--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/f32test/server/t_mmc.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32test\server\t_mmc.cpp
+// Tests locking, unlocking and clearing of a password on a suitable
+// device. Currently, this device is a MultiMediaCard. The RFs API
+// allows the user to store the password.
+// This is a manual test, and the operator must observe that the notifier
+// appears exactly when indicated by the program.
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <f32dbg.h>
+#include <f32fsys.h>
+// definitions from p32mmc.h
+const TInt KMMCCIDLength = 16;
+class TMMC
+ {
+ static inline TUint32 BigEndian32(const TUint8*);
+ static inline void BigEndian4Bytes(TUint8* aPtr, TUint32 aVal);
+ };
+inline TUint32 TMMC::BigEndian32(const TUint8* aPtr)
+ {return( (aPtr[0]<<24) | (aPtr[1]<<16) | (aPtr[2]<<8) | (aPtr[3]) );}
+inline void TMMC::BigEndian4Bytes(TUint8* aPtr, TUint32 aVal)
+ {
+ aPtr[0] = (TUint8)((aVal >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ aPtr[1] = (TUint8)((aVal >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ aPtr[2] = (TUint8)((aVal >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ aPtr[3] = (TUint8)(aVal & 0xFF);
+ }
+// local test data
+LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("t_mmc"));
+LOCAL_D RFile TheFile;
+#if defined(__WINS__)
+_LIT(KSessionPath, "X:\\");
+const TInt KDrv = EDriveX;
+const TText KDrvLtr = 'x';
+_LIT(KSessionPath, "D:\\");
+const TInt KDrv = EDriveD;
+const TText KDrvLtr = 'd';
+_LIT(KTestFileName, "testFile");
+enum TAccessType {EAccessUnlock, EAccessStore, EAccessCancel, EAccessWrongPw, EAccessNoNotifier};
+LOCAL_D TMediaPassword KNul, KPw1, KPw2, KPw3, KPw4, KPw5;
+#ifdef __WINS__
+ const static TUint8 cid0[KMMCCIDLength] = // "CID0ccccccccccc#";
+ {
+ 'C', 'I', 'D', '0',
+ 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c',
+ 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c',
+ 'c', 'c', 'c', '#'
+ };
+ const static TUint8 cid0[KMMCCIDLength] = // big-endian, CID0
+ {
+ 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31,
+ 0x36, 0x4d, 0x20, 0x20,
+ 0x20, 0x00, 0xb4, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0x63, 0xd9
+ };
+// local test functions
+LOCAL_C void RemountMedia();
+LOCAL_C void ClearControllerStore();
+LOCAL_C void DeletePasswordFile();
+LOCAL_C TInt CreateFile();
+LOCAL_C TInt PWFileSize(TInt &aLength);
+LOCAL_C TInt AccessDisk(TAccessType aAccess, const TDesC8 &aPWD);
+LOCAL_C void TestHasPassword(TBool aIL, TBool aHP);
+LOCAL_C void TestLockUnlockR();
+LOCAL_C void TestNullPasswords();
+LOCAL_C void TestLockUnlock();
+LOCAL_C void TestPasswordStore();
+LOCAL_C void TestWriteToDisk();
+LOCAL_C void TestFormat();
+LOCAL_C void TestRemount();
+/** force a remount on the removable media. */
+LOCAL_C void RemountMedia()
+ {
+#ifdef __WINS__
+// UserSvr::ForceRemountMedia(ERemovableMedia0);
+ User::After(1 * 1500 * 1000);
+// UserSvr::ForceRemountMedia(ERemovableMedia0);
+// User::After(1 * 1500 * 1000);
+ test.Printf(_L("Remove and re-insert card. Press \'z\' when finished.\n"));
+ while (test.Getch() != 'z')
+ { /* empty. */ }
+ }
+/** ask the user to replace the current lockable media with another */
+LOCAL_C void ChangeMedia()
+ {
+#ifdef __WINS__
+ test.Printf(_L("Press f4 whilst holding down f5\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Press z when completed\n"));
+ while(test.Getch() != 'z')
+ { /* empty */ }
+ test.Printf(_L("Remove and insert other card. Press \'z\' when finished.\n"));
