changeset 9 96e5fb8b040d
child 6 0173bcd7697c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/userlibandfileserver/fileserver/shostmassstorage/msproxy/hostusbmsproxy.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+// hostusbmsproxy.cpp
+// This file system extension provides a way to access a drive on the MS system in "raw format".
+// It can be used to test large files / drives
+/** @file
+#include <f32fsys.h>
+#include "hostusbmsproxy.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::CUsbHostMsProxyDrive(CMountCB* aMount, CExtProxyDriveFactory* aDevice)
+:   CExtProxyDrive(aMount,aDevice)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	iUsbHostMsLun.UnInitialise();
+	}
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::InitialiseOffset(TCapsInfo& aCapsInfo)
+	{
+    const TInt KPartitionInfoSize = TMsDataMemMap::KSectorSize;
+	TBuf8<KPartitionInfoSize> partitionInfo;
+	TInt r;
+	r = iUsbHostMsLun.Read(0 , KPartitionInfoSize, (TDes8 &) partitionInfo);
+	if (r != KErrNone)
+        {
+		__PXYPRINT1(_L("!! Reading medium failed with %d !!"), r);
+		return r;
+        }
+	TUint8 *iIntBuf = (TUint8 *) partitionInfo.Ptr();
+	// Read of the first sector successful so check for a Master Boot Record
+	if (*(TUint16*)(&iIntBuf[KMBRSignatureOffset])!= KMBRSignature)
+		{
+		__PXYPRINT(_L("MBR not present"));
+        iMsDataMemMap.Reset();
+        }
+	else
+		{
+		// Move the partition entries to a 4 byte boundary
+		memcpy(&iIntBuf[0],&iIntBuf[KMBRFirstPartitionOffset],(sizeof(TMBRPartitionEntry)<<2));
+		// Search for a x86 default boot partition - let this be the first
+		TMBRPartitionEntry* pe = (TMBRPartitionEntry*)(&iIntBuf[0]);
+		TInt firstValidPartitionCount = -1;
+		TInt defaultPartitionNumber = -1;
+		TInt partitionCount = 0;
+		for (TInt i = 0; i < KMBRMaxPrimaryPartitions; i++, pe++)
+			{
+			if (pe->IsValidDosPartition() || pe->IsValidFAT32Partition())
+				{
+				__PXYPRINT(_L("Found a Valid Partition"));
+				partitionCount++;
+				if (firstValidPartitionCount < 0)
+					firstValidPartitionCount = i;
+				if (pe->iX86BootIndicator == KBootIndicatorBootable)
+                    {
+					defaultPartitionNumber = i;
+					break;
+                    }
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				__PXYPRINT(_L("!! Invalid Partition !!"));
+				}
+			}
+		// Check the validity of the partition address boundaries
+	    if (partitionCount > 0)
+		    {
+            __PXYPRINT1(_L("Using Partition %d"), partitionCount);
+			pe = (TMBRPartitionEntry*)(&iIntBuf[0]);
+            TInt partitionIndex = firstValidPartitionCount;
+            if (defaultPartitionNumber > 0)
+                {
+                partitionIndex = defaultPartitionNumber;
+                }
+            TMBRPartitionEntry& partitionEntry = pe[partitionIndex];
+			iMsDataMemMap.InitDataArea(partitionEntry.iFirstSector,
+                                       partitionEntry.iNumSectors);
+			__PXYPRINT2(_L("paritioncount = %d defaultpartition = %d"),
+						partitionCount, partitionIndex);
+			__PXYPRINT2(_L("iFirstSector = x%x iNumSectors = x%x"),
+						partitionEntry.iFirstSector,
+						partitionEntry.iNumSectors);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+            __PXYPRINT(_L("No partition found"));
+			iMsDataMemMap.InitDataArea(0, aCapsInfo.iNumberOfBlocks);
+			__PXYPRINT2(_L("iFirstSector = x%x iNumSectors = x%x"),
+						0, aCapsInfo.iNumberOfBlocks);
+			}
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Initialise the proxy drive.
+@return system wide error code.
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Initialise()
+	{
+    __HOSTPRINT(_L(">>> CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Initialise()"));
+	if(Mount())
+		{
+		// as we can't currently handle remounting devices that have
+		// been removed by unplugging the USB cable, disable critical notifiers
+		// as there's no point in asking the user to re-insert the disk.
