--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/userlibandfileserver/fileserver/sfat/fat_table.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1051 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32\sfat\fat_table.cpp
+// FAT12/16 File Allocation Table classes implementation
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+//!! WARNING!! DO NOT edit this file !! '\sfat' component is obsolete and is not being used. '\sfat32'replaces it
+#include "sl_std.h"
+#include "sl_fatcache.h"
+#include "fat_table.h"
+//# CFatTable class implementation
+ FAT object factory method.
+ Constructs either CAtaFatTable or CRamFatTable depending on the media type parameter
+ @param aOwner Pointer to the owning mount
+ @param aLocDrvCaps local drive attributes
+ @leave KErrNoMemory
+ @return Pointer to the Fat table
+CFatTable* CFatTable::NewL(CFatMountCB& aOwner, const TLocalDriveCaps& aLocDrvCaps)
+ {
+ CFatTable* pFatTable=NULL;
+ switch(aLocDrvCaps.iType)
+ {
+ case EMediaRam:
+ {//-- this is RAM media, try to create CRamFatTable instance.
+ const TFatType fatType = aOwner.FatType();
+ if(fatType != EFat16 )
+ {//-- CRamFatTable doesn't support FAT12; FAT16 only.
+ __PRINT1(_L("CFatTable::NewL() CRamFatTable doesn't support this FAT type:%d"), fatType);
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pFatTable = CRamFatTable::NewL(aOwner);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ //-- other media
+ pFatTable = CAtaFatTable::NewL(aOwner);
+ break;
+ };
+ return pFatTable;
+ }
+CFatTable::CFatTable(CFatMountCB& aOwner)
+ iOwner = &aOwner;
+ ASSERT(iOwner);
+ //-- destroy cache ignoring dirty data in cache
+ //-- the destructor isn't an appropriate place to flush the data.
+ Dismount(ETrue);
+ Initialise the object, get data from the owning CFatMountCB
+void CFatTable::InitializeL()
+ {
+ ASSERT(iOwner);
+ //-- get FAT type from the owner
+ iFatType = iOwner->FatType();
+ ASSERT(IsFat12() || IsFat16());
+ iFreeClusterHint = KFatFirstSearchCluster;
+ //-- cache the media attributes
+ TLocalDriveCapsV2 caps;
+ TPckg<TLocalDriveCapsV2> capsPckg(caps);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iOwner->LocalDrive()->Caps(capsPckg));
+ iMediaAtt = caps.iMediaAtt;
+ //-- obtain maximal number of entries in the table
+ iMaxEntries = iOwner->UsableClusters()+KFatFirstSearchCluster; //-- FAT[0] & FAT[1] are not in use
+ __PRINT3(_L("CFatTable::InitializeL(), drv:%d, iMediaAtt = %08X, max Entries:%d"), iOwner->DriveNumber(), iMediaAtt, iMaxEntries);
+ }
+ Decrements the free cluster count.
+ Note that can be quite expensive operation (especially for overrides with synchronisation), if it is called for every
+ cluster of a large file. Use more than one cluster granularity.
+ @param aCount a number of clusters
+void CFatTable::DecrementFreeClusterCount(TUint32 aCount)
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iFreeClusters >= aCount, Fault(EFatCorrupt));
+ iFreeClusters -= aCount;
+ Increments the free cluster count.
+ Note that can be quite expensive operation (especially for overrides with synchronisation), if it is called for every
+ cluster of a large file. Use more than one cluster granularity.
+ @param aCount a number of clusters
+void CFatTable::IncrementFreeClusterCount(TUint32 aCount)
+ const TUint32 newVal = iFreeClusters+aCount;
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(newVal<=MaxEntries(), Fault(EFatCorrupt));
+ iFreeClusters = newVal;
+/** @return number of free clusters in the FAT */
+TUint32 CFatTable::NumberOfFreeClusters(TBool /*aSyncOperation=EFalse*/) const
+ return FreeClusters();
+void CFatTable::SetFreeClusters(TUint32 aFreeClusters)
+ iFreeClusters=aFreeClusters;
+ Get the hint about the last known free cluster number.