+ while (test.Getch() != 'z')
+ { /* empty. */ }
+ }
+/** disable auto-unlock by clearing controller store */
+LOCAL_C void ClearControllerStore()
+ {
+ TBuf8<1> nulSt;
+ test(TBusLocalDrive::WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);// empty
+ test(TBusLocalDrive::PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
+ }
+/** delete the password store file. Does not affect the auto-unlock mechanism. */
+LOCAL_C void DeletePasswordFile()
+ {
+ TInt r;
+ TBuf<sizeof(KMediaPWrdFile)> mediaPWrdFile(KMediaPWrdFile);
+ mediaPWrdFile[0] = (TUint8) RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
+ do
+ {
+ User::After(100 * 1000);
+ r = TheFs.Delete(mediaPWrdFile);
+ } while (r == KErrInUse);
+ test(r == KErrNone || r == KErrNotFound);
+ }
+/** attempt to create a file on the removable media and return any error code */
+LOCAL_C TInt CreateFile()
+ {
+ RFile f;
+ TInt r = f.Replace(TheFs, KTestFileName, EFileShareAny);
+ if (r == KErrNone)
+ f.Close();
+ return r;
+ }
+/** get size of the media store file in bytes, and return any error code */
+LOCAL_C TInt PWFileSize(TInt &aLength)
+ {
+ TInt r; // error code
+ // allow low priority background writer thread to start and finish
+ User::After(1 * 1000 * 1000);
+ TBuf<sizeof(KMediaPWrdFile)> mediaPWrdFile(KMediaPWrdFile);
+ mediaPWrdFile[0] = (TUint8) RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
+ RFile f;
+ if ((r = f.Open(TheFs, mediaPWrdFile, EFileShareAny)) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ r = f.Size(aLength);
+ f.Close();
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ * write message to screen and attempt to access disk. If card is locked then async
+ * notifier will be brought up from within file server.
+ */
+LOCAL_C TInt AccessDisk(TAccessType aAccess, const TDesC8 &aPWD)
+ {
+ TBuf16<16> pwd;
+ pwd.Copy((const TUint16 *)aPWD.Ptr(), aPWD.Length() / 2);
+ if (aAccess == EAccessUnlock || aAccess == EAccessStore)
+ test.Printf(_L("\"%S\": "), &pwd);
+ switch(aAccess)
+ {
+ case EAccessUnlock:
+ test.Printf(_L("unlock\n"));
+ break;
+ case EAccessStore:
+ test.Printf(_L("store\n"));
+ break;
+ case EAccessCancel:
+ test.Printf(_L("cancel\n"));
+ break;
+ case EAccessWrongPw:
+ test.Printf(_L("wrong\n"));
+ break;
+ case EAccessNoNotifier:
+ test.Printf(_L("** no notifier **\n"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ test(EFalse);
+ break;
+ }
+ TInt r = TheFile.Open(TheFs, KTestFileName, EFileShareAny);
+ if(r == KErrNone)
+ TheFile.Close();
+ return r;
+ }
+ * uses RFs::DriveInfo() to test if the card has a password. Is checking
+ * that iHasPassword in TMMCCard is maintained properly.
+ */
+inline TBool bits_set(TUint aMsk, TUint aSel)
+ {
+ return (aMsk & aSel) == aSel;
+ }
+LOCAL_C void TestHasPassword(TBool aIL, TBool aHP)
+ {
+ const TInt d = KDrv;
+ RFs &fs = TheFs;
+ TDriveInfo di;
+ test(fs.Drive(di, d) == KErrNone);
+#ifdef __WINS__
+ test(aIL == bits_set(di.iMediaAtt, KMediaAttLocked | KMediaAttLockable | KMediaAttHasPassword));
+ test(aHP == bits_set(di.iMediaAtt, KMediaAttLockable | KMediaAttHasPassword));
+ test(aIL == bits_set(di.iMediaAtt, KMediaAttLocked | KMediaAttHasPassword));
+ test(aHP == bits_set(di.iMediaAtt, KMediaAttHasPassword));
+ }
+// -------- test functions --------
+ * test return values of LockDrive(), UnlockDrive() and ClearPassword()
+ * without trying use the disk. This tests that the functions return the
+ * same values as the TBusLocalDrive functions.