+		Mount()->SetNotifyOff();
+		}
+    // Check for media presence
+	TCapsInfo capsInfo;
+	TInt err = iUsbHostMsLun.Caps(capsInfo);
+    if (err == KErrNone)
+        {
+        err = InitialiseOffset(capsInfo);
+        }
+    __HOSTPRINT1(_L("<<< CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Initialise() err = %d"), err);
+    return err;
+	}
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::SetInfo(const RMessage2 &msg, TAny* aMessageParam2, TAny* aMessageParam3)
+    {
+    __HOSTPRINT(_L(">>> CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::SetInfo()"));
+	TMassStorageUnitInfo iUnitInfo;
+    TPckg<TMassStorageUnitInfo> infoPckg(iUnitInfo);
+	TRAPD(err, msg.ReadL(2, infoPckg));
+	if(err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		__PXYPRINT1(_L("Cant read from the RMessage %d"), err);
+        __HOSTPRINT1(_L("<<< CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::SetInfo() err = %d"), err);
+		return err;
+		}
+	err = iUsbHostMsLun.Initialise(msg, 3, iUnitInfo.iLunID);
+	if(err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		__PXYPRINT1(_L("Initialising logical unit failed %d"), err);
+        __HOSTPRINT1(_L("<<< CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::SetInfo() err = %d"), err);
+		return err;
+		}
+    __HOSTPRINT1(_L("<<< CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::SetInfo() err = %d"), err);
+	return err;
+    }
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Dismounted()
+	{
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Enlarge(TInt /*aLength*/)
+	{
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::ReduceSize(TInt /*aPos*/, TInt /*aLength*/)
+	{
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+#define GetIndex(msg, aAddress, aIndex)			\
+	aIndex = msg.Ptr0() == aAddress ? 0 :				\
+				msg.Ptr1() == aAddress ? 1 :			\
+					msg.Ptr1() == aAddress ? 2 :		\
+						msg.Ptr1() == aAddress ? 3 : -1;
+Read from the proxy drive.
+@param aPos    The address from where the read begins.
+@param aLength The length of the read.
+@param aTrg    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
+@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
+@param aOffset Offset into aTrg to read the data from.
+@return system wide error code.
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength,
+                                const TAny* aTrg, TInt aThreadHandle, TInt aOffset)
+	{
+    __HOSTPRINT4(_L("\n>>> HOST Read Pos=0x%lx LBA=0x%lx 0x%x 0x%x"),
+                 aPos, aPos/KBlockSize, aLength, aOffset);
+	TBool localMessage = (aThreadHandle == KLocalMessageHandle);
+	//
+	// Set file position to where we want to read...
+	//
+	if(!localMessage)
+		{
+		RMessage2 msg(*(RMessagePtr2 *) &aThreadHandle);
+		localMessage = (msg.Handle() == KLocalMessageHandle);
+		}
+	TInt index = 0;
+	if (!localMessage)
+		{
+		RMessage2 msg(*(RMessagePtr2 *) &aThreadHandle);
+		GetIndex(msg, aTrg, index);
+		if (index < 0)
+            {
+            __HOSTPRINT1(_L("<<< HOST Read ret=%d"), KErrArgument);
+            return KErrArgument;
+            }
+		}
+	/* Calculate the end position */
+	TInt64 end = aPos + static_cast<TInt64>(aLength);
+	/* check whether there is enough source data to write to the destination descriptor */
+	TInt64 truncate;
+	if(localMessage)
+		{
+		truncate = aLength - (((TPtr8* )aTrg)->MaxLength() - aOffset);
+	    __PXYPRINT1(_L("Descriptor length: %08x"), ((TPtr8* )aTrg)->MaxLength());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		RMessage2 msg(*(RMessagePtr2 *) &aThreadHandle);
+		truncate = aLength - (msg.GetDesMaxLength(index) - aOffset);
+	    __PXYPRINT1(_L("Descriptor length: %08x"), msg.GetDesMaxLength(index));
+		}
+	__PXYPRINT1(_L("Offset: %08x"), aOffset);
+	__PXYPRINT1(_L("Truncate: 0x%lx"), truncate);
+	if (truncate > 0)
+		{
+		end -= truncate;
+		}
+	iBuf.SetMax();
+    TInt r;
+    TInt64 mediaPos;
+	while (aPos < end)
+        {
+		TInt len = end - aPos;
+        mediaPos = aPos;
+        r = iMsDataMemMap.CheckBlockInRange(mediaPos, len);
+        if (r != KErrNone)
+            {
+            __HOSTPRINT1(_L("<<< HOST Read ret=%d"), r);
+            return r;
+            }
+		if (localMessage)