+ Note that can be quite expensive operation (especially for overrides with synchronisation), if it is called for every
+ cluster of a large file.
+ @return cluster number supposedly close to the free one.
+TUint32 CFatTable::FreeClusterHint() const
+ ASSERT(ClusterNumberValid(iFreeClusterHint));
+ return iFreeClusterHint;
+ Set a free cluster hint. The next search fro the free cluster can start from this value.
+ aCluster doesn't have to be a precise number of free FAT entry; it just needs to be as close as possible to the
+ free entries chain.
+ Note that can be quite expensive operation (especially for overrides with synchronisation), if it is called for every
+ cluster of a large file.
+ @param aCluster cluster number hint.
+void CFatTable::SetFreeClusterHint(TUint32 aCluster)
+ ASSERT(ClusterNumberValid(aCluster));
+ iFreeClusterHint=aCluster;
+ Find out the number of free clusters on the volume.
+ Reads whole FAT and counts free clusters.
+void CFatTable::CountFreeClustersL()
+ __PRINT1(_L("#- CFatTable::CountFreeClustersL(), drv:%d"), iOwner->DriveNumber());
+ const TUint32 KUsableClusters = iOwner->UsableClusters();
+ (void)KUsableClusters;
+ TUint32 freeClusters = 0;
+ TUint32 firstFreeCluster = 0;
+ TTime timeStart;
+ TTime timeEnd;
+ timeStart.UniversalTime(); //-- take start time
+ //-- walk through whole FAT table looking for free clusters
+ for(TUint i=KFatFirstSearchCluster; i<MaxEntries(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(ReadL(i) == KSpareCluster)
+ {//-- found a free cluster
+ ++freeClusters;
+ if(!firstFreeCluster)
+ firstFreeCluster = i;
+ }
+ }
+ timeEnd.UniversalTime(); //-- take end time
+ const TInt msScanTime = (TInt)( (timeEnd.MicroSecondsFrom(timeStart)).Int64() / K1mSec);
+ __PRINT1(_L("#- CFatTable::CountFreeClustersL() finished. Taken:%d ms"), msScanTime);
+ (void)msScanTime;
+ if(!firstFreeCluster) //-- haven't found free clusters on the volume
+ firstFreeCluster = KFatFirstSearchCluster;
+ ASSERT(freeClusters <= KUsableClusters);
+ SetFreeClusters(freeClusters);
+ SetFreeClusterHint(firstFreeCluster);
+Count the number of contiguous cluster from a start cluster
+@param aStartCluster cluster to start counting from
+@param anEndCluster contains the end cluster number upon return
+@param aMaxCount Maximum cluster required
+@leave System wide error values
+@return Number of contiguous clusters from aStartCluster.
+TInt CFatTable::CountContiguousClustersL(TUint32 aStartCluster,TInt& anEndCluster,TUint32 aMaxCount) const
+ {
+ __PRINT2(_L("CFatTable::CountContiguousClustersL() start:%d, max:%d"),aStartCluster, aMaxCount);
+ TUint32 clusterListLen=1;
+ TInt endCluster=aStartCluster;
+ TInt64 endClusterPos=DataPositionInBytes(endCluster);
+ while (clusterListLen<aMaxCount)
+ {
+ TInt oldCluster=endCluster;
+ TInt64 oldClusterPos=endClusterPos;
+ if (GetNextClusterL(endCluster)==EFalse || (endClusterPos=DataPositionInBytes(endCluster))!=(oldClusterPos+(1<<iOwner->ClusterSizeLog2())))
+ {
+ endCluster=oldCluster;
+ break;
+ }
+ clusterListLen++;
+ }
+ anEndCluster=endCluster;
+ return(clusterListLen);
+ }
+ Extend a file or directory cluster chain, leaves if there are no free clusters (the disk is full).
+ @param aNumber amount of clusters to allocate
+ @param aCluster FAT entry index to start with.