+ *
+ * EPbPswdUnlock EPbPswdLock EPbPswdClear
+ * right wrong right wrong right wrong
+ * locked None AccDen AccDec AccDen AccDen AccDen
+ * unlocked AldExst AldExst None AccDec None AccDen
+ *
+ * Locked means inaccessible, not just has password.
+ */
+LOCAL_C void TestLockUnlockR()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("TestLockUnlockR"));
+ const TInt d = KDrv;
+ RFs &fs = TheFs;
+ test.Next(_L("assign password"));
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KNul, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone); // assign test password
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ RemountMedia(); // card is now locked
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("lock locked card"));
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw2, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied); // lock locked wrong
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw1, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied); // lock locked right
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("unlock locked card"));
+ test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw2, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied); // unlock locked wrong
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone); // unlock locked right
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("unlock unlocked card"));
+ test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrAlreadyExists); // unlock unlocked right
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw2, EFalse) == KErrAlreadyExists); // unlock unlocked wrong
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("lock unlocked card"));
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw2, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied); // lock unlocked wrong
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw1, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone); // lock unlocked right
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("clear unlocked card"));
+ test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw2) == KErrAccessDenied); // clear unlocked wrong
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ RemountMedia();
+ test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone);
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw1) == KErrNone); // clear unlocked right
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, EFalse);
+ test.Next(_L("assign password"));
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KNul, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone); // assign test password
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ RemountMedia(); // card is now locked
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("clear locked card"));
+ test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw2) == KErrAccessDenied); // clear locked wrong
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw1) == KErrAccessDenied); // clear locked right
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
+ test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone);
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw1) == KErrNone);
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, EFalse);
+ ClearControllerStore();
+ DeletePasswordFile();
+ test.End();
+ }
+/** test the special cases where null passwords are used. */
+LOCAL_C void TestNullPasswords()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("TestNullPasswords"));
+ test.Next(_L("card has no password"));
+ test(TheFs.LockDrive(KDrv, KNul, KNul, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);
+ test(TheFs.UnlockDrive(KDrv, KNul, ETrue) == KErrAlreadyExists);
+ test(TheFs.ClearPassword(KDrv, KNul) == KErrAccessDenied);
+ test.Next(_L("card has password and is unlocked"));
+ test(TheFs.LockDrive(KDrv, KNul, KPw1, ETrue) == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia();
+ test(TheFs.LockDrive(KDrv, KNul, KNul, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);
+ test(TheFs.UnlockDrive(KDrv, KNul, ETrue) == KErrAlreadyExists);
+ test(TheFs.ClearPassword(KDrv, KNul) == KErrAccessDenied);
+ test(TheFs.ClearPassword(KDrv, KPw1) == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("unlock with null disallowed"));
+ RemountMedia();
+ test(TheFs.UnlockDrive(KDrv, KNul, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);
+ test.Next(_L("check can still use card"));
+ test(TheFs.LockDrive(KDrv, KNul, KPw1, ETrue) == KErrNone); // check can still use
+ test(TheFs.ClearPassword(KDrv, KPw1) == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
+ ClearControllerStore();
+ DeletePasswordFile();
+ test.End();
+ }
+/** test LockDrive(), UnlockDrive() and ClearPassword() with locked media notifier */
+LOCAL_C void TestLockUnlock()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("TestLockUnlock"));
+ const TInt d = KDrv;
+ RFs &fs = TheFs;
+ test.Next(_L("create test file"));
+ test(CreateFile() == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("lock card and don't store"));
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KNul, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone); // unlocked KPw1
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("access with right pwd"));
+ RemountMedia(); // locked KPw1
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessUnlock, KPw1) == KErrNone);
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("access with cancelled pwd"));
+ RemountMedia(); // locked KPw1
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessCancel, KNul) == KErrLocked);
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("access with new stored pwd"));
+ RemountMedia();
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessStore, KPw1) == KErrNone); // unlocked KPw1