+			{
+			TPtr8* pTrgPtr = (TPtr8*)aTrg;
+			TPtr8 trgDes((TUint8*)(pTrgPtr->MidTPtr(aOffset).Ptr()), pTrgPtr->MaxLength() - aOffset);
+			r = iUsbHostMsLun.Read(mediaPos, len, trgDes);
+			if (r != KErrNone)
+				return r;
+			pTrgPtr->SetLength(aOffset + trgDes.Length());
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if (len > iBuf.MaxLength())
+				len = iBuf.MaxLength();
+            r = iUsbHostMsLun.Read(mediaPos, len, iBuf);
+			if (r != KErrNone)
+                {
+                __HOSTPRINT1(_L("<<< HOST Read ret=%d"), r);
+                return r;
+                }
+			iBuf.SetLength(len);
+			RMessage2 msg(*(RMessagePtr2 *) &aThreadHandle);
+			r = msg.Write(index, iBuf, aOffset);
+			if (r != KErrNone)
+                {
+                __HOSTPRINT1(_L("<<< HOST Read ret=%d"), r);
+                return r;
+                }
+			}
+        aPos += len;
+        aOffset += len;
+        }
+    __HOSTPRINT1(_L("<<< HOST Read ret=%d"), KErrNone);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Read from the proxy drive, and pass flags to driver.
+@param aPos    The address from where the read begins.
+@param aLength The length of the read.
+@param aTrg    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
+@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
+@param aOffset Offset into aTrg to read the data from.
+@param aFlags  Flags to be passed into the driver.
+@return system wide error code.
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength,
+                                const TAny* aTrg, TInt aThreadHandle, TInt aOffset, TInt /* aFlags */)
+	{
+	return Read(aPos, aLength, aTrg, aThreadHandle, aOffset);
+	}
+Read from the proxy drive.
+@param aPos    The address from where the read begins.
+@param aLength The length of the read.
+@param aTrg    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to read.
+@return system wide error code.
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Read(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength, TDes8& aTrg)
+	{
+    __HOSTPRINT3(_L("\n>>> HOST Read Pos=0x%lx LBA=0x%lx 0x%x"),
+                 aPos, aPos/KBlockSize, aLength);
+	return iUsbHostMsLun.Read(iMsDataMemMap.GetDataPos(aPos), aLength, aTrg);
+	}
+Write to the proxy drive.
+@param aPos    The address from where the write begins.
+@param aLength The length of the write.
+@param aSrc    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
+@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
+@param aOffset Offset into aSrc to write the data to.
+@return system wide error code.
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength,
+                                 const TAny* aSrc, TInt aThreadHandle, TInt aOffset)
+	{
+	//
+	// Set file position to where we want to write...
+	//
+    __HOSTPRINT4(_L("\n>>> HOST Write Pos=0x%lx LBA=0%lx 0x%x 0x%x"),
+                 aPos, aPos/KBlockSize, aLength, aOffset);
+	TBool localMessage = (aThreadHandle == KLocalMessageHandle);
+	if(!localMessage)
+		{
+		RMessage2 msg(*(RMessagePtr2 *) &aThreadHandle);
+		localMessage = (msg.Handle() == KLocalMessageHandle);
+		}
+	TInt index = 0;
+	if(!localMessage)
+		{
+		RMessage2 msg(*(RMessagePtr2 *) &aThreadHandle);
+		GetIndex(msg, aSrc, index);
+		if (index < 0)
+			return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	/* Calculate the end position */
+	TInt64 end =  aPos + static_cast<TInt64>(aLength);
+	/* check whether there is enough source data to read */
+	TInt64 truncate;
+	if (localMessage)
+		{
+		truncate = aLength - (((TPtr8* )aSrc)->Length() - aOffset);
+	    __PXYPRINT1(_L("Descriptor length: %08x"), ((TPtr8* )aSrc)->Length());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		RMessage2 msg(*(RMessagePtr2 *) &aThreadHandle);
+		truncate = aLength - (msg.GetDesLength(index) - aOffset);
+	    __PXYPRINT1(_L("Descriptor length: %08x"), msg.GetDesLength(index));
+		}
+	__PXYPRINT1(_L("Offset: %08x"), aOffset);
+	__PXYPRINT1(_L("Truncate: 0x%lx"), truncate);
+	/* if truncate is > 0  we are short of source data as claimed by the aLength. Hence adjust the 'end' */
+	if (truncate > 0)
+		{
+		end -= truncate;
+		}
+	iBuf.SetMax();
+    TInt r;