+ @leave KErrDiskFull + system wide error codes
+void CFatTable::ExtendClusterListL(TUint32 aNumber,TInt& aCluster)
+ {
+ __PRINT2(_L("CFatTable::ExtendClusterListL() num:%d, clust:%d"), aNumber, aCluster);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aNumber>0,Fault(EFatBadParameter));
+ while(aNumber && GetNextClusterL(aCluster))
+ aNumber--;
+ if(!aNumber)
+ return;
+ if (iFreeClusters<aNumber)
+ {
+ __PRINT(_L("CFatTable::ExtendClusterListL - leaving KErrDirFull"));
+ User::Leave(KErrDiskFull);
+ }
+ TUint32 freeCluster = 0;
+ //-- note: this can be impoved by trying to fing as long chain of free clusters as possible in FindClosestFreeClusterL()
+ for(TUint i=0; i<aNumber; ++i)
+ {
+ freeCluster = FindClosestFreeClusterL(aCluster);
+ WriteFatEntryEofL(freeCluster); // Must write EOF for FindClosestFreeCluster to work again
+ WriteL(aCluster,freeCluster);
+ aCluster=freeCluster;
+ }
+ //-- decrement number of available clusters
+ DecrementFreeClusterCount(aNumber);
+ //-- update free cluster hint, it isn't required to be a precise value, just a hint where to start the from from
+ SetFreeClusterHint(aCluster);
+ }
+Allocate and mark as EOF a single cluster as close as possible to aNearestCluster
+@param aNearestCluster Cluster the new cluster should be nearest to
+@leave System wide error codes
+@return The cluster number allocated
+TUint32 CFatTable::AllocateSingleClusterL(TUint32 aNearestCluster)
+ {
+ __PRINT1(_L("CFatTable::AllocateSingleCluster() nearest:%d"), aNearestCluster);
+ if (iFreeClusters==0)
+ User::Leave(KErrDiskFull);
+ const TInt freeCluster=FindClosestFreeClusterL(aNearestCluster);
+ WriteFatEntryEofL(freeCluster);
+ DecrementFreeClusterCount(1);
+ //-- update free cluster hint, it isn't required to be a precise value, just a hint where to start the from from.
+ SetFreeClusterHint(freeCluster);
+ return(freeCluster);
+ }
+Allocate and link a cluster chain, leaves if there are not enough free clusters.
+Chain starts as close as possible to aNearestCluster, last cluster will be marked as EOF.
+@param aNumber Number of clusters to allocate
+@param aNearestCluster Cluster the new chain should be nearest to
+@leave System wide error codes
+@return The first cluster number allocated
+TUint32 CFatTable::AllocateClusterListL(TUint32 aNumber, TUint32 aNearestCluster)
+ {
+ __PRINT2(_L("#>> CFatTable::AllocateClusterList() N:%d,NearestCL:%d"),aNumber,aNearestCluster);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aNumber>0,Fault(EFatBadParameter));
+ if (iFreeClusters<aNumber)
+ {
+ __PRINT(_L("CFatTable::AllocateClusterListL - leaving KErrDirFull"));
+ User::Leave(KErrDiskFull);
+ }
+ TInt firstCluster = aNearestCluster = AllocateSingleClusterL(aNearestCluster);
+ if (aNumber>1)
+ ExtendClusterListL(aNumber-1, (TInt&)aNearestCluster);
+ return(firstCluster);
+ }
+ Notify the media drive about media areas that shall be treated as "deleted" if this feature is supported.
+ @param aFreedClusters array with FAT numbers of clusters that shall be marked as "deleted"
+void CFatTable::DoFreedClustersNotify(RClusterArray &aFreedClusters)
+ ASSERT(iMediaAtt & KMediaAttDeleteNotify);
+ const TUint clusterCount = aFreedClusters.Count();
+ if(!clusterCount)
+ return;
+ FlushL(); //-- Commit the FAT changes to disk first to be safe
+ const TUint bytesPerCluster = 1 << iOwner->ClusterSizeLog2();
+ TInt64 byteAddress = 0;
+ TUint deleteLen = 0; // zero indicates no clusters accumulated yet
+ for (TUint i=0; i<clusterCount; ++i)
+ {
+ const TUint currCluster = aFreedClusters[i];
+ if (deleteLen == 0)
+ byteAddress = DataPositionInBytes(currCluster); //-- start of the media range
+ deleteLen += bytesPerCluster;
+ //-- if this is the last entry in the array or the net cluster number is not consecutive, notify the driver
+ if ((i+1) == clusterCount || aFreedClusters[i+1] != (currCluster+1))
+ {
+ //__PRINT3(_L("DeleteNotify(%08X:%08X, %u), first cluster %u last cluster #%u"), I64HIGH(byteAddress), I64LOW(byteAddress), deleteLen);
+ //__PRINT2(_L(" first cluster %u last cluster #%u"), I64LOW((byteAddress - iOwner->ClusterBasePosition()) >> iOwner->ClusterSizeLog2()) + 2, cluster);
+ const TInt r = iOwner->LocalDrive()->DeleteNotify(byteAddress, deleteLen);
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ {//-- if DeleteNotify() failed, it means that something terribly wrong happened to the NAND media;
+ //-- in normal circumstances it can not happen. One of the reasons: totally worn out media.