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("access with stored pwd"));
+ RemountMedia(); // unlocked KPw1 (use store)
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("lock wrong pwd"));
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw3, KPw2, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied); // unlocked KPw1
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("change pwd"));
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw1, KPw2, EFalse) == KErrNone); // unlocked KPw2 (rem from store)
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("mapping removed from store"));
+ RemountMedia();
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessUnlock, KPw2) == KErrNone);
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("wrong password"));
+ RemountMedia(); // locked KPw2
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessWrongPw, KNul) == KErrLocked);
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("unlocked card"));
+ test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw2, ETrue) == KErrNone); // unlocked KPw2 (add to store)
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone); // before power down
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("clear wrong pwd"));
+ test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw1) == KErrAccessDenied); // KPw2 backup kept
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ RemountMedia(); // unlocked KPw2 (use store)
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("change pwd"));
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw2, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone); // locked KPw1 (rem from store)
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ RemountMedia();
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessUnlock, KPw1) == KErrNone);
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("cancelled pwd"));
+ RemountMedia();
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessCancel, KNul) == KErrLocked);
+ TestHasPassword(ETrue, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
+ test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw1, EFalse) == KErrNone);
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test(fs.ClearPassword(KDrv, KPw1) == KErrNone);
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, EFalse);
+ RemountMedia();
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, EFalse);
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, EFalse);
+ ClearControllerStore();
+ DeletePasswordFile();
+ test.End();
+ }
+ * test password store by accessing disk in various states. Ensures password
+ * store file is right size after each operation. More detailed checking of
+ * the TBusLocalDrive::ReadPasswordData() ouput is done in t_pwstr.
+ */
+LOCAL_C void TestPasswordStore()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("TestPasswordStore"));
+// TInt r; // general error code
+ RFs &fs = TheFs;
+ const TInt d = KDrv;
+ test.Next(_L("create test file on first media"));
+ test(CreateFile() == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("lock card and don't store"));
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KNul, KPw5, EFalse) == KErrNone); // {}
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ TInt size1;
+ test(PWFileSize(size1) == KErrNotFound);
+ test.Next(_L("lock card and store"));
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw5, KPw3, ETrue) == KErrNone); // {0 |-> 3}
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("access media1 with stored password"));
+ RemountMedia();
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("test password file exists"));
+ test(PWFileSize(size1) == KErrNone);
+ test(size1 == 16 + 4 + KPw3.Length());
+ test.Next(_L("change cards and add second password to store"));
+ ChangeMedia();
+ test.Next(_L("create test file on second media"));
+ test(CreateFile() == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("lock card and store"));
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KNul, KPw4, ETrue) == KErrNone); // {0 |-> 3, 1 |-> 4}
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ TInt size2;
+ test(PWFileSize(size2) == KErrNone);
+ test(size2 == 16 + 4 + KPw3.Length() + 16 + 4 + KPw4.Length());
+ test.Next(_L("access media2 with stored password"));
+ RemountMedia();
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ test.Next(_L("change password"));
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KPw4, KPw5, ETrue) == KErrNone); // {0 |-> 3, 1 |-> 5}
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, ETrue);
+ TInt size3;
+ test(PWFileSize(size3) == KErrNone);
+ test(size3 == 16 + 4 + KPw3.Length() + 16 + 4 + KPw5.Length());
+ test.Next(_L("access media1 with stored password"));
+ ChangeMedia();
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("remove password from media 1"));
+ test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw3) == KErrNone); // {1 |-> 5} - 0 |-> 3
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, EFalse);
+ test(PWFileSize(size3) == KErrNone);
+ test(size3 == 16 + 4 + KPw5.Length());
+ test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
+ ChangeMedia();
+ test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw5) == KErrNone); // {} - 1 |-> 5
+ TestHasPassword(EFalse, EFalse);
+ test(PWFileSize(size3) == KErrNone);
+ test(size3 == 0);
+ test.Printf(_L("replace original card\n"));
+ ChangeMedia(); // use original card
+ ClearControllerStore();
+ DeletePasswordFile();
+ test.End();
+ }
+ * check the spin off delayed writer thread can work when many requests are queued.
+ *
+ * The background writer runs at EPriorityMuchLess, so it will not be executed until
+ * this thread sleeps.