+    TInt64 mediaPos;
+	while (aPos < end)
+        {
+		TInt len = end - aPos;
+        mediaPos = aPos;
+        r = iMsDataMemMap.CheckBlockInRange(mediaPos, len);
+        if (r != KErrNone)
+            {
+            __HOSTPRINT1(_L("<<< HOST Write ret=%d"), r);
+            return r;
+            }
+		if (localMessage)
+			{
+			r = iUsbHostMsLun.Write(mediaPos, len, ((TPtr8*)aSrc)->MidTPtr(aOffset));
+			if (r != KErrNone)
+                {
+                __HOSTPRINT1(_L("<<< HOST Write ret=%d"), r);
+                return r;
+                }
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if (len > iBuf.Length())
+				len = iBuf.Length();
+			RMessage2 msg(*(RMessagePtr2 *) &aThreadHandle);
+			r = msg.Read(index, iBuf, aOffset);
+			if (r != KErrNone)
+                {
+                __HOSTPRINT1(_L("<<< HOST Write ret=%d"), r);
+                return r;
+                }
+			r = iUsbHostMsLun.Write(mediaPos, len, iBuf);
+			if (r != KErrNone)
+                {
+                __HOSTPRINT1(_L("<<< HOST Write ret=%d"), r);
+                return r;
+                }
+			}
+        aPos += len;
+        aOffset += len;
+        }
+    __HOSTPRINT1(_L("<<< HOST Write ret=%d"), KErrNone);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Write to the proxy drive and pass flags to driver
+@param aPos    The address from where the write begins.
+@param aLength The length of the write.
+@param aSrc    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
+@param aThreadHandle The handle-number representing the drive thread.
+@param aOffset Offset into aSrc to write the data to.
+@param aFlags  Flags to be passed into the driver.
+@return system wide error code.
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength,
+                                 const TAny* aSrc, TInt aThreadHandle, TInt aOffset, TInt /* aFlags */)
+	{
+	return Write(aPos, aLength, aSrc, aThreadHandle, aOffset);
+	}
+Write to the proxy drive.
+@param aPos    The address from where the write begins.
+@param aSrc    A descriptor of the memory buffer from which to write.
+@return system wide error code.
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Write(TInt64 aPos,const TDesC8& aSrc)
+	{
+    __HOSTPRINT3(_L("\n>>> HOST Write Pos=0x%lx LBA=0x%lx 0x%x"),
+                 aPos, aPos/KBlockSize, aSrc.Length());
+	return iUsbHostMsLun.Write(iMsDataMemMap.GetDataPos(aPos), aSrc.Length(), aSrc);
+	}
+Get the proxy drive's capabilities information.
+@param anInfo A descriptor of the connected drives capabilities.
+@return system wide error code
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Caps(TDes8& anInfo)
+	{
+    __HOSTPRINT(_L("\n>>> HOST Caps"));
+	TLocalDriveCapsV6Buf caps;
+    caps.FillZ();
+	caps().iType = EMediaHardDisk;
+	caps().iBattery = EBatNotSupported;
+	caps().iDriveAtt = KDriveAttLocal | KDriveAttRemovable;
+	caps().iMediaAtt = KMediaAttFormattable;
+	caps().iFileSystemId = KDriveFileSysFAT;
+	caps().iExtraInfo = EFalse;
+	TCapsInfo capsInfo;
+	TInt r = iUsbHostMsLun.Caps(capsInfo);
+	if (KErrNone == r)
+		{
+        caps().iBlockSize = capsInfo.iBlockLength;
+        TUint64 size = iMsDataMemMap.DataSize();
+        if (size == 0)
+            {
+            // No valid partitions so specify the size of the disk
+            size = static_cast<TUint64>(capsInfo.iNumberOfBlocks) * capsInfo.iBlockLength;
+            }
+        caps().iSize = size;
+        caps().iEraseBlockSize = 0;
+        if (capsInfo.iWriteProtect)
+            {
+            caps().iMediaAtt |= KMediaAttWriteProtected;
+            }
+        __HOSTPRINT4(_L("<<< HOST Caps Block[num=0x%x size=0x%x] Media[size=0x%lx WP=0x%x]"),
+                    capsInfo.iNumberOfBlocks, capsInfo.iBlockLength,
+		            caps().iSize, caps().iMediaAtt);
+		}
+	else
+        {
+        __HOSTPRINT(_L("<<< HOST Caps Media Not Present"));
+		caps().iType = EMediaNotPresent;
+		if(r != KErrNotReady)
+			r = KErrUnknown;
+        }
+	anInfo = caps.Left(Min(caps.Length(),anInfo.MaxLength()));
+	return r;
+	}
+Format the proxy drive. The drive is assumed to be a single partition. The
+partition size is equivalent to the size of the media.