+ const TBool platSecEnabled = PlatSec::ConfigSetting(PlatSec::EPlatSecEnforcement);
+ __PRINT3(_L("CFatTable::DoFreedClustersNotify() DeleteNotify failure! drv:%d err:%d, PlatSec:%d"),iOwner->DriveNumber(), r, platSecEnabled);
+ if(platSecEnabled)
+ {
+ //-- if PlatSec is enabled, we can't afford jeopardize the security; without DeleteNotify()
+ //-- it's possible to pick up data from deleted files, so, panic the file server.
+ Fault(EFatBadLocalDrive);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //-- if PlatSec is disabled, it's OK to ignore the NAND fault in release mode.
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(0, Fault(EFatBadLocalDrive));
+ }
+ }
+ deleteLen = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //-- empty the array.
+ aFreedClusters.Reset();
+Mark a chain of clusters as free in the FAT.
+@param aCluster Start cluster of cluster chain to free
+@leave System wide error codes
+void CFatTable::FreeClusterListL(TUint32 aCluster)
+ {
+ __PRINT1(_L("CFatTable::FreeClusterListL startCluster=%d"),aCluster);
+ if (aCluster == KSpareCluster)
+ return;
+ //-- here we can store array of freed cluster numbers in order to
+ //-- notify media drive about the media addresses marked as "invalid"
+ RClusterArray deletedClusters;
+ CleanupClosePushL(deletedClusters);
+ //-- if ETrue, we need to notify media driver about invalidated media addressses
+ const TBool bFreeClustersNotify = iMediaAtt & KMediaAttDeleteNotify;
+ //-- this is a maximal number of FAT entries in the deletedClusters array.
+ //-- as soon as we collect this number of entries in the array, FAT cache will be flushed
+ //-- and driver notified. The array will be emptied. Used to avoid huge array when deleting
+ //-- large files on NAND media
+ const TUint KSubListLen = 4096;
+ ASSERT(IsPowerOf2(KSubListLen));
+ TUint32 lastKnownFreeCluster = FreeClusterHint();
+ TUint32 cntFreedClusters = 0;
+ TUint32 currCluster = aCluster;
+ TInt nextCluster = aCluster;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ const TBool bEOF = !GetNextClusterL(nextCluster);
+ WriteL(currCluster, KSpareCluster);
+ lastKnownFreeCluster = Min(currCluster, lastKnownFreeCluster);
+ // Keep a record of the deleted clusters so that we can subsequently notify the media driver. This is only safe
+ // to do once the FAT changes have been written to disk.
+ if(bFreeClustersNotify)
+ deletedClusters.Append(currCluster);
+ ++cntFreedClusters;
+ currCluster = nextCluster;
+ if (bEOF || aCluster == KSpareCluster)
+ break;
+ if(bFreeClustersNotify && cntFreedClusters && (cntFreedClusters & (KSubListLen-1))==0)
+ {//-- reached a limit of the entries in the array. Flush FAT cache, notify the driver and empty the array.
+ IncrementFreeClusterCount(cntFreedClusters);
+ cntFreedClusters = 0;
+ SetFreeClusterHint(lastKnownFreeCluster);
+ DoFreedClustersNotify(deletedClusters);
+ }
+ }
+ //-- increase the number of free clusters and notify the driver if required.