+ */
+LOCAL_C void TestWriteToDisk()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("TestWriteToDisk"));
+ TInt r; // error code
+ TBuf8<1> noMappings;
+ test.Next(_L("Queuing threads"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Queuing 100 writes\n"));
+ const TInt KQueueCnt = 100;
+ TInt i;
+ TMediaPassword oldPswd; // empty - no password at start
+ TMediaPassword newPswd;
+ for (i = 0; i < KQueueCnt; ++i)
+ {
+ newPswd.Fill(i, KMaxMediaPassword);
+ test(TheFs.LockDrive(KDrv, oldPswd, newPswd, ETrue) == KErrNone);
+ oldPswd.Copy(newPswd);
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("Waiting 20 seconds for threads to complete\n"));
+ User::After(20 * 1000 * 1000);
+ // check password file contains the last writing.
+ test.Next(_L("check password file contains last writing"));
+ const TInt KFileLen = 16 + sizeof(TUint32) + KMaxMediaPassword;
+ RFile f;
+ TBuf<sizeof(KMediaPWrdFile)> mediaPWrdFile(KMediaPWrdFile);
+ mediaPWrdFile[0] = (TUint8) RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
+ test(f.Open(TheFs, mediaPWrdFile, EFileShareExclusive | EFileStream | EFileRead) == KErrNone);
+ TInt sz;
+ test(f.Size(sz) == KErrNone);
+ test(sz == KFileLen);
+ TBuf8<KFileLen> chkBuf;
+ test(f.Read(chkBuf, KFileLen) == KErrNone);
+ // defer checking buffer contents until after password cleared so not left
+ // with locked card if test fails.
+ f.Close();
+ test(TheFs.ClearPassword(KDrv, oldPswd) == KErrNone);
+ User::After(1 * 1000 * 1000); // wait to finish writing
+ r = TheFs.Delete(mediaPWrdFile);
+ test(r == KErrNone || r == KErrNotFound);
+ test(TBusLocalDrive::WritePasswordData(noMappings) == KErrNone);
+ // check contents of password file correspond to last written buffer.
+ test(chkBuf.Length() == KFileLen);
+ test(chkBuf.Mid(0, KMMCCIDLength) == TPtrC8(cid0, KMMCCIDLength));
+ const TUint32 len = TMMC::BigEndian32(chkBuf.Mid(KMMCCIDLength, sizeof(TUint32)).Ptr());
+ test(len == TInt(KMaxMediaPassword));
+ test(chkBuf.Mid(KMMCCIDLength + sizeof(TUint32), KMMCCIDLength) == oldPswd);
+ test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
+ ClearControllerStore();
+ DeletePasswordFile();
+ test.End();
+ }
+/** test unable to format locked card */
+LOCAL_C void TestFormat()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("TestFormat"));
+// TInt r; // error code
+ RFs &fs = TheFs;
+ const TInt d = KDrv;
+ TBuf<3> bfDrv;
+ bfDrv.Append(KDrvLtr);
+ _LIT(KBP, ":\\");
+ bfDrv.Append(KBP);
+ test.Next(_L("create test file"));
+ test(CreateFile() == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("lock drive"));
+ test(TheFs.LockDrive(KDrv, KNul, KPw2, EFalse) == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia();
+ test.Next(_L("unlock card and don't store"));
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessUnlock, KPw2) == KErrNone);
+ // format unlocked drive
+ test.Next(_L("format unlocked card"));
+ RFormat fmt;
+ TInt count;
+ test(fmt.Open(fs, bfDrv, EHighDensity, count) == KErrNone);
+ while (count > 0)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("\rfmt:%d "), count);
+ test(fmt.Next(count) == KErrNone);
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+ fmt.Close();
+ test.Next(_L("format locked media"));
+ RemountMedia(); // locked KPw2
+ test.Printf(_L("Notifier: No password required. Press cancel. \n"));
+ test(fmt.Open(fs, bfDrv, EHighDensity, count) == KErrLocked);
+ test.Next(_L("unlock locked card"));
+ test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw2, EFalse) == KErrNone);
+ test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw2) == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("create test file"));
+ test(CreateFile() == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("remount media, check not locked"));
+ RemountMedia();
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
+ ClearControllerStore();
+ DeletePasswordFile();
+ test.End();
+ }
+/** do media change with file open */
+LOCAL_C void TestRemount()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("TestRemount"));
+// TInt r; // general error code
+ RFs &fs = TheFs;
+ const TInt d = KDrv;
+ test.Next(_L("create file"));
+ TFileName fn;
+ fn.Append(KDrvLtr);