+@param aPos    The position of the data which is being formatted.
+@param aLength [IN] The length of the data which is being formatted. [OUT] The
+length of data formatted, truncated when end of drive is reached.
+@return system wide error code.
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Erase(TInt64 aPos, TInt& aLength)
+	{
+    __HOSTPRINT3(_L("\n HOST Erase Pos=0x%lx LBA=0x%lx 0x%x"),
+                 aPos, aPos/KBlockSize, aLength);
+    TInt err = iMsDataMemMap.TranslateDataPos(aPos, aLength);
+    if (err)
+        return err;
+    err = iUsbHostMsLun.Erase(aPos, aLength);
+    return err;
+	}
+Format the proxy drive.
+@param aPos    The position of the data which is being formatted.
+@param aLength The length of the data which is being formatted.
+@return system wide error code.
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Format(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength)
+	{
+    return Erase(aPos, aLength);
+	}
+Format the connected drive.
+@param anInfo Device specific format information.
+@return system wide error code.
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Format(TFormatInfo& aInfo)
+	{
+    const TInt KDefaultMaxBytesPerFormat = 0x100 * TMsDataMemMap::KSectorSize;  // 128K
+    if (aInfo.i512ByteSectorsFormatted < 0)
+        return KErrArgument;
+    if (!aInfo.iFormatIsCurrent)
+        {
+        aInfo.iFormatIsCurrent = ETrue;
+        aInfo.i512ByteSectorsFormatted = 0;
+        aInfo.iMaxBytesPerFormat = KDefaultMaxBytesPerFormat;
+		TLocalDriveCapsV6Buf caps;
+		TInt r = Caps(caps);
+		if (r != KErrNone)
+			return r;
+        iMsDataMemMap.InitDataArea(caps().iSize);
+        }
+    TInt64 pos = static_cast<TInt64>(aInfo.i512ByteSectorsFormatted) << TMsDataMemMap::KFormatSectorShift;
+    TInt length = aInfo.iMaxBytesPerFormat;
+    TInt r = Erase(pos, length);
+    if (r == KErrNone)
+        {
+        length += TMsDataMemMap::KSectorSize - 1;
+        length >>= TMsDataMemMap::KFormatSectorShift;
+        aInfo.i512ByteSectorsFormatted += length;
+        }
+    return r;
+    }
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::NotifyChange(TDes8 &aChanged,TRequestStatus* aStatus)
+	{
+	iUsbHostMsLun.NotifyChange(aChanged, *aStatus);
+	if(*aStatus != KRequestPending)
+		return KErrUnknown;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::NotifyChangeCancel()
+	{
+	iUsbHostMsLun.NotifyChangeCancel();
+	}
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::SetMountInfo(const TDesC8* /*aMountInfo*/,TInt /*aMountInfoThreadHandle=KCurrentThreadHandle*/)
+    {
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::ForceRemount(TUint aFlags)
+    {
+    iUsbHostMsLun.ForceRemount(aFlags);
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Unlock(TMediaPassword& /*aPassword*/, TBool /*aStorePassword*/)
+    {
+    return KErrNotSupported;
+    }
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Lock(TMediaPassword& /*aOldPassword*/, TMediaPassword& /*aNewPassword*/, TBool /*aStorePassword*/)
+    {
+    return KErrNotSupported;
+    }
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::Clear(TMediaPassword& /*aPassword*/)
+    {
+    return KErrNotSupported;
+    }
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::ErasePassword()
+    {
+    return KErrNotSupported;
+    }
+TInt CUsbHostMsProxyDrive::GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId,TAny*& aInterface,TAny* aInput)
+	{
+	switch(aInterfaceId)
+		{
+		case ELocalBufferSupport:
+			return KErrNone;
+		case EFinalised:
+			{
+			TBool isFinalised = (TBool)aInput;
+			if(isFinalised)
+				{
+				iUsbHostMsLun.SuspendLun();
+				}
+			}
+			return KErrNone;
+		default:
+			return KErrNotSupported;
+		}
+	}