+ IncrementFreeClusterCount(cntFreedClusters);
+ SetFreeClusterHint(lastKnownFreeCluster);
+ if(bFreeClustersNotify)
+ DoFreedClustersNotify(deletedClusters);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&deletedClusters);
+ }
+Find a free cluster nearest to aCluster, Always checks to the right of aCluster first
+but checks in both directions in the Fat.
+@param aCluster Cluster to find nearest free cluster to.
+@leave KErrDiskFull + system wide error codes
+@return cluster number found
+TUint32 CFatTable::FindClosestFreeClusterL(TUint32 aCluster)
+ {
+ __PRINT2(_L("CFatTable::FindClosestFreeClusterL() drv:%d cl:%d"),iOwner->DriveNumber(),aCluster);
+ if(!ClusterNumberValid(aCluster))
+ {
+ ASSERT(0);
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ }
+ if(iFreeClusters==0)
+ {//-- there is no at least 1 free cluster available
+ __PRINT(_L("CFatTable::FindClosestFreeClusterL() leaving KErrDiskFull #1"));
+ User::Leave(KErrDiskFull);
+ }
+ //-- 1. look if the given index contains a free entry
+ if(ReadL(aCluster) != KSpareCluster)
+ {//-- no, it doesn't...
+ //-- 2. look in both directions starting from the aCluster, looking in the right direction first
+ const TUint32 maxEntries = MaxEntries();
+ const TUint32 MinIdx = KFatFirstSearchCluster;
+ const TUint32 MaxIdx = maxEntries-1;
+ TBool canGoRight = ETrue;
+ TBool canGoLeft = ETrue;
+ TUint32 rightIdx = aCluster;
+ TUint32 leftIdx = aCluster;
+ for(TUint i=0; i<maxEntries; ++i)
+ {
+ if(canGoRight)
+ {
+ if(rightIdx < MaxIdx)
+ ++rightIdx;
+ else
+ canGoRight = EFalse;
+ }
+ if(canGoLeft)
+ {
+ if(leftIdx > MinIdx)
+ --leftIdx;
+ else
+ canGoLeft = EFalse;
+ }
+ if(!canGoRight && !canGoLeft)
+ {
+ __PRINT(_L("CFatTable::FindClosestFreeClusterL() leaving KErrDiskFull #2"));
+ User::Leave(KErrDiskFull);
+ }
+ if (canGoRight && ReadL(rightIdx) == KSpareCluster)
+ {
+ aCluster = rightIdx;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (canGoLeft && ReadL(leftIdx) == KSpareCluster)
+ {
+ aCluster = leftIdx;
+ break;
+ }
+ }//for(..)
+ }//if(ReadL(aCluster) != KSpareCluster)
+ //-- note: do not update free cluster hint here by calling SetFreeClusterHint(). This is going to be
+ //-- expensive especially if overridden methods with synchronisation are called. Instead, set the number of
+ //-- the last known free cluster in the caller of this internal method.
+// __PRINT1(_L("CFatTable::FindClosestFreeClusterL found:%d"),aCluster);
+ return aCluster;
+ }
+ Converts a cluster number to byte offset in the FAT
+@param aFatIndex Cluster number
+ @return Number of bytes from the beginning of the FAT
+TUint32 CFatTable::PosInBytes(TUint32 aFatIndex) const
+ {
+ switch(FatType())
+ {
+ case EFat12:
+ return (((aFatIndex>>1)<<1) + (aFatIndex>>1)); //-- 1.5 bytes per FAT entry
+ case EFat16:
+ return aFatIndex<<1; //-- 2 bytes per FAT entry
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return 0;//-- get rid of warning
+ };
+ }
+ Checks if we have at least aClustersRequired clusters free in the FAT.
+ This is, actually a dummy implementation.
+ @param aClustersRequired number of free clusters required
+ @return ETrue if there is at least aClustersRequired free clusters available, EFalse otherwise.