+ _LIT(KFN, ":\\openfile");
+ fn.Append(KFN);
+ test.Printf(_L("fn = \"%S\"\n"), &fn);
+ RFile f;
+ test(f.Replace(fs, fn, EFileShareAny) == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("lock card"));
+ test(fs.LockDrive(d, KNul, KPw5, EFalse) == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("access with right pwd"));
+ RemountMedia();
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessUnlock, KPw5) == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("access with wrong pwd"));
+ RemountMedia();
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessWrongPw, KNul) == KErrLocked);
+ test.Next(_L("access with cancelled pwd"));
+ RemountMedia();
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessCancel, KNul) == KErrLocked);
+ test.Next(_L("clear password"));
+ test(fs.UnlockDrive(d, KPw5, EFalse) == KErrNone);
+ test(fs.ClearPassword(d, KPw5) == KErrNone);
+ test(AccessDisk(EAccessNoNotifier, KNul) == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("close and delete file"));
+ f.Close();
+ test(fs.Delete(fn) == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
+ ClearControllerStore();
+ DeletePasswordFile();
+ test.End();
+ }
+ * entry point. Displays instructions; sets up heap checking; sets up
+ * file server session and calls individual tests. Mounts drive for WINS.
+ */
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ test.Title();
+ test.Start(_L("Starting T_MMC"));
+ test.Printf(_L("The notifier should only apear along with user instructions.\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("The test has failed otherwise.\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Use return to simulate unlock button on notifier\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Use space to simulate store button on notifier\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Use escape to simulate cancel button on notifier\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Press a key to continue ...\n\n"));
+ test.Getch();
+ test(TheFs.Connect() == KErrNone);
+ TBuf<sizeof(KMediaPWrdFile)> mediaPWrdFile(KMediaPWrdFile);
+ mediaPWrdFile[0] = (TUint8) RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
+ TParsePtrC ppc(mediaPWrdFile);
+ TInt r = TheFs.MkDir(ppc.DriveAndPath());
+ test(r == KErrNone || r == KErrAlreadyExists);
+ // The media driver for the protected area of the SD card uses mount
+ // info. This is also used for password unlocking by the MMC media driver.
+ // Due to a temporary problem with the way mount info. is assigned to DMedia
+ // objects which results in a conflict between the two drivers, unload
+ // the protected area SD card driver for duration of test.
+ TheFs.RemountDrive(KDrv,NULL,KLocDrvRemountPostponeRemount);
+ User::FreePhysicalDevice(KSDProtDriverObjName);
+ test(TheFs.SetSessionPath(KSessionPath) == KErrNone);
+ // initialize the TMediaPassword data
+ KNul.Copy(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8 *>(L""), 0);
+ KPw1.Copy(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8 *>(L"b"), 2);
+ KPw2.Copy(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8 *>(L"cd"), 4);
+ KPw3.Copy(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8 *>(L"def"), 6);
+ KPw4.Copy(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8 *>(L"efgh"), 8);
+ KPw5.Copy(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8 *>(L"fghij"), 10);
+ test.Next(_L("calling ClearControllerStore"));
+ ClearControllerStore();
+ test.Next(_L("calling DeletePasswordFile"));
+ DeletePasswordFile();
+ test.Next(_L("calling TestLockUnlockR"));
+ TestLockUnlockR();
+ test.Next(_L("calling TestNullPasswords"));
+ TestNullPasswords();
+ test.Next(_L("calling TestLockUnlock"));
+ TestLockUnlock();
+ test.Next(_L("calling TestPasswordStore"));
+ TestPasswordStore();
+ test.Next(_L("calling TestWriteToDisk"));
+ TestWriteToDisk();
+ test.Next(_L("calling TestFormat"));
+ TestFormat();
+ test.Next(_L("calling TestRemount"));
+ TestRemount();
+ // Restore SD Card protected area media driver
+ User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KSDProtDriverFileName);
+ TheFs.Close();
+ test.End();
+ test.Close();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }