changeset 9 96e5fb8b040d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/f32test/server/t_localtime.h	Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Declarations for the t_localtime test. This tests functionality introduced
+// in CR1084 ie. That removable (in practice this means FAT) file systems
+// can be made to use local time for timestamps.
+ @file
+ @test
+#ifndef T_LOCALTIME_H
+#define T_LOCALTIME_H
+#include <f32file.h>
+Provides a common test interface for files and directories.
+class CFileSystemEntry : public CBase 
+	{
+	virtual ~CFileSystemEntry()=0;
+	virtual TInt Delete();
+	virtual TInt Create()=0;
+	virtual void SetPath(const TDesC& aPath);
+	virtual void SetFileServer(RFs* aFs);
+	virtual TInt Open()=0;
+	virtual TInt DeleteCreate();	
+	virtual void Close();
+	virtual TTime ModificationTimeL()=0;
+	virtual TInt SetModificationTime(const TTime&)=0;
+	virtual TTime CreationTimeL();				
+	virtual CFileSystemEntry* CopyL()=0;
+	virtual const TDesC& Name() const;
+	CFileSystemEntry(const TDesC& aPath, RFs* aFs);
+	RFs* iRFs; ///<A pointer to some external RFs
+	TFileName iFullPath; ///<Name of the file or directory.
+	TPtrC iName;
+	};
+_LIT(KTestDirectoryName, "Directory");
+Implementation of interface to directories
+class CTestDirectory : public CFileSystemEntry
+	{
+	CTestDirectory(const TDesC& aPath, RFs* aFs = NULL);
+	virtual TInt Open();
+	virtual TInt Delete();
+	virtual TInt Create();
+	virtual TTime ModificationTimeL();
+	virtual TInt SetModificationTime(const TTime&);
+	virtual CFileSystemEntry* CopyL();
+	};
+_LIT(KTestFileRFile, "File - accessed with RFile");
+File interface, uses RFile to access mod time
+class CTestFile : public CFileSystemEntry
+	{
+	CTestFile(const TDesC& aPath, RFs* aFs = NULL);
+	virtual TInt Open();
+	virtual TInt Create();
+	virtual void Close();
+	virtual TTime ModificationTimeL();
+	virtual TInt SetModificationTime(const TTime&);
+	virtual CFileSystemEntry* CopyL();
+	virtual ~CTestFile();
+	RFile iRFile; ///< Handle to the file the class is wrapping.
+	};
+_LIT(KTestFileRFs, "File - accessed with RFs");
+File interface-uses RFs to access mod time
+class CTestFileRFs : public CTestFile
+	{
+	CTestFileRFs(const TDesC& aPath, RFs* aFs = NULL);
+	virtual TTime ModificationTimeL();
+	virtual TInt SetModificationTime(const TTime&);
+	virtual ~CTestFileRFs();
+	};
+_LIT(KTestGroupName, "Local timestamps on removable media");
+_LIT(KTestDir, "F32-TST\\t_localtime");
+//For emulator
+_LIT(KNonRemovableDrive, "Y:\\");
+_LIT(KRemovableDrive, "X:\\");
+_LIT(KRemMedia, "removable-media");
+_LIT(KNonRemMedia, "non-removable-media");
+_LIT(KFatFileSystem, "Fat");
+_LIT(KFat32FileSystem, "FAT32");
+_LIT(KFat16FileSystem, "FAT16");
+const TInt KSecondsPerHour(3600);
+const TInt KHoursOffset(6);
+const TTimeIntervalSeconds KTimeOffset(KHoursOffset*KSecondsPerHour);
+const TTimeIntervalSeconds KNullTimeOffset(0);
+const TTimeIntervalSeconds KModTimeThreshold(3); //FAT timestamp resolution is 2 seconds, +1 tolerence for delays. 
+Base class for the t_localtime tests. Defines generic test steps as well as utility
+functions. Subclassed tests implement RunTests to call specific test steps.
+class CLocalTimeTest : public CBase
+	{
+	/**
+	Used as a parameter to tell test what type of drive to use
+	*/
+	enum TDriveType
+	{
+		ERemovable,
+		ENonRemovable
+	};
+	enum TBuild
+	{
+		EUdeb,
+		EUrel
+	};
+	enum TTestType
+	{
+		EPositive, ///< Times are expected to be translated
+		ENegative, ///<Times are expected to be preserved
+		ENoTest ///<Tests won't be carried out.
+	};
+	static CLocalTimeTest* NewLC(RTest& aTest, const TDesC& aDriveLetter, TBuild aBuild);
+	virtual ~CLocalTimeTest();
+	void RunTestsL(); ///<Defines what steps the test will carry out.
+	/////// Generic test steps ///////////
+	void TestDebugInterfaceL();
+	void TestReadCreationTimeL(CFileSystemEntry* aFsEntry);
+	void TestReadModificationTimeL(CFileSystemEntry* aFsEntry);
+	void TestSetModificationTimeL(CFileSystemEntry* aFsEntry);
+	void TestCopyL(CFileSystemEntry* aFsEntry);
+	void TestCopyDirL();
+	////////Utility Functions/////////
+	static TBool FuzzyTimeMatch(const TTime& aTestTime, const TTime& aRefTime);
+	void LocalTimeForRemMediaOnL();
+	void LocalTimeForRemMediaOffL();
+	TBool IsLocalTimeOnRemMediaL();
+	void PrintTimeL(const TDesC& aMessg, const TTime& aTime) const;
+	const TDesC& DriveLetter() const;
+	TInt DriveNumber() const;
+	void PrintExpectedOffset() const;
+	void PrintDrive() const;
+	CLocalTimeTest(RTest& aTest, const TDesC& aDriveLetter, TBuild aBuild);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void MakeTestPathL();
+	void SetTestTypeL();
+	TDriveType iDriveType; ///< Can be removable or non-removable
+	TInt iDrive; ///<Stores the number of the drive in use.
+	TBuf<1> iDriveLetter; ///<Stores the letter of the drive in use.
+	CTestFile* iTestFile; ///<The file or directory to be used in the test
+	CTestFileRFs* iTestFileRFs;
+	CTestDirectory* iTestDirectory;
+	TPath iTestPath; ///<The absolute path of the test directory
+	RTest& iTest;	///<The test to be used
+	TTestType iTestType;
+	TBuild iBuild;
+	/**
+	The expected time difference the test expects to see between files' or directories'
+	actual timestamps and the ones reported through the api. If local time timestamps are not in
+	use then this member will be 0.
+	*/	
+	TTimeIntervalSeconds iExpectedTimeStampOffset;
+	RFs iRFs; ///< File server handle for the test.
+	TBool iOriginalUseLocalTimeFlag; ///<Stored at begginng of test, must be restored at end
+	};
+Defines opcodes for RFs::ControlIO functions used. These definitions must match
+up with those in F32\sfat\inc\sl_std.h and F32\sfat32\inc\sl_std.h
+enum TUTCControlIO
+	{
+	ELocalTimeForRemovableMediaOn=10, ///< 10
+	ELocalTimeForRemovableMediaOff=11, ///< 11
+	ELocalTimeUsedOnRemovableMedia=12, ///< 12
+	ECreationTime=13 ///<13
+	};
+#endif// T_LOCALTIME_H