+TBool CFatTable::RequestFreeClusters(TUint32 aClustersRequired) const
+ //ASSERT(aClustersRequired >0 && aClustersRequired <= iOwner->UsableClusters());
+ ASSERT(aClustersRequired >0);
+ return (NumberOfFreeClusters() >= aClustersRequired);
+ @return ETrue if the cluster number aClusterNo is valid, i.e. belongs to the FAT table
+TBool CFatTable::ClusterNumberValid(TUint32 aClusterNo) const
+ {
+ return (aClusterNo >= KFatFirstSearchCluster) && (aClusterNo < iMaxEntries);
+ }
+//# CAtaFatTable class implementation
+CAtaFatTable::CAtaFatTable(CFatMountCB& aOwner)
+ :CFatTable(aOwner)
+ {
+ }
+/** factory method */
+CAtaFatTable* CAtaFatTable::NewL(CFatMountCB& aOwner)
+ __PRINT1(_L("CAtaFatTable::NewL() drv:%d"),aOwner.DriveNumber());
+ CAtaFatTable* pSelf = new (ELeave) CAtaFatTable(aOwner);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(pSelf);
+ pSelf->InitializeL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return pSelf;
+ CAtaFatTable's FAT cache factory method.
+ Creates fixed cache for FAT12 or FAT16
+void CAtaFatTable::CreateCacheL()
+ ASSERT(iOwner);
+ const TUint32 fatSize=iOwner->FatSizeInBytes();
+ __PRINT3(_L("CAtaFatTable::CreateCacheL drv:%d, FAT:%d, FAT Size:%d"), iOwner->DriveNumber(), FatType(), fatSize);
+ //-- according to FAT specs:
+ //-- FAT12 max size is 4084 entries or 6126 bytes => create fixed cache for whole FAT
+ //-- FAT16 min size is 4085 entries or 8170 bytes, max size is 65525 entries or 131048 bytes => create fixed cache for whole FAT
+ ASSERT(!iCache);
+ //-- this is used for chaches granularity sanity check
+ const TUint32 KMaxGranularityLog2 = 18; //-- 256K is a maximal allowed granularity
+ const TUint32 KMinGranularityLog2 = KDefSectorSzLog2; //-- 512 bytes is a minimal allowed granularity
+ switch(FatType())
+ {
+ case EFat12: //-- create fixed FAT12 cache
+ iCache = CFat12Cache::NewL(iOwner, fatSize);
+ break;
+ case EFat16: //-- create fixed FAT16 cache
+ {
+ TUint32 fat16_ReadGranularity_Log2; //-- FAT16 cache read granularity Log2
+ TUint32 fat16_WriteGranularity_Log2;//-- FAT16 cache write granularity Log2
+ iOwner->FatConfig().Fat16FixedCacheParams(fat16_ReadGranularity_Log2, fat16_WriteGranularity_Log2);
+ //-- check if granularity values look sensible
+ const TBool bParamsValid = fat16_ReadGranularity_Log2 >= KMinGranularityLog2 && fat16_ReadGranularity_Log2 <= KMaxGranularityLog2 &&
+ fat16_WriteGranularity_Log2 >= KMinGranularityLog2 && fat16_WriteGranularity_Log2 <= KMaxGranularityLog2;
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(bParamsValid, Fault(EFatCache_BadGranularity));
+ iCache = CFat16FixedCache::NewL(iOwner, fatSize, fat16_ReadGranularity_Log2, fat16_WriteGranularity_Log2);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ break;
+ };
+ ASSERT(iCache);
+ Flush the FAT cache on disk
+@leave System wide error codes
+void CAtaFatTable::FlushL()
+ {
+ //-- the data can't be written if the mount is inconsistent
+ iOwner->CheckStateConsistentL();
+ if (iCache)
+ iCache->FlushL();
+ }
+Clear any cached data
+ @param aDiscardDirtyData if ETrue, non-flushed data in the cache will be discarded.
+void CAtaFatTable::Dismount(TBool aDiscardDirtyData)
+ {
+ if (iCache)
+ {
+ //-- cache's Close() can check if the cache is clean.
+ //-- ignore dirty data in cache if the mount is not in consistent state (it's impossible to flush cache data)
+ //-- or if we are asked to do so.
