint8* p8 = (TUint8*)ptr;
+		while( aLength )
+			{
+			*p8++ = (TUint8)(v & 0xFF);
+			v >>= 8;
+			--aLength;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+LOCAL_C TBool ValidateRandomBuffer( const TDes8& aDes, TUint aSeed )
+	{
+	const TUint* ptr = (const TUint*)aDes.Ptr();
+	TInt length = aDes.Length();
+	TRandomGenerator rand;
+	rand.SetSeed( aSeed );
+	while( length >= 4 )
+		{
+		TUint v = rand.Next();
+		if( *ptr++ != v )
+			{
+			return EFalse;
+			}
+		length -= 4;
+		}
+	if( length )
+		{
+		TUint v = rand.Next();
+		TUint8* p8 = (TUint8*)ptr;
+		while( length )
+			{
+			if( *p8++ != (TUint8)(v & 0xFF) )
+				{
+				return EFalse;
+				}
+			v >>= 8;
+			--length;
+			}
+		}
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+LOCAL_C void TestFilesInSameDirectoryL(TInt aDriveToTest)
+	//
+	// Tests opening different files in the same directory
+	//
+	{
+	test.Next( _L("Testing files in same directory") );
+	struct TTheFiles
+		{
+		RFile	iFile;
+		TRandomGenerator	iRand;
+		};
+	TTheFiles files[4];
+	TFileName name(KDriveBase);
+	name[0] = TText('A' + aDriveToTest);
+	name.Append( KSameDirFile1 );
+	TInt r = files[0].iFile.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
+	name.SetLength( 3 );
+	name.Append( KSameDirFile2 );
+	r = files[1].iFile.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
+	name.SetLength( 3 );
+	name.Append( KSameDirFile3 );
+	r = files[2].iFile.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
+	name.SetLength( 3 );
+	name.Append( KSameDirFile4 );
+	r = files[3].iFile.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
+	const TInt KReadLen = KSameDirFileLength / 16;
+	TBuf8<KReadLen> readBuf;
+	TBuf8<KReadLen> randomBuf;
+	files[0].iRand.SetSeed( KSameDirFile1Seed );
+	files[1].iRand.SetSeed( KSameDirFile2Seed );
+	files[2].iRand.SetSeed( KSameDirFile3Seed );
+	files[3].iRand.SetSeed( KSameDirFile4Seed );
+	for( TInt fragment = 0; fragment < (KSameDirFileLength / KReadLen); ++fragment )
+		{
+		// read next fragment from each file and compare
+		for( TInt j = 0; j < 4; ++j )
+			{
+			FillRandomBuffer( randomBuf, files[j].iRand, KReadLen );
+			r = files[j].iFile.Read( readBuf );
+			TEST_FOR_ERROR( r );
+			TEST_FOR_MATCH( readBuf.Length(), KReadLen );
+			test( readBuf == randomBuf );
+			}
+		}
+	files[0].iFile.Close();
+	files[1].iFile.Close();
+	files[2].iFile.Close();
+	files[3].iFile.Close();
+	}
+LOCAL_C void TestFilesSameNameDifferentDirectoryL(TInt aDriveToTest)
+	//
+	// Tests opening files with the same name but in different directories
+	//
+	{
+	test.Next( _L("Testing files with same name in different directories") );
+	struct TTheFiles
+		{
+		RFile	iFile;
+		TRandomGenerator	iRand;
+		};
+	TTheFiles files[4];
+	TFileName name(KDriveBase);
+	name[0] = TText('A' + aDriveToTest);
+	name.Append( KSameNameFile1 );
+	TInt r = files[0].iFile.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
+	name.SetLength( 3 );
+	name.Append( KSameNameFile2 );
+	r = files[1].iFile.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
+	name.SetLength( 3 );
+	name.Append( KSameNameFile3 );
+	r = files[2].iFile.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
+	name.SetLength( 3 );
+	name.Append( KSameNameFile4 );
+	r = files[3].iFile.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
+	const TInt KReadLen = KSameNameFileLength / 16;
+	TBuf8<KReadLen> readBuf;
+	TBuf8<KReadLen> randomBuf;
+	files[0].iRand.SetSeed( KSameNameFile1Seed );
+	files[1].iRand.SetSeed( KSameNameFile2Seed );
+	files[2].iRand.SetSeed( KSameNameFile3Seed );
+	files[3].iRand.SetSeed( KSameNameFile4Seed );
+	for( TInt fragment = 0; fragment < (KSameDirFileLength / KReadLen); ++fragment )
+		{
+		// read next fragment from each file and compare
+		for( TInt j = 0; j < 4; ++j )
+			{
+			FillRandomBuffer( randomBuf, files[j].iRand, KReadLen );
+			r = files[j].iFile.Read( readBuf );
+			TEST_FOR_ERROR( r );
+			TEST_FOR_MATCH( readBuf.Length(), KReadLen );
+			test( readBuf == randomBuf );
+			}
+		}
+	files[0].iFile.Close();
+	files[1].iFile.Close();
+	files[2].iFile.Close();
+	files[3].iFile.Close();
+	}
+LOCAL_C void TestRandomSeekL(TInt aDriveToTest)
+	//
+	// Tests reading from random positions in a file