+ const TBool bIgnoreDirtyData = aDiscardDirtyData || !iOwner->ConsistentState();
+ iCache->Close(bIgnoreDirtyData);
+ delete iCache;
+ iCache=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ Invalidate whole FAT cache.
+ Depending of cache type this may just mark cache invalid with reading on demand or re-read whole cache from the media
+void CAtaFatTable::InvalidateCacheL()
+ __PRINT1(_L("CAtaFatTable::InvalidateCache(), drv:%d"), iOwner->DriveNumber());
+ //-- if we have a cache, invalidate it entirely
+ if(iCache)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iCache->Invalidate());
+ }
+ Invalidate specified region of the FAT cache
+ Depending of cache type this may just mark part of the cache invalid with reading on demand later
+ or re-read whole cache from the media.
+ @param aPos absolute media position where the region being invalidated starts.
+ @param aLength length in bytes of region to invalidate / refresh
+void CAtaFatTable::InvalidateCacheL(TInt64 aPos, TUint32 aLength)
+ {
+ __PRINT3(_L("CAtaFatTable::InvalidateCacheL() drv:%d, pos:%LU, len:%u,"), iOwner->DriveNumber(), aPos, aLength);
+ if(I64HIGH(aPos) || !aLength || I64HIGH(aPos+aLength))
+ return; //-- FAT tables can't span over 4G
+ const TUint32 mediaPos32 = I64LOW(aPos);
+ //-- we do not use other copies of FAT, so trach changes only in FAT1
+ const TUint32 fat1StartPos = iOwner->StartOfFatInBytes();
+ const TUint32 fat1EndPos = fat1StartPos + iOwner->FatSizeInBytes();
+ TUint32 invRegionPosStart = 0; //-- media pos where the invalidated region starts
+ TUint32 invRegionLen = 0; //-- size of the invalidated region, bytes
+ //-- calculate the FAT1 region being invalidated
+ if(mediaPos32 < fat1StartPos)
+ {
+ if((mediaPos32 + aLength) <= fat1StartPos)
+ return;
+ invRegionPosStart = fat1StartPos;
+ invRegionLen = aLength - (fat1StartPos-mediaPos32);
+ }
+ else //if(mediaPos32 < fat1StartPos)
+ {//-- mediaPos32 >= fat1StartPos)
+ if(mediaPos32 >= fat1EndPos)
+ return;
+ invRegionPosStart = mediaPos32;
+ if((mediaPos32 + aLength) <= fat1EndPos)
+ {
+ invRegionLen = aLength;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ invRegionLen = mediaPos32+aLength-fat1EndPos;
+ }
+ }
+ //-- convert the media pos of the region into FAT entries basis, depending on the FAT type
+ ASSERT(invRegionPosStart >= fat1StartPos && invRegionLen <= (TUint)iOwner->FatSizeInBytes());
+ TUint32 startFatEntry=0;
+ TUint32 numEntries = 0;
+ switch(FatType())
+ {
+ case EFat12:
+ //-- invalidate whole cache; it is not worth making calculations for such small memory region.
+ User::LeaveIfError(iCache->Invalidate());
+ return;
+ case EFat16:
+ startFatEntry = (invRegionPosStart-fat1StartPos) >> KFat16EntrySzLog2;
+ numEntries = (invRegionLen + (sizeof(TFat16Entry)-1)) >> KFat16EntrySzLog2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return;
+ };
+ if(startFatEntry < KFatFirstSearchCluster)
+ {//-- FAT[0] and FAT[1] can't be legally accessed, they are reserved entries. We need to adjust region being refreshed.
+ if(numEntries <= KFatFirstSearchCluster)
+ return; //-- nothing to refresh
+ startFatEntry += KFatFirstSearchCluster;
+ numEntries -= KFatFirstSearchCluster;
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError(iCache->InvalidateRegion(startFatEntry, numEntries));
+ }
+ Initialize the object, create FAT cache if required
+@leave KErrNoMemory
+void CAtaFatTable::InitializeL()
+ {
+ __PRINT1(_L("CAtaFatTable::InitializeL() drv:%d"), iOwner->DriveNumber());
+ CFatTable::InitializeL();
+ //-- create the FAT cache.
+ ASSERT(!iCache);
+ CreateCacheL();
+ }
+ Remount the FAT table. This method call means that the media parameters wasn't changed,
+ otherwise CFatMountCB::DoReMountL() would reject it.
+ Just do some re-initialisation work.
+void CAtaFatTable::ReMountL()
+ __PRINT1(_L("CAtaFatTable::ReMountL() drv:%d"), iOwner->DriveNumber());
+ if(iCache)
+ {
+ iCache->Invalidate();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //-- this situation can happen when someone called CAtaFatTable::Dismount() that deletes the cache object
+ //-- and then ReMount happens. We need to re-initialise this object.
+ InitializeL();
+ }
+ Read an entry from the FAT table
+ @param aFatIndex FAT entry number to read
+ @return FAT entry value
+TUint32 CAtaFatTable::ReadL(TUint32 aFatIndex) const
+ {
+ if(!ClusterNumberValid(aFatIndex))
+ {
+ //ASSERT(0); //-- for some silly reason some callers pass 0 here and expect it to leave
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ }
+ const TUint entry = iCache->ReadEntryL(aFatIndex);
+ return entry;
+ }
+ Write an entry to the FAT table
+ @param aFatIndex aFatIndex FAT entry number to write
+ @param aValue FAT entry to write
+void CAtaFatTable::WriteL(TUint32 aFatIndex, TUint32 aValue)
+ {
+ const TUint32 KFat16EntryMask = 0x0FFFF;
+ __PRINT2(_L("CAtaFatTable::WriteL() entry:%d, val:0x%x"), aFatIndex, aValue);
+ if(!ClusterNumberValid(aFatIndex))
+ {
+ ASSERT(0);
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ }
+ if(aValue != KSpareCluster && (aValue < KFatFirstSearchCluster || aValue > KFat16EntryMask))
+ {
+ ASSERT(0);
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ }
+ iCache->WriteEntryL(aFatIndex, aValue);
+ }
+Get the next cluster in the chain from the FAT
+@param aCluster number to read, contains next cluster upon return
+@return False if end of cluster chain
+TBool CFatTable::GetNextClusterL(TInt& aCluster) const
+ {
+ __PRINT1(_L("CAtaFatTable::GetNextClusterL(%d)"), aCluster);
+ const TInt nextCluster = ReadL(aCluster);
+ TBool ret = EFalse;
+ switch(FatType())
+ {
+ case EFat12:
+ ret=!IsEof12Bit(nextCluster);
+ break;
+ case EFat16:
+ ret=!IsEof16Bit(nextCluster);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return EFalse;//-- get rid of warning
+ };
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ aCluster=nextCluster;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+Write EOF to aFatIndex
+ @param aFatIndex index in FAT (cluster number) to be written
+void CFatTable::WriteFatEntryEofL(TUint32 aFatIndex)
+ {
+ __PRINT1(_L("CAtaFatTable::WriteFatEntryEofL(%d)"), aFatIndex);
+ //-- use EOF_16Bit (0x0ffff) for all types of FAT, FAT cache will mask it appropriately
+ WriteL(aFatIndex, EOF_16Bit);
+ }
+ Mark cluster number aFatIndex in FAT as bad
+ @param aFatIndex index in FAT (cluster number) to be written
+void CFatTable::MarkAsBadClusterL(TUint32 aFatIndex)
+ {
+ __PRINT1(_L("CAtaFatTable::MarkAsBadClusterL(%d)"),aFatIndex);
+ //-- use KBad_16Bit (0x0fff7) for all types of FAT, FAT cache will mask it appropriately
+ WriteL(aFatIndex, KBad_16Bit);
+ FlushL();
+ }
+Return the location of a Cluster in the data section of the media
+@param aCluster to find location of
+@return Byte offset of the cluster data
+TInt64 CAtaFatTable::DataPositionInBytes(TUint32 aCluster) const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(ClusterNumberValid(aCluster), Fault(EFatTable_InvalidIndex));
+ const TInt clusterBasePosition=iOwner->ClusterBasePosition();
+ return(((TInt64(aCluster)-KFatFirstSearchCluster) << iOwner->ClusterSizeLog2()) + clusterBasePosition);
+ }