+	//
+	{
+	test.Next( _L("Testing random read position") );
+	TFileName name(KDriveBase);
+	name[0] = TText('A' + aDriveToTest);
+	name.Append( KRandomReadFile );
+	RFile file;
+	TInt r = file.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
+	// Check file size
+	TInt fileSize;
+	r = file.Size( fileSize ), 
+	TEST_FOR_MATCH( fileSize, KRandomReadFileSize );
+	// Fill buffer with expected file contents
+	TRandomGenerator rand;
+	rand.SetSeed( KRandomReadFileSeed );
+	FillRandomBuffer( gFileBuffer, rand, KRandomReadFileSize );
+	// Read from random positions within the file
+	rand.SetSeed( 0xA6E320F1 );
+	const TInt KMaxRead = 256;
+	TBuf8<KMaxRead> buf;
+	const TInt maxRead = Min( fileSize, buf.MaxLength() );
+	for( TInt readCount = 0; readCount < 100; ++readCount )
+		{
+		TInt readLen = rand.Next() % (maxRead+1);
+		if( readLen > buf.MaxLength() )
+			{
+			readLen = buf.MaxLength();
+			}
+		TInt readPos = rand.Next() % (fileSize - readLen);
+		_LIT( KMessage, "Reading %d bytes from 0x%x" );
+		test.Printf( KMessage, readLen, readPos );
+		const TUint8* pExpected = gFileBuffer.Ptr() + readPos;
+		r = file.Seek( ESeekStart, readPos );
+		r = file.Read( buf, readLen );
+		TEST_FOR_MATCH( buf.Length(), readLen );
+		const TUint8* pRead = buf.Ptr();
+		test( 0 == Mem::Compare( pExpected, readLen, pRead, readLen ) );
+		}
+	}
+LOCAL_C void TestEofReadL(TInt aDriveToTest)
+	//
+	// Test reading off the end of a file
+	//
+	{
+	test.Next( _L("Testing reading past EOF") );
+	const TDesC* const fileArray[6] =
+		{
+		&KEofFile1, &KEofFile2, &KEofFile3, &KEofFile4, &KEofFile5, &KEofFile6
+		};
+	TFileName name(KDriveBase);
+	name[0] = TText('A' + aDriveToTest);
+	TRandomGenerator rand;
+	rand.SetSeed( 0x1001A005 );
+	for( TInt i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
+		{
+		name.SetLength( 3 );	// trim back to drive specifier
+		name.Append( *fileArray[i] );
+		test.Printf( _L("Opening file %S"), &name );
+		RFile file;
+		TInt r = file.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
+		TInt fileSize;
+		r = file.Size( fileSize ), 
+		test( fileSize > 0 );
+		TInt readPos = fileSize - ( rand.Next() % 12);
+		if( readPos < 0 )
+			{
+			readPos = 0;
+			}
+		r = file.Seek( ESeekStart, readPos );
+		TBuf8<32> buf;
+		r = file.Read( buf );
+		TEST_FOR_MATCH( buf.Length(), fileSize - readPos );
+		file.Close();
+		}
+	}
+LOCAL_C void TestStreamReadL(TInt aDriveToTest)
+	//
+	// Reads the whole file into a buffer in a single read
+	// and validates the data
+	//
+	{
+	test.Next( _L("Testing whole file read") );
+	const TDesC* const fileArray[4] =
+		{
+		&KStreamFile1, &KStreamFile2, &KStreamFile3, &KStreamFile4
+		};
+	TFileName name(KDriveBase);
+	name[0] = TText('A' + aDriveToTest);
+	for( TInt i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
+		{
+		name.SetLength(3);
+		name.Append( *fileArray[i] );
+		test.Printf( _L("... file %S"), &name );
+		RFile file;
+		TInt r = file.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
+		TInt fileSize;
+		r = file.Size( fileSize ), 
+		test( fileSize > 0 );
+		r = file.Read( gFileBuffer );
+		TEST_FOR_MATCH( fileSize, gFileBuffer.Length() );
+		test( ValidateRandomBuffer( gFileBuffer, KStreamReadSeed ) );
+		file.Close();
+		}
+	}
+// Entry point
+void DoTestL(TInt aDriveToTest)
+	{
+	test.Title();
+	test.Start( _L("Testing ROFS file reading") );
+	test.Printf( _L("Looking for ROFS extension\n"));
+	TBool extension = EFalse;
+	TFileName name(KDriveBase);
+	name[0] = TText('A' + aDriveToTest);
+	name.SetLength( 3 );	// trim back to drive specifier
+	name.Append( KTestFileExt );
+	RFile file;
+	test.Printf( _L("Opening file %S"), &name );
+	TInt r = file.Open( TheFs, name, EFileRead );
+	if(r==KErrNone)
+		{
+		extension=ETrue;
+		file.Close();
+		test.Printf( _L("ROFS extension found\n"));
+		}
+	else if(r==KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		test.Printf( _L("Not found, ROFS extension not present\n"));
+		}
+	SpotCheckFilesL(aDriveToTest, extension);
+	TestFilesInSameDirectoryL(aDriveToTest);
+	TestFilesSameNameDifferentDirectoryL(aDriveToTest);
+	TestRandomSeekL(aDriveToTest);
+	TestEofReadL(aDriveToTest);
+	TestStreamReadL(aDriveToTest);
+	test.End();
